Search Results for: allergies

Geoengineering Is Destroying Our Health, A Doctor Sounds The Alarm


The total contamination that has been inflicted on our planet by climate engineering is mathematically greater and more widespread than all other sources of environmental contamination combined. The ongoing toxic spraying of our skies continues to add to the already lethal burden of contamination from climate engineering laid down over 65 years. The environment and our bodies are reaching and surpassing the breaking point. The report below was penned by a health care professional that fully understands the gravity of the damage which has been done to us from the geoengineering fallout. The well researched conclusions of Dr. Amato should be carefully considered.
Dane Wigington

Could Geoengineering Have Something To Do With My Failing Health?

By Dr. Steven Amato, D.C., contributing writer for

It is widely suggested by doctors and scientists that all one needs in order to stay healthy is to eat a ‘balanced diet’. This idea is drummed into the public’s consciousness to such an extent as to constitute absolute truth. Fact is nothing could be further from the truth. In today’s overly toxic world, eating a balanced diet is toxic in itself. Consider that our food is grown using inorganic fertilizers which have been shown to precipitate into the walls of your arteries and joints as arteriosclerosis and arthritis… or in your brain as Alzheimer’s; or that pesticide and herbicide residues become trapped in your liver – giving rise to fatty degeneration and subsequent hypertension; or that genetically modified foods have been demonstrated to degrade your cell wall structures. Dangerous radiation is routinely used on vegetables as a decontaminant. American’s swill down high fructose corn syrup, derived from GMO corn by the barrel-full on a yearly basis, and it’s hidden in many condiments as well.  These are just a few of the technological advances science has brought mankind, fueling the healthcare crisis that plagues this country by eroding its gross domestic product.


Three unmarked non-commercial, military type jets laid these down directly over my home

In order to fully grasp the seriousness of this problem, one need be mindful of the fact chemicals are ubiquitous. There are over 100,000 according to EPA estimates. The newest, most dangerous form of poisoning is happening in our skies – solar radiation management or chemical contrails, harmlessly labeled under the guise of geo-engineering. There is no escaping the grasp of the new religion known as science. The sad fact is that pseudo science today drives policy through consensus, not good science. Just like everything else in the New World Order, science has been monetized to the highest bidder. The most frightening part is that you and I have unwittingly become the scientist’s guinea pigs. The laboratory is planet earth and “science by consensus” is recklessly out of control. It’s no secret within the broader scientific community that “standards” established by establishment-scientific-researchers – the Jason Society – are awarded to the highest bidder. In an outcomes based world, this model is not only flawed, it is ethically and morally corrupt. Whether you believe chemically generated contrails exist or not is irrelevant. They exist, and the people who design and deliver them don’t care what you think…. they’re going to continue spraying these deadly aerosols despite what you say or do; you can be sure, since your taxes are paying for them, and the war on terror will continue long after you have moved on. American’s have become powerless as agents of change. You are faced with a choice, suffer the consequences or become pro-active. For those who disagree, the mantra “proceed at your own risk” and buyer-beware could not be more appropriate. For everyone else, protecting yourself starts now!

The two principle ingredients in these aerosols are barium (Ba) and aluminum (Al). Water-soluble barium salts are clearly toxic to human health. Water-soluble barium by far, carries the most risk. The main portals of entry for inhaled barium are the lungs and sinuses. This route allows direct access into the bloodstream, exposing red and white blood cells, platelets, hemoglobin and organic iron to the oxidative effects of this dangerous substance. A thorough review on the importance of the blood vascular system is an exhaustive topic. Suffice to say, blood represents the substrate from which body tissues derive their nutrients – like fertile soil that provides the perfect medium for healthy and vibrant plant-life. Noxious chemicals in general, and heavy metals in particular degrade the quality of blood – their drying properties degrading the blood’s moisture content, increasing viscosity and driving up stroke risk.  It’s been reported barium can absorb up to 400 times its own weight in moisture. The particles involved are nano-sized, one-billionth of a meter, one ten-thousandth the diameter of a human strand of hair. This gives you an idea how easy it is for these particles to gain entry into your trillions of cell structures, where they rob your energy, making you feel chronically tired. Once inside, they disrupt mitochondria function – the energy generator inside each cell that provides the power to effect respiration, vitality and alertness.  If you’re wondering what can be done to protect yourself, you’re moving in the right direction.


This "cloud" formation is inconceivable based on historic recordings of real clouds both in artist renditions and photographs

Aluminum, the second but no less serious toxic nano-particulate is important enough – its effect’s target central nerve system tissues like white brain matter. Al causes what are known as amyloid plaques to form in brain tissue, degrading nerve synapse end points, across which signals need to jump in order to maintain normal memory and problem solving capabilities – cognitive function.  Advanced accumulation of amyloid plaques have been identified in Alzheimer’s, a condition of rapid neurodegenerative cognitive decline. Parkinson’s, ALS, Multiple Sclerosis and Myesthenia Gravis are similar conditions, together characterized by rapid and advanced decay of nerve tissue – progressive and irreversible. The global pharmaceutical cartels are not for want of recognizing the potential profits, they are busy conducting next generation anti-neurodegenerative drug trials, based on the effects of chronic heavy metal poisoning from the ongoing decades-long geo-engineering false flag campaign.

A second, more troubling feature of barium involves its reaction with cardiac muscle. The heart relies on the trace mineral potassium to maintain healthy resting tone. Disturbances in heart potassium level (hypokalemia) can force high cardiac RPM’s (tachycardia), placing undue stress on both heart muscles and nerves. Barium competes against potassium – increasing CVA risk, especially in the overweight and obese. A condition known as arrested ventricular systole has been identified in studies designed to test barium effects on heart muscle. In layman’s terms this means ventricular hyper-tonicity or simply “heart spasm”.  Chest pain, lightheadedness, fainting, respiratory distress, shortness of breath, asthma, vision problems, pain into one or both arms or hands – with occasional numbness, morning stiffness, fatigue and bowel problems – can be traced back to the heart. And inhalers can make matters worse. The young and middle aged are not immune. Juxtaposed against the background noise present in solar radiation management chemicals, significant risk metrics cannot be ruled out. Health care consumers ought to exercise extreme caution before accepting prescription medications that are designed to sedate or stimulate. The wrong medication could bring on a serious consequence – quickly. Talk to your doctor about any medications he intends on prescribing you. Be sure to ask if there are any cardiovascular side effects mentioned in the drugs insert, or whether anemia could be a possible medium-term side effect. Follow-up questions to your druggist/pharmacist should be addressed. Ask questions and demand reasonable answers. Your druggist will ask if you have any known allergies to medications, rash, shortness of breath, lightheadedness… or any other unusual reactions you may have had to medications in the past.

Exposed individuals (everyone) should discuss with their provider the likelihood of possible inhaled heavy metal exposure from the contrails in the skies above your neighborhood and work site. Patients must pro-actively steer the dialogue to the need for blood tests geared to measure the metals aluminum, barium, lead and mercury, economized at the very least to barium and aluminum. Ask for a “blood heavy metals profile” naming the above items as particularly relevant. I learned that my blood barium levels were hovering in the triple digits (normally zero) following a heavy metals blood screening in March, this after particularly intense aerosol activity throughout that month. Ask your doctor to order a CRP (C-Reactive Protein), a test designed to measure endogenous heart inflammation.  If your doctor asks why you want your blood tested, explain that recent heavy metal exposure typically shows up in blood first, and hair perhaps weeks or months later. Mainstream medicine is not completely sold on hair mineral analysis, but the presence of metals in blood where none should be there could be diagnostic for heavy metal poisoning.


ON-OFF demonstration of an intended brief dispersion, compelling evidence

Maintaining a sense of awareness that dietary supplements, vitamins, and neutraceutic food concentrates represent your only protection against the unpredictable consequences of untested, broad, rogue and hasty scientific environmental experiments affecting the general population. The toxic chemicals manufactured in the laboratory since 1988 and by default, previous to ’88, have been cleverly cloaked as harmless by way of passage of the De Minimus Interpretation of the Delaney Clause, authored by Michael R. Taylor, a former chairman of the Food and Drug Administration. As a one-time Monsanto CEO and revolving door participant in the regulation of the companies he once worked for, while employed at FDA, Mr. Taylor’s interests are at best defined in shades of grey. This legislative maneuver unleashed a pandora’s box of new chemicals onto the US food supply market, when it effectively and substantially diluted the protective measures written into the original version of the 1958 Delaney Clause. Legislation that once forbade cancerous substances into the US food supply lost its bite when scores of new chemicals came onto the market as a result of this new amendment.  In summary all bets are off, now that labeling laws have been neutered or eliminated entirely. The only safe alternative remains grown at home food or farmers market produce, meats and poultry – Ukiah Natural Food Coop – notwithstanding. However – there are no guarantees unless you plant it and you harvest it.

Your cells have been under a full-scale attack, morning-noon-and-night by chemicals since the mid 1980’s. While these chemicals are drying out your body, your joints and your nervous system, they are simultaneously degrading your body’s cell-signaling hormone pathways – resulting in metabolic oxidation, reactive oxygen species (ROS), disruption of chromatid material and damage to the DNA molecule. Chromatin damage and DNA disruption are key features identified in terminal cancers. That’s why Vitamin’s C and E are so important as a preventative measure against 21st century-engineered chronic degenerative disease. There are many more vitamins and supplements capable of reversing cell destruction by gobbling up ROS, enhancing enzyme streams, promoting cell wall integrity and increasing Co2 removal.

Only you can make the right decision, by exercising your will to choose safety out of concern, prudence out of necessity and common sense out of urgency.

Come to the geo-engineering workshop taking place at the Hampton Inn, Ukiah. Wednesday, June 24th – 6:00 to 8:00 PM.  Steven Amato will conduct a Power Point presentation on his thirty years of research into the environmental effects of twentieth century scientific advances, with an emphasis on the latest moral hazard – chemical contrails, solar dimming and SRM. Bring a pen and pad. Admission is free. Call Hampton Inn (707) 462-6555 ask for Leslie

About Dr. Steven Amoto, D.C.

I began practice as a chiropractor in 1980. During my tenure as a physician and healer, I practiced both straight chiropractic with physical therapy, and clinical nutrition using kinesiology and muscle testing. I graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Iowa, and did residencies in South Carolina and Nebraska. I am also trained in cranial specific manipulation, having studied under Drs. Sutherland, DeJarnette, Bludworth, Pick, M.L. Rees and Upledger. Proficiency in all extremity adjusting.

I maintained several practices in the northeast from 1980 to 2005. A change in priorities led to a move west in 2005. There I turned my energies to the land, reclaiming formerly logged tracts of old growth California Coastal Redwood forests, developing natural gravity fed springs. erecting fences and rehabilitating pastures for the raising of organic grass fed livestock. 

Rescuing this abandoned and mistreated stretch of timberland and pasture was a labor of love. It provided the bridge for what would follow: the first website using AI to generate a nutritional package targeted to your lifestyle patterns. This brand of lifestyle alternative medicine is based on almost forty years utilizing the most professional companies in the fields of nutrition and homeopathic medicine.

Graduated – Palmer College of Chiropractic 1979
Authored local newspaper health column named “The Spinal Column” 1980-1985
Developed ‘in service’ curriculums for Bergen County Police and Fire Academy 1982-1988
Sports Injury prevention training Indian Hills / Ramapo-Valley High School Districts 1982-1985
DEA, FBI, CIA, Local/state police seminar on injury prevention and postural biomechanics 1987
Certified Sports Physician Program CCSP American Chiropractic Association 1990
Presentations to over six thousand people attending seminars, workshops, speeches, lectures 
Appeared on television and radio shows – expert in alternative medicine, chiropractic, nutrition
Certified Contact Reflex Analysis 1995
Opened Alternative Medicine Clinic New York City March 1997
Trained in SE5 Radionics and scalar applications 1997 to present
Trained in Rife applications 1997-present
Presently engaged in research into the human health effects of geo-engineering, solar radiation management, weather modification. 

The Programming Of Our Children And Geoengineering, An Educator Speaks Out


The paradigm of industrialized society has been an orchestrated disaster for a very long time. How does it get so bad? The programming of children in the educational system leads to a programmed society. This in turn leads to a population that is completely blind and oblivious to the fact that they are being constantly sprayed with toxic materials. My gratitude to educator Cali Will for sharing his perspectives in the attached article.
Dane Wigington

Blind To The Skies, The “Normalcy Bias” Dilemma


We are all living our lives under toxic skies that all too often look like something from another planet, yet, how many even notice? Earth is dying by the day and so few seem to care. How can this be? In the last 40 years global wildlife populations have declined over 50%, shouldn't this be cause for alarm? In fact, 200 or more species of plants, animals and insects are going extinct EVERY SINGLE DAY on our planet, where are the headlines on this? Though there are countless sources of human inflicted damage to our planet, the greatest (and most visible) assault of all is global climate engineering. Our skies are blatantly sprayed day in and day out, the sun is being blocked (the primary goal of solar radiation management) and weather patterns totally disrupted. Still the denial of these realities continues. The toxic particulate fallout from the spraying is mathematically the largest contributing factor to the asthma epidemic. All plant life is absorbing the nanoparticles from the spraying, which puts these toxins into the food chain as well. Is it any surprise that allergies are also now at epidemic levels? All a person has to do is look up and use the slightest bit of deductive reasoning to comprehend that we are all being subjected to a grand and lethal experiment. The walls are closing in on us all from countless directions and the majority of the population as of yet has no clue. Why? The "normalcy bias" is a primary factor. The article below is an excellent exposé of this psychological condition that can and does completely blind people to very real and immediate threats.
Dane Wigington


Eye On The Skies


Source: The Glen Rose Reporter, article by Lori Smiskol

I am a single mom and reflexologist and health practitioner in Granbury and I have seen unprecedented cases of one respiratory illnesses with my clients. Alzheimer's has increased 10 fold in recent years, allergies has increased significantly with my clients and cancer is in epidemic proportions.

One in three women are now contracting cancer and one in two men are now getting cancer. They have documented evidence that Agent Orange, which was sprayed to eliminate foliage, has caused cancer to all of our veterans. I was just discussing this with Pastor Ray of the Triple Cross Cowboy Church in Granbury today.

He shared with me that in his own congregation that cancer has significantly increased. There is definitely something wrong with this picture. Is anyone alarmed with this?

The reason I am writing is to make more people aware of what is happening to our skies. I grew up as a state representative's daughter in Wisconsin in the 1960s. At that time, my father, Lewis T. Mittness, became a huge environmentalist.

He introduced, along with other assemblymen, the legislation to ban DDT in Wisconsin. DDT was a chemical they used to spray over the crop fields and near our towns and cities.

My dad used to have all kinds of concerned citizens calling him, and I remember this well because they were getting cancer at unprecedented rates, as well as alarmingly high birth defects. My dad fought against big business to end this and when the assembly unanimously passed the ban after much effort it was brought to the senate and they passed it as well.

Wisconsin was the first state to ban the use of this chemical pesticide DDT and then the whole United States followed. I feel now my dad would want me to speak up about what is happening every day to our skies. It is not only across Texas, but apparently the United States and even the world as many concerned citizens from all over the world have reported.

Yet no one listens that can change this and their cries go unnoticed.

This last Thursday and Friday before Easter, my son and I photographed 12 white unmarked jets spraying a chemtrail over us from one end of Granbury to the other. I even pulled a woman out of her car at Brookshires to show her the planes that were literally putting a dome over our Granbury area of this white chemical emission.

Contrails from jets dissipate within a matter of a few minutes. This does not. It only spreads into tiny tentacles that grow into rows across our whole sky but usually directed by the area of the sun.

Once these trails spread out in rows, it blocks the sun which results in cloudy white and grayish sky eliminating most of the blue sky most days lately. It may even be causing our drought as I have researched to see the two states being widely under chem trails at this time is Texas and California.

I just got back from Austin on Monday from a training and was amazed to see they were chemtrailing over our capital city and several cities on my way back home on Highway 281 in the middle of nowhere. They had these same white unmarked jets chemtrailing across the whole horizon and from the ground straight up by the sun. No flight path is vertical from the ground. They continued to loop through the same chemtrail path over and over until several rows are formed which form into the hazy clouds you see today.

Something needs to be done and this is why I can not be silenced any longer. We need to get answers as soon as possible.

Why is this happening to us? It’s up to us as citizens of our communities to start being aware. One way to do this is to look up and be informed. Then you may be inspired to take action in your own communities and with the people you know that can help bring this to media attention. Even though I was told by one of our own newspapers that I was not allowed to give my story on this highly taboo subject.

What has happened to our freedom of speech? It never used to be like this.

I am grateful to speak about this very urgent issue we are all facing. I guarantee you will see these jets and artificial clouds, which is almost every single day lately if you just look up and keep looking up.

I know my dad would not want me to be silenced any longer and to stand up for my basic rights of clean air, water and food – which is all being taken away from us right now. Don't take my word for it do your own research. If it is for our betterment then why can't we understand why this is happening to us? If it is not … and is affecting our health, I want to know why?

I hope you join with me in supporting this effort and talk to your community leaders to get answers so we can fight this just like my dad went up against impossible odds and won. We have a lot more power if we just stick together and I am open to forming a task force to see what we can do in my area of Glen Rose and Granbury. If we all start taking action then maybe we can take our sky back. There is a lot more info on this if you want to Google "Lewis Mittness" or "chemtrails."

There are now several national petitions, one has over 17,000 people that have signed it including myself addressed to our Senator Ted Cruz and other constituents in the state plus it will ultimately go to President Barack Obama against the chemtrail spraying over our communities.

I really hope you look into this in your own communities, where we all can make a difference just like my dad once did. I am so proud that he was my dad and I hope I can make him proud one day.

Lori Smiskol
Granbury, TX

Staying Healthy In A World That Isn’t


It’s not easy to retain one’s health in a world that is being constantly bombarded with contamination from too many directions to comprehend. Many people have many different ideas about how to stay healthy, but are such suggested methods down to earth, straight forward and doable protocols? I am familiar with the author of the article below, TC Randal, and believe he is giving some very on target advice. I have followed a similar line of health defense my entire adult life and it has been of immense benefit to me. First and foremost we must strive to expose and eliminate the biggest and most lethal source of global contamination, climate engineering. But as we march forward in this fight, it is essential for us to retain as much of our state of health as possible. Doing so will make us much more effective in the battle to stop climate engineering.
Dane Wigington


Cleanse, Flush, Sweat, Mobilize, Chelate, Detox…and Heal

Source: Green Med Info

Cleanse, Flush, Sweat, Mobilize, Chelate, Detox...and Heal

It’s an industrial world out there. Few pristine places are left on Earth, and even there the winds of industry blow. Luckily we have answers.

Obviously sunshine, exercise, a truly healthy diet and a happy mindful kinetic lifestyle are lobby-level, yet illness can begin in the best of us when toxic chemical intake and auto-generated wastes overwhelm the capacity for elimination. In other words the rate of elimination must meet or exceed input…or toxins accumulate.  Amalgam fillings, air and water pollution, smoking, eating fish and processed foods, pesticides, battlefield toxins, radiations and drug residues commonly lead to cancers, heart/artery disease, autism, depression, PTSD, candidiasis, viral infections, autoimmune disorders, etc., etc. These conditions can logically and practically be prevented, improved or reversed by expeditious elimination of the offending molecules.

The term “cleanse” usually causes us to think “bowel” cleanse with strong laxatives and dreadful colonics traditionally used to address gross elimination problems. The intestinal tract can become a plumber’s nightmare so consider that vitamin C doses exceeding bowel tolerance leave one clean as a whistle in a few hours.

Attention then zooms in on the intestinal floral population, care and feeding of the good guys and starvation of pathogens. This is done by eliminating sugars and processed carbs (gluten/GM grains) and killing yeasts and other bad guys directly with oregano oil or oxygen releasing products.

And then focus on healing the cells lining the intestines that otherwise leak toxins, pathogens, emulsified fats and proteins directly into the bloodstream to source allergies and autoimmune disorders.  Cells respond to saturated fats like butter/coconut oil and Omega 3 fats, high fiber leafy greens and green juices w spirulina, intermittent fasting, bone/cartilage soups, raw milks/yogurts, minerals like K, Mn, Se, Zn and Mg, Vitamins C/E and other phyto-antioxidants like curcuminoids, carotenoids, cannabinoids….and regenerate.

Flush” commonly refers to liver and kidney cleansing. They are targeted with various herbal/olive oil flushes. R-Alpha Lipoic Acid, silymarin, beets, liver and added baking soda for kidneys help restore function. The GMI database holds a laundry list of regenerative aids for these organs.

Sweating” and sauna raise body temperature, dump wastes and stimulate all biochemical activity, circulation of blood and lymph.

Hot baths of epsom salts or dead sea salts and soaking in ocean water draw-out toxins while infusing alkalizing magnesium; all transdermally.

Sunbathing raises body temperature when photons, at various wavelengths from infra red to ultra violet, penetrate the skin to not only produce Vitamin D, but entrain body frequencies and energize our predominant water fraction. UV and radiant heat make H2O’s charge, polarity and conductivity stronger so blood, lymph and other body fluids become thinner. This speeds circulation moving oxygen-rich blood in, waste products out.

Exercise, massage and quick temperature shifts like a sauna followed by plunging into cold water agitate fluids that had become stagnant during periods of inactivity. Hot peppers are also great for enhancing circulation.

Still, in spite of cleanses, flushes and sauna, metals and toxins will remain lodged in body fat, bones, nerve tissues and cell membranes.  A double barreled defense is required. First mobilize them…. then chelate them.

Chelation does not occur efficiently without MOBILIZATION

Cellular detoxification is initiated when a flood of electrons (using mega-Vitamin C/baking soda) moves materials out of tissues and organs into the bloodstream and on to the kidneys or the intestines to be snatched by chelators.  This electron-driven liberation of metals is punctuated by electron-stealing bursts of oxidation ( mega-Vit C generated peroxides, hydrogen peroxide, MMS chlorite, ozone) that disassemble organic poisons, pathogens, fibrin overgrowth and cell debris. Oxidative bursts also spark redox signalling to provoke the release of more in-house antioxidants like SOD and glutathione and awaken other dormant genes to produce protective enzymes.

“Chelate” really just means “to grab or claw-on to” (toxins).
Chelation Therapy generally refers to IV infusions of EDTA, DMSA, DMPS, etc. that rapidly mobilize and attach toxins….and unfortunately vital minerals which must be concurrently resupplied.

The practice has been maligned by conventional medicine in apparent ignorance of the disruption minute quantities of toxins wield upon normal physiology at the molecular level, namely acidity, free radical predation, oxidative stress and inflammation.

Chelation therapy has been used to treat heavy metal poisoning,  but is not recognized by the FDA for the treatment of disease. The FDA also refuses to admit the connection between mercury, cadmium, aluminum, etc. and a raft of conditions carelessly caused by our politically protected industries.  Fortunately everything you need for personal detoxification is freely available.

Chelation can be accomplished without IVs by employing many common substances such as chlorella, clays, charcoal, shilajit/humates, cilantro and zeolites which bind to toxins along with sulfur compounds in R-Alpha Lipoic Acid, garlic, onions, MSM and NAC.

Proteolytic enzymes like papain, bromelain or nattokinase can help free metals sequestered beneath fibrin films.

The word “DETOX” has long been associated with “drying-out” alcoholics, rehab and addictions. Today it’s all about improving inner charge terrain so that cells can get more oxygen, regain functionality and self heal. A wide variety of supplements, physical and psychological treatments come under the detoxification umbrella, and indeed seemingly disconnected approaches all lead to the same goal.

Toxins are foreign molecules (like Al, F, Hg, Pb, etc. and a host of organic poisons), damaged molecules (oxidized/trans fats, protein/fat fragments), metabolic waste products, excessive acids and free-radicals of exogenous (radiations) and endogenous (immune response/inflammation)  origins. These molecules must ultimately be transformed and eliminated at the atomic level….or the organism will suffer oxidative stress (inflammation), the root of most every disease.

Hair analysis is invaluable in 1) identifying metal/mineral presence and 2) to monitor the effectiveness of your efforts to evict heavy metals and normalize Mg, Ca, Na and K levels.  Many times blood work does not detect the extent of contamination.

Interestingly, younger individuals commonly hold significant metal burdens since this generation has known only higher levels of toxins over the last 20yrs compared to their predecessors.

Once follow-up hair tests report healthy levels in all categories and symptoms magically disappear, you will have certain proof….whether the FDA likes it or not.

These alternative practices and “home remedies” require a bit of skill in use and an understanding of their actions. Things like chicken soup, apple cider vinegar, cayenne, garlic, epsom salts or Vit C/baking soda have specific healing properties when used in appropriate, usually unusually large quantities, taken regularly and in concert. Include as many as needed while focusing on mineral supplementation and the key elements of mobilization and chelation. I prefer detoxing at home over humiliating rectal intrusion or rapid IV chelation, slowly, gently and inexpensively for extended periods.  Just me.

Detoxification is a survival strategy and should become a way of life. We have 365 chances a year to get it right, to do something, to take action, to clean our inner environments, to maintain our quality of life and to allow cells to self-heal.

forbiddenhealingCapt. Randall is the author of Forbidden Healing, an organic farmer and independent health researcher. He studied chemistry and biology at the University of Florida. His interests range from marine science to archaeology and ethnobotany. See

Source: Green Med Info

Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) – October 13, 2014


Heavy Metals In Atmosphere, Autism, ADD & Illness, It’s All Connected (Video)


By N. Morgan

Many still doubt the Chemtrail and Geoengineering programs and the danger they pose to us and our environment. Many people have complained of varying symptoms, from Asthma, to Morgellons Disease. One has to begin to wonder what exactly these toxins are doing to our bodies. Are autism and other illnesses linked to heavy metals in the atmosphere being sprayed by chemtrails and climate and Geoengineering? In the video below, we hear from Dane Wigington who explores the theory of government chemical spraying effecting the environment and health of children and adults in this excerpt from the Buzzsaw interview.

Many research studies have linked heavy metal toxicity such as lead, mercury and aluminum with a wide range of illnesses and health conditions that cause serious harm to the lungs, brain, heart, liver, kidney, bones, GI tract, reproductive systems, and damage DNA.

 Symptoms & conditions related to heavy metal toxicity

• Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and all autoimmune diseases

• Mood swings, depression, anxiety, schizophrenic-like behavior

• Neurotransmitter dysfunction

• Thyroid and adrenal dysfunction

• Inflammatory brain conditions, autism, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s

• Chronic infections, bacterial, viral and Candida


• ADD, lower IQ and learning problems

• Anemia

• Food allergies and sensitivities

• Infertility and reproductive problems in both men and women

• Genital malformation

• Hypertension

• Cancer

• Brain fog, confusion, forgetfulness, memory loss, dementia

• Hair loss, premature graying hair

• Chronic muscle and tendon pain

• Kidney and liver disease

• Osteoporosis

• Dizziness

• Mineral and nutrient deficiencies

• Insomnia

• Digestive problems, IBS and gastrointestinal complaints

• Migraines, headaches, visual disturbances

• Respiratory, lung and heart problems

• Nervous system malfunctions: burning extremities, numbness, tingling

Metal toxicity is connected with all sorts of health problems and diseases that many people think are related to just getting older. These are also diseases many doctors suggest managing with drugs. Medical schools have failed to educate doctors of the dangers of heavy metal toxicity. If you ask your doctor to test for heavy metals because you feel a sense of deep heaviness, are tired, depressed or experience achy or chronic joint pain for no reason, all too often the request is dismissed and instead you’ll probably get a prescription for an antidepressant.

Heavy metals build up in the body over time and present no discernible symptoms in the early stages. The top three heavy metals most harmful to our health include arsenic, lead and mercury. In a Brown University study, researchers found nearly 23 percent of women aged 16-49 met or exceeded levels for all three environmental chemical pollutants — lead, mercury and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) — and 56 percent of the women exceeded the median for two or more of these three pollutants. All but 17.3 percent of the women were at or above the level for one or more of these toxic chemicals.

Source: Before It’s News

A Day in the Life: 4/26-28/14

 Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA)

Killing Us Softly


I often write about the dangers of authorities of any kind. Authorities play a control game, and you are being controlled. We have submitted to authorities from the beginning of our lives, and we’ve been caught in this wheel for millennia. Our parents teach it to us, just as they had learned it. Then they send us to school and church, where the teachers and priests claim themselves as authorities. Our parents also put us in front of televisions for hours. We would believe what we saw on television. The man on the news was an authority. So throughout our childhood, in the hopes of good guidance and protection, we submitted ourselves to many authorities. We are taught to trust and believe our authorities, as if they are being truthful to us. But how can they teach truth, when they themselves have been programmed with lies? Authorities have no credibility.

Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA)


Nano Aerosols and You


First, the almost good news: The 10-micron particles called for in the Hughes aerosol spray patent are not nano-size. Each microscopic 10-micron particle is 100th the diameter of a human hair. The bad news: Regardless of their inherent toxicity, all airborne particles 10-microns or smaller are classified “an extreme human health hazard” by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency because of their propensity to invade and inflame heart tissue. Sometimes lethally.

Chemtrails: Aerosol and Electromagnetic Weapons in the Age of Nuclear War


North America is now suffering its seventh year of conspicuous and dangerous aerosol and electromagnetic operations conducted by the U.S. government under the guise of national security. Concerned citizens watch in fear as military tankers discolor the skies with toxic chemicals that morph into synthetic clouds.

Chemtrails: Aerosol and Electromagnetic Weapons in the Age of Nuclear War


North America is now suffering its seventh year of conspicuous and dangerous aerosol and electromagnetic operations conducted by the U.S. government under the guise of national security. Concerned citizens watch in fear as military tankers discolor the skies with toxic chemicals that morph into synthetic clouds.