Search Results for: pacific ocean dying

Ocean Floor Mining: The Next Terrible Thing


Source: Papua New Guinea Mine Watch

“The New Gold Rush” doesn’t sound so great for the oceans

Justin Housman | Surfer Magazine | July 21, 2016

Because we won’t be satisfied until the entire surface of the earth has been rendered in a never-ending pursuit to greedily dig up things that can be burned for fuel or hammered into profitable metals regardless of the consequences, humankind’s most adventurous profiteers have now set their sights on mining the depths of the sea floor for minerals and precious metals. This is one of the few zones of earth that scientists know very little about, full of strange creatures, unknown bacteria, and hydrothermal vents that may harbor the keys to how life on earth began.

But let’s dig it up anyway, say the mining companies.

Dead Fish, Dying Planet, And Dangerous Denial


Dane Wigington

Fish are dying, wildlife is dying, the entire web of life is dying, but willful denial of verifiable realities continues to thrive. The global fish die-off is already beyond catastrophic, but the "experts" seem to have little to offer in the way of answers. Why? Because those in power are largely in control of the chess board, at least for the moment. Those who print the money (the bankers) control militaries, countries, and every imaginable institution down the line. How can we expect the paid "experts" to disclose the true severity of what we collectively face (and the true causes behind the converging catastrophes) when their paychecks and pensions almost always depend on them not disclosing the whole truth? Those who are truly in the know and thus in a prime position to sound the alarm face much more dire consequences than the loss of their employment. In regard to the global fish die-off, what don't we hear from the "experts" and the media? That the oceans (and fresh water lakes) are rapidly heating along with the rest of the planet. That this heating de-oxygenates the water and fuels algae blooms which further de-oxygenate the water. We don't hear that warming oceans are causing mass deposits of formerly frozen methane to thaw and release, also contaminating and deoxygenating oceans. And we certainly never hear a word from the "experts" about the ongoing climate engineering assault that is exacerbating the now runaway warming (in addition to contaminating the entire planet). Of course, we also never hear about the military's other devastating activities that are slaughtering marine life, or about the military's willingness to lie about their actions. And about Fukushima, yes, it is a catastrophe for the seas (and the planet as a whole), but there is much more to story in regard to the fish die-offs. The bottom line is that the vast majority of media sources (even "independent" sources), are only telling half-truths at best.


Massive recent fish die-off on Chile's Queule River. Photo credit: Sernapesca

First, about the rapidly accelerating global fish die-off, the excerpt below is from a report that was just posted by Michael T. Snyder from "The Economic Collapse" website.

Why are millions upon millions of dead sea creatures suddenly washing up on beaches all over the world?  It is certainly not unusual for fish and other inhabitants of our oceans to die.  This happens all the time.  But over the past month we have seen a series of extremely alarming mass death incidents all over the planet.  As you will see below, many of these mass death incidents have involved more than 30 tons of fish.  In places such as Chile and Vietnam, it has already gotten to the level where it has started to become a major national crisis.  People see their coastlines absolutely buried in dead sea creatures, and they are starting to freak out.

For example, just check out what is going on in Chile right now.  The following comes from a Smithsonian Magazine article entitled “Why Are Chilean Beaches Covered With Dead Animals?“…

Compared to other countries, Chile is almost all coast, and that geographical fluke means that the country is known for its beautiful beaches. But that reputation may be on the wane thanks to a new sight on Chilean shores: dead animals. Lots of them. Heaps of them, in fact. As Giovanna Fleitas reports for the Agence France-Presse, the South American country’s beaches are covered with piles of dead sea creatures—and scientists are trying to figure out why.

Tales of dead animals washing up on shore are relatively common; after all, the ocean has a weird way of depositing its dead on shore. But Chile’s problem is getting slightly out of hand. As Fleitas writes, recent months have not been kind to the Chilean coast, which has played host to washed-up carcasses of over 300 whales, 8,000 tons of sardines, and nearly 12 percent of the country’s annual salmon catch, to name a few.

Authorities in Chile are scrambling to come up with a reason for why this is happening, but nobody appears to be quite sure what is causing this tsunami of death.

In Vietnam, things are even worse.  At this point, so many dead fish and clams have been washing up along the coast that soldiers have been deployed to bury them

Millions of fish have washed up dead along a 125-kilometre stretch of the Vietnamese coast in one of the communist country’s worst environmental disasters.

Soldiers have been deployed to bury tonnes of fish, clams and the occasional whale that began dying in early April along the north-central coast, including some popular tourist beaches.

Vietnamese officials facing growing anger over the disaster have not announced the official cause of the deaths, which have affected the livelihoods of tens of thousands of families.

Elsewhere in Asia, there have been similar incidents.  For example, CNN is reportingthat one lake in southern China is currently dealing with 35 tons of dead fish…

At least 35 tons of dead fish appeared in a lake in southern China, leaving residents stunned.

The piles of fish washed up in a lake in Hainan province on Wednesday, Chinese state media reported.

Residents expressed concerns on pollution, but local authorities said the fish died as a result of salinity change.

On the other side of the world, similar incidents have also happened in major lakes.  Here is one example from Bolivia

Thousands of dead fish have washed up onto the shores of a lake in Bolivia.

Just before they died, some of the fish had just hatched from their eggs in lake Alalay, in the central Bolivian city of Cochabamba.

No one yet knows the number of dead fish, but they have stockpiled five cubic metres (177 cubic feet) so far, so it’s possible there is over a tonne of dead fish in the lake.

And here is an example from Brazil

More than 200 tons of dead fish were removed from the Furnas Lake on Sunday (1st) in Alfenas (MG). According to the Military Police of the Environment, both fish raised in ponds, networks and those who are released, all of the tilapia species in the lake were affected. The damage to the psicultores is estimated at around R $ 900 thousand.

I could go on and on all day with examples such as these.

Just within the last month, 40 tons of fish died in India, 65 tons of fish died in Cambodia, 70 tons of fish died in Colombia, and millions of fish “suddenly died” in Indonesia.

So why is this happening?

I don’t know.

Could it be possible that these mass deaths are somehow related to the alarming earth changes that we see happening all around us?

Without a doubt, we have seen a dramatic rise in seismic activity during the early portions of 2016.  There has been a series of very destructive earthquakes around the world in recent months, and once dormant volcanoes are coming to life all over the globe with distressing regularity.

Of course humanity has done much to destroy the planet as well, and we continue to deal with the aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear disaster.  I do think that it is very interesting to note that most of these mass fish deaths have happened in nations that border the Pacific Ocean.

I am certainly not claiming to have an answer for why so many fish are dying.  All I know is that millions upon millions of dead fish are washing up on shores all over the globe, and people are really starting to freak out about this.

We live in a world that is becoming increasingly unstable, and major disasters seem to be getting more frequent and more intense.  Just look at what is happening up in Alberta right now.

I believe that we are entering the “perfect storm” that myself and so many others have been warning about for so long.

Or could it be possible that I am just being overly dramatic?

Though I am grateful to Mr. Snyder for helping to document the extremely alarming fish die-off, it is interesting that he seems to be in complete denial of the fact that our planet is descending into total meltdown.

But some climate “experts” are really playing down the impact of El Nino.  Instead, they are attempting to convince us that what we are witnessing is simply the result of “man-made climate change”, and they are using this as an opportunity to promote their agenda.

Is our climate really as damaged as the "experts" are telling us? No, in reality, it is much much worse. Unfortunately people like Mr. Snyder are only telling half-truths, climate engineering and climate realities are not a part of the narrative for Snyder and others like him. The engineered "cool-downs" of key regions like the most populated zones of the US has helped those in power keep populations confused and divided on the true state of the climate. When confused, many end up actually toeing the line for the very power structure they claim to be fighting against. How fast is the planet warming? The recently released data reflected on the 20 second animated graph below paints a very clear and very dire picture.

GIF credit: Ed Hawkins, climate scientist at University of Reading

Will global geoengineering help? No, 70 years of global climate engineering has only helped to further fuel the overall warming of the planet. Those in power have always known that climate engineering/solar radiation management/weather warfare would only ever cause immense and irreparable harm,  geoenginering is a weapon of total control they will never willingly give up. Man's attempt to engineer earth's life support systems is the absolute epitome of human insanity. Geoengineering has played a major role in the dying of the seas. The planet is heating so rapidly that we may an ice free Arctic as early as September of this year, 2016. All mainstream media and most "independent" media will not mention such dire front line data. If the oceans die, the planet dies, and all of us with it. Do your part in the most critical battle to sound the alarm on the climate engineering insanity, educate yourself and learn how to make the most effective difference in the fight to raise critical awareness.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

The US Military’s Willful Slaughter Of Life In The Pacific Ocean


Dane Wigington

The United States military has become a runaway juggernaut of environmental devastation and destruction. From the global climate engineering assault (that is poisoning the entire planet and ripping Earth's climate and life support systems apart), to the insane, blatant, and willful slaughter of ocean life, the actions of our military are truly beyond rational comprehension. Though many have chosen to primarily blame Fukushima fallout for the shocking North American west coast marine life collapse, there is much more to the story. Recently disclosed emails prove the US Navy's intent to break the law in their ongoing destruction of marine life. How bad is the die-off? 

The recent headlines below should be a stark wakeup call.

Dead animals litter California beaches… Alarming phenomenon” — “Graveyard of washed-up sea life” — “Influx of malnourished sea creatures” — Experts: We’re really starting to worry… The animals are starving to death… Covered in sores… Stunted growth… Weak immune systems 

As Pacific sardine collapse worsens, scientists worry about ecosystem ripple

Scientists: West Coast bird die-off “is biggest ever recorded” — Stomachs completely empty — “Staggering… Alarming… Unheard of… Never seen anything like it” — “Unprecedented in size, scope, duration” — “Deaths could reach many hundreds of thousands”

“Mind Blowing”: Die-off in Pacific far worse than anything ever seen before — Expert: Alarm over what’s happening in ocean — Deaths puzzling gov’t scientists, “I’ve never heard of such a thing anywhere in world” — Reports: Beaches full of bodies… Countless carcasses

Collapse of kelp forest imperils North Coast ocean ecosystem

What part has the US military likely played in the unfolding catastrophic die-off? The truth is beyond shocking. The important excerpts below are from a just released report from The West Coast Action Alliance.


"PACIFIC OCEAN (Sept. 15, 2014) The Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Stethem (DDG 63) fires a Harpoon missile during a sinking exercise as part of Valiant Shield 2014. Air and sea units from the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force participated in the sinking exercise of the ex-USS Fresno."

The West Coast Action Alliance examined the Navy’s Northwest Training and Testing EIS(Environmental Impact Statement) and the Letters of Authorization  for incidental takes of marine mammals issued by NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service. We found some startling numbers. These numbers apply to the coastal waters of Northern California, Oregon, Washington and Southeast Alaska, as well as inland waters including the San Juan Islands,

First, a comparison of baseline to proposed numbers of activities listed in the October 2015 EIS revealed the following:

72% increase in electronic warfare operations,

50% increase in explosive ordance disposal in Crescent Harbor and Hood Canal,

244% increase in air combat maneuvers (dogfighting)

400% increase in air-to-surface missile exercises (including Olympic National Marine Sanctuary),

400% increase in helicopter tracking exercises,

778% increase in number of torpedoes in inland waters,

3,500% increase in number of sonobuoys,

From none to 284 sonar testing events in inland waters,

From none to 286 “Maritime Security Operations” using 1,320 small-caliber rounds (blanks) in Hood Canal, Dabob Bay, Puget Sound & Strait of Juan de Fuca,

72% increase in chaff dropped from aircraft (contains tiny glass fibers and more than a dozen metals,)

1,150% increase in drone aircraft,

1,150% increase in drone surface vehicles,

1,450% increase in expendable devices. These are just a few.

Further ongoing military exercises include on North America's west coast include:

2 ship sinking exercises each year with 24 bombs, 22 missiles, 80 large caliber rounds and 2 heavyweight high explosive torpedoes,

30 air-to-surface bombing exercises, including in the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary,

160 gunnery exercises with small, medium & large caliber rounds, missiles, and high explosive warheads offshore, includes Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary,

An active-duty Navy pilot confided that fuel dumping incidents occur more often than the public realizes; they happen about once a month.

 A “take” is a form of harm ranging from disturbance to injury to death. Under the Marine Mammal Protection Act  there are two classifications, called Level A and Level B.  Level B is mostly harassment, and Level A is injury (or death.) Most takes allowed are in the harassment category, but harassment causes behavior changes such as abandonment of feeding, nursing, and migration habitat. If a marine mammal that relies on echolocation to find food can’t hear, it has to work harder to feed itself. If it can’t take in extra food, it loses weight. A study on the increases in metabolism in bottlenose dolphins showed that after the animals had to work harder to find food or be heard, it took another 7 minutes per episode for oxygen consumption to return to normal levels. That translates eventually to starvation if they cannot find enough food to make up the difference.

The problem with Level A harassment is in documenting injuries or deaths; frequent mass strandings have occurred days after naval activity in an area, but in nearly every case the Navy disavows being the cause. They do not allow federal wildlife agency experts aboard their ships because of security concerns about civilians; however, civilian fitness instructors are found on many Navy ships. None of the mitigation measures require the Navy to tow hydrophones to listen for marine mammals before commencing exercises; the Navy’s technology for observing whether marine mammals are present is the same that has been used since the 17th century: two lookouts at the bow of the ship.

How can the military machine be so completely out of control? Because, so far, the US population as a whole does not want to be bothered with uncomfortable or "depressing" news and information. Because, so far, most are not at all interested in showing some responsibility toward the greater good by actually investigating what is going on in the world, let alone doing their part to affect positive change. What further details do we have about the US military's ongoing assault against ocean life? The exceptional report from the WCAA continues below.


Seal pups are very vulnerable to the "harassment" of the US military's ongoing naval exercises

The noise threshold for hearing damage in humans is 85 decibels. For every 10-decibel increase, the intensity of the noise increases by a factor of ten; therefore, a 115-decibel noise, which is roughly what a Growler jet makes when passing overhead at altitude of 1000 feet, is a thousand times louder than the 85-decibel threshold for human hearing damage. Navy sonar is capable of at least 235 decibels at the source. This is over 10 trillion times more intense than the 85-decibel threshold. At a distance of 300 miles away from the source, underwater noise can still be 140 decibels. 140 decibels is sufficient to vibrate and rupture internal organs, and has been assessed by the French government as “a weapon to kill people.”


Humpback feeding and migration areas

What does this mean? Since the Navy is positioning its ships in whale migration routes and feeding areas without regard to peak times of use for the animals, it means the animals will continue to work harder and to lose weight if they can’t find enough to eat, which is already exacerbated by climate change and decreasing abundance of their food. Since 30 large whales washed up on Alaskan beaches last summer in what NOAA called an “Unusual Mortality Event,” and since it was during the time Navy ships were up there conducting “Operation Northern Edge” sonar and bombing exercises, and since every single dead whale was also emaciated, one has to wonder who in their right mind wouldn’t take steps to reduce harassment of already-stressed animals.


Whale deaths are now common along the North American West Coast, is it any wonder why?

Here are take numbers from the Northwest Training and Testing EIS, for just the waters from Northern California to Southeast Alaska, including Puget Sound and other inland waters:

Whales (toothed and baleen)         18,921

Dolphins and porpoises                   843,465

Seals and sea lions                            364,538

Totals:                                               1,226,924

Here are those numbers broken down by NWTT area:

Coastal waters of California, Oregon and Washington:                575,258

Washington inland waters (Puget Sound, Hood Canal):              343,310

Southeast Alaska:                                                                              10,950

Eastern North Pacific (offshore)                                                     21,996

Remember, these numbers do not include takes to endangered and threatened seabirds, fish, sea turtles or terrestrial species impacted by Navy activities, using sonar, explosives, underwater and surface drones, sonobuoys, ships, submarines, aircraft, or troops training on 68 beaches and state parks in western Washington. The numbers also do not include takes for smaller projects such as underwater detonation exercises and/or pile-driving and construction at Port Angeles, Bremerton, Everett, Kitsap, or Whidbey Island, nor does it include impacts from sonar and other acoustic devices at the Keyport Range Complex Expansion, or any impacts brushed over in dozens of Environmental Assessments that split the projects into smaller pieces so they don’t rise to the threshold of a full-blown EIS.

With regard to the 72% increase in chaff, the EIS says it is “…typically packaged in cylinders approximately 6 in. by 1.5 in. (15.2 cm by 3.8 cm), weighing about 5 oz. (140 g), and containing a few million fibers. Chaff may be deployed from an aircraft or may be launched from a surface vessel. The chaff fibers are approximately the thickness of a human hair (generally 25.4 microns in diameter) and range in length from 0.3 to 2 in. (0.8 to 5.1 cm). The major components of the chaff glass fibers and the aluminum coating are alumina, boron oxide, sodium oxide, potassium oxide, copper, manganese, silicon, iron, zinc,vanadium, titanium, and other metals.”

A 1997 Air Force study reviewed the potential impacts of chaff inhalation on humans, livestock, and other animals and concluded that the fibers are “…too large to be inhaled into the lungs.” Whose lungs? A fiber the thickness of a human hair is certainly inhalable by human beings, even children. And what about marine mammals with upturned and very large breathing holes? The fibers, said the study, were predicted to be deposited in the nose, mouth, or trachea and either swallowed or expelled. Has the public been made aware of the effects of chaff ingestion? Is chaff inhalation or ingestion by marine mammals considered a taking? Not that we could see.


Chaff being dropped from a fighter jet. Chaff is often accompanied by flares.

The West Coast Action Alliance noticed some discrepancies among the Letters of Authorization (LOA) issued by NOAA to the Navy for takes; for example, more than 133,000 takes for bottlenose dolphins off the Northern California-Oregon-Washington coast were not listed in the LOA for the Northwest Training and Testing EIS – they were in the LOA for Hawaii-Southern California. Why? We don’t know, but the omission certainly helped to reduce the appearance of large numbers of marine mammal takes in the NWTT area. Curious, we looked at the LOAs for four EISs done in four regions of the North Pacific: the Gulf of Alaska, the Pacific Northwest coast, Hawaii-Southern California, and the Marianas Islands. What we found was shocking.


Gray whale

When you consider, for example, that the best estimate for the number of gray whales in the eastern North Pacific is 21,000, and that they migrate up and down the West Coast from Alaska to Mexico, but that the numbers of takes allowed to the Navy in the areas of the Pacific where gray whales might be found is 60,610, it becomes clear that multiple harassment incidents to the same animals throughout their range are not only anticipated but allowed.


Where gray whales are found

The WCAA also found it interesting and disturbing that neither sonar, bombing, explosives, nor any military activity whatsoever is included on NOAA’s list of threats caused by human impacts. Why, when this this much harm is being done on such a scale?

Takes by species: If you add up all the Navy’s takes of whales, dolphins, porpoises, seals and sea lions for these four regions of the North Pacific, it is nearly 12 million.

Click here to see the take numbers broken down by individual species and regions, but you might want to be sitting down, it’s a horrifying picture. And remember, it only includes marine mammals.

The Navy prides itself on a concept it calls “Distributed Lethality,” the definition of which is “ …the condition gained by increasing the offensive power of individual components of the surface force (cruisers, destroyers, littoral combat ships [LCSs], amphibious ships, and logistics ships) and then employing them in dispersed offensive formations known as “hunter-killer SAGs.” SAG stands for “Surface Action Group.” The Navy has already sent a “hunter-killer pack of ships” into the Pacific toward Asia, in a clear sign that war games across the globe evidently know no limits to civilians.

It’s also clear that when it comes to wildlife, the Navy distributes lethality very, very well.


The west coast of North America has become the new US military "proving grounds" as the South Pacific was for the catastrophic nuclear detonations of the past.

The military/industrial complex is completely and totally out of control on every front. In addition to the all out assault against ocean life outlined above, there are also the ongoing "ocean fertilization" programs that are very likely utilizing industrial waste for this process. And we should not forget to take into account the historically routine dumping of nuclear waste into the seas by then US military and others. Fracking waste is also routinely being dumped into the west coast waters. What will be the final consequence of the ongoing global destruction of our oceans by the US military and human activity (including Fukushima) as a whole? If the oceans die, we die. From the catastrophic climate engineering destruction to the assault on our seas, the military juggernaut of absolute insanity is pushing all life on Earth toward mathematically certain near term total extinction. If we can fully expose the truth, we will have a chance of changing course. The effort to reach a critical mass of awareness must be borne by us all, make your voice heard.

More Mass Failure Of Geoengineering, Ocean Fertilization Can’t Work


Dane Wigington

Man's war with nature is ultimately a war against himself. How many "interventions gone wrong" will have to occur before the lesson is finally learned by the human race? Should it come as a surprise that attempting to "fertilize the oceans" with industrial waste can only do immense and irreparable harm?


Massive aerosol spraying over Earth's oceans has been carried out for decades as part of the ongoing solar radiation management programs. Some of the elements being dispersed are also likely intended to stimulate "ocean fertilization".

The arrogance and insanity of industrialized society's propensity to interfere with nature is truly incomprehensible. The total ambivalence of the general population in regard to the mass destruction of the biosphere (being inflicted by anthropogenic activity and the military/industrial complex) is alarming and perplexing. What does it mean to be a "scientist" in a modern society of those who seek perpetual expansion on a finite world with finite resources? Unfortunately, in so many cases it means you try to find some way to justify the actions that your paymasters wish to implement. Finally, some of the insanity is being exposed. The excerpt below taken from a recent report is yet another glaring red flag that reflects the total folly of man's attempt to manipulate the planet's life support systems.

Scientists plumbing the depths of the central equatorial Pacific Ocean have found ancient sediments suggesting that one proposed way to mitigate climate warming—fertilizing the oceans with iron to produce more carbon-eating algae—may not necessarily work as envisioned.

Plants need trace amounts of iron to perform photosynthesis, but certain parts of the oceans lack it, and thus algae are scarce. Recent shipboard experiments have shown that when researchers dump iron particles into such areas, it can boost growth. The algae draw the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide from the air to help build their bodies, so fertilization on a large scale could, theoretically, reduce atmospheric CO2. Seafloor sediments show that during past ice ages, more iron-rich dust blew from chilly, barren landmasses into the oceans, apparently producing more algae in these areas and, presumably, a natural cooling effect. Some scientists believe that iron fertilization and a corresponding drop in CO2 is one reason why ice ages become icy and remain so.


This file illustration photo, obtained from NASA, shows a massive phytoplankton bloom, as seen from a satellite. Organizers of a controversial ocean fertilization project off Canada's west coast said officials knew of the undertaking but did not stop it, and that it violated no laws.

But the researchers in the new study say that increased algae growth in one area can inhibit growth elsewhere. This is because ocean waters are always on the move, and algae also need other nutrients, such as nitrates and phosphates. Given heavy doses of iron, algae in one region may suck up all those other nutrients; by the time the water circulates elsewhere, it has little more to offer, and adding iron doesn’t do anything. The study appears today in the leading journal Nature.

“There’s only a limited amount of total nutrients in the oceans. So if there’s greater use in one area, it seems you’d have lesser concentrations in other areas,” said lead author Kassandra Costa, a doctoral student at Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory who led the analysis. “The basic message is, if you add to one place, you may subtract from another.”

Our oceans are super heating, acidifying, and dying at an astounding pace. Though there are countless anthropogenic causes, various forms of geoengineering (solar radiation management, marine layer albedo enhancement, ocean fertilization, etc.) are a major part of the equation in regard to causal factors. We are rapidly spiraling toward the "Canfield ocean" condition associated with mass extinction events in Earth's history. This time around the human race is holding the smoking gun as the planet is now warming 50 times faster than it should when coming our of an ice age. If the oceans die, we die. In spite of the fatal flaws of "ocean fertilization", our government has pushed this practice as a form of global warming mitigation (geoengineering). Will we continue to stand by and allow the power structure and the military industrial complex to conduct experiments of insanity on what is yet left of Earth's life support systems? Or will we make exposing and halting the ongoing geoengineering insanity our absolute top priority? The sand in the hourglass is rapidly running out, we must all make every day count in this critical battle.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Catastrophic Pacific Ocean Die-Off, The US Military’s All Out Assault On The Web Of Life


Dane Wigington

Many have heard about some of the die-offs occurring in our oceans, but most have no understanding of how catastrophic the actual reality is


Fukushima is where all the fingers point as the source of the carnage along the coast, but there is much more to the story. Those who control the US military have virtually no regard for any of the destruction they are wreaking on the entire web of life, including marine life. The US Navy has long since been using live depleted uranium ammunition and devastating sonar devices along the Pacific coast (the US Navy is now also waging electromagnetic warfare along our forests and our coasts). The US (and other nations) have also routinely dumped nuclear waste into our oceans. The excerpt (shown below) from the US Navy's "Environmental Impact Statement " is beyond shocking. Their position is this, if there are no studies to prove the harm they are causing, then no harm was caused.

"The study area for consideration of impacts on marine plants and invertebrates includes the open ocean west of Washington, Oregon, and Northern California….Aircraft overflight and training activities are assumed to have no impacts to marine communities, because impacts of sound on plants and invertebrates are unknown and difficult to quantify."


The statement below was appropriately presented (along with other pressing points) to the US Navy's EIS staff by concerned Oregon resident Carol Van Strum.

The question of past and current Naval activities is highly significant. For example, the EIS acknowledges that past and present activities off the Oregon coast have involved the use of rounds comprised of depleted uranium. Uranium, depleted or otherwise, is an exceptionally persistent material in the environment. The EIS revelations of Navy use of depleted uranium thus raise very serious concerns about how long the Navy has been using depleted uranium rounds in the Pacific Ocean, how much was used per year, where that use has occurred, and what environmental impacts have already accrued from such use, such as uptake by fish and synergistic effects with other wastes and products from Naval exercises. The EIS mentions none of these issues.


In 2010 I personally spoke to a US Navy Public Relations representative that very cavalierly confirmed the Navy's use of depleted uranium ammunition for "practice" off of the US West Coast. She seemed to have no idea of the dangers posed by this ammunition, but rather was only repeating whatever she was told.  The US Military has also permanently contaminated vast areas of land masses with its deadly depleted uranium ammunition. An epidemic of birth defects in Iraq and elsewhere is the legacy of this use. But there is an even larger ongoing assault on the ocean, the planet, and all life, global geoengineering/weather warfare. The blatant atmospheric aerosol spraying so clearly seen of the coast of California in the satellite photo below is nothing short of shocking.


Geoengineering is undeniably a major factor relating to the die-off of the oceans. The US military is certainly the single largest participant in the ongoing global climate engineering insanity (though all major powers are involved). Geoengineering is destroying the ozone layer which has subjected the planet to deadly levels of UV radiation greatly contributing to the die-off of plankton populations around the world. The plankton die-off has taken the foundation out of the food chain for marine ecosystems. Geoengineering has also radically altered upper level wind currents which have in turn altered ocean currents. This has contributed to the massive methane release in the Arctic which holds the future of our planet in the balance if it continues. In regard to the Pacific ocean, the altered wind currents have greatly contributed to the record heat buildup. This in turn has fueled the extreme algae blooms, sea bed gassing of methane, hydrogen sulfide (which create hypoxic and anoxic zones), and thus even more marine die-off. There is also the less known form of geoengineering, ocean fertilization, which is also taking its toll on our once thriving seas. Seven decades of highly toxic and destructive global geoengineering programs have inflicted unimaginable decimation to the planet. These programs (combined with the other US military operations already mentioned), have played a major part in the collapse of life in our oceans, most especially in the Pacific. If the oceans die, we die


Our military brothers and sisters must awaken to what they are participating in, the destruction of their own planet and the health of their own citizens. Military personnel are sworn to protect their countrymen from all threats, foreign AND DOMESTIC. All of us are needed to help awaken the population, this includes the families of military personnel. Pass on credible information to all those that need to see it, every day counts in this battle. Make your voice heard.

Geoengineering Is Fueling Superheated Pacific Dead Zones


The Eastern Pacific ocean is superheating, as this process continues, so will marine ecosystem implosion. The climate engineers have aggressively interfered with all of the planet's processes and natural cycles. This includes the El Niño events which the weather makers have actively tried to suppress. Why? It was likely done in order to temporarily hide the escalating planetary meltdown by attempting to bottle up much of the rapidly building heat in the oceans. Even worse, ocean fertilization (another calamitous form of climate engineering) is contributing to the unfolding ecosystem collapse in our seas. All of these processes are fueling stagnant stratified superheated dead zones with exploding blooms of highly toxic algae. The article below is the latest update from the front lines. Though the climate engineering subject is taboo for all mainstream sources of information, the data cited is still accurate and alarming.
Dane Wigington


Record Algae Bloom Laced With Toxins Is Flourishing In "The Blob" — And Spreading In The North Pacific

Source: Discover, article by Tom Yulsman


An animation of satellite images showing algae blooming in the waters around Vancouver Island on July 18, 2015. See below for a detailed explanation. (Images: NASA Worldview. Animation: Tom Yulsman)

It has been called “The Blob,” a gigantic patch of abnormally warm water sitting in the Northeast Pacific Ocean for months. And now, The Blob may have helped midwife a record-breaking bloom of algae stretching from Southern California all the way north to Alaska.

More about that warm water in a minute. But first, that giant algae bloom: It consists of tiny marine plants known as phytoplankton, and it is “laced with some toxic species that have had far-reaching consequences for sea life and regional and local economies,” according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Toxins from the algae are suspected to have contributed to the deaths of at least nine Fin whales near Kodiak Island, Alaska, in June, although a definitive cause has not yet been determined, NOAA says.  There have also been reports of dead and dying whales, gulls, and forage fish in Alaska’s Aleutian Islands, possibly connected to the algae.

And over the past few months, according to NOAA:

. . . extremely high levels of an algal toxin called domoic acid, which is produced by a group of phytoplankton called Pseudo-nitzschia, have led to closures of recreational razor clam harvests in Oregon and Washington, as well as closing of large portions of the Washington state Dungeness crab fishery and some of the sardine and anchovy fisheries in California.

You can see evidence of part of the vast algae bloom in the animation above. It consists of satellite views of the waters surrounding Vancouver Island, and off the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State.

The colorful image consists of data from NASA’s Terra and Aqua satellites. The yellow, orange and red colors are indicative of relatively high levels of chlorophyll in the water. Like all plants, phytoplankton use chlorophyll for photosynthesis, the process by which they use sunlight for their energy needs.

The other image shows the same scene but in natural color. I have fiddled with the contrast a little to make the greenish and brownish swirls of algae stand out.


Average chlorophyll concentrations in milligrams per cubic meter of water for July 2015. The darkest green areas have the highest surface chlorophyll concentrations and the largest amounts of phytoplankton—including both toxic and harmless species. Vancouver Island is circled. (NOAA map based on Suomi NPP satellite data provided by NOAA View.)

The map above charts average chlorophyll concentrations during July in the northeast Pacific, from Baja to Alaska. Have a look at Vancouver Island, which I’ve circled. Some of the deepest greens, and therefore highest concentrations of chlorophyll, are found there.

But California, Oregon and Washington aren’t far behind!

The Blob

The abnormally warm water suspected as a culprit in the algae bloom doesn’t quite look blobbish right now — more like two giant patches:


Okay, in the map above of sea surface temperature anomalies for today (Aug. 6, 2015), the warm patch off the west coast of British Columbia, Washington and Oregon, does look blobby. The other one, off California and the Baja Peninsula, is more irregular. (There’s also quite a bit of toastiness in between the two.)

The warm water has shifted around a bit over the weeks, but it has been a persistent feature for a long time now. In fact, it began forming about two years ago. It also appears to have played a significant role in California’s record-setting drought.

You’ll also note that massive spear of warm water extending along the equator from South America across a good portion of the Pacific. That’s, El Niño — and it’s continuing to get stronger. It has, in fact, been called a “Godzilla El Niño…

So there you have it — exploding, toxic algae blooms, a Godzilla El Niño, and The Blob. If I weren’t such a weather weenie, I’d be bloody scared…

I might add that El Niño and the Blob together like this constitute something that I don’t believe has been seen before.  And so meteorologists and climatologists have been scratching their heads trying to figure out whether The Blob will interfere with a strong El Niño’s typical effects on weather. These include significantly boosted odds for copious winter precipitation in parts of California.

Will Godzilla eat the blob? What would that even mean? (And would Godzilla get sick from the toxic algae?!) We’ll have to wait another few months to learn the answers.

Source: Discover

“Mysterious” Extreme Warming Of Oceans Baffles Scientists


It is increasingly hard to find words which accurately describe the willful blindness of the so called "science" community. How high a price has the planet and global populations already paid for the behavior of the science community? No matter how enormous the global geoengineering "elephant in the room" becomes, no matter how much destruction and devastation the ongoing climate engineering assault causes, the effects are all a big "mystery" to the "experts". Ocean temperatures are skyrocketing along both coasts of the North American continent causing marine ecosystem collapse (see article posted further down this page). The experts correctly acknowledge that part of the warming is linked to carbon emissions, but then go on to admit "there may also be another explanation, so far undiscovered". The seas are warming so rapidly that researchers must constantly upgrade charts. The extreme ocean warming off the coasts of North America is clearly visible in the current departure from average sea temperature map below.

Click image to enlarge


Climate engineering is the most dire and immediate threat to the oceans, to us, and to the planet's life support systems as a whole. Short of nuclear cataclysm, climate engineering is the greatest threat we face. Many blame Fukushima for all the die-off of the Eastern Pacific, but there is much more to what is unfolding. The toxic heavy metal geoengineering aerosols being sprayed from jet aircraft (and the radio frequency transmissions used to manipulate them) are completely altering atmospheric convection, wind currents, ocean currents, ocean "mixing", and the hydrological cycle as a whole. The climate engineers have actively tried to suppress the El Niño event since at least 2007. The climate engineering is forcing ocean stratification which is contributing to an increasing "canfield ocean" condition. Our oceans are dying, if the oceans die, we die. Though there are countless forms of anthropogenic damage to our biosphere, academia has so far not shown a shred of courage in regard to openly acknowledging the geoengineering assault on the planet. The recently published article below is yet more proof of this fact. It is up to each and every one of us to expose this criminal denial and thus bring climate engineering to light once and for all. 
Dane Wigington


Geoengineering, Hurricane Manipulation, And Ocean Heat Buildup


Dane Wigington

Hurricanes (called cyclones in the western Pacific) have been actively and aggressively manipulated for a very long time. The more that the climate engineers hamper Earth's natural life support systems, the more dire our climate and environmental scenarios will become. Hurricanes in the Atlantic basin have been actively suppressed from becoming major circulations since 2006. Major landfall events to the US have been completely suppressed during this same time frame (hurricane Sandy was not a "major" hurricane, though it did do horrific damage). And what about the Gulf of Mexico? In spite of record warm waters, hurricanes have not been forming as conditions indicate they should. Any developing circulation in the Gulf is immediately knocked down and kept in check by the climate engineers. They do not want the sea of BP oil sitting on the bottom of the Gulf to get churned up. There is officially a hurricane "slump" in the Atlantic basin and the weather makers appear to have yet another mild hurricane season scheduled for the US in spite of record warm ocean temperatures. A single large cyclone in the right location of the Gulf would likely again scatter oil all over beaches yet again.


Some hurricanes are allowed to reach damaging intensity if they are going to impact Cuba, Haiti, or other parts of central America where damage can be tolerated or may even be a desired outcome. What about the hurricane season in the eastern Pacific (west of the US)? The 2014 season was the most active in 22 years. The western Pacific (east of Asia) is already off to a record year for cyclones. Massive and continuous cyclones in the western Pacific are wreaking havoc on many nations that are either adversarial to US "interests" or that the US wants to "occupy" by building military bases after it moves in damaged countries under humanitarian pretexts. Are cyclones in the Pacific actually being allowed to strengthen or even being augmented by the weather makers (with ionosphere heaters like HAARP) as a form of weather warfare? Why would we believe otherwise when available data makes clear the technology has existed for decades and has actively been used. 

Super typhoon Haiyan: survivors walk past a ship that lies on top of damaged homes

What is all this manipulation doing to the state of the oceans? The extremely rapid buildup of Co2 and methane in the atmosphere is an immense problem for life on Earth. The climate engineering insanity is an even bigger problem overall. The ongoing climate manipulation has prevented the planet from responding to the damage being done from other forms of anthropogenic activity while at the same time geoengineering programs themselves have added exponentially to the overall damage to the climate and atmosphere from countless directions. Earth's oceans are warming at the thermal energy release rate of 4 Hiroshima bombs per second, the warming is occurring so rapidly the records keep breaking the existing charts. The more man interferes with the life support systems of the planet, the less our chances of survival will be. Earth's oceans are dying along with the rest of the biosphere. Educate yourself and make your voice heard in this battle while there is yet time to make a difference. DW

The Oceans Are Dying And Governments Of No Conscience


Source: The Liberty Beacon, article by Roger Landry

Fukushima radiation, Navy exercises using depleted uranium ammunition, Geo-engineering, state sized garbage islands, continuous toxic dumping, etc… The oceans are dying off in ever increasing catastrophes, including the massive die-off of ocean plankton (produces over 60% of total global oxygen).

This planet is in serious trouble, but even more so humanity, because over many millennia the oceans will possibly heal themselves … BUT when the oceans die … So Does Humanity.

Yet where are the government alarm bells? Where is the massive push for research and solutions? Aren’t we a nation used to doing the impossible such as putting a man on the moon, defeating communism, splitting the atom etc…? But here we are facing an ever increasing, VERY REAL, threat to ALL life on this planet and we are stuck in neutral!

The Death Of The Eastern Pacific


If the oceans die, we die. The seas are being assaulted from countless sources and directions. The damage has accumulated far past the breaking point, there will be no hiding the gravity of what is unfolding for much longer. The power structure will then become more dangerous than ever. Governments and mainstream media are not giving any significant coverage on the extremely rapid ocean die-off. What part has climate engineering played in this cataclysm? Plenty. Geoengineering over the Eastern Pacific (which is off the west coast of the US) is constant, satellite imagery confirms this fact. In addition to solar radiation management (SRM), ocean fertilization is likely also being carried out as part of the geoengineering programs. Ocean fertilization has many decimating effects including the creation of low oxygen "dead zones" which are rapidly increasing and expanding. Ocean acidity is fueled due to the Co2 absorption that is forced by the fertilization process. Upper level wind patterns are being radically altered by the ongoing climate engineering. This in turn alters ocean currents, this factor is contributing to the continued massive heat build up in the Eastern Pacific as the long expected and predicted el nino has not been allowed to develop. The heat stays bottled up in the seas with dire consequences. Climate engineering is also shredding the ozone layer which exposes plankton to deadly levels of UV radiation. Global plankton populations are crashing which means the foundation of the food chain is crumbling. Climate engineering is nothing short of an all out assault on the biosphere and it is certainly a major factor in the shocking die-off outlined in the article below. Get educated, arm yourself with credible data, and help to sound the alarm.
Dane Wigington


Geoengineering And Ocean Die Off, It’s Not Just Fukushima


Stratospheric aerosol geoengineering is certainly having horrific effects on the entire world including the oceans. There are other forms of geoengineering focused specifically on the oceans. Those in power do not care what means they utilize to accomplish their goals, they never have. They are always blind to the overall long term decimation they cause in the pursuit of a short term goal. The oceans of the world are dying. There are a great many causes, including Fukushima, but is there a major factor that is being hidden from view? Again, the die off is global, not just in the Pacific. Fukushima is, of course, a cataclysm, but only one of many. There are big die offs occurring far from the reach of Fukushima's radiation.Though Fukushima radiation is contaminating the entire Pacific ocean and beyond, this contamination is not the primary causal factor behind the unfolding marine ecosystem collapse. Our seas are heating radically, becoming hypoxic and anoxic, and acidifying, there are countless anthropogenic factors / causes in this equation. The bottom is falling out from the ocean food chain, this will affect the entire web of life on Earth.  We know the power structure has long since unleashed the full destructive fury of climate engineering in the skies. We would be fools not to believe that they have been doing the same in the oceans for just as long. Dead zones are appearing everywhere in our seas, mass fish kills are now common. Just as the "official agencies" and "experts" have been completely silent about the cataclysmic climate manipulation, they have likely also turned two blind eyes to lethal ocean carbon sequestration experiments. The article below is new, it eludes to the possible if not probable likelihood of radical carbon sequestration engineering experiments. Carbon sequestration with iron fertilization experiments are already well documented. To keep the captured carbon from being quickly recycled back into the atmosphere by bacterial interaction an engineered virus could be used. Is this already happening? Why would we think this sort of experimentation is not being done? Why would anyone believe the geoengineers are not also experimenting in our oceans? Hypoxic zones (low oxygen) and anoxic zones (no oxygen) are increasing rapidly in our oceans. Algae blooms are associated with such zones. Are engineered viruses being used to sequester carbon from engineered algae blooms at the expense of killing our oceans? Perhaps a bit more time will unfold this mystery. Read the article below and decide for yourself if the dots seem to connect. The power structure is becoming more desperate and dangerous by the day. Their destructive actions will only get worse until all of us stand up in the fight to expose and stop them.
Dane Wigington

Why are massive numbers of sea creatures dying along the west coast right now?


Source: Activist Post

Never before have we seen so much death along the west coast of North America.  Massive numbers of sea stars, bluefin tuna, sardines, anchovies, herring, oysters, salmon, marine mammals and marine birds are dying, and experts are puzzled.  We are being told that we could even see “local extinctions” of some of these sea creatures.  So are all of these deaths related?  If so, what in the world could be causing this to happen?  What has changed so dramatically that it would cause massive numbers of sea creatures to die along the west coast?

Geoengineering Is Fueling Firestorm Catastrophes


Dane Wigington

Yet again forests in the Western US are incinerating as the US east coast is anomalously wet and cool. All official sources are blaming the rapidly increasing extreme and deadly wildfire behavior on global warming alone, but is that the full truth? What factors are “official sources” not informing us of in regard to the increasingly destructive wildfires?

The NASA satellite image above reveals massive climate engineering operations being carried out over vast expanses the Pacific ocean off of the US west coast. The geoengineering / solar radiation management operations completely disrupt the hydrological cycle and thus fuel drought and fires (a scenario which has been ongoing). The image was captured on Saturday, July 28th, 2018. This happened to be the day that a long planned climate engineering awareness and call to action event had to be canceled in Redding, California, due to the Carr fire. Smoke from the Carr fire is clearly visible on the NASA satellite image.

Though there are countless forms of human activity damaging the climate and biosphere, illegal global climate engineering / solar radiation management operations are a primary causal factor fueling catastrophic wildfires all over the globe (which official sources are not disclosing). Climate engineering is completely disrupting the hydrological cycle, triggering increasing dry lightning, destroying the ozone layer, contaminating soils, and covering everything at ground level with an incendiary dust (due to the fallout from atmosphere spraying programs). The 10 minute video below elaborates on the direct effect geoengineering operations are having on forest fires, their behavior and their frequency. Geoengineering is nothing less than weather warfare.

The Carr Fire in Redding, California, my hometown, is one of the latest catastrophic infernos to erupt.

A fully engulfed structure along HWY 299 near Redding California. Photo credit: AP/Noah Berger

Other recent western infernos also confirm the impact of climate intervention operations. The satellite animation below was recorded on October 11th, 2017, it is important to examine carefully. Anomalous, counter-directional and extreme wind patterns over the core wildfire region was a major contributing factor in the firestorm cataclysm that occurred in the Santa Rosa region of California . All official sources continue to ignore and omit any discussion of the ongoing illegal climate engineering operations.

The climate engineering atrocities are a primary factor in the equation of exponentially increasing forest fires and fire intensity. 44567

Forest fire, US West Coast. Photo credit: Rebecca Boatman

How is wildfire smoke being utilized by the climate engineers? The video report below provides alarming data.

All around the world forests are incinerating at an ever more rapid rate being further fueled by the climate engineering assault. If the current trajectory of biosphere collapse continues, these forests are not coming back.

All of us must work together in the effort to fully expose and halt the ongoing climate engineering / weather warfare assault. How? By circulating credible data from a credible source. Make your voice heard in this all important battle. 

The commentary below was added to this "Geoengineering Is Fueling Firestorm Catastrophes" post in response to many sensationalized claims, narratives and conclusions that are being circulated about the creation and / or causes of the recent and ongoing catastrophic California firestorms.

How do we most effectively expose and halt the catastrophic global climate engineering assault?  We must stand on solid verifiable ground in regard to the data and conclusions we share, or we will lose all credibility in this most important battle for the greater good. Any propagation of implausible sensationalized factually unsupportable speculation (that by its very nature provokes disbelief) only undermines credibility as we attempt to expose the very real and terrible climate engineering crimes being perpetrated against our dying planet.

Are recent and current California fires behaving in unprecedented ways and burning at exceptionally high temperatures? Yes. Are there reasons to believe the public is not being informed of key core issues that are directly related to the exponential increase in global forest fires? Yes. Does available data make clear that climate engineering in countless ways set the stage for the firestorm nightmares? Without question. 

All this being said, in regard to the recent and ongoing California firestorms there are a great many claims circulating on the internet that should cause us all to take immediate pause. These narratives include claims that everything from laser beams to military incendiary bombs were used to cause/create recent and ongoing catastrophic fires. Though laser and directed energy weapons do exist in some forms (, there is no documentation whatsoever to confirm any sky to ground laser / directed energy platform is even remotely capable of causing massive and instant vaporization of countless structures over vast expanses. If such instant and extreme destruction were to occur (from massive laser / energy beams, spiraling down from the sky in the middle of the night), they would certainly have been seen and documented by countless individuals. If such instant destruction technology does exist, and was used, why is there so much film footage of extreme wind and heat driven flames during the fires that caused structures to burn for hours? If “directed energy” weapons of this caliber and strength existed, and were used, CAL FIRE and thousands of residents would have to be a part of such a cover-up (which is completely implausible).  Again, though available data indicates that current laser technology could facilitate the ignition of ground fires from an airborne platform (any arsonist could do the same), there is no acknowledged technology that an airborne platform could completely and instantly "vaporize" structures in an instant flash of immense heat. There is absolutely no documentation of structures being instantly incinerated. Powerful lasers are ground based in massive facilities that require immense amounts of power, components, and personnel.

Something to consider, many are claiming that standing trees next to completely burned to the slab structures is proof of  "DEW" weapons. Why? It is claimed that highly flammable structures that have burned to the ground should not leave adjacent living trees that didn't burn to the ground. Is this accurate? First, lets examine and consider the historical photos below from the 1923  "Berkeley Fire". These images reveal exactly the same "standing trees next to burned to the slab homes" scenario that so many claim is proof of "directed energy weapons", the Berkeley Fire happened 37 years before the first primitive laser was even invented

The 1923 Berkeley fire aftermath exactly resembles current fire ravaged landscapes (including standing trees near burned to the slab structures).

Another image from the 1923 Berkeley Fire

The image above (also from the 1923 Berkeley Fire) is especially revealing in regard to the false claim that still standing trees adjacent to burned to the ground structures are "proof" of "directed energy weapons" (DEW). Again, the photo above was taken 37 years before the first primitive laser weapon was even invented. Unfortunately, sensationalized false narratives completely distract from and undermine the critical effort to expose and halt global climate engineering operations (which are verifiably a core causal factor fueling the exponential increase in, and ferocity of, global forest fires).

Historical videos of the 1923 Berkeley fire are even more revealing than the still photos of the event. Below are two short film footage clips of the historic Berkeley fire. This footage reveals structure fire behavior scenarios that are parallel to what is occurring today.

Many are further claiming that such structures are now burning at temperatures much hotter than a "normal" fire because of "DEW" weapons which it is claimed is the reason that the structure burned to the slab. Again, historical images prove structures have always "burned to the foundation" under extreme fire conditions (now made far worse by climate engineering). Does the "DEW" weapon extreme heat and vaporization narrative even make sense? If a structure was instantly vaporized by a some sort of laser weapon that delivered an extraordinary blast of incinerating heat to a dwelling, why would there still be standing trees anywhere near any structures that were incinerated in the manner described? If (as is being claimed) a "natural" fire would never have burned so hot, wouldn't that make it more likely to see standing trees next to a structure that was burned by expected combustion processes? In regard to the still standing trees near burned structures, more later in this report.

Again, though some have referred to technology (that does exist) for extremely powerful laser and plasma beams, emission can only be produced from a ground based source with access to extremely high levels of power. Any such powerful emission could not be produced from an overflying aircraft or a satellite. Even a full scale massive electrical power plant (that was somehow able to fly) could not even begin to produce such an emission. And consider this, the most powerful laser beams (that have been created under test conditions in ground facilities) only existed for a trillionth of a second, and was only 2 millimeters wide, thats it.  We must remember and consider that the California wind driven firestorms raged and spread for days over extensive areas.

We must also stop to consider all the converging factors that are fueling the firestorm cataclysms.  Record low fuel moisture contents (directly connected to climate engineering). Extreme and unpredictable wind conditions which can be directly connected to convection manipulation via jet aircraft dispersions of atmospheric aerosols (that are a core part of climate engineering operations). Accumulated incendiary dust (from climate engineering fallout) not only laying on the surface of forest foliage, but blowing in the winds around and above the fires. About the trees that are still standing in many photos of fire burn areas, green living trees are not prone to burning beyond the foliage and thinner branches. Larger living green trees will not fully incinerate (unlike dwellings that contain no imbedded fuel moisture). In the case of the Santa Rosa firestorms many of the trees were Redwoods which are extremely fire resistant. All should take the time to look up more information on this, here is one sample link, FYI

Redwood trees have very thick bark which has a lot of water inside it. They also DO NOT have any pitch inside the trunks which is a very flammable substance found in many other trees. Another factor that helps to make the redwood trees fireproof is the fact that they do not have any of the resins that other trees like pine and the sap that the tree contains is made up of a majority of water also adding to the fireproofing ability.

As already stated, other species of living and green trees would also not completely burn in the same manner as dried and fully cured building materials, not at all. Any that have ever tried to burn a completely green log in a fire will know this. Such a piece of “fuel” will not burn, the moisture is too impregnated in it. Ever put a paper cup filled with water in a fire? It, also, will not burn until the water boils out. The top of the cup burns down in pace with the water boiling out. Though the crowns of many pine species are, of course, highly combustible, the trunks and heavy branches are not (assuming the tree was alive when exposed to fire).

Back to the extreme heat and wind in these fires, like a bellows (or blower) for a forge, such extreme conditions can rapidly increase combustion and thus temperatures. Such extreme conditions and winds also scatter embers at unimaginable speed onto landscapes, into attics, eaves, etc, where the embers are fanned by the high winds into further combustion. Many older homes are built with extremely flammable materials (with eve and roof vents that DO NOT stop embers), and many even with wood sub-floors which provide even more fuel at the critical base of dwelling fires. Once sub-floors have been burned away, it would provide a cavity for some larger incombustible materials to fall into (such as porcelain sinks and toilets which extreme heat can also shatter).

Structure fires are much hotter and burn longer than a forest fire, and in many cases, what you find is a single home ignites and then like dominos falling other homes catch on fire. This is exactly what is occurred in California communities like Santa Rosa.

As homes in close proximity ignite, all of the natural gas and / or propane supplied to homes adds further fuel to the wind blown furnace flames. Once fully ablaze, one home can ignite those immediately adjacent to it from the radiant heat alone. Homes across a street could be far enough away to be spared. Also, in scenarios where one home was in ashes next to another that did not burn, fire crews may have been present and actively watering down homes that had not yet ignited. Again, some next to other homes that were fully ablaze. In regard to the many badly burned vehicles, none of those making the "directed energy weapons" claims have bothered to mention the obvious, vehicles all have fuel tanks that radically accelerate and heat fires once the vehicle is fully ablaze. Those that have ever seen the remains of a vehicle that has fully incinerated along the side of a highway know that such vehicles look exactly like those in the firestorms. 

I viewed a number of videos that show trees burning from the inside out, with some claiming this was proof of a laser weapon. This, also, is verifiably false. I have personally witnessed  this exact scenario dozens of times over years of controlled burns on my own habitat reserve land, and fighting on the front line of wildfires that have occurred with staggering frequency on and near my acreage on the east side of Lake Shasta.. Any ember that settles into a hollowed out and decaying tree trunk will start such a fire as those featured in videos claiming directed energy weapons were used. In several instances I have witnessed trees that had a rotted hollow at the base of the trunk which allowed air in, and embers. Once the rotted core ignited and burned up through the rotted center of the trees (completely rotted cores are now common in still living trees due to epidemic fungal infections in the forest), the trees  literally looked like a blow torch with flames shooting out from the top. Please, don't believe me about trees with rotting cores burning from embers being common, ask any wild land firefighter how many times they have witnessed this phenomenon, it is extremely common. About the extreme heat and wind blown fire scenarios, again, if and when the heat plum from a fire is blowing along at ground level, combustibles one side or another may not be very effected from the directional flow of flames and heat that is being pushed in a particular direction due to the powerful winds. I am speaking from personal experience, not from speculation.

Some videos claimed brick or rock walls on some sides of some homes had disappeared, all of the “before and after” photos I have seen of this showed veneer walls of brick or rock, not walls that were actually constructed of these materials. Some of the same circulating videos claim that glass or aluminum could not melt in a wildfire, also false. Anyone that has ever put bottle into a hot camp fire and left it in the core of hot coals all night knows better. The same with an aluminum can. And, again, to be clear, all the factors I mentioned in this report must be remembered. Yes, these fires are unprecedented, the heat and behavior is unprecedented, geoengineering is inarguably a major factor that set the stage. Fires are increasingly ignited in the worse possible locations at the worst possible times. Do these fires serve many agendas of those in power? Yes, absolutely, but we must still stand on solid ground with the data and conclusions we share with any breaking news story if we are to retain credibility.

I know many people who are now claiming no one died (and no one was injured) in Las Vegas, claiming that it was all staged. This narrative is also very harmful to the cause of credibility. I have a long term friendship with a former Green Beret who just lost two close colleagues in Las Vegas. Though the Las Vegas event also has countless unanswered questions, and appears to be anything but what official sources are telling us, people were injured and died. The notion that thousands of people, including emergency workers and hospitals, could all be in on some grand conspiracy theater, is not rational. Are we to believe that 9/11 was only a staged slaughter? That people did not die there? Let’s all remember that those in power do not care how many they kill (collateral damage) to accomplish their agenda. Are we to believe the power structure would go to unimaginable lengths to avoid killing anyone in the Las Vegas event? Such a conclusion is also not rational given what we know about the demeanor of those in power. Many of the sites and sources pushing the " laser beams / directed energy beams" created the fires” false narrative are also propagating the “Flat Earth” and “global warming is a hoax” false and highly discrediting narratives.

William Thomas, a former member of the U.S. Navy Reserves, author of Chemtrails Confirmed, and the reporter who broke the “chemtrails” story for Environment News Service in 1998, observes that smoke is the bane of atmospheric lasers. 

Directed-energy beams from military lasers are scattered and diffused by curtains of smoke, as well as water vapor (clouds) and rain.

And sandstorms. “Just look what happened during the U.S. invasion of Iraq when directed-energy sensors on aircraft, gunships and armor were shut down by blowing sand,” this author of Bringing The War Home wrote to geoengineeringwatch.

There is no way (unverified) space-based lasers could penetrate the smoke over the vast U.S. wildfires with enough focused energy remaining to light a campfire.

In the case of the “global warming is a hoax” disinformation, this is in fact exactly the false narrative that the power structure and the geoengineers want. Why would anyone who claims to be fighting climate engineering / geoengineering push this kind of disinformation? 

There is also the false and completely undocumented claim reporting  “water vapor machines” are producing all the moisture for storms. Again, this narrative is verifiably absurd.

Credibility is so very critical in the fight for the greater good. Logic, reason, and due diligence investigation must be a part of the equation, or hard earned credibility is completely sacrificed. The truth is more than alarming enough, we must make every effort to stand on solid and factual ground. Credibility is extremely difficult to earn, and so very easy to lose.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Global Weather Modification Assault Causing Climate Chaos And Environmental Catastrophe


Dane Wigington

Global climate engineering encompasses many different aspects and processes. The consequences of the climate engineering insanity are already unquantifiable and growing by the day. Though each aspect of this subject is more than enough for an in depth article, there is often a need for more of an overall summary to pass on to those that are not aware of the broader picture.

What Major Factor Causing "Climate Change" Are They Not Telling Us About?

More alarming articles and studies are surfacing each day which confirm the rapidly changing state of Earth's life support systems and climate. Humanity has decimated the planet in countless ways and the repercussions are becoming catastrophic. Though there are certainly many parts to this unfolding story, the largest piece of the puzzle by far still goes completely unacknowledged by the entire scientific community and all of the main stream media / corporate / military / industrial complex. The massive elephant in the room has been, and still is, "stratospheric aerosol geoengineering" (SAG), AKA  "solar radiation management" (SRM).

‘Beyond The Extreme’: Scientists Marvel At ‘Increasingly Non-Natural’ Arctic Warmth

Arctic temperature difference from normal during January. (

Source: The Washington Post

The Arctic is so warm and has been this warm for so long that scientists are struggling to explain it and are in disbelief. The climate of the Arctic is known to oscillate wildly, but scientists say this warmth is so extreme that humans surely have their hands in it and may well be changing how it operates.

Temperatures are far warmer than ever observed in modern records, and sea ice extent keeps setting record lows.

Climate Engineering, Final Fatal Folly Of The Human Race


Dane Wigington

Planet Earth, and all that live on it, are in the throws of unimaginable and immediate upheavals.  Even at this late hour, with the walls closing in from every side, the vast majority are completely oblivious to the tidal wave that is towering above our heads. Earth's climate and life support systems are unraveling at unimaginable speed as we free fall into the 6th great mass extinction on our planet.  In spite of all this verifiably and undeniably occurring, for the vast majority the immediate threat of a lifeless planet is not even on the radar as the graph below clearly indicates. 


The total moral depravity, deception and betrayal by mainstream media  has now ensured that the population as a whole has no idea how close the current reality is to completely and permanently disintegrating. 

Our planet is dying, this is a statistical and mathematical fact. The life that Earth has supported for untold millions of years will soon perish if there is not an immediate and total change of direction for the human race.


Some 200 species of Earth's plants, animals, and insects are going extinct every single day.

In the last 40 years over half of Earth's wildlife had been killed off while the human population has doubled in the same period. How long can such a trend possibly continue?


Well over 200,000 people are added to the planet each and every day.

As anthropogenic activity began to overburden and heat the biosphere (since the onset of the industrial revolution),  some 70+ years ago those in power made the fateful decision to attempt the engineering of Earth's climate system in the self-serving and suicidal effort to keep "business as usual" and to use the weather as a weapon of war. Aside from the inarguable destruction of weather warfare, the ever expanding global geoengineering/solar radiation management/ocean fertilization programs have now manifested into the greatest and most immediate threat to life on Earth short of nuclear cataclysm. Recent studies confirm that  geoengineering and ocean fertilization CAN'T WORK. After 70+ years of climate engineering and weather warfare, the planet now appears to be descending into a runaway greenhouse event, an "abrupt climate shift" that could lead to "Venus Syndrome".


2015 was the warmest year since record keeping began, breaking the record just set in 2014. 2016 will break the record again and is already on path to do so. January 2016 was the warmest month ever recorded on our planet, February 2016 completely shattered that record again. Global Geoengineering is not mitigating global warming, it is helping to fuel it overall. Short term (toxic) cool-downs can be achieved at the cost of an even worse overall warming. The "global warming slowdown" narrative was a carefully crafted and well funded lie to help the geoengineers sell their programs of destruction as successful, a complete fallacy.

How fast is the far North warming? At an astounding and completely unprecedented pace.


We are in uncharted territory as the Arctic meltdown spirals out of control spawning numerous climate feedback loops.

The Northern Hemisphere is warming at an even faster pace than the Southern Hemisphere. This is astounding considering the constant record heat that is occurring in locations like Australia.


The deployment of global climate engineering was deployed at a significant scale just after WWll. Though there was an initial cooling effect as is clearly visible on the graph above, the rapid buildup of greenhouse gasses like Co2 and methane, and the countless negative consequences of solar radiation management built up rapidly. These factors soon overwhelmed the initial cooling effect of climate engineering and the planetary warming continued upward in the mid 70s, this trend is now accelerating. As previously mentioned, the ever more massive geoengineering assault is now only making an already horrific climate scenario far worse overall in addition to contaminating the entire surface of the planet. Geoengineering is also a form of biological warfare.

In the completely misguided and unimaginably destructive attempt to temporarily and toxically cool some regions of the US, the climate engineers are heavily spraying (aerosolizing) massive flows of moisture that are pouring into the country from the west and the south. The brighter the reflection of the cloud cover on the combination satellite radar map below, the more aerosolized it is. The more moisture the geoengineers have to work with, the more spraying they carry out. The goal of solar radiation management is to broadcast out the available moisture into the most expansive cloud canopy possible. The planetary decimation from the ongoing climate intervention grows by the day, the creation of record drought in some regions, record deluge in others, and lethal ozone layer destruction, are only a few of the endless list of known consequences. 


The atmospheric aerosol saturation tends to create an amorphous featureless cloud canopy when viewed from the ground below the flow of "storms" and atmospheric moisture currents. 

The electrically conductive heavy metal aerosols that are saturated into the incoming moisture flows can then be scattered into a much wider region with the use of ground based radio frequency transmissions. The image below was taken on 3-9-2016 as the moisture streams in over the Pacific Northwest from the record warm Pacific Ocean. The transmitter location is northeast of Portland Oregon. The radio frequency transmissions are utilized to scatter the available moisture into vast regions of mostly rainless overcast skies as show in many locations on the previous map.


The process of manipulating atmosphere moisture (for creating SRM  cloud canopy over the largest possible regions) is wreaking havoc on the climate and ecosystems.

What is the effect of using the flow of moisture from the west for a form of "evaporative cooler" ? As already mentioned, the climate engineers can temporarily and toxically cool some regions at the cost of a worsened warming overall. If the NOAA "forecast" map below does not alarm you, it should. Each shade of color represents a 2-4 degree variance of temperature, above or below "normal", depending on the color hue. Record shattering warmth will continue in much of the country  ( adding to what is already the warmest US winter on record ) as the West gets the toxic cool-down complete with constant chemical ice nucleation of the incoming moisture flow.


Extreme and unprecedented imbalances like those shown in the map above are telltale signs of a climate system that is completely unraveling. Though there are countless sources of anthropogenic damage to the biosphere and climate system, global geoengineering is mathematically the most destructive of all.

The Total Betrayal Of The Climate Science Community

Mainstream media is not the only group that has completely betrayed humanity, the climate science community has done the same. Though a constant parade of false headlines from well funded sources has convinced many that the climate change threat is being exaggerated, the exact opposite is true. What we face is far more grave and immediate than any of the "worst case predictions" from completely controlled organizations like the IPCC (the largest scientific panel ever created in human history). The most severe betrayal is now coming from "science organizations" like "AMEG" (the Arctic Methane Emergency Group). Though AMEG's assessment of the threat from thawing and releasing methane deposits is valid, AMEG's call for global geoengineering are nothing short of criminal tyranny

Arctic Methane Emergency Group (AMEG) -Blog of AMEG, the Arctic Methane Emergency Group, discussing the situation in the Arctic and the action necessary to avoid catastrophic warming, including the need for geoengineering to be accepted as an indispensable part of a comprehensive plan of action to cool the Arctic and to bring the atmosphere and oceans back to their pre-industrial state.

In regard to AMEG's call for emergency geoengineering to be immediately deployed (as if it has not already been going on for 70 years with catastrophic consequences), there are only two possibilities, either they are criminally ignorant of the very subject of which they claim to be experts, or they are lying. In either case, their calls for the commencement of climate engineering is criminal and should be publicly confronted. Taking the time to locate public email contacts for AMEG members, mainstream media and meteorological personnel, is essential. These contacts should then be circulated to others so that a constraint stream of communications calling for their accountability can be unleashed by the public. Such communications must be articulate and peaceful. This being said, the communications can and should point out that the public is rapidly waking up to the climate engineering crimes and will certainly soon hold legally and morally accountable ALL THOSE that directly or indirectly participated in these crimes. This includes all the journalists, scientists, and meteorologists that helped to hide the ongoing geoengineering assault by deceiving the public about the issue. There can be NO LEGITIMATE DISCUSSION about the state of the climate without first and foremost addressing the ongoing global climate engineering insanity. As the climate system continues to implode, the power structure will be more dangerous than ever before. Will WWlll be their final option as populations awaken to their crimes? There is much work to be done in this critical fight for the greater good, all of us must make our voices heard while we yet have time to do so.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Winter Storms With Record Heat, What’s Wrong With This Picture?


Dane Wigington

As strong plumes of moisture flow in off of the record warm Pacific ocean, heavy aerosol spraying of chemical ice nucleating materials begin the cool-down that is paving the way for "winter storm Ferus", the latest creation from the climate engineering cabal. The combination satellite radar image below reveals the flow of Pacific moisture over the Western US. It also reveals the extremely long plume of moisture and aerosolized cloud cover spanning from far out into the Eastern Pacific, all the way to Greenland. The brighter the white of the cloud cover, the more aerosolized it is. 


The composition of the ever expanding aerosolized cloud canopies are very different than natural cloud formations. Some "streaking" can be seen on the image above from the constant aerosol dispersions.

The aerosolization/chemical nucleation process (causing an endothermic reaction) dries up much of the moisture and scatters it over a much broader area. What is the result? A "winter snow storm" from a flow of moisture that originated over record warm ocean temperatures of the Pacific. The climate engineers are looking for "winter" headlines to counter the current record warmth in the Eastern US,  down under in Australia, and even unprecedented winter forest fires in places like Spain.


Record forest fires are now occurring during all seasons and all over the planet. Click HERE for a photo gallery of the fires in Spain.

In spite of all the global hot spots, (and the increasingly rapid overall planetary warming), the climate engineers are throwing everything they can at "winter storm Ferus".


Naming the engineered "winter storms" dramatizes the headlines, the desired effect for the geoengineers and the power structure controlled Weather Channel.

Does the scenario in the NOAA map below look in any way "normal"? The current scenario is the exact antithesis of the previous three winters in the US, it is completely engineered.


The geoengineers are becoming increasingly blatant and desperate as the unraveling of the climate system continues to pick up momentum.

A record warm Christmas is likely in the very locations that had record cold and record snow only last year. How warm will it likely be in the Eastern US? The air temperature map below should be a wake up call.


The actual temperatures are likely to be even higher than the "official" forecasts and the "official" daily high readings reported. Underreporting of temperature readings is now becoming the norm as the power structure desperately tries to hide the full gravity of what is unfolding around us all (while making the situation even worse at the same time).

What are the long term global temperature trends?  Multiple record graphing sources and an endless flow of frontline data paint a clear picture. Though the flow of disinformation in regard to the true state of the climate is epidemic, people must learn to look behind the headlines and the sources used to make them. Frontline data is the bottom line, those who truly want to get at the truth will take the time to examine such data.


The rate of planetary warming is beyond dire, geoengineering is making the situation far worse, not better. Thousands of high temperature records have been set in the US during the last two weeks, many more will fall before the end of 2015. This will be the warmest year on record with temperatures shattering the former record set only last year. 2016 will likely break the record yet again. Even the world's lakes are heating and dying.

Massive methane releases may have already pushed the planet into a runaway greenhouse event, climate engineering has also exacerbated the overall methane scenario.


It is imperative for populations to wake up and realize the immediacy of the challenge we face. The equation could not be more "non-linear".

Though there are countless sources of anthropogenic activity decimating the planet and the climate system, global geoengineering is at the top of the list. The extreme temperature imbalances and climate engineering contamination fallout are wreaking havoc on the biosphere and all life.

Screen Shot 2015-12-21 at 2.08.19 PM

The temperature extremes reflected in the map above are unprecedented. 

The extreme heating of ever larger regions is beyond alarming. Many areas of Eastern North America are likely to be as much as 30 degrees above normal by Christmas eve. The planet's ability to support life is rapidly slipping away, what will you do? What will all of us do? Our challenges are many, but exposing and halting climate engineering should be, must be, our top priority. Make your voice heard by passing on credible information to all those around you, to all those that will listen. It is up to all of us to make every day count in this most critical battle.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Hotties, Coolers & The Geoengineers


by William Thomas

(See Illustrated version here)

Feeling the heat? How about some Coolers?

Not the drink.

The cult.

You know. Folks like Alex Newman, who in August 2013 slammed “wildly inaccurate supposed 'climate models'… that predicted major warming based on increasing CO2 levels.”

Computer programs failing to factor seesawing ocean temperatures known as the Pacific Decadal Oscillation had slightly overestimated the rate of 1998-2012 warming, which began with an extremely warm year and the strongest El Niño yet recorded and ended in somewhat less warm years of reduced El Niño activity. The corrections due to El Niño fluctuations “were in the range of a few hundredths of a degree” and did not affect the overall upward warming trend, Earth scientists point out. There was no “warming hiatus”. [Real Climate June/15]

Temperature records everywhere were still being torched. In late July 2013, China’s meteorological center issued a nationwide “Red” temperature alert for 14 straight days as an ocean “heat dome” stalled off the China coast, cooking Shanghai at 105ºF. High humidity made record temperatures lethal as residents fried eggs atop manhole covers. [Robert Scribblers Aug 6/13; Washington Post Aug 8/13]

Geoengineering Epitomizes Industrialized Suicide


The majority still subscribe to the delusion of industrialized society as a benefit to the human race, but can such a conclusion be rationally defended? Global climate modification is the pinnacle of industrialized insanity and arrogance. Even now, as life on our planet is struggling desperately to survive, the military industrial complex that rules the world is pouring Earth's dwindling finite resources into yet more destruction with geoengineering at the top of the list.
Dane Wigington

The Point of No Return: Climate Change Nightmares Are Already Here


Source: Rolling Stone

Historians may look to 2015 as the year when shit really started hitting the fan. Some snapshots: In just the past few months, record-setting heat waves in Pakistan and India each killed more than 1,000 people. In Washington state's Olympic National Park, the rainforest caught fire for the first time in living memory. London reached 98 degrees Fahrenheit during the hottest July day ever recorded in the U.K.; The Guardian briefly had to pause its live blog of the heat wave because its computer servers overheated. In California, suffering from its worst drought in a millennium, a 50-acre brush fire swelled seventyfold in a matter of hours, jumping across the I-15 freeway during rush-hour traffic. Then, a few days later, the region was pounded by intense, virtually unheard-of summer rains. Puerto Rico is under its strictest water rationing in history as a monster El Niño forms in the tropical Pacific Ocean, shifting weather patterns worldwide.

Massive Highly Toxic Algae Bloom Fuels Total Marine Ecosystem Collapse


Dane Wigington

Our oceans are dying by the day, especially along the North American West Coast. Official agencies pretend not to understand what is unfolding in our seas, this is a lie. It is the assigned task of agency "experts" and mainstream media to downplay the most dire issues in order to keep the public calm or confused. I know many agency employees and with few exceptions, this is the case. Though many independent news sources want to place the blame for the dying seas on a single source or cause, there are in fact a great many factors involved, all of them related to human activity.  One example of the countless species dying are seals which have been littering West Coast beaches.
Fukushima is one problem, but only one. The US Navy war games along the West Coast using live depleted uranium ammunition is another factor. There is of course pollution, overfishing, etc, but what are the most likely core causes? The oceans are warming at an unprecedented pace, this is due to the rapidly worsening anthropogenic greenhouse effect which has been significantly worsened by 65+ years of climate engineering. Geoengineering has destroyed the ozone layer which allows lethal levels of UV radiation through to Earth's surface. The excessive UV is decimating plankton populations and fueling the thermal buildup of heat on our planet. Climate engineering has also radically disrupted wind patterns which in turn affects ocean currents. This has contributed to extreme pockets of ocean heat due to a lack of ocean circulation and mixing. "Red tides" and the death they bring to the seas will continue to increase. Since at least 2007 the climate engineers have aggressively tried to suppress the the development of el nino events, this has greatly contributed to the ocean heat build up (and the consequences of the heat) that we are now seeing
red tide
The die-off of sea stars along the North American West Coast has also been horrific. Much of the Eastern Pacific ocean is superheating, a very dire fact that most of the population is still completely unaware of thanks to the mainstream media machine of mass distraction.
starfish die-off
A mass invasion and die-off of red tuna crabs is still occurring along the beaches of Southern California and Northern Baja. No matter how prolific and widespread the carnage becomes along our shores, for many it seems all the death is only an amusement. 
dead tuna crabs
vellela die-off
Another form of geoengineering, "ocean fertilization", is also contributing to the ever expanding dead zones around the globe. Overheated seas are dead seas, the current heat buildup on planet Earth is equal to 400,000 Hiroshima bombs per day. Rapidly rising levels of greenhouse gases and heat will intensify algae blooms and marine die-offs. We are in free fall toward what is known as "Canfield Ocean", if the oceans die, we die. Effectively and credibly exposing climate engineering MUST be our top priority if we are to salvage anything of our once thriving planet's life support systems, make your voice heard. With every day that passes, the front line data on the marine die-off is becoming more dire. The massive algae bloom unfolding on the North American West Coast is completely unprecedented.

Manipulating The Climate, Manipulating The Data


Dane Wigington

Take a good look at the latest NOAA "forecast" map below, the radical temperature anomalies it shows are meteorologically unprecedented. Each color band represents 2-3 degrees of temperature escalation or decline depending on the color shading. Blues are below normal, reds and oranges are above. In summary, the NOAA map shows three distinct extremely hot zones with one below normal zone of cooler than normal. How can there be such anomalies? Radical and highly destructive climate manipulation is how.


All NOAA modeling is done by defense contractor Raytheon (a part of the climate engineering cabal). This makes the weather "forecasts" nothing more than the "scheduled" weather.

The global power structure has tried to sell geoengineering as "mitigation" for global warming by manipulating constant cool-downs in the same areas over and over again as they did in Boston during the 2014-2015 winter, but what is the overall cost of such engineered events? What is the true extent of climate system damage attributable to the ongoing climate manipulation? Climate engineering is radically worsening an already horrific planetary warming. The warming accelerating, not slowing down, geoengineering is helping to fuel the fire. Intentionally creating hot zones in one area actually appears to be a part of the process the climate engineers use to engineer a cool-down elsewhere. The high pressure heat domes rotate the upper level winds clockwise in the northern hemisphere, this is connected to jet stream manipulation. When the atmosphere is saturated with electrically conductive ozone destroying metallic particulates, and then microwaved with radio frequencies from ionosphere heaters like HAARP, heat and high pressure can be created. 


HAARP is only one of many ionosphere heater installations around the globe

The rate of biosphere warming never slowed down, it is accelerating. Many point to the "climate gate" event as proof that there was no warming and data was being falsified, this conclusion was a manufactured lie. This is not to say that data isn't being falsified, it is, but in the opposite direction of what many would like to believe. The planet is already exponentially hotter than what is being "officially" disclosed. A colleague I know with the union of concerned scientists has monitored a 4.6 degree UNDERREPORTING of high temperatures in Northern California, other experts who are also monitoring temperatures have noted a similar underreporting in regions investigated. The planet is in full blown meltdown, climate engineering/weather warfare is making the overall situation far worse, not better, and the power structure is doing everything it can to hide this fact while they prepare for total environmental and societal collapse. Those that have any sincere regard for the truth will actually investigate what is happening on the front lines around the globe. Forests are burning to the ground at a record pace all over the globe. From the Pacific Northwest, to Spain, to Siberia, forests are incinerating as temperatures go off the charts. As of the writing of this article yet another out of control blaze is raging in Alaska.  Rapidly rising sea levels are causing increasing havoc around the globe, Arctic ice hit a record low this winter


Sea levels are rising rapidly around the globe. It is important to remember sea level rise does NOT occur in a uniform fashion, it varies

How bad is it? The latest data is more alarming than ever before. In spite of "official" temperatures being falsified to the DOWN SIDE by the power structure in order to confuse populations and help to sell climate engineering behind the scenes to governments around the globe as a "cure", for the meltdown is accelerating rapidly. 2015 is on pace to shatter the all time record warm year just set in 2014. Ocean temperatures are increasing so rapidly that the temperature charts cannot keep up. Extremely alarming warm zones are now appearing which appear to be directly linked to massive marine die-off.

New Delhi Heat

Roads are actually melting from deadly heat waves, this one in India has killed over 1400 people so far

If we are to have any chance of success in the battle to expose and halt the climate engineering insanity, we MUST have credibility. Credibility comes with standing on conclusions built with solid and verifiable facts. Climate engineering is making a very bad climate situation far worse, not better, and is contaminating the entire planet in the process. Stand on solid facts, make your voice heard in this fight for the common good. 

Criminal Governments, Apathetic Populations, And Climate Disintegration


The all out human decimation of our biosphere is manifesting itself by the day. The planet’s climate system is unravelling as the planet continues into meltdown. The worse conditions become, the deeper many will descend into denial, but their denial will not save them. Earth is dying and even now most of the global population remains completely oblivious thanks to the constant bombardment of distractions from the government controlled mainstream media machine of deception which the majority of people are still all too wiling to embrace. When links begin to fall out of the chain that keeps industrialized society running, the implosion of the reality we have all known will be fast and furious. The power structure is rapidly preparing for this approaching inevitability, we must expose them before they have completely tightened the noose around our collective necks. If humanities current trajectory of total environmental destruction is not completely altered, it will very soon be game over. The single biggest leap we could take in the right direction is to expose and halt the climate engineering insanity. If we can do this, we must then face a long list of additional and rapidly mounting challenges directly related to the human assault on the planet. Each and every one of us has a responsibility to do everything we can to credibly and effectively sound the alarm within the limits of our individual circumstances. Fighting for the common good is not an option, it's an obligation. The article below is hard hitting and well written, but, of course, does not mention the geoengineering reality. We must all understand that mainstream authors fully realize what would happen to them if they did speak of the climate engineering issue, they would feel the immediate wrath of the power structure.
Dane Wigington

The Era Of Industrialized Civilization Is Rapidly Coming To An End


The "Holocene Epoch" is a term which refers to "the age of man". This age is rapidly coming to a chaotic and destructive end. Man's arrogance and contempt toward the planet which has allowed him to exist is truly beyond comprehension. The epitome of this contempt and insanity can be most easily recognized by man's attempt to control Earth's very life support systems, to control the climate. Modern Civilization has completely lost sight of its ultimate and total dependence on the natural world. Much of our "highly educated" society has virtually no understanding or regard whatsoever of the complex and miraculous factors that allow life to exist on our once thriving planet. Yes, those that rule the world are unimaginably corrupt and psychotic, but those in society put them there and allowed them to stay in power in exchange for the material goods and distractions that industrialized society provided. Only if we face the whole truth do we have any chance of changing our course of certain extinction. The article below (like so many others from countless sources) does not acknownledge the critical climate engineering issue, this being said, the data it contains is still valid. 
Dane Wigington

The Climate Engineers Can No Longer Suppress El Niño


Dane Wigington

From every conceivable direction the climate engineers continue to wreak total havoc on the planet and its life support systems. Their attempt to "own the weather" has now put virtually all life on Earth in the balance. The periodic "El Niño" phenomenon is the planet's process of releasing excess heat from the oceans. El Niño events are directly associated with record warm global temperatures as the seas release this excess heat. Even without an El Niño, 2014 was the warmest year ever recorded on our planet as rapidly rising ocean temperatures shattered records.


Since at least 2007 the geoengineers have done everything they could to prevent El Niño from forming in a highly destructive attempt to keep global temperatures down. In recent years the El Niño has been described as being "elusive" and "super weird". How could the geoengineers actually affect the El-Niño process? By maintaining the "ridiculously resilient ridge" of high pressure over the US west coast (which scientists just can't figure out since they are forbidden to even mention climate engineering). 

High Pressure

This constant ridge of high pressure is a phenomenon which is fueled by ionosphere heaters like "HAARP" along with the constant spraying of atmospheric aerosols. The "ridiculously resilient ridge" has in effect altered the trade winds normally associated with the development of El Niño and thus kept the rapidly building heat on our planet contained in the now record warm oceans. The warming oceans are also fueling an unfolding methane release global catastrophe. Along with the warming, the now altered wind and ocean currents (and ocean stratification), are pushing us toward a "Canfield ocean" scenario.

Ocean Temps

The image above shows clearly the radically above normal ocean temperatures around the globe.

This ridge of high pressure continues to bake California in record shattering heat and drought. Even if El Niño does form, the geoengineers  can still keep the rain cut off to the now parched US West if they choose to do so, which it seems is what they have planned. What happens when the El Niño process is actively suppressed? As should be expected, interference with Earth's life support systems can only bring about very bad consequences. Now the bottled up heat is so extreme that is contributing (along with numerous other factors) to mass marine ecosystem die-off and ocean dead zones in the Pacific


Active hurricane suppression in the Atlantic basin by the geoengineers has contributed to built up heat and dead zones there as well. Oceans around the globe are dying, marine ecosystem collapse is accelerating at an ever more rapid pace. Global climate engineering is the absolute epitome of human arrogance and insanity. Not only is geoengineering contaminating the entire web of life, these programs are making an already bad planetary warming scenario far worse overall, not better (though the climate engineers can and are creating short term toxic cooling in some regions, especially the eastern US).  The battle to expose and stop the ongoing geoengineering is nothing short of a fight for life, make your voice heard in this critical fight. DW

Is Geoengineering Pushing Us Into Climate Chaos?


By William Thomas, contributing writer for

The short answer is yes.

Here's how…

Start with something dynamic, like the weather and its increasing propensity toward sudden, drastic and lingering surprises. As the geologic record of mass extinctions repeatedly shows, if pushed too far by various atmospheric forcings (like mass methane releases or meltwater shutdowns of ocean circulations),  the longer-term weather patterns we call climate can change drastically, for a very long time, within a decade. Or a year.

Geoengineers understand that complex weather behaviour emerges from a few simple initial conditions. Change those conditions along a broad atmospheric front by deploying aerial refuelling tankers to spread particles that accrete moisture and scatter incoming sunlight, absorb energy from ionospheric heaters like HAARP, or rapidly cool air masses by dispensing ice-nucleating chemicals like an airborne flash-mob – and you change the heat balance of that airspace and thus the resulting weather. Do this repeatedly, spreading megatons of atmospheric-forcing particulates behind hundreds of heavy aircraft for many years and even climate can be altered.

But which way will it jump? If the flapping of a butterfly's wings can randomly influence the course of a distant hurricane, consider an air force “wing” of 72 jet tankers, each spreading 200,000 pounds of aerosol particles one-tenth the diameter of a human hair along a flight path traversing thousands of miles. With our compounding emissions already hurrying heat and humidity in some places to the edge of liveable limits, geoengineering is the unwelcome bully that threatens to jerk the trigger on looming Abrupt Climate Shift.  (Geoengineering aerosols over Belgium – above)

Earth's climate system is chaotic enough to turn occasional stumbles into full-fledged flipouts. So the last thing anyone would want to do is to trigger such an upset with planeloads of monkey-wrenching aerosols.


To elevate such planetary roulette from blind swings at a constantly shifting atmospheric piñata to a reliably predictable science, the desired weather/climate output must be proportional to each atmospheric modification input. And the resulting atmospheric events must also react the same ways every time. That's why we call such predictable progressions, linear.

But the atmosphere, like life, is so nonlinear.

Nonlinear means “full of surprises”. While short-term moisture, temperature and pressure trends can presage near-term weather over a day or two, the further forecasts extend, the more variables are introduced by air masses feeding back on themselves. Other wild cards faced by the geoengineers include heat-trapping gases accumulated over the past 200 years, atmospheric and oceanic “feedbacks” like major methane burps, hyper-evaporation, warming waters and melting ice sheets, unscheduled volcanic eruptions, the fracking plague, and climax civilizations bristling with dirty stacks and exhausts – plus their own geoengineering efforts, ongoing since at least 1997, when I broke this story worldwide for Environment News Service. [Chemtrails Confirmed 2010 by William Thomas]

Because changes occur in Earth's intricately-coupled biosphere simultaneously and interactively, attempting to anticipate and alter so many constantly changing conditions makes large-scale climate modification an exercise in juggling snakes. Begin with a few characteristics of the longterm weather patterns you want to change. Just seven building blocks can interact with each other one million different ways. Jump to a hundred climate-determining factors and each one will interact with the other 99, yielding 10 billion possibilities. Some outcomes are more likely than others. But this hardly precludes unpleasant nonlinear responses to deliberate planet meddling. [“Considering Complexity” by William Thomas Southwest Airlines Spirit magazine 1994]

(William Thomas photos Mar. 21, 2015: above)

Remember, the atmosphere is an “adaptive” participant in every geoengineering mugging, responding to each input every time with widely different outcomes. Since abrupt discontinuities are a prime feature of nonlinear systems, when attempting large-scale weather modification, unintended consequences are built-in. Like turning off the African and Asian monsoons on which many billions of not-just-human lives depend. [20 Reasons Why Geoengineering May Be A Bad Idea]

Every pound of heat-hugging carbon we transfer from deep underground into the air will be our climate legacy for the next hundred years. Every time we start our fourwheeled carbon burner, we're a geoengineer. Every time a commercial jet climbs into the stratosphere, all onboard are geo-engineers. Ditto all those power plants pumping trainloads of burnt coal into the sky.

The big difference is, it's your choice whether to turn the key, board that plane, or join a grassroots group demanding clean energy. As for your input into whether those jets overhead continue dimming the sun – not so much.

The result of all this inadvertent and deliberate atmospheric forcing is climate chaos. “Chaotic” means “unpredictable”. Punch-drunk by our ever-accumulating heat-trapping exhausts, at least 17 years of concerted geoengineering efforts, a wonky jetstream, and dozens of amplifying feedbacks from thawing tundra, clearcut forests, burning forests, melting ice sheets and the expanding ocean heat reservoir (for example) – it's no wonder so much inconvenient weather is lurching across this planet.

With global warming causing more global warming, how do increasingly destabilized weather systems respond to deliberate further prodding by targeted laydowns of particulates powerful enough to disrupt air masses and soak up residual moisture like a sponge?

Nobody knows. The atmospheric predictions produced by our best supercomputers crunching incomplete data that ignores climate feedbacks and geoengineering are falling further behind the alarming headlines resulting from a churning complexity that is ultimately unknowable.

Given all the still-ignored feedbacks we've set in motion, most notably geoengineering, it's not surprising that climate changes continue to outpace our models. Any climate activist or “scientist” who continues to ignore these well-documented aerosol assaults is working with fatally flawed data. (Aerosols & contrail over Ontario -Jim Beck photo: above)

But “gross” geoengineering outcomes can be observed. There is no question that Solar Radiation Mismanagement (SRM) by allied governments is contributing significantly to the Great Drying, which may soon segue into the Great Dying. This is why the authors who studied Mount Pinatubo's eruption do not support geoengineering. “Creating a risk of widespread drought and reduced freshwater resources for the world to cut down on global warming,” they write, “does not seem like an appropriate fix.” [This Changes Everything]

To call geoengineering an inexact science is to suggest that if you repeatedly jab a gut-shot tiger with a stick it might do something unpleasant. We know from years of airborne experimentation that attempting to impose an inherently flawed model on Earth's atmosphere under the official hubris of “Owning The Weatherinvariably produces the opposite result. As Naomi Klein writes, geoengineering “may cause the earth to go wild in ways we cannot imagine, making geoengineering not the final engineering frontier… but the last tragic act in this century-long fairy tale of control.” [This Changes Everything]

So what does climate chaos look like?

  • It looks like dozens of craters, one more than a half-mile in diameter, caused by pockets of exploding methane in the thawing permafrost of northern Russia, where temperatures prowl up to +20°C above longtime norms, and the resulting wildfires over hundred-mile fire fronts are spreading solar heat-absorbing ash over vast stretches of the once reflective far north.
  • It looks like endless pools of meltwater acting as lenses across the tundra, focusing sunlight into thawing even more super-warming methane.
  • It looks like the 80 devastated islands of Vanuatu, where I once sailed my trimaran and where half the population has been left homeless by a hot ocean-fuelled Cyclone Pam.
  • It looks like that blocking high over Brazil, where Sao Paulo's 11 million residents face the prospect of dry taps. Another 33 million people in the Sao Paulo region fear the same fate. And they are not alone.
  • It looks like the sea level rise that has driven 100,000 people away from their Indus River delta farms due to repeated flooding and saltwater intrusion into the water table.
  • It looks like California's “Ridiculously Resilient Ridge” of high pressure that anomalously persists, re-building itself after every surge of westerly winds or invading cold air threatens to collapse this weather wall, but to the continuous accompaniment of the aerosol jets… doesn’t. Weather researcher Daniel Swain can find no evidence of a North Pacific ridge of this magnitude and persistence “in the observational record.”

(Russia wildfires, summer 2010 jotman.blogspot: above)

(methane cavern -Russian Centre of Arctic Exploration: below)

As Rutgers University professor Jennifer Francis explains, the loss of reflective sea ice and resulting heated surface air rising from dark waters is producing a northerly bulge in the jet stream that builds high pressure in the East.

Winds flowing “downhill” from this embedded High bring cold Arctic air southward into eastern Canada and the United States, as a persistent high pressure dome off the west coast flows warm, wet air north into Alaska, where the international Fur Rondy sled dog race, held every year since 1946, cannot mush “due to warm weather and heavy rain.

So is atmospheric warming or geoengineering responsible for California's thirst and Alaska's failed winter? The answer: Both are so intricately meshed, it's no longer possible to distinguish one from the other. At least until we shut off Teller's sunscreen.

Are all these chemical and contrail sky plumes painting us into an untenable corner? Immediately following the 9/11 attacks, David Travis measured a roughly 2°F difference over those three contrail free days between the rising daytime and falling nighttime temps across the continental USA. (In 2005, James Hansen's NASA team  crunched slightly different numbers for 9/11 and came up with an  average mean temperature change of just .05°F – a perfect example  of a changed starting point drastically altering complex outcomes.)

There is no way a few days of absent contrails (while geoengineering continued) equate with the disrupted hydrological cycle from 5,000+ days of aerosol spraying. But the 9/11 “experiment” in mass mind control and atmospheric processes means we dare not continue an experiment that artificially desiccates air masses as short-lived speed bumps to skyrocketing air temperatures. If Hansen's right, geoengineering isn't working. If Travis is correct and we stop spraying particulates (whose tiny 10-micron size is deemed an Extreme Human Health Hazard by the EPA) we face an unknown instant temperature jump in a feedback-sensitive atmosphere already heading toward a 4°-6°C rise by 2035. Are your children down with geoengineering continuing to grease the skids into extinction? (Glenn Boyle photo)

Are you?

The geoengineers are saving us to death. Putting our planet's life-support on geoengineering life-support that can't be turned off without an instant spike in temperatures is not a wise idea, Naomi Klein suggests. While many point to geoengineering as the culprit behind the ever more disruptive climate change they otherwise deny, and geoengineers use “climate change” to disguise the climate chaos they're inciting, nearly two decades of large-scale geoengineering have erased the baseline by which we might measure climate impacts and gauge their rates of change.

When unstable systems like Earth's climate are pushed past critical thresholds, selfamplifying feedbacks cause chaos, which eventually degrades into a much simplified state.

Examples include disappeared rainforests flipping into deserts, a once-teeming ocean turning into a vast acidic dead zone, seasonal regional climates suitable for agriculture and human life “simplified” into enduring heatwaves, and seawater inching towards 634 million pairs of human feet.

Like a tightening trigger, climate change is carrying us toward explosively Abrupt Climate Shift. As Klein comments, when “university professor Rob Nixon describes the brutality of climate change as 'slow violence'; geoengineering could be a tool to significantly speed that up.”

Before we can agree to step back from the climate precipice, geoengineering is shoving us toward the kinds of social breakdown stalking Miami Beach, where “slimy green saltwater” from rising seas is filling streets, blocking doors, ruining vehicles, and inundating shops and homes. “Another foot of sealevel rise will be enough to bring salt water into our fresh water supplies and our sewage system,” warns scientist and South Miami mayor Philip Stoddard. “You won't be able to flush away your sewage and taps will no longer provide homes with fresh water.

“Then you will find you will no longer be able to get flood insurance for your home. Land and property values will plummet and people will start to leave. Places like South Miami will no longer be able to raise enough taxes to run our neighbourhoods. Where will we find the money to fund police to protect us or fire services to tackle house fires? Will there even be enough water pressure for their fire hoses? It takes us into all sorts of post-apocalyptic scenarios. And that is only with a one-foot sea-level rise. It makes one thing clear though: mayhem is coming.”

Instead of buying time, every aerosol mission is reducing the time left to act. And by obscuring the true pace of climate change under veils of artificial clouds and 40°F snow, the geoengineers are making it much harder to respond.

Every day the aerosol tankers fly, politicians beholden to Big Oil can delay meaningful action, while making Abrupt Climate Shift and a Canfield ocean more likely. “No reputable scientist I know thinks placing tiny reflecting particles in the stratosphere is a good idea,” saysPhilip Duffy, president and executive director of the Woods Hole Research Center, which focuses on climate change.

And no one's even discussing the quantum effects from aerosol technologies.

So I modestly suggest: Indict the geoengineers for reckless planetary endangerment. And ground the aerosol tankers now.


Use existing state/provincial, national and international air pollution and air traffic laws regulations to apply for legal injunctions to stop geoengineering experiments over cities and entire regions “if and when any such attempts are made.” Then, using the evidence needed to obtain those writs, launch class action lawsuits naming anyone responsible who can be identified by name, title/rank for trust betrayed and damage done.

Criminal charges will follow.

[Current carbon-equivalent emissions (CO2, NOx, CH4) on track to 6°+ C. Civilizations collapse at 4°.]

Atmospheric Aerosols And Storm Manipulation


"Official" agencies and the experts who work there like to pretend the massive aerosol loading of the atmosphere with aerosols is just the result of anthropogenic pollution. This is the story these agencies are paid to put out in order to perpetuate the "official denial" of the obvious ongoing aerosol spraying being done by jet aircraft day in and day out all over the world. Climate engineering is of course not the only source of particle pollution in our skies, but it is likely the largest single source by far (mathematically speaking). ALL weather is affected by unprecedented aerosol levels in the atmosphere. Even cyclones can and are being radically manipulated with the use of aerosols and ionosphere heater facilities. What impact do the geoengineering nano particulates have on extratropical cyclones? The article below gives further insight.
Dane Wigington


Geoengineering With Industrial Waste


Dane Wigington

Geoengineering The Oceans

Though many have now at least heard of the ongoing atmospheric spraying known as solar radiation management (SRM) and stratospheric aerosol geoengineering (SAG), most are still not familiar with another form of geoengineering, "ocean fertilization". It's easy enough for the average person to take note of the all too visible spraying of our skies, but how can we know what the climate engineers are doing to our oceans without our knowledge or consent? 

Connecting The Dots

Could the atmospheric spraying and ocean fertilization be directly connected? The answer is yes, a connection appears likely if all available data is examined. For those that are not familiar with ocean fertilization, the term refers to the intentional widespread distribution of bioavailable iron into our seas in order to create plankton blooms that then absorb and thus sequester Co2 from the atmosphere. Could the materials being sprayed into our skies and over the oceans be composed of elements that are compatible for ocean fertilization? Again, the answer is likely yes.

Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) – October 27, 2014


Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) – October 24, 2014
