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Ken Caldeira, David Keith, And Carnegie “Science”, The Face Of The Criminal Climate Engineering Cover-up


Dane Wigington

The power structure's propaganda machine has been put into high gear in a last ditch desperate attempt to hide the ongoing geoengineering planetary omnicide till the last possible moment. Geoengineer Ken Caldeira and Carnegie "Science" have teamed up on a "peer reviewed "study/survey" to "prove" "chemtrails" are not real.


The key image in the science diagram above is the jet spraying "reflective particles" shown in the upper left. Though ocean iron fertilization is also a catastrophic form of geoengineering that is ongoing, the other images (space mirrors and artificial trees) are completely implausible and meant to distract from the reality of the actual geoengineering programs.

The science terms for what is occurring in our skies were of course completely avoided by Caldeira and Carnegie "Science" as such terms would lead people to hard science data and that was of course NOT the goal of the "study/survey". This "peer reviewed" study claims that the vast majority of scientists agreed "chemtrails" were not real (again, the scientists were not asked about the geoengineering/climate modification subject). So, in addition to the inaccurate terms in the "survey", did the vast majority of scientists surveyed really confirm that "chemtrails" were not real? NO, here are the real numbers from the "survey", 475 scientists were solicited for this survey, only 78 responded, that is only just over 16%. Why didn't the rest of the scientists excuse themselves from the survey? Keep reading and find out. When the climate engineering crimes are fully exposed to populations around the globe (once and for all), a complete overturning of our paradigm will commence and those in power know it. The ongoing weather warfare that has been carried out for over 70 years has equally and irreparably harmed every person on the planet along with the entire web of life. The 2 minute video below shows up-close from directly behind a jet aircraft what is inarguably atmospheric spraying occurring. This is only one shocking example, there are countless others.

The power structure and the criminals who serve them are completely committed to hiding the geoengineering/solar radiation management/climate intervention programs from the public for as long as possible. The effort to bring the climate engineering insanity to light is gaining ground rapidly. This has caused the global controllers to push back with a pathetic piece of total propaganda that does not in any objective way, shape, or form, address the mountain of material facts which conclusively confirm that global climate engineering has long since been deployed. The propaganda "study" in question (which attempts to dispute the geoengineering reality based on the "opinions" of selected academicians) has been republished and reposted by numerous corporate controlled "media" sources that are clearly tasked with serving the global power structure. Who is a primary face that we can place on the machine of criminal deception regarding the ongoing illegal geoengineering assault? Internationally recognized geoengineer Ken Caldeira has been playing a central role in the ongoing public propaganda and deception for a very long time (along with geoengineer David Keith). Caldeira and Keith are clearly heavily committed to the effort to hiding the ongoing climate engineering assault by any means possible. Caldeira has long since teamed up with Carnegie "Science" which has known connections to the defense industry. A look into Caldeira's past government defense department employment is shocking and revealing. In the damning 2 minute video below you can hear Caldeira describe in his own words what he worked on while employed by the US government.

Internationally known geoengineer Dr. David Keith is in the same business as Caldeira, public deception. The 5 minute video below (which features Dr. David Keith, Ken Caldeira, and Obama science advisor, John Holdren), is very revealing and especially damning for geoengineer, Dr. David Keith.

Dr. David Keith was also very effectively exposed by Stephen Colbert in this next 6 minute video.

Caldeira's "report" of the "survey" he spearheaded  is so full of omissions and completely skewed information that it is difficult to find a starting point with setting the record straight.

Click the link below to go directly to the LASG website


So what is the bottom line with the Caldeira/Carnegie "study"? The unspun truth is this, there were no relevant facts in Caldeira's purely propaganda piece, none. Only the opinions of selective individuals that have no choice but to repeat the official government narrative of climate engineering denial. To do otherwise would lead to the loss of their careers or worse. The Caldeira/Carnegie "science study" has completely omitted mountains of relevant data (some of which has already been cited), but the "study" in question has also not made any reference to the on the record testimony of numerous experts who have stated conclusively that global climate engineering is an absolute real and ongoing reality. These expert testimonies include former US government scientists, union of concerned scientist members, former pilots, former defense industry technicians, and physicians

Caldeira's final statement from the "study" is below, does anyone see a single fact cited in Caldeira's rant?

“Despite the persistence of erroneous theories about atmospheric chemical spraying programs, until now there were no peer-reviewed academic studies showing that what some people think are ‘chemtrails’ are just ordinary contrails, which are becoming more abundant as air travel expands. Also, it is possible that climate change is causing contrails to persist for longer periods than they used to.” Caldeira said. “I felt it was important to definitively show what real experts in contrails and aerosols think. We might not convince die-hard believers that their beloved secret spraying program is just a paranoid fantasy, but hopefully their friends will accept the facts.” 

Caldiera states above "it is possible that climate change is causing 'contrails' to persist for longer periods than ye used to". Lets examine this statement. For "condensation trails" to increase and last longer there MUST BE more relative humidity in the atmosphere, but is this the case? The global RH graph below could not be more clear, atmospheric RH has been going down for over 60 years.


Atmospheric RH began to drop in direct correlation with the initial deployment of climate engineering programs in the mid to late 1940's. The climate engineering materials are dessicants and create an overall drying effect on the atmosphere. The global dimming effect of SRM programs further dries out the atmosphere overall (though record deluges will continue to increase as the planet rapidly warms and/or due to climate engineering/weather warfare). Again, Mr. Caldeira, when atmospheric RH is dropping radically, why would "condensation trails" increase radically?

If you think Ken Caldeira  and David Keith should be exposed to the public at large for their part in the criminal climate engineering cover-up, tell them so yourself and share their contacts and this post with others so they can do the same (Keith's and Caldeira's contacts are hyperlinked to their names above).  Such communications should be done in a professional, articulate, and peaceful manner. Attaching credible informational links to any communications sent is also important. Anyone and everyone that is actively or passively participating in the criminal cover-up of the global climate engineering assault should be publicly exposed in the same manner.

It is rationally incomprehensible that we now live in a global society in which so many in academia are in one way or another muzzled, or outright lying in an apparent attempt to secure their paychecks and pensions. Climate engineering is obviously, undeniably, and verifiably occurring in skies all over the globe. The creation of "Weather Made To Order" has been openly discussed by scientists since the 1950s. The public is finally starting to look up and thankfully beginning to re-activate their sense of reason and logic. The climate engineering/weather warfare assault cannot be hidden in plain sight for much longer. Once fully exposed populations around the globe will unite in a shockwave of anger and outrage at what their governments have done to them (and to the planet's life support systems as a whole). This anger and outrage from global populations will certainly extend to all those in academia and the media who have made themselves accessories to the climate engineering crimes by actively or passively participating in the ongoing cover-up. Make your voice heard, we must all do our part in the most critical effort to expose the truth, our time is running out.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

David Keith’s Latest Criminal Denial Of Climate Engineering


Dane Wigington

Why is society so easily kept in the dark and oblivious to dire and immediate threats? One primary reason is the completely biased coverage of critical issues by media sources that claim to be objective. In the "Ecoshock" radio show linked below, Alex Smith (the host for Ecoshock who has already been listed in the " interviews not one, but two well known ardent geoengineering deniers. 

The first 25 minutes is spent with internationally known geoengineering David Keith. In 2010 David Keith was pushing for the dumping of 20,000,000 tons of aluminum nano particles into the atmosphere by spraying it with jet aircraft. In 2010 I confronted Keith about his proposals at an international geoengineering conference, his response was damning to say the least. 

By the time Keith appears on the Stephen Colbert show, he seems to find humor in the catastrophic issue of geoengineering and has altered his proposal to the dumping of 20,000 pounds of sulfuric acid into the atmosphere. What is David Keith's part in the ongoing disinformation campaign to hide the geoengineering reality? The answer falls into one of three categories, he is either clinically blind, completely oblivious (or in denial) to the verifiable ongoing climate engineering reality and thus totally unqualified for the position he holds , or he is a paid liar. I will leave it up to the individual investigator to decide. 

In the case of Rose Cairns, the same points should be considered. Cairns has been featured in the "" for her part in the climate engineering denial machine. Of course Ecoshock and their guests did their best to constantly use the non-science "chemtrails" term. Media sources that are trying to spin and marginalize the climate engineering reality insist on using the "chemtrails" term as mainstream media hitman David Pakman proved in the 15 minute interview he did with me

Another factor that discredits the anti-climate engineering movement is the astounding denial of global warming in spite of the mountain of facts proving beyond any doubt that the planet is in total meltdown. Climate engineering is helping to fuel the meltdown overall, not mitigating it. Scanning the headlines at THIS LINK will give more credible facts on the actual state of the climate.

The interview below is important to listen to for those that wish to better understand how the dire issue of climate engineering is discredited by "scientists" and "media" that have chosen to do so. If you don't appreciate the biased information put out by Ecoshock on the the issue of climate engineering, let Ecoshock know how you feel. It would also be productive to let David Keith ( and Rose Cairns ( know your thoughts in regard to their part in covering up the climate engineering crimes. A written account of the interview below can be found HERE


Confronting Geoengineer David Keith


David Keith is likely the most internationally recognized geoengineer. Keith is, in my opinion, the epitome of what is wrong with an unfortunately high percentage of the scientific community. There is extreme arrogance without a shred of oversight or accountability. In so many cases there is absolutely no regard for the consequences of the experiments that the “scientists” carry out on us all in one form or another. In the 5 minute video below, David Keith’s completely cavalier approach to experimenting with life on Earth is clearly visible when I confronted him at an AAAS conference. Below this video is an “Open Letter To David Keith” which was penned by the “Chemtrails Project UK”. My thanks to this group for their well written document that can and should be used to wake the public up to David Keith and all those like him, the more exposure for the Keith letter the better.
Dane Wigington

Lies, Deception, and David Keith


Dane Wigington

No matter how wide spread  the cancer of immorality and corruption is in our crumbling society and out of control government, some individuals still stand out as the epitome of despicable human beings. Geoengineer David Keith is one such example.

I met Mr. Keith in 2010 at the AAAS science conference in San Diego California. An exchange I had with David is recorded in the video linked below. His statements were very self incriminating in this Q and A, the fall out still haunts him today. Keith has demonstrated again and again that he has virtually no moral compass. His willingness to manipulate and outright fabricate data to fit his own agenda of personal gain is astounding.

David Keith Continues His Campaign of Disinformation and Deception


The military/media/industrial complex and their PR puppets like David Keith are still pushing the blatant lie that climate engineering is only a proposal. How long will the public buy this official lie and thus deny what they see with their own eyes?

Dane Wigington

A Message for Geoengineer David Keith


The truth,
………… and nothing but
……………………………… the truth –

The global geoengineering, weather control, and weather warfare industry is slowly being wrenched into the light from the dark cloak of secrecy. Certain advocates are attempting to deny the many geoengineering programs of the last 60 or 70 years, and to justify and expand these programs indefinitely.

Stephen Colbert Tells David Keith Government is Already Spraying Us


Articles by Keith Lampe


Mainstream Media Coverage Of Climate Engineering, What Is The Agenda?


Dane Wigington

Imagine the whole of academia pretending the ongoing geoengineering operations we see in our skies are not really there. Imagine the vast majority of populations blindly accepting the official denial of climate engineering, and thus completely ignoring what they can easily see occurring with their own eyes.

Mainstream media (CNBC) has recently produced a video on the critical issue of climate engineering. Not surprisingly, there are a numerous deceptions woven into the video message, starting with the title itself.

 "Why Bill Gates Is Funding Solar Geoengineering Research"

Bill Gates is nothing more than a prop in the elaborate power structure disinformation campaign on the climate engineering issue. Though Gates may in fact be contributing to the "SCoPEx" climate engineering experiment, the experiment itself is also nothing more than an orchestrated distraction from the ongoing global climate engineering operations that have been deployed for approximately 74 years (over a decade longer than Bill Gates has even been alive).

New released CNBC video on geoengineering:

Inarguable footage of a geoengineering jet aircraft spray dispersion is revealed in the 2 minute video below.

The CNBC video deceptions continue:

#1 The video states that climate engineering "could" cause a long list of downstream consequences.

There is no "could, may, or might", the consequences of the ongoing global climate engineering assault are far beyond incalculable already, and continue to manifest by the day. Of course, the CNBC video makes no mention of the complete contamination of the biosphere (and thus the air we breath) from the highly toxic climate engineering fallout).

#2 That over two thirds of the population would support the use of goengineering.

Such a conclusion is completely deceptive. Survey questions, which completely omit the most relevant facts regarding the true danger and devastation that climate engineering is already causing, cannot be considered an accurate measure of public opinion. Of over 1500 scientists surveyed, NONE were willing to deny the ongoing climate engineering reality on the record (including Professor Alan Robock who was featured in the new CNBC geoengineering disinformation video).

#3 Geoengineering technology is "cheap"

This conclusion is deception on an unimaginable scale. First, the claims for the needed scale of climate engineering deployment are a small fraction of the scale on which climate engineering has long since already been deployed. Next, and most importantly, the scale of destruction climate engineering has long since inflicted on the biosphere, human health, and the entire web of life, is nowhere named by the CNBC propaganda video.

#4 The "Keith Group" will be the first to conduct a geoengineering experiment.

Again, to even make such a claim is truly alarming. The ongoing climate engineering operations being conducted by jet aircraft in skies all over the world could not be more obvious and inarguable. The SCoPEx project is nothing more than a form of intentional public mass distraction and deception.

#5 "No existing aircraft can inject particles into the Stratosphere". 

First, the elevation of the Stratosphere in the polar regions can be as low as 24,000 feet. All jet aircraft can far exceed that altitude including heavily loaded military jet tanker aircraft. Next, the vast majority of the clearly visible jet aircraft particulate spraying is occurring in the Troposphere.

#6 "Nozzles still need to be designed which can continuously blast out trillions of particles".

Yet another complete deception from CNBC. Retrofit spray nozzles are absolutely located on the wing pylons of most commercial carrier jet aircraft, and on military tankers. These nozzles are aimed directly into the jet exhaust stream to make the dispersion look like "condensation". The "condensation trail" lie is perhaps the biggest deception ever perpetrated on populations around the world. ALL commercial aircraft and ALL military tankers are fitted with a "high bypass turbofan" jet engine. This engine is a jet powered fan which by design is nearly incapable of producing any condensation trail except under increasingly rare and extreme circumstances.

#7 "Scientists still need to decide what chemicals to spray".

View the 4 minute video below to see Dr. David Keith (head of the Keith Group and the SCoPEx geoengineering experiment) state in his own words the advantages of using aluminum nanoparticulates as a primary geoengineering / solar radiation management material. 10 million tones was the suggested annual atmospheric dispersion amount.

#8 "The uncertainty of climate engineering impacts is holding back deployment".

Is it rational to believe that the military industrial complex cares about the consequences of their actions? Is it rational to believe that the military industrial complex would ask for public acceptance and permission before deploying climate engineering operations? Climate engineering is a matter of historical record, this is not opinion, speculation, or conjecture. It is important to remember and consider that the top US military leadership has long since stated on the record that the collapsing climate is the greatest national security threat of all.

#9 "Geoengineering will require international cooperation".

Numerous historical government documents prove that international cooperation has long since been in place regarding the ongoing climate engineering assault. An almost 800 page US senate document is but one example. Click HERE to view the document with the most relevant sections already highlighted by 

#10 "Geoengineering should only be deployed if we have to".

Again, this is the the criminal deception being propagated by the whole of academia, official sources, and power structure controlled media, that geoengineering might someday have to be used. Climate engineering is not just a dangerous proposal, but has long since been a lethal reality.

#11 "Within a couple decades, for better or worse, geoengineering could be part of the solution to return the planet to pre-industrial temperatures".

After over 70 years of ongoing global climate engineering operations (at an ever increasing scale), are global temperatures going down? The short answer is no. In the dangerous attempt to mask rising global temperatures from populations (in order to maintain business as usual for as long as possible), climate engineering has worsened the overall climate collapse scenario we face, not mitigated it. Climate engineering has also been utilized as a covert weapon of war for decades. This is not an opinion, it is a verifiable fact.

How desperate are the climate engineers? The video report below is a shocking case in point.

Climate and environmental collapse are unfolding with blinding speed all over the world. Will populations wake up to the ongoing global climate engineering operations in time to make a difference? Waking a critical mass of the population up to the climate engineering reality is the first and most important leap forward in the battle to halt the climate engineering assault. Share credible data from a credible sourcemake your voice heard, make every day count.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Climate Engineering Disinformation, How To Respond To The Source


Dane Wigington

The global climate engineering assault is becoming all but impossible to hide in plain sight as the climate and biosphere collapse accelerates. In response, the power structure's propaganda puppets are doing all they can to continue their attempt to cover up the critical climate engineering issue with carefully crafted disinformation. How do we counter the climate engineering cover-up campaign of disinformation? By knowing the building block data and facts relating to this issue, by sharing credible data with others, and by holding the propagators of propaganda publicly accountable for their criminal disinformation campaigns. “" has just published a climate engineering cover-up article of disinformation authored by Gernot Wagner (further down in this post). Below is my response to Mr. Wagner which was forwarded to his email contact

Hello, Mr. Wagner,

In regard to your recent article “Chemtrails Aren’t The Geoengineering Debate We Should Be Having Because Chemtrails Aren’t Real" yes, “chemtrails” (the term you chose to rely on in your article) is not a science term, and thus not “real”.  This being said, Mr. Wagner, geoengineering / climate engineering / solar radiation management / stratospheric aerosol injection / cloud albedo enhancement, etc., are verifiably (semantics matters) ongoing realities. This fact / conclusion becomes apparent to any who have the courage to do an honest investigation of available data / documents / lab tests / film footage / photographic evidence, etc. In your article your denial of climate engineering relies on a survey conducted by geoengineer Ken Caldeira in which scientists were asked if “chemtrails” were “real”. Were you aware, Mr. Wagner, of a similar survey (of the very same scientists and 1430 more) which used the science terms in the survey? When the actual science terms were utilized, "climate engineering", "geoengineering", "solar radiation management", "cloud albedo enhancement", 100% of the scientists surveyed refused to deny the climate engineering reality on the record. A legal team working directly with is actively pursuing legal avenues to force public disclosure of the illegal climate engineering operations. In addition to our legal action in Canada, our ongoing lawsuit against the US Department of Commerce (the overseeing agency for NOAA) will soon produce thousands of documents relating to the weather / climate modification / engineering operations (documents which the DOC / NOAA have been ordered to release to us). Mr. Wagner, your strategy of obscuring the climate engineering reality by attempting in your article to associate this subject with fringe theories is nothing new in disinformation circles. In your article you correctly address the grave dangers posed by atmospheric particulate pollution, yet you do all you can to divert your readers attention from climate engineering as a major source of atmospheric particulate pollution. In a 2011 report NOAA admitted on the record that atmospheric aerosols have skyrocketed since 2000 and the source of this escalation could not be identified. Why wouldn’t (or couldn’t) NOAA acknowledge geoengineering atmospheric aerosol dispersions as a source of particulate pollution? In addition to US government scientists having no first amendment protection, and in addition to confidentiality agreements being standard for so many government positions and posts, now there is the illegal federal “gag order” on all National Weather Service and NOAA employees to consider. Why no mention of these facts, Mr. Wagner? Whatever your motive for participating in what can only be considered a campaign of climate engineering cover-up, rest assured that we, at, will do our best to publicly expose you (and all those like you who are participating in the climate engineering cover-up) to populations that deserve to know the truth about the ongoing highly destructive and dangerous geoengineering programs that were long ago deployed without public knowledge or consent. 

Dane Wigington

The “” climate engineering disinformation article authored by Gernot Wagner is below. Inserted in red are my responses to Wagner's false statements.

Solar geoengineering is controversial, and for good reason. It describes a set of technologies that seeks to reflect a small fraction of sunlight back into space to cool the planet. The most prominent such technology involves deliberately injecting tiny reflective particles into the stratosphere.

There’s a serious debate worth having, both on the science and technology itself and on the societal and policy implications. Unfortunately, in some corners of society valid concerns over the impacts of solar engineering have been overtaken by a different set of fears—various versions of the so-called chemtrails conspiracy theory. 

Authors of disinformation articles (like Gernot Wagner) utilize the non-science "chemtrails" term as much as possible, this is a part of their disinformation strategy. 5583

Geoengineered skies in Antioch, Tennessee. Photo credit: Brent Rodriguez

According to that conspiracy, solar geoengineering has been happening at scale for years or even decades.

The conspiracy isn’t exactly small. Around 60 percent of all social media discourse on geoengineering is conspiratorial, according to co-authored research I published last year. A representative poll of the U.S. public reveals that 10 percent describe the conspiracy as “completely true,” another 20 to 30 percent say it is “somewhat true.” Belief in the conspiracy appears across party lines, and it can get rather personal, too—death threats and all. 

Most versions of the conspiracy involve planes crisscrossing the skies spraying toxins, turning ordinary contrails into “chemtrails.”

Mr. Wagner is simply parroting the official narrative regarding "contrails". Wagner is apparently completely ignorant of the high bypass turbofan jet engine design characteristics which make actual "contrail" production nearly impossible, except under the most rare and extreme of circumstances. High bypass turbofan jet engines are standard on all commercial carrier aircraft and all military tanker jets.

Motivations range from weather modification (and yes, there are serious research efforts on that topic, too) to mind control or worse. No surprise, Twitter and other largely anonymous online fora allow this community of conspiracy to flourish—necessitating responses showing that no, NASA does not have a “cloud machine” but is instead testing its rocket boosters.

Mr. Wagner attempts to associate fringe and non-credible claims with legitimate data that confirms the climate engineering reality. In regard to the particular subject Wagner cites, NASA's "cloud making machine", Geoengineering Watch has also exposed the same disinformation. Citing this type of disinformation is Wagner's attempt to distract his readers from the hard facts that confirm the climate engineering reality.

I have no doubt that some who have stumbled upon the chemtrails conspiracy are earnestly looking for the truth. Much like some who believe that vaccinations cause autism, despite all evidence to the contrary, are motivated by having a close relative suffer from autism, chemtrail conspirators sometimes appear to be looking to learn why a loved one suffers from a respiratory illness. The real answer, sadly often, is indeed air pollution, which kills some 3 to 6 million people a year globally. Decreasing that pollution clearly ought to be a global priority.

Internationally recognized award winning medical professionals have already acknowledged the dire health threat from climate engineering particulate pollution, yet Wagner ignores such information. Why?

A blatant example of geoengineering operations over Mesa, Arizona (3/21/18). Video footage credit: Joni Davis

It is also clear that some of those peddling the conspiracy do so for mercenary reasons—selling ads on their website, or using it to grow their brand and drive page clicks.

Accusations from Wagner like the one above are yet another standard form of distracting readers from credible data.

Whatever the motivation, the “evidence” presented in favor of the conspiracy does not add up. Conspirators often argue that all one needs to do is look up. Scientists have. What they see are contrails: trails largely made up of condensed water vapor. It is the same effect that occurs when you breathe out on a cold day.

Mr. Wagner, if a person walks a mile in very cold conditions (when their breath is seen condensing), have you ever seen an expanding long lingering cloud resulting from this condensation? Or from an automobile under the same conditions? No, never.

If the air is sufficiently cold and moist, a plane’s mere turbulence can cause a contrail to form. Adding exhaust from a jet engine aids the process.

Contrails have been with us since the dawn of aviation. The earliest explanation of the science I could find in the popular press is a March 1943 article in Popular Science explaining what was then called “vapor trails.”

GeoengineeringWatch 3345

Geoengineered skies have become the norm, all over the world. Photo credit: Rayangely Evaleigh

Mr. Wagner, of course, does not mention other historical publications from Popular Science (and other sources) that fully acknowledge the weather warfare reality and the greats posed by it (going back nearly 7 decades).

The number of contrails, of course, has since increased dramatically, in line with the number of planes in the sky. And yes, those planes pollute. Each roundtrip flight from New York to San Francisco emits around 1 ton of CO2 per economy-class passenger. Sadly, CO2 is invisible. Were it a smelly pink goo, the world would have acted much sooner on CO2 pollution. It hasn’t, despite amazing progress slashing other kinds of air pollution.

In fact, some of the progress reining in air pollution, such as the sulfur dioxide (SO2) coming out of smoke stacks, leads to serious climate tradeoffs. While outdoor air pollution kills, it also—inadvertently—counteracts some of the warming effects of CO2. Removing all such air pollution, while clearly positive for human health, could indirectly cause a lot of harm, as the planet warms even further. The result is what Nobel Prize-winning chemist Paul Crutzen, in 2006, described as a “Catch-22.”

It is also, to me personally, the best moral case for solar geoengineering research in the first place.

And with the statement above, Mr. Wagner reveals his real motives, lobbying for climate engineering operations. Like geoengineer Dr. David Keith, it seems Wagner does not consider geoengineering to be a "moral problem".

This is precisely where the real solar geoengineering debate ought to be had. What are its potential risks and benefits? Would mere talk of solar geoengineering distract from the need to cut CO2 emissions? Or would such talk be a clarion call to prompt more action on climate mitigation? Reasonable people can disagree and, ultimately, can come down on different sides of the question of whether solar geoengineering could—or should—play a role in an overall climate policy portfolio.

But these arguments are a far cry from claims that contrails are really “chemtrails,” that thousands of commercial planes aren’t “merely” emitting massive amounts of CO2 but, for example, are deliberately spraying alumina. Aluminum oxide, in one’s soil, is presented as “evidence” for chemtrails. It isn’t. Aluminum is the third-most abundant element in the Earth’s crust, and aluminum oxide is its most common form.

First, Mr. Wagner, if jets are not intentionally dispersing materials into the atmosphere, why have they been retrofitted with spray nozzles aimed directly into the jet exhaust stream? This chosen location for spray nozzle mounting gives the desired appearance of the jet engine emission being "condensation", which it is absolutely not. 

Other supposed explanations are even odder and wholly unbelievable to scientists having looked at the topic.

Wagner's reference to an orchestrated "chemtrails" survey, of course, does not acknowledge the complete absence of willingness of the same scientists to deny the climate engineering reality when the science terms were used.

All that, of course, raises the question of why to trust scientists in the first place. Wouldn’t they have an incentive to hide evidence if there were a global “chemtrails” program operating somewhere? Well, no—that’s just not how science works. Does any one institution have incentives to keep secrets? Sure. But would individual scientists across the world keep some sort of vast “chemtrails” conspiracy a secret? 

Mr. Wagner fails, yet again, to mention the fact that US government scientists have no first amendment protection, are generally required to sign confidentiality agreements, and now have an illegal federal gag order placed on them.

Scientists aren’t all that good at lots of things. Polite, social interactions might be one. But the one thing they are good at is pointing out why others are wrong, and improving on prior knowledge. Pointing out why the broad scientific consensus that the planet is warming and humans are the cause of it is wrong would clearly make a scientific career. The fact that this hasn’t happened makes me comfortable to trust the consensus science on climate change. The fact that in decades no scientist has shown that ordinary contrails aren’t just that makes me similarly confident that there isn’t anything to the “chemtrails” conspiracy.

Mr. Wagner makes clear he sees no reason to actually investigate the climate engineering reality since the official "contrails" narrative has not yet been challenged by institutionally funded scientists for reasons already stated.

The world faces a serious pollution challenge. That goes for SO2 killing scores today, and it goes for the impacts of CO2 both today and in the future. There are some serious tradeoffs between the two. That’s the debate to have, and anyone I know who does research on solar geoengineering is happy to have it. It’s also the kind of debate that anyone with an earnest interest in the future of our planet should want to participate in. 

Gernot Wagner is research associate and lecturer at Harvard, co-director of Harvard’s Solar Geoengineering Research Program, and co-author of Climate Shock.

Radio show host Geoff Brady (from Pacifica radio station WBAI in New York) formally invited Mr. Wagner to discuss / debate the geoengineering issue on air with me, Dane Wigington, from (WBAI has hosted other debates with experts on the critical climate engineering issue). Mr. Wagner promptly declined the invitation to discuss relevant facts related to the ongoing climate engineering operations (in spite of what he stated in the closing statement of his geoengineering disinformation "article" in the quote shown directly above).

Hi Mr. Wagner,

Yes, I did see the article. I think it would be important to open this dialogue. 
I would moderate to ensure no one talks over each other and the full viewpoints are expressed in the time given.
This opportunity is granted by the listenership of WBAI. They want to hear differing opinions. 
thanks for considering. 

Gernot Wagner's response:

Dear Mr. Brady,

Many thanks for the invitation. I will have to decline.



Those who wish to let Gernot Wagner know his campaign of criminal public deception is not OK, can do here:

We must collectively stand against the power structure's well organized and funded disinformation organizations and individuals. We must work collectively in the effort to expose the same. Sharing credible data from a credible source is key, all of us are needed in the critical battle to expose and halt the ongoing global geoengineering operations.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Has The Primary Geoengineering Materials Supplier Been Identified?


Dane Wigington

The global climate engineers are spraying unimaginable quantities of materials into skies all over the world as part of the ongoing geoengineering / solar radiation management assault. The world's most recognized geoengineer, Dr. David Keith, has stated on the record a goal of putting 10,000,000 to 20,000,000 tons of aluminum nanoparticles into the atmosphere annually as part of the solar radiation management operations. Where could this much highly refined and specialized material come from? What company or corporation could have the capacity and global network to meet the demand of climate engineering operations all over the world? Who is at the head of such a company? Many of these answers may now have been found, the 11 minute video below is a short exposé of the American Elements Corporation and it’s CEO.

The American Elements Corporation is the largest metals and chemicals supplier in the world. This corporation is a weather / climate modification materials supplier to major military and defense industry entities.

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The effort of pulling back the curtain (and exposing the criminality behind it) is a responsibility we all must bear. With each passing day more of Earth’s remaining life support systems are being decimated by the ongoing climate engineering juggernaut of insanity. 5583

Geoengineered skies in Antioch, Tennessee. Photo credit: Brent Rodriguez

All of us are needed to help with the effort of sounding the alarm, all of us. Share credible data with others effectively and efficiently, make every day count.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Trump Administration Backs Geoengineering, Full Disclosure Of The Climate Engineering Atrocities Grows Near


Dane Wigington

Many ask if the Trump administration knows about climate engineering, the short answer is yes. In January of 2016 Trump's top campaign representatives (and Carson's) attended a meeting at the home of a former USAF 2 star general (who is in direct communication with GeoengineeringWatch) which was specifically for educating them on the geoengineering issue. The Trump representatives and the Carson representatives were given full packages of informational materials (in addition to input on the climate engineering issue from the USAF general). What has been the response since the Trump administration took office? A doubling down on the climate engineering insanity.

The ongoing global geoengineering assault has long since inflicted catastrophic and irreparable damage to the biosphere, climate, and life support systems of our planet (along with countless other forms of anthropogenic activity). It is truly incomprehensible that such blatantly obvious "climate intervention" programs can be carried out in skies all over the world, in plain site (for over 70 years), and still be officially denied. 3321

Geoengineered skies, Clarksville, Tennessee. Photo credit: Brandy Glick

Though all former US administrations at least publicly pretended to care about the environment (while carrying out business as usual behind the scenes), the Trump administration doesn't even go that far. The excerpts below were taken from a new UK Guardian article titled "Trump Presidency Opens Door To Planet-Hacking Geoengineering Experiments

Harvard engineers who launched the world’s biggest solar geoengineering research program may get a dangerous boost from Donald Trump, environmental organizations are warning.

Under the Trump administration, enthusiasm appears to be growing for the controversial technology of solar geo-engineering, which aims to spray sulphate particles into the atmosphere to reflect the sun’s radiation back to space and decrease the temperature of Earth.

What is the true agenda of the weather warfare insanity being carried out in our skies? What are the ultimate objectives? Why would the Trump administration enthusiastically embrace, promote, and back geoengineering/climate intervention programs given the fact that Donald Trump and most of his appointees patently deny that there is any global warming in the first place? More excerpts from the Guardian article are below.

While geoengineering received little favour under Obama, high-level officials within the Trump administration have been long-time advocates for planetary-scale manipulation of Earth systems.

David Schnare, an architect of Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency transition, has lobbied the US government and testified to Senate in favour of federal support for geoengineering.

“Clearly parts of the Trump administration are very willing to open the door to reckless schemes like David Keith’s, and may well have quietly given the nod to open-air experiments,” said Silvia Riberio, with technology watchdog ETC Group. “Worryingly, geoengineering may emerge as this administration’s preferred approach to global warming. In their view, building a big beautiful wall of sulphate in the sky could be a perfect excuse to allow uncontrolled fossil fuel extraction. We need to be focussing on radical emissions cuts, not dangerous and unjust technofixes.” 4445 billboard on I-80 near Elko, Nevada (3/20/17). Photo credit: Steve Small

… former House speaker and Trump confidant Newt Gingrich was one of the first to start publicly advocating for geoengineering.

“Geoengineering holds forth the promise of addressing global warming concerns for just a few billion dollars a year,” he said in 2008, before helping launch a geoengineering unit while he ran the right-wing think tank American Economic Enterprise. “We would have an option to address global warming by rewarding scientific innovation. Bring on American ingenuity. Stop the green pig.” 445

Geoengineered skies, Hampstead, North Carolina. Photo credit: Sheen Perkins

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has also appeared to support geoengineering, describing climate change as an “engineering problem.” ExxonMobil’s funding of the climate denial industry is under investigation by attorney generals in the United States, but it’s less well known that ExxonMobil scientists under Tillerson’s reign as CEO were leading developers of geo-engineering technologies 

Asked about solutions to climate change at an ExxonMobil shareholder meeting in 2015, Tillerson said that a “plan B has always been grounded in our beliefs around the continued evolution of technology and engineered solutions.”

The ongoing atmospheric particulate (SRM) spraying is undeniable as film footage proves.

Geoengineers argue that such methods would be an inexpensive way to reduce global warming, but scientists have warned it could have catastrophic consequences for the Earth’s weather systems.

Scientific modeling has shown that stratospheric spraying could drastically curtail rainfall throughout Asia, Africa and South America, causing severe droughts and threatening food supply for billions of people.

Climate engineering is not a "proposal", it has long since been a lethal reality. This reality cannot be hidden in plain site for much longer as the cataclysmic consequences from the ongoing climate engineering / weather warfare assault manifest in every conceivable way. The Trump administration is just the latest military industrial complex puppet to occupy the White House. This administration has repeatedly shown it has no regard whatsoever for environmental protection, thus their doubling down on climate engineering comes as no surprise.  All of us are needed and essential in the most critical battle to fully expose the geoengineering insanity. If we can expose it, we can stop it, make your voice heard.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

The “Forum For Climate Engineering Assessment” Interviews Dane Wigington From


Dane Wigington

Official institutions are still attempting to mask the ongoing climate engineering atrocities by parroting the "official narrative" of denial. The "Forum For Climate Engineering Assessement" recently contacted and requested an interview with me. The fact that institutional organizations feel they need to engage in such interviews is a clear sign that our combined efforts are gaining ground in the battle to reach a critical mass of awarenes. Some excerpts from their mission statement are below:

Mission Statement

The Forum for Climate Engineering Assessment’s (FCEA) overarching objective is to assess the social, ethical, political, and legal implications of emerging technologies that fall under the broad rubric of climate engineering (sometimes referred to as “climate geoengineering”). We produce high-quality and policy-relevant research and commentary, and work in a variety of ways ensure that the climate engineering conversation maintains a focus on issues of justice, equity, agency, and inclusion.

Scope of Work

  • Facilitation of climate engineering research in the academic sector.

Our work in this context includes: ongoing development of a timeline that chronicles the history of climate geoengineering and provides access to critical source materials; an occasional paper series; and development of a range of other materials for teaching and research on the social and political implications of climate engineering.

The 18 minute interview I did for this "Climate Engineering Assessment" group is below (full audio and full transcript). Whatever the overal agenda was behind this interview was (perhaps to try and marginalize those that are completely committed to exposing the climate engineering assault), the interviewer, Holly Buck, was cordial and professional. This being said, Ms. Buck has made her position on geoengineering clear. Though she claims climate engineering is only a "proposal", she advocates for all the "benifits" of deploying climate engineering/SRM programs.  Publically denying existing climate engineering is likely a mandatory position for any in academia who wish to preserve their paychecks and pensions. Does this excuse the denial of academia? Absolutely not. There are volumes of verifiable facts, documents, and film footage which confirm the ongoing climate engineering reality. Unfortunately, academia (as a whole) refuses to honestly speak out about the ongoing geoengineering insanity. The recent illegal federal gag order on all NWS and NOAA employees is certainly one of the reasons why. Whatever the hurdles to speaking out, academia's betrayal of the public trust must be brought to light.  The only way forward in the battle to expose and halt the ongoing weather warfare assault is to reach a critical mass of awareness with global populations, this effort will take all of us. Again, whatever the agenda of the interviewing institution may have been, the fact that they carried out this interview at all will help us carry the message to the halls of academia.

An Interview with Dane Wigington of Geoengineering Watch

By Holly Buck

Recently, I talked with Dane Wigington of

This site often features at the top of Google results for informational searches such as “geoengineering”, “geoengineering definition”, “examples of geoengineering”, etc.

You can listen to the interview or read the transcript below.

Note to listeners: I do not share Dane’s view that there is an ongoing deployment of solar radiation management.

Dane Wigington 11

Dane Wigington of Geoengineering Watch

Holly: I was hoping we could start out by hearing a bit more about your site.

Dane: Our site,, is simply a informational repository. We are nonpolitical. We don’t sell anything. We are simply trying to put data forward to the public so they can examine information on the geoengineering, climate engineering, solar radiation management, stratospheric aerosol injection subjects; and come to their own conclusions.

Holly: Can you tell us more about the scope of your site — who uses it, and how they find it?

Dane: Well, we have about 20,000 visitors a day and we’re over 25 million total visitors. Any search engine, if you search the word “geoengineering”, we are typically at the top of that list. Sometimes ahead of Wikipedia, so we are not hard to find. Again, we stick to the science terms and the science issues and data to back that up, so again, not hard to find if someone searches the subject of “geoengineering”.

Holly: Given that international readership, do you have a “typical” reader? Do you have return readers? Or is mostly people from all around the world who are just searching for information about this?

Dane: Well in Google Analytics, we can search fairly accurately as to who’s getting on, and we have broad, expansive demographics, if you will. Everyone from military organizations, agencies, general public and everything in between. So we’ve had very high numbers of agency people on the site as well. In fact, when we published the 60 day notice of pending legal action from our legal alliance to stop geoengineering legal team, within 3 hours, I heard from Marcia McNutt. I think you know who she is, perhaps. National Academy of Sciences. So, she apparently had looked within three hours of us posting. So there’s a wide range of people looking at this data.

Holly: I would like to back up a little bit and hear your views on climate change. I was reading one of your articles recently, where you talked about runaway global warming, and my understanding is that you believe that people are doing geoengineering to either stop or cover up the runaway warming. Is that a correct reading?

Dane:  I think all available science data backs up that conclusion. I mean, I think you’re studying the issue of solar radiation management, and that is the purpose of the proposal of those programs, which again, we would argue the data indicates its long since been deployed.

The problem … there are some in the anti-climate engineering movement that have not accepted the fact that the planet is in full-blown meltdown. I gave global warming lectures before I focused everything on the climate engineering issue. But I don’t think we can argue logically, any of us, that the planet’s … what would be mathematically, statistically in a runaway greenhouse effect right now.

And we’re seeing statistically, an under-reporting of official high temperatures. Not an over-reporting as many people would like to convince themselves of, but we’re seeing an under-reporting. That means it’s even hotter than what we’re officially being told. And we are seeing significant under-reporting. Two, three, four, five degrees; so how hot is it really, if we looked at accurate data? And I would argue the data is being falsified. But in the opposite direction of what, unfortunately, many people choose to think. They think it’s being over-reported. It’s being radically under-reported.

The planet, I would argue, is much further into the warming curve than we are being told. And climate engineering is the last ditch effort to try to mask that fact from the public as long as possible.

Holly: There’s been a lot of talk lately in the media about so-called “fake news”. Some even say we are in a post-truth era. And I’m curious how you approach the topic of fake news, I mean, people must send you articles all the time. You’re a writer yourself, so how do you decide what’s real and what’s fake?

Dane: It needs to be verifiable. Period. And if we have, let’s look at the subject of climate engineering and the fact that all available data indicates it’s long since been deployed.

Our legal team; again, The Legal Alliance to Stop Geoengineering, surveyed fifteen hundred climate scientists and meteorologists. Fifteen hundred. We published the full list of the contacts, every individual, so the authenticity of this could be verified. Not one, of fifteen hundred climate scientists surveyed — and your listeners can look this up on our site — not one was willing to deny on the record that climate engineering, solar radiation management, stratospheric aerosol injection, had already been deployed. Not one.

When we post articles, for example, 750 page congressional documents, historical presidential reports, all referring to global ongoing weather/climate modification operations, we let the listener or the reader decide for themselves. Those documents are real, verifiable, available on government archives. The data is there. People have to make up their own minds if they choose to accept that data or not. But the data is there and verifiable.

Holly: I’m curious if you could tell us a little bit about how you got into this topic.

Dane: Yes. It’s not a job I wanted. I’m non-political, I’ve never been an activist. I have a background with Bechtel Power Corporation, a very corrupt corporation that I left at an early age because of issues I was not comfortable with.

My home was on the cover of the world’s largest renewable energy magazine. I’m completely off grid with wind, hydro, and solar power. When I began to lose massive amounts of my solar PV uptake. My photovoltaic power uptake from whatever these aircraft were emitting, not a single natural cloud formation in the sky. Only the lingering, spreading emissions from these aircraft. Losing sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety percent on some days, of my solar power uptake. Unimaginable losses. Something was clearly wrong. This was not condensation.

And as I began to research and found mountains of data on geoengineering, solar radiation management. Researched the primary elements listed in those patents. We have about 160 patents posted at The primary element being aluminum. I began to do precipitation tests, processed at the state certified lab. Found an initial baseline test of 7 ppb aluminum, 7 parts per billion. And I further investigated with a hydrogeologist that stated, given my filtered forested location, that amount was very high. It should be less than 1 ppb. Subsequent tests over the next year, in a single rain event, went as high as 3450 ppb of aluminum. Unimaginably high levels of aluminum and barium. Primary elements in climate engineering patents.

And after finding these government documents, presidential documents, patents, film footage up close, which we have posted at Of aircraft KC-10s, C-17s, KC-135s. Up close footage of them dispersing materials at altitude.

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Geoengineered skies, Clarksville, Tennessee. Photo credit: Brandy Glick​

Global dimming is at 20 to 30 percent, you may know that. Every single dot connects. And the mountain of materials coming down on us, for example, in California, CARB, California Air Resources Board, has done studies on the materials migrating from China. From coal-fired power plants and so forth. Aluminum not amongst those materials. Nor barium.

Where was it coming from, when elements have escalated that high in that short of time? No other plausible source. I was simply forced to face the fact that these programs were in fact deployed and raining an unimaginable amount of toxicity down, destroying the ozone layer, the list goes on and on. And so, I was simply forced to either turn away or face this issue. And I couldn’t turn away.

Holly: If I recall, a few years ago, some of your work was more about chemtrails. Now it seems it has more of an emphasis on geoengineering, and I’m just wondering if you could talk a little about the evolution there, about the relationship between the two concepts.

Dane: Can you cite any of my work that uses that term?

Holly: No, I’m not talking about now. I’m talking about maybe three to five years ago.

Dane: So am I. I mean, if you can cite any of my work other than to make the point that geoengineering refers to the layman’s term of chemtrails as no scientific basis whatsoever. And I had adamantly always adhered to the science terms. Thus the name of our site, which has always been the name So I would just ask not to be confused with other groups that are using that term. I don’t use it. And adamantly and tenaciously adhere to the climate science terms on this issue.

Holly: Okay. I know you said you’re nonpolitical, but I’m curious if you have any thoughts on what the recent election and the new administration means for geoengineering programs.

Dane: I think it remains to be seen. Certainly we know the new administration is sending out incredibly alarming signals with their appointees and their apparent denial of what is really undeniable. That the climate is changing radically. That anthropogenic causes are creating the damage. We’re putting 100 million tons of CO2 in the atmosphere a day. We’re lopping down the forest, we’re poisoning the oceans. I mean, I can’t truly fathom that anyone could not understand that that would radically disrupt the energy balance of the planet.

You know the military has always known this and we know that right now your listeners can research this. We have the US military stating on the record, the greatest national security threat of all is the disintegrating climate. So, I would argue, why would we think that the military would ask our permission before they would engage in climate engineering when we know, historically, they have been engaging in weather warfare for many, many decades. We know this. Project Popeye in Vietnam. The rain seeding over the Ho Chi Minh Trail. Project Storm Fury, on and on.

So, for the Trump administration to, apparently, at least at this point, deny the climate emergency which we face right now is certainly extremely alarming. That being said, I’m working directly with a retired Air Force Major General. Retired Army Major General. Both of whom are communicating with the Trump administration about climate engineering. Because they want these programs stopped as well. Our only goal is to expose these programs and to bring them to the light of day. And that’s hard to do when you have, Holly, I’m not sure if you know this, are you aware that there is a federal gag order on all National Weather Service and all NOAA employees?

Holly: No, I hadn’t heard that.

Dane: Your listeners might want to examine that. And that should certainly send up a big red flag for them. I first was notified of that from PEER, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility. Who works directly with NWS and NOAA employees. I got a no return address, no identity, but I got a copy of the legal action. And there is in fact a federal gag order on all National Weather Service and all NOAA employees right now. We have to ask ourselves, what are they trying to hide?

Holly: I’m curious, in the course of your work, what kinds of people do you meet?

Dane: Well, we’re dealing with a lot of people right now. In fact, the former CEO of the world’s largest environmental and engineering consulting firm communicates with us on our attorney conference calls. Because he also, is very aware of these programs.

The former MP, Canadian MP for British Columbia, I communicate directly with him. In fact, he was just, he’s aware of these programs as well. He’s endorsed a book that we’re about a week away from releasing. And, again, the purpose of that book is simply to disclose the programs and give data to back up that disclosure.

We have also, at, visual proof of climate engineering in the form of NASA satellite images and people who would search this on our site and look at these images, you don’t need to know anything about meteorology. If you look at these images, you will be absolutely shocked at what you see. Not just the aerosol operations, but the interaction with radio frequency signals that are used to manipulate the particulates.

I simply would ask people to look at the visual data and if you don’t believe what you see with your own eyes, there’s not much else I could say. But the attempt to engineer our way out of this without reducing carbon emissions, reducing deforestation, reducing ocean contamination. That’s simply a fool’s errand. It’s an extremely counter productive life. Holly, you remember the chemical Corexit that was used in the Gulf of Mexico to mask the severity of the oil spill …

Holly: Yeah.

Dane: Do you remember that?

Holly: Actually, I do.

Dane: I would argue that climate engineering is in that category. Corexit in the Gulf of Mexico, according to environmental impact studies, made that situation 52 times more toxic. But they used it anyway. To hide the problem. Not to make it better, to hide it.

And that’s, in fact, what we see now. The UV levels, we’re seeing from climate engineering, for example, I’m working directly with a 40 year former NASA aeronautics engineer. Forty year veteran. With expensive UV metering equipment that we supplied him. He’s seeing … we’re seeing UVB 1000 percent higher than we’re being told. It’s burning the bark off of trees. The cambium layer. We have [inaudible 00:14:47] huge study of whales with massive UV burns on them. We’re seeing UVC now on the surface. Five percent of incoming UV is now UVC, that’s the last band of UV before x-ray.

Your listeners can search — geoengineering destroys the ozone layer. There’s no question in the scientific community that will be the result. But, that is the result. For those that aren’t willing to admit for reasons I just cited, there’s federal gag orders and so forth, these programs are ongoing. We see yet another confirmation they are ongoing by the massive ozone destruction, the massive UV levels, also not being officially disclosed.

Holly: I’m wondering if you could tell us, what’s your goal or strategy? What do you and other concerned people plan to do about geoengineering?

Dane: Well, I would argue that the interference with Earth’s natural processes is highly destructive overall. Much like a pharmaceutical with the human body. How many pharmaceutical ads do we see now that say take this for this particular ailment and by the way, here’s twenty side effects that are unimaginably worse than what the quote cure is claimed to mitigate.

I would argue that we need to have disclosure on these programs. And when we have the environmental and the green community, for example, justifiably fighting to save forests and to preserve ecosystems through the world. If we have an element in the equation that is so horrifically destructive and not being admitted to, can we really have a legitimate discussion about the environment or the climate unless this issue is disclosed?

And that issue is climate engineering, when we have the world’s most recognized climate engineers, like Dr. David Keith stating on the record his goal, their goal to put 20 million tons of aluminum nano particulates into the atmosphere annually. And not even having studied the toxicological effects.

And that is a fact, that’s on film. If your listeners search “Dane Wigington/David Keith”, they can see me confronting Dr. Keith at an international geoengineering conference where he admits that they have done no study whatsoever on the toxicological environmental effect. So, I would simply argue this, this is the goal of our study; to have full disclosure of this issue. Because we can’t really have any legitimate discussion about the climate or the state of the environment without acknowledging and considering this massive unacknowledged factor of climate engineering.

Holly: Well, I think we’d better wrap up there. But thanks for sharing your perspectives. I appreciate your time.

Dane: Only asking people to investigate. That’s our only goal. We don’t ask anybody to believe anything we state, we’re simply asking them to investigate the data. So thank you for allowing us to do that.

Holly J. Buck biography excerpt:

Faculty Fellow

Holly Jean Buck is a Doctoral candidate in the Department of Development Sociology at Cornell University, where she is also a Research Fellow at the Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future.

Her work looks at climate change, energy system transformation, and human-environment interactions in the Anthropocene.  As a NSF-IGERT fellow in Food Systems and Poverty Reduction in East Africa, she looked into potential socio-ecological impacts of large-scale land acquisitions for biofuels; currently, she is interested in the intersection of climate engineering with food systems and land use.

Academic Interests:  Geographies of climate change, energy security, remote sensing with UAVs, appropriate technology and algal biofuels, marine bioprospecting, bioenergy with carbon capture and storage, open-source biotechnology, startup culture, Anthropocene pedagogy & writing, the sociology of expectations, future studies

Holly holds a M.Sc. in Human Ecology from Lund University in Sweden, and previously worked in the geospatial industry.

Exposing Faces Of The Carnegie Science Criminal Climate Engineering Cover-Up


Dane Wigington

Industrialized/militarized society is, unfortunately, filled with individuals who are willing to do anything (or say anything) so long as it provides a paycheck, a pension, and what they perceive as a secure place in the most powerful tribe. The global climate engineering/weather warfare/biological warfare assault is the greatest and most immediate threat faced by humanity and the web of life (short of nuclear cataclysm). When specific individuals have made a career out of helping to cover up the criminal geoengineering programs by their "professional" public denial, these individuals need to be exposed. The "scientists" in question are paid to pretend geoengineering is only a "proposal" which helps to pacify the population in regard to the threat already posed by the ongoing geoengineering programs. "Carnegie Science" appears to be major sponsor of the ongoing climate engineering cover-up disinformation campaign. The 3 minute video below from Carnegie representative Ben Kravitz is a very revealing example of the "geoengineering is just a proposal" deception.

Two more primary actors in the geoengineering deception effort (also part of "Carnegie Science") are Dr. Ken Caldeira and Douglas MacMartin (AKA Doug MacMynowski). The 10 minute video below is a very revealing exposé, is their acting convincing?

Climate engineering/solar radiation management programs are obscuring skies all over the globe. Highly toxic heavy metals and chemicals from these illegal programs are supersaturating our breathable air column and thus contaminating every breath we take. 445

Geoengineered skies, Yosemite National Park, California. Photo credit: Sydne Pomin

Yet another "Carnegie Science" climate engineering disinformation representative is Dr. David Keith. Keith has helped to draft the new study shown below. Ken Caldeira, and Doug MacMartin (AKA MacMynowski) also contributed to this "study".

Carnegie Council Announces Launch of Carnegie Climate Geoengineering Governance Initiative 

Two excerpts from this report are below:

"There is a considerable lack of understanding of the governance requirements for addressing climate geoengineering—technologies that fundamentally require multilateral governance approaches," said Pasztor, the executive director. "This is what the C2G2 Initiative plans to address."

there is no comprehensive international framework to govern these technologies, which have planetary-wide consequences, pose many serious, unknown risks, and raise profound ethical questions.

What did Ken Caldeira do when he worked as a scientist for the United States government? In the 1 minute video below you can hear some of the shocking answers in Mr. Caldeira's own words (how to spray pathogens into clouds to infect the populations below, create tsunami's for destroying costal cities, weather as a weapon, etc).

In the 5 minute video below, David Keith ( also exposed publically be Stephen Colbert) has stated at an international science conference that the goal of the geoengineers is to put 10,000,000 tons of aluminum nanoparticules into the atmosphere annually (by jet aircraft dispersion).

This final 2 minute video (below) is of Mr. MacMartin (AKA Mr. MacMynowski) explaining how we can "test" global geoengineering programs. 

With all the above information considered (along with other geoengineering studies and solar radiation manegement reports drafted by Douglas MacMartin), the dialog shown below becomes very relevant. It is a full transcript of my very recent communications with Douglas MacMartin in which he compares "believing" that geoengineering is already deployed, is to believe that "the moon is made of blue cheese".

The conversation with "Carnegie Science" climate engineering disinformation representative Douglas MacMartin (AKA MacMynowski) began from an initial message sent to MacMartin from a very dedicated and credible anti-geoengineering activist, Maciej Kocialkowski, who expressed his very dire and justified concerns about climate engineering to Mr. MacMartin. 

Response to Maciej from Douglas MacMartin (AKA Douglass MacMynowski):

Good day Maciej,

I am sorry that you have been so deliberately deceived, but if you were a decent human being you would learn the facts before accusing other people of bad behaviour.

Theory #1: Clouds are made of water vapour

Theory #2: There is a vast conspiracy of hundreds of thousands of people in every single country on the planet, not one of whom is willing to break the silence and acknowledge that clouds are, in fact, not made of water vapour.

Personally I find Theory #1 to be more likely, but I understand that there are some people on the planet who find Theory #2 to be compelling, and that they are even capable of taking pictures and posting them on websites; just because they know how to use a camera and know how to type doesn’t mean that you should trust what they say.  Like I said, I’m sorry you’ve been deceived by dishonourable people, but please don’t accuse us of lying when we tell you that clouds are made of water.

I think it is clear who is cowardly, morally and ethically bankrupt here…

I was cc'd the above communication between Maciej and Douglas, and joined in the dialog:

Hello Mr. MacMartin,  our legal team (Legal Alliance to Stop Geoengineeing, LASG) recently conducted a survey of almost 1500 climate scientists/meteorologists. These academicians were asked if they were willing to deny (on the record) ongoing geoengineering deployment. Not a single scientist was willing to deny the geoengineering reality Mr. MacMartin, not one. Are you willing to tell us on the record that you know with certainty that global geoengineering/climate engineering/solar radiation management/stratospheric aerosol injection programs have not yet been deployed?

Survey of 1500 scientists/meteorologists (the entire list of academicians surveyed is contained in the link, PDF file)


I have been on conference calls all week with a growing # of attorneys that are joining our effort, geoengineering will be exposed, wait and see. When that happens, how will the public react to your narrative of denial which in effect has helped to cover up the ongoing climate engineering crimes? Time will soon enough reveal the answer to that question.


Dane Wigington

Response from MacMartin (MacMynowski):

Hi Dane,

Yes, there is no deployment anywhere of any deliberate stratospheric aerosol injection program that is intended to significantly alter the climate.  If there were some clandestine operation somewhere on the globe that was big enough to matter, we would be able to detect it from satellite data.

The fact that most scientists don’t waste their time responding to random emails from people doesn’t prove that they believe such a program exists.  I tend to get about 100 emails a day on average, I can’t possibly waste my time responding to everything that comes in.  A quick skim of some of the responses you got makes it quite obvious that no-one believes such a program exists. 

I also think that if you demanded of 1500 scientists that they deny that the moon is made of blue cheese, you would find very few who would open the email and bother responding.  If you think that that means that scientists think that the moon is made of blue cheese, you would be certifiably delusional. 

Please do not post material stating that I am a liar when you have no evidence of such a statement (and indeed, since that statement is false, it is you who are a liar, you who are deliberately deceiving innocent people).  I think that either you are incapable of rational thought, or morally repugnant.  You would be wise to stop and think clearly before trying to spread false information.

There are real problems in this world that demand real attention.  Inventing fake ones is a waste of everyone’s time.


My reply to MacMartin (MacMynowski):

Mr. MacMartin, it seems you continue to irrationally display your adversity to reality. As a "scientist" you can amazingly say with certainty that you somehow  that no climate engineering programs have been deployed anywhere by anyone? And for proof you state you would "detect" such spraying activity from satellite data? Though 1500 scientists refused to deny the climate engineering issue on the record, you somehow know for certain that no climate engineering whatsoever is taking place? 

Perhaps you need to take a closer look at some satellite images Douglas, which you claim prove there is nothing going in our skies.

FYI, there are countless satellite images that clearly show ongoing aerosol operations, clearly not commercial traffic,

geoengineering trails satellite images

If your claim is that this is all just "condensation trails" Mr. MacMartin, this also does not hold up to any legitimate investigation. 


Are the NASA satellite images in the link below also just "natural cloud cover" Douglas?

or these NASA images

Perhaps you should comb through this 750 page historical congressional document on global climate intervention programs and explain to us all why we should ignore it.


The final statements in your message to me truly reveal an irrational desperation to deny on your part, Mr. MacMartin (the quote from MacMartin is below). 

"I also think that if you demanded of 1500 scientists that they deny that the moon is made of blue cheese, you would find very few who would open the email and bother responding.  If you think that that means that scientists think that the moon is made of blue cheese, you would be certifiably delusional. 

Please do not post material stating that I am a liar when you have no evidence of such a statement (and indeed, since that statement is false, it is you who are a liar, you who are deliberately deceiving innocent people).  I think that either you are incapable of rational thought, or morally repugnant.  You would be wise to stop and think clearly before trying to spread false information.

There are real problems in this world that demand real attention.  Inventing fake ones is a waste of everyone’s time."

The public is rapidly waking up to the willful mass deception being propagated from the very "academicians" like yourself that the public has been so well trained to trust. I would ask you, Mr. MacMartin, how do you think the population will react (once fully awakened to the truth) to individuals such as yourself who have done everything in their power to hide the lethal climate engineering reality from them? Do you not believe that such an awakened public will hold people like you legally and morally accountable as accessories in the crimes of the climate engineering cover-up? Time will soon enough tell as the critical mass of awakening draws near. About my statements relating to your total disregard for the truth, I stand by them. There are only three possibilities in your case, Mr. MacMartin, either you are criminally negligent in your knowledge of the very profession in which you claim to be an expert, or you are visually challenged and cannot see the blatant aerosol spraying that is so clearly visible in countless satellite images that you claim prove there is no aerosol spraying, or finally, yes, for whatever reason or motive, you are willfully choosing to deceive the population on this most critical issue, Mr. MacMartin.

The truth about the ongoing climate engineering reality will soon be known by all, Douglas, wait and see. When that time comes, you, and all those like you (who have willfully deceived the public about the geoenigneering reality and dangers), will face the public's demand for legal and moral accountability.

Dane Wigington

MacMartin's (MacMynowski's) reply:

On Jan 23, 2017, at 5:29 AM, Douglas MacMartin wrote:

It is clear that you are not interested in reality.  Please don’t waste our time.

My reply to MacMartin (MacMynowski):

Is that the best response to all the data I posted that you could come up with Douglas? "It is clear that you are not interested in reality. Please don’t waste our time". Did you even bother to examine the NASA satellite images included in the last message? Or the 750 page US Senate report? I see that Dr. David Keith is on this email list which someone has put together. Mr. Keith, like you, will soon enough likely be held legally and morally accountable by an awakened and enraged population.

Another FYI below Douglas, a very damning 5 minute video of Dr. Keith discussing the dumping of 10 to 20 million tons of aluminum into the stratosphere annually.

The next FYI 6 minute video below is shocking time-lapse footage of solar radiation management programs being carried out. Yes, populations are beginning to wake up to the fact that they are all a part of a grand and lethal experiment without their knowledge and consent. An illegal and unimaginably destructive experiment that individuals like you, Dr. David Keith, and Dr. Ken Caldeira, are willfully deceiving the public about.

And there are countless other up close film captures of what is clearly jet aircraft aerosol dispersions


2 minute video

And another

And another

And another

And there are many more.

Douglas, can you state with a straight face that this is just "condensation" being turned on and off from these jet aircraft?

Understand this, Douglas, I and a rapidly growing number of others all over the country and, indeed, the world, will continue to do our best to make sure the public is completely aware of the part you (and people like Dr. Keith and Dr. Ken Caldeira) have played in the criminal climate engineering cover-up.

Dane Wigington

Reply from Douglass MacMartin (MacMynowski)

Hi Dane,

I’m sure that you are a well-intentioned person who simply cares deeply about the planet (like me and presumably everyone else you email), but that you have misled yourself, and in doing so have gotten yourself too angry to have a polite and informed conversation from which you might learn something.

At some level I don’t really care if you believe things that aren’t true, but you are misleading other well-intentioned people and filling them with mis-placed anger as well.  The world would be better off if people spent their energy working on real problems in constructive ways.  If you are concerned about climate change, for example, write your representatives and senators and ask for policies to address climate change.  Unfortunately, by convincing people of things that aren’t true, you aren’t helping make the world a better place but simply wasting people’s energies.

While I unfortunately don’t have high confidence (based on your previous emails) that there is any chance that you will be swayed, I would ask the rest of the people that you have tried to influence to think carefully about why they are believing you rather than believing the tens of thousands of people who have devoted their entire careers towards understanding the climate and how to make the world a better place.

My understanding from people I’ve talked to about this is that the root confusion here is that what any meteorologist looks at as a natural contrail, you take pictures of and claim it isn’t a contrail.  Why do you believe that water vapour can make clouds under the right atmospheric conditions, yet water vapour that comes out of a jet exhaust shouldn’t do the same?  (Especially in the presence of lots of appropriate cloud condensation nuclei in the exhaust.)  This isn’t anything mysterious…

And I am utterly baffled as to why anyone would draw any connection between aircraft contrails and those of us who are working to understand climate engineering.  Those of us involved in that research are motivated entirely by concern over the suffering of humans and non-humans alike due to climate change, and we think there is sufficient cause for alarm about the future to do the research into the idea of putting something like sulfate (not a significant part of aircraft exhaust) into the stratosphere (higher than the airplanes you see making contrails).  No-one is doing anything like this now.  No-one ever has.  No-one is even proposing it.  When you claim that those things are true, you are simply making it up and then accusing lots of other people of lying.  (And if in 30 years someone does decide that the situation is dire enough to warrant geoengineering, it won’t look remotely like contrails from aircraft.)  The only connection between aircraft contrails and geoengineering is that both of them involve the atmosphere; that’s a pretty tenuous link.  The only thing that exists today is computer modeling.  Everything that you have said about me is something that you have simply made up and then tried to convince other people is true.

If you want to understand something about climate engineering, I would recommend reading the National Academy report on the subject from 2015, and you will quickly learn that it has nothing whatsoever to do with any of the things that you write about on your website. 

If you are interested in learning something from polite, curious, open-minded conversation, that’s great.  If you are only interested in ranting and accusing people of bad behaviour, I don’t think that is constructive or useful to any of us.  Sorry to be blunt, but I don’t go around making things up and convincing dozens of my friends to send meaningless hate-mail to random people, and I think you could help make the world a better place if you didn’t do that either.


P.S.  You might also want to know that when you try to disparage other people and falsely accuse them of bad behaviour in a public way, that doesn’t come across well and doesn’t reflect well on your values.

My response to MacMartin (MacMynowski)

Mr. MacMartin (or is it Mr. MacMynowski? Isn't that your former name?, perhaps you think you are fooling some on this email list by pretending to be a victim (which you absolutely are not), but even the academicians and corporate media sources on the list are becoming aware that the climate engineering elephant in the room can't be hidden much longer. Coming article posts will continue to present data that exposes you, and those like you, who appear to be making a career out of public deception on an issue of unimaginable gravity.  Douglas, the truth about the global climate engineering/geoengineering/solar radiation management programs will soon be known by the masses, how do you think they will react to those who did their best to cover-up the highly toxic and environmentally devastating climate engineering crimes? We will soon enough find out…



The questions below, already sent to you, which you never gave an honest answer to, or any answer to, Mr. MacMartin. (other than to compare the ongoing climate engineering issue to the moon being made of  "blue cheese" even when you have been directly involved in the climate engineering issue for a very long time 

Questions formerly sent but never even acknowledged by you. No comment on the NASA photos and US Senate documents?

Perhaps you need to take a closer look at some satellite images Douglas, which you claim prove there is nothing going in our skies.

FYI, there are countless satellite images that clearly show ongoing aerosol operations, clearly not commercial traffic,

geoengineering trails satellite images

If your claim is that this is all just "condensation trails" Mr. MacMartin, this also does not hold up to any legitimate investigation. 


Are the NASA satellite images in the link below also just "natural cloud cover" Douglas?

or these NASA images

Perhaps you should comb through this 750 page historical congressional document on global climate intervention programs and explain to us all why we should ignore it.


Final response from MacMartin (MacMynowski)


First, don’t bother responding to this email, as I’ve already blocked your email address, as it is clear that you are not interested in any polite discourse from which you might learn something.  So I will never see what your response is, and you won’t be able to receive any satisfaction from thinking that whatever you type, someone just might feel insulted.  Any response you type will just be wasted effort going into a meaningless void (kind of like this email, come to think of it)…

So many in the circles of academia (and journalism) have completely betrayed the human race, and the entire web of life. One cannot help but wonder how such individuals can so completely and totally abandon any sense of honor or morality. Man's attempt to manipulate Earth's life support systems is the epitome of human folly and insanity, it is nothing short of willfull planetary omnicide.  Exposing the criminal climate engineering deception and cover-up (and all those contributing to it) is essential, all of our efforts are needed in this battle.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 24, 2016


Dane Wigington

The clock of our collective futures continues to tick toward midnight. How much of the population has any real idea about what is unfolding at blinding speed? The record high stock market ponzi scheme house of cards has kept the masses pacified and willfully blind to corporate layoffs, environmental implosion, and countless other issues. Private banker printed fiat money is still ruling the day, but twilight is now upon us. Why are British and US soldiers fighting alongside terrorists in Aleppo? The public relations person in charge of climate engineering disinformation, Dr. David Keith, has come up with a new idea about what should be sprayed into our atmosphere by geoengineering jet aircraft. Keith now says we should use calcium carbonate. Dr. Keith, what happened to your promotion of spraying 20,000,000 tons of aluminum into the atmosphere annually? Whether actively or passively, so many circles in the science community have completely betrayed populations and the planet. The same is true with the circles of the medical industrial complex. What will it take for the medical community to acknowledge the dangers of vaccines, fluoridated water, and many other issues? The Dakota water protectors get hit with yet another snowstorm while temperatures at the North Pole skyrocket to almost 60 degrees above normal, for the second year in a row. What is the shadow government doing while the unraveling of the biosphere and society progresses? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Some feel no motivation to fight for the greater good unless they are given a guarantee of success, but we would do well to remember there are no such certainties in life.  We would do well to also remember that life is, at best, a seasonal occupation, and the season is short. Why are we here? If it is not to do our part for the greater good, then why?

British Newspaper Reports On Climate Engineering


With all of us working together we are gaining ground in the battle to reach a critical mass of climate engineering awareness, the geoengineering/solar radiation management atrocities in our skies are now becoming all but impossible to hide. The just published article below from the "Daily Express" is the most recent example of mainstream media addressing the global climate engineering assault. As we should expect, any mainstream source does utilize the "chemtrails" in attempt to marginalize the subject at hand. Those in power desperately want the to enforce the use of the non-science "chemtrail" label. This fact is glaringly revealed in a short interview I did with mainstream media "hitman" David Pakman. Another example is CBS, who also utilized the same tactic in an interview I did with them last year. The author of a recent article in "The Guardian" newspaper (from UK)  also consistently used the "conspiracy theory" term, though sections of his reporting  on the climate engineering issue were fairly objective. The more consistently we use the science terms to raise awareness (climate engineering, geoengineering, solar radiation management, etc), the more credibility and progress we will gain in this most critical battle. Use of the "chemtrails" term is not helpful to the credibility of our cause.  Let's all keep sounding the alarm (please take a moment to vote in the poll that is within the article below).
Dane Wigington

Are We About To Be Told Chemtrails Are Real? Harvard Says Emissions Could Save The Earth

Source:, article by Jon Austin

SO-CALLED "chemtrails" could be used to protect the planet from climate change, a team of scientists has claimed.


Scientists have said the principal of alleged chemtrailing could save Earth from climate change. Photo credit: Getty

Researchers from the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) have identified an aerosol that could be used for "solar geoengineering" to cool the planet, while repairing ozone damage at the same time.

In a new study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the scientists said injecting light-reflecting sulphate aerosols into the stratosphere would cool the planet, but there is a risk of damaging the ozone layer which protects us from harmful UV rays in the process. 

However, the team claims to have identified an aerosol that could also repair the ozone layer at the same time as cooling the planet.

The announcement will no doubt set tongues wagging in the chemtrail conspiracy theory community.

The chemtrail conspiracy is one of the most widely believed on Earth and centers around claims that world governments are secretly spraying chemicals into the air – as seen by the contrails on high-altitude airplanes.

At its most extreme, conspiracy theorists believe that the contrails which form behind jet aircraft are actually streams of toxic “mind-control” chemicals, which dilute before they reach the ground, leaving a gas we breathe in that keeps the general population in check.

But there are a growing number of chemtrail believers, whose number include Hollywood hardman Chuck Norris, who claim the conspiracy is actually a secret global plot to change the Earth’s climate in the hope it will reverse the effects of climate change.


Chemtrail believers include Hollywood hardman Chuck Norris. Photo credit: Getty

Dane Wigington, a solar energy expert and former employee of Bechtel Power Corp, now runs, a website set up to expose the “harmful” conspiracy which has had more than 24.8 million visitors.

He investigated why solar panels at his home lost power as aircraft contrails formed in the sky.

According to Mr Wigington, the contrails, or chemtrails, we see forming behind aircraft most days are carrying out geoengineering.

An introduction to the subject on his website states: “It sounds like science fiction, but it’s not. It’s happening right above you."

He said a system called "Solar Radiation Management” (SRM) was being used, whereby scientists have tried to mimic the effects of a major volcanic eruption on temperature.

Bizarrely, scientists behind the new study are proposing to do what Mr. Wigington claims has secretly been happening.

But the team behind the new study insist this is all a breakthrough that has YET to be put into practice.

David Keith, the Gordon McKay Professor of Applied Physics at SEAS and professor of public policy at the Harvard Kennedy School, the first author of the paper, said: "In solar geoengineering research, introducing sulphuric acid into the atmosphere has been the only idea that had any serious traction until now.

“This research is a turning point and an important step in analysing and reducing certain risks of solar geoengineering.”

They found that calcite, a constituent of limestone, could counter ozone loss by neutralising emissions-borne acids in the atmosphere, while also reflecting light and cooling the planet. 

But, the researchers said it was not an alternative to reducing emissions to slow down global warming.

Frank Keutsch, the Stonington Professor of Engineering and Atmospheric Science at SEAS and professor of chemistry and chemical biology, a co-author of the paper, said:

Geoengineering is like taking painkillers.

When things are really bad, painkillers can help but they don’t address the cause of a disease and they may cause more harm than good. 

We really don’t know the effects of geoengineering, but that is why we’re doing this research.

This research fundamentally rethinks what kinds of particles should be used for solar geoengineering.

Anytime you introduce even initially unreactive surfaces into the stratosphere, you get reactions that ultimately result in ozone destruction, as they are coated with sulphuric acid.

Instead of trying to minimise the reactivity of the aerosol, we wanted a material that is highly reactive but in a way that would avoid ozone destruction.

Essentially, we ended up with an antacid for the stratosphere.

Source:, article by Jon Austin

Scientists Surveyed Unanimously Refuse To Deny Climate Engineering Reality


Dane Wigington

On Friday, October 7th, 2016, carried out a simple survey that involved 1518 climate scientists and experts. Below is the very simple and straightforward survey statement sent out to 1518 climate scientists/experts by GeoengineeringWatch. This survey was worded in a specific fashion for a reason. The climate science community has systematically claimed that geoengineering programs are only a "proposal". But what happens when this community is asked to state their denial on the record?

Rapidly Increasing Awareness Of The Climate Engineering Crimes Is Panicking Corporate Media


Dane Wigington

The recent rash of mainstream media propaganda pushback against the rapidly rising global climate engineering awareness is a glaring red flag which proves that we are indeed gaining ground in this all important battle. Those who work for the mainstream media organizations of mass deception should at this point be considered as accessories to the geoengineering/weather warfare crimes of omnicide when they willingly participate in the cover-up of these crimes. "Scientists" like Dr. David Keith, and Dr. Ken Caldeira have been (and still are) leading the effort to deceive the public with yet another major disinformation pushback from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. These two individuals should not only be considered accessories to the criminal climate engineering cover-up, but should also be considered primary instigators of this cover-up.

Dr. Caldeira and Dr. Keith were both contributors to a recent disinformation "study" designed to deceive the population and intimidate others in academia from speaking out about the climate engineering crimes. Caldeira's employer, Carnegie "Science", was the supporting institution for this "study" (orchestrated survey). The Carnegie group has long since admitted on the record that geoengineering would not only "make the skies whiter", but it would actually "turn them white". So how is it that this power structure institution, Carnegie "Science", (with defense industry contracts) now tries to completely marginalize the very issue they have issued reports about? They deny the very reality of the solar radiation management effect in our skies which mountains of data prove is an ongoing reality. The CBC Canadian corporate news empire has added their voice to the cover-up effort, again with Dr. Keith at the helm of the deception. Once the Canadian billboard in the photo below came to Dr. Keith's attention (the billboard's link leads directly to, Keith apparently made sure there would be a corporate media pushback to blatantly lie about the billboard's meaning and message.  78

Banff National Park, Hwy 1, Alberta, Canada. Billboard photo credit: Jason and Lorna Hardy 80

Banff National Park, Hwy 1, Alberta, Canada. Billboard photo credit: Jamie Allen-Miller

‎For the record, David Keith's entire career is centered around the "solar geoengineering" issue which is exactly what the Canadian billboard was in fact about. With this in mind, let's consider the following quotes made about the billboard by Dr. Keith (in the CBC disinformation article).

"I think it's stunning and frightening because it is complete lunacy"

And this:

"A lot of people just believe things that normal science doesn't believe at all"

Watch this video and again consider Dr. Keith's quotes about geoengineering shown above. Bill Gates has even contributed to Dr. David Keith's and Dr. Ken Caldeira's efforts in the geoengineering field. If, after examining the CBC disinformation article, you feel the CBC author, Kyle Bakx, has been criminally deceptive, let him know what you think about his blatantly false and deceptive "reporting" by contacting Kyle Bakx directly. About Dr. David Keith and Dr. Ken Caldeira, if you are not OK with the part they are playing in the ongoing criminal climate engineering cover-up, tell them yourself (their contact links were given earlier in this article and are shown again at the bottom of this post). Communications should be done in a non threatening manner, though we can and should still point out to these individuals that once the public wakes up to the lethal deception, populations will undoubtedly hold those that participated in the criminal climate engineering cover-up legally and morally accountable. When messaging these individuals by email, it is important to openly cc as many other credible people as possible. Doing so further assists with the effort to expose those that are participating in the disinformation, and thus helps  to hold them accountable for their actions.

Climate Engineering Cover-Up Continues In The US

Redding, California, has been and will continue to be an epicenter for the effort to expose the ongoing climate engineering crimes. Shasta Dam (the second largest in the country) is located just north of Redding and the Sacramento River (a primary source of the State's water) flows through Redding. Lab tests prove that the Sacramento River and tributaries are being contaminated by the toxic heavy metal and chemical climate engineering fallout (starting with aluminum). The fight to expose the climate engineering issue in Shasta County has been long and arduous, but not in vain. As more and more in the Redding area have awakened to the climate engineer atrocities, Northern California's primary newspaper (The Record Searchlight) has displayed rapidly increasingly tyrannical behavior. In a blatant effort to sensationalize headlines of total deception, the Searchlight avoids the use of hard science terms and instead focuses on launching personal attacks in order to distract from the real issue of the illegal covert climate engineering assault. The local page photo of the latest Record Searchlight disinformation and personal attack publication is below. This travesty of "journalism" was published on 8-19-16.


Recent Record Searchlight headline on cover of the local section of the newspaper

Why does it matter to even bother exposing this completely immoral propaganda publication for what they are? Because the anti-geoengineering legal action from LASG may concentrate in this region. By continuing to shine the light on the Searchlight's unethical conduct, once the climate engineering issue can no longer be hidden the citizens of Northern California will then fully realize the part the Record Searchlight staff played in hiding critical information from Shasta County citizens. This will assist us with the legal effort to fully expose the climate engineering assault and with reaching a critical mass of awareness on the issue. The corporate media owned Record Searchlight "newspaper" has not only completely blacked out any coverage of numerous past major community climate engineering awareness events in Redding, but is at the same time giving front page coverage of any and every disinformation propaganda that attempts to falsely marginalize the critical climate engineering issue.

The editor for the Record Searchlight is Silas Lyons. Below is a message from Mr. Lyons after he was confronted with the Searchlight's blackout of a major community climate engineering awareness gathering with over 1000 in attendance.

Mr. Wigington,

Thanks for your note. The Record Searchlight certainly has no monopoly on the public receiving information, and you've used the Internet, events and other channels pretty effectively from what I can tell. Because scientists and government agencies are actively exploring geoengineering — SRM, etc. — it may be that the reality will someday catch up with your claims. I expect our newspaper will carry many stories about the subject, as the idea of using technology to cool the planet in the future is a debate with enormous potential consequences and grave ethical questions. But your claims about present-day conspiracies to poison the planet are not rooted in that reality. We continue to believe it's our journalistic responsibility not to lend coverage and — by extension — credence to thoroughly debunked conspiracy theories. 

Our position on this is consistent. As I told another correspondent, I recognize that by declining to participate in coverage we are fueling claims that there's a vast conspiracy and we are co-conspirators with our military, public servants and the entire body of mainstream science. I can't help that, as that is the very nature of conspiracy theories — and what makes them so elegantly self-perpetuating.

Best regards,


My response to Mr. Lyons:

Mr. Lyons, I would have expected a more plausible response from you than that which you put together, but I will say it is revealing. Have I ever stated there was a "conspiracy to poison the planet"? (stated in Searchlight article) No, that is just more spin from you and your publication which is what we have all come to expect. What I have always stated is that all available evidence indicates geoengineering is a reality, not just a "proposal". Our "claims" are "rooted" in countless lab tests done at state certified labs. Our "claims" are grounded in actual film footage of military tankers spraying at altitude with nozzles fully visible. Then there are the historical government documents, recent congressional documents calling for the global governance of geoengineering, , etc, the list goes on. The highly toxic heavy metal contamination is beyond dispute as already stated (proven by dozens of lab tests in Shasta County alone). The very dangerous UV radiation levels are also beyond dispute as metering proves. The ongoing spraying of our skies is beyond dispute as film footage proves. You have a moral and ethical responsibility to the community you claim to represent, Silas. You have repeatedly and willfully failed to uphold that responsibility. Did I ever claim there was a "vast conspiracy" that kept you from doing your job, no. Let me be clear, I simply believe you lack the moral fortitude to carry out your job, Mr. Lyons. You are entitled to your denial of the climate engineering reality, I grant you that, but there is absolutely no excuse for you to black out any coverage whatsoever of a major community event with about 1000 in attendance. A community event that featured testimony from our top local neurologist, from numerous former government scientists, from former military personnel, former defense industry technicians, A CEO from one of the worlds largest environmental and engineering consulting firms, etc. The public is rapidly waking up to the fact that media representatives like yourself are in fact not doing their jobs. Rather, in many cases (like this one) editors like you are going out of their way to omit stories that citizens have a right to hear about. The climate engineering/geoengineering reality cannot be hidden in plain sight much longer, the decimation related to these programs is becoming too great. Once the public is fully aware (especially in the North State), I believe they will want you to do some serious explaining, Silas. In the meantime, we will post communications like this so that everything is out in the open as I am sure you would want it to be. Again, Silas, to set the record straight, I have never said and don't believe there is a conspiracy linked to your decision to blackout this major community event, I simply believe you lack courage and are primarily focused on the protection of your paycheck and pension. Again, there is no rational justification for the editor of the primary local newspaper blacking out any and all coverage of a major community event with 1000 in attendance, local city officials in attendance, local physicians speaking along with testimony from former government scientists, a CEO a global environmental and engineering consulting firm with 10,000 employees, former defense industry personnel, former military personnel, etc. The citizens are waking up, Silas, and I can only imagine they will not be happy once they have a clear picture of reality and those that have done their best to hide it.
Dane WIgington

Who is the real Silas Lyons? How does he contribute to the greater good? The 1 minute video below is very revealing. In it Mr. Lyons displays his approach to dealing with ALS (a disease related to aluminum contamination and exposure), and the California drought (a direct result of climate engineering).

Searchlight editor, Silas Lyons, has exercised incredibly unethical behavior as "media" representative on which Northern California citizens depend.

More stellar examples of the Record Searchlight's completely unethical behavior have been displayed from the Searchlight's managing editor, Carole Ferguson.


Record Searchlight's managing editor, Carole Ferguson

After receiving a valid press release about a climate engineering/geoengineering/solar radiation management study, Ms. Feguson gave the following response.

A news release about a study by a chemtrail believer in a questionable journal posted to the PR Newswire does not add up to Reuters covering geoengineering.

And none of it matches sound scientific principles or even passes Occam’s Razor, which is why we don’t cover it. 

Carole Ferguson
Managing editorRecord Searchlight
1101 Twin View Blvd. • Redding, CA 96003
530-225-8232 • Fax – 530-225-8236

After the Searchlight's recent publication of the disinformation/personal attack article shown earlier, Robert Wegman, an attorney from the LASG team, sent the following letter to Searchlight managing editor, Carole Ferguson.

Dear Ms. Ferguson:

I am one of the attorneys with the Legal Alliance to Stop Geoeingeering ("LASG").  I just spoke with Jessica Skropanic who referred me to you.  Jessica confirmed that your paper received the rebuttal piece written by Dane Wigington concerning the article your paper ran on August 19, 2016 by Damon Arthur entitled "Contrail or Chemtrail."

That editorial piece mentioned Dane Wigington by name and, frankly, parts of the article were patently false.  Dane and, if necessary, the LASG should have an opportunity to respond to the unsupportable assertions made in the article.  Moreover, we welcome the opportunity to discuss this matter openly with your staff.  Our only goal is only to bring awareness to this dire issue and to hopefully stop it.  I run a very busy practice as do all the other attorneys.  We have all felt impelled to rally around this cause for the sake of our children. It's no more complicated than that.  

To say what is happening in our skies is destructive to the earth's ecology is a gross understatement.  Unless geoengineering immediately ceases, we will experience cataclysmic effects (including mass extinction) of biblical proportions. I think your readers would be quite interested to know about the clandestine work its government is doing to its unwitting subjects. Publishing articles filled with misinformation (disinformation) only serves to further lull the populace into complacency.  It is no coincidence that California is experiencing the worst drought in history, while Texas and Louisiana have experienced historical flooding.  It is also no coincidence that wild fires are burning faster and hotter than ever before.  They are nearly uncontrollable.  Dry vegetation and fire fueled by aluminum oxide will have that effect.    

The LASG and Dane understand New York Times v. Sullivan gives the media nearly carte blanche to publish whatever it wishes, but Dane should be afforded the opportunity to have his voice heard and to set the record straight.  We trust you agree. That is, after all, the very essence of editorializing. 

I kindly ask you to advise whether Dane's piece will be published and when.  Should you need to discuss this matter with me, my contact information is included below. 

Best regards,

Robert L. Wegman, Esquire


Ms. Ferguson's reply:


Thanks for your interest in the letter sent by Dane Wigington.

We will not be publishing it. It will not clear our fact checking efforts.

We do not agree with your movement’s claims that the government is engaged in a plan to alter the weather using airplane exhaust.

Yes, there are studies on the effects of contrails on how they reflect sunlight back into space and thus may provide a cooling effect. Temperatures rose slightly after all planes were landed after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

And we acknowledge that climate change caused by too many fossil fuels – including jet fuel — is causing the more severe weather patterns such as drought and flooding.

But we follow real science and find that nearly all of Mr. Wigington’s claims to be false. It is against our policy to publish letters full of falsehoods.

Mr. Wigington had his chance to discuss his concerns when our reporter called him. But for the most part he didn’t say much and directed our reporter to a statement posted on

I see where you suggest we can talk with Mr. Wigington about this further. Over the years, he and many others who follow him have discussed their beliefs at length with us. Another sit-down session would be futile for all sides.

The "letter to the editor" reply which I submitted in rebuttle to the Searchlight's disinformation/personal attack article (and which Ms. Ferguson flatly refused to print) was in complete conformity to the Searchlight's submission requirements. The refused submission is below.

Searchlight Blatantly Omits Facts On Critical Climate Engineering Issue

The Record Searchlight continues to demonstrate an unfortunate disregard for factual reporting. An article in the Friday edition of the paper (8-19-16) by Damon Arthur titled "Contrail or Chemtrail" is a glaring case in point. The "science study" (in reality an informal survey) which was the entire basis of the Searchlight post (clearly directed at me) is very deceptive. First, the Searchlight (and the propaganda report they published)  chose to sensationalize with completely unscientific terms like "chemtrails" and thus they completely omit hard science terms that would have lead readers to real facts and data. Terms like "solar radiation management" (SRM), "stratospheric aerosol injection" (SAI), and "cloud albedo enhancement" (CAE). Instead of objectively reporting the science terms that relate to the subject of global climate engineering, the Searchlight falsely infers that this issue in question is about "a conspiracy to poison the planet".  Mr. Arthur,  since you have directed your hit piece toward me, can you now show your readers when and where I have ever, even once, recited such a statement? The "study" in question actually solicited 450 scientists, not 77 as the Searchlight (and the "study") falsely reported. Of that 450, nearly 84% were unwilling to even participate in the study. Why not? Could it be due to the fact that there is an illegal Federal gag order on ALL National Weather Service and ALL NOAA employees?  Why is there a gag order? Why wasn't this illegal gag order reported by the Searchlight or the "study"? This means that of the total number of scientists surveyed, only slightly over 16% were even willing to respond. Why was this crucial fact also completely omitted? Next, the Searchlight repeatedly quotes the head of a disinformation website as if he is some sort of authority. The primary function of this individual and his site is to falsely discredit anyone who says anything negative about the actions of our government. Do the opinions of such an individual really belong in a "science study"? The Searchlight article author  then falsely reports on the citizen attendance at a 2014 Shasta County Supervisors meeting on geoengineering by stating "dozens of people attended". In fact, at the peak of the supervisors meeting, there were estimated to be 500 people at the supervisors chambers. The supervisors admitted on film (posted at that the attendance was the largest in the facilities history. "A few dozen", Damon? Continuing,  Damon Arthur did not bother to mention anything about the 750 page US Senate document that proves conclusively the US government has been heavily involved with international climate engineering programs for decades. Mr. Arthur further failed to mention that the head of the CIA, John Brennan, just spoke in front of the Council on Foreign Relations about geoengineering. There are also extensive historical presidential reports, military documents, and 160 geoengineering patents, (all posted at Finally, Damon and the Searchlight continue to completely omit any mention of the fact that a team of US attorneys (Legal Alliance To Stop Geoengineering) has started legal proceedings to expose climate engineering along with the agencies and officials that are helping to hide it by failing to disclose a proven and dangerous heavy metal contamination from the public. How would Mr. Arthur know about all this information? Because he telephoned me days before the Searchlight hit piece and I informed him of virtually every verifiable fact stated above, none of which Mr. Arthur bothered to report. The bottom line is this, the Record Searchlight has not honestly and objectively reported the facts. 

Dane Wigington

A follow-up reply was then sent to Ms. Ferguson by the LASG legal team:

Double click to enlarge and read




The Searchlight's managing editor reply is below:


We stand by our decision and our story.

The point of this example of corporate media tyranny is this, honorless individuals will continue to lie, falsely report, or completely omit whatever they want until the population as a whole takes a stand for truth and justice. The power structure could not continue to carry out their crimes if not for the complete and total obedience of the mainstream media machine of mass deception. How do we effectively push back? We start by taking the time to send articulate but direct (and non-threatening) messages to every individual that is participating in the criminal cover-up, whether actively or passively. Let them know that we know who they are, that we are not OK with their criminal behavior, and that once the crimes in question are fully exposed, we, society, will hold them legally and morally accountable. I am supplying some key email contacts for criminal propaganda perpetrators below for a starting point. Make your voice heard, forward the contacts to others so that they can continue and build the wave.

Dr. David Keith: (click open the link to access email address)

Dr. Ken Caldeira: (click open the link to access email address)

Record Searchlight editor, Silas Lyons:

Record Searchlight managing editor, Carole Ferguson:

Record Searchlight journalist, Damon Arthur:

CBC "reporter", Kyle Bakx:

The Geoengineering Disaster Capitalists, Who are They?


These are indeed strange days on planet Earth. For all of the technological genius of the human race, we have not even considered how to save ourselves from ourselves. The absolute epitome of human insanity is the ongoing decades long attempt to completely engineer Earth's climate system (with countless variations of weather and biological warfare along the way). Even the U. S. National Academy of Sciences is trying to sound the alarm on the dangers of geoengineering (though these scientists have not yet shown the courage to admit global geoengineering has long since been fully deployed). As the biosphere implosion continues to accelerate, the disaster capitalists have come from every dark corner with the goal of profiteering in the final hours of industrialized civilization. I have had my own confrontation with internationally recognized geoengineer David Keith, but there are many more in the camp of climate engineering capitalists.  Who are these people? What are their individual parts in the planetary geoenigneering nightmare? Certainly those on the list below are only the lowest level pawns in the play, but it is still important to who they are and where they fit in. My most sincere gratitude to Jacob Brogan for assembling an excellent exposé of the geoengineering disaster capitalists.
Dane Wigington


The Paris Climate Conference, What’s The Real Agenda?


Dane Wigington

What is the Paris climate conference really about? What is really going on behind the endless assault of smoke and mirrors erected and orchestrated by those in power?


Police clash with protesters in Paris before the start of the climate change conference

The recent terrorist attacks (false flag?) have not only given the global power structure exactly the excuse they needed to further ramp up their intervention in Syria and other Middle Eastern counties, it also handed to them the pretext to completely clamp down on any form of protest at the Paris climate talks. There is no rational denial of these facts. 

“All this makes us think that the state of emergency is being used as a way to shut us up,” said Juliette Rousseau, who coordinates a coalition of environmental and social justice groups known as Climat 21.

Pushing The Ongoing Global Geoengineering Insanity

The Paris climate conference is ultimately not about curbing global greenhouse gases, or slowing the mass planetary decimation being caused by industrialized society, it is about, yet again, doubling down on the status quo and climate engineering. Industrialized civilization is destroying the planet's ability to support life, global geoengineering is the absolute epitome of the industrialized/militarized destruction. The reality we have all known is spiraling into total collapse, we are far past the point of no return in regard to the once thriving planet that we previously knew. This being said, there is yet one quantum leap we could collectively make in the right direction, to fully expose and halt the global weather warfare/climate engineering assault while there is still some part of Earth's life support systems left to salvage. The insanity of geoengineers like David Keith must be brought to light.


Completely engineered toxic skies over Paris. Photo credit: Kelcey Rushing

Many claims have been made about the true agenda of this conference, do such claims match available facts? Dichotomous thinking must be abandoned if grounded conclusions are to be reached. Honest objective investigation without bias is essential.

Claim: The major global powers are actually trying to force a legally binding carbon reduction treaty. 

If that was true, why did the US and France already start backpedaling on any binding agreement before the climate talks even started?

Claim: France has preemptively arrested "climate deniers" before the start of the conference.

Though draconian arrests have indeed been carried out, available information indicates the incarcerations were of those who threatened to protest the lack of climate action, not of those denying climate change.

Claim: Global geoengineering will be legalized at the Paris conference.

In all previous climate conferences, global climate modification has never been admitted to as an ongoing reality. Thus far, there is no credible information to indicate the Paris meeting will admit to or confirm the geoengineering reality, let alone legalize it.

Claim: Global warming is just a "problem, reaction, solution" scenario that has been manufactured by those in power as a means of producing profits. Also claimed: Global warming does not exist or cannot be verified unless or until climate engineering is halted.

If a person was found injured and unconscious, but the cause or various causes of the injury were not yet known, admitted to, or conclusively confirmed, does that mean the injury doesn't exist in the first place? Wars are most certainly utilized by the power structure to produce massive profits, does that mean wars are not real? Such lines of thinking are not rational or a factual basis on which to form a conclusion. Though there are countless "disaster capitalists" trying to make all the profit they can from the disintegrating climate system, that does not negate the reality itself.

Many claim that there has been a nearly two decade "pause" in escalating global temperatures. Does front line data support this claim? No. Not only was there no "pause" in the warming, the planetary meltdown continues to accelerate with the completely out of control climate engineering insanity helping to fuel the overall fire. Engineered short term cool-downs at the cost of a worsened overall warming and a completely poisoned planet.

Many countries are comfortable with both the term "treaty" and legally binding emissions targets. But this would increase the likelihood that the agreement would have to go to a hostile US Congress for approval, an outcome the Obama administration is keen to avoid.

Veteran observers have long expected that a final deal would need to be worded in a way that satisfied the US, as well as China and other large emerging economies reluctant to take on onerous legal obligations to cut emissions.

Clearly the major global powers (most responsible for the geoengineering juggernaut of destruction) want nothing to do with cutting emissions. Though these powers (like the US, China, and Russia) have well known and well publicized opposing interests, they are all collaborating on the issue of climate engineering. Extensive historical congressional documents (750 pages) on climate engineering call for such collusion between nations that otherwise have competing interests. Historical presidential reports also describe and detail the ongoing global weather modification. The global power structure is completely committed to the current model of total planetary decimation in the attempt to maintain their power until there is nothing left of the biosphere. Past climate conferences and agreements of course have done absolutely nothing to slow the polluting, plundering, and pillaging of the planet, they were never intended to. Paris will likely go down in exactly the same category


Earth's atmosphere is a toxic dumping ground for industrialized society and the geoengineers

There can be no legitimate discussion about the state of the climate without first and foremost addressing the geoengineering issue

The planet is not just warming, it is being pushed into total meltdown. Any valid discussion of this fact must include the climate engineering factor. I attended a Global Climate March in Chico, California, on November 28th, the march was put on by the "" group. Unfortunately, the climate science community and the environmental groups that support them are (with few exceptions) in total denial in regard to the geoengineering elephant in the room. Astoundingly, very few from this group were interested in geoengineering information I and other activists were trying to pass on to them. Bill McKibben is the head of this group. McKibben receives funds from the Rockefeller foundation, what a surprise

Chico Global Climate March

Organizing to distribute geoengineering information at the Chico Global Climate March

On the other side of the fence, an unfortunately large percentage of the anti-geoengineering community is in total denial of the completely verifiable extremely rapid warming of our biosphere. The planet is heating up at a rate equal to 4 Hiroshima bombs PER SECOND. 2014 was the warmest year ever recorded. 2015 will break that record and 2016 will likely shatter the record yet again.  Facts about global warming have nothing to do with Al Gore or carbon credits (both of which are scams). Rather, it is about reality and credibility. Both factors are essential pillars to stand on if the battle to expose and halt climate engineering is to be successful. The planet's former energy balance and equilibrium has been radically altered from countless anthropogenic causes, with geoengineering at the top of the list. 

If bridges are to be built between the climate science community and the anti-geoengineering community, the toxic tug of war occurring in our atmosphere (between the buildup of greenhouse gasses and the spraying of geoengineering aerosols) must be recognized and acknowledged by both groups. Willful denial and blind ideology on either side of the fence (creating division) will only continue to help toe the line for the military industrial complex and the weathermakers. There will never be a shortage of disinformation sources which aggressively deny the geoengineering reality and global meltdown issues, it is up to each of us to think and investigate the front lines for ourselves. It is up to each of us to verify that we are seeing the world through a clear lens.

The Paris conference is about the increasing desperation and tyranny of those in power (the recent "gag order" placed on NWS and NOAA employees is another glaring red flag of desperation). Climate engineering is a reflection of these factors. How can we turn the tide? By facing the full reality head-on and encouraging others around us to do the same. By making every day count in the battle to reach a critical mass of awareness. The human race has decimated the planet in countless ways, climate engineering is the epitome of the insanity and destruction. Make your voice heard for the greater good, all of us are needed in this fight.

Geoengineering And The Ozone Layer Recovery Lie


Dane Wigington

We are being lied to on every level and to an unimaginable degree. The supposedly recovering Southern hemisphere ozone layer has hit a new record size, but "don't worry", the power structure controlled World Meteorological Organization says there is no reason for alarm. Really? Why shouldn't we be alarmed? And there is of course the "unprecedented" northern hemisphere ozone hole that the power structure controlled mainstream media won't even mention. Global geoengineering is destroying the ozone layer. Previous mainstream media tales of ozone hole recovery are lies designed to pacify the public for as long as possible. 


The northern hemisphere ozone hole (unknown to most) is also expanding.

It seems appropriate to wonder what will it take for the gravity of the aerosol spraying to be realized by a larger percentage of the population. What it will take to compel more people to make halting climate engineering their priority issue? What it will take to prompt more to take action in order to bring this most dire issue out into the light? Off the chart UV radiation levels are increasingly evident in the environment, scorched tree trunks are one glaring red flag. How can we say for certain that the UV levels are too high? Because metering proves this fact beyond any doubt. The 3 minute video below is a UV metering demonstration.

Extreme UV radiation is frying the bark off of many tree species in countless locations.


This example of UV radiation scorching is from Redding, California

Each and every day the global assault on our planet, and all that lives and breaths, continues. The decimation being caused by the "SAG" (stratospheric aerosol geoengineering) and "SRM" (solar radiation management) is far too immense to ever be quantified. Though no mainstream media source dares to mention SAG and SRM as primary causal factors regarding ozone layer damage, the mountain of data on the undisputed ozone layer destroying effects of SAG and SRM paint an all too clear conclusion. Extreme UV radiation levels are a major contributing factor in regard to overall forest decline. The short video below covers some of the UV damage from the front lines.

Particulate clouds (formed from the aircraft spraying) cause ozone destruction, period.  Government agencies and mainstream media would have us believe that the ozone decimation is primarily caused by by limited sources of CFC's (chlorofluorocarbons) from the ground level, this is also a lie. Though CFC's are certainly harmful to the ozone layer, they have been banned for decades. Why is the ozone destruction continuing to accelerate? The clearly visible spraying occurring in our skies and around the globe (by jet aircraft), is the primary source of ozone layer loss.  Science sources admit atmospheric particulates from geoengineering would cause ozone loss and drought (though they don't acknowledge the ongoing climate engineering reality). Internationally recognized geoengineer, David Keith, stated on the record his "proposal" of achieving an annual goal of 20,000, 000 tons of aluminum to be sprayed by jet aircraft (actual amounts are in all likelihood higher). 


Wilmington, NC. Photo credit: Marla Stair Wood

Again, all scientific study on the atmospheric effect of aerosol clouds makes clear that they have an ozone destroying effect. The higher the albedo (reflectivity) of the aerosols that are being sprayed, the more damage it does (aluminum has 400% higher albedo than sulphur dioxide).  The ozone layer is not recovering and cannot recover so long as the ongoing climate engineering continues to take its toll on this critical layer of our atmosphere.


The official mantra of ozone layer recovery is a lie. The massive ozone holes actually have a cooling effect in some regions like Antarctica. Is it possible the geoengineers may view the ozone holes (resulting from their atmospheric spraying programs) as beneficial for their objectives? Without the ozone layer, there would be no terrestrial life on Earth. The sun feels increasingly hot on your skin because it is. Even the backs of whales are being sunburned.  UV readings are skyrocketing around the globe and the damage is mounting at blinding speed. Many have begun to notice the intense UV radiation as the protective layers of the atmosphere continue to be shredded by the spraying. Why aren't we being told? The Canadian government has long since been refusing to let their scientists communicate with media. In the US, "gag orders" have been placed on all NWS and NOAA personnel. Nearly all current information is controlled. Finding the truth is an ever more difficult endeavor. A rapidly growing mountain of scientific data makes the lethal consequences of the atmospheric spraying all too clear. Its destructive and toxic fallout is ever more evident around the globe. Climate engineering/weather warfare (which is also biological warfare) is our greatest and most immediate threat short of nuclear disaster. 


All who are aware of this most dire issue need to do everything in their power to bring it to light for the masses before our biosphere is damaged beyond any meaningful recovery. It is imperative for those who have been "sitting the fence" on the critical climate engineering issue to realize its gravity and help in the effort to expose this greatest of all untold crimes in human history. Investigate and familiarize yourself with at least the basic facts in regard to SAG, SRM, ozone destruction, and the complete biosphere contamination from these programs. If all of us pulled together, who can say what good we may yet accomplish even at this late hour. Our "collective futures" are in the balance, we must make every day count.

PBS Covers Climate Engineering, How Much Longer Can It Be Hidden?


Dane Wigington

PBS is a disinformation mouthpiece for the establishment, nothing more than paid propaganda. Those that believe there is any objectivity in the reporting of this bought and paid for agency of the power structure are sadly mistaken. Like "journalists" at so many other mainstream media sources, the PBS crew is not allowed to tell the truth (if they want their paychecks) and they lack the courage to speak the truth out of their own convictions. In the 8 minute video below, PBS does their best to push climate engineering as a potentially viable option. Of course, they do not mention that global geoengineering has been going on for over 6 decades with catastrophic results. Is anyone surprised to know that PBS taken the side of defense contractor Lockheed Martin (a company that is directly involved with the climate engineering cabal) over the public?

Geoengineer David Keith  (whom I have had the displeasure of meeting face to face at an international geoengineering conference) is no more than a public relations prop for those in power. He has no regard whatsoever for the truth and in recent years seems to make it up as he goes along. At the conference I attended with Keith, he was pushing for the dumping of 10 to 20 million tons of aluminum into the atmosphere annually. Keith no longer publicly mentions that aluminum is the material of choice for aerosol geoengineering, though he made this point clear in the past as the 4 minute video below clearly shows.

David Keith then went on to make clear that there had been virtually no scientific studies done in regard to the contamination to the entire planet that would obviously be caused by his proposal of filling the atmosphere with aluminum nanoparticles.

Now PBS and Keith have joined forces in a campaign of disinformation designed to continue obscuring the fact that geoengineering has been going on for decades with catastrophic results. PBS and David Keith also seem to be working toward softening the public up to the concept of climate engineering so that they might accept the climate modification insanity once it can no longer be hidden in plain sight. Current science study makes clear that geoengineering can't work, so why are PBS and Keith engaged in the helping to hide the climate engineering crimes? Again, because that is what they are paid to do which makes them accessories to these crimes. People at PBS have public emails, find them and send messages of outrage to them in regard to their completely dishonest reporting. Do the same with Keith, his public email is easy to locate online. Make your voice heard. DW

Making Your Voice Heard, An Activist’s Message To A Geoengineer


In the email exchange contained further down in this post, a very justifiably concerned father with an 8 year old daughter addresses internationally recognized geoengineer David Keith about the ongoing climate engineering dangers and Mr. Keith's part in these programs. Having met David Keith at an international geoengineering conference, and having a fairly extensive knowledge of his actions relating to his pro-geoengineering advocacy, I have long since concluded Keith is the epitome of what is wrong with the human race. David Keith has absolutely no regard for the truth, nor does he have any regard for the global cataclysm that the ongoing climate engineering programs (which he is doing his best to sell to the public) are inflicting on the planet and every one of us. The 5 minute video below is an exchange I had with David Keith at a geoengineering conference in 2010, the exchange was quite damning for Mr. Keith.

Geoengineering is not really a moral hazard, it's like free-riding on our grandkids.

I had a difficult time gaining access into the conference above, the AAAS organizers (American Association for the Advancement of Science) researched me and initially revoked my press pass. After David Keith's self incriminating and damning statements during our exchange, all press was banned from a geoengineering conference the following month. Keith further exposes himself in this 6 minute interview with Stephen Colbert.

Jonathan Létourneau is the father mentioned earlier, his heartfelt and moving communication with geoengineer David Keith is below. People like David Keith need to hear from justifiably outraged citizens. Mr. Keith's public contact is below, let him know what you think of his part in the climate engineering crimes, but don't stop there. We must all do our best to effectively and credibly sound the alarm in this most critical battle,  each and every one of us is needed in this battle.
Dane Wigington


The Programming Of Our Children And Geoengineering, An Educator Speaks Out


The paradigm of industrialized society has been an orchestrated disaster for a very long time. How does it get so bad? The programming of children in the educational system leads to a programmed society. This in turn leads to a population that is completely blind and oblivious to the fact that they are being constantly sprayed with toxic materials. My gratitude to educator Cali Will for sharing his perspectives in the attached article.
Dane Wigington

Climate Geoengineering – The Secret Spraying Of Our Skies


Source: Project Censored

For decades now, and largely in secret, the US military-industrial complex has been engaged in the systematic “spraying” of large swaths of our sky in one of the largest and least-discussed global planetary experiments in human history, reports Jeremy Schulman for Grist magazine.  When human observers on the ground make it a point to “look up” and study our heavens, they witness strange anomalies beyond simple and expected patterns traditionally made by water vapor ice crystals or typical commercial airline traffic.  Instead, critical observers witness a variety of spray patterns: parallel lines, crosshatch lines, X, O, or U turn lines, even circular shapes. These spray patterns possess two unusual behaviors: they stay visible for lengthy periods of time, and they slowly spread out across significant sections of our sky, often for hours at a stretch.

These observed persistent ‘contrails’ are visible for several hours – and evidence suggests the contrails are aerosol sprays of metal oxides meant to reflect incoming solar thermal energy so as to cool the Earth by 1-2% and offset the greenhouse effect of increasing atmospheric CO2. (Note: the Internet is full of disinformation sites on this issue, and consulting these can make the unwary researcher doubt his own eyes and mind.) The “spraying” patterns reported by observers for more than 15 years have characteristics that contradict disinformation sources (official and unofficial). To wit, typical commercial flight patterns differ from these oft-witnessed heavy spray trail patterns in at least three distinct ways: 1) commercial airlines don’t go East-West and North-South in the same patch of sky; 2) commercial airlines do not fly in patterns that make X, U or 0 shapes; 3) commercial airlines do not fly heavily one day and not at all the next.

What’s in these sprays in our skies—and are they toxic? Global scientific data collection paints a picture of a multi-year systematic effort to engage in “climate geoengineering” through this spraying program, with troubling environmental consequences. For example, post-spray rainwater tests made in Canada, the United States, Europe, and New Zealand reveal the presence of aluminum, barium, strontium, and other heavy metals in varying amounts that are unsafe, often radically so, according to various official criteria (EPA, US states, Canadian provinces, UN, etc.). Numerous U.S. patents from the mid-1970s to the present, meanwhile, confirm the aerospace industry and the U.S. military’s high level of interest in aerosol spray technology, including electromagnetic technology, as well as an interest in specific metals/chemicals/oxides and their requisite particulate sizes. The problem with aerosol sprays is that what goes up comes down, either in months or in one to two years. When these sprays fall to earth, they are invisible and easily penetrate deep into human tissues as they are breathed, drunk, and eaten in food grown in heavy-metal-laced soils toxic to life. Citizens in various communities worldwide have organized hearings and protests and submitted petitions to government officials requesting clarification about what’s being sprayed on them and also to demand such spraying cease and desist. These communities include: Victoria, BC and Espanola, ONTShasta, CASuffolk County, NY; and Aigina, Greece.

What is so surprising about this climate geoengineering story is the almost-complete corporate news blackout regarding it, particularly given the massive amount of visual evidence available on the Internet. Independent media coverage of this story is robust. For a diverse array of recent stories, see George Barnes’ 2014 documentary, “Look Up!“; whistleblower Kristen Meghan’s interview, Michel Chossudovsky’s Global Research website; and a revealing exchange between influential climate geo-engineer David Keith and Geoengineering Watch founder Dane Wigington.

Source: Jeremy Shulman, This Geoengineering Scheme Could Halt Climate Change – But It’s Probably A Terrible Idea 
Student Researcher: Elora West (Burlington College)
Faculty Evaluator: Rob Williams (Burlington College)
Community Evaluator: Ian Baldwin (Chelsea Green Publishing)

Source: Project Censored


The Geoengineering Frame: A War for Our Minds


Article by David Schneider, contributing writer for

Some may remember the Rio Earth Summit. History points to it as a turning point, when international co-operation “got serious” around a shared problem: dumping carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) into the atmosphere. It happened back in 1992, right as the lures of “climate intervention” were gripping the power structure, who were beginning to conspire yet another quick, cheap, and easy way to escape limits set by nature, while continuing to sweep the long-term damages under the rug. Of course regional weather has been messed with for many decades prior, with lots of damage to ecosystems, but climate intervention takes manipulations to the global scale; it’s a “move-the-sulfur” approach, taking it from smokestacks and putting it into the stratosphere. Grounded on a deep belief in human exceptional-ism and mastery over the rules that govern the universe, the power structure has once again turned to faith in scientific-ism as religion, and their scientist priesthood push the “geoengineering” agenda as the next phase in building an “Earthy paradise” free from all constraint. “Albedo enhancement” technologies that shield Earth from incoming sunlight are the preferred option to dealing with global warming, because it requires little behavioral change to business as usual, it can reduce risks to current generations almost immediately, and it sings harmonically with the tune of “endless growth.” Without solar engineering, the only option would be to allow Earth to restore herself, by us relinquishing our command, and face the harsh realities of suffering consequences from a warmed planet for millennia. The scientific approach is pitched as a more “humane way” to deal with the climate pickle we’re all stuck in together. Weather warfare began back in WWII, yet decades of command and control have only made things worse, not better. More of the same thinking, continued tinkering, will only remove more parts of nature that can never be brought back. Nature can only be poked at so long before she erupts in anger against her attacker.


Interestingly, at the same time the power structure assembled in Rio for the Earth Summit twenty-three years ago, they were also busy banging out the General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which became the World Trade Organization (WTO). These two contradicting worlds (climate change negotiating and free trade) collided to fashion “sustainable development.” But since then, human emissions have only skyrocketed! In fact, 26% of all human produced emissions ever dumped into the atmosphere since industrialization, occurred over the past three decades! The public may be under the impression that U.S. leaders don’t “believe” in climate science or global warming. But that’s false. It’s all about the frame! In an engineering culture, all problems have solutions. If humans created global warming, then humans will re-engineer things to eliminate the problem. Admitting to global warming under a “geoengineering frame” does not make sense, because another techno-fix will be devised. If we engineered a problem, then we can engineer a solution; so global warming is just a matter of continued intervention in Earth’s climate system. If humans are responsible, then humans will resolve it – scientific-ism preaches. But often with complex systems, there’s the butterfly effect, the unanticipated surprises of chaos, when the cure can be much worse than the disease. It becomes a game of always prescribing new aliments for the side effects caused from the previous interventions – always having to up the ante to maintain satisfaction, creating further destruction of life processes. It’s become a super wicked problem where nemesis is meeting hubris. But, survival resources that create the foundation of life cannot simply be fixed, nor substituted and replaced by more technology. Disrupting the rain, the sunlight, the ability of Earth to respond to our assault and cool herself, is only making the situation much more dangerous.


Check any mainstream source today about solar geoengineering and spraying sulfur intentionally to cool Earth, and somewhere it’s guaranteed to compare the process to what large volcanic eruptions naturally do. It’s been dubbed the “Mt. Pinatubo Option,” after the large eruption that cooled the planet in 1991. But really, it’s coal power plants around the world that are the “world’s volcano,” constantly erupting nonstop, turning down the sunlight across the planet, shooting up a continuous supply of sulfur aerosols into our shared global atmosphere. Dirty pollution from Asia and across the world increases Earth’s “albedo” (not to be mixed up with libido, albedo is simply science-speak for the measurement of how reflective something is, where Earth’s albedo is measured in W/m-2). Burning fossil fuels has “accidentally” increased atmospheric albedo – the reflectivity of Earth’s atmosphere – which dims incoming sunlight and masks the average temperature of Earth in relation to our CO2 forcing. In other words, sulfur pollution from combustion is a form of “unintentional” solar radiation management. This, we’re all contributing to, each time we plug something into the wall, order a cheap product made in Asia, eat a hamburger, take a hot shower, or drive a car.

Today, we know why the power structure is hiding. In the late 80s, industrial rich countries began shifting their industry to the “developing world,” places that were happy to have a chance to join in the “good life” of economic success. Billions of people have been lifted from “poverty” as result, but it was not accomplished sustainably. If anything, massive industrialization in Asia has only made the risk of both economic and ecological collapse even greater, and the fall harder than it otherwise would be if leaders had just let the game end right then. But no. Instead, one of the first official acts George H. W. Bush did when he took presidential office was sign into law the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments (1990 CAAA), which placed heavy regulation over sulfur pollution on America’s industries. Not an expected response from a Republican President following the Regan era of deregulation and laissez-faire. What was his motivation? Bush needed to address a mounting smog and acid rain crisis, and the amendments eased public concerns by adding Article IV-A to the Clean Air Act, requiring coal power plants in the U.S. to use coal with “low sulfur” content and install smokestack scrubbers on major polluting sources like power plants, that would clean the sulfur from the emissions and prevent their release into the atmosphere. Strangely, David Keith, the most recognizable scientist in the geoengineering debate, helped design the technology to scrub sulfur from smokestacks, and sell the techno-fix to industry! Not surprisingly then, today he is also part of Carbon Engineering, a company that is presently developing a system to capture carbon dioxide from the ambient air.

Since the sulfur pollution was “accidentally” increasing the albedo of the atmosphere, the 1990 CAAA would unmask global dimming. As the world shifts from dirty to clean economies, our sulfur pollution will be cleaned out of the air, and the albedo of the atmosphere will decrease, becoming less reflective, and allowing more sunlight in. A replacement must be found to maintain this shielding from the sun, say the power structure, otherwise the true folly of our human existence and unsustainable relationship with the natural world will be exposed! The big cover-up will be impossible to hide. Like with hiding a pregnancy, eventually the baby will be born. The gig would be up, and the bubble would pop! For the power structure, “albedo enhancement” becomes a critical part of the climate plan, because losing the current reflectiveness of the atmosphere exposes Earth’s ecosystems to further dangerous temperature spikes. The 1990 CAAA just shifted the pollution burden from the West to Asia, to buy time to allow scientists to design a more permanent solution to the “problem.”


But now leaders are grasping straws, because the choking pollution in Asia is demanding response from their public, and the planet is in meltdown. Factories in Asia, the thousands of coal power plants built over the past decade, do not have Keith’s scrubbers to remove the sulfur from the pollution. The coal used in Asia has high sulfur content and is illegal to burn as a fuel source in the U.S. These were conscious policy choices made by the power structure in the early 90’s to keep the dream alive. Rather than a massive scaling down of our ecological overdraw from nature, the issue of “solar radiation management” (SRM) became the preferred pathway for bypassing natural limits to economic growth, and was disguised as a global “conspiracy” to drive fear and confusion and keep people lulled to sleep and disinterested. Policymakers intentionally shifted this “accidental” modification resulting from industrialization of the West, to another region of the planet. Where do we draw the line of distinction between “intentional” and “unintentional” SRM? And what do we make of the ongoing disruption to the biogeochemical cycles of Earth? What of the bioaccumulation of heavy metals washing from the atmosphere, which end up in our water, our body, our soil and food?

Shouldn’t we be precautionary and not make choices today that are irreversible for those after us? Isn’t it scandalous to intentionally hide a problem, while continuing to produce throw away goods and expand fossil fuel use? The power structure shifted the sourcing of sulfur pollution necessary for maintaining the enhancement of Earth’s atmospheric albedo to Asia, and kept the world from seeing that everything’s actually a mess. Instead of exposing the issue and decarbonizing, they prescribed a new techno-fix to deal with the unintended side effects created by accidentally increasing the albedo of the atmosphere from industrialization, and consulted nobody. SRM effects Earth’s hydrologic cycle, its water system, and shreds stratospheric ozone that allows UVB light to penetrate to Earth’s surface. And now the power structure aims to prescribe the next fix in its long-line of tinkering, a stratospheric shield of titanium dust particles in the shape of diamonds, 0.1 microns – small little buggers! The spraying we all see over our towns is low to the ground, and has regional effects on weather systems. They can cover an entire continental land mass with cloud decks with these methods. That’s the “old” technology, the first generation, which allowed scientists to gather their data for computer modeling. But the new technology, the next generations, deemed the “solar shield,” will envelop the entire globe, where diamond dust will be dumped way up-high in the stratosphere, where one cannot even see an airplane flying from the ground without binoculars.


As industry sprang up at a warlike pace in Asia, thanks to the global power structure’s plan, air pollution in the West has become less contentious of a public issue. The industrialized Western world has come to adore “low prices” and bargain buys made possible by companies exploiting faraway places. People consciously choose not to connect the suffocating air pollution in China with ramping-up production of the new Apple Watch. They choose not to associate their lifestyles with contributing to the SRM albedo dilemma. To consumers, ignoring the problem is preferred. That’s why many people might just think that SRM is fine, or even a good idea when they learn about it for the first time, and be OK with it, and not allow themselves to see the obvious right up overhead that’s kept them fooled all along. People are not thinking very clearly these days; they allow their own observations to deceive them. It’s a hard pill to swallow, accepting this reality, because it means we are just chasing shadows of dreams that don’t exist. This fall, in Paris, a renewed (yet familiar) call for a “universal climate deal” is being peddled by the power structure as “the last chance for humanity,” a small window of time to take needed action in keeping global warming from rocketing into total catastrophe (as though we are not already there). The plan assumes geoengineering, and the debate is going public!! Get ready activists, because when it does, there will be a war on for our minds! The American public is OK with many surprising things, so it may be hopelessly optimistic to believe that the American public will be outraged when its government finally admits that they were spraying to “protect” everybody. The framing is strong, and people are happy with their simple pleasures and mindless pursuits. We all need to remain focused, now more than ever! Keep pushing the ball forward to disrupt the geoengineering “frame,” and block minds from getting misled!


Sky Striping Backers Confer At Cambridge


Source: Nooganomics, article by David Tulis

There’s a lot we don’t understand about the global climate system if we were to engineer this cooling of the planet. Certainly we can cool it. But it’s not going to be uniform around the world and its going to have a lot of other knock-on consequences. There’ll be changes in precipitation patterns. And how do you say to a country that’s experiencing a big drought *** whether it was the geoengineering that did it or whether it was going to happen naturally.
—Jennifer Francis, climate scientists, Rutgers University

The term “solar radiation management” is positively Orwellian. It’s a way to increase comfort levels with this crazy idea.
—­Raymond Pierre­humbert, geophysicist, University of Chicago co-author Climate Intervention: Reflecting Sunlight to Cool Earth

Scientists and proponents of mass climate intervention by jet gathered this weekend at the University of Cambridge (March 12 to 14, 2015) to explore how nation-states could use jets and other technologies to manufacture a more sun-reflective atmosphere. Their goal: Save the planet from industry, smokestacks, highway exhaust and the planet’s meager human population.

The conference had technical sessions on atmospheric chemistry, climate modelling, engineering systems and impacts, implications and consequences. Scientists and panelists discussed the moral, legal and political hazards implied in weather intervention, where one nation’s dimmed sunlight is another’s drought and yet another’s roof-collapsing snowstorm.

The scientists on Friday heard about how plume-stretching intervention could be disruptive of the weather. Piers Forster’s talk was “Potentially damaging precipitation side effects from solar radiation management” and Ben Kravitz spoke on “SRM Impacts on the Hydrological Cycle.”

Government intervention always has hazards and unexpected costs. Peter Davidson gave a talk on “The impact, implications and consequences of the use of manufactured particles to improve the feasibility and reduce risk for a Stratospheric Solar Radiation Management (SRM) Insurance.”

The conference’s last talk was by Peter Irvine, “Detection, Attribution and Climate Control — the Limits to Solar Radiation Management.”

At least one session late Friday gave notice to the health implications of official pollutants in sky striping on human health. Sebastian Eastham lectured on “Sensitivities of Human Health to Aerosol Climate Engineering.” But a commenter and sky striping critic says Mr. Eastham “paints a pretty picture regarding projected human mortality,” advocates a mass spraying of sulfur, ignores “the existing program” of spraying heavy metals in the skies daily, and takes no questions.

A screengrab of conference topics at Cambridge.
A screengrab of conference topics at Cambridge.

Local ‘contrail’ treatment in Chattanooga

A day after the conference in Great Britain ended, Chattanooga, Tenn., a heartland city along a bend in the Tennessee River, was heavily treated by jet aircraft. At 4 p.m. a great cloud bank hung along the atmosphere south and east of the city. Chattanooga received visible treatments of sky tattooing March 2, 4, 8, 12 and 15. Sky striping generally turns the sky milky white, thinning out sunlight and turning it to a brilliant orb in the sky many times bigger to the human eye.

Other days in Chattanooga were overcast. It is impossible to tell if jets are laying aerosol particulate eight miles up in the stratosphere with intervening fogbank weather four miles up blocking visual observation.

“Climate engineering is rapidly becoming a contentious issue within political, scientific, and cultural discussions of climate change, in part due to a perceived lack of progress on crucial emission reductions,” according to conference notes. The conferees debate jet-lain sky stripes in light of the weak prospect of reduction of undesirable forms of pollution. Apparently the earth can bear no more than 1,000 gigatons of manmade pollution, “510 of which were already emitted by 2011, with currently about 10 more gigatons being added each year.” The conferees agree a crisis is building and nearing a breaking point.

It is estimated that, already, governments are putting millions of tons of aerosols into the atmosphere in a program outside civilian control. Chattanooga is regularly subject to a rain of aluminum, strontium and barium, according to the Chattanooga/Hamilton County Air Pollution Control Bureau.

“Are climate engineering approaches fatally prone to error and misuse,” say the conference notes, “and worth excluding from the climate conversation on both practical and moral grounds? Are they an emergency measure which could have far-reaching and unpredictable consequences if deployed? Could they be a relatively straightforward remedy for some of the consequences of climate change? And how should research aimed at these questions be regulated? These questions, and many others raised by the prospect of climate engineering, involve diverse ethical, social, political and technical issues which are extraordinarily complex and incredibly interlinked.”

Small-scale tests proposed

For all the weather intervention already taking place, it is interesting to consider reports of scientists thinking small.

Weather intervention researchers in academia are proposing small-scale tests to see if, somehow, injecting aerosol microparticles into the air might allow weather to be made less sunny, with the sun’s heat deflected by a bright atmospheric shield constantly renewed by jet overflights.

Scientists meeting in San Jose in mid-February called for tests to see if a jet-borne cloud-creating program might work to “change the climate by blocking the sun’s rays.” Computer modeling isn’t enough, Lynn Russell says. She is a professor of atmospheric chemistry at the University of California, San Diego. “Current research is not sufficient to allow us to decide if it could be useful,” she says. “We just don’t have enough information to make this decision at this point.”

Since 2013 Harvard professor David Keith has proposed small scale chemtrailing. Here’s how an MIT Technology Review story about it describes the test to increase the earth’s albedo, or reflectivity:

Customize several Gulfstream business jets with military engines and with equipment to produce and disperse fine droplets of sulfuric acid. Fly the jets up around 20 kilometers — significantly higher than the cruising altitude for a commercial jetliner but still well within their range. *** The planes spray the sulfuric acid, carefully controlling the rate of its release. The sulfur combines with water vapor to form sulfate aerosols, fine particles less than a micrometer in diameter. *** Once spread across the stratosphere, the aerosols will reflect about 1 percent of the sunlight hitting Earth back into space.

EPA says no ‘chemical, biological’ chemtrails

These agencies assure us local economy has nothing to worry about from sky striping.On Friday the federal environmental protection agency made a statement on its website debunking claims that geoengineering by jet overflight is already in progress.

“Contrails are line-shaped clouds or ‘condensation trails’ composed of ice particles that are visible behind jet aircraft engines under certain atmospheric conditions and at times can persist. EPA is not aware of any deliberate actions to release chemical or biological agents into the atmosphere.”

Whether aluminum would be considered a “chemical agent” is unclear. The statement links to a fact sheet posted at EPA’s website that has been largely unchanged 15 years. It describes sky striping as innocuous interactions between damp, cold air with hot jet engines.

Contrails are line-shaped clouds sometimes produced by aircraft engine exhaust, typically at aircraft cruise altitudes several miles above the Earth’s surface. The combination of water vapor in aircraft engine exhaust and the low ambient temperatures that often exists at these high altitudes allows the formation of contrails. Contrails are composed primarily of water (in the form of ice crystals) and do not pose health risks to humans. They do affect the cloudiness of the Earth’s atmosphere, however, and therefore might affect atmospheric temperature and climate.

The paper admits that contrails — the mere exhaust from jets — alter the weather with fresh cloud cover it says as exactly like that produced in nature.

“Persistent contrails are of interest to scientists because they increase the cloudiness of the atmosphere. The increase happens in two ways. First, persistent contrails are line-shaped clouds that would not have formed in the atmosphere without the passage of an aircraft. Secondly, persistent contrails often evolve and spread into extensive cirrus cloud cover that is indistinguishable from naturally occurring cloudi­ness.” (Italics added)

In a report March 14, the Christian Science Monitor goes out of its way to bring up the EPA fact sheet as a new contribution to the rising conflict over weather intervention, seeking to discredit critics of sky striping because they also opposed a purported new world order, gun confiscation, the prospect of martial law and other “subsidiary conspiracy theories.”

The federal government’s National Academy of Sciences in February published a 245-page report discussing stratospheric aerosol geoengineering as a solution to global warming if national governments prove incapable of slamming down energy consumption and manmade pollution. The F$55 book is available prepublication as a free PDF. It confirms my coverage of solar radiation management in the Chattanooga area but ignores the health dangers of deliberately injected “negative emissions” to people here and in other places around the globe.

This video introducing the Cambridge geoengineering conference suggests the geopolitical danger of national governments’ playing weather gods and even lets one interviewee discuss the “chemtrail conspiracy.” 3-minutes.

That jet trails suddenly end in this fashion over my Soddy-Daisy house March 15, 2015, suggests they are not merely water vapor emissions. (Photo David Tulis)

That jet trails suddenly end in this fashion over my Soddy-Daisy house March 15, 2015, suggests they are not merely water vapor emissions. Jets heavily treated Chattanooga Sunday morning and late afternoon. (Photo David Tulis)

Over Chattanooga March 17, 2015, nine sky stripes all start in a grid pattern. Policy skies. I count about 20 identifiable plumes this morning at 8:30.

Over Chattanooga March 17, 2015, nine sky stripes all start in a grid pattern. Policy skies. I count about 20 identifiable plumes this morning at 8:30. (Photo David Tulis)

Heavily treated morning skies March 17, 2015, looking westward from Soddy-Daisy, Tenn., north of Chattanooga. Earlier treatments in evidence, to which 20 fresh plumes are visible all about. (Photo David Tulis)

Heavily treated morning skies March 17, 2015, looking westward from Soddy-Daisy, Tenn., north of Chattanooga. Earlier treatments in evidence, to which 20 fresh plumes are visible all about. (Photo David Tulis)

A persistent contrail slowly turns into a sun-deflecting cloud over Palm Springs, Calif., pursuant to theories outlined in a Cambridge geoengineerin conference. (Photo Ron Morgan)

A persistent contrail slowly turns into a sun-deflecting cloud over Palm Springs, Calif., pursuant to theories outlined in a Cambridge geoengineering conference. (Photo Ron Morgan)

An evil orb loses some of its radiative power, thanks to solar radiation management work over West Dandridge, Tenn. (Photo Jason Sinard, Tennessee Skywatch on Facebook)

An evil orb loses some of its radiative power, thanks to solar radiation management work over West Dandridge, Tenn. (Photo Jason Sinard, Tennessee Skywatch on Facebook)

Tennessee is frequently hit by weather intervention activity, as here in Jefferson City. (Photo Jason Sinard, Tennessee Skywatch on Facebook)

Tennessee is frequently hit by weather intervention activity, as here in Jefferson City. (Photo Jason Sinard, Tennessee Skywatch on Facebook)

Is this Tennessee scene one of neighborhood tranquility, or military-industrial malfeasance in the atmosphere? (Photo Tennessee Skywatch on Facebook)

Is this Tennessee scene one of neighborhood tranquility, or military-industrial malfeasance in the higher atmosphere? (Photo Tennessee Skywatch on Facebook)

Aerosols begin to disperse over Chico, Calif. (Photo Cori Gunnells)

Aerosols begin to disperse from a trail dripping over Chico, Calif. (Photo Cori Gunnells)

Knoxville is sky striped often on the same day as Chattanooga. (Photo Christine Garcia)

Knoxville is sky striped often on the same day as Chattanooga. (Photo Christine Garcia)

Academia talks about chemtrailing in the abstract and in theory; Midlothian, Va., views the matter as actuality. (Photo Kristina Nicole Trader on Facebook)

Academia talks about climate intervention in the abstract and in theory; Midlothian, Va., views the matter as actuality. (Photo Kristina Nicole Trader on Facebook)

Poisonous skies over California are, for better or worse, a picture of weather modification such as that discussed March 12-15, 2015, in Cambridge, Great Britain. (Photo Amy Powell)

Poisonous skies over California are, for better or worse, a picture of weather modification such as that discussed March 12-15, 2015, in Cambridge, Great Britain. (Photo Amy Powell)

I have had trouble getting Tennessee environmentalists interested in chemtrailing as a form of polllution, as seen in this view of Morristown, Tenn. (Photo Jason Sinard, Tennessee Skywatch on Facebook)

I have had trouble getting Tennessee environmentalists interested in SAG, or stratospheric aerosol geoengineering, as a form of pollution, as seen in this view of Morristown, Tenn. (Photo Jason Sinard, Tennessee Skywatch on Facebook)

A cloud-making jet adds to coverage “injected” earlier over Soddy-Daisy, Tenn. (Photo David Tulis)

A cloud-making jet adds to coverage “injected” earlier over Soddy-Daisy, Tenn., looking southward toward Brainerd and Ooltewah. (Photo David Tulis)

“The term ‘solar radiation management‘ is positively Orwellian,” says one of the authors of a government chemtrailing proposal. “It’s a way to increase comfort levels with this crazy idea.” (Photo

“The term ‘solar radiation management‘ is positively Orwellian,” says one of the authors of a government SRM proposal. “It’s a way to increase comfort levels with this crazy idea.” (Photo

England, like the U.S., is subject to heavy aerosol treatment in its upper atmosphere. (Photo Northeast-England-SkyWatch-Northeast-England-UK-Geo-engineered-Haarped-Skies)

England, like the U.S., is subject to heavy aerosol treatment in its upper atmosphere. (Photo Northeast-England-SkyWatch-Northeast-England-UK-Geo-engineered-Haarped-Skies)

That few people find such scenes as this one in Knoxville remarkable suggests that the fight against air pollution has largely been lost. (Photo Dr. Andy Wood)

That few people find such scenes as this one in Knoxville remarkable suggests that the fight against air pollution has largely been lost. (Photo Dr. Andy Wood)

A murky sky in Buffalo, N.Y., suggests that for SAG, or stratospheric aerosol geoengineering, the day’s work is done. (Photo Irina Blashuk)

A murky sky in Buffalo, N.Y., suggests that for SAG, or stratospheric aerosol geoengineering, the day’s work is done. (Photo Irina Blashuk)

A little before and after — before solar radiation management, and the sky to which we’ve become accustomed. (Photo Geoengineering-Action-Network-on-Facebook)

A little before and after — before solar radiation management, left, and the sky to which we’ve become accustomed, right. (Photo Geoengineering-Action-Network-on-Facebook)


“Aircraft contrails factsheet,” Sept. 2000, revised September 2012,

Lisa M. Krieger, “Scientists call for ‘geoengineering’ tests to find ways to cool the planet,” Alaska Dispatch News, Feb. 15, 2015.

David Rotman, “A Cheap and Easy Plan to Stop Global Warming Intentionally engineering Earth’s atmosphere to offset rising temperatures could be far more doable than you imagine, says David Keith. But is it a good idea?” MIT Technology Review, Feb. 8, 2013.

Timothy Cama, “EPA confronts ‘chemtrails’ conspiracy talk,”, March 13, 2015.

Source: Nooganomics, article by David Tulis

Record Media Coverage Of Climate Engineering


Dane Wigington

Global climate engineering cannot be hidden in plain sight for much longer, mainstream media has now had to start addressing the issue on a massive scale. In the last TWO DAYS several dozen mainstream media articles have been published, 22 of them are below for easy review. We live in a world of smoke and mirrors. A great many in academia have helped to create the illusions which have so far hidden the dire and growing realities we must now all face. Lies of omission are a major form of the deception we have been subjected to, every one of the articles below are a glaring example of this. First, every one of the publications perpetuates the blatant lie that climate engineering is just a "proposal".  Next (and this is extremely important to consider), not one article (or the scientists who supplied them with their data) ever bothers to mention the most glaring, dire, and obviously important fact of all in regard to "aerosol geoengineering proposals", every single particle of contamination sprayed into the skies must fall to the ground. Every living organism is subject to this contamination, yet, this indisputable fact is never even brought up. The power structure does not want populations to consider or question the obvious dangers directly related to geoengineering. Internationally recognized geoengineer David Keith was questioned at a major science conference about his "proposal" of spraying 20,000,000 tones of aluminum into the atmosphere, his answer should shock any rational person. Now scientists and media always omit any mention of the fact that spraying the atmosphere with toxic particulates MUST contaminate the entire surface of the planet, there is no other possibility.  Not only is climate engineering fueling total biosphere contamination and implosion, every breath we take is now tainted. All are needed in the ongoing fight to completely expose and halt the geoengineering insanity, make your voice heard.

Radio Journalist Responds To The Washington Post’s Climate Engineering Article


The climate engineering elephant in the room is becoming bigger and harder to hide by the day. The Washington Post has now put out a second article on climate engineering in the span of a week. The difference of approach between the two articles "How A Group Of Conspiracy Theorists Could Derail The Debate Over Climate Policy" and "What Is The Right Temperature For Earth" is striking. In the article below radio journalist David Tulis puts a light on The Washington Post's less than objective coverage of the critical climate engineering issue. Still, the fact that The Washington Post is having to address geoengineering twice in a week is a clear sign ground is rapidly being gained in the effort to bring this issue to light.
Dane Wigington

An Indisputable Response To Climate Engineering Deniers


Source: Activist Post

The Washington Post article of January 22, 2015 titled "How A Group Of Conspiracy Theorists Could Derail The Debate Over Climate Policy" prompted this response to what either the Post’s editors or article author apparently overlooked or did not choose to do, in my journalistic opinion—publish facts!

Over the years, The Washington Post acquired numerous awards for excellent investigative journalism, etc., including the prestigious Pulitzer Prize several times, the last being in 2014. One would imagine—at least this writer’s journalistic opinion—that extensive and accurate research would be the ground floor for factual, open-source, non-pejorative, non-ad hominem reporting and journalism.

When journalist Puneet Kollipara postulates, “Meet the “chemtrails” crowd, who posit that governments, scientists and other institutions are using airplanes’ “chemtrails” — basically contrails that are allegedly laced with chemicals — to alter the climate, create extreme weather, poison people, or even control our minds,” and “In short, chemtrails itself is a conspiracy theory,” someone needs to point out that The Washington Post team should have done their homework more diligently, as there are hundreds of federal government agency reports and, in particular, U.S. Patents of record, for managing weather systems. Many are listed below in the Weather Geoengineering / Chemtrail Database generated by this writer.

However, I think maybe I may be inclined to agree with Kollipara that chemtrails just may be a conspiracy—a real ‘true’ conspiracy to keep what’s going on day and night – and which darkens our skies (less sunlight hits earth now), plus precipitates all kinds of toxic crap falling onto earth—to keep the public from knowing what’s actually going on above our heads.