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Geoengineered Winter Weather, The Chemical Ice Nucleation Factor


Dane Wigington

The climate engineers have the power to chemically cool-down surface temperatures when enough atmospheric moisture is available to them. The more heavily and extensively the geoengineers utilize chemical ice nucleating materials, the more extreme the surface cooling that they can create. This is not speculation, but verifiable fact proven by patented processes. One example is below.

Click the image to view highlighted patent


Mainstream media covered the fact that Chinese scientists are engineering snowstorms, are we to believe that the US government and others aren't doing the same?

The US military is as large as the next 10 largest militaries combined, thus they have the ability to carry out climate engineering (weather warfare) operations on the largest scale by far. Not only have US military commanders stated that the disintegrating climate is the greatest national security threat, they have long since stated their objective of "owning the weather". Are we to believe that our government would ask our permission before deploying climate engineering operations? In fact, our government's own documents prove climate engineering has been ongoing for decades. The “departure from normal high temperature” map below (from Dec 29, 2017) clearly revealed where surface temperatures were cold, and where they were not.


The arc of below normal surface temperatures began at the Hawaiian islands and rotated clockwise up and over the “ridiculously resilient ridge” of drought creating a geoengineered high pressure zone that was created over the US West (from ionosphere heater installations like HAARP), then descends back down to the eastern US. This freeze / fry scenario has been ongoing in recent years

In order to engineer an end of year cool-down for parts of the US and Canada, the flow of moisture from the Pacific (that was until recently directed completely around California) was chemically nucleated by the climate engineers. What happens when these endothermic reacting materials rain down on far above freezing bodies of water like Lake Michigan? (the majority of Lake Michigan is still at nearly 45 degrees F)  Perfectly spherical ice balls form and start washing up on shorelines. The chemical nucleating elements form a nucleus around which ice continues to form.

How about all that temporary ice along the US East Coast which the media did their best to sensationalize?  Did anyone bother to check the ocean temperatures? 


Sea ice floats in Boston Harbor, Jan. 3, 2018, in Boston. Photo credit: AP

Why is so much ice forming on ocean waters that are 40 degrees F or higher? This fact should also be remembered and considered, sea water does not freeze until it reaches 28.4 degrees F. “Slush Waves” were also recorded along the coast near Boston, why are no official sources questioning this? Why are no official sources offering any reasonable explanations for such a phenomenon when ocean temperatures are 40 degrees F or higher? The answer is because they are not allowed to tell the truth. The illegal federal gag order on all National Weather Service (NWS) and all National Oceanic and Atmospheric (NOAA) employees should be a glaring red flag. Surface ice storms are also now a constant threat due to the chemical ice nucleating elements reaching the surface before solidifying.


Photo credit: Jonathan Nimerfroh

How warm is the East Coast scheduled to get after the engineered weather whiplash cool-down passes? The “departure from normal high temperature” map below paints a shocking picture of East Coast warmth (in close proximity to a chemically nucleated cold zone in the center of the US) that was scheduled to follow on the heals of the media hyped (and completely engineered) “winter storms”. Will the geoengineers be able to alter the outcome of this "forecast" with yet another engineered cooldown? Winter storm “Hunter” is the next theatrically named creation of the climate engineers that will follow the temporary weather whiplash warm-up.


The top 3 superpowers (USA, China, and Russia) have the largest militaries, and thus the greatest ability to effect the climate with their ongoing chemical ice nucleation cool-down operations. It is important to remember and consider that the majority of nations are either actively or passively participating in the global climate intervention programs. Comparing the more recent scheduled temperature anomaly forecast map below with the map shown earlier in this post reveals a number of profound weather whiplash changes occurring in the space of only a few days. Greenland has  gone from far below normal surface temperatures back to far above normal temperatures, the eastern US has done the same. Conversely, portions of Russia and China have done the opposite, going from far above normal to below normal. The geoengineered winter weather whiplash scenarios will continue to worsen rapidly, patented chemical ice nucleation processes are a primary factor. It must be remembered and considered that all "predictions" (scheduled weather) are in a state of constant flux. So much depends on what the climate engineers choose to do (or not to do) at any given window of time.


Headlines from Siberia reveal an incident of uniformly spherical "ice boulders" suddenly washing up on the shores of Nyda, Russia. Are we to believe this is only an "act of nature" as "official sources" have told us?


Photo credit: Ekaterina Chernykh

Why would the "ice boulders" occur with Arctic sea ice at record low levels? Why would perfectly spherical "ice balls" occur at all?  2012 was the previous record Arctic ice low for this time of year, 2016 has shattered that former record. 2017 has brought yet another new record low level of Arctic sea ice.


Why would such formations occur from the record warm Arctic Ocean? Sea temperatures in some zones of the Arctic Ocean have been as much as 25 degrees above the 30 year average. This average was taken from 1981-2011, when the ocean temperatures were already warmer than the pre-industrial era.


Why are governments and media doing all they can to hide the reality of the record warm Arctic from the public? There are many reasons, none of them are benevolent. Temperatures and ice melt in the polar regions are going completely off the charts as the "departure from normal temperature" map below makes clear. 


Siberia is undergoing massive engineered cooling assaults, but the extremely rapid warming of the planet is undeniable and climate engineering is helping to fuel the overall fire. Are the climate engineers trying desperately to reduce the methane "blowouts" that are occurring in Siberia due to rapidly thawing methane permafrost deposits? Whatever the case, the short term engineered (and highly toxic) cool-downs come at the cost of a worsened overall warming. 2017 is now officially the 2nd warmest year ever recorded, narrowly missing the record warm year of 2016, which broke the record set in 2015, which broke the record set in 2014


Photo credit: Andrey Naumenko

Again, the "experts" tell us that the "ice boulder" phenomenon is a "natural" occurrence. But if this is so, why is there no long term historical record (or pre 1945 photographs) of this phenomenon occurring? There is no such long term record (pre 1945) because the ridiculously uniform "ice boulders" are absolutely not natural. The climate engineers became very active in the polar regions immediately after the end of WWll, historical data confirms this fact. About the ice anomalies being "natural, the "experts" are simply lying, as they are paid to do. We are all swimming in a sea of lies and deception that is propagated by countless individuals in academia, media, and "official sources", who have completely betrayed humanity in exchange for a paycheck and a pension. When will the population reactivate their sense of sanity and reason? When will the population recognize that our geoengineered skies should not look like they do? When will the population face the fact that steel structure high-rise buildings (building 7 on 911) don't just fall down because of an office furniture fire on the lower floors? And why can't the masses discern that miles of shorelines covered with almost perfectly uniform and symmetrical "ice boulders" is completely unnatural?

Below is an article on chemical ice nucleation that I first posted in November of 2015. The information it contains is every bit as relevant now as it was then.

The Engineered Winter Deception, Chemical Ice Nucleation

All around the globe, extreme, destructive, and unprecedented "frozen precipitation" events are occurring. A great many of these events begin at temperature ranges far above the freezing point (though temperatures on the ground can drop precipitously as the nucleation process unfolds). Why? Most have never heard of "chemical ice nucleation for weather modification", but patents exist for this process and the Chinese government has long since admitted to engineering frozen precipitation events. The 90 second video below is astounding, a 200 foot wide river of ice flowing through the Saudi desert on November 2nd, 2015.

Extreme hail events are happening with alarming frequency, often in the most unlikely locations where such storms have not historically occurred.


"Ice storm" hits Saudi Arabia in Early November, 2015

When moisture laden storms are saturated with artificial/chemical ice nucleating elements (due to the destructive attempt by the climate engineers to temporarily cool-down ground temperatures on the ground), storms that would have been a deluge of rain become unprecedented onslaughts of frozen precipitation.


Record hail storm in Quito, Ecuador, February 14, 2015

The damage being inflicted by the rapidly increasing hail storms is massive and growing.


Record hail event, Bogata Columbia, February 22, 2015

Africa is also being subjected to unprecedented hail events.


A record shattering 3 feet of hail is dumped on the East African nation of Eritrea, March 14, 2014

Below is a shocking photo of "ice balls" piled up on the shores of Lake Michigan. Why is there no long term historical record of such a profound phenomenon? Chemical ice nucleating materials form a central core of ice that builds up around itself. The motion of the waves then contribute to the spherical shape.


"Ice balls" have formed and accumulated on Lake Michigan in the last few years, why? Such "ice balls" have even formed on lake water that was 40 degrees, how is this possible at temperatures far above the normal freezing point? Without chemical ice nucleation, it isn't possible.

What is occurring on the shores of distant seas? Yet more "ice balls" have appeared in recent years.


"Ice balls" on the Baltic Coast in Northern Poland. "Official" sources say this recent unprecedented phenomenon is just "natural", are we to believe them? 

Other European countries are noting the same phenomenon.


Ice balls on the coast of Finland. The "official" explanation for this recent mysterious anomaly? Again, we are told it is a "natural" occurrence.

How natural do these "ice pancakes" look in the photo below?


CNN news called these "ice pancakes"  "mysterious". This phenomenon has also been observed on various lakes and rivers in recent years. It is the extreme uniformity of these formations that separates them from any natural phenomenon. Chemical nucleation materials are the core causal factor that produce the recent rash of profound ice formations

"Freezing rain" has now become commonplace. Extreme "ice storms" are wreaking havoc all over the globe. Depending on atmospheric conditions and temperatures, precipitation from storms that have been sprayed with chemical ice nucleating materials can reach the ground before actually freezing. 


This vehicle photo was taken in Versoix, Switzerland. Formerly unprecedented ice storms have now become the norm as the geoengineers do their best to create temporary chemical cool-downs in a rapidly warming world

Where can the most profound chemical ice nucleation examples be seen? The satellite photos below show completely unnatural ice formation structures on the Arctic ocean, September 15th, 2015. Arctic ocean temperatures have persisted at record high levels and the warming continues to worsen. Why would ice form in open water under such conditions, and in a manner that is completely different than the normal ice pack winter expansion? And all this during a year that has had record warmth and record ice melt in the Arctic? Surface ice formation on record warm seas worsens the overall warming by trapping the heat below.


Another satellite photo taken over the Arctic Ocean, September 15, 2015. Extremely anomalous sea surface ice formation is clearly evident.


Even into November, 2015, astoundingly high ocean temperatures have persisted and continue to shatter records. The map below clearly shows that sea surface temperatures were as much as 24.7 degrees ABOVE NORMAL in the Arctic ocean on November 7, 2015. 


Global ocean temperatures are skyrocketing so rapidly that scientists must keep updating charts to keep up.

The excerpt below was taken from a recently posted Article from "Arctic News", it should be read carefully. Arctic news describes the effects of atmospheric particulates (primarily from geoengineering which Arctic news refuses to admit to). They then state clearly the negative overall effects of these particulates (again, a result of geoengineering). And at the end of the article from which this excerpt was taken, Arctic News and the Arctic Methane Emergency Group calls for global geoengineering to be deployed immediately, as if it has not already been going on for over 6 decades in clear view and causing catastrophic effects. We must all diligently "sift the baby from the bathwater" so to speak. Though the front line data from Arctic news is accurate and verifiable from other sources, their constant call for geoegineering to commence is extremely alarming.

Particulates, in particular sulfate, can provide short-term cooling of the sea surface. Large amounts of sulfate are emitted from industrial areas in the east of North America and in East Asia. On the Northern Hemisphere, the Coriolis effect makes that such emissions will typically reach areas over the nearby ocean to the east of such industrial areas, resulting in the sea surface there being cooled substantially, until the particulates have fallen out of the sky. Since the sulfate is emitted on an ongoing basis, the cooling effect continues without much interruption.


This sulfate has a cooling effect on areas of the sea surface where ocean currents are moving warm water toward the Arctic Ocean. Because the sea surface gets colder, there is less evaporation, and thus less heat transfer from the ocean to the atmosphere during the time it takes for the water to reach the Arctic Ocean. As a result, water below the sea surface remains warmer as it moves toward the Arctic Ocean.


Similarly, as illustrated by above image, sulfur dioxide emitted in industrial areas in North America and East Asia can extend over the oceans, cooling the surface water of currents that are moving water toward the Arctic Ocean.

So the overall conclusion from Arctic News is that the atmospheric particulates are making a bad situation worse, not better. Yet, they continue to call for geoengineering deployment as if that is not the source of "atmospheric pollution" they have just condemned.

Below is a recent satellite photo of the sea surface off the coast of Greenland. Again we see an extremely anomalous and unprecedented pattern of ice formations like those shown earlier in this article. The massive chemical ice nucleation efforts in the Arctic, by the geoengineers, is undeniable.


The AccuWeather "forecast" (scheduled weather) for November 16-20, 2015, shows snow with a daytime high of 59 degrees and a night time low of 40 degrees. Why?


In the next map, we see snow again called for on the 22nd with the same temperatures as the earlier forecast, yet, on the 25th only rain is called for with much colder low temperatures? Snow is now often reported at temperatures up to 50 degrees and even above, welcome to the world of chemical ice nucleation. As previously mentioned, there are patents for such processes, and again, the Chinese scientists have openly admitted their programs to create engineered snow storms.


What scenario are the geoengineers creating in the US with their chemical ice nucleated cool-downs? The exact antithesis of what has been the case in the US for the previous 3 winters. The extreme scenario shown in the most current NOAA map below is historically unprecedented, but in recent years has become the norm.


The "scheduled" weather from the geoengineers is for temperatures to be up to 20 degrees below normal in the West, and 20 or more degrees above normal in the East.

Chemical ice nucleation of storms and precipitation does create a cold dense layer of air on the ground level that can drastically lower temperatures temporarily. But what is the overall cost? A decimated climate system, a worsened overall warming of the planet, and total contamination of the atmosphere and surface of our planet (due to the highly toxic fallout from the climate engineering programs). If you think your winter weather is natural, think again. Exposing the ongoing climate engineering insanity is challenge we must all face head on, make your voice heard in this battle. Forward solid information to all those that need to know and don't. Make every day count in this most critical fight.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

The Engineered Winter Deception, Chemical Ice Nucleation, And Ice Boulders


Dane Wigington

Headlines from Siberia reveal an incident of uniformly spherical "ice boulders" suddenly washing up on the shores of Nyda, Russia. Are we to believe this is only an "act of nature" as "official sources" have told us?


Photo credit: Ekaterina Chernykh

Why would the "ice boulders" occur with Arctic sea ice at record low levels? Why would perfectly spherical "ice balls" occur at all?  2012 was the previous record Arctic ice low for this time of year, 2016 has shattered that former record.


Why would such formations occur from the record warm Arctic Ocean? Sea temperatures in some zones of the Arctic Ocean are as much as 25 degrees above the 30 year average. This average was taken from 1981-2011, when the ocean temperatures were already warmer than the pre-industrial era.


Why are governments and media doing all they can to hide the reality of the record warm Arctic from the public? There are many reasons, none of them are benevolent. Temperatures in the polar regions are going completely off the charts as the "departure from normal temperature" map below makes clear. 


Siberia is undergoing massive engineered cooling assaults, but the extremely rapid warming of the planet is undeniable and climate engineering is helping to fuel the overall fire. Are the climate engineers trying desperately to reduce the methane "blowouts" that are occurring in Siberia due to rapidly thawing methane permafrost deposits? Whatever the case, the short term engineered (and highly toxic) cool-downs come at the cost of a worsened overall warming.


Photo credit: Andrey Naumenko

Again, the "experts" tell us that the "ice boulder" phenomenon is a "natural" occurrence. But if this is so, why is there no long term historical record (or pre 1945 photographs) of this phenomenon occurring? There is no such long term record (pre 1945) because the ridiculously uniform "ice boulders" are absolutely not natural. The climate engineeres became very active in the polar regions immediately after the end of WWll, historical data confirms this fact. Again, about the ice anomalies being "natural, the "experts" are simply lying, as they are paid to do. We are all swimming in a sea of lies and deception that is propagated by countless individuals in academia, media, and "official sources", who have completely betrayed humanity in exchange for a paycheck and a pension. When will the population reactivate their sense of sanity and reason? When will the population recognize that our geoengineered skies should not look like they do? When will the population face the fact that steel structure high-rise buildings (building 7 on 911) don't just fall down because of an office furniture fire on the lower floors? And why can't the masses discern that miles of shorelines covered with almost perfectly uniform and symmetrical "ice boulders" is completely unnatural?

Below is an article on chemical ice nucleation that I first posted in November of 2015. The information it contains is every bit as relevant now as it was almost exactly one year ago.

The Engineered Winter Deception, Chemical Ice Nucleation

All around the globe, extreme, destructive, and unprecedented "frozen precipitation" events are occurring. A great many of these events begin at temperature ranges far above the freezing point (though temperatures on the ground can drop precipitously as the nucleation process unfolds). Why? Most have never heard of "chemical ice nucleation for weather modification", but patents exist for this process and the Chinese government has long since admitted to engineering frozen precipitation events. The 90 second video below is astounding, a 200 foot wide river of ice flowing through the Saudi desert on November 2nd, 2015.

Extreme hail events are happening with alarming frequency, often in the most unlikely locations where such storms have not historically occurred.


"Ice storm" hits Saudi Arabia in Early November, 2015

When moisture laden storms are saturated with artificial/chemical ice nucleating elements (due to the destructive attempt by the climate engineers to temporarily cool-down ground temperatures on the ground), storms that would have been a deluge of rain become unprecedented onslaughts of frozen precipitation.


Record hail storm in Quito, Ecuador, February 14, 2015

The damage being inflicted by the rapidly increasing hail storms is massive and growing.


Record hail event, Bogata Columbia, February 22, 2015

Africa is also being subjected to unprecedented hail events.


A record shattering 3 feet of hail is dumped on the East African nation of Eritrea, March 14, 2014

Below is a shocking photo of "ice balls" piled up on the shores of Lake Michigan. Why is there no long term historical record of such a profound phenomenon? Chemical ice nucleating materials form a central core of ice that builds up around itself. The motion of the waves then contribute to the spherical shape.


"Ice balls" have formed and accumulated on Lake Michigan in the last few years, why? Such "ice balls" have even formed on lake water that was 40 degrees, how is this possible at temperatures far above the normal freezing point? Without chemical ice nucleation, it isn't possible.

What is occurring on the shores of distant seas? Yet more "ice balls" have appeared in recent years.


"Ice balls" on the Baltic Coast in Northern Poland. "Official" sources say this recent unprecedented phenomenon is just "natural", are we to believe them? 

Other European countries are noting the same phenomenon.


Ice balls on the coast of Finland. The "official" explanation for this recent mysterious anomaly? Again, we are told it is a "natural" occurrence.

How natural do these "ice pancakes" look in the photo below?


CNN news called these "ice pancakes"  "mysterious". This phenomenon has also been observed on various lakes and rivers in recent years. It is the extreme uniformity of these formations that separates them from any natural phenomenon. Chemical nucleation materials are the core causal factor that produce the recent rash of profound ice formations

"Freezing rain" has now become commonplace. Extreme "ice storms" are wreaking havoc all over the globe. Depending on atmospheric conditions and temperatures, precipitation from storms that have been sprayed with chemical ice nucleating materials can reach the ground before actually freezing. 


This vehicle photo was taken in Versoix, Switzerland. Formerly unprecedented ice storms have now become the norm as the geoengineers do their best to create temporary chemical cool-downs in a rapidly warming world

Where can the most profound chemical ice nucleation examples be seen? The satellite photos below show completely unnatural ice formation structures on the Arctic ocean, September 15th, 2015. Arctic ocean temperatures have persisted at record high levels and the warming continues to worsen. Why would ice form in open water under such conditions, and in a manner that is completely different than the normal ice pack winter expansion? And all this during a year that has had record warmth and record ice melt in the Arctic? Surface ice formation on record warm seas worsens the overall warming by trapping the heat below.


Another satellite photo taken over the Arctic Ocean, September 15, 2015. Extremely anomalous sea surface ice formation is clearly evident.


Even into November, 2015, astoundingly high ocean temperatures have persisted and continue to shatter records. The map below clearly shows that sea surface temperatures were as much as 24.7 degrees ABOVE NORMAL in the Arctic ocean on November 7, 2015. 


Global ocean temperatures are skyrocketing so rapidly that scientists must keep updating charts to keep up.

The excerpt below was taken from a recently posted Article from "Arctic News", it should be read carefully. Arctic news describes the effects of atmospheric particulates (primarily from geoengineering which Arctic news refuses to admit to). They then state clearly the negative overall effects of these particulates (again, a result of geoengineering). And at the end of the article from which this excerpt was taken, Arctic News and the Arctic Methane Emergency Group calls for global geoengineering to be deployed immediately, as if it has not already been going on for over 6 decades in clear view and causing catastrophic effects. We must all diligently "sift the baby from the bathwater" so to speak. Though the front line data from Arctic news is accurate and verifiable from other sources, their constant call for geoegineering to commence is extremely alarming.

Particulates, in particular sulfate, can provide short-term cooling of the sea surface. Large amounts of sulfate are emitted from industrial areas in the east of North America and in East Asia. On the Northern Hemisphere, the Coriolis effect makes that such emissions will typically reach areas over the nearby ocean to the east of such industrial areas, resulting in the sea surface there being cooled substantially, until the particulates have fallen out of the sky. Since the sulfate is emitted on an ongoing basis, the cooling effect continues without much interruption.


This sulfate has a cooling effect on areas of the sea surface where ocean currents are moving warm water toward the Arctic Ocean. Because the sea surface gets colder, there is less evaporation, and thus less heat transfer from the ocean to the atmosphere during the time it takes for the water to reach the Arctic Ocean. As a result, water below the sea surface remains warmer as it moves toward the Arctic Ocean.


Similarly, as illustrated by above image, sulfur dioxide emitted in industrial areas in North America and East Asia can extend over the oceans, cooling the surface water of currents that are moving water toward the Arctic Ocean.

So the overall conclusion from Arctic News is that the atmospheric particulates are making a bad situation worse, not better. Yet, they continue to call for geoengineering deployment as if that is not the source of "atmospheric pollution" they have just condemned.

Below is a recent satellite photo of the sea surface off the coast of Greenland. Again we see an extremely anomalous and unprecedented pattern of ice formations like those shown earlier in this article. The massive chemical ice nucleation efforts in the Arctic, by the geoengineers, is undeniable.


The AccuWeather "forecast" (scheduled weather) for November 16-20, 2015, shows snow with a daytime high of 59 degrees and a night time low of 40 degrees. Why?


In the next map, we see snow again called for on the 22nd with the same temperatures as the earlier forecast, yet, on the 25th only rain is called for with much colder low temperatures? Snow is now often reported at temperatures up to 50 degrees and even above, welcome to the world of chemical ice nucleation. As previously mentioned, there are patents for such processes, and again, the Chinese scientists have openly admitted their programs to create engineered snow storms.


What scenario are the geoengineers creating in the US with their chemical ice nucleated cool-downs? The exact antithesis of what has been the case in the US for the previous 3 winters. The extreme scenario shown in the most current NOAA map below is historically unprecedented, but in recent years has become the norm.


The "scheduled" weather from the geoengineers is for temperatures to be up to 20 degrees below normal in the West, and 20 or more degrees above normal in the East.

Chemical ice nucleation of storms and precipitation does create a cold dense layer of air on the ground level that can drastically lower temperatures temporarily. But what is the overall cost? A decimated climate system, a worsened overall warming of the planet, and total contamination of the atmosphere and surface of our planet (due to the highly toxic fallout from the climate engineering programs). If you think your winter weather is natural, think again. Exposing the ongoing climate engineering insanity is challenge we must all face head on, make your voice heard in this battle. Forward solid information to all those that need to know and don't. Make every day count in this most critical fight.
Dane Wigington

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Government Implements Illegal “Gag Order” On National Weather Service And NOAA Employees


Dane Wigington

The power structure is beginning to panic as the public wakes up to the criminal climate engineering insanity. The growing police state is completely out of control and becoming unimaginably blatant with their actions. In recent weeks Washington has placed "gag orders" on the following agency employees, "The National Weather Service", the "National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration", and the "US Department of Commerce". This is a massive red flag that should trigger alarm bells everywhere. 

Click PDF button to open full document

Bill Hopkins, the executive vice president for the National Weather Service employees organization (NWSEO) said this:

“As a taxpayer, I find it highly disturbing that a government agency continues to push gag orders to hide how they operate. This is the work of the American government, owned by the American public, and should be open to the American public.”

Jeff Ruch, the executive director "PEER" (Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility) said this about the "gag orders".

“The National Weather Service is about the last place where national security-style secrecy rules need to be enforced,” Ruch noted that the broad scope of the gag orders put much of what goes on inside the agency under wraps.  “Everyone is free to talk about the weather except for the people working inside the National Weather Service. Go figure.”

Some time ago I personally spoke to an NOAA scientist that said "we all know it is going on (climate engineering) but we are afraid to speak out, we have no first amendment protection". The new "gag order" is a further muzzling of the NWS and NOAA. It is likely there are many in the National Weather Service and NOAA that have had enough of lying about what is really going on in our skies.


Massive atmospheric aerosol spraying assaults are constant around the globe. Almost all meteorologists have so far denied the all too obvious ongoing climate engineering operations.

Other weather agencies and personnel have also been actively engaged in public deception. What did BBC "meteorologist" Ian Fergusson say about the picture below?

 "When rain, ice crystals or snow falls but evaporates before reaching the ground, it's a (natural) phenomenon called 'virga' or 'fallstreak'."


The so called "experts" are naming jet aircraft sprayed aerosol clouds as if they are produced by nature. 

A report from PEER contains the following statement:

This summer, the National Weather Service began requiring a signed confidentiality agreement (Exhibit I) from NWSEO participants along with all participants on the OWA teams. These agreements purport to bind NWSEO representatives from communicating with its members, members of Congress or any other person regarding agency plans and how they are determined. These agreements also do not contain terms allowing reports of actual or impending law or rule violations, gross mismanagement, waste or abuse.

The PEER report continued with this:

The National Weather Service, NOAA and Commerce are presently implementing and enforcing nondisclosure agreements which violate the law. 

We are officially living in an Orwellian police state where any who dare to try and tell the truth are dealt with severely. Forcing the employees of "national" weather and climate agencies to sign "confidentiality agreements is extremely alarming (with unimaginable potential consequences), but not surprising given what we know about the cataclysms being caused by the rapidly growing climate engineering elephant in the room. Some may mistake the "gag order" to be only about union issues, this is not the case as quotes above (taken from the PEER reports) make clear. The decimation and mortality that has already been inflicted on our biosphere and all life from global geoengineering is so immense it could never be calculated. The weather warfare insanity is finally becoming all but impossible to hide, the recent "gag orders" are a sign of true desperation on the part of the power structure. Now more than ever we must all keep up our pace in the battle to expose and halt climate engineering.

International “Eluxe Magazine” Makes Their Voice Heard On The Geoengineering Threat


We can now add yet another source to the growing list of important publications that have already spoken out about the critical climate engineering issue, "Eluxe Magazine". Below is an excerpt from their impressive "about" section.

Eluxe Magazine is the world’s first ever publication fully dedicated to sustainable luxury. We’re a quarterly published paper magazine and a digital publication based in London and Paris, dedicated to showcasing luxury brands that demonstrate a strong commitment to good ethics and environmental sustainability.  We determine the sustainability of a brand on several factors, including whether it:

  • Uses organic, biodegradable, recycled or renewable materials
  • Traces the environmental accountability of the product throughout the supply chain
  • Follows a strict Corporate Sustainability Policy, with transparent annual reports.
  • Uses recyclable, recycled or no packaging
  • Creates a product whose consumption can greatly reduce the owner’s environmental impact

Other publications that have already done their part to sound the alarm on atmospheric spraying atrocities are SOCO magazine and National Health Freedom magazine. The wave of awareness and outrage is building very rapidly as people around the globe wake up to what has been done to them without their knowledge or consent. Momentum is growing exponentially in the most critical battle of all, the fight to take back our skies from the grip of the collective insanity that has all but decimated our planet. We must all keep marching forward in this battle with all the strength and speed we can manage, every day counts. My most sincere thanks to Eluxe Magazine for solidly joining us in all important effort to expose global climate engineering.
Dane Wigington


The Great Greenland Meltdown



From a helicopter clattering over Greenland's interior on a bright July day, the ice sheet below tells a tale of disintegration. Long, roughly parallel cracks score the surface, formed by water and pressure; impossibly blue lakes of meltwater fill depressions; and veiny networks of azure streams meander west, flowing to the edge of the ice sheet and eventually out to sea.

The scientists flying over the world's largest thawing chunk of ice have selected a particularly auspicious summer to be studying the melt. The edges of Greenland's 1.7-million-km2 ice sheet regularly melt in summer, even in years when the ice sheet as a whole grows because of snowfall in its higher, colder center. But in 2016, the melting started early and spread inland fast. By April, 12% of the ice sheet's surface was melting; in an average year the melt doesn't reach 10% until June. And just before the scientists' journey, a violent river of meltwater, one of hundreds coursing out from the ice sheet, swept away a sensor, bolted to a bridge to measure the water's turbidity. It was the second time in 4 years such a device had fallen victim to the liquid fury of the glaciers. "I've been doing these trips for years, but I've never seen so much water," the helicopter pilot told the researchers.

Geoengineered Winter Weather Whiplash With Patented Climate Engineering Processes


Dane Wigington

Patented processes for artificially ice nucleating winter storms are owned by our government and have existed for many decades (the Chinese have openly stated they are "engineering snowstorms"). Below are excerpts from only one example of a US government patent that is designed to give those in power the ability to engineer winter weather on a rapidly warming planet

Appl. No. 538,904

Filed Mar. 25, 1966 Patented Oct. 19, 1971 Assignee The United States of America as represented by the Director of the National Science Foundation WEATHER MODIFICATION METHOD.

WEATHER MODIFICATION METHOD The invention described herein may be manufactured and used by or for the Government of the United States of America for Governmental purposes without the payment of any royalties thereon or therefor.

The present invention relates to weather modification and more particularly to the production of rain or snow by introducing into natural atmospheric clouds seeding agents having a high solubility in water and a large endothermic heat of solution in water.

Typical examples of materials suitable for use in practicing this invention are urea, potassium nitrate, potassium nitrite, and ammonium nitrate. Laboratory experiments have shown urea to be effective in producing ice crystals in a vapor cloud having a temperature as high as +6 C. ln field experiments, urea has been observed to cause snow showers… 

Such a seeding agent is capable of acting both as a condensation nucleus and as an ice nucleus. Typical materials which have a high solubility in water coupled with a large endothermic heat of solution in water are potassium nitrate, potassium nitrite, ammonium nitrate, and urea. Laboratory and field experiments have shown finely divided, crystalline urea to be an effective seeding agent…

Weather warfare has been waged against populations all over the globe for decades, this includes the US population. Engineered winter weather events are now the norm. Though US media has done their best to sweep the subject of weather warfare under the rug in recent decades, there is a great deal of historical coverage. The article below was published in a 1958 issue of Popular Science, it is just one example.

Click any images below to enlarge

GeoengineeringWatch magazine1

Weather warfare has long since been the covert weapon of choice for the power structure.

An issue of Collier's Magazine that is over 60 years old is yet another example of the extremely long history of weather/climate modification and warfare.


This 1954 issue article of Collier's Magazine is essential reading for anyone that wants to gain a better understanding of how long climate modification has been conducted by the US military.

The US military has made clear the fact that they have long since considered climate change to be the greatest national security threat of all, are we to believe they would ask our permission before they would modify the weather and climate to suit their own agenda? Global geoengineering programs are not about the common good, they are not about saving the planet or humanity. The ongoing climate engineering insanity is about power, control, and attempting to mask the damage already done to our climate system while inflicting unimaginably more destruction to the climate and biosphere in the process. 

A Massive Engineered Winter Chemical Cool-Down Assault On The US Population Is Coming

The latest NOAA long term forecast map below should be alarming to any that take the time to examine it closely. The latest theatrically named "winter storm" from power structure owned "The Weather Channel" was "Winter Storm Fortis". This engineered event pushed warmer than average moisture from the Atlantic Ocean over northern parts of New England where many regions saw chemically nucleated snow fall (facilitated by geoengineering jet aircraft dispersions of materials over precipitation zones) at far above freezing temperatures. "Winter Storm Gregory" will be named as part of the engineered winter scenario I am outlining in this article. Alaska, the Arctic, and parts of Florida are forecasted (scheduled) to remain at, or return to, record warmth. The arctic as a whole remains in a meltdown scenario while weather whiplash continues in the US and countless other locations around the globe. Engineering winter has long since been business as usual in many countries.


The projected (scheduled) record cold zone for much of the US comes after the warmest autumn in the US since record keeping began

When endothermic reacting (toxic) ice nucleating materials are utilized on a massive scale for climate intervention/modification programs, convection is greatly impacted, too many condensation nuclei are present, and precipitation is generally greatly reduced (from what it would have otherwise been) in the core of the engineered chemical cool-down zones. The NOAA precipitation forecast (scheduled weather) map below is for the same window of time as the  NOAA map above. It is not hard to recognize that the regions scheduled to get the greatest percentage of above normal precipitation are also generally the regions that are scheduled to experience the greatest above normal temperatures  ("A" refers to above normal precipitation on the NOAA maps, "B" is below normal).


In the NOAA map above we should ask this, how does moisture flowing in from the Pacific migrate directly over the Western States with far below normal precipitation? Then, as the moisture continues to flow east (further from the epicenter of the engineered cool-down zone), precipitation transitions to above normal. Why aren't NOAA and NWS personnel speaking out? An illegal federal gag order has been placed on them on all NOAA and NWS employees.

Global temperature deviations in the Average Temperature Anomaly map below tell the bigger picture story. The extremely blotchy composition of hot and cold zones should be alarming to us all. Though the planet is descending into a state of total meltdown, the climate engineers continue to attempt radical (and highly toxic) chemical/biological ice nucleation cool-downs anywhere and everywhere that conditions will permit this process to be carried out. NASA has also long since been a part of the ice nucleation experimentation, some of the elements utilized for this purpose are synthesized urea, and E-coli.


The weather modification chemical cool-downs create a cold, dense (but shallow) layer of air that settles down to the surface and lowers temperatures on the ground. This process is essential for the manipulation of climate perspectives. The engineered winter events are used to create and expand division and confusion in the population in regard to the true state of the global climate.

Massive air mass manipulation is also accomplished with engineered high and low pressure zones. The use of ionosphere heater facilities like HAARP are the a primary factor with this type of manipulation.


Extremely anomalous weather/climate patterns have now become the norm. Global climate engineering operations have completely derailed the Earth's natural climate system.

Meteorologists at The Weather Channel have already admitted to the highly unusual weather pattern that is helping to facilitate the coming abnormal cool-down on a rapidly warming world. High pressure ridges will remain locked anomalously in place on both sides of the North American continent. This configuration will assist with robbing what cold air there is in the Arctic, and will push this air south in an almost perfect outline that will cover the land mass of the lower 48 states.


The ability the climate engineers now have to manipulate Earth's life support systems is far beyond alarming. Geoengineering is nothing short of weather warfare

Again, how do flows of moisture coming from the west off of record warm global oceans create temperatures that are predicted (scheduled) to be nearly 40 degrees below normal in regions only slightly inland? What is the final product of the the climate engineering chemically ice nucleated cool-down for the US? Radically lowered engineered temperatures at ground level in parts of the US will accompany the start to the new year. The US media will hype and dramatize this completely engineered cool-down. This will obscure the previous climate headlines of the warmest autum on record in the US and also the fact that 2016 will be the warmest year yet recorded on planet Earth since record keeping began. We will soon see if the climate enigneers are actually able to achieve the level and duration of cooldown that they are attempting to carry out.


The scale of climate decimation being inflicted on populations around the globe by the climate engineers is so incomprehensibly massive, it could never be quantified.

So what are the "predictions" for the 2017 summer temperatures in the US? Above normal to far above normal temperatures for virtually all of the US.


Every single event that the climate engineers orchestrate adds to the total biosphere/climate destruction being inflicted on the planet by the human race.

We are in a fight for life, nothing less. The unfolding environmental/climate implosion cannot be hidden for much longer. As the desperation of the power structure grows, they will likely continue their push toward WWlll. Mathematically speaking, climate engineering is the greatest and most immediate threat we face short of nuclear cataclysm. Not only are the geoengineers ripping apart the climate/life support systems of the planet, they are irreparably contaminating the entire biosphere. The climate science community is (and has been) completely betraying populations and the web of life by remaining silent on the climate engineering/weather warfare total tyranny being conducted by our own government (and other governments). Anti-climate engineering activists are desperately needed to actually be active. Educate yourself on exactly how you can help to sound the alarm on the most critical issue of climate engineering, make your voice heard while you can.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Is Climate Engineering Contributing To Noctilucent Cloud Formation?


Dane Wigington

The rapid expansion of noctilucent cloud formations and sightings is an ominous sign of our rapidly disintegrating biosphere that almost no one is heeding. "Official" sources are doing their best to pacify the populations on every front and this includes the subjects of noctilucent cloud formation, atmospheric methane accumulation, and climate engineering.


Noctilucent clouds in the skies above Antarctica are an ominous harbinger of the atmospheric damage that is occurring there.

Our miracle planet that was once so incredibly hospitable for countless life forms is now spiraling into a completely altered state of environmental and climate collapse.  The vast majority of the human race (for various reasons) is unwilling or unable to show any concern for the bigger picture. Thus the unfolding  fate of our species is now not only in question, but mathematically on track for certain near term total extinction if we remain on the current trajectory. Much of the populations in third world countries have their hands full simply trying to survive from day to day.  Much of the populations in first world countries are completely preoccupied with their own personal pursuits of profit and pleasure. In the meantime, the military industrial complex is continuing to expand its power and its completely out of control experiments on Earth's life support systems. Global climate engineering programs are the epitome of the military industrial complex insanity and hubris. Climate engineering/weather warfare programs are wreaking havoc around the globe in countless ways. One of the most grave and immediate threats we face is mass methane release from formerly frozen methane deposits in Earth's strata. In the attempt to hide the already manifesting consequences of the methane buildup in our atmosphere, the power structure and the geoengineers have only fueled the overall fire. All available data indicates that the atmosphere is being microwaved in a desperate and unimaginably destructive attempt to mitigate the methane buildup which risks turning our once thriving planet into a lifeless rock that resembles Venus. The temperatures in the polar regions are skyrocketing as are observations of the ominous noctilucent clouds which have emerged at the earliest date on record this year. Recent releases of information to some degree attempt to attribute the noctilucent clouds to natural processes, but is this true? Mainstream sources of information only elude to the methane/noctilucent cloud connection and the threat that is looming over the biosphere.


Photo credit: Anna Anikina

Every year, for a period of between five to 10 days, the night skies over Antarctica are visited by an unusual phenomenon known as night clouds or noctilucent clouds (NLCs). Residing at an altitude between 47 to 53 miles, these electric-blue clouds are the highest in Earth's atmosphere and can only be observed well after the sun has dipped below the horizon at twilight.


Photo credit: Juhku

According to NASA, night clouds are a relatively new phenomenon, with the first observations occurring a couple years after the eruption of Krakatoa sent tons of volcanic ash high into the atmosphere. They increased again after the Tunguska meteor event over Siberia in 1908. In 2007, NASA launched the AIM satellite (Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere) to specifically study noctilucent clouds and discover the conditions that favor their formation.

"AIM and other research has shown that in order for the clouds to form, three things are needed: very cold temperatures, water vapor and meteoric dust," James Russell, an atmospheric and planetary scientist at Hampton University, said in a NASA article. "The meteoric dust provides sites that the water vapor can cling to until the cold temperatures cause water ice to form."

The Krakatoa event, says Thomas, likely "seeded" the upper atmosphere with dust, allowing noctilucent clouds to be seen over more populated areas. In its most recent observations, however, NASA is reporting that the blue cloud formations are not only starting earlier than normal, but also once again spreading beyond the polar regions. You can see a time-lapse animation capture by AIM of the clouds forming over the Antarctic in the tweet by NASA below.

Credits: NASA/HU/VT/CU-LASP/AIM/Joy Ng, producer

Researchers believe the beautiful twilight displays, observed as far south as Colorado and Utah, could be due to an increased abundance of methane in the upper atmosphere.

"When methane makes its way into the upper atmosphere, it is oxidized by a complex series of reactions to form water vapor," Russell added. "This extra water vapor is then available to grow ice crystals for NLCs."

Because methane is roughly 30 times more potent a heat-trapping greenhouse gas compared to carbon dioxide, its theorized that noctilucent clouds could potentially serve as a kind of "canary in a coal mine" on climate change. For now, however, the connection remains tenuous.

"I think the jury is still out,"'s Tony Phillips told the SFGate in 2015. "But it is undeniable that increasing levels of methane favor the formation of NLCs at very high altitudes."

If the masses do not wake soon and properly prioritize their efforts and energies there will be no chance for the long term survival of our species (and perhaps even all life on Earth). Industrialized society (which includes climate engineering) has all but decimated our once thriving planet. What are each of us willing to do in order to try and salvage what is yet left of Earth's life support systems? Reaching a critical mass or awareness is the first leap forward, make your voice heard in the critical effort to sound the alarm.

Global Warming May Be Far Worse Than Thought, Cloud Analysis Suggests


Source: The Guardian

Photo above: Under a blanket of clouds, tourists watch a meltwater waterfall on an icecap. (Click here for larger version). Photograph: Ralph Lee Hopkins/National Geographic Society/Corbis

Climate change projections have vastly underestimated the role that clouds play, meaning future warming could be far worse than is currently projected, according to new research.

Researchers said that a doubling of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere compared with pre-industrial times could result in a global temperature increase of up to 5.3C – far warmer than the 4.6C older models predict.

Why Are They Spraying? Answers From An Insider


The interview transcript  below is not new, though few have seen it. I first found and read it over a decade ago, but have waited until now to post it. Though there is, of course, no possible way to confirm the authenticity of the interview, the data is complex, articulate, and scientifically accurate in regard to specific verifiable points mentioned. This being said, we must also consider that this is the view of an insider. One that has accepted the rational of the spraying. There is an epidemic of big picture blindness that is rampant in the circles of government scientists. They are all "compartmentalized", they carry out their work in a bubble. I have previously recorded my communications with another geoengineering insider, part 1 and part 2. In these conversations, the rationalization of those involved with the spraying programs is all too evident. Their lack of knowledge regarding the overall consequences of the programs they have helped to orchestrate is also shockingly obvious.


They have all been trained to believe that it is not only man's right to interfere with nature, but his duty. It is this kind of thinking that has put us on the current course of mathematically certain near term extinction. We must change directions, beginning with fully exposing and halting the climate engineering insanity. The use of polymer fibers is one of the first issues addressed in the interview below. The recent rash of filament fallout incidents from the atmospheric spraying is of considerable concern. Webs have been utilized for biological experimentation going back as far as the 1960s. The insider either does not know about this fact or is unwilling to discuss it. There is a great deal of information presented in this interview transcript, but again, it is from an insider's perspective based on the information and conclusions he was given by the power structure he served. Speaking out about such programs is a lethal violation. Those who break their silence will be dealt with in the harshest imaginable fashion by agencies like the CIA and Homeland Security. Converging Catastrophes are closing in on us all. Who will continue to hide in the shadows? To restate for the record, though the scientist in the interview below has chosen to believe that the climate engineering insanity is for the overall greater good, front line data completely refutes any such conclusion. Geoengineering operations are further fueling the biosphere implosion, not mitigating it.  All are needed to stand and make their voice heard for the greater good. What will you do?
Dane Wigington

New Science Study Confirms Contamination From Climate Engineering Assault


The "International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health" has just published an in depth research report from Dr. Marvin Herndon that directly implicates the use of highly toxic coal fly ash with 99% certainty as base material in the ongoing climate engineering programs. Why would such a material be utilized for climate engineering? Because coal ash is light enough to remain suspended in the atmosphere for extended periods. Additionally, it would give the climate engineers a form of plausible denial in regard to the source of materials raining down on us. Using a refined form of coal ash as a base material for climate engineering would also effectively disposes of the extremely fine coal ash particles in the process which has always been a problem for the industry.

To match Interview POLAND-BELCHATOW/

 Poland’s Belchatow Power Station, pictured here, is the European Union’s most polluting coal-fired power station

The curtain of lethal deception continues to be pulled back exposing the total tyranny of those in power. While they claim to be attempting to clean up our air, all available evidence makes clear the fact that highly toxic materials have been intentionally and continuously sprayed into our atmosphere as part of the ongoing climate engineering experimentation programs. The newly published study below is a very important breakthrough in the ongoing effort to expose the weather warfare assault on humanity. It is a huge addition to reports already posted on by Dr. Herndon. My sincere thanks to Dr.Herndon for his valuable efforts in this critical battle for life on Earth.
Dane Wigington


Evidence of Coal-Fly-Ash Toxic Chemical Geoengineering in the Troposphere: Consequences for Public Health

Source: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, article by Marvin Herndon, Ph.D.

Academic Editor: Paul B. Tchounwou
Received: 29 June 2015 / Accepted: 5 August 2015 / Published: 11 August, 2015


The widespread, intentional and increasingly frequent chemical emplacement in the troposphere has gone unidentified and unremarked in the scientific literature for years. The author presents evidence that toxic coal combustion fly ash is the most likely aerosolized particulate sprayed by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and climate-modification purposes and describes some of the multifold consequences on public health. Two methods are employed: (1) Comparison of 8 elements analyzed in rainwater, leached from aerosolized particulates, with corresponding elements leached into water from coal fly ash in published laboratory experiments, and (2) Comparison of 14 elements analyzed in dust collected outdoors on a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter with corresponding elements analyzed in un-leached coal fly ash material. The results show: (1) the assemblage of elements in rainwater and in the corresponding experimental leachate are essentially identical. At a 99% confidence interval, they have identical means (T-test) and identical variances (F-test); and (2) the assemblage of elements in the HEPA dust and in the corresponding average un-leached coal fly ash are likewise essentially identical. The consequences on public health are profound, including exposure to a variety of toxic heavy metals, radioactive elements, and neurologically-implicated chemically mobile aluminum released by body moisture in situ after inhalation or through transdermal induction.


Geoengineering; coal fly ash; aerosol particulates; chemtrails; autism spectrum disorder (ASD); Alzheimer’s disease; Parkinson’s disease; attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD); neurological disorders; chemically mobile aluminum.

1. Introduction

The interplay of political, military, and commercial interests during World War II led to the development and grand-scale deployment of a host of herbicides and pesticides such as dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT). In her 1962 book Silent Spring [1] Rachel Carson called attention to the unintended consequences of herbicide and pesticide use, and launched the modern environmental movement. Half a century later there is growing evidence of a grave new and persistent global environmental health threat, again fomented by the interplay of political, military, and commercial interests. To date this new threat, posed by widespread, intentional tropospheric aerosol-particulate emplacement, has gone unremarked in the scientific literature for more than one decade. Here, based upon original research, the author discloses substantial evidence as to the identification and nature of the specific particulate substance involved and begins to describe the extent of this global public health and environmental threat.

Recently there have been calls in both the popular and scientific press to begin discussions about the possibility of engaging in future stratospheric geoengineering experiments to counter global warming [2,3]. Geoengineering, also called weather-modification, has been carried out for decades at much lower altitudes in the troposphere. The recent calls for open discussion of climate control or geoengineering tend to obscure the fact that the world’s military and civilian sectors have modified atmospheric conditions for many decades as has been described by science historian, James R. Fleming [4]. Some of the early weather-modification research resulted in programs like Project Skywater (1961–1988), the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s effort to engineer “the rivers of the sky”; the U.S. Army’s Operation Ranch Hand (1961–1971), in which the herbicide Agent Orange was an infamous part; and its Project Popeye (1967–1971), used to “make mud, not war” over the Ho Chi Minh Trail. These few examples of weather-modification, all of them secret at the time they were engaged, show that the weather is in the words of the military, “a force multiplier” [5].

In the spring of 2014, the author began to notice tanker-jets quite often producing white trails across the cloudless blue sky over San Diego, California. The aerosol spraying that was happening with increasing frequency was a relatively new phenomenon there. The dry warm air above San Diego is not conducive to the formation of jet contrails, which are ice condensate. By November 2014 the tanker-jets were busy every day crisscrossing the sky spraying their aerial graffiti. In a matter of minutes, the aerosol trails exiting the tanker-jets would start to diffuse, eventually forming cirrus-like clouds that further diffuse to form a white haze that scattered sunlight, often occluding or dimming the sun. Aerosol spraying was occasionally so intense as to make the otherwise cloudless blue sky overcast, some areas of sky turning brownish (Figure 1). Sometimes the navigation lights of the tanker-jets were visible as they worked at night, their trails obscuring the stars overhead; by dawn the normally clear-blue morning sky already had a milky white haze. Regardless, aerosol spraying often continued throughout the day. The necessity for daily aerosol emplacement stems from the relatively low spraying-altitudes in the troposphere where mixing with air readily occurs bringing down the aerosolized particulates and exposing humanity and Earth’s biota to the fine-grained substance. The author’s concern about the daily exposure to ultra-fine airborne particulate matter of undisclosed composition and its concomitant effect on the health of his family and public health in general prompted the research reported here.

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Figure 1. Composite of four images of the blue sky over San Diego taken on cloudless days showing various instances of the on-going daily tanker-jet spraying of ultrafine-particulates into the troposphere. Upper Left: Spraying just started. Note that one tanker-jet turned off the spray in mid-flight. The “clouds” are dispersed particulates; Lower Right: Overcast “clouds” produced by intense tanker-jet emplacement of particulates.

Since the beginning of the 21st century there have been numerous observations of tanker-jet aerosol particulate spraying. Sometimes samples of rainwater, soil, and other residue were collected by concerned citizens and sent to commercial certified laboratories to be analyzed, although without an understanding of what tests should be made. The composition of the aerosolized particulate matter has been a tightly held secret. In the face of this unknown, there has been much sincere speculation in books and on the Internet, but also disinformation, attempts to convince the public that the particulate trails are nothing more than ice crystals formed from jet exhaust, and to pin on concerned citizens the pejorative moniker “conspiracy theorists”.

From the variety of observations reported in books and on the Internet, one might reasonably conclude that, at least during the early years, various weather-modification experiments were undertaken. But as indicated by photographic data and chemical analyses of post-spraying rainwater, one particular methodology was developed that ultimately was observed by the author to be operational on a daily basis in the skies over San Diego, and reportedly is now operational over much of the United States and in a number of foreign countries as well [6]. Beside the observational commonality, post-spraying rainwater was frequently found to contain aluminum and barium, two elements usually not present in naturally-occurring rainwater; sometimes strontium, a third element, was included in the tests and determined to be present [7]. The presence of strontium together with barium suggests that the undisclosed particulate matter is derived from a natural product, because alkaline earth elements, Group II on the Periodic Table, behave similarly and are often found together in nature. For example, cement contains calcium and often contains some strontium as well. That bit of insight evoked further considerations related to the potential costs and logistics of annually producing millions of tons of the undisclosed particulate matter and doing so out of public view.

Industrial coal burning produces four types of coal combustion residuals (CCRs): fly ash, bottom ash, boiler slag, and flue gas desulfurization product (FGDP), i.e., gypsum. Bottom ash is heavy and settles out; coal fly ash, on the other hand, is comprised of micron and sub-micron particles that would go up the smokestack unless captured and stored. Because of its well-known adverse environmental health effects, Western nations now mandate that coal combustion fly ash is to be captured and stored [8,9]. Representatives of coal burning utilities and their trade organizations actively promote commercial applications for coal fly ash, which, to name a few, include uses as additives to Portland cement, agricultural soil amendments, replacement for compacted backfills, mine reclamation, melting river ice, and as subsurface for roads. Some applications pose potential environmental health risks in the short term and/or in the long term as coal fly ash is a concentrated repository for many of the trace elements that were trapped in coal during its formation, including, but not limited to, arsenic, barium, beryllium, boron, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, lead, manganese, mercury, molybdenum, selenium, thallium, thorium, vanadium and uranium. 

Although seemingly unacknowledged in publicly accessible reports and in scientific literature as a potential material for geoengineering, coal fly ash is one major global waste product stream with the appropriate grain-size distribution for aerosolized tropospheric spraying that is readily available at extremely low cost and with existent processing and transport infrastructure. The author submits the following hypothesis: Coal fly ash is most likely the aerosolized particulate sprayed in the troposphere by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and climate-modification purposes.

The objectives of the research are to provide substantial scientific evidence as to the correctness of the hypothesis, namely, that coal fly ash is the aerosolized particulate sprayed in the troposphere by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and climate-modification purposes and to reveal some of the adverse human public health consequences and the antagonistic consequences on Earth’s environment and biota.

2. Experimental Section

The methodology is two-fold: (1) Compare element ratios analyzed in rainwater, which were leached in the atmosphere from aerosolized particulates, with the corresponding element ratios that were extracted from coal fly ash into water in laboratory leaching experiments; and, (2) Compare the element ratios analyzed in dust collected outdoors on a HEPA filter with corresponding element ratios analyzed in coal fly ash material.

One of the reasons coal fly ash is sequestered, usually in lined ponds, is that a variety of toxic chemical elements are readily extracted by water, including but not limited to aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, thallium, lead, mercury and uranium. Scientists have conducted leaching experiments on coal fly ash samples, but none of the various investigations appear to be as thorough as that of Moreno et al.[10]. They obtained coal fly ash samples from 23 different European sources (from Spain, The Netherlands, Italy and Greece) which they analyzed for 33 chemical elements. They leached 100 grams of each coal fly ash sample with one liter of distilled water for twenty four hours, and then determined the concentrations of 38 elements in the leachate, the water-extract, from each experiment. Although there were some variations observed in the pre-leach coal fly ash chemical compositions and in the relative proportion of extracted elements in the leachate and variations in the resulting pH, the overall pattern of leachate elements was remarkably consistent among the different fly ash sources. Table 1 summarizes the average values for European coal fly ash pre-leach compositions and the average values of leachate chemical compositions that include those used in the present investigation.

Click image to enlarge

Table 1. Average chemical composition of the 23 un-leached and leached (leachate) European coal fly ash samples from Moreno et al.

With its normally limited natural cloud cover San Diego is ideal for observing tanker-jet dispersal of ultra-fine particulates. Because the city lacks heavy industries and their particulate pollution, it is an ideal environment to ascertain by rainwater measurement the nature of the specific particulates being sprayed which are leached by rainwater. The author personally collected rainwater samples for chemical analysis and compared those data to corresponding average values of experimental leachate chemical analyses [10], which as shown below provides a firm basis for identifying the particulate substance being emplaced as an aerosol in the troposphere as coal fly ash. Because of persistent spraying, rainwater devoid of spray contamination was not available.

For three months during a period of intense aerial spraying in 2011, an individual in Los Angeles, California captured and had analyzed outdoor air-borne particulates.The results were posted on the Internet [11]; subsequently the author obtained the analytical laboratory report. The requested analyses returned results for aluminum, barium and twelve trace elements. But the meaning of the data was not clear at the time. Comparison of those data with corresponding pre-leach average coal fly ash chemical analyses (Table 1), as shown below, further reinforces the correctness of identifying the particulate substance as coal fly ash that is being sprayed into the troposphere by tanker-jets for geoengineering.

3. Results and Discussion

The average elemental composition of each of the 38 elements from the 23 different sources of European coal fly ash leach studied by Moreno et al. [10], presented as ratios relative to aluminum, is shown in Figure 2 as a function of Atomic Number. Normalization to one common element, in this case aluminum, makes comparisons possible when total mass or total volume is not available. In this plot, the less abundant leachate element ratios are not shown. Note that aluminum (Atomic Number 13), strontium (38), and barium (56), elements which are sometimes determined in post-spraying rainwater, are relatively abundant.

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Figure 2. The average leachate chemical concentration of each of the 38 elements from the 23 different sources of European coal fly ash (Table 1) studied by [10], normalized to aluminum so as to facilitate comparison with analyzed post-aerosol-spraying rainwater. Elements of lower concentration are not shown. Red leachate elements correspond to those measured in San Diego rainwater (Figure 3), from left to right, Boron, Magnesium, Aluminum, Sulfur, Calcium, Iron, Strontium and Barium.

Two commercial state-of-California certified laboratories, Babcock Laboratories, Inc. and Basic Laboratory, were engaged for the San Diego rainwater analyses by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Their analytical results were consistent to within 2%–10%. Figure 3 shows concentrations of 8 chemical elements, normalized to aluminum, measured in post-aerosol-spraying San Diego rainwater for comparison with corresponding element ratios in the [10] water-extract of coal fly ash leaching experiments (Table 1).

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Figure 3. The chemical concentrations of 8 elements, normalized to aluminum, measured in post-aerosol-spraying San Diego rainwater for comparison with similar average element ratios in the leachate of coal fly ash from Figure 1. This figure shows that post-spraying rainwater leached the same elements, in similar proportions, to the elements leached from coal fly ash in laboratory investigations [10]. This is strong evidence that the substance emplaced into the troposphere is coal fly ash. At a 99% confidence interval, the two sets of data have the same mean (T-test) and the same variance (F-test).

Like a fingerprint, the 8-element ratios of the San Diego rainwater extract of the tropospheric-emplaced particulate matter match element-by-element the laboratory water extract of coal fly ash within the range of observations. Said another way, the tropospheric-emplaced matter has the same water-leach characteristics as coal fly ash for at least eight elements, which is indeed strong evidence of the identification of the aerosolized substance as coal fly ash. For any indicated element the difference between the rainwater extract and average experimental coal fly ash element extract is less than the differences observed between the element extracted experimentally from the various coal fly ash sources [10]. 

Without mass or volume totals, statistical treatment was somewhat limited. Nevertheless, at a 99% confidence interval, the assemblage of elements in the rainwater and in the corresponding experimental leachate have identical means (T-test) and identical variances (F-test). Furthermore, the 8-element “fingerprint” shown in Figure 3 is comprised of elements with different chemical properties and thus provides extremely strong validation of the hypothesis: Coal fly ash is most likely the aerosolized particulate sprayed in the troposphere by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and climate-modification purposes.

One limitation in the use of commercial laboratories is in their limits of detection for some elements. Note from Figure 2 that the experimental coal fly ash leachate element ratios span six orders of magnitude. When academic research laboratories, with their high sensitivity capabilities, hopefully repeat the post-spray rainwater measurements, additional “matched pairs” for other elements will doubtlessly be added to the coal fly ash “fingerprint” presented in Figure 3.

For about fifteen years concerned individuals have sampled water, soil, and other materials in attempt to learn what is being sprayed into the atmosphere. From 15 May 2011 through 15 August 2011, a period intense tanker-jet spraying, an individual in Los Angeles, California operated a Honeywell model HHT081 HEPA Filter in her backyard in the vicinity of Olympic and La Cienega Boulevard, Los Angeles, California, 90035. Samples were collected and then transferred via chain-of-custody to American Scientific Laboratory, a state-of-California certified laboratory for analysis of aluminum, barium, and twelve trace elements by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. 

Figure 4 shows concentrations of 14 chemical elements, normalized to aluminum, measured in the Los Angeles HEPA air filter dust for comparison with corresponding average element ratios for un-leached coal fly ash data (Table 1) from [10].

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Figure 4. The chemical concentrations of 14 chemical elements, normalized to aluminum, measured in the Los Angeles HEPA air filter dust for comparison with corresponding average element ratios for un-leached coal fly ash (Table 1) data from [10]. This figure shows the 14 elements measured in the collected filter dust occur in the same relative proportions as similar elements in un-leached coal fly ash from published laboratory investigations [10]. This is strong evidence that the substance emplaced into the troposphere is coal fly ash. At a 99% confidence interval, the two sets of data have the same mean (T-test) and the same variance (F-test).

Like a fingerprint, the 14-element ratios of the HEPA dust match well the corresponding average chemical element ratios of un-leached coal fly ash. As with Figure 3 data, without mass or volume totals, statistical treatment was somewhat limited. Nevertheless, at a 99% confidence interval, the assemblage of elements in the HEPA dust and in the corresponding average coal fly ash have identical means (T-test) and identical variances (F-test). 

Coal fly ash from difference sources vary somewhat in their relative proportions of chemical elements. Figure 5, a plot of the normalized high and low value for each of the 14 respective elements from un-leached coal fly ash [10], provides an indication of the range of variation in the coal fly ash material from different sources. Significantly, for any indicated element ratio in Figure 4, the difference between HEPA dust material and average coal fly ash composition is generally less than the extremes observed between high and low values of the various coal fly ash sources shown in Figure 5. Furthermore, the 14-element “fingerprint” shown in Figure 4 is comprised of elements with different chemical properties, implying a unique process, and thus further provides extremely strong validation of the hypothesis: Coal fly ash is most likely the aerosolized particulate sprayed in the troposphere by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and climate-modification purposes.

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Figure 5. This figure is a plot of the normalized high and low value for each of the 14 respective elements from un-leached coal fly ash [10]. It provides an indication of the range of variation in un-leached coal fly ash material from different sources. This natural variation in coal fly ash elemental compositions may help to explain the variations observed in Figure 3 and Figure 4.

Reliable observers have reported tropospheric aerosol emplacement since the late 1990s. In the early phases of the program one might suspect that a variety of substances were tried. At what point was coal fly ash chosen as the preferred substance? In the past, one of the great uncertainties about analyzing post-aerosol rainwater has been which elements to measure. Aluminum was commonly measured, while barium and strontium were sometimes measured; other chemical elements were rarely measured. As aluminum, barium and strontium are prominent water-extracts of coal fly ash, their presence in post-aerosol rainwater might be taken as a 3-element fingerprint of aerosolized coal fly ash, albeit with much less certainty than the 8-element fingerprint shown in Figure 3. Based upon the 3-element fingerprint, with its limited certainty, the year 2002 is the earliest data found to date showing simultaneous measurement of these three elements in post-aerosol rainwater [12]. Within that certainty-limitation, the 3-element fingerprint in post-spraying rainwater measurements indicates the global extent of tropospheric aerosol coal fly ash dispersing: such measurements have been made in the United States, Canada, France, Portugal, Germany, Australia, and New Zealand. Further, this list is unlikely to be exhaustive. The global extent of tropospheric coal fly ash emplacement is inferred from rainwater analyses reporting the three elements (aluminum, barium and strontium) that are prominent in the leachate of laboratory coal fly ash water-leach experiments.

The research reported here provides strong evidence that coal fly ash is the aerosolized particulate sprayed in the troposphere by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and climate-modification purposes. The evidence presented warrants discussion as to (1) what additional investigations should be undertaken to confirm further the identity of coal fly ash as the aerosolized particulates, (2) the consequences of troposphere-emplaced coal fly ash on public health and on Earth’s biota, and (3) the resultant geophysical implications.

The rainwater and dust sample collection, in San Diego and Los Angeles, respectively, took place in areas far removed from aerosol-polluting heavy industries under circumstances of intense and persistent aerial spraying of fine grain particulates that left a white haze in the sky. The tropospheric lifetime of the particulates was sufficiently short as to necessitate near-daily spraying, which is an argument against the collected samples originating far away, such as from China due to the global movement of weather. Whereas the “fingerprint” evidence is compelling, strongly suggesting identical processes/materials, additional investigations should be undertaken and, indeed, are being planned.

Off the coast of Southern California individuals have observed tanker jets “dumping” massive quantities of particulate matter in relatively short bursts, colloquially called “bombs”, which disperse significantly before prevailing winds bring the matter to the coast line. One plan under consideration is to use aircraft to capture in flight some of the concentrated material, which would then be analyzed physically and chemically, and as well be subjected to leaching experiments. 

In the 1970s acid rain [13] liberated aluminum in a chemically mobile form from otherwise inert sources, such as mine tailings, that posed an environmental health threat to a host of organisms [14,15]. Forest die-offs, reduced survival or impaired reproduction of aquatic invertebrates, fish, and amphibians were directly connected to aluminum toxicity, while indirect effects on birds and mammals were also identified [16]. Tropospheric aerosolized coal fly ash poses a similar environmental health threat without necessarily requiring an acid environment. In the experiments by Moreno et al. [10], distilled water led to aluminum extraction while other chemical reactions yielded leachate pH values in the range 6.2–12.5. The pH of post-spraying rainwater is a function of the composition of the coal fly ash and the degree of its equilibration with atmospheric water. Natural rainwater has an acidic pH of about 5.7 due to interaction with atmospheric CO2 [17]. The pH of the analyzed post-spraying San Diego rainwater was 5.2 whereas in instances elsewhere it has been observed as high as 6.8.

Long exposure to air pollution particulates, not necessarily coal fly ash, in sizes ≤ 2.5µm (PM2.5) is associated with morbidity and premature mortality [18,19]. One may therefore reasonably conclude that aerosolized coal fly ash, at least the PM2.5 component, is detrimental to human health.

The ultra-fine particles of aerosolized coal fly ash do not remain at tanker-jet operational altitudes: they mix with and pollute the air people breathe. Tropospheric aerosol coal fly ash can potentially endanger humans through two primary routes: (1) ingestion of rainwater-extract of coal fly ash toxins, directly or after concentration by evaporation and (2) particulate intake through inhalation or through contact with the eyes or skin [20]. In the latter instance, harm to humans can arise from in situ body-fluid extraction of coal fly ash toxins [21] as well as from the consequences of tissue contact [22]. Coal fly ash that is PM2.5is readily entrained in terminal airways and alveoli and retained in the lungs for long periods of time; the small grain size enables it to penetrate and reach deep within the airways where it can cause inflammation and pulmonary injury [23].

Coal fly ash contains a host of potentially leachable toxins, including aluminum, arsenic, barium, beryllium, boron, cadmium, chromium (III), chromium (IV), cobalt, lead, manganese, mercury, selenium, strontium, thallium, thorium, and uranium. Coal fly ash has been described as being more radioactive than nuclear waste [24]. Moreover, many of the most toxic elements are enriched in the PM2.5 component of coal fly ash [25]. Whether or not the coal fly ash used for geoengineering is selectively enriched in PM2.5is not known, but enrichment in the small particle size fraction would be advantageous in yielding greater surface area for sunlight reflection.

The extent of adverse health consequences from aerosolized coal fly ash depends on a variety of factors including age, physical condition, individual susceptibility, concentration and exposure duration. Moreover, some toxic elements from tropospheric spraying of coal fly ash, in addition to direct bodily input by inhalation or transdermal infusion, may be concentrated by processes in nature. Arsenic, for example, one of the coal fly ash toxins, poses the greatest health threat in its inorganic form. Arsenic can be taken up by a variety of organisms and, like mercury, can be passed up the food chain [26]. Arsenic can be involved with hypertension-related cardiovascular disease [27], cancer [28], stroke [29], chronic lower respiratory diseases [30] and diabetes [31]. Arsenic leached from coal fly ash taken in by pregnant women can crossover the placenta to the fetus [32]. Concentration and exposure duration increase likelihood of this happening. 

The evidence presented here of deliberate, widespread and pervasive spraying of coal fly ash into the troposphere, which mixes with the air people breathe, opens new research possibilities into the physiological effects of long-term exposure to a substance that potentially releases multifarious toxins upon exposure to internal body fluids. Those subjects are beyond the scope of the present article. Nevertheless, mention should be made of perhaps the least appreciated coal fly ash potentially water-extracted toxin, chemically mobile aluminum.

Although aluminum is abundant in the Earth’s crust, it is highly immobile. Consequently, our planet’s biota, including humans, have not developed natural defense mechanisms for exposure to chemically mobile aluminum. It is a matter of grave concern that aluminum in a chemically mobile form can be readily extracted from coal fly ash with rainwater or in situ with body fluids. Aluminum is implicated in such neurological diseases as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) [33,34,35,36,37] all of which have markedly increased in recent years. Aluminum is thought to impair fertility in men [38] and is also implicated in neurological disorders of bees and other creatures [39,40,41].

If in fact some instances of neurological diseases are related to weather-modification activities during the last two decades involving the tropospheric coal fly ash aerosols, then the recent ramp-up in tanker-jet spraying, as witnessed by this author in San Diego, will likely cause a sharp spike in their occurrence. Epidemiological investigations of wide-ranging scope, including for example childhood and elderly disorders and birth defects, may begin to shed light on the human toll extracted by spraying coal fly ash into the troposphere. Those investigations should especially consider airline flight crews and frequent airline travelers who breathe the air at nearly the same altitude as the spraying.

The near-daily intense aerial spraying over San Diego witnessed by the author is part of a multinational Western, if not global, program that has been observed for a number of years in United States, Canada, Europe, Australia and New Zealand, but never acknowledged publically by officials. Without public candor it is difficult to know the underlying motivations and the range of specific activities involved. One thing seems certain: the potential damage to public health and the environment is likely to be unprecedented in its planetary scope. 

The process of burning coal concentrates the impurities in coal fly ash, an unnatural anhydrous chemical complex whose environmental health hazards are well-known. For decades individuals and organizations have fought long and hard for regulations requiring sequestration of this hazardous industrial waste product. So what, one might ask, is the reason for the current, widespread, pervasive spraying of coal fly ash into the troposphere with its potential harm to public health and the environment? 

Since the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was established in 1988 there has been much interest in global warming, which is perceived as a security threat. Geoengineering offers two basic approaches to the problem of global warming: Remove and trap carbon dioxide, or block sunlight from reaching the Earth. Trapping carbon dioxide is a difficult, prohibitively expensive, undeveloped technology. Blocking sunlight is almost universally recognized by geoengineers as being relatively inexpensive, easy to implement, and moreover has a precedent in nature: major volcanic eruptions inject ash into the upper atmosphere (stratosphere) which may remain suspended for a year or more, dimming sunlight and momentarily cooling Earth. 

While academicians debate geoengineering as an activity that might potentially be needed in the future [2,3], evidence suggests that Western governments/militaries moved ahead with a full scale operational geoengineering program. But instead of mining and milling rock to produce artificial volcanic ash in sufficient volumes to cool the planet, they adopted a low-cost, pragmatic alternative, but one with consequences far more dire to life on Earth than global warming might ever be, and used coal combustion fly ash. To make matters worse, instead of placing the material high into the stratosphere, where there is minimal mixing and the substance might remain suspended for a year or more, they opted to spray coal fly ash into the lower atmosphere, the troposphere, which mixes with the air people breathe and gets rained down to ground.

Aside from the serious potential toxicity ramifications on public health and Earth’s biota that derive directly from aerosolized emplacement of coal fly ash into the troposphere, such pervasive, widespread, tanker-jet spraying affects weather and Earth’s heat balance in ways that act in opposition to cooling the Earth. Those who reside in locations where natural cloud cover is rare, like San Diego, notice the rapid cooling after the sun goes down, except on cloudy days when heat is retained. During the daytime coal fly ash clouds may block sunlight, but at night may retard heat loss from the Earth, act to prevent rainfall, and contribute to global warming. Nighttime tanker-jet spraying, presumably to the hide the activity from public view, further retards heat loss.

There is yet another consequence of tropospheric coal ash spraying that is contrary to cooling the Earth and has potentially far-reaching adverse ecological and public health implications: weather modification and concomitant disruption of habitats and food sources. As reported by NASA, “Normal rainfall droplet creation involves water vapor condensing on particles in clouds. The droplets eventually coalesce together to form drops large enough to fall to Earth. However, as more and more pollution particles (aerosols) enter a rain cloud, the same amount of water becomes spread out. These smaller water droplets float with the air and are prevented from coalescing and growing large enough for a raindrop. Thus, the cloud yields less rainfall over the course of its lifetime compared to a clean (non-polluted) cloud of the same size” [42]. In addition to preventing water droplets from coalescing and growing large enough to fall to Earth, coal fly ash, which formed under anhydrous conditions, will hydrate, trapping additional moisture thus further acting to prevent rainfall. That may cause drought in some areas, floods in others, crop failure, forest die-offs, and adverse ecological impacts, especially in conjunction with the chemically-mobile-aluminum contamination from coal fly ash. The consequences ultimately may have devastating effects on habitats and reduce human food production.

4. Conclusions

The original research reported here provides strong evidence for the correctness of the hypothesis: Coal fly ash is most likely the aerosolized particulate sprayed in the troposphere by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and climate-modification purposes. That evidence is based upon the discovery that: (1) the assemblage of 8 elements in rainwater and in the corresponding experimental leachate are essentially identical. At a 99% confidence interval, they have identical means (T-test) and identical variances (F-test); and, (2) the assemblage of 14 elements in the HEPA dust and in the corresponding average un-leached coal fly ash are likewise essentially identical.

Evidence indicates that tropospheric spraying of coal fly ash (1) has been taking place throughout the 21st century, (2) on an international scale, and (3) with significant ramping-up since about 2013. Throughout that period of time there has been a program of well-orchestrated disinformation, but no public disclosure, no informed consent, and no public health warnings.

The profound implications on environmental health include exposing humans and Earth’s other biota to: (1) chemically mobile aluminum, implicated in neurological disorders and botanic demise; (2) exposure to toxic heavy metals and radioactive elements; (3) preventing rainfall with concomitant loss of food production and habitats; and, (4) possibly contributing to global warming with concomitant arctic melting.

More than a half century ago Rachel Carson called the world’s attention to the unintended consequences of herbicides and pesticides widely employed by agriculture. Instead of turning a blind eye, people everywhere became motivated to stop the worst of this environmental onslaught. Today we are fully aware of the vast interconnected web of dependencies and symbioses that comprise life on our planet. Earth exists in a state of dynamic biological, chemical, and physical equilibrium whose complexity far exceeds the understanding of contemporary science. The pervasive tropospheric spraying of coal fly ash threatens this equilibrium, whose delicacy or whose resilience we cannot quantify. Human health is at risk as is Earth’s biota. Are we to remain silent? Or will we exercise our primal right to speak in our own defense as a species and question the sanity of emplacing coal fly ash in Earth’s perpetually moving atmosphere?


I thank Ian Baldwin for many helpful discussions, criticisms, and advice. I thank Weidan Zhou for professional statistics advice.

Conflicts of Interest

The author declares no conflict of interest. 


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Source: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, article by Marvin Herndon, Ph.D.

Climate Geoengineering – The Secret Spraying Of Our Skies


Source: Project Censored

For decades now, and largely in secret, the US military-industrial complex has been engaged in the systematic “spraying” of large swaths of our sky in one of the largest and least-discussed global planetary experiments in human history, reports Jeremy Schulman for Grist magazine.  When human observers on the ground make it a point to “look up” and study our heavens, they witness strange anomalies beyond simple and expected patterns traditionally made by water vapor ice crystals or typical commercial airline traffic.  Instead, critical observers witness a variety of spray patterns: parallel lines, crosshatch lines, X, O, or U turn lines, even circular shapes. These spray patterns possess two unusual behaviors: they stay visible for lengthy periods of time, and they slowly spread out across significant sections of our sky, often for hours at a stretch.

These observed persistent ‘contrails’ are visible for several hours – and evidence suggests the contrails are aerosol sprays of metal oxides meant to reflect incoming solar thermal energy so as to cool the Earth by 1-2% and offset the greenhouse effect of increasing atmospheric CO2. (Note: the Internet is full of disinformation sites on this issue, and consulting these can make the unwary researcher doubt his own eyes and mind.) The “spraying” patterns reported by observers for more than 15 years have characteristics that contradict disinformation sources (official and unofficial). To wit, typical commercial flight patterns differ from these oft-witnessed heavy spray trail patterns in at least three distinct ways: 1) commercial airlines don’t go East-West and North-South in the same patch of sky; 2) commercial airlines do not fly in patterns that make X, U or 0 shapes; 3) commercial airlines do not fly heavily one day and not at all the next.

What’s in these sprays in our skies—and are they toxic? Global scientific data collection paints a picture of a multi-year systematic effort to engage in “climate geoengineering” through this spraying program, with troubling environmental consequences. For example, post-spray rainwater tests made in Canada, the United States, Europe, and New Zealand reveal the presence of aluminum, barium, strontium, and other heavy metals in varying amounts that are unsafe, often radically so, according to various official criteria (EPA, US states, Canadian provinces, UN, etc.). Numerous U.S. patents from the mid-1970s to the present, meanwhile, confirm the aerospace industry and the U.S. military’s high level of interest in aerosol spray technology, including electromagnetic technology, as well as an interest in specific metals/chemicals/oxides and their requisite particulate sizes. The problem with aerosol sprays is that what goes up comes down, either in months or in one to two years. When these sprays fall to earth, they are invisible and easily penetrate deep into human tissues as they are breathed, drunk, and eaten in food grown in heavy-metal-laced soils toxic to life. Citizens in various communities worldwide have organized hearings and protests and submitted petitions to government officials requesting clarification about what’s being sprayed on them and also to demand such spraying cease and desist. These communities include: Victoria, BC and Espanola, ONTShasta, CASuffolk County, NY; and Aigina, Greece.

What is so surprising about this climate geoengineering story is the almost-complete corporate news blackout regarding it, particularly given the massive amount of visual evidence available on the Internet. Independent media coverage of this story is robust. For a diverse array of recent stories, see George Barnes’ 2014 documentary, “Look Up!“; whistleblower Kristen Meghan’s interview, Michel Chossudovsky’s Global Research website; and a revealing exchange between influential climate geo-engineer David Keith and Geoengineering Watch founder Dane Wigington.

Source: Jeremy Shulman, This Geoengineering Scheme Could Halt Climate Change – But It’s Probably A Terrible Idea 
Student Researcher: Elora West (Burlington College)
Faculty Evaluator: Rob Williams (Burlington College)
Community Evaluator: Ian Baldwin (Chelsea Green Publishing)

Source: Project Censored


Sky Striping Backers Confer At Cambridge


Source: Nooganomics, article by David Tulis

There’s a lot we don’t understand about the global climate system if we were to engineer this cooling of the planet. Certainly we can cool it. But it’s not going to be uniform around the world and its going to have a lot of other knock-on consequences. There’ll be changes in precipitation patterns. And how do you say to a country that’s experiencing a big drought *** whether it was the geoengineering that did it or whether it was going to happen naturally.
—Jennifer Francis, climate scientists, Rutgers University

The term “solar radiation management” is positively Orwellian. It’s a way to increase comfort levels with this crazy idea.
—­Raymond Pierre­humbert, geophysicist, University of Chicago co-author Climate Intervention: Reflecting Sunlight to Cool Earth

Scientists and proponents of mass climate intervention by jet gathered this weekend at the University of Cambridge (March 12 to 14, 2015) to explore how nation-states could use jets and other technologies to manufacture a more sun-reflective atmosphere. Their goal: Save the planet from industry, smokestacks, highway exhaust and the planet’s meager human population.

The conference had technical sessions on atmospheric chemistry, climate modelling, engineering systems and impacts, implications and consequences. Scientists and panelists discussed the moral, legal and political hazards implied in weather intervention, where one nation’s dimmed sunlight is another’s drought and yet another’s roof-collapsing snowstorm.

The scientists on Friday heard about how plume-stretching intervention could be disruptive of the weather. Piers Forster’s talk was “Potentially damaging precipitation side effects from solar radiation management” and Ben Kravitz spoke on “SRM Impacts on the Hydrological Cycle.”

Government intervention always has hazards and unexpected costs. Peter Davidson gave a talk on “The impact, implications and consequences of the use of manufactured particles to improve the feasibility and reduce risk for a Stratospheric Solar Radiation Management (SRM) Insurance.”

The conference’s last talk was by Peter Irvine, “Detection, Attribution and Climate Control — the Limits to Solar Radiation Management.”

At least one session late Friday gave notice to the health implications of official pollutants in sky striping on human health. Sebastian Eastham lectured on “Sensitivities of Human Health to Aerosol Climate Engineering.” But a commenter and sky striping critic says Mr. Eastham “paints a pretty picture regarding projected human mortality,” advocates a mass spraying of sulfur, ignores “the existing program” of spraying heavy metals in the skies daily, and takes no questions.

A screengrab of conference topics at Cambridge.
A screengrab of conference topics at Cambridge.

Local ‘contrail’ treatment in Chattanooga

A day after the conference in Great Britain ended, Chattanooga, Tenn., a heartland city along a bend in the Tennessee River, was heavily treated by jet aircraft. At 4 p.m. a great cloud bank hung along the atmosphere south and east of the city. Chattanooga received visible treatments of sky tattooing March 2, 4, 8, 12 and 15. Sky striping generally turns the sky milky white, thinning out sunlight and turning it to a brilliant orb in the sky many times bigger to the human eye.

Other days in Chattanooga were overcast. It is impossible to tell if jets are laying aerosol particulate eight miles up in the stratosphere with intervening fogbank weather four miles up blocking visual observation.

“Climate engineering is rapidly becoming a contentious issue within political, scientific, and cultural discussions of climate change, in part due to a perceived lack of progress on crucial emission reductions,” according to conference notes. The conferees debate jet-lain sky stripes in light of the weak prospect of reduction of undesirable forms of pollution. Apparently the earth can bear no more than 1,000 gigatons of manmade pollution, “510 of which were already emitted by 2011, with currently about 10 more gigatons being added each year.” The conferees agree a crisis is building and nearing a breaking point.

It is estimated that, already, governments are putting millions of tons of aerosols into the atmosphere in a program outside civilian control. Chattanooga is regularly subject to a rain of aluminum, strontium and barium, according to the Chattanooga/Hamilton County Air Pollution Control Bureau.

“Are climate engineering approaches fatally prone to error and misuse,” say the conference notes, “and worth excluding from the climate conversation on both practical and moral grounds? Are they an emergency measure which could have far-reaching and unpredictable consequences if deployed? Could they be a relatively straightforward remedy for some of the consequences of climate change? And how should research aimed at these questions be regulated? These questions, and many others raised by the prospect of climate engineering, involve diverse ethical, social, political and technical issues which are extraordinarily complex and incredibly interlinked.”

Small-scale tests proposed

For all the weather intervention already taking place, it is interesting to consider reports of scientists thinking small.

Weather intervention researchers in academia are proposing small-scale tests to see if, somehow, injecting aerosol microparticles into the air might allow weather to be made less sunny, with the sun’s heat deflected by a bright atmospheric shield constantly renewed by jet overflights.

Scientists meeting in San Jose in mid-February called for tests to see if a jet-borne cloud-creating program might work to “change the climate by blocking the sun’s rays.” Computer modeling isn’t enough, Lynn Russell says. She is a professor of atmospheric chemistry at the University of California, San Diego. “Current research is not sufficient to allow us to decide if it could be useful,” she says. “We just don’t have enough information to make this decision at this point.”

Since 2013 Harvard professor David Keith has proposed small scale chemtrailing. Here’s how an MIT Technology Review story about it describes the test to increase the earth’s albedo, or reflectivity:

Customize several Gulfstream business jets with military engines and with equipment to produce and disperse fine droplets of sulfuric acid. Fly the jets up around 20 kilometers — significantly higher than the cruising altitude for a commercial jetliner but still well within their range. *** The planes spray the sulfuric acid, carefully controlling the rate of its release. The sulfur combines with water vapor to form sulfate aerosols, fine particles less than a micrometer in diameter. *** Once spread across the stratosphere, the aerosols will reflect about 1 percent of the sunlight hitting Earth back into space.

EPA says no ‘chemical, biological’ chemtrails

These agencies assure us local economy has nothing to worry about from sky striping.On Friday the federal environmental protection agency made a statement on its website debunking claims that geoengineering by jet overflight is already in progress.

“Contrails are line-shaped clouds or ‘condensation trails’ composed of ice particles that are visible behind jet aircraft engines under certain atmospheric conditions and at times can persist. EPA is not aware of any deliberate actions to release chemical or biological agents into the atmosphere.”

Whether aluminum would be considered a “chemical agent” is unclear. The statement links to a fact sheet posted at EPA’s website that has been largely unchanged 15 years. It describes sky striping as innocuous interactions between damp, cold air with hot jet engines.

Contrails are line-shaped clouds sometimes produced by aircraft engine exhaust, typically at aircraft cruise altitudes several miles above the Earth’s surface. The combination of water vapor in aircraft engine exhaust and the low ambient temperatures that often exists at these high altitudes allows the formation of contrails. Contrails are composed primarily of water (in the form of ice crystals) and do not pose health risks to humans. They do affect the cloudiness of the Earth’s atmosphere, however, and therefore might affect atmospheric temperature and climate.

The paper admits that contrails — the mere exhaust from jets — alter the weather with fresh cloud cover it says as exactly like that produced in nature.

“Persistent contrails are of interest to scientists because they increase the cloudiness of the atmosphere. The increase happens in two ways. First, persistent contrails are line-shaped clouds that would not have formed in the atmosphere without the passage of an aircraft. Secondly, persistent contrails often evolve and spread into extensive cirrus cloud cover that is indistinguishable from naturally occurring cloudi­ness.” (Italics added)

In a report March 14, the Christian Science Monitor goes out of its way to bring up the EPA fact sheet as a new contribution to the rising conflict over weather intervention, seeking to discredit critics of sky striping because they also opposed a purported new world order, gun confiscation, the prospect of martial law and other “subsidiary conspiracy theories.”

The federal government’s National Academy of Sciences in February published a 245-page report discussing stratospheric aerosol geoengineering as a solution to global warming if national governments prove incapable of slamming down energy consumption and manmade pollution. The F$55 book is available prepublication as a free PDF. It confirms my coverage of solar radiation management in the Chattanooga area but ignores the health dangers of deliberately injected “negative emissions” to people here and in other places around the globe.

This video introducing the Cambridge geoengineering conference suggests the geopolitical danger of national governments’ playing weather gods and even lets one interviewee discuss the “chemtrail conspiracy.” 3-minutes.

That jet trails suddenly end in this fashion over my Soddy-Daisy house March 15, 2015, suggests they are not merely water vapor emissions. (Photo David Tulis)

That jet trails suddenly end in this fashion over my Soddy-Daisy house March 15, 2015, suggests they are not merely water vapor emissions. Jets heavily treated Chattanooga Sunday morning and late afternoon. (Photo David Tulis)

Over Chattanooga March 17, 2015, nine sky stripes all start in a grid pattern. Policy skies. I count about 20 identifiable plumes this morning at 8:30.

Over Chattanooga March 17, 2015, nine sky stripes all start in a grid pattern. Policy skies. I count about 20 identifiable plumes this morning at 8:30. (Photo David Tulis)

Heavily treated morning skies March 17, 2015, looking westward from Soddy-Daisy, Tenn., north of Chattanooga. Earlier treatments in evidence, to which 20 fresh plumes are visible all about. (Photo David Tulis)

Heavily treated morning skies March 17, 2015, looking westward from Soddy-Daisy, Tenn., north of Chattanooga. Earlier treatments in evidence, to which 20 fresh plumes are visible all about. (Photo David Tulis)

A persistent contrail slowly turns into a sun-deflecting cloud over Palm Springs, Calif., pursuant to theories outlined in a Cambridge geoengineerin conference. (Photo Ron Morgan)

A persistent contrail slowly turns into a sun-deflecting cloud over Palm Springs, Calif., pursuant to theories outlined in a Cambridge geoengineering conference. (Photo Ron Morgan)

An evil orb loses some of its radiative power, thanks to solar radiation management work over West Dandridge, Tenn. (Photo Jason Sinard, Tennessee Skywatch on Facebook)

An evil orb loses some of its radiative power, thanks to solar radiation management work over West Dandridge, Tenn. (Photo Jason Sinard, Tennessee Skywatch on Facebook)

Tennessee is frequently hit by weather intervention activity, as here in Jefferson City. (Photo Jason Sinard, Tennessee Skywatch on Facebook)

Tennessee is frequently hit by weather intervention activity, as here in Jefferson City. (Photo Jason Sinard, Tennessee Skywatch on Facebook)

Is this Tennessee scene one of neighborhood tranquility, or military-industrial malfeasance in the atmosphere? (Photo Tennessee Skywatch on Facebook)

Is this Tennessee scene one of neighborhood tranquility, or military-industrial malfeasance in the higher atmosphere? (Photo Tennessee Skywatch on Facebook)

Aerosols begin to disperse over Chico, Calif. (Photo Cori Gunnells)

Aerosols begin to disperse from a trail dripping over Chico, Calif. (Photo Cori Gunnells)

Knoxville is sky striped often on the same day as Chattanooga. (Photo Christine Garcia)

Knoxville is sky striped often on the same day as Chattanooga. (Photo Christine Garcia)

Academia talks about chemtrailing in the abstract and in theory; Midlothian, Va., views the matter as actuality. (Photo Kristina Nicole Trader on Facebook)

Academia talks about climate intervention in the abstract and in theory; Midlothian, Va., views the matter as actuality. (Photo Kristina Nicole Trader on Facebook)

Poisonous skies over California are, for better or worse, a picture of weather modification such as that discussed March 12-15, 2015, in Cambridge, Great Britain. (Photo Amy Powell)

Poisonous skies over California are, for better or worse, a picture of weather modification such as that discussed March 12-15, 2015, in Cambridge, Great Britain. (Photo Amy Powell)

I have had trouble getting Tennessee environmentalists interested in chemtrailing as a form of polllution, as seen in this view of Morristown, Tenn. (Photo Jason Sinard, Tennessee Skywatch on Facebook)

I have had trouble getting Tennessee environmentalists interested in SAG, or stratospheric aerosol geoengineering, as a form of pollution, as seen in this view of Morristown, Tenn. (Photo Jason Sinard, Tennessee Skywatch on Facebook)

A cloud-making jet adds to coverage “injected” earlier over Soddy-Daisy, Tenn. (Photo David Tulis)

A cloud-making jet adds to coverage “injected” earlier over Soddy-Daisy, Tenn., looking southward toward Brainerd and Ooltewah. (Photo David Tulis)

“The term ‘solar radiation management‘ is positively Orwellian,” says one of the authors of a government chemtrailing proposal. “It’s a way to increase comfort levels with this crazy idea.” (Photo

“The term ‘solar radiation management‘ is positively Orwellian,” says one of the authors of a government SRM proposal. “It’s a way to increase comfort levels with this crazy idea.” (Photo

England, like the U.S., is subject to heavy aerosol treatment in its upper atmosphere. (Photo Northeast-England-SkyWatch-Northeast-England-UK-Geo-engineered-Haarped-Skies)

England, like the U.S., is subject to heavy aerosol treatment in its upper atmosphere. (Photo Northeast-England-SkyWatch-Northeast-England-UK-Geo-engineered-Haarped-Skies)

That few people find such scenes as this one in Knoxville remarkable suggests that the fight against air pollution has largely been lost. (Photo Dr. Andy Wood)

That few people find such scenes as this one in Knoxville remarkable suggests that the fight against air pollution has largely been lost. (Photo Dr. Andy Wood)

A murky sky in Buffalo, N.Y., suggests that for SAG, or stratospheric aerosol geoengineering, the day’s work is done. (Photo Irina Blashuk)

A murky sky in Buffalo, N.Y., suggests that for SAG, or stratospheric aerosol geoengineering, the day’s work is done. (Photo Irina Blashuk)

A little before and after — before solar radiation management, and the sky to which we’ve become accustomed. (Photo Geoengineering-Action-Network-on-Facebook)

A little before and after — before solar radiation management, left, and the sky to which we’ve become accustomed, right. (Photo Geoengineering-Action-Network-on-Facebook)


“Aircraft contrails factsheet,” Sept. 2000, revised September 2012,

Lisa M. Krieger, “Scientists call for ‘geoengineering’ tests to find ways to cool the planet,” Alaska Dispatch News, Feb. 15, 2015.

David Rotman, “A Cheap and Easy Plan to Stop Global Warming Intentionally engineering Earth’s atmosphere to offset rising temperatures could be far more doable than you imagine, says David Keith. But is it a good idea?” MIT Technology Review, Feb. 8, 2013.

Timothy Cama, “EPA confronts ‘chemtrails’ conspiracy talk,”, March 13, 2015.

Source: Nooganomics, article by David Tulis

HAARP, A Weapon Of Mass Destruction


HAARP is the acronym many people recognize, it is an "ionosphere heater" facility in Alaska. Mainstream media and the military industrial complex tried to convince the public that HAARP was going to be completely dismantled by the summer of 2014, but did this happen? No, and now it seems HAARP has been funded through 2015, the lies never end when the government is involved. What many people don't know is that the Alaskan HAARP facility is only one of many major ground based ionosphere heaters around the world. This global network of incredibly powerful ionosphere heaters is wreaking havoc on the climate system and the biosphere as a whole. The more educated activists are in regard to what the ionosphere heaters are and what these installations  can do, the more effective they will be in the battle to raise awareness on the critical climate engineering issue. The summary explanation of HAARP below is an important read.
Dane Wigington


An Indisputable Response To Climate Engineering Deniers


Source: Activist Post

The Washington Post article of January 22, 2015 titled "How A Group Of Conspiracy Theorists Could Derail The Debate Over Climate Policy" prompted this response to what either the Post’s editors or article author apparently overlooked or did not choose to do, in my journalistic opinion—publish facts!

Over the years, The Washington Post acquired numerous awards for excellent investigative journalism, etc., including the prestigious Pulitzer Prize several times, the last being in 2014. One would imagine—at least this writer’s journalistic opinion—that extensive and accurate research would be the ground floor for factual, open-source, non-pejorative, non-ad hominem reporting and journalism.

When journalist Puneet Kollipara postulates, “Meet the “chemtrails” crowd, who posit that governments, scientists and other institutions are using airplanes’ “chemtrails” — basically contrails that are allegedly laced with chemicals — to alter the climate, create extreme weather, poison people, or even control our minds,” and “In short, chemtrails itself is a conspiracy theory,” someone needs to point out that The Washington Post team should have done their homework more diligently, as there are hundreds of federal government agency reports and, in particular, U.S. Patents of record, for managing weather systems. Many are listed below in the Weather Geoengineering / Chemtrail Database generated by this writer.

However, I think maybe I may be inclined to agree with Kollipara that chemtrails just may be a conspiracy—a real ‘true’ conspiracy to keep what’s going on day and night – and which darkens our skies (less sunlight hits earth now), plus precipitates all kinds of toxic crap falling onto earth—to keep the public from knowing what’s actually going on above our heads.

If You Think These Are Just “Contrails” Think Again – Here’s What They Really Are


More and more credible authors and sources are making their voices heard in the battle to expose and stop the climate engineering insanity. The momentum of geoengineering awareness is growing by the day, the undercurrent of people who are waking up is expanding exponentially. The climate system is unravelling, the die off of wildlife is shocking, human respiratory ailments and diseases are going off the charts. Though there are countless sources of destruction and contamination to our once pristine planet, mathematically speaking, global climate engineering is the greatest act of human destruction ever waged against nature. Geoengineering is nothing short of all out weather warfare against life on our planet. My sincere thanks to  Arjun Walia from “Collective Evolution” for his ongoing efforts to expose dire issues and for his article below which addresses the most critical issue of all.
Dane Wigington

Geoengineering And Near Term Planetary Extinction


Very few have any idea of what is rapidly unfolding around us all. The corporate controlled main stream has very successfully fueled the inherent human propensity to ignore and deny alarming and uncomfortable truths. Populations as a whole have willingly embraced the mountain of lies that has been dished up to them. Public acceptance of spoon fed delusions and propaganda has to date kept the “loot, pillage, and plunder” party on Planet Earth going. This chapter is ending by the day as the biosphere responds to the centuries long all out war that has been waged against its life sustaining systems. The sixth great extinction to occur on Earth is now, this is an undeniable statistical fact. The scenario we collectively face is unlike previous events. This time around, if we remain on our current course, all life on our planet will be extinguished.

Chemtrail Ghostriders


Schools close in fog as China eyes artificial rain to fight pollution


“1984” Has Truly Arrived – NASA Chemtrail Propoganda for Kids


I don’t think any glaring lie about the ongoing global geoengineering programs has enraged me so much as the criminal lies contained in the total propaganda site posted below put out by NASA. The attempt to completely brainwash our beautiful children has reached a new pinnacle of criminality.

Textbook Disinformation: “Weather Studies”


As astonishing as it may sound, we are witnessing a full-blown disinformation/re-education campaign against the children of the United States. They are being taught that chemical aerosols (geoengineering/”chemtrails”) being sprayed from jets are “harmless water vapor”.</p>

Methane Release And The Geoengineering “Cure” That Is Fueling The Fire


The baby must be taken from the bathwater in the recent article posted below. The data in this article relating to the methane release and the danger it poses is in my view accurate enough.The details outlined in this same article that reference the jet stream alterations, with no mention whatsoever of the HAARP ionosphere heaters around the globe, is pure spin. Then there is the call for immediate geoengineering to be done as if it has not already been going on for decades, this is the final blatant lie.

Methane Release And The Geoengineering "Cure" That Is Fueling The Fire


The baby must be taken from the bathwater in the recent article posted below. The data in this article relating to the methane release and the danger it poses is in my view accurate enough.The details outlined in this same article that reference the jet stream alterations, with no mention whatsoever of the HAARP ionosphere heaters around the globe, is pure spin. Then there is the call for immediate geoengineering to be done as if it has not already been going on for decades, this is the final blatant lie.

Jet contrails above Britain can block sunshine over 20,000 square miles


Vapour trails caused by jet aircraft over Britain can cause clouds covering 20,000 square miles, according to Met Office research, reducing sunshine by up to 10 per cent.  original article

Vapour trails caused by jet aircraft over Britain can cause clouds covering 20,000 square miles, according to Met Office research

Global Weather Modification Assault Causing Climate Chaos And Environmental Catastrophe


Dane Wigington

Global climate engineering encompasses many different aspects and processes. The consequences of the climate engineering insanity are already unquantifiable and growing by the day. Though each aspect of this subject is more than enough for an in depth article, there is often a need for more of an overall summary to pass on to those that are not aware of the broader picture.

What Major Factor Causing "Climate Change" Are They Not Telling Us About?

More alarming articles and studies are surfacing each day which confirm the rapidly changing state of Earth's life support systems and climate. Humanity has decimated the planet in countless ways and the repercussions are becoming catastrophic. Though there are certainly many parts to this unfolding story, the largest piece of the puzzle by far still goes completely unacknowledged by the entire scientific community and all of the main stream media / corporate / military / industrial complex. The massive elephant in the room has been, and still is, "stratospheric aerosol geoengineering" (SAG), AKA  "solar radiation management" (SRM).

The Thawing Arctic Threatens An Environmental Catastrophe


Source: The Economist

Commercial opportunities are vastly outweighed by damage to the climate

“DUE to the global warming, please keep the Snowhotel door closed” reads a sign at the entrance to what appears to be a giant white mound near Kirkenes, close to Norway’s Arctic border with Russia. The owners want to preserve the frozen friezes of unicorns, reindeer and butterflies that adorn its walls. Patches of translucence in the ceilings of the hotel’s 25 icy rooms suggest the warmth outside is winning. Artificial snow helps build the structure anew each November and it usually disappears before May. The season has shortened in recent years, says one employee; the cold comes later than before.

The Snowhotel’s lengthening off-season is a small sign of an immense transformation in the Arctic, where the environment is changing more rapidly than in the rest of the world. Little can be done to keep its white wastes intact. A great thaw is inevitable as the climate responds to an accumulation of carbon emissions in the atmosphere. International efforts to limit global warming will at best slow the changes, perhaps making the consequences merely terrible rather than catastrophic.

Methane Plume Seen On Radar Returns Moving NW From Offshore SW Of San Francisco Moving Toward Reno, Nevada


Source: otterwalks

Methane deposits are abundant on the continental margin of the Pacific Northwest coast as more methane is seen being released southward. It is calculated that warming at this depth would theoretically destabilize methane deposits on the Cascadia subduction zone, which runs from northern California to Vancouver Island, as well as other areas heading southward along the west coast. The Ring of Fire, with its Geologic processes, is one action which creates fissures allowing this type of release. Other potential Action/Reaction, Cause and Effect potentials, will be addressed here.

Here is a Link with more links to foundational research on the Methane GHG Issue. Methane is roughly thirty times more potent than CO2 as a heat trapping gas. There have been numerous Global Extinction Events over Earth’s history. Methane has been a culprit, the primary cause, in several of these events.

The Giant Methane Monster Lurking


There’s something lurking deep under the frozen Arctic Ocean, and if it gets released, it could spell disaster for our planet.

That something is methane.

Chattanooga Flyovers Etch White Stripes in Sky; Contrails or Earth-Cooling Chemtrails?


Main Stream Media “Scientists” Try To Cover Up Engineered Snow Storms.


Main Stream Media And Their Paid Liar "Scientists" Are Desperately Trying To Hide The Truth About Climate Engineering

Geoengineered Snowstorms – THE SNOWMEN Turning Warmth Into Winter Part 1


“we are reposting “The Snowmen, Turning Warmth to Winter” because it is imperative that people understand the completely engineered nature of the weather events occurring now across the country and around the globe. There is NO NATURAL WEATHER at this point , virtually none.”

By William Thomas    Screenheads clicking into Hollywood’s upcoming distractions can anticipate some improbable sci-fi antics this summer. But make believe can’t come close to what’s happening right over their bowed heads. It’s called “Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering” and it means exactly what you’d rather not ask.