Global Skywatch
Geoengineering news, information, galleries, user forums

Notify politicians about spraying.

Patriot Network
Alternative news and information.

Carnicom Institute
Research for the benefit of humanity

Global News/Flashpoints
Rice Farmer lives out in the hills, growing rice and veggies organically

Collapse of Industrial Civilization
Finding the truth behind the American hologram

Arctic News
Caveat for this site, their climate, Arctic ice, and methane data is accurate, their occasional calls for geoengineering is not rational and should be ignored

Time To Wake Up News
Alternative news and information

AE911 Truth News Updates
Articles and highlights

The U.K. Column
Alternative news and information from the U.K.

HAARP Status Network
Monitoring HAARP activity

Wx Mod Journal
Geoengineering & weather modification news