Search Results for: Program In Weather Modification

What’s Really Going On With The Weather?


Source: Dorset Eye

Alerting The Public To A Climate In Crisis

The signs have been written in the sky in astonishing trails. The weather has been shouting it through drought and flood – and the documented evidence has been available on the internet for a very, very long time.

Weather Mystery Explained By Stanford Study


Source: Nooganomics, article by David Tulis

Deindustrialization set

The news cycle this week brings attention to the global warming phenomenon that touches this local economy story, with the U.S. and Beijing agreeing to suppress coal and other means of creating air pollution. The U.S. will double the speed of its current pollution reduction trajectory, which has seen carbon dioxide emissions fall roughly 10 percent below 2005 levels to date, Scientific American says. “The country will now aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 26 to 28 percent below 2005 levels by 2025.” China has more coal-burning plants than the U.S., and promises to reach a pollution peak sooner rather than later.

Regular news reporting ignores the negative emissions program.

Negative emissions or sky stripes often are laid in the stratosphere here as storm fronts move in. I’ve noticed several time this year that heavy mornings of sky tattooing are followed by deep, dark storm fronts and release no rain, as if the effect of sky striping were desiccation.

Dried atmosphere, slowed gusts

A study by Stanford University funded by NASA explains that aerosol particulates floating in the air reduce rainfall and slow wind speeds. The work of managing the sun’s “heat budget” dries up rainfall.

“These aerosol particles are having an effect worldwide on the wind speeds over land; there’s a slowing down of the wind, feeding back to the rainfall too,” says civil and environmental engineering Associate Professor Mark Z. Jacobson, co-author of the study with the late Yoram J. Kaufman from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. “We’re finding a reduction of rain, and that can lead to droughts and reduction of water supply.”

A press release from Stanford explains how a sky choking with auto fumes (and other sorts). “The accumulation of aerosol particles in the atmosphere makes clouds last longer without releasing rain. Here’s why: Atmospheric water forms deposits on naturally occurring particles, like dust, to form clouds. But if there is pollution in the atmosphere, the water has to deposit on more particles. Spread thin, the water forms smaller droplets. Smaller droplets in turn take longer to coalesce and form raindrops. In fact, rain may not ever happen, because if the clouds last longer they can end up moving to drier air zones and evaporating.”

In other words, spraying aluminum nanoparticulates above a storm system confuses it as the particles drift downward, and rain does not form, even though clouds are darkly burdened with droplets.

Stanford’s news release explains that “Aerosol particles floating in the atmosphere absorb or scatter solar radiation, and prevent it from getting to the ground.” In other words, are are right to notice our sweatless suns, and its extraordinary brilliance starting this year. I have never felt so blinded by sunlight as this year, a perception I attribute not to eyes a year older, but to atmospheric degradation from national weather policy.

Greens’ holy grails jeopardized

Why no objections to environmental modification from the green lobby? Its members should notice that reduced sunlight and wind damage solar panel absorption and wind farm turbine RPMs. In California, Dr. Jacobson estimates, wind speeds are 8 percent slower with its high levels of air pollution (in a state with one of the toughest anti-pollution regimes in the U.S.). “Slower gusts may reduce wind’s economic competitiveness compared to other energy sources, such as fossil fuels,” the Stanford report notes.

“Slow winds may hinder development of wind power in China, where it’s a needed alternative to dirty coal-fired plants. Aerosols’ reduction of the wind also may explain the reduction in the Asian seasonal monsoon and “disappearing winds” in China, observations found in other studies. Moreover, slack air currents may hurt energy efficiency in Europe, where countries like Denmark and Germany have made major wind-power investments.

“Slower winds evaporate less water from oceans, rivers and lakes. Furthermore, the cooling of the ground provoked by the aerosol particles reduces the evaporation of soil water.

Our interest in local economy, self-determination, intelligent and personal commerce, the return of a decentralized political and economic order under the rule of law seems thwarted at every turn. At least in appearance. It seems as though federal intervention in everything from schooling to the good people’s vacuous medium of exchange makes local economy an impossible, fruity concept. To contemplate sky striping makes the ideals of local economy seem even more remote.

‡ In an essay of Prof. Michael Chossudovsky’s website Global Research  (, Amy Worthington, in “Aerosol and Electromagnetic Weapons In The Age Of Nuclear War,” June 1, 2004, describes the lofty U.S. cloud injection program as “sunscreen” to make the skies electrically conductive, a plasma suitable for radar and radio wave transmission, a context for the generation and use of long-term extremely low frequency electromagnetic energy, global in scope.

Maria José Viñas , “Aerosol pollution slows winds, reduces rainfall,” Stanford University News Service, Jan. 24, 2007.

Source: Nooganomics, article by David Tulis

The Weathermen, Paid To Cover The Tracks Of Climate Engineering


“Weather forecasters” are now little more than script reading actors in a grand production that is completely orchestrated by those pulling the strings at the top. The military/industrial/climate engineering/media complex now controls the weather, and they control the weather “forecasters”. “Mostly Sunny” now generally means heavily sprayed skies with few natural clouds. The meteorological community, and especially the TV weathermen, are literally towing the line for the “collective insanity”. Their job is to convincingly put out the official narrative, to explain the completely engineered weather as if it’s completely natural. All of us need to contact and peacefully confront local meteorologists with credible data. Keep track of the information you are passing on and let the weathermen know you are making a record of the fact that they have been officially made aware of the climate engineering issue. Eliminate any excuse they might someday give that they just did not know, it’s time to hold them all to accountability. Radio show personality David Tulis has put more light on this subject in the excellent article below that he has just penned, my thanks to David for helping us to sound the alarm.
Dane Wigington


It’s perfectly rational for Barys, other weathermen to ignore sky striping

Source: Nooganomics, article by David Tulis


To keep their integrity, forecasters who created this chart at a Chattanooga TV station disregard weather-altering activities of Uncle Sam.


Governments talk up ways to “combat climate change” and have manipulated the weather with hazy factory skies  for years. So why do weather forecasters reject sky striping as a developing “good government” or “environmental” story? To be men of integrity.

If they give 1 percent credence to chemtrailing as a story and an influence on the weather, that becomes the story and they lose their jobs. If they try to account for stratospheric aerosol geoengineering in the slightest, they have to inject into their forecast a human (anthropocentric) unknown outside their job description. As it is, weather forecasting is tricky enough, with no accurate forecast possible more than three days out. Sky striping is weather modification on a grand scale that creates cloud banks, dries up rainfall, tosses weather systems left and right. To attempt to account for jet traffic that manipulates weather patterns is ludicrous for the professional in front of the camera. It’s a separate story, coverable by the news department if any credible sources or interviews from officials emerge (none do, as officials insist weather control is merely theoretical).

Other points are in favor of rejecting the striking aerial visuals of sky striping. Most people, the forecaster knows, offhandedly reject or discount weird doings in the sky, the perpetual hazes, the magnification of the sun through layers of mist, the blurring out of your own shadow on sidewalk or wall, the whitening of sunlight. Hardly a soul notices. There is no cost socially or professionally to denying visible effects of sky striping. No stigma attaches to one who ignores solar radiation management and keeps it out of his daily weather storytelling.

To be a man of honor who supports his family, his employer and meets the expectations of his TV and radio audience, my city’s top forecaster has to pretend no irrational and no unpredictable human factor exists in his forecasts. He has to pretend that the only computer-aided tea leaf sifting he does is upon nature itself. Implied in his stolidity is the hope that God owns nature, God owns the weather — and by His agency has charge over wind and drought. The forecaster’s job is to discern trends based on existing cloud and rain patterns using his best judgment. His presupposition is that nature exists and rules, that it is not “over,” as one commentator on weather modification put it in Time magazine in 2012. Paul Barys, David Karnes and Patrick Core — the three main TV forecasters in Chattanooga — suppose an organized universe, an orderly creation that stands apart from mankind and is not subject to his whim. Weather may mystify, but not because some federal joker is wobbling a joystick.

Sky striping as a meteorological cause raises the margin of error to an unknown level, and makes any reasonable professional forecaster realize that he has an impossible task. To intellectually account for U.S. weather control programs in the stratosphere, thus, injects an element into his professional career that is irrational, dangerous to his income and estate, and disruptive of his routines and personal studio and production relationships.

Weather forecasts routinely ignore the biggest weather story that in my hometown I am attempting to cover. This blindness is lamentable, perhaps. But we can understand it and assume no bad faith or ill will on the part of the meteorological clan. Their inputs are consistent, their premises orderly; the great narrative of the war on global climate, instead, is breaking on other media platforms.

Source: Nooganomics, article by David Tulis

The Weather Channel Switches To Reality Shows


By Dane Wigington

In the last three plus years, the “Weather Channel” has increasingly shown it is not so concerned about covering accurate information on the weather. Reality shows are now its main feature. In years past, whenever one turned on the “Weather Channel”, one got the weather. Not so any more.

Cooling Towers For Weather Modification Water Source? Absolute Nonsense


Producing cloud seeding particles from ground level for weather modification purposes is not only possible, but regularly practiced. Supplying the colossal quantities of water needed to form, fuel, an feed even the smallest of precipitation events, is another matter altogether. I have had a number of people request that I address the completely false information / conclusions being propagated (by some sources and individuals) who are stating that power plant cooling towers are being used as a primary or major source of atmospheric moisture for climate modification. I have not written about this disinformation until now as the cooling tower conclusion is so ludicrous and so mathematically impossible that I felt it did not actually need to be "debunked". This being said, some published photos and videos (with completely false conclusions) of the steam plumes above cooling towers could lead to confusion for those that have not actually investigated or done the math. Why is it so important to set the record straight in regard to the "cooling towers supplying water for storms" disinformation? Because such patently false narratives completely discredit the anti-geoengineering community as a whole. If we lose credibility we lose any chance of academia joining us in this critical battle. We cannot prevail in this fight without uniting many factions of society in the effort. If we lose the battle to expose and halt climate engineering, all is lost. 


Power plant cooling towers are comparable to the radiator on a car. The towers and associated components are designed to keep power generation equipment within standard operating temperature ranges.

I have personally worked on cooling towers for Bechtel Power over three decades ago. The facility I was involved with was the "Coolwater Coal Gassification Project" located in Dagget, California. Dagget is in the middle of the Mojave Desert. How much available water is there in this desert? Very little, and for this reason these cooling towers were a "closed loop" system (the cooling tower water is recycled). An ever increasing number of power plants use the "closed loop" system in order to conserve water. Further, many power plants now use "Dry Cooling" systems that lose almost no water to the atmosphere. Though many power plants do use steam turban generators, the actual volume of water lost to the atmosphere is minimal. In comparison to even the smallest of rainstorms, the amount of water vapor put out by power plant cooling towers is completely insignificant. As already mentioned, most cooling tower facilities simply recirculate the water, only losing a slight amount to the atmosphere. Though the steam plumes they emit may seem substantial, the moisture content they emit is, again, insignificant and meaningless from an atmospheric perspective. The graph below shows the amount of water consumed in various of power plants with cooling tower facilities. The consumption is shown in "Liters per Mega Watt hours". If we convert liters to gallons, even the most water intensive power plants still use only about 1000 gallons per Mega Watt hour (while most other facilities use much less). Now consider that only 1 inch of rain over only 1 square mile is equivalent to almost 20,000,000 gallons.


It is also essential to consider and remember that in already humid conditions, the entire evaporative process from cooling towers is completely diminished. The claim that unimaginable quantities of water could be magically evaporated from the ground to higher levels of the atmosphere during a storm when the RH (relative humidity) is already at or near 100%, goes against all known laws of physics. It is simply impossible. The cooling ponds or reservoirs that supply water for many steam generating power plants are generally not large (perhaps an acre or two of surface area and very shallow) and are supplied by conventional wells in many cases. People need to picture the amount of water that pours out of the sky which can form huge lakes, rivers, and wide scale flooding in a very short time. To believe that isolated steam cooling towers could magically put this volume of water into the sky from water sources (that are often only ponds fed by wells with feed pipes as small as 4 inches in diameter) is beyond ridiculous. Many have unfortunately mistaken the formation of large convective storms seen on radar images (not just a localized plum of steam) as being the result of cooling towers. This conclusion is patently false. We must all use our sense of reason and avoid conclusions that come from an impressive picture (or satellite loop video) without due investigation and consideration. The 60 second video below contains time lapse imagery of a convective cumulous cloud forming over a mountain range. Note that there is are not plumes of moisture coming from ground level as we are told we should see by those claiming moisture for storms is now the result of cooling towers.

Some are now even claiming that there are "ocean based vapor machines" which are supplying incalculably extreme quantities of water, enough to even supply hurricanes. Aside from the fact that such a process is scientifically and mathematically far beyond impossible (with any known technology or process), have those making such claims ever provided even the smallest grain of tangible evidence to support their claims? Anything at all? Extreme caution and skepticism is warranted with any sources or individuals who propagate such patently false claims and conclusions, such as the "cooling towers are supplying the water for storms" narrative.. All of us have a responsibility to actually investigate before blindly accepting or coming to conclusions. We have a responsibility to use our sense of deductive reasoning. If we are to have any chance of prevailing in the effort to expose and halt the climate engineering insanity, credibility is crucial. Though there is much we can not yet know in regard to the full spectrum of the climate modification programs, or the totality of processes used to carry these programs out, the cooling tower moisture supply theory should be seen for what it is, a mathematical impossibility. The article below will add further detail to this subject. Dane Wigington

Assault By Global Weather Modification


My thanks to the editors of “Lotus Guide” (a Northern California magazine) for their courage in addressing the dire threat posed by our collapsing biosphere and also for helping to expose the climate engineering factor in this equation.
Dane Wigington

Climate Change, Geoengineering and Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD)


Politicians, NGOs, scientists and business executives at the Warsaw Climate Summit have failed to acknowledge the fact, amply documented, that climate can be manipulated as a result of environmental modification techniques (ENMOD).

What’s With the Weather and Chemtrails?


There’s an aphorism about the weather that goes something like this: “Everyone talks about the weather but no one can do anything about it.” Well, don’t be so sure about that, especially since several means of atmospheric manipulation have become commonplace, if not mainstreamed.

Geo-Engineering Versus Chemtrails & What is Being Done To Our Weather


By on Source: The Bull City Bulletin

The Weather Channel Comedy Hour: Sponsored By US Department of Weather Propaganda


The Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction: “Owning the Weather” for Military Use


Author’s Introductory Note
Environmental modification techniques (ENMOD) for military use constitute, in the present context of global warfare, the ultimate weapon of mass destruction.

Climate Engineering and Weather Warfare, An Unfolding Catastrophe


There is literally no “natural” weather at this point, none.

The U.S. government routinely conducts experiments on weather modification


The U.S. government routinely conducts experiments on weather modification, and has been doing so for at least half a century. Previously classified under such names as “Project Cirrus” (1947) and “Project Popeye” (1966), weather modification is no longer a secret practice. In fact, a bill (S517) was sponsored in 2005 by Texas Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson, a Republican, “to establish the Weather Modification Operations and Research Board, and for other purposes.” This bill did not become law. Yet, there is reason to believe that various government institutions are carrying out numerous legal and illegal weather experiments without informing the public.

Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD) and Climate Change


The term “environmental modification techniques” refers to any technique for changing – through the deliberate manipulation of natural processes – the dynamics, composition or structure of the Earth, including its biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, or of outer space. (Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques, United Nations, Geneva: 18 May 1977)

Monsanto Buys Weather Company Climate Corporation


Today’s big acquisition is a huge agritech exit: Biotech company Monsanto has bought Climate Corporation for approximately $1.1 billion. While the Monsanto press release says $930 million, we’re hearing from investors that the actual price is past the $1 billion mark, because part of the all-cash deal will be paid out over time as an employee retention plan.

Global Warming: Causing Worldwide Weather Apocalypse


Who is promoting the Global Cooling disinfo?
Could it be the geo-engineers and their paymasters?

China to Control Weather to Address Different Issues


For those who still remain unconvinced that geoengineering/weather modification is a reality.

Full Spectrum Dominance: Weaponising The Weather


The US military is striving to achieve what it calls ‘full spectrum dominance’ of the planet by controlling the weather. But it is not just the US that is involved in climate modification, China and Russia are too. Thanks to people like researcher Dane Wigington, however, we are getting to know a good deal about the massive US programme and how the very essentials needed to sustain life on Earth are being recklessly destroyed.

Atmospheric Geoengineering: Weather Manipulation, Contrails and Chemtrails


“In recent years there has been a decline in the support for weather modification research, and a tendency to move directly into operational projects.” ~World Meteorological Organization, 2007

“Weather Makers” Create Erratic, Record Setting Temperatures


The Geoengineers continue to derail the planets life support systems all over the globe. The heavy spraying of the Pacific Northwest and Northern California in recent days has caused record warmth and record low humidity, they were preparing for yet another geoengineered "winter storm" further east.

"Weather Makers" Create Erratic, Record Setting Temperatures


The Geoengineers are hard at it yet again. As they sprayed the hell out of the Pacific Northwest and Northern California in recent days, causing record warmth and record low humidity, they were preparing for yet another geoengineered “winter storm” further east.

4/8/13 EU Conference on Weather Modification and Geo-Engineering Reiterates 1999 Demands for Transparency and Democratic Control


On 8 – 9 April a conference was held at the European Parliament, under the title “Beyond Theories of Weather Modification – Civil Society against Geo-Engineering”. The conference reassessed a 1999 resolution and lack from both the sides of legislators and military to safeguard transparency and democratic control over classified programs, which affect entire populations without consent, democratic influence, or access to verifiable information and data. Christof Lehmann (nsnbc).

NEMO Blizzard: Product of Homeland Security Aerosol Geoengineering Program “HAMP”


For years, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has looked for ways to control hurricanes with geoengineering aerosols due to the proven effectiveness of aerosols at modifying the weather.

Extreme Weather Fluctuations as the Climate Reacts to Geoengineering


Extreme Weather around the World


The U-tube video below is a very important compilation of global weather “variation” in only the last month. Please take the time to view it.

Geoengineering And The Jade Helm Military Exercises In The US, What’s The Connection?


The unravelling of the reality we have all known is happening from countless directions and at blinding speed. Earth's life support systems are crumbling, the human assault against the planet has taken an immense toll with climate engineering being at the top of the list. Many are still living in a delusion of denial, their delusions will soon be shattered. The power structure is moving their still obedient military chess pieces into position to possibly be used against their own citizens. When reality can no longer be hidden from the masses, chaos will unfold. The article below is from a news site that has hundreds of thousands of followers, they have just woken up to the climate engineering nightmare.
Dane Wigington

Graphene Skies?


Dane Wigington

What aren’t we being told? Is the highly toxic and controversial element graphene being seeded into our skies as part of the ongoing covert climate intervention operations? Is climate modification the only motive behind the elements being utilized for atmospheric aerosol spraying programs? Are other agendas also being carried out? Do the weather makers and their controllers consider the consequences of their actions? Or is it possible that many of the consequences are, in fact, part of the agenda? Please review the attached 5 minute video report for input and answers.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer.

Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, February 27, 2021, #290


Dane Wigington

How do you like your snow? Natural? Or man made?

Erratic and extreme weather fluctuations are fueling an exponential increase in climate engineering awareness. Texans are scrambling to repair infrastructure after the engineered flash-freeze event which caused tens of billions in damages. The Lone Star State has already rebounded to over 80 degrees in many regions. The entire event in Texas is finally being recognized by many as a consequence of climate engineering operations. The most dire news of all is unfolding in the Arctic and no mainstream media source is saying a word about it. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

The photos below were recently captured in the Panhandle region of Texas. Photo credit: Kristin. The images clearly reveal the results and consequences of chemical ice nucleation operations. Patented processes of chemical ice nucleation for weather modification are a primary component of the climate engineering programs.

Click images to enlarge:

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer.

For those that have not yet seen our recent post on “The Dimming”, it is a groundbreaking documentary that is currently in production. This documentary film will provide answers and proof of the ongoing climate engineering / weather warfare operations. Below is a 4+ minute trailer on the upcoming film.

The Dimming, Film Preview


Dane Wigington

What has happened to our once brilliant blue skies? How many have noticed the change? Why are skies now so often filled with the lingering, expanding, and sky covering remnants of jet  aircraft dispersions?

Atmospheric particle testing has now conclusively proven that the lingering spreading jet aircraft trails are not just condensation as we have been told. Over 70 years ago global powers committed the planet and populations to a climate engineering experiment from which there is no return. The intentional dimming of direct sunlight by aircraft dispersed particles, a form of global warming mitigation known as “Solar Radiation Management”, has and is causing catastrophic damage to the planet's life support systems and human health. What are the consequences of conducting these programs?  Why aren’t scientists or official sources disclosing the ongoing climate engineering operations? Who is responsible for carrying out these programs?

“The Dimming”, a groundbreaking documentary that is currently in production, will provide answers and proof. Below is a 4+ minute trailer on the upcoming film.

Populations must be awakened to what is unfolding in our skies, the threat posed by global covert climate engineering operations cannot be overstated. Share credible data from a credible sourcemake your voice heard, make every day count.

To keep up with the progress of the coming documentary film, please like and follow us on our new Facebook page THE DIMMING Be sure to click the follow / following box (right by the "like" button), then click the “See First” option, as Geoengineeering Watch is being heavily censored on social media. Clicking the “See First” option is the only way to ensure you will see our post updates in your newsfeed. 


The following full list of "The Dimming" speaker names and titles is a reference and a clarification/correction from the film trailer.

Charles Jones, US Air Force Brigadier General (Ret.), Former Tactical Weather Reconnaissance Pilot

Catherine Austin Fitts, Former US Presidential Cabinet Member for George H. W. Bush

Richard H. Roellig, US Air Force Major General (Ret.)

Dane Wigington, Lead Researcher /

Geomicrobiologist (Identity to be disclosed with "The Dimming" film release)

The Dimming

Exposing The Global Climate Engineering Cover-up

Featuring Climate Engineering Confirming Testimonies From:

US Air Force Major General (Ret)

US Air Force Brigadier General (Ret.)

Presidential Cabinet Member (Ret.)

US Forest Service Scientist (Ret.)

Decorated CIA officer (Ret.)

Canadian Minister Of Defense (Ret.)

Premier Of British Columbia, Canada (Ret.)

California Department of Fish And Game Scientist (Ret.)

US Air Force Environmental Testing Specialist (Ret.)

Major Tech University Scientists

Produced by

Hurricane Barry, Was It Manipulated In The Attempt To Diminish The Gulf Algae Bloom?


Dane Wigington

Is there evidence to indicate that climate engineering operations manipulated hurricane Barry? Available data makes clear the answer is yes. Were the weathermakers attempting to churn up the Gulf of Mexico in order to dissipate and diminish the massive and growing algae bloom occurring there? Did it work? Is there evidence to indicate there are benevolent motives for such massive climate modification programs? Though the question of motives is complex, again, if all available data is examined, the agendas behind geoengineering programs must be considered to be primarily rooted to objectives of power and control. The six minute video below provides key information relating to these questions and conclusions.

The damage climate engineering operations have inflicted on populations and the planet's life support systems is already far beyond calculation. Exposing and halting climate engineering operations is absolutely essential. All are needed to help with this effort. Share credible data from a credible sourcemake your voice heard, make every day count.

The Dimming: Groundbreaking Geoengineering Documentary Is In Production, 1 minute trailer.