Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, August 31, 2024, #473


Dane Wigington

"Unusual weather leads to summer snowfall in western mountains of US" (from AP News). "Several Feet of Hail Falls in Colorado in Only 15 Minutes" (from Newsweek). "Scientists warn grocery shelves may soon be missing pantry-staple food" (from Yahoo News). "Global Food Production Is Being Limited by a Lack of Pollinators" (from EcoWatch). Climate intervention operations are inseparable from these equations. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

RFK Jr. has now made his voice heard in the battle to expose and halt climate engineering, this has added yet more momentum to the rapidly rising awareness of global weather warfare operations. Thank you, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., for the courage you have shown by announcing "We are going to stop this crime". US Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: "Are Chemtrails Real?"

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​

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38 Responses to Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, August 31, 2024, #473

  1. Mike says:

    Hey Dane:

    You are awesome. Why? All you have to do is look up to see truth.  Not everyday, but alot here in Spokane Wa.  I think it gets on your windshields on your car, as what goes up must come down.  It scratches the glass, when the wipers go on.  It polishes it and you can see where the wipers, wipe.  Can't wash off the lines, you need new wipers more often.     I think it can magnify light too, towards the ground and cause hot spots.  Sometimes it seems I'm squinting from the light outside and the skies are white, not blue.   Who knows, but seeing is believing and it's easy to see.  

  2. penny says:

    went to sussex today where there was some rain

    but not the rain i remember – they show pics on tv of various weather but when it acts out it is not the same

    i do not believe, just cos i am old, that weather changes or my memory is faulty

    if i didn't have this site to refer to i would still know something wasn't right

    including the people – they are not right! don't know what i mean by right but they seem to be becoming less human? humane?

    does it take great pain and suffering for people to "wise up"

    the sentiment i see offered seems artificial, put on, not real

    on another note – don't know if i have written before but most of the birds have disappeared from the garden

    some time ago one of the only robins left had avian flu, i think, bedraggled, worn out, no song, no energy – reminded me of when i have had lung infections – but it survived – but many others haven't

    flocks of gold finches have disappeared, only a few large and small tits, black bird family produced 3 young (a robust bird) but the summer wanderers – only one warbler – and only the male blackcap – they both have, in the past, produced young in this garden – but this year??

    also – found a dead crow – will bury it tomorrow – magnificent bird – never been so close to one – made my heart miss a beat with its beauty except for the crusty eyes and the gastric problems – avian flu?

    the filth that now surrounds us is killing us off – saw the trails clearly today in sussex – surrey and sussex (where the rich live) is the most heavily forested part of england but i saw the brown in the trees – the rich will notice it last – the most insensitive – so involved with themselves and their own selfishness – they will see it last

    cannot cry any more – just sadness at our stupidness

    love to all the wide awake

    thank you dane and family

  3. `Eden Lost to Insanity says:

    I just watched a Fox News video about the tropics and even they are now on the "anomalously cool Atlantic" band wagon. Yet their graphics and computer modeling loops completely contradict what they are saying about the storms coming across from Africa. Because they point out one area of developing thunderstorm activity that they say has no chance of turning into a tropical wave or hurricane, just off the coast of Africa. And why? Because of a cooler patch of water to the NW of those showers (the direction that the disturbance is moving) that will supposedly cause them to dissipate and simply vanish. But when you look at the satellite imaging loop, the waters to the NW are in the upper eighties, while everywhere else they are in the low eighties! Where's the cooler water they were talking about?

    Then they point out another area where thunderstorms will develop early next week, which happens to be right in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico. They claim that it will become a tropical storm system but could possibly circle around, over and over again for days in the gulf, before it decides to move again. They just don't know what direction it will go at that point, and it's not even expected to become a hurricane. Because, again, they say the gulf isn't warm enough to fuel any further development beyond just that of a stronger tropical storm. Even though the satellite imaging loops behind them shows the waters in the Gulf of Mexico to be the hottest anywhere in the Atlantic. So, twice they point out areas of the Atlantic that aren't warm enough to produce hurricanes. Even though the video playing on their green screen behind them, shows exactly the opposite of what they are saying.

    Not only that. The two meteorologists are looking around and at each other with puzzled looks on their face, while at the same time hesitating and pausing constantly as they read from their scripts. As though they expected the graphics and satellite loops to confirm everything they were saying but instead, they were being made out to look like fools on camera.

    Also, you can see thunderstorms in the exact same area of the Atlantic, where the original "anomalously" cooler patch was supposed to be located, right along the equator. And the water surface temperatures are in the upper eighties, not the mid to upper seventies like NOAA and the National Hurricane Center claimed they were supposed to be. Their little Tropics video simply confirmed what I've been saying about the Copernicus data (the original readings, not the doctored ones), and it also seemed to show that the tropics are defying all the scientific laws of meteorology. Unless of course, you add Geoengineering to that equation.

    All of this has become a full blown CIRCUS, and the story published by Climate Crisis 247 is absolutely correct. When they said that there will likely be "criticism of the weather forecasting industry", since they got this season's hurricane predictions so ineptly wrong. Because even as they put out videos like this one on Fox News to make excuses for why hurricanes aren't developing in the Atlantic. It just makes them look even that much more like amateurs running around in circles, as they sneak in hits from their meth pipes between reading from their Raytheon scripts.

    How long must we put up with these weather forecasting fairy tales and bumbling idiots who have to know by now that they are nothing more than Raytheon and global elite cannon fodder?

  4. `Eden Lost to Insanity says:

    The story below was published today, Tuesday September 3rd by Climate Crisis 247, and if you remember, I mentioned several times how NOAA and the National Hurricane Center used an anomalous cooling event in the Atlantic Ocean to justify why we haven’t seen the super active season they originally predicted. Plus, I also talked about how Climate Corp. insures coastal resorts and other business against hurricane damage losses. Basing their premiums being paid by their customers on whether an active or docile season has been predicted. Also claiming that they charged excessively high premiums this year according to the extremely active season forecast by the National Hurricane Center. Well, guess what?


    “Based on activity so far, the Atlantic hurricane season has been tame. One reason is probably that what was supposed to be a period of historically warm waters in the North Atlantic never materialized. 

    Today, AccuWeather sharply cut its forecasts for the current season.

    AccuWeather is the first known source to reduce the forecast for number of named storms, hurricanes and major hurricanes during the 2024 Atlantic Hurricane season.”

    “The news opens the door for criticism of the weather forecasting industry, both private and agencies that are part of the government. While it is difficult to forecast an entire season, the sophisticated physics-based forecast systems are extremely advanced.”

    Really? Then just exactly how did they get it so wrong? When their sophisticated physics-based forecast systems are so very advanced? Especially when all the data from the European Satellite Agency, Copernicus Climate Change Services proves that there never was and still isn’t any anomalous cooling in the Atlantic Ocean. It was always extremely hot and all of us saw that in the news.

    Only recently have they altered the data to show a cooler region in the Atlantic near the equator. But I saw the raw and original data, and those cooler readings were not there. I promise you; they were not. So, why did the European satellite agency change them?

    And why did they predict such an active season to begin with? I think everyone here can connect the dots. But of course, that’s not to say that the climate engineers can’t still experiment with the Pacific storms. Now, can they?

    Note: How is it possible that global sea surface temperatures continue with the 15-month long streak of highest readings ever? When they claim that the Atlantic Ocean never even warmed up enough to produce powerful storms, simply because a small band of water near the equator suddenly and anomalously became much cooler. The waters off the coast of Africa all the way to the Gulf of Mexico, were and still are the hottest they have ever been in history. How does a cooler patch along the equator have anything to do with the whole hurricane formation process? That’s like saying: “Because a freak snowstorm brought six feet of snow to the southern tip of New Zealand, that’s the reason why there were so many tornado outbreaks in America this year.” Do the climate engineers have the mentality of a six-year-old child? Or is it simply all about securing huge profits for the global elites?

  5. Crystal in Oregon says:

    March 2024 — President Biden approved revisions to a classified nuclear strategic document,

    "Nuclear Employment Guidance"

    "no electronic copies of it exist, only a few hard copies that are distributed to national security and Pentagon officials."

    What did Joe Biden sign?

  6. `Eden Lost to Insanity says:

    In case you haven't heard. UV-C poses no threat to humanity and geoengineering is just an idea, not an ongoing project in the skies around the world. Stop obsessing about conspiracies and go enjoy the outdoors. Breathe in the fresh air and soak up those microwaves because everyone deserves to party and have fun in the sun… and do it while you're still young. “This message is sponsored by the federal government”.

    I just saw a study out today that says young people between the ages of 15 and 35 are being diagnosed with cancer at alarming rates around the world (which I have commented on before…but, all the experts can't figure out why this is happening). The slow rise in numbers began in 1975 but in recent years it has spiked much higher than any other age group. With most of the cases being reported in the U.S. Australia, the U.K., and Canada.

    My feelings on this are that the countries mentioned have the most climate engineering aerosol trails and fake cirrus clouds, with the highest amount of microwave transmissions anywhere in the world. Because the U.S. military controls the weather more in these places where their planes have dominion over the skies, compared to governments that don't allow as much free reign in their air space.

    So, the ozone layers are being broken down daily and people are exposed to their sprayed toxic elements at a much higher saturated volume. As well as most of the HAARP-like facilities and cell phone towers are in these countries too.

    Even though climate engineering is happening worldwide, and the number of young people being diagnosed with cancer everywhere is still extremely high. They aren't exposed to the geoengineering operations that lead to cancer as often, and they also don't eat fast food and processed food as much as the "younger" people in the countries mentioned.

    I guarantee you that the UV-C levels are the highest in America, the U.K., Australia and Canada but the "so called experts" aren't given that part of the equation by the government. Plus, those from the 15 to 35 age group are much more active than the rest and spend more time in the sun than all the others (they also breathe in more of the aerosols daily). The ones that spend the most time indoors and eat a healthier diet are from the older age groups, and that's why these numbers don't surprise me at all. Because most of the people I know that spend most of their time in the sun have all been diagnosed with some form of cancer in the last ten years. Those that don't have much, much lower numbers of cancer rates. That's no coincidence, but rather an ominous sign of how much radiation and toxic fallout are leading to the sad ending of life, for so many young people on the planet. It's also very heartbreaking because it is avoidable and a senseless loss of so many lives. If governments would just admit the truth about the state of the ozone layers, and the climate engineered toxic filled skies that are producing these numbers. Most of this would also explain why fertility is down, and sterility is up in young adults.

  7. `Eden Lost to Insanity says:

    If you love bananas I have bad news. They are doomed to become extinct within the next few years. There is a soil fungus that wiped out all three of the original versions and the last one that we still buy at the stores today are now being attacked and even the genetically altered versions have no resistance to the fungus. Scientists have tried everything possible but they can't save them and already the banana groves have seen a 40% loss worldwide, just in the last twelve months alone. At this rate they will be gone forever by 2027 or 2028. Humans probably won't last much longer anyway, so it really doesn't matter. Ironically though, it has been the increase in heavy metals and other toxins in the soil that allows the fungus to spread. So, their demise can probably be blamed on the ever increasing climate engineering of our skies as well. Just like the fir tree populations and many crop related food sources.

    • WATCHER says:

      Funny You mentioned this Eden. I found this out a short while ago. Not to dispute what You Have written as to  which I agree. Soil bio mes are delicate and air pollution which is exacerbated by geoengineering and industrial pollution; becomes naturally what goes up must come down.

      We are no longer eating the banana that we older ones, our parents and grandparents ate.  Those were called Gros Michel bananas. They became mostly extinct in marketable quantities  because of a fungus called Panama Disease Race 1.  mostly caused by over production and depleting the soil quality. The soil in plantations became diseased and could not grow healthy bananas of this strain any longer. Sometime in the 1960’s  after trying to grow Gros Michel bananas in other countries and regions unsuccessfully because of the spread of the disease. Fortunately they are still being grown in some regions but not in marketable quantities. The Gros Michel banana which was more flavorful and slightly longer in size was replaced with another cultivar  the Cavendish Banana a clone developed to be resistant to Race 1 disease , due to the same practice of overproduction, soil depletion. This is now the less colorful and flavorful market banana that we are eating these days since the 1960’s. Unfortunately now these bananas are experiencing  Race 4 disease which scientifically named  TR4 or fusarium wilt, due to the same overproduction symptom This disease is mechanically working similarly as the Race 1 disease that wiped out the Gros Michel bananas. The  Cavendish banana strain is rapidly becoming infected starting with Asian and Australian varieties. Presently South American banana crops are failing and moving north into Central America. The only cure so far has been to cut down root our and burn all the crops in affected groves. Quite possibly a new clone will inherit the spot as a commercial banana. Unfortunately clones are weaker than seeded bananas which are stronger in nature. Over and over the new clones will become weaker and fail.                                                                                                    On another note Politically; Quoted here “In 1954, the United Fruit Company (which became Chiquita in 1984) even instigated an overthrow of the democratically elected Guatemalan government. Because of widespread soil degradation  from unsustainable large agribusiness in Guatemala’s farmland, President Juan Jacobo Árbenz Guzmán issued Decree 900 in 1952, which reallocated this abandoned, arable land back to the people of Guatemala.” In response, United Fruit Company lobbied the United States federal government to protect their financial interests. The federal government did so through a Red Scare propaganda smear campaign against Guatemala’s president. The American government supported the coup d’état against Guatemala’s government in 1954, and United Fruit Company retained the land which was slated to be returned to the Guatemalan people. The incident is emblematic of the term “banana republic,” to refer to a country that’s dependent on a single commodity as the lifeblood of its economy, which includes the importance of banana exportation in Costa Rica and Honduras today. The overthrow of the Guatemalan government and the political instability it created ultimately resulted in the Guatemalan Civil War, which lasted until 1996.”

      As You can see "Banana Republic" Our government can be responsible for the bananas demise. Considering the timeline; the original Gros Michel banana and the Cavendish successor may have been subject to aerial cloud seeding , the predecessor for what we call Geoengineering





  8. `Eden Lost to Insanity says:

    RFK Jr. said this to a reporter before he walked on stage to declare his support for Trump: “I would hope to have an influence on how the environment is treated under his administration.” Then the reporter said this to him just before he turned around to walk over and greet trump: “You do know that Trump removed over 100 climate repair bills from the legislation voting process in his first term and plans to do the same if he is elected for a second term? Because he still claims that climate change is a hoax and the environment doesn’t need repairing, as he receives over 75% of his presidential campaign funding from billionaires within the oil and gas industries. So, we all know that he will only do what’s best for the fossil fuel industry and he even plans to let them drill over 3,000 new wells in the Arctic and thousands more on land that protects endangered species of wildlife. How is all of that even possibly acceptable considering the number of years you spent trying to protect nature and the environment?

    “Kennedy simply shrugged his shoulders and smiled as he went on stage to make a deal with the Devil”. And these are the words of the reporter, not mine. So, if we truly do live in a democracy. Then I should be entitled to my own opinions, and I have mixed emotions about RFK Jr.

    He spent years battling Koch Industries in various lawsuits claiming they were polluting the environment and joined forces with several different climate awareness groups to help curb or even stop the emissions of greenhouse gases. He has championed his stance on protecting nature and all wildlife while also trying to get clean air, water, and food bills passed. But for him to suddenly show his support for Trump tells me that he will do anything and say anything to get himself appointed to a high position within the White House, and I don’t believe there is a single person on this planet that has the ability to make Trump open his eyes to the reality of a dying planet. Not even RFK Jr.

    So, when he said, “We Are Going to Stop This Crime!” I can only believe that he was saying what Dane, and everyone at Geoengineering Watch wants to hear, just to help his new handler get elected. Because Trump is his last best chance to finally get himself in the White House, even if he must relinquish his own desire to become President. Now, maybe I'm wrong and he honestly meant what he said, but even he must know that it will be completely impossible to stop climate engineering crimes from taking place daily. Once a person is elected who promised the oil and gas industry that if they fund his campaign, they will be allowed to drill "endlessly" anywhere they so desire. Once he becomes the President. And if anyone thinks he will choose RFK Jr. over the people who gave him the most powerful position on the planet. Then, we will truly never be able to shatter the Wilderness of Mirrors and expose geoengineering crimes to the rest of humanity. 

    Every single member of the White House administration that tried to fight him on his environmental stance, when he was President, was fired and had their reputation utterly destroyed. Trump is merely using Kennedy to get elected and he will throw him aside if he tries to put an end to climate engineering. Then he will tarnish his reputation and make anyone out to stop geoengineering be seen as more than just conspiracy theorists. But rather, enemies of the State and our Democracy and pass laws to punish anyone who spreads such conspiracies.

    Everyone has the right to disagree with my opinions and predictions. But just remember, we are talking about politicians here, and when did we ever put our faith in those politicians that sold their souls to the Devil? Now, if Robert Kennedy Jr. was ever going to be our president, then we would have stood a very good chance that geoengineering might be exposed. But to fall in league with someone who denies Earth is in the middle of a climate crisis, I believe those chances have now almost completely vanished. But of course, everyone can be proven wrong at some point in their life, and I pray to God that RFK Jr. can do just that. I’m not giving up hope. I just have serious doubts that he will be able to honor his words. Words that I believe will end his career in politics if he tries to follow through with them.

    • Robin says:

      Thank you brother Eden for your skepticism.  The Great Kennedy Gathering didn't happen at Minnesota's Great Gathering- State Fair.  However, I did enjoy passing out awareness raising materials.  My  Favorite location was the livestock barn where most groups there are from family farms throughout the state & beyond.  

      I hark back to the late Paul Wellstone the democratic US Senator.  He & his wife & daughter, obviously crossed the line of the human power structure as did the Kennedy brothers.  Kennedy has announced that the natural power structure comes 1st & foremost when he introduced his campaign.  Mathew Tower of Truth Tower claims through his documentary that RFKjr knows one cannot win a presidential campaign without some false promises ( or by riding a bicycle or even a little green bus- Robin).  In power, that can change.  It is up to We the People.   May the money printer black mailers fail this time!

      Lets all sound the alarm with everything we've got to hold all politicians accountable.  Can "politics be about the improvement of people's lives (Wellstone)?   BTW a family member destroyed my remaining awareness materials!  Time to reorder!  Courage forward!

  9. penny says:

    dear kathy

    looked up desert mothers and fathers on the internet – tis new knowledge to me but…….

    me – sinner! 

    i have met people – not often though – who seem to have a sense of purity and clearness to just move though life and not be tainted by human sin or doubt

    me – sinner 

    at least i know my sin and i feel i have got better as i have got older but still….me…..sinner

    this site helps me to bring out the best in me as i feel the pain, with others, the pain of human living but……

    there is darkness in me, which leaps up and grabs me by the throat sometimes – me….child

    but thank you for the information and your kindness shown to me

    much love to you

  10. Keith Guthridge says:

    I believe you are doing great work! I drive a truck and have noticed over the years forest dying , and all rivers and lakes turning green and slimy. I've take hundreds of photos of aircraft leaving trails and trying to get people's attention, but they don't believe it. I've shared your videos and website, but they believe you're a conspiracy theorist.

    keep up the good work. 

  11. Ben Billings says:

    Mental Cognitive Ability? – Spatial Relationships? – Reading Ability?

    It has often been said that the climate engineering neurotoxins sprayed from jet aircraft for Solar Radiation Management (SRM) adversely affect an individual’s cognitive ability – and also makes pattern recognition and reading more difficult.

    Here is a snippet from the internet as a test for your cognitive ability, pattern recognition, and reading skills:

    “fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulacity uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the Itteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and Isat Itteer be in the rahit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey Iteter by istlef, but the wrod as awlohe. Azanmig huh?  I awlyas thuhot sipeling was ipmorantt! “

    Using what you have learned from the above snippet – give this a whirl!

    “If yuo cna raed tihs – yuo aer albe to ovreocme the txioc ectfefs of teh slaor raitidoan mngeamaent areolsos – aslo kwnon as wateher wrafrae – puls yuo are albe to migatite teh toushadns of tixnos  eocntnuered in dialy lfie on panlet etarh – tinoxs borguht to yuo by teh mlitiary iundistral cpmoelx and tehir pratenrs in cirme – teh runlig etile – to”clul teh hred””.

  12. jay dee says:

    What's so surprising about "hail fog" after tons and tons of chemically-nucleated so-called "hail" falls? Dry ice in a sink will form some "dry ice fog" won't it? Nothing to see here, folks, move along. [Maybe we'll physically force you to move along.] People–please, if you can, get those business card sized information cards and leave them, one by one, on store shelves, library shelves, etc. Some, at least, will be picked up and read!

  13. `Eden Lost to Insanity says:

    We are literally using small paint brushes to cross pollinate many of our crops now because there are no more bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. There is also such a small window of time to pollinate between sunrise and 10:00 am, because the flowers close when the sun starts to bake them, and we also expose ourselves to coming down with heat related health issues. But the entire population of children, teens and adults from the reservation volunteer their time to help us and in return, we give them over one ton of food each harvest season. On top of that, which we already provide them with for their daily consumption. So, most of our gifts are stored for emergencies and will be shared with us in the future.

    Some GMO farms pull equipment behind tractors that literally shake the plants to release the pollen while large fans are used to spread it from plant to plant. Problem is though, that only works on about 35% of the crops and the nectar (which is vital to the pollination process) is left behind and totally wasted by these government farmers. We, on the other hand, painstakingly collect the leftover nectar after pollination, and give it to the medicine men (and women) to use in their remedies, cures and overall health benefiting food/drink additives.

    The GMO farmers don’t care that they have such huge losses, because the government reimburses them, and everyone still wonders why food has become so expensive. Not only that, but our government steals and or buys crops from other countries at just pennies on the dollar, and we pay the higher prices just to have them exported by countries who lose millions to famine each year. Our government will also outright destroy food and or block truckers and railroads from transporting it to the stores, just to jack the prices up even that much more. They also pass laws to make Non-GMO and Organic farms illegal in some states, because they say the crops are always becoming contaminated and are spreading germs that kill their GMO crops.

    Here is something else that is happening that most people don’t even know about. When a private farm goes bankrupt, next to another private farm, it is then auctioned off to (only) GMO farmers for pennies on the dollar. If the pollen or seeds from that GMO farm get blown onto the private farm next door, when the government decides to raid that farm and if they find any GMO plants growing on that farm (just one single stray plant is enough). They will be arrested, and their farm is then confiscated by the government, then auctioned off to yet another GMO farmer. That includes their home, vehicles and all personal belongings being auctioned off as well. Because Monsanto (Baer) owns the rights to all the crops, seeds and nectar. Which also includes fertilizers and pesticides, so if they too are somehow washed or blown onto the Non-GMO farm. The farmers who have lost everything to the government call it the “Dystopian Agricultural Mafia Nightmare”. Or DAMN “them” for short.

    We still take pride in our farming abilities and have fun doing it (for the most part). But most farmers are truly hating life as they struggle just to make ends meet, and they worry so much about the government shutting them down. Many of them are taken from us way too early in life, because so much stress leads to heart attacks and strokes. Now the sun's UV radiation is taking them by way of cancer. A member of our own farming family is terminal as well and we are praying for his recovery. He is just 38 years young. 

    • Leanne says:

      Can you let me know where your farm is located in Texas.  Thank you for the information you shared.

    • `Eden Lost to Insanity says:

      Hi Leanne,

      I actually inherited my Grandfather's ranch in the Hill Country of Texas (south central) back in 1981, but I moved here to South Dakota in the Spring of this year and I work the farm that was once owned by my Lakota Godfather (now my blood brother cousins own it). There is still some wildlife here but everything was dying off in Texas, because the heat and UV radiation was becoming so extreme. Nearly all of Texas is now becoming a barren wasteland, except for some places in the east near Louisiana and the gulf coast. Otherwise, everywhere else is baking to a crisp, including the Panhandle now.

      Do you live in Texas, or know someone who does?

    • Dave says:

      Did you know you can order bees online and have them shipped to you?  Just search bees for sale.  Hope this helps. 

  14. `Eden Lost to Insanity says:

    Here is something to think about. It used to be that nights in the desert were always so cool or even cold enough that you needed a jacket to stay warm. But because of the effects of greenhouse gases being enhanced even more by climate engineering, it rarely ever drops below 90-degrees at night. Especially when they spray aerosols that turn into fake cirrus clouds, holding in the heat at night like a thick blanket. So, it’s no wonder that deserts have now become so barren and lifeless. Note: Phoenix is an urban concrete jungle or what they call a heat island, and it has never cooled down at night. But if you were to travel just fifty miles out into the remote desert, it was always very cool at night, and you rarely ever had cirrus clouds that blocked your view of the stars. Now though, the aerosols and fake clouds make it impossible to stargaze, and you can get heat stroke as well. Life used to be so much fun and filled with endless adventures, even if you weren't rich and famous. What the hell happened?

  15. `Eden Lost to Insanity says:

    It is a known fact that GMO whole foods and processed foods are sprayed with a chemical enzyme that helps them to break down in your body. No wonder they have no nutrients and lead to such high rates of digestive tract cancers. Always look for the “Non-GMO Verified Project” label, before purchasing foods. If it just says “Organic”, it may still contain GMO ingredients. But if it has both labels, then you can trust it to be even safer for human consumption than anything else out there. Now if you can grow a garden with Heirloom seeds, like we do with our crops, then you have the healthiest food on the planet. We never use pesticides or chemical fertilizers, and the water comes from deep underground wells that go through a seven-layer filtration system. We do everything humanly possible to reduce forever chemicals and nanoplastics in the food we grow. BTW- Has anyone even noticed that the GMO “Genetically Modified” labels on foods have now been replaced with: “This Product is made with Bioengineered Ingredients”. To me that sounds even more scary. Because I now associate it with a government bioweapons food making lab process.

  16. `Eden Lost to Insanity says:

    This is one sure fire way to prove that the weather forecast app is being manipulated to report numbers to the downside in a place where the heat and humidity levels are extreme.

    People from the small community where I lived in Texas used this method to verify just exactly how humid it was, especially if they didn’t have a backyard weather station. Nearly everyone has a thermometer that they can place outside in the shade somewhere, but they don’t always have access to a hygrometer.

    A 12,000 BTU (one ton) window unit air conditioner with a hose attached to the evaporative coil drain, and a three-gallon bucket is used for this purpose, and just remember that a super-efficient unit with ratings between 16-SEER and 21-SEER will produce ever so slightly more water in the bucket than an average efficiency unit.

    Here is the average rate of vapor latent air condensation formula that we came up with:

    One-fourth gallon of water per hour equals around 58% humidity. One-half gallon is closer to 68%. Three-fourths is over 80%, and one gallon per hour usually equals to about 95% humidity.

    Taking just one specific day as an example when the weather app, NOAA and the National Weather Service reported our temperature was at 100 degrees, and the humidity was only at 36%. They said the heat index (real feel) temperature was 106 degrees.

    But everyone’s 12,000 BTU average efficiency window units were producing slightly more than three-fourths of a gallon of water of condensation per hour in our evaporative coil drain buckets. Which means that the humidity was really closer to 80% and not 36%. Because at just 36% all window unit air conditioners condense the vapor latent air to produce less than a cup of water and that even includes higher efficiency units.

    So, if you use the official NOAA Heat Index Conversion Chart. 100 degrees at 80% humidity equals 158 degrees and trust me when I say it truly felt like it was around 160 degrees outside in the shade. But don’t take my word for it. Try this little experiment for yourself and make sure to have an accurate digital thermometer and hygrometer available to verify your results. However, if the humidity rarely ever goes over 32% then you may not get more than one cup water to accumulate in the bucket, at any given time. Because lower humidity will evaporate the water in the bucket, as it is being accumulated. And never leave the bucket in the sun or in the air flow of the condenser coil either. Same evaporation will occur.

    If you lived in these conditions like I did for over 40 years, then you too would trust the tried-and-true condensation water bucket method, over any weather forecast app and especially any federal “current weather conditions” reporting agency. Because they lie constantly if you live in an environment that produces deadly wet bulb conditions on a regular basis. To tell the truth would not be serving their agendas and it would expose the federal government to mandated oversight, or even millions of lawsuits for placing people in so many life-threatening situations (without warning them of deadly heat indices). Where heat and humidity are a factor in everyday life.

  17. `Eden Lost to Insanity says:

    Right now at this very moment in the town closest to where I lived in Texas the temperature is 89 degrees and the humidity is at 92%. S0, it still feels like it is 120 degrees outside at 10:56 pm. I can just imagine how hot it will feel tomorrow at 3;00 pm as the humidity is expected to remain very high and the temperature is predicted to get up to 96 degrees! What the hell happened to that cold front and rain they said would cool those folks down for the Labor Day weekend? Earlier today at 2;30 pm the humidity was at 86% and the temperature was 95 degrees! You do the heat index math (hint… 140). They are suffering horribly in that part of Texas.

  18. RandylJ1 says:

    Flash Endothermic-Caused Cool-down Over Asheboro NC Friday with insignificant rains scattered to different areas, has everyone sighing relief after weeks of 90F with high humidity. But engineered cooling didn’t last long and Saturday resumed with heat and humidity. Now the scheduled Yahoo weather app shows a temperature drop into the 70’s during the day towards the coming midweek. After all, the calendar flips to September and the human ostriches in central NC will be expecting Fall. This area consists of high programming of a large elderly and conservative population and the Weather Makers want to make sure there’s nothing too suspicious happening. Just ‘business as usual’ here. Although Donald Trump’s visit last week enjoyed a positive response and I hope for Increased Awareness here.

    I point out the complete lack of insects that no one can explain, along with the continuing overall drought, despite the occasional rainfall that looks promising, then quickly disappears taking its desiccants somewhere else and leaving plants dryer than they were. And then a few people mention the ‘sun is still so hot’ but of course, “It’s just global warming and God is going to fix it all pretty shortly anyway.” If they could just see that each of us is the Voice of the Creator and We Must Fix It. I keep at it here but it’s definitely akin to talking to a brick wall! Thank You to All Who Share Thoughts Here, adding empowerment to Dane’s Awesome Voice.

    • Jonathan says:

      Dear Randyl,

      Thank you for sharing your observations with everyone. There is no doubt that the Eastern half of the United States has been artificially cooled to some degree, at least at times. However, from Virginia down through the deep South, the humidity is absolutely unbearable. 90° temperatures with high humidity, let's say 80% or more, puts you at well over 100°. Yesterday's heat index here was 107°. I was doing a lot of strenuous work outside most of the day and ended up getting A mild case of heat exhaustion. And I consider myself to be in reasonably good condition. I can only imagine people who are not or who are elderly, or the very young, not to mention all the animals. Speaking of which, I talked to the manager at my local supermarket, and the folks who work in the meat department, and they are now saving all the trimmings when they cut steaks. I stop by several times a week and pick them up. This is a further supplement to the foods that I feed the foxes, etc.

      You coined a wonderful phrase, "human ostriches." That is so true for so many people. Although I must say, I'm seeing a great deal more people in the last 2 to 3 years who are starting to wake up to so many things that are being done by the global predator class. That is very encouraging. I'm seeing more and more people Who are learning to think independently without being told what their opinion is by either the media or organized religion. In other words, more and more people are breaking out of their programming. People in your part of the state as well as mine will remember the quote that states that we are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. 

      I also agree with you on your assessment of the drought. Many people do not realize that North Carolina has been in a more or less terrible drought for years. Yes, we do get more rainfall than in California for example. However, with the heat indices being so high in between the occasional rain showers, what rain we do have quickly evaporates. And truthfully, we almost have to get a tropical storm or hurricane to get any sizeable significant rainfall. We almost never have regular soaking rain showers like we used to. I talked to an elderly neighbor of mine who has been farming all his life. He said that when he was young, in this part of the state, it would rain virtually every afternoon for about 30 minutes. A nice, gentle soaking rain. In a matter. What crops you planted. There was always enough rain to sustain those crops through the growing season. Nowadays, is seen as most of the weather is vicious. We either have extreme drought or extreme rain or extreme cold or extreme heat. It's all extreme. And just like you are observing, many of the rain showers are not even real rain. They're just a very light drizzle if that, just enough to moisten the surfaces of sidewalks without actually soaking into and penetrating the ground. I can't tell you how many countless trips I have made to the bird baths In the yard over the last few years struggling to keep them full of clean, fresh water for the birds and other animals that rely on those sources of water. You can often look at the bird baths and see how happy the birds are to have clean, cool water. You can hear them twittering with excitement. They truly get emotional about this. 

      The people who are apathetic and complacent and simply cop out by throwing their hands up and saying that God is going to fix everything, are sadly mistaken. Same people generally have a very strong biblical worldview. They should read the 8th Psalm, which makes it crystal clear that Dominion over the works of God's hands was given to humankind. Therefore, it is not up to some other power to fix everything. It is actually up to us.

      "If they could just see that each of us is the Voice of the Creator and We Must Fix it.". YES… We are all of us expressions of the Creator. So many miss that point. For those who wish to further explore what the Bible has to say about this, look at Psalm 82:6, Psalm 8, and John 10:34. This is encouraging to stay the least. There is no need to be dark and dreary. There is no need to feel hopeless or helpless. As Dane so often says, we are the ones we've been waiting for. These are very empowering statements, if one chooses to read them. 








    • Jo says:

      Good morning. Thanks for all the comments and for the opportunity to communicate. It's also a good thing to respect the beliefs of others. And not to denigrate your neighbor just for opinions. For example if people dedicate part of their time to sit and pray and put their trust in their Creator, these individuals are not harming anyone end during this time at least they are not polluting by driving cars or flying planes…


  19. Jonathan says:

    Easy to use online heat index calculator.


    • RandylJ1 says:

      Thank You Jonathan ~ Good to Know!


    • Jonathan says:

      I don't go to, my local weather station, to get the relative humidity number. Number. I just do a Google search for relative humidity on a certain date and certain location. My local weather station/ News station just gives the dew point. I don't think they really want people to know how humid it is. So Just search online for the relative humidity and particularly area on a certain day and then you can take that and the actual temperature to either you record or whatever temperature they report, which we know or not always the same, and you can put them into the online calculator and you'll be surprised what you might see.

  20. Jonathan says:

    And I shook Ron's hand a few days ago, and I meant it. :+)

    • WATCHER says:

       Dear Brother Jonathan, in reference to what You said about Biblical teaching: In K.J.V. Genesis 1:28 "And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth." In my estimation, that was done thousands of years ago by the practice of hunting, fishing, agriculture, animal husbandry and building using earthly materials such as stone and wood. Since then we have certainly experienced exponential population growth  due to the same process feeding and housing and the prosperity that resulted .  For the past 3 centuries we have experienced the “Industrial Age” All of this has taken it’s toll and is far from the mark of being stewards of our once wonderful, diverse and healthy planet. We as Humanity seem to use this scripture with abandon. I once read a wonderful book “What Are People For” by Wendell Berry a 20th century environmental and social activist ,who nailed it on the head. In summary by my remembrance of his book I take away these facts. He argued, We are simply NOT good stewards and have misinterpreted Genesis 1:28 for our own greedy purposes we have NOT replenished the earth probably since early times as we continue to plunder it so unreasonably.

      In K.J.V. Isaiah 51:6 “Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look upon the earth beneath: for the heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment, and they that dwell therein shall die in like manner: but my salvation shall be for ever, and my righteousness shall not be abolished”.  As we lift our eyes to see hardly a blue sky and witness the degradation of nature, animal life and our own human specie; this prophetic verse speaks volumes of what we face now and into our future.

    • penny says:

      spot on watcher

      tis a good book, but you have to read it all

      everything comes to pass and…..

      human reality is essentially chaotic and incomprehensible with all rational order deriving from the way in which the human mind focuses its attention on certain aspects of reality and organizes the resulting perceptions

  21. Jonathan says:

    In the shopping center near where I work, there is a homeless man who, in recent weeks, I have started talking to and buying food and water for him and his cat. I checked with the manager of the supermarket in that shopping center, who is aware of him. I just wanted to make sure that he was truly homeless, and the manager confirmed that. I called the department of social services yesterday and talked with them about this gentleman, whose name is Ron. I asked them what services were available. To start with, they can help him apply for a food stamp card, which they will put money on every month so he can buy things needs at the supermarket. He has to have an address to fill out the form, however. I reminded the lady I spoke with that he's homeless. She said that he could use my office address and that when the card is processed, they will send it to me and then I can take it to him. I was looking for him this afternoon where he normally stays. I did not see him. I will keep looking for him in the next few days and will talk to him about this matter. I hope that he will be agreeable to this. If so, he and I will set up a time and I will take him to the social services department so that he can fill out the application. There is also a housing authority office here in Greenville. I will speak with him about that as well and see if he wants to proceed. I had a roll up heavy duty phone sleeping bag cushion, the kind that you would put your sleeping bag on if you were camping out. I brought that to him the other day as well. I was looking for him to give that to him the other morning on the way to work but did not see him. When I saw him that afternoon after work, I told him that I was looking for him but did not know where he was. He said he was staying out in the woods (behind the shopping center).

    Just think, how many people drive around in fancy cars and live in gargantuan homes, more concerned with appearances and their material wealth than real compassion for other sentient life, whether it is people, plants or animals. I want nothing to do with that superficial way of thinking and living. True religion, stripped of all labels, is an expression of love towards others. 

    I will be working with Ron hopefully in the next week to get him some of the things that he needs. Thank you to Dane for having shared your story about having given sleeping mats to people who are homeless. All this time, I had a sleeping mat and had never thought to do that until recently. As opportunities arise, I will provide him with other things that he needs as we go forward. The first step was to establish trust with him.

    The dog with the broken left front leg that healed in a malposition, her name is Sandy, and I officially adopted her, and we are fostering her eight puppies, and they are thriving. The animal shelter will be taking them back in the next 2 to 4 weeks, and their veterinarian will spay and neuter them, microchip them and take pictures of them and put their pictures on their website to put them up for adoption. 

    At the end of the day, truly nothing matters but love, and our efforts to inform others about the weather engineering crimes against Life and the Creator are an extension of that love. 

    Be bold. Be courageous. Look the storm in the eye.

  22. Jonathan says:

    Today in Greenville, North Carolina The high temperature 87°. The relative humidity was 86%. That calculates out to a heat index of 107°.

  23. penny says:

    i realized recently that with increasing global disorder that organic food stuffs may be hard to find so thought i would try to grow cereals and beans in the garden

    hmmm….must admit i wondered before i started whether the organic seeds would work – not bought as seeds but bought as food stuffs

    and they didn't!!

    i remember years ago, when the discussion about organic vs non-organic started, the horror amongst environmentalists and others that erupted when wheat was genetically modified – with the control of whether the seeds would grow being taken out of the hands of the farmers and put into the hands of the chemical (/pharmaceutical) companies, alongside the application of pesticides and herbicides

    and the terrible potential effects on the environment, soil, insects, surrounding land and of course human health

    the seeds i tried were all organic seeds but to my horror – not viable

    it confirmed to me that the organic industry had become polluted as well as everything else

    now come the dark times – increasing disorder and lack of understanding by most people, who have become blind to "real" life, is a worry to me, as the "old ways" are not known by the children that look like adults

    my reclusiveness is the only way i can sustain a "balanced" mind, that i can make sense of a "real" world that is disappearing by just interacting with this tiny piece of land and its creatures

    i realized recently that unless individual humans feel the cold fingers of death, life is not felt keenly enough to "live" 

    the only way i can really explain it is the way that funerals are taken away from the living – the realization, collectively, that an individual human has gone from this life is removed and the concept of enjoying together after the life of the before, is blunted and removed emotionally

    the extremes of human life, living and dying, are being taken away in our inability to perceive growing in a wonderful and dreadful world – that really has no sense to it when made bland

    being on the edge makes the solid ground even more special and has to be lived every minute unless we stay as children

    oh dear, that's a bit heavy going – where's that come from? – the fear of no food?                                                                                             

    but also the environment i see around me

    no rain for such a long time and when it comes it is not rain – its like a cloud has descended and is wetting everything – on the surface – but not penetrating the soil that everything comes from

    when will it end? i cannot trust the  weatherforecasts on the tv – they say floods will erupt on the west of britain – but – they say it will rain here in essex and it doesn't – is the same happening elsewhere on this island 

    anyone who lives around within britain could you let me know

    we need a site like this in britain but then i would miss the real news from across the pond

    stay safe my friends across the pond



    • Kathy says:


      You speak of your 'reclusiveness', which reminds me deeply of that of our Desert Mothers and Fathers (of the early centuries).  If you can get a hold of the book "The Way of the Heart: The Spirituality of the Desert Fathers and Mothers" by Henri Nouwen, I think it will speak to you.

      Kind wishes, always!


  24. Jonathan says:

    Be encouraged! 

    A certain individual has all of Dane's Geoengineering materials. 

    After a long and winding road, he is now working very closely with Mr. Kennedy, who has the courage and the heart of a lion. 

    Not all is lost! 

    Thank you Dane for the interview with Mr. Kennedy.

  25. Jonathan says:


    All politics aside. I'll duality aside. All polarity aside. All divisions and differences aside. Consider that the man who said those words this week is the closest person to the United States Presidency who has ever uttered such words. This is a profound statement that strikes at the very heart of global criminality. Please remember this in November.

  26. Ben Billings says:

    Do you remember the “Rules for Climate Scientists” posted a few weeks ago in the comments? Judging from the relentless behavior of the Climate Science Community – these must be their insider rules – instilled in all Climate Science graduates from University – and adhered to for a “splendid” lifetime career in the field.

    Rules for Climate Scientists – This is part of our mandatory “Climate Science Official Narrative” – to be relentlessly supported. Violate these rules at your own peril !

    Here is one more rule.

    Rule # 8 – For those of us who claim “the more CO2 in the atmosphere the better” – never assign any number to this claim. Critics of this claim might ask – “what percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere would we consider optimal?” – 5%?, 10%?, 20%?, 50%?, 100%?” You – as a compliant “Climate Scientist” – should never ever suggest any percentage number to this question!

    Critics might also ask – “what percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere would we consider to be an upper limit – beyond which CO2 becomes detrimental to life, or is otherwise undesirable?” Again – never get hoodwinked into giving any specific percentage number to this question – it is a trap — we can’t do it –  and it will reveal the controversial nature of our mandatory “Climate Science”Narrative” to which our “careers”, “reputations”, and “pensions” are bound.


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