Climate Engineering Corruption, Satanic Vatican/Jesuit Agenda, Suicides, 1314


Jeffrey Lawrence Annis
ClimateGate, SatelliteGate, Chemtrails, HAARP, Agenda 21
SIO/UCSD, IAC ETHZ, and much more

2 Responses to Climate Engineering Corruption, Satanic Vatican/Jesuit Agenda, Suicides, 1314

  1. Rachel says:

    Please read the book “The Great Controversy” by Ellen G. White. Chapter 29 to 42 will hopefully answer your questions of what is about to happen here on Earth. Keep in mind this book was written over 100 years ago by a woman with a 5th grade education. She wrote about 50 books and yet most people have never heard of her. That was not by chance.

    • Rachel, “The Great Controversy” by Ellen G. White is only an expression of one's thoughts/ideas and iserves NO basis for what is about to happen here on "Earth". I suggest you search for the TRUTH by going inside yourSELF.


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