The End Of The Road


Anonymous is doing their best for the common good. They are exposing many important flash points that would otherwise be missed. I believe they deserve our support in the form of spreading their messages, they are doing their best to sound the alarm and we would all be wise to heed their warnings. The sand is rapidly falling through the hourglass, time is not on our side. It is imperative all of us prioritize the fight to raise awareness on the most critical issues, every single day matters at this dire turning point in the reality we have all known. The video below is only ten minutes, the message contained in it is very important and should be shared with all.

Dane Wigington

20 Responses to The End Of The Road

  1. MorgainneJade says:

    Thank you for saying so! It has disturbed me that they call themselves Legion; I’m not sure if it’s the name of a specific demon or what exactly, I just know that it is a name associated with evil & fell intentions.

  2. Thank YOU Dane. This Organization anon. Is not all it seems.

  3. Cidadãos norte americanos.

    Acabem com este governo antes que ele acabe com todos vocês!

    O tempo não espera, essa política de vocês está vencida!

    Terrorismo até quando?

  4. Scott says:

    Why is Anonymous quoting verbatim from a right wing rag? Anonymous has unanimously scrambled behind this site? …
    I doubt it. I was just trying to find more on the subject and this is all I came up with. Smacks of CIA to me, or at least of DHS trying to pigeonhole citizens for other objectives down the road (which indeed, probably have everything to do with the denial of rights….).

  5. Alan says:

    Signing a petition is not fighting, it is giving away your power, energy and sovereignty. Maybe you think God will reward you on the other, no?
    Calling/writing your congressman is wasting your minutes and paper.
    Speaking of paper, your money is about to become worthless.

  6. Donna says:

    So, where is the petition? I want to sign!!

  7. Kit Mosegård Bruun says:

    Undskyld; men jeg forstår ikke helt videoen – har set og hørt den et par gange. – Alle stoler på Anonymous; men ingen kan vel sådan set vide, om – og hvornår nogen evt. skulle misbruge deres navn til sélv at komme frem med noget. – Hvis der er noget, man skal skrive unde på, skal der jo være et dokument.

  8. robert says:

    I heard anonymous was infiltrated by the CIA ? I double check that before I’d sign that petition letting them know who you are.

  9. Radha Koch says:

    There’s no sound on it, has someone hacked in to it…….?

  10. Julio says:

    I’m all in.

  11. Keith Pankow says:

    End the corruption of The United States government.

  12. skintus maximus says:

    Indeed, way too many groups all talking about different subjects. Every one of them just a valid as the next, but it ends up like a shit storm of perpetual bad news. Perhaps Anonymous can hack some geoengineering proof, there has to be a paper trail in an operation this big, emails, orders, payments, flight plans etc. Time for the clans to unite and pool their resources, share their skills for the common good.

  13. i dreamed i saw a scaffold erected in front of the supreme court with nine nooses dangling.

  14. Shary Merman says:

    Watch this a couple of times if you don’t want to believe it.It is the Truth. They are changing so many things without telling us anything. They are brainwashing us all the time making us think everything is for our own good. If you watch the main news media or cable news you are not getting the Truth.

  15. Diane Heath says:

    Where is the petition?

    Diane Heath

  16. Where should we go from here?

  17. I want to take back our rights. And…fight the insane who rule us.

  18. Don Hutchison says:

    Time is now !!

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