Climate Engineering Wake Up Presentation In Northern California


Dane Wigington

On November 21st, 2014, there will be a large gathering of activists and experts to further increase public awareness on the critical issue of global climate engineering. Momentum that was gained on exposing the geoengineering at the Shasta County Board of Supervisors meeting on August 15 is still growing rapidly. The presentation on the 21st is an furthering of this effort, many of the same experts will be in attendance with updated information for the panel discussion and Q and A session. This event will also be the launch for the next step in the battle to raise awareness, more details will be announced on the night of the event. The event will be professionally filmed, edited, and later posted on youtube and other websites as was the Shasta County Board of Supervisors event.

Below is an audio recording of the PSA for the event (public service announcement). Forgive the fast pace of the message, the PSA had a 30 second limit, I pushed 1 second past but it was accepted and will be airing on radio stations around Northern California.

The event flyer is below, click for enlargement

climate engineering

37 Responses to Climate Engineering Wake Up Presentation In Northern California

  1. Phil Riutcel says:

    I have sent letters to my local US representative Lois Capps. She sent back a form letter telling me that what I was seeing was common jet con trails. Here is a question for those who do not believe they are spraying us…Why is it that the trails go in a direct north south direction (here in Santa Barbara) all day long? Sometimes three or four at the same time. Is there really that much air traffic heading to San Francisco Seattle and Portland? Hundreds of trails a day…disgusting

  2. Michaelemery Delaney says:

    Hey..Im Michaelemery from Knoxville tn. Great input on how and what to do regarding getting the word out! Im new to all this and am committed to doing all I can to help…Keep the faith,Steven!

  3. Steven Chamberlain says:

    The awakening has begun!!! By attending this event in Redding I have intensified my level of activism. I lit spot fires of awareness from Redding to Eureka, north to Crescent City and Medford. I spent an hour walking the trails in the Ladybird Johnson redwood grove handing out flyers to tourists. I handed flyers out to everyone that I meet along the way. I gave them to people at fast food drive through windows, hotel clerks and maids, gas station attendants and forest rangers. I even stopped and gave them to two California highway patrolmen parked at a beach pull out just south of Crescent City.
    Everyone must step up their efforts to raise awareness. Dane is the biggest hero any of us will ever know, PERIOD. All of us must make the commitment to become Danes hero. We are all consumed with the insanity in our sky, but are we doing everything we can to stop it?
    Print flyers or have Dane send you some. Hand them out to everyone you meet everyday until the spraying stops. Please do this, Dane has spent the last twelve years fighting for your children and grandchildren’s future. It’s time for ALL of US to fight for his.

  4. MB says:

    Santa Monica Bay 11/24. Lots of trails in the sky when I came out this morning at 7am. Between 7 and 8am trail were being laid by 3 jets. Across the Bay to the south and west. Inland from the north to the east.

  5. jason birdwell says:

    those pieces of crap are spraying us again here in orange county ,their spraying very very low this time it makes me wonder whats in that cocktail for them to spray so low ,i tell non believers ,to look at it and tell me thats not normal flight patterns that usually stops them in their tracks and gets them thinking,they spray us every day here in CALIFORNIA.

  6. Tom Johansen says:

    Lately it seems they are spraying all day, everyday here in Colorado.

  7. bija says:

    Wishing the very best to you Dane and all the experts and activists getting the facts out and exposing this horrendous crime. We are joining you in spirit and doing our best to redouble your efforts on other fronts around the country and world. Go get ‘ em!!!

  8. Lynn says:

    take pictures, and send them to state reps. Send them to Congress too if possible. Even get up early to capture the spraying on camera. They spray early mornings here in NW Washington state to get things started then sometimes return later in the day.

    Bookmark the MIMIC-TPW map. Watch the HAARP pushes. See weather before they tell us it’s there…

  9. Europe says:

    Good luck from Sweden! Hopefully this will be the crack in the wall.

  10. Steven Chamberlain says:

    I will be attending this presentation as a representative of the People of the State of Alaska. If you live in California, Oregon or Nevada you must… call in sick, drive to Redding and attend this conference. The awakening has begun!!!

  11. dawnybeau says:

    I will attend in spirit. . .covering you in prayer. I had my Holy Spirit tingly sensation as I read the posts in response. Blessings to you as they continue to RAID humanity here in Charlotte, NC. LOVE YOU !!!

  12. skywatcher says:

    Good luck from Whittier California where we are being sprayed everyday like lab rats. Feeling hopeless trying to wake up latinos that have no clue on Geoengineering.
    Thanks Dane for all your hard work May God be with you.

  13. Sr. Gladys Marhefka says:

    Please, please please let’s flood the phone calls and desks with our messages to Stop the spraying of toxic chemicals in our skies. Simple as that. Thanks.

  14. eric says:

    I suggest directing people in the Bay Area to Get some flyers and videos and start doing the uncomfortable work of educating people. Ive beat the pavement in SF and my hometown of Palo Alto. I find all too often that a fabulous economy and culture is a BIG hinderence in helping folks become aware but hopefully you will have better luck

  15. Earth Angel says:

    God Bless you Dane for your courage and persistence in speaking your convictions regarding the geoengineering nightmare we all now face on planet earth. I’m glad to see this ‘Superpanel’ of experts converging; what an impressive group! Only one missing is Rosiland Peterson. I’d like to see her up there with you too. Thank you for being our ‘Archangel Michael’ and battling evil relentlessly and tirelessly. You are a true Godsend and an inspiration to humanity in a time that we really need one. Your children have an amazing role model and mentor for a dad. We are all grateful for your courage. I will be with you all in spirit on that day- I wish I could travel to be there with everyone in person and give each and every one a hug! You are all my heroes! XOXOXO 🙂

  16. Steven Chamberlain says:

    Dane, If there are any frequent flyer seats available I will see you next Friday in Redding. It would be nice to get away from the heat here in Alaska LOL and hang out with some like minded people.

  17. Kate phillips says:

    Yes Dane please come speak in the Bay Area.

  18. Howard Taylor says:

    Thank you are a Angel. You fight against the devil scientists. These scientists need to be called out where they work and in front of where they live.I went to Pinterest and listed who I found out supported geoengineering and where they taught.Visit Pinterest under my name and pin geoengineering. Thanks for your love of mankind.

  19. Margie says:

    Dane, are you available to speak in the Bay Area? I think this is something that would and should interest people. I would like to speak to you, if you are.

  20. marc rennard says:

    My heart and soul burns bright as I see my heroes assembling for this profoundly important event. I will send blessings on the very night from my humble home in Missouri.

  21. loretta says:

    thank you, so much for your hard work Dane, please come to the Bay Area to speak in the near future, we would appreciate it

  22. bija says:

    Also… might I suggest that those of us who cannot be there in person coordinate our energy through thoughts or meditation at the time of the meeting. We can accomplish a great deal in this type of unity. Blessings to all!

  23. bija says:

    Dane – your sacrifice in putting your heart and soul into this effort for the benefit of us all is beyond any reasonable appreciation!!
    Until our populations wake up to this conspiracy FACT, we can only persevere in light of the hope we find in small victories. When will it be enough to finally tip the scales toward sanity and possible recovery?
    Today, in Southern Arizona, we stay indoors,trying to ignore the miserable poisons contaminating what began as a sparking blue day. Our minds and hearts suffer under the constant threat that now overpowers the natural intelligence of our planetary systems. How can such misguided (if not intentionally evil) actions go largely unnoticed and unpunished?
    We, those of us who are awake to what is happening, make up your army and are with you on the 21st and hope we add strength and growing numbers to those of you on the front lines. So many of us wish we culd be there and will be building on your success. Humanity owes you a great debt

  24. Rex M. Vaughn, Thank you for not being ashamed of our Jehovah, who created all things, this planet was created perfectly!

    Now, these crazies are trying to play ‘god’, and I know He is not happy. “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay saith the Lord.” And He is a God that CAN NOT LIE. Prayers go with you.

  25. Thank you, Dane! You are truly a godsend. I have shared this post over on Russ Tanner’s website, Orbis Vitae.

    Words cannot express how much you are needed and appreciated. Thanks for carrying the torch!
    A friend in Oregon told me this morning it was 16 degrees and about 2 feet of snow.

    Here in VA, we awoke to 28*, and now 39*. I do recall that October does have ups and downs with the temperatures. BUT this is ridiculous! I mean no rain for 17 days straight. As I mentioned to Russ, for the first time I saw 4 large jet plumes flying above our home, that lingered for more than 15 minutes a few days ago. A few more followed. May the Lord bless you and all you do! Have a Blessed Thanksgiving Day, Dane. You’re a real BLESSING! 🙂

  26. KimB says:

    Well, I’m a long way from Cali. but, I feel assured to know that EXPERTS are willing to stick their necks out on the line and go out there, GIVE their personal time, no pay, no reward except for the hope of educating more people about the atrocities of climate engineering, chemtrails, weather modification, drought, floods, water & soil damage…. and more!

    ~ Thank you for caring enough about the rest of us to fight for change. ~

    Thank you for everyone who is willing to take that step! <3 & light be with you and your families.

  27. Ria den Breejen says:

    I wish all involved a high turnout of visitors and audience. And again a step in the direction of awareness-creation. Also for policymakers. This insolence of completely irresponsible politicians and scientists must finally and as soon as possible be stopped.

  28. Annemarie G Wouda says:

    Thank you Dane and for all good job you are doing. I wish i could come November 21st but thats impossible for me when i live in Sweden. I wish you all Good Luck on this and i look forward to read article from it .

  29. Bella_Fantasia says:

    This seems very well thought through, and I’ll be with you in spirit. It’s wonderful how confidently you can speak, Dane, and also the other witnesses from the last successful meeting. Compare this to the lame, halting, stalling and hand waving of the geoengineers we saw on a recent video, trying to explain the unexplainable perversion they support.

    Best wishes for a astoundingly successful event. I’ll be looking forward to the video. This is so encouraging.

  30. Angie Home says:

    I wish you every success with this event. Here in the UK we continue to battle on trying hard to make people aware.

    Am totally sick of our Government for its collusion in this on-going poisoning of the whole population. The meteorologists are the worst IMO. They are nothing but parrots, repeating what they are told to say. What a waste of education and qualifications just to tell people what they have been told to say. They value their salary above their own family and relations, the cost to their own children. Who will likely grow up with chronic medical conditions. Words can’t describe what I feel about these people.

  31. Nick says:

    Nice to see this happen. We need to spread the awareness on the evils of geo-engineering and what it’s doing to extend the misery of California’s drought. HAARP needs to stop.

  32. Jane Kean says:

    I might not make this one as will be on the road spreading awareness through my mentoring of artisans on how to survive ‘out of the present corrupt systems’ . But, my goodness I will be at the next event, may we have a little more warning next time. It would be wonderful to be in a group to discuss this subject.
    Power to your elbow Dane and good luck.

  33. Rex M. Vaughn says:

    GOD Bless You Dane!

    Here is a CHALLENGE to ALL disbelievers, PLEASE SHOW UP WITH YOUR (facts?) AND DISPROVE THESE PEOPLE who LOVE GOD’S Green Earth, and what HE gave us!

    DO NOT LET THESE PEOPLE ALTER OUR Earth that GOD gave us to live on and enjoy for a brief moment in time!

  34. dawn says:

    this is good!! thanks Dane!

  35. Aroha Taurerewa says:

    Super. Cant wait and thank you Dane

  36. Sr. Gladys Marhefka says:

    HI Dane,

    I look forward to see the DVD of the event on Nov. 21. I will be there in spirit for sure.

  37. Blue Sky Lover says:

    Thanks for doing this Dane, I hope to see you there. Lots to discuss… Again the rain we were expecting was a joke. Heavy spraying before during and after the recent storm. Our rain was much less than what was scheduled.

  38. Helmut Schreyer says:

    Good luck guys from Melbourne Australia
    where we are being sprayed on a daily basis.
    I hope the message is getting through over there.
    Feeling so hopeless over here trying to wake
    us apathetic Aussies.
    Have a small Facebook site with pics from Melbourne …
    “On the chemtrail”
    Again good luck to Shasta county

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