Geo-Engineering Versus Chemtrails & What is Being Done To Our Weather


By on Source: The Bull City Bulletin

Next time you are outdoors, take a look in the sky above & pay attention to the type of cloud formations you see. If you live in Durham, Raleigh, or Chapel Hill North Carolina there is a high likelihood you will see persistent “Chemtrails” which is the most common euphemism used to describe one of many techniques employed by governments & corporations around the world to alter the weather systems of our planet.

The technology to do this was developed earlier in the 20th century & involves multiple methodologies to influence atmospheric conditions by spraying certain chemical compounds to inspire the weather to behave in a way it otherwise wouldn’t.

This has been used to cause excessive rain, droughts, & even to steer or exacerbate hurricanes.

I shot this as I was stuck in traffic on I-40 to encourage those who are not yet aware, that this is a very real program taking place right in your back yard. Please research this issue for yourself by googling the term “Geoengineering” or visiting, which is a publicly run company who provides weather modification services to insurance groups & military contractors.

Why these groups are altering the weather is almost secondary to the fact that they ARE doing it & our intention is to help people become aware of what is going on. Please research this issue & offer your take in the comments below.


Climate engineering, an application of geoengineering, is the deliberate and large-scale intervention in the Earth’s climatic system with the aim of reducing global warming.[1][2][3] Climate engineering has two categories of technologies- carbon dioxide removal and solar radiation management. Carbon dioxide removal addresses a cause of climate change by removing one of the greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. Solar radiation management attempts to offset effects of greenhouse gases by causing the Earth to absorb less solar radiation.

10 Responses to Geo-Engineering Versus Chemtrails & What is Being Done To Our Weather

  1. says:

    Took photos of a grid pattern sprayed over the Adirondack high peaks. Geoengineering is insane. We need to stop this before they turn the planet into a superfund site.

  2. Bruce says:

    Same thing in Salt Lake City, Utah! always always criss cross comtrails all over the place! And I saw a bilboard about the “cospiracy” on my commute to work on I-15 . Conspiracy is a real thing. Not ficticious like the masses believe

  3. Doug says:

    Here we go again in the southern great lakes region.Numerous chemtrails most days and 90 degrees every day then a cold front comes though and very limited (or none) rain.It appeared they let up a few weeks ago and we had some storms then they started spraying again and we are back to the same pattern they have been doing for the last ten years.It appears they are in total control of our weather at this point.

  4. CHERYL FOTIA says:


  5. Donna says:

    I live in MN, and I have seen the numerous criss cross trails! What the heck, sprayingcrap into our atmosphere to help the harm the very same idiots have already done! They must be insane. I cannot believe this isn’t covered daily by the media, oh wait the media only reports what we are allowed to know. Someone needs to blow a very loud whistle to stop this.

  6. keizer says:

    Het is hier in Delfzijl al meer als een week mistig.Er komt hier geen zon door ze beginnen gelijk te sproeien
    Ik heb gehoord over chemtrails. Hierdoor ben ik de lucht in de gaten gaan houden. Een paar dagen geleden was er een heldere lucht boven mij.Ik zag opeens allemaal de zelfde vliegtuigen boven ons vliegen.Ze hadden lange chemtrails/contrails die niet oplosten in de lucht. Ze veroorzaakten een dikke dichte mist binnen een uur had je hier niet meer als 100 m zicht.
    Ik heb dit op beeld gezet. Dit gebeurd zeer vaak hier in Delfzijl. Delfzijl krijgt vergeleken met heel Nederland de meest en langst zon licht op een dag omdat de zon bij ons op komt. Mensen zijn hier vaak ziek en praten er over dat ze ufo s hebben gezien of contact hebben gehad.Er zij hier ook vaak aardbevingen door gaswinning.Mensen in Noord-Nederland komen hierdoor in opstand tegen de regering.Wat is hier aan de hand?? Onze fabriek Aldel ALUMINIUM FABRIEK DELFZIJL is gesloten wegens te hoge energie rekening die ze niet meer kunnen betalen. Onze regering is hier nu mee bezig. Aldel is nu dicht. DELFZIJL BIO ENERGIE CENTRALE is open gegaan. (Waterdamp om zetten in energie.)Verder bouwen aan onze Kolen centrale in de Eemshaven wordt tegen gehouden door Greenpeace.
    Aldel stoot niet alleen aluminium uit maar ook fluoride. wij wonen aan de Noordzee tegen over Duitsland. In de zee wordt ook fluoride en aluminium geloosd. Er zijn veel schapen op de dijk overleden. Er is een overdosis aan fluoride gevonden in de schapen daarop volgt de dood. Er zijn hier veel mensen ziek geworden en dood gegaan doordat ze teveel aluminium in het lichaam hadden vooral mensen die op de fabriek hebben gewerkt. Hier lopen ook aanklachten, rechtszaken,en schadevergoedingen tegen. Mijn buurman is hierdoor ook overleden.
    Er gebeurd hier zeer veel. Ik heb mijn vraag tekens???De regering wil ons hier in het noorden rustig houden Er zijn hier wat burgers aan het demonstratie over de sluiting van aldel en de aardbevingen.Er is hier veel werkloosheid, voedselbanken, aardbevingen. Mensen hebben geen geld meer en zijn bang voor de aardbevingen veel huizen zij hierdoor kapot.

  7. Maria says:

    hi– It’s April 6th, 2014 and within the past few days, the sky over where I live in Miami, Florida, has been looking odd with all these white trails crisscrossing in different directions.
    I take daily walks and I’m a keen observer of my surroundings, so noticing the sky looking streaked like that made me go: what the hell is it??

  8. Krystina says:

    GREAT! Yes, I’ve been researching. Keep up the good work & keep spreading the word it must be heard!

  9. Lisa Lumbard says:

    Once I became aware, I now see the trails on a weekly basis in the skies over Phoenix, AZ.
    Rachael Carson’s book “Silent Spring” reported the dangers of DDT and it was subsequently banned. We did learn the lesson that what ever goes in to our environment ends up in our earth, plants, food, water and bodies. No one can convince me that the chemicals are safe – I have seen the latent ill effects too many times.

    Everyone, please write your congressional representatives, your state and local representatives and your local department of air quality and tell them that AMERICANS ARE NOT LAB RATS and if they don’t stop dumping chemicals on us, we will elect someone who will!

  10. Steve says:

    Good report, Golden Rule! Keep up the info fight.
    If there were a million young people with your curiousity, energy and scruples, the USA would change for the better. Here’s the url a new music video I’ve done, called “Chemtrail Ghostriders”. It might be a way to introduce some people, particularly fans of classic C&W music, to the geoengineering topic..

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