Geoengineering and our Disintegrating Climate


There is NO natural weather on planet Earth, NONE.  This map of 2013 weather extremes should be thoroughly examined. The climate engineers can easily make it snow in the desert, while completely cutting off the precipitation anywhere they want, even to rain forests. The entire planetary climate system is being forced well past the breaking point. Anthropogenic activity has done immense damage to Earth, geoengineering more so than any other single cause, it is the epitome of human insanity. If the all out assault on our biosphere continues, we have no chance of survival, none. All of us must engage in the fight to expose and stop climate engineering and other significant sources of damage to the planet or we will very soon have nothing left to salvage.

Dane Wigington


11 Responses to Geoengineering and our Disintegrating Climate

  1. joann says:

    I am at a loss of what to do about getting the word out to people other than posting things on the web and educating everyone I come into contact with. There is such a lack of concern from the masses especially when they don’t feel personally affected from some catastrophic event that impacted their lives on a personal level such as, fire/flood/earthquake/death of a family member, etc. If you have any ideas of what I can do here in Nevada, or can lead me into the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it. I want to do more!

  2. Elizabeth says:

    I was talking bout Allen and his comment

  3. Elizabeth says:

    That is such a stupid remark!

  4. SuperLuminal Man says:

    While the USSA has indeed one of the MOST propagandized and mind controlled populations in HISTORY, to imply that Geoengineering and Climate Change is soley due to the machinations of their government is extremely short-sighted and misleading: Aerosol Ops/Chemtrails/Geoengineering is a GLOBAL Phenom and there are many Players …

  5. Alan says:

    Pretty much anybody that believes in a religion would also believe that the Govt is doing this chemtrailing-Geo-engeneering for our own good>>>if they believe in religion they also believe in their govt—at least while their political is in the white house…SIGH!

  6. Since I am a christian and believe Jesus will return to earth someday, this pretty well destroys any beliefs that man destroys the earth. However, a rosey picture is not painted in spite of that belief. The final war, Armeggedon is by far worse than any climate changes. In my opinion climate change is being used to control humans, its strictly political and might be a tool of the New world order maniacs.

  7. JR says:

    They are Brandon, it’s called television.

  8. Brandon says:

    Sometimes I wonder if the United States is under mass mind control.

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