Governments Kill Without Hesitation In The Pursuit Of Their Agenda


A Sobering Look At The Attack On The USS Liberty. Not only are we all expendable to the governments that rule us, we are all an increasing liability to them. Those in governments, with very few exceptions, are nothing more than state sponsored criminals. Most “elected officials” are not at their post to serve us, their motives are only to expand their power and control over us at any cost. People must wake up and comprehend this fact. The stakes are now far beyond critical. To better understand the present, we must examine the past. The details of the attack on the USS Liberty should be reviewed and considered by all. It is yet another glaring example into the true nature of governments and their crimes.  Though the story of the Liberty should be taught in every school, this crime will never be officially acknowledged, rather it will always be officially denied. The public must base their opinions and conclusions on facts, not well spun programming and ideology. We are all in a fight for our lives, the clearer we see the bigger picture, the better our chances.
Dane Wigington

5 Responses to Governments Kill Without Hesitation In The Pursuit Of Their Agenda

  1. lu says:

    In this recent interview with Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot, a British politician, Simon Parkes, whose mother was MI5 and who also has an illuminati bloodline, explains to some extent the connection with aliens and why fighting fire with fire won’t work. The only thing that will work is spreading information and helping humanity wake up. Spreading knowledge is key, which is why this site is so important.

    Please note the latest news on Kevin Annett, Nobel Prize nominee, who has done so much to uncover all the child trafficking & child sacrifice by the church, royalty, the vatican etc.

  2. Ramola D says:

    Oh my god. These days I am just learning how corrupt–and how systemically corrupt our government is–this just brings it home to me. This is a wake-up video–if the US govt. could engage in such “false-flag” treachery back then–and it’s telling that Israel was involved–we all need to know about it. As many wiser than me have noted, we need to hold our elected officials accountable, we need to hold them to breach of trust–we shouldn’t stand for it.

  3. Tony Peters says:

    Sobering stuff indeed. This wouldn’t be the first time one of our own was sacrificed to enter a war.

  4. KAY says:

    your intuitions even as a child are correct. stay safe and informed

  5. Becky says:

    Finally the truth comes out about that Murderer Johnson. I absolutely am impressed about this video. It’s about time people woke up about LBJ he was a war mongrel monster! And people have a hard time about 9/11. I don’t. I lived on military bases for the first 17 years of my life. Our government is and has always been corrupted. I was 10 years old and I could see Johnson was a war monster and I was afraid of him. He would not get us out of the Vietnam mess because of his self righteous attitude of superiority. I was told to shut up by a teacher once because I criticized LBJ. well, no would listen then and no one will listen now. I used to think I was delusional most of my life. People even called me a Communist…I didn’t even know what that meant back then. I do now.

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