The Folly Of Climate Engineering


Those in power do not care about the destruction and decimation they cause, they never have. To carry this point further, there is a well documented common trait shared by almost all of those with psychopathic tendencies, a near total lack of comprehension as to the consequences of their actions, even to themselves. This is the mindset of those who currently run the world. This is the propensity of those in power that the masses have submitted their collective fate to. Global climate engineering is the epitome of human insanity, man's interference with Earth's life support systems can only cause harm. If geoengineering is not exposed and stopped, very soon nothing else will matter. 
Dane Wigington


Geoengineering Programs Could Be Disastrous For The Earth Research Shows

Source:, article by Kelley Bergman

Large-scale geoengineering programs are underway in what is claimed to prevent catastrophic global warming. However, not only are these initiatives ineffective, but experts say they may have severe unintended side effects on Earth's climate.

They've been called chemtrails, aerial spraying, aerosol emissions, cirrus clouds, among many other terms. The largest reports come from Canada and U.S. but it happens all over the world including countries such as France, Germany, New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom among many others. Thousands of planes spray chemicals, salt or other particulates into our atmosphere in an attempt to curb global warming (so they say).

Governments claim research into deliberately interfering with the climate system must continue in search of technology to use as a last resort in combating climate change.

Science academies around the world as well as some climate activists have called for more research into geoengineering techniques, such as reflecting sunlight from space, adding vast quantities of lime or iron filings to the oceans, pumping deep cold nutrient-rich waters to the surface of oceans and irrigating vast areas of the north African and Australian deserts.

The most proliferating geoengineering techniques are focused on ways of reducing the sun’s rays by blocking them spraying chemical compounds into the atmosphere is what is claimed to reflect sunlight away from earth. Researchers have debunked the claim using a simple energy balance analysis to explain how the Earth’s water cycle responds differently to heating by sunlight than it does to warming due to a stronger atmospheric greenhouse effect.


Global dimming is the gradual reduction in the amount of global direct irradiance at the Earth's surface that was observed for several decades after the start of systematic measurements in the 1950s. The effect varies by location, but worldwide it has been estimated to be of the order of a 5% reduction over the three decades from 1960-1990 and another 15-17% reduction from 1990 to present. Much of the dimming is being blamed on geoengineering. As a consequence, many populations in parts of the Earth are receiving substantially less vitamin D over a yearly period.

Global security and health will be threatened unless an international treaty is developed to oversee any sun-blocking projects. 

The researchers are showing that this difference implies that reflecting sunlight to reduce temperatures may have unwanted effects on the Earth’s rainfall patterns. The results were now published in Earth System Dynamics, an open access journal of the European Geosciences Union (EGU).

Artificial weather modification can impact all of us by reducing water supplies, changing agricultural crop production cycles, reducing crop production, and water availability. Since most experimental weather modification programs use chemicals released into the atmosphere the public could be subjected increasingly toxic or unknown substances that could adversely impact agricultural crops and trees. If we artificially change the growing seasons, our pollinators like bees and birds (many now in sharp decline across the United States), may not survive, leaving many flowers, native plants, agricultural and trees crops that are not pollinated. Native grasses, plants, trees, and agricultural losses could be devastated not only in the United States but on a worldwide basis.

Researchers at the Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany, modelled five potential methods and concluded that geoengineering could add chaos to complex and not fully understood weather systems. Even when applied on a massive scale, the most that could be expected, they say, is a temperature drop of about 8%.

The potential side effects would be potentially disastrous, say the scientists, writing in Nature Communications. Ocean upwelling, or the bringing up of deep cold waters, would cool surface water temperatures and reduce sea ice melting, but would unbalance the global heat budget, while adding iron filings or lime would affect the oxygen levels in the oceans. Reflecting the sun's rays into space would alter rainfall patterns and reforesting the deserts could change wind patterns and could even reduce tree growth in other regions.

Scientists think that they can optimally fertilize the ocean (artificially) to help restore lost/threatened ecosystems. Dropping iron filings into the ocean could theoretically generate blooms of carbon-absorbing plankton. The plankton then take in CO2 at the surface, then carry it with them as they drift to the ocean floor after death, creating "carbon sinks". They theoretically assume iron infusions could preferentially favor certain species and alter surface ecosystems even though they have no evidence on the overall impact since the effects are unknown.


Population explosions of aquatic life that disturb the food chain may impact many wildlife populations. This has already been shown to lead to an unnatural imbalance between fish, whales and jellyfish. A 2010 study showed that iron enrichment stimulates toxic diatom production in high-nitrate, low-chlorophyll areas which, the authors argue, raises "serious concerns over the net benefit and sustainability of large-scale iron fertilizations". It takes a long time for comparatively little effect, and the impact on marine life could be devastating.

"We find that, if solar radiation management or ocean upwelling is discontinued then rapid warming occurs. If the other methods are discontinued, less dramatic changes occur. Essentially all of the CO2 that was taken up remains in the ocean," say scientists.

Even the foresting of deserts on a massive scale could prove disastrous if the irrigation needed to grow the trees were stopped, they say. "The desert regions would eventually return to desert and the carbon that was stored in the plant biomass and soil would slowly be returned to the atmosphere through decay and respiration," says the paper.

"The paper sounds a timely warning about the abject stupidity of relying upon climate engineering solutions," said Dr Matt Watson, a lecturer in geophysical natural hazards at Bristol University.

"The paper…highlights the urgent need to action approaches to climate change that increase mitigation and adaptation efforts, while simultaneously performing rigorous studies of proposed climate engineering methods. Although some climate engineering approaches, including air capture, may prove useful, they cannot be relied on as a 'silver bullet'," said Dr Tim Fox, Head of energy and environment at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.

In the Earth System Dynamics study, Axel Kleidon and Maik Renner of the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry in Jena, Germany, show how these findings can have profound consequences for geoengineering. When they applied their results to such a geoengineering scenario, they found out that simultaneous changes in the water cycle and the atmosphere cannot be compensated for at the same time. Therefore, reflecting sunlight by geoengineering is unlikely to restore the planet’s original climate.

“It’s like putting a lid on the pot and turning down the heat at the same time,” explains Kleidon. “While in the kitchen you can reduce your energy bill by doing so, in the Earth system this slows down the water cycle with wide-ranging potential consequences,” he says.

Kelley Bergman is a media consultant, critic and geopolitical investigator. She has worked as a journalist and writer, specializing in geostrategic issues around the globe.

Source:, article by Kelley Bergman


32 Responses to The Folly Of Climate Engineering

  1. Diana Moss says:

    To K Logan: I was reporting clear blue skies in
    Western Virginia (Altavista) and was wondering if anyplace else in Virginia was being bombarded extra hard. We have had several days with clear skies with only a couple of days of light spraying. Our temps have been unseasonably warm, but freezing cold at night. It is the first time in months that I have actually seen the stars and they were incredibly bright. Does the lack of spraying here influence the weather in other parts of the country like the winter storms in the NW. 2/11/2015
    Thanks for sharing your observations in Arlington.

    • FisherOfMen says:

      I think they are getting close to dropping the NWO hammer because they have basically stopped spraying here (Southeast US),  or atleast massively reduced it.  

    • Dane Wigington says:

      Hello Fisher, one thing to consider, the short bright trails are also spray. Many regions are reporting much more covert applications of spraying as the climate engineers know people are waking up. This being said, I also believe the power structure will play some big cards soon.

  2. I tried to organize a screening of Look Up in Largo, Fl here. I couldn't get 76 people….

  3. chinook girl says:

    Same here in south central Colorado. 5 days in a row. No CTS, and only a few planes are seen in a day compared to dozens in an hour's time. The sky is still so hazy we can barely see the mts, and I guess that is residual buildup still hanging in the air. Now a BAD storm is predicted to move in this afternoon, currently hazy blue sky and 55 degrees. Wishing you well in Denver! We all must work together to make this end permanently. Please listen

  4. Thank you, Dane! No sooner than I tell people, we don’t have chemtrail problems in my part of VA. THEN WHAM! 😮 I look up and see 4 large plumes going across the sky. Slowly coasting down on us! I will share this post ‘Folly of Climate Engineering’ with Russ. Blessings to you, and thank you so much for the hard work you are carrying on, to HELP OTHERS! Your labor of love will not be unrewarded. PRESS ON!

  5. Bob Armstrong says:

    Sudbury, Ontario. Beautiful blue skies in the morning then first chemtrails started and persisted all day creating that milky haze we all know too well now. Flights were south to north when first spotted and horizon to horizon. A few passenger flights went over too with NO contrail whatsoever. Started tracking flights with Planefinder app and the northbound flights reverse south at James Bay south of Hudson’s Bay to do a southbound pass but more southeasterly.I don’t know where they originate though.
    Start tracking for yourselves.

  6. @ Ana

    Thanks. Yes, I try to document as many crimes as possible. I feel like being a kind of “tornado hunter” (;-).

    As you like the slide show, watch this video of an Austrian activist I’m in touch with. That video is similar to mine but he got a high quality movie camera and there you can watch the culprits in motion. Location: Vienna. I mention his website (Qualitaetsleben) on my channel ( well:

    Title: “Best of Geoengineering Wien 2014”

  7. Is Microsoft “programing” people on purpose???

    Do you happen to know that wallpaper theme for Windows 7;8.1? :

    All skies are engineered! Pic 5 shows a long persistent chemtrail.

    That theme is not the only example for engineered skies. Thanks, Bill!

  8. @ Earth Angel

    Thanks for your comments! Yes, when I shot the pics it felt like being witness of an alien attack. Unfortunately I was not able to shoot the big black lanes they sprayed before sunrise.
    The only thing that comes to my mind: “Killing us softly – on purpose!”

  9. I have had the same problem as Ana. says:

    The same thing is happening here in Virginia, several days in a row of blue skies without chemtrails for the first time in months.  Winter storms north of us but not that far away and it has been in the 60s, totally unseasonable for this part of the  country.

    • K Logan says:

      What part of Virginia? Did you see how much they sprayed all day Sunday? I was in Arlington in a high rise and you could see the disgusting haze as well as the sky striping and now we have had a white out sky for two days. It was so warm in the sun on Sunday that people were BBQ ing. I tried to talk to two people about what we could see in the sky. One of them was more open but the other one probably believes the earth is flat too. Although calling him a flat earther did give him pause since he had not done any research himself.

  10. Abe says:

    4/20/10 There was iron in that oil. Hurricane Alex brought corexit to the Great Lakes.

  11. Joseph says:

    Actually humans need every bit of sunlight for proper Vitamin D synthesis. It is general knowledge, and those blocking the sun are hurting humanity more than any help. The only way now is for a greater population to see this. I suggest bringing the case and information to every college campus, every university and starting a large youth awareness community, it is time for seventh generation kids to become a part of the political fabric.

  12. Earth Angel says:

    Wow, Karl form Bonn Germany,- Thank you for such a bizarre picture show of your skies that morning and day. It almost looks as if rockets are being fired up as well as the planes. That’s what the small black looking things with the huge white plumes coming from them appear to me to be. Also stunning is the moon captured with the purplish black trails left across it in the night sky. What are we all breathing now on this planet?!  Very scary indeed. Pray for Divine intervention and the downfall of the madmen who are creating this horror.

  13. molly says:

    Does anyone else think there are no pilots? I think of them as drones.
    For those of you in despair, I feel your pain. I was stuck there for years. I’m better now. Hang in there! I don’t have children or grandchildren but I care about yours. I’ll try to put cracks in the damn.
    Psalm 91:3-16 helped me.

  14. Frank says:

    I completely agree Dane but to change the thinking of rational people who deny the spraying of our skies is hard enough. The thinking of most people in the science academia is that weather manipulation is possible but never truly talked about just like chemtrails. The uneducated are easier to reach than the scientist who is paid off or has the fear of reprisal. Many of us are concerned of the fear that can be unleashed upon us so most true action never takes place. I fear for what they can do to me but what I fear more is the loss of human existence on planet earth very soon. I try not to mention weather control to the novice individual but educate them about toxic spraying. To mention weather control to many is like admitting that your God. What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger keep up the fight Thank you Dane

  15. Ana says:

    I have been having dificulties in commenting here on this site because of the captcha code ,my comment disapears,need to do copy and paste…
    Karl Shreiber ;very intense criminal spraying in your region showed in your amazing photos.Keep with your good work! I´ve been seeing your photos!
    About Geoengeneering i think that scientists should be the first ones to expose this programs,specially when they (AMEG) ask for geoengeneering as a solution.If this is not to confuse us, is what?what kind of “new” solution is this?the “solution” already used or donne?Even the scentists considered honest are trying to confuse us besides the geoengeneering programs itself? cold here ,hot there !cold today ,hot tomorrow or vice versa!…i wonder if scientist Nissen of AMEG were referring to boats with chimneys expeling crap or doing SAG or SRM also(besides the planes) to cool the Artic ?(by air and by sea ?)or what does he have in mind? Anyway does Ameg really sees this as THE solution ?…they(scentsts of Ameg) must be too desperat to believe that much of this is the better solution or perfectly inoffensive !or for them “inoffensive” is subjective?There are many unanswered questions so for me scientists are at the top of the responsable to expose/denounce this geoengineering programs or being held acountable (the ones managing these programs )along with the governments of the world cause this is being donne everywhere and not only in America, Canada, Austrália or England(countries of English expression).This is not just a problem of the big countries ,this is donne in every remote place on Earth(if you notest every image on tv on any report anywhere )! So, people should see how big this must be to be behind all this such a big corporation between all governments of the world and a such big denial(lies and liers).UN should be held acountable at first place cause this organism has many questions to ask !but the truth is that we can´t do nothing cause they are the ones making the laws and the people are not United to demand for answers specially when many people are not aware or simply don´t care .I think people don´t believe in the terrible situation the planet is or they think they can live without trees or with more 3ºc or 5ºc or 6ºc or even 16 ºC more of temperature…even 2ºc should be worry enough but no cause they say :”fine ,i like hot weather!”, they can´t see the implications …if you explain them they just say that i´m a cathastrophist and aftherall their Media or governments are not telling anything why this should be a true motive of concern?…
    Even those iron on the sea to grown phitoplankton to capture co2 seems crazy to me and this is already being donne either! so ,we are just doing more problems on the top of the problems we already have!
    I leave here a photo(Portugal) i took on 6 of february of a weird formation in our skies (some people say it´s haarp ,but i don´t know )…

    This vídeo (i think already posted here on this site) talks about cold temperatures and then hoter temperatures because of clima change due to global warming,so geoengeneerng is never mentioned …i wonder if they prefer to ignore this fact or if the things are so far worst that they don´t want to put more fuel to the fire (especally if they think that there´s no way to reverse things anymore)

  16. Steven Chamberlain says:

    Thanks for the update Ranger, just as I suspected. Nothing super unusual to report from Nikiski, Alaska. Temps. have been close to normal here for the last 10 days or so. Minimal spraying happening overhead, but lots of residual aerosols drifting over in strange looking clumps.. I expect they will be turning on the Polar Vortex again here soon and send our winter down too Toledo again.  Thanks again for the update, I really love your posts.

  17. Frank says:

    Unfortunately those who think global warming is impossible because it’s cold in the Northern US right now are also the ones who think the sun rotates around the earth or that humans lived alongside dinosaurs… Their brains are too small to see the big picture. They can’t see that it’s not just cold, but that we’re reaching constant extremes that are out of the ordinary (arctic temperatures, tornadoes and hurricanes in the northeast, severe droughts, extreme temperature changes, summers that are either no rain at all or all rain…). The only error in global warming was the name, every winter they’ll pull out the dumb card and say it’s cold/snowing outside so global warming is a myth(even though their roofs are caving in from snow or they’re suffering from an extreme drought), they can’t understand that each 1 degree the temperature rises on the planet sends weather patterns into more extreme conditions. Climate Change should have been the name from the start.
    Climate Change is no longer a myth, 90% of scientists agree, the only ones who don’t are on the payrolls of the oil and gas industry.

    • Dane Wigington says:

      Hello Frank, yes, there has been much effort to confuse and divide populations as to the true state of the climate. Yes, it is warming and soon enough it will be so extreme that none will rationally deny it. Unfortunately there are so many who admit to the warming but are in complete denial on the climate engineering, lets hope that changes.

  18. Tim says:

    Shiocking! Denver had no chemtrails this weekend. 1st time in over a year that we went 2 days in a row without this crap.

  19. Freedom Ranger says:

    @Steven KingsRidge in Boulder hit a high of 74.5 today, 78.8 on 2/07, 76 on 2/06 all of them record highs.

    I recorded roughly the same, 72 degrees at 7500 feet today , NCAR the official weather station of the United States recorded 59 degrees as the high today, they are under reporting the highs by 15 to 20 degrees on a regular basis. The unnamed private business is no longer displaying the temperature as it was constantly displaying the correct temperature 15-20 degrees above the “Accuweather stats or TWC stats” on a digital 15′ by 10’digital billboard, this stopped when we hit 82 last week, some places we hit 84.

  20. Marc says:

    How many of us who are awakened to this global nightmare have paused to discuss with others what this is doing to the human heart? Not the physical one but the spiritual/feeling heart? We speak of aluminum nano-particulates and HAARP thrusting whole weather systems across continents, but I believe it is not possible to quantify the depth of the devastation these realizations are having upon us as feeling, caring, loving beings. So many who comment on this site are so obviously in deep psychic pain, layers and dimensions of despair and hopelessness and grief for the loss of beautiful blue skies, thriving forests and crops and healthy oceans teeming with every life-form imaginable. I grieve every day for those suffering health issues on account of this nightmare, for those who will lose their battles, I grieve for my children, whose lives, I hope, will outlast mine to see the day when geoengineering is history. Tsunamis of pain and suffering and despair among those of us starving for some glimmer of hope for a brighter, healthier future for all of us. I am not ashamed to admit that I have gazed upon my children teary-eyed as I quietly dread their future if we cannot, by some miracle of collective effort or divine intervention, turn this around. For the human heart, I believe, midway as it is between the “gut” and the head, is what defines us as truly human. Our empathy, compassion, forgiveness and Love are what may yet save this world. But right now the “heartless” psychopaths seem to have the upper hand on all of us.
    I refuse to concede ALL of my joy and love of life to these fear-and-despair-munching bastards, who by virtue of their addiction become only stronger while WE weaken and die.
    Namaste to Dane and to all awakened ones who come to this site. And for those covert operatives who monitor the information and comments on this site as part of their mandate, you can kiss my ass.

  21. Steven Chamberlain says:

    Freedom Ranger, Can you give us an update on the actual temperatures in Boulder. Accuweather tells us it in the mid 60's, so that means it must be reaching the low 70's. Thanks

  22. Freedom Ranger says:

    @Michael Diamond, It is not the pilots who are to blame, it those 13 families, the Rockelfellers, the Rothschilds, the Morgans, the Shiffs etc…who are to blame. ALL the members of these families need to be arrested and tried for crimes against humanity. You cut the head off of the snake, the snake dies. If you go after pilots you do nothing but chase down working class people who will be replaced by machines. The only evil I see is the banking establishment. The head of the snake which is destroying the world is the central bankers, the money lenders whom Jesus chased out of the temple. The money lenders must be tried and found guilty then we will know a freedom the likes of which the world has never known for they are the force behind all modern wars, they are the force behind all ignorance and poverty.

    • Dane Wigington says:

      Hello Freedom Ranger, although I do agree with you that the global elite are the core of the problem, those who knowingly carry out orders of ecocide and genocide do also carry responsibility. The public as a whole who is more concerned with football games and American Idle also carries reponsibility. There is no shortage of blame to go around. All this being said, again, I do agree with you about the core of the darkness we now all face.

  23. Dear Dane:

    Have you considered Right-to-Know actions against the federal government to obtain the names of pilots? With those names and exact times and locations of flights, citizens arrests can be made for various crimes taking place in the skies above us. Once begun, arrests might finally be continued by law enforcement and regular indictments be had by grand juries around the country.

    And if the federal government is not keeping track of pilots, that may, itself, be a criminal offense that can be the subject of citizen arrests at airports all across the country.

    I so much agree with you. Something must be done quickly; we need to be bold.

  24. Hi Dane,

    I would like to draw your and your visitors’ attention to my latest pictures taken yesterday, February 7,2015, at sunrise in Bonn, Germany.

    By chance I had a free day and my new camera around. When I saw, what happened outside, I rushed to an elevated place where I could see the whole picture. What I saw was simply bizarre. I took about 500 pictures – I simply couldn’t stop because I couldn’t believe what I saw. (Of course I made a selection of the best pics.)

    I spend my whole free time to inform inhabitants of my region about this topic. (I don’t make any money with my work, just spend some!)

    Today I had a chance to inform 8 more people out in nature about the things going on in the sky. I think, about half of them learned their lesson. I had enough flyers with me for all of them. And there were some tankers around to proof my statements live….JUST LOOK UP!

    Yesterday when I took the new horror pics, only 1 man with a bicycle stopped and said to me: “Great motive!”
    I told him: “Yes, indeed, but do you know what is going on up there?” Of course, he didn’t. I gave him a flyer and a short explanation. He was grateful, told me “I believe you, I see it myself”, damned our government, seemed to have learned his lesson and drove away.

    That makes in total 9 people I managed to inform that weekend. (:-)

    My latest slide show – this time also with English translation:

  25. Philip Dec says:

    Their stated goals are highly suspect in light of what they are actually doing.

    Just a few days ago in Winthrop, Maine (US)
    Their “sunscreen” drifted in from the west
    to protect us from global warming,
    while the temperature was 5 degrees above zero!

    • Wyatt Berry says:

      Hello Philip,

      I can absolutely confirm your observation of the clouds rolling in from Western Maine.  I live on the Western Penobscot Bay in the Midcoast and the aerosols jets no longer spray directly overhead; I have noticed that the aerosol clouds drift in from the West/SouthWest with the prevailing winds.  And then soon after they expand into artificial clouds turning a sunny day to overcast haze in only thirty minutes.  I wake up early and on most mornings the skies will be completely blue.  By noon it has become grey.  During sunset the spraying slows down and the skies clear up at night as I can see the stars, and the occasional geoengineering cloud artifacts floating by.  The tankers spray on a specific schedule that indicate that these operations are primarily for SRM.  It has been snowing for just about ten days straight here.  Yesterday while it was snowing the sun exposed itself as a faded white dot through the clouds for about five minutes.  In my life time I have never seen such frequency of back to back winter storms and I have NEVER seen this much snow on the ground.  We have six feet on the coast, I bet it is much more inIand.  I have no doubt that these storms are being artificially nucleated as part of a psyops to convince the densely populated East Coast that the planet is not warming as Dane has related so many times.  Also the air sometimes has a salty taste which may be from nucleating agents such as the barium salts.

  26. jilly says:

    Dear Dane,once again thanks for you persistent perseverance ,and factual information every day…i have told,shared and asked so many people to look up,support,check out the website….i am amazed,that even in the face of such factual evidence here,and all over the world in our sky,that some just dont believe it!!but,thats how it is i guess…so ,i also found a site based in england called which contains a petition site,for any and all to sign,and if there are enough signiatures,it will be given to the parliment,before the september climate change meeting….what do you think about setting something like this up here?there are so many folk who want it stopped and soon!,and short of just telling everyone i see about geoengineering,i dont know waht else to do? and we HAVE to do something.poeple power is a tidal wave of force if harnessed….i dont mean in violence ,but just working together how ever we can to get this insanity stopped!my son and i so often have bad chest days…

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