Man On The Street Encounter Aug 5, 2013


Today an older gentleman parked his car, came up to me and asked me what geo engineering is, so I began telling him about the website all the while he already knew about the geo engineering programs. Jokingly he said, I just wanted to see if you knew what you we’re protesting about.

 Aug. 5, 2013

He then told me he was a retired aircraft mechanic and his name was Mr. Walker. That really got my attention. We talked for about an hour on the corner and the things he told me pretty much scared me. He said that we all should be scared and that’s when everyone should get mad and take a stand.

He told me he once was just like me when he found out about geo engineering in the 70’s. First he was scared, then he cried, which then turned to anger. I then asked him if he was worried about someone trying to shut him up about what he knew and he said no. That’s when I asked him if he would consent to a video interview, but he declined. I can understand why. It was about information that has and will be coming to light.

Then another younger gentleman pulled up in a very expensive diesel truck which turned out to be someone that Mr.Walker knew. Mr. Walker said to me as the gentleman was getting out of his truck, “He is a pilot that has his own planes.” While they were talking the younger gentleman mentioned something about his planes needing work. Now this confirmed to me that Mr. Walker was telling the truth. In my opinion I think the younger guy was checking up on him. I could be wrong, but stranger things have happened. Just another piece in the puzzle? Soon as the younger gentleman was leaving, Mr. Walker said to me, “That’s one of the ones that was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.” At first I thought it was kinda strange for him to say that. Maybe it’s because of his $60,000 truck? Or his planes?

Then Mr. Walker looked at me and pulled a 1937 silver quarter out of his mouth! I said to myself “Now things are really getting strange around here.” He told me the reason he carries a silver quarter in his mouth is because of healing properties. For the record, This man, Mr. Walker was very sane. He did not look nor sound to be a conspiracy theorist.

This is just a sample of the type of people you will meet and encounter being The man on the street. As you hold your sign with honor and pass out flyers to wake people up you will know how and when to separate the good and the bad.

Stay safe and never give up the fight!



I’m just a man on the street holding a homemade sign. A sign that carries a message and that message is I began my mission around 6 months ago due to a friend of mine named Kenny. He was one of the first to wake me up to a horrendous crime that has literally been right in front of all of us this whole time. As I did the research it became more clear of what has been going on. At first I had trouble believing this could be true. Then all the dots started to connect. That’s when I found  and it all made sense. So now here I am, a man on the street holding a sign, a sign of truth. To wake people up and to get them to join the fight. A fight for all life on our precious mother earth. I stand proudly with my sign and I hold it with much honor. I have wakened hundreds! if not thousands with just this sign. I urge and plead for everyone to do the same. Make it your mission. Humanity and all life is counting on all of us to put a stop to Geo Engineering now before it’s to late.

Jason D.

Man on the street

4 Responses to Man On The Street Encounter Aug 5, 2013

  1. Cloudy says:

    Great encounters! Keep the stories coming. Very inspiring!

    ““That’s ONE OF THE ONES that was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.”

    Maybe he was trying to tell you that that guy was either (a) a spoiled rich kid, or (b) he’s the offspring of someone of the “elite class” (aka TPTB).

    As for his oral silver quarter, interesting. Maybe it works the same as colloidal silver for health effects(?) However, since the skies are also full of wifi EMFs these days, having any metal in you or on you draws the radiation to yourself (amalgams, wire-rimmed eyeglasses, quarters in your mouth, etc. 🙂 See ElectricSense dot com for more on that subject. And look for their recent post of what wifi looks like if it could be seen with the human eye. An artist & engineer collaborated to create the pictures to exact wifi specifications. Yow!

    Great story re the cops encounter, too! You should stick a salvation tract inside each geo flyer (you sound like a fellow Christian). As these people wake up (like Mr. Walker did, fear, cry, anger, etc.), they’re going to need a new SURE “foundation cornerstone” to lean on!

    FYI: In our location in FL it has been cloudy ALL SUMMER LONG, TWO SUMMERS IN A ROW (2012-2013). Even a “sleeping” relative mentioned it & said how strange it was. It was NOT like that 2008-09-10-11, since we’ve been here; only during 12-13.

    Bless your Texas heart & stay safe out there!

    • Jason says:

      Thank you Cloudy for your words of support.
      I agree about what you said “As these people wake up (like Mr. Walker did, fear, cry, anger, etc.), they’re going to need a new SURE “foundation cornerstone” to lean on!”
      Also I looked up wifi signals with the human eye. Seems to be another thing that’s bad for everybody and everything.
      When are we ever going to learn?
      March On Geo Fighter!
      Take Care Cloudy.

    • Jason says:

      Have you noticed the ChemSky, but sometimes you don’t see chemtrails? It’s because the geo engineers have changed their tactics.
      They are now using what is being called Chem Bombs in conjunction with jets and ship on the water.
      Not like a bomb used in war with explosions.
      More like a roach bomb on steroids.
      Spread the word!
      God Bless you.

  2. Jason says:

    Man On The Street here with a few tips before getting out there to inform and waking people up to Geo Watch!

    1. Check the weather before you head out.
    2. Grab your gear, flyers, Geo sign, sunblock, umbrella, etc.
    3. Bring plenty of water to keep hydrated and lunch.
    4. Be aware of your surroundings at all time!
    5. Always be kind no matter how rude people can be.
    6. Don’t block motorist view when holding your sign and passing out flyers.
    7. Do not go into traffic to hand out flyers even if they are at complete stop, only hand flyers to ones that are the closes to you. If they want a flyer they can come back around to you. If not, At least they read your sign.
    8. Be careful and stay safe, because who knows what some people might try to do.

    These are just some tips that will help you while your out there spreading the truth!
    Take care and I hope you make your mission as I have.
    God Bless All and The Geo Fighters!

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