Whistleblower: Pentagon is Starting WWIII. Nevada Governor 2014 David Lory VanDerBeek


11 Responses to Whistleblower: Pentagon is Starting WWIII. Nevada Governor 2014 David Lory VanDerBeek

  1. Geni says:

    Obama is just a puppet for the corporate bald-head crazies.

    • Lina says:

      There is an immediate solution. Remove Obama from office by exercising our constitional rights Ammendment 25, section 4. According to Lyndon LaRouche, we (the American people) should do this now or be prepared for WWIII with thermo/nukes

  2. Chris lancaster says:

    I agree. They plan to murder us all.

  3. Sharon says:

    Keep up the awesome work! Wish Australia had such a dedicated politician for the people. It seems they start out that way, but within a short time, are doing exactly what they went into politics to stop!

  4. Earth Angel says:

    Wow- God Bless David Lory VanDerBeek! You GO GUY!! If I lived in Colorado You’d sure have my vote. This guy will be the bain of the low down snake ‘dirty’ Harry Reid; lap dog of globalist new world order freaks. Hopefully the people of Colorado wake up & send THAT creep back to whatever rock he crawled out from under, never to be seen or heard from again. Wouldn’t that be a refreshing change? Imagine a world with no Reid or Pelosi to have to see or hear from! 🙂 Maybe he’ll take her with him. In fact, perhaps most of washington dc could go and we’d all be the better for it. Amen!

  5. Constant Walker says:

    The Pentagon is only carrying-out the last campaign in a 12,000 year “war” waged by the Planet-wasting “civilization” disease on Earth’s Whole Living Arrangement….all-out war to-the-death (chemical, nuclear, electro-mechanical, biological) against The World. All the “wetware,” of course, is in the badly-bent shape of domesticated Humans.

    All this has been in ‘the works’ all-along….including the imminent “self”-inflicted extinction of the virtual sub-species who are the syndrome’s active ‘agents’ here, homo domesticus.

  6. WOW!!!!! I think the (WE THE PEOPLE)need to kick over that fracking ( GANG OF BULLIES)tinker toys and Lego”s OVER. before the real guardians of the sky’s come back. WAKE UP!!!brothers @ sisters. Look to the skies and pray. ( LET YOUR LOVE FLOW ) PEACE.

  7. Tom McDonough says:

    This coming year is going to be filled with mind shattering events. We must NOT allow the satanic NWO win. Your ideologies resonate with the true desire of the American people and “We The People” will overturn the Illuminati controlled and owned world and reclaim it for the people; one without ANY central bank.

  8. Gemma Meincke says:

    David Lory VanDerBeek you sir are a hero also! Respect and love to you and your supporters.

  9. Cathrine says:

    Why does the world not have more logical, caring politicians like David Lory van Beek ?

  10. Bella_Fantasia says:

    It had been my feeling the “pivot to Asia” was meant to be a threat to China. I kept thinking how stupid it was to threaten your banker. I’ve felt for a long time the so-called “missile defense” on Russia’s border was perceived to be a threat by the Russians. American hegemony is the plan, although most Americans don’t have a clue.
    Paul Craig Roberts article on this is worthwhile reading. It’s interesting that the US and Nato, China and Russia are the players in all the weather warfare scenarios too.

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