Thrive's Kimberly Gamble: "We WILL Succeed at Stopping Chemtrails"


4 Responses to Thrive's Kimberly Gamble: "We WILL Succeed at Stopping Chemtrails"

  1. Marion Tichenor says:

    I have worked as a paralegal in environmental law, toxic/tort cases, plaintiff. Will be researching/contacting people/organizations in my town to be actively involved. Also, I will be sharing info., i.e. books and video. to inform other organizations/people.

    I feel this is THE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE/PROBLEM to respond to now/ASAP.

    Thank you very much. Kimberly Gamble, “We Will Succeed at Stopping Chemtrails,” is well based, informative/accurate. Brainstorming-cohesive. Accountability, responsibility, sustainability.

  2. I certainly hope the Gambles are sincere. Some folks have their doubts.

    • anonymous says:

      Time will tell and reveal. Watch to see if it turns into Agenda 21-type for the “new age” and metaphysical communities and a “collective.” This whole thing is a pure and powerful Grassroots movement where Individuals are honored, and are making the difference now. They seem to be passing on information they are studying.

  3. Barrie Brown says:

    Let me know when the revolution is……a renegade!

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