Global Flash Points

Uniting Against The Lies Of Our Government


Reality is not what we imagine it to be, but rather what is. Our current paradigm is a temporary and completely unsustainable construct erected by a criminally insane power structure for its own purposes. This construct is unraveling by the day. Populations around the globe have generally been all too willing to go along with the industrialized and militarized societal structure as that is what they have been trained to accept and embrace. The philosophy of existing for the good of the whole (especially in regard to the planet which sustains our very existence)  has long since been abandoned by most cultures and individuals. The 2 minute video below delivers a powerful message. Lies and deception are the foundation of governments, with our own at the top of the list. If we choose to believe the lies in order to remain in our comfort zone of denial slightly longer, it will eliminate any chance we may yet have to alter the course of the Titanic on which we are all currently passengers. Only by accepting and embracing the current reality (however harsh), and  uniting to change it, do we have any hope of salvaging a future that we imagine could still be.
Dane Wigington

Sea Ice Testing New Record Lows as Heat Wave Invades Northwest Territories


Source: Robert Scribbler

For 2015, it looks as if Arctic sea ice is sitting in some rather hot water.

For from the Chukchi to the Beaufort to Hudson Bay to Baffin Bay and on into the Kara, the edge region of the Arctic Ocean is feeling a very strong melt pressure during early May of 2015. And, according to 7-10 day forecasts, that melt pressure will only intensify. As a result, we could see new record lows for Arctic sea ice extent over the next few days.

Early Melt for the Chukchi and Beaufort

Arctic warming is now particularly intense along a broad region running from coastal Alaska through to the Mackenzie Delta and on into the northwestern portion of the Canadian Archipelago. It’s an area that typically waits until at least June to melt. But, this year, sea ice recession, break-up and opening of large polynyas for this far northern area is occurring almost in tandem with melt in more southerly regions like Hudson Bay.

Biosphere Implosion And Societal Collapse, It’s Not Coming, It’s Here


Environmental, economic, and societal collapses are not events, they are processes, and those processes have long since been unfolding. Once industrialized society can no longer expand (consuming everything in it's path), it begins to collapse. The walls are rapidly closing in on us all though the majority of the population is still unaware due to various forms of entertainment, distractions, and psychological programming from the completely controlled media. The "Normalcy bias" is difficult for most to overcome.  It is imperative to consider and remember that in all 3 categories of collapse mentioned, the process is extremely non-linear as it reaches the latter stages. Once breaking points are breached, collapse can come with blinding speed. Environmental collapse is the underlying factor which ultimately makes economic and societal collapse inevitable. This is a fact that is being completely censored from a public that for the most part still wish to remain ignorant of the darkening horizon (though they will not have this option for much longer). There are countless sources of anthropogenic damage to our host planet, but one stands out as the most impactful of all, climate engineering. The imploding environment has already triggered resource wars which are escalating in various locations around the planet. America will not escape the fate of the world. The long standing delusion that modern industrialized society was sustainable, is disintegrating. The single greatest leap we could yet make in the right direction is to expose and halt the ongoing global climate engineering assault which is rapidly destroying Earth's ability to support life. My thanks to Gregory Mannarino for the excellent summary article below.
Dane Wigington


Signs that the American elite are feverishly preparing for something BIG


Source:, article by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream

What in the world are the elite up to? In recent days, we have learned that the New York Fed is moving a lot of operations to Chicago because of concerns about what a "natural disaster" could do, the federal government is buying 62 million rounds of ammunition commonly used in AR-15 semi-automatic rifles for "training" purposes, and NORAD is moving back into Cheyenne Mountain because it is "EMP-hardened". In addition, government authorities have scheduled a whole host of unusual "training exercises" all over the nation. So are the elite doing all of this in order to prepare for something really BIG, or should we just chalk up all of this strange activity to rampant government paranoia?

First, let's talk about what the New York Fed has been doing. What kind of natural disaster would be bad enough to completely shut down the operations of the New York Federal Reserve Bank? It would have to be something very unusual, and apparently the New York Fed is very concerned that such an event could happen. According to Reuters, the New York Fed has been transferring personnel to Chicago and building up its satellite office there just in case a "natural disaster" makes it impossible for normal operations to continue in New York…

The IMF Proposes “Global Wealth Confiscation” – The Appropriation of Household Savings


Source: Global Research

As first reported by Forbes, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) dropped a bomb in its October Fiscal Monitor Report.  The report paints a dire picture for high-debt nations that fail to aggressively “mobilize domestic revenue,” which is code for “aggressively tax its citizens.”  It goes on to build a case for drastic measures and recommends a series of escalating income and consumption tax increases – culminating in the direct confiscation of assets.

Why is the IMF proposing this?

Because global  governments and central banks pumped trillions of dollars of YOUR money into the banks and stock market over the last several years, catapulting public debts to tens of TRILLIONS of dollars. But now,governments and central banks can no longer sustain these debt levels, and global wealth confiscation is their only way to maintain the Ponzi scheme. So it’s more apparent than ever, if you want to keep your savings & retirement out of the hands of desperate governments, there’s only one thing you can do.

Whistleblower On US Torture Gets Jailed


This is the country we live in, we prosecute or kill the messenger, and let the criminals go. When so many citizens of the US can just go about their personal pursuits while their government is engaging in torture, stripping us of our rights, and ruthlessly expanding empire around the globe, it's an incredibly sad reflection of our society. Where is the morality so many claim this nation was built on? Where is the outrage from the spiritual institutions in our country? The ever worsening moral bankruptcy is now accepted as "normal". So few have the courage to stand out from the herd in order to defend a clear set of values. Mark Twain said "In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated, and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot". John Kiriakou is a shining example of a patriot who was willing to sacrifice everything for the common good. The short article and two 12 minute videos below are important to examine. Abby Martin from RT TV is the interviewer in the videos, I have communicated with her several times about the ongoing global geoengineering programs. Let's hope she will one day put her journalistic skills to work in the fight to expose the climate engineering insanity.
Dane Wigington

The Criminal Cancer That Runs The World Must Be Exposed


Why are we here? What is it all about? What does it take to wake people up to the fact that on the current course humanity faces certain extinction in the near term, this is a mathematical fact. At this critical moment in time we must all focus on a common goal, on the single most important battle against the global tyranny, exposing and halting climate engineering. Lab tests prove beyond any doubt that we are all already being exposed to what is inarguably a "slow kill" due to the highly toxic heavy metals and chemicals raining down on us from the ongoing climate engineering. At any time of their choosing those in power can alter the mix that is being sprayed on us and completely level the playing field. What we face is no less than an immediate fight for life. This being said, we should abandon fear and instead allow ourselves to feel justifiable anger and outrage. Who gave those in power the right to inflict this harm on us? On our children? On the planet? Get educated, arm yourself with credible data to pass out, and make your voice heard. The attached 5 minute video is empowering and important.
Dane Wigington


Could a rare ‘Double El Niño’ lead to record high temperatures in B.C.?


Source: Global News

WATCH: Some climatologists say 2015 could be in for a double El Niño year. Ted Chernecki reports on what that could mean for us.

A rare “double El Niño” could be upon us, bringing record high temperatures with it.

El Niño is the equatorial body of warm water that oscillates between South America and Australasia, influencing weather patterns worldwide. A double El Niño occurs when warm water gathers in the ocean two years in a row.

This year’s event appears to have stalled in the mid-Pacific and is believed to be largely responsible for a series of typhoons to hit Hawaii and the South Pacific, yet leaving the B.C. coast with a storm-reduced winter and warm weather.

“What developed was sort of an almost Niño,” says Simon Donner, a climate scientist in UBC’s Department of Geography. “It didn’t quite develop as much as expected coming into December.”

The US Military Is Decimating Everything In Its Path, Including Its Own Country


The military industrial complex has been completely out of control for so long that the consequences to life on Earth may soon be total. The US military leadership has virtually no regard for anything or anyone including its own soldiers. In the military's endless and insatiable quest to expand and control the entire planet and everyone on it, all is expendable. This includes the environment (even in its own country),  and the citizens of the United States which it claims to defend. Though climate engineering is the epitome of the military's assault against its own citizens and the biosphere, there are countless other examples which all have dire consequences. Finally, the population is beginning to wake up to the ongoing insanity.
Dane Wigington

The Criminal Cartel That Runs The World


Those who think America is spreading "freedom and democracy" around the world need to wake up and face reality. Our country (like so many others) is run by a ruthless criminal cabal that exists for the primary purpose of expanding the empire throughout the globe. Their quest for power includes the spraying of their own populations with highly toxic materials in order to manipulate the climate and thus control food supplies. The ongoing climate engineering is also a desperate and highly destructive attempt to hide the severity of damage already done to the climate system, much of this damage from the climate engineering itself. The "government" does not exist for the people, it exists for it's own ends, for it's own power and control. The fact that our governmental agencies are stocking up with unimaginable amounts of 40 caliber hollow point ammunition should be a shocking wake up call for a still sleeping population. Violently controlling populations is business as usual for the power structure that runs our government. Who are the people pulling the strings? The article below shines more light on the criminality of those in power, Henry Kissinger is a case in point. Kissinger said "control the food supply, and you will control the people". If we are to have any chance of altering our current course of certain demise, we must all stand up and make our voices heard now, every single day counts in the critical battle to wake the sleeping masses.
Dane Wigington


Is Our Government Preparing For Total Collapse?


The short answer to the title of this article is yes, the government is preparing and has been for a very long time. How serious is the situation getting? The video below should fill in some blanks. I have much respect for the woman that made this video, Kafka Winston. She has consistently done her best to sound the alarm in spite of having to deal with the attacks that come from speaking truth to power. The walls are closing in rapidly, it is imperative that all of us do everything we can to effectively wake up those around us by passing on credible data. Sharing the video that Kafka Winston has put together is a good start.
Dane Wigington


The American Empire: Denial, Delusion And Deception


Most Americans do not truly understand the scope and scale of the American Empire. If we are to be effective in the fight against global climate engineering, if we are to be effective against the "collective insanity" in general, it is imperative to have some understanding of just how out of control the military industrial complex is, especially in America. The video below is absolutely worth every minute of the time it takes to watch and comprehend. It is extremely accurate, compelling, and infuriating. The truth is our most powerful weapon. We must all take the time to learn the facts so we can march in this battle with credibility and thus confidence.
Dane Wigington


The Pentagon’s Preparations For Societal Collapse


The total collapse of our current paradigm is not an if, but a when. Any that honestly examine available data should conclude that those in power are maneuvering at the fastest pace they can to prepare for the coming collapse. One of their first priorities is to keep global populations from waking up to the unfolding reality until the last moment. All of us have a responsibility to help with the efforts to wake the still sleeping masses before our ability to effectively communicate is shut down and lost. Those who are afraid of being "red flagged" for helping to sound the alarm need to find their courage. Hiding in the shadows will not save you from what is unfolding. Only if we all stand together do we stand a chance of exposing the insanity and altering the course we are currently on. Make your voice heard, it's not an option, it's a responsibility.
Dane Wigington


Shattering The Illusion Of Industrialized Civilization


Global climate engineering is the epitome of human insanity, it is the epitome of what industrialized society represents. Those in power are not only aggressively plundering Earth's resources for profit, they are completely hijacking the climate as a weapon of power and control over populations around the globe. Though climate engineering is the greatest single source of planetary decimation, it is hardly the only source as so many would like to believe. The human race has completely pillaged planet Earth. This battle against nature is ultimately a battle against ourselves. So many people who believe themselves to be caring citizens, parents, and individuals, have been all too willing to participate in the paradigm of gluttonous consumption set up by those in power. There is more than enough blame to go around in this equation. Most do not want to hear about the consequences of the current model of society which is fueled by finite resources.
Dane Wigington


Total Economic Collapse And Climate Engineering, What Is The Connection?


The biosphere is collapsing and the global economy will collapse with it, there is no other possibility. The grand facade of perpetual expansion on a finite planet is at its end, the illusion is unravelling by the day. As the walls of the industrialized civilization crumble, the power structure is desperately trying to carry out multiple agendas with the ongoing climate engineering insanity. First, they are confusing and dividing the US population on the true state of the climate by engineering toxic cool-downs over and over again in the same regions of the eastern US. The corporate media propaganda machine then pumps out constant coverage of the engineered winter events while almost never mentioning the fact that the western US and most of the world is in meltdown. Massive amounts of methane are now entering the atmosphere and the climate engineers are trying desperately to hide the effects of the methane with the very same destructive programs that contributed to causing this unfolding cataclysm in the first place. The constant engineering of weather disasters is also a tool to distract and occupy the public’s attention so they are thus unable to concentrate on the larger picture. California's food production appears to be a target, control the food supply and you control the population. What is most critical is that each and every one of us is being subjected to the constant bombardment of toxic heavy metals and chemicals. Not only does this exposure weaken our immune systems and thus our health, there are neurological factors to consider. To put it bluntly, this exposure is affecting our cognitive function, our ability to think clearly. If we are unable to think clearly, we will have no chance of standing against the power structure for long and they most certainly know this. If we are to have any chance at altering the fate we will face on the current trajectory, the climate engineering/weather warfare/biological warfare must be exposed and halted, every day counts. The collapse of global trade is a glaring harbinger of what is unfolding. As the various forms of collapse (economic and environmental) become impossible to hide from the public, the power brokers will be more dangerous than ever. The article below should be examined and considered. The paradigm we have all known is ending by the day.
Dane Wigington


The US Military Plans To Decimate The Olympic Peninsula


The US military is a juggernaut of insanity that is completely out of control. Those in charge of the military do not care about the destruction they are wreaking around the globe, they never have. This includes the damage being done to our own country. How much human mortality and biosphere damage has the ongoing climate engineering insanity already inflicted?  Then there is the nuclear bomb detonations, the entire planet has been contaminated to some degree by the over 2000 nuclear bomb "tests". I personally spoke to a US Navy PR person some years back about the Navy's use of depleted uranium ammunition for "practice" off the California coast. This person seemed to have no idea whatsoever about the dangers of this radioactive ammunition. Is the use of this ammunition one of the reasons marine life is dying all along the US West Coast? Now the military wants to continue their all out assault on the planet and our own country by setting their sites on one of the last remaining pristine wilderness areas left in the lower 48 states, the Olympic Peninsula. The 6 minute video below starts slowly, but then covers very compelling data in regard to the threat posed to the Olympic Peninsula.
Dane Wigington


Uncommon Courage, Former Drone Operator Speaks Out


Former drone operator Brandon Bryant has shown a level of courage that is incredibly uncommon. He has taken a public stand on the the criminal use of drones in the US military and is likely under immense pressure for doing so. In watching Brandon's 7 minute interview on RT TV, I was very struck by his straightforward sincerity and honesty. The amount of innocent civilians that are being killed by the US military's drone program is shocking. How many innocent civilians have already been killed as a direct result of the climate engineering/weather warfare assault in our skies? Let us hope others in the military find the courage and strength to follow the example set by Brandon Bryant.
Dane Wigington

The Conditioned Worship Of Government And The Tyranny It Breeds


We are all now far into uncharted waters as the global power structure continues to tighten the noose around our collective necks. How can so few exercise such power over so many? Because the vast majority of the public is still struggling to open their eyes, find their courage and to make their voices heard. The collective programing must be broken, personal responsibility toward the common good must be resurrected and exercised. Those in police forces and the military especially need to awaken to the fact that they are all too often being used as tools for those in power and not to protect and serve the public. Along the same lines citizens who think an appropriate response to government injustice is to loot, burn, and pillage, need to also wake up. This is absolutely the wrong approach. It is exactly the behavior those in power want to incite in the masses in order to justify further draconian crackdowns. With each passing day global criminal cabal that runs the planet is being backed ever further into a corner as the awakening of populations progresses, this makes the power brokers more dangerous than ever. The 12 minute video below is shocking, but also empowering and uplifting.
Dane Wigington

US Court Decides Falsifying News Is Not Against The Law


If you cannot believe a US appeals court would rule that falsifying news is not illegal, just ask Fox News about the facts in this case. The 10 minute video below is very revealing in regard to just how completely corrupted our so called "news" sources are. Mainstream media is simply a tool of the power structure, by the power structure, and for the power structure. Those who use corporate media for their information are either extremely ignorant, not interested in the truth, or both. Unfortunately, this is the case for a very high percentage of populations around the globe. Ignorance will not be bliss for much longer as the walls close in on us all. We should all confidently make the attempt to wake those around us, our lives and our future depend on it.
Dane Wigington

The Blind Obedience Of The Masses

It is not the twisted and demented power brokers that have brought life on Earth to this dark horizon, rather it is the blind and unquestioning obedience of the masses to those in power.  Those of us that are fully awake should convey a credible and confident message of urgency to those that are still asleep. No matter what resistance we encounter while attempting to wake others to what is unfolding around us, we can at minimum plant the seed of awakening. Arm yourself with credible data in the form of a printed flyer, a compelling article, or a DVD, then pass the data on to those that are not yet awake. Sharing credible information with the unaware and uninformed is essential. The masses must be awakened if we are to have any chance of turning the tide of insanity which is rapidly surrounding us all, make your voice heard. The two minute video below highlights the societal flaw that has brought us to the edge of the cliff, the blind obedience of the masses.

False Flags, Media Lies And A Willfully Blind Population

Clinically insane leaders combined with a majority of the population that is willfully blind, this is a recipe for total global extinction. The military industrial complex and industrialized society has long since pushed the biosphere past the point of no return. What is left for us to salvage? Only if enough people awaken and join the fight for the common good does the planet have any chance to continue supporting life into the future. Our government and others are being run by criminal cabals who are determined to achieve total power and control even at the cost and consequence of exterminating all life on Earth. Mainstream media and the tyrants who control it are completely manipulating and spinning the coverage of events perpetrated by the power structure for the benefit of the power structure. If we are to preserve any future for our planet and ourselves, we must wake those around us to what is unfolding. The article below is a summary of what is happening, why it's happening, and what we can do to help change course.

How Did The Power Brokers Take Over The World, Because We Let Them

There is no more time to procrastinate, no more time for indecision, we must all wake up and join the fight for the common good. We must all remember that we are a part of a whole, and we must act accordingly, or we will very soon reap the final consequences of the human race's behavior up to this point. American Idol and football games need to be turned off. Rational and urgent priorities need to be set and followed through with, we will sink or swim together. There is a dark and desperate cancer running the world. It has grown to an unimaginable extent because of an apathetic, complacent, and self-centered majority of the population that has been almost totally distracted with their own pursuit of personal pleasure or personal gain. If the vast majority of people continue to sell their honor and morality for a paycheck, we have no chance, none, and the dark horizon is very very close. Stand up and make your voice heard in the fight for the common good, it's now or never. The 5 minute video below is a call to action.

False Flagging The World Towards War, The CIA Weaponizes Hollywood

Global collapse is already unfolding, the power structure is more dangerous now than ever before. False flag events have historically come after the public has been conditioned with a steady flow of propaganda. Hollywood has long since sold out to the military/industrial complex and is all too willing to do their bidding. Converging catastrophe's are closing in on us all from countless directions. Though many speak of economic collapse, the collapse of the environment and Earth's life support systems is the true bottom line. How close is the next major false flag event? We will soon enough find out.

The Fukushima Endgame: The Radioactive Contamination of the Pacific Ocean


Source: Global Research

Nuclear radiation resulting from the March 2011 Fukushima disaster –which threatens life on planet earth– is not front page news in comparison to the most insignificant issues of public concern, including the local level crime scene or the tabloid gossip reports on Hollywood celebrities.

The shaky political consensus both in Japan, the U.S. and Western Europe is that the crisis at Fukushima has been contained.

The truth is otherwise. Known and documented, the ongoing dumping of highly radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean constitutes a potential trigger to a process of global radioactive contamination.

This water contains plutonium 239 and its release into the Ocean has both local as well as global repercussions.  A microgram of plutonium if inhaled, according to Dr. Helen Caldicott, can cause death:

Certain isotopes of radioactive plutonium are known as some of the deadliest poisons on the face of the earth. A mere microgram (a speck of darkness on a pinhead) of Plutonium-239, if inhaled, can cause death, and if ingested, radioactive Plutonium can be harmful, causing leukemia and other bone cancers.

“In the days following the 2011 earthquake and nuclear plant explosions, seawater meant to cool the nuclear power plants instead carried radioactive elements back to the Pacific ocean. Radioactive Plutonium was one of the elements streamed back to sea.” (

Manufacturing War

Manufacturing War

Source: Global Research

Now that President Obama’s administration is giving itself the option to have “boots on the ground” in Iraq, there has never been a more important time to look at how we get sucked into unending wars. Professor Martin Hellman examines how it’s been done for the last 70 years.

Of course, the people don’t want war… But… it is always a simple matter to drag the people along… All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism… It works the same way in any country.

So said Hermann Göring, Hitler’s right-hand man, before he committed suicide while facing the death penalty for war crimes in 1946.

Unfortunately, what might be called The Göring Doctrine has proved as tempting to democratic leaders as to fascist dictators. Witness these examples drawn from recent American history.

Standing Together Against The Global Tyranny

There will be no tomorrow if we do not stand together today. The gravity and immediacy of the challenges we face cannot be overstated. Yet, even at this late hour so many are completely and willingly oblivious to rapidly approaching darkness. Many who claim to be aware of the dire issues descending on us all have not yet made it a top priority to stand against what is unfolding. All is at stake, all is in the balance. Every single day each of us is needed to assist in the battle  to expose the truth. From our own locations, within our own circles, we can each carry the ball forward in this all important fight against tyranny and injustice. This is not a part time job, but a full time endeavor to preserve life on our planet. The criminal spraying of our skies is the epitome of human insanity being carried out by the global elite. If we could collectively expose this crime, the dominos of the power structure would fall. Make your voice heard, this is not an option, it is a responsibility. The 5 minute video below contains a very important, moving, and motivating message.

Cops Are Scanning Social Media to Assign You a “Threat Rating”


Source: The Free Thought Project

Online activity, purchases, and "comments that could be construed as offensive," all contribute to your threat score.


Police State, USA — Imagine the following scenario: You are on your way home from work, driving down the road, when you notice police lights in your rear view mirror. You are being pulled over.

As you sit their, on the shoulder, adrenaline rushing, simultaneously angry and nervous, the police officer, in his patrol car behind you, is sizing you up based on an algorithm that determines your "threat rating."

Major Anti-Russian False Flag Coming?


Longstanding US plans call for regime change in Russia. Targeting its sovereign independent government. Its main Eurasian rival.

Washington wants pro-Western stooge governance installed. By color revolution or war. US hegemonic ambitions threaten world peace.

Things are more dangerous today than any time since events preceding WW II. Russian economist/political analyst Mikhail Delyagin expects a major anti-Russian provocation.

Expressing his views on Pravda radio. Saying “things and information of a unique character…threaten us all very much.”

Ukraine is a pretext. A US-led NATO platform. A dysfunctional, criminal Washington installed neo-Nazi regime.

Economically bankrupt. With no legitimacy whatever. Dependent on outside support for survival. America’s newest colony.

Controlling policy. Calling the shots. What Washington says goes. Kiev’s stooge regime salutes and obeys. Otherwise it’s replaced. Color revolution 3.0 installing another.

“Why did the Ukrainian crisis happen,” Delyagin asked? “What is the fundamental reason? Why did the Americans get into it so deep(ly)?”

Climate Engineering, Financial Collapse, And Global Chaos


Paul Craig Robers (former cabinet member for the Reagan administration) has just penned an important update on the rapid approach of global conflict and collapse. Dr. Roberts has again and again shown tremendous courage with his outspokenness  From every direction we face converging catastrophes that most of the US population is even now completely oblivious of. As dire as the article below is, it does not cover the issue of geoengineering which is a major factor in all that is unfolding around us. The unravelling of the biosphere and earth's life support systems as a whole is in many ways a driving factor to all else that is outlined below. The ongoing climate engineering insanity and the decimation it is causing is inseparable from the aggression and the quest for resources that Paul Craig Roberts covers in his articulate and important article. Stay awake, get informed, make your voice heard.
Dane Wigington

Climate Engineering, Pushing Life Past The Point Of No Return


All available data from the ground paints a very dark horizon for life on planet Earth. Mathematically speaking, on the current trajectory we have no chance. The fact that this is so hard to accept for most people does not negate the reality itself. If one is driving straight toward a cliff at high speed it is easy enough to say that if they do not alter their course they will certainly perish. So what are our options? To radically change the course of civilization as we know it or we will all face the consequences of the collective actions (and inactions) of the human race. So many are in total denial. Even within the ranks of movements that claim to be fighting for the common good, denial is epidemic. How is it possible to believe that our species can perpetually expand and consume resources on a finite planet with finite resources? How can all this activity not have an effect on the equilibrium of the planet’s life support systems? The climate balance of the last 7 to 10 millennia (which was unique in the Earth’s history) has been disrupted from countless causes. Again, mathematically speaking, the single greatest cause appears to be the global climate engineering insanity (though, as already mentioned, there are countless other causes). With this in mind, the article below is an important read for those that truly want to understand just how dire our common dilemma is. When reading the article, and viewing the videos contained in it (also important to do) one must focus primarily on the data presented from the front lines. The fact that some of these scientists are calling for climate engineering to be implemented should not taint the data that reveals the unfolding reality on the ground. We MUST separate the baby from the bathwater. It is impossible to know what the underlying motives are for the scientists calling for climate engineering to be immediately deployed (as if it has not already been going on for over 6 decades). Perhaps they have been threatened, perhaps on this point they are also in denial. Climate engineering has made an already bad situation much worse overall and has poisoned all life in the process. Reviewing the data below is critical for those that want to understand more deeply just how dire and immediate our collective situation is. It is important to understand that climate engineering has helped to bring us to this dark corner. Geoengineering is not a cure but a curse that is even worse than the disease itself.
Dane Wigington