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Articles by Keith Lampe


Expect “Hairless Seals” This Spring


Northern Pinnipeds Unusual Mortality Event Fact Sheet, NOAA, Feb. 2014: Beginning mid-July 2011, elevated numbers of sick or dead seals with skin lesions started being discovered in the Arctic and Bering Strait regions of Alaska. […]

Media Increases Mass Distraction While The Walls Close In On Us All


We Are All Lab Rats In A Grand And Lethal Experiment

Dane Wigington

Unimaginable global climate experiments have been going on in many forms for more years than most would believe. One can not even begin to touch the full depth of the rabbit hole without writing a series of books on the activities of the “collective insanity” that runs the world. How can small numbers of clinically insane psychopaths gain such control over the world’s populations? Because until now most could stay in denial, repeat the “official narrative” dictated to them by those in power, and stay in their comfort zone bubbles. The days of “head in the sand” denial are rapidly coming to an end as there is no longer any hiding from what is unfolding around us all. What we collectively do with the time we have will determine whether or not there is anything to salvage for life on planet earth.

How The PhDs Have Wrecked The World


The Geoengineer PhDs are especially dangerous and deadly in their doings

Originally posted at: State of the Nation

This essay is the first of a three part series that delineates how the advanced degreed, highly credentialed PhD professionals of the world have significantly contributed to its relentless destruction.

Breaking News: Air Raids, Chemical Weapons Hit California


Since at least the 1990′s, chemical weapons have been used in a spray form against the American people from the air, on a more or less continuous basis.  The attacks continue today.  The planes are not the air force of some other country or terrorist organization. 

ABC Completely Omits Climate Engineering Facts


When I agreed to do an interview about geoengineering with ABC weatherman Chris Edwards (former military meteorologist), I was fully expecting a disinformation “hit piece”. My decision to press on with the interview was because I felt that such obvious spin and coverup would clearly expose the agenda of ABC and Mr. Edwards to quell ever increasing public awareness of global climate engineering. (geoengineering)

Was there a complete lack of journalistic integrity in the interview linked below? I will leave that up to the reader to decide.

Thin Ice


Now hear this. Our ancient space colony is the only home we have. It’s floundering on the shoals of denial, greed and immutable feedback processes. There are no lifeboats. If exploitive corporate interests, their political lackeys and mesmerized “consumers” keep focusing on the frivolous while trashing this singular blue oasis like there’s no tomorrow… there won’t be.

Ignored Reality Is Going To Wipe Out the Human Race — Paul Craig Roberts


Now we come to chemtrails, branded another “conspiracy theory.” However, the US government’s efforts to geo-engineer weather as a military weapon and as a preventative of global warming appear to be real.

Mass Methane Release Accelerating


Mass methane release appears to be picking up speed by the day in the Arctic as well as countless other locations around the globe.

Geoengineering Contamination: Learn how to protect yourself from these treacherous poisons


(NaturalNews) Short of living in a hermetically sealed house and only eating food grown indoors, dodging the dangerous ramifications of chemtrails is nearly impossible. Unfortunately, these poisonous aerial sprays have become a day-to-day reality for most – requiring individuals to fortify themselves with detoxifying food and supplements in order to avoid serious disease. Whether enjoying a humble apple or specifically targeting heavy metals with chlorella, addressing the virulent effects of geoengineering is an exceptionally important daily routine.


Global Warming: Causing Worldwide Weather Apocalypse


Who is promoting the Global Cooling disinfo?
Could it be the geo-engineers and their paymasters?

Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) Resolving the Atmospheric Emergency


Don’t Believe UV Radiation Levels are “Off the Charts”?


Massive UV Levels Are Not So Easy To Hide. (Even if the disinfo agents lie about the facts)

America’s Invisible Crises – Connecting the Dots (Part 3): What We Can Do – A CALL FOR A NATIONWIDE GENERAL STRIKE


Chemtrails & Pollution Assault: Support Your Immune System


The on-going siege to which we are all subjected, 24/7/365, is unprecedented in our history. Yet, it is difficult for people to realize and “connect the dots” because: (1) so much of it is invisible and off our radar; (2) mainstream media is corporate-controlled disinformation; and (3) most Western physicians have not had any training in environmental medicine.

Moon and Crossbones – Chemtrails and the Power Elite


The government has been spraying chemtrails for years, heavier all the time, yet they call the whole chemtrail hullabaloo “conspiracy theory”. We don’t do Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering (SAG), they insist. Get over it, they’re just contrails.

Gently detox with 4 superfoods to remove toxins from chem trails, heavy metals, noxious chemicals, pesticides, drugs, GMO by-products


(NaturalNews) Detoxing can be hard on your body and cause a wide variety of alarming side effects. After all, the substances being removed are usually pretty horrible, consisting of toxic chemicals from Teflon, vaccines, pesticide residues, pharmaceutical drugs, chemotherapy residue, heavy metals, aluminum, radiation, and even by-products from GMO foods. There are numerous detoxing agents and methods available — some more costly than others — and some producing very intense experiences with potentially dangerous side effects.

Geoengineering and Ozone Destruction


Again it seems appropriate to wonder what will it take for the gravity of the aerosol spraying to be realized by a larger percentage of the population. What it will take to compel more people to make the spray issue a priority. What it will take to prompt more to take action in order to bring this most dire issue out into the light?

Each and every day the global assault on our planet, and all that lives and breaths, continues. The decimation being caused by the “SAG” (stratospheric aerosol geoengineering) programs can never be quantified. Though the article below, and others like it, do not mention SAG as a causal factor, the mountain of data on the undisputed effects of SAG paint an all too clear conclusion (attached articles).

Fukishima Updates


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