Monthly Archives: April 2013

Methane Release And The Geoengineering "Cure" That Is Fueling The Fire


The baby must be taken from the bathwater in the recent article posted below. The data in this article relating to the methane release and the danger it poses is in my view accurate enough.The details outlined in this same article that reference the jet stream alterations, with no mention whatsoever of the HAARP ionosphere heaters around the globe, is pure spin. Then there is the call for immediate geoengineering to be done as if it has not already been going on for decades, this is the final blatant lie.

Methane Release And The Geoengineering “Cure” That Is Fueling The Fire


The baby must be taken from the bathwater in the recent article posted below. The data in this article relating to the methane release and the danger it poses is in my view accurate enough.The details outlined in this same article that reference the jet stream alterations, with no mention whatsoever of the HAARP ionosphere heaters around the globe, is pure spin. Then there is the call for immediate geoengineering to be done as if it has not already been going on for decades, this is the final blatant lie.

Geoengineering Remains Invisible In Plain Sight


The climate “scientists” still have their collective heads buried in the sand. The article below is laughable and tragic at the same time. It is absolutely astounding how the so called “experts” grab at straws to try and explain the unexpected slowdown in the planetary warming. Do they never look up, ever? This would seem to be the case as the ongoing global geoengineering assault goes completely unnoticed by the vast majority.

Climate Change & Geoengineering


The short video below was just sent to us at by a veteran anti-geoengineering activist from Greece, Wayne Hall. Wayne correctly addresses the fact that one branch of the global power structure is pushing for “carbon credits” and increased “carbon taxes” to combat increased greenhouse gases from air traffic, while another branch of the same power structure is in complete contradiction. This second group typically denies any notion of “anthropogenic climate change” while at the same time pushing stratospheric aerosol geoengineering (SAG) as a cure for the climate change that they say does not even exist in the first place.

Climate Change & Geoengineering


The short video below was just sent to us at by a veteran anti-geoengineering activist from Greece, Wayne Hall. Wayne correctly addresses the fact that one branch of the global power structure is pushing for “carbon credits” and increased “carbon taxes” to combat increased greenhouse gases from air traffic, while another branch of the same power structure is in complete contradiction. This second group typically denies any notion of “anthropogenic climate change” while at the same time pushing stratospheric aerosol geoengineering (SAG) as a cure for the climate change that they say does not even exist in the first place.

The HAARP Storms


There is a live time event taking place this April 13th, which is an impossibility and yet it is being generated by unnatural manipulations to the weather system.

4/8/13 EU Conference on Weather Modification and Geo-Engineering Reiterates 1999 Demands for Transparency and Democratic Control


On 8 – 9 April a conference was held at the European Parliament, under the title “Beyond Theories of Weather Modification – Civil Society against Geo-Engineering”. The conference reassessed a 1999 resolution and lack from both the sides of legislators and military to safeguard transparency and democratic control over classified programs, which affect entire populations without consent, democratic influence, or access to verifiable information and data. Christof Lehmann (nsnbc).

HAARP SBX1 : Mobile Sea Based Radar Weather Weapon in place to shake the ground off North Korea : Expect a false flag in North Korea any time soon : Weather is the weapon of choice : Please look at these Giant HAARP WAR Rigs :


Neurologist Warns Aluminum in Chemtrails Could Cause “Explosive Increase in Neurodegenerative Diseases”


Chemtrails, Nanoaluminum, and Neurodegenerative and Neurodevelopmental Effects

Nikola Tesla: Father of HAARP and Electromagnetic “Climate Change”


The covert use of weather modification is the “climate change” we should fear most.

Nikola Tesla: Father of HAARP and Electromagnetic “Climate Change”


The covert use of weather modification is the “climate change” we should fear most.

Jeff Rense – Thousands now INFECTED with Nano Fibers


Is it Legal For The Government to Conduct Aerial Spraying Operations Without the Informed Consent of the Public?


Is your informed consent required for the government to engage in the aerial spraying of chemicals into the air that you breathe? The answer would seem to be "no".  Public Law 105-85 is online, and available for public viewing.   In this document we read:

Dane Wigington on Infowars 4-4-13


Mike Adams interviews Dane Wigington on Infowars. Interview begins at minute 2:00.

Chemtrails: Aerosol and Electromagnetic Weapons in the Age of Nuclear War


North America is now suffering its seventh year of conspicuous and dangerous aerosol and electromagnetic operations conducted by the U.S. government under the guise of national security. Concerned citizens watch in fear as military tankers discolor the skies with toxic chemicals that morph into synthetic clouds.

Chemtrails: Aerosol and Electromagnetic Weapons in the Age of Nuclear War


North America is now suffering its seventh year of conspicuous and dangerous aerosol and electromagnetic operations conducted by the U.S. government under the guise of national security. Concerned citizens watch in fear as military tankers discolor the skies with toxic chemicals that morph into synthetic clouds.

Scientists Seek to Legitimize Geo-Engineering While Acknowledging Its Catastrophic Effects


There are still many people who believe that anyone pointing out “chemtrails in the sky” and asking questions is somehow out of tune with reality. But this is slowly changing as geoengineering and its effects cannot be kept under wraps any longer. So it is not surprising that the first to come out on mainstream media are so called experts. Playing on the current “scientific consensus” that the earth is warming and a climate catastrophe is imminent, they call on geoengineering to be regulated on a global scale.

Chemtrails: Frightening Lesser-Known Facts


“In the last ten years, respiratory disease in the US has moved from 8th to 3rd highest cause of death. Asthma rates have more than doubled in the western world and Alzheimer’s’ disease, a condition that is caused by aluminum poisoning, has also skyrocketed. “

Inside the WEATHERMEN Chemtrailers Exposed


Evergreen’s public relations (propaganda) spokesman is handled by WPP run by Council on Foreign Relations member Philip Lader. Lader is also a member of the RAND corp. and is a director of UC Rusal, the largest Aluminum producer in the world located in Moscow, Sweden, Italy, and Australia. Nathaniel Rothschild is a big investor.

Inside the WEATHERMEN \ Chemtrailers Exposed


Evergreen’s public relations (propaganda) spokesman is handled by WPP run by Council on Foreign Relations member Philip Lader. Lader is also a member of the RAND corp. and is a director of UC Rusal, the largest Aluminum producer in the world located in Moscow, Sweden, Italy, and Australia. Nathaniel Rothschild is a big investor.

Geoengineering, Runaway Climate Change, And The Poisoning Of Life On Earth


More major publications are trying to “condition” the population to the idea of “geoengineering” as a cure for the increasingly extreme climate. It is ever more shocking that publications like “Foreign Affairs” can still pretend they don’t know SRM (stratospheric aerosol geoengineering) has been a lethal reality for decades. They say “SRM could cool the planet in a few months”, really? A mountain of data to date says otherwise.