Search Results for: Activist Awareness Materials

VAXXED Awareness Event Update From Northern California


Dane Wigington

On Friday, August 5th, 2016, an all day free public awareness and call to action event was carried out in the Northern California City of Redding. The event covered extreme vaccination dangers, climate engineering, and the unimaginable government tyranny that is inflicted on whistleblowers and the population as a whole. The groundbreaking documentary VAXXED was screened in the afternoon and again in the evening. The film producers (Del Bigtree and Polly Tommey) and the director (Dr. Andrew Wakefield) were present for extensive Q and A sessions after each screening. Dr Sherri Tenpenny joined the very informative VAXXED Q and A panel discussions in addition to carrying out her own hard hitting powerpoint presentation. A climate engineering update presentation on the dire state of the biosphere was presented by myself (Dane Wigington). An exposé on government criminal conduct was delivered from former CIA officer Kevin Shipp.


Some of the day's speakers. From left to right: Del Bigtree (Vaxxed producer), Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dane Wigington (,  Kevin Shipp (former CIA officer), and Dr. Andrew Wakefield (VAXXED director).


The three photos above were taken in the early morning before the doors to all day event were opened. Photo credit: Alan Ernesto Phillips


I wish to extend my deepest and most sincere gratitude to all of the extremely dedicated volunteers who worked so hard to make this all day and into the night (9am to 10pm) public awareness event such a success. The photo above only includes a portion of the hard working activists that gave their time and energy to this event. 

Dane Wigington, August 5, 2016 presentation

The Cascade Theater was an exceptional location for this critically important gathering. My most sincere gratitude to the Cascade management and staff for all their help with the event. 


Post presentation questions from some attendees that traveled considerable distances to attend.


Dr. Sherri Tenpenny gave a powerful presentation on vaccine dangers and the coming mandatory vaccinations for adults.

August 5, 2016, Dane Wigington

The VAXXED crew arrives at the event.


The incredibly dedicated VAXXED team, Dr. Andrew Wakefield (VAXXED director), Polly Tommey (VAXXED producer), and Del Bigtree (VAXXED pruducer) at the entry to the historic Cascade Theatre

August 5, 2016, Dane Wigington 1

Backstage with Dr. Wakefield, Del Bigtree, Kevin Shipp, and one of the event videographers, Alan Ernesto Phillips.


Dr. Wakefield and one of the VAXXED film crew are shown with Dawn Winkler who tragically lost her daughter due to a vaccine reaction. Dawn was interviewed at the event by the Vaxxed team.


Attendees (who came from considerable distances in many cases) gathering free informational materials in the event lobby to help continue raising awareness in their own regions.


Former CIA officer Kevin Shipp presenting his powerful testimony to the audience.


Activists Lori Bridgeford and Sharon Beckwith worked diligently starting a full six weeks prior to the event and continued their pace right through the event day. 

The Redding awareness/call to action event would not have been possible without the tireless work and dedication of numerous activists who are completely and unselfishly committed to the cause. My most sincere gratitude to all the volunteers and activists whose assistance was absolutely essential for the success of this event. I also wish to express my deepest thanks to all the activists in the field who are working tirelessly to help sound the alarm each and every day all over the country and throughout the world. The battle for the greater good is a team effort, all of us are essential to the cause. The entire event was professionally filmed by multiple videographers. We will post individual videos of presentations and interviews conducted backstage at the event as they become available from the production crew. The walls continue to close in from countless directions, we must all make the most of every single day in regard to our efforts to sound the alarm and wake the masses. As expected (and as was the case with last years event) Northern California Media completely blacked out any coverage whatsoever of this event in spite of receiving multiple press releases. Exposing the truth is up to us.

Major Northern California VAXXED/Climate Engineering Public Awareness Event


Dane Wigington

The global power structure has long since been waging a war against global populations on countless fronts. Vaccinations (now forced by law in some regions), and  the ongoing highly toxic covert climate engineering operations, are the two most direct assaults against human health. Whether injected through a hypodermic needle, or inhaled through the lungs, the sources of contamination to the human body are mounting rapidly and taking an immense toll on the population as a whole. is sponsoring and organizing a major public awareness event (and call to action) on Friday, August 5th, 2016, in Redding, California. There is no admission fee for this event, it is FREE, and there are no parking fees. My most sincere gratitude to all the dedicated activists, without whom the organizing of this event would not have been possible. The event will be staged in the heart of downtown Redding, at the historic Cascade Theater which seats over 1000. 


The Cascade Theater seats over 1000, and has full balcony seating.

A full day of film screenings, power point presentations, and Q & A sessions will begin at 9:45 am, when Dr. Sherri Tenpenny kicks off the event with her presentation "Vaccine Mandates: Adults Are Next". The medical industrial complex will not relent in their campaign to force now proven unsafe vaccinations on the population.


Dr. Sherri Tennpenny, vaccination safety expert.

At 11 am Dane Wigington from will present "Climate Engineering, The Covert Weather Warfare Assault". Skies all over the globe are being saturated with highly toxic heavy metals and chemicals that are part of the ongoing climate engineering/geoengineering/solar radiation management assault on the environment and climate system. The human race (and the entire web of life) has been subjected to an unimaginably massive and lethal experiment without our knowledge or consent.


Dane Wigington, lead researcher and administrator for

At 12:30 pm, former decorated CIA officer, Kevin Shipp, will present "Gagged: Government Secrecy and Silencing Whistleblowers". Kevin is the author of the groundbreaking book "From The Company Of Shadows", the shocking exposé of what is really going on behind close doors within the halls of our government's institutions. He will highlight exactly what our government does to any that dare to tell the whole truth.


Decorated former CIA officer, Kevin Shipp.

At 1pm, the first of two screenings of VAXXED, From Cover Up To Catastrophe, will commence

At 2pm, the first VAXXED Q & A session will begin featuring a panel of experts including the director of VAXXED, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, the producers of VAXXED, Del Bigtree and Polly Tommey, and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, internationally known vaccination safety expert.


To view the flyer, click to enlarge



Click the PDF button below to download the flyer

Event Schedule:

  • 9:20 am Cascade Theater doors open for public 
  • 9:45 am PowerPoint presentation from Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, "Vaccination Mandates: Adults Are Next"
  • 10:30 am to 10:50 am Q and A for Dr. Tenpenny presentation 
  • 11:00 am to 11:30 am PowerPoint presentation from Dane Wigington,, "Climate Engineering, The Covert Weather Warfare Assault"
  • 11:30 am to 11:50 am Q and A for geoengineering presentation 
  • 11:50 am to 12:30 pm First intermission 
  • 12:30 am to 12:55 pm Presentation from former decorated CIA officer Kevin Ship, "Gagged: Government Secrecy And Silencing Whistleblowers"
  • 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm First screening of VAXXED documentary
  • 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm VAXXED Q and A with panel of experts and film producers (Dr. Wakefield, Dr. Tenpenny, VAXXED producers Del Bigtree and Polly Tommey)
  • 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm Second intermission
  • 4:30 pm to 5:00 pm Encore climate engineering PowerPoint presentation of "Climate Engineering, The Covert Weather Warfare Assault"
  • 5:00 pm to 5:30 pm Q and A for climate engineering presentation
  • 5:30 pm to 6:15 pm Third intermission
  • 6:15 pm to 6:40 pm Encore presentation from former CIA officer Kevin Shipp
  • 6:45 pm to 8:15 pm Second screening of VAXXED
  • 8:15 pm to 9:15 pm Second VAXXED Q and A session with VAXXED panel of experts and producers.
  • 9:15 pm to 10:00 pm After event meet and greet with event speakers

Extensive free public parking is just across from the Cascade Theater on the North side of Placer Street. There are numerous dining establishments located a short walking distance from the theater.

The guest speakers at this event will be available on and off throughout the day in the lobby to answer questions individually. There will be an informational materials table which will supply FREE critical educational materials (on vaccination dangers and the climate engineering threat) to any that will try to put those materials to use. Educating others on the dire truths that our corporate owned criminal media institutions are not disclosing (and thus actually helping to hide) is absolutely essential. These materials will included commercial DVDs that thoroughly cover the climate engineering assault and have multiple menu presentations including the testimony of former government scientists. Attorneys from the legal team will also be present at the event to answer questions about the evolving legal action to expose and halt climate engineering.


Solar Radiation Management Programs are filling our skies with toxic heavy metal aerosols. Photo taken at Redding School Of The Arts, Redding, California.

The human race and the biosphere itself are at a most critical crossroad, where do we go from here? We invite all concerned and caring citizens to attend the Redding event, to increase their knowledge of what is unfolding around us all, and to learn what we can do to help turn the tide of insanity. We must not remain silent in the belief that someone else will cover the front line in the fight, this will not get the job done. All are needed to prioritize taking action in the essential effort to reach a critical mass of awareness, this is the only way forward in the fight. Make your voice heard in the battle to fully expose the truth, every day counts.

Anti-Geoengineering Activist Sets An Example For Raising Awareness


Anti-geoengineering activist Maciej Kocialkowski has given us an an exceptional example of effectively raising awareness on the critical climate engineering issue. Visual information is the most powerful and Maciej is capitalizing on that fact. It takes time and effort to arm yourself with credible data to pass on to others, but the utilization of such materials is exponentially more effective than verbal introductions alone. Given the gravity and immediacy of the danger we collectively face from the ongoing geoengineering insanity, we must use every tool at our disposal to wake others, Maciej has done exactly that. My most sincere gratitude to Maciej, and to every activist that is commited to this most important fight to expose and halt the chemical spraying of our skies.
Dane Wigington


Anti-Geoengineering Activist Sets An Example For Raising Awareness

By Maciej Kocialkowski, contributing writer for


Hi everybody! My name is Maciej Kocialkowski. I am polish national, I have lived in Florida for the last 15 years. I do not have a political or religious affiliation. My life experiences, observations of reality and studies on numerous important topics got me here. I am really the last person you would see going somewhere, picketing about this cause or another, I do everything I can to deflect attention, rather than attract it . And yet here I am, driving my car with this powerful message, carrying flyers and mini cards, passing them to anybody who is willing to at least look at them. So why am I doing that? 


Let me go back with a short bio of myself. Growing up in socialist/communist Poland in the '70s and '80s, I am no stranger to government oppression, manipulation and lies. The very regime collapsed in front of my eyes in late 80's. A new "free" Poland, lead by solidarity movement and Lech Walesa arose. I had my share of experiences with "the bad guys" . What about the west? What about America?, that was the better world. In fact ,that was the world I sought! After all , one could not hide the economic abyss that separated "us" and the west. I settled in south west Florida, where I reside today. I gained a better life economically, and better weather, all at one time, way to go! 

How did all that lead to climate engineering? Well, if we really take a closer look at the world, any political, administrative, ideological , cultural , language or even a  religious division, is only that: a division. Man made creation. This applies to human kind, not to natural world or any other animal or plant species. It is also important to point out that any past or present animosity or hostility, and even violence resulting from these divisions always affects the common folks, populations, and citizens, not their leaders. We did historically see trials of some of them, even executions in extreme cases. Generally though, even at the heights of international crisis and conflicts, we never see leaders or high ranking military officials fighting or even mouthing each other off. They always meet in nice settings, eat quality foods, and travel with style. That is only what we see. We really can't know what is going on behind the curtains. If the leaders fail to reach an agreement or some sort of solution, then troops and military are often sent to affected areas. Bloodshed and human suffering are assured.  We could ask a question here.  If leaders do not suffer consequences of their decisions,  then how can we possibly trust them with their judgement ?  What other factors, powerful influences and special interest are at play, that affect their decisions? I will let you seek the answers on your own. On top of that, consider the fact that top politicians (against common believe), are NOT the top of the power structure. The top authority figures remain hidden, their names are either unknown, or at least not associated with tremendous power they yield. It is a "fail safe" strategy, so unpopular politician can be replaced without surrendering a true power.

The point I am trying to make here is this: although there are no shortage of conflicts around the world at any given time, some real and some "manufactured", there is a great degree of cooperation between nations, even those considered hostile or ideologically opposed to each other. For example, Stalin was still selling oil to Nazi Germany, even after they invaded him.

There is a great deal of cooperation and secrecy involved in climate engineering . When you understand how the system works and how the world is "run",then, it will be much easier to tie everything together and you will become,"undebunkable"!  Becoming truly awake is one way trip. There is no way back! Take this as a warning, because you will NOT be pleased with what you find. However, if you are reading this, chances are you are awake, at least to some extend. Another thing is that one cannot really be awake to this issue and not another.  We may not be aware of some facts or aspects or even issues of  great importance. The awakening process is, when once aware, it gives one the ability to tell the propaganda and lies from the facts. One can also know where and how to look for it. I am not going to go to technical details of climate engineering itself( with methane release issue for instance being of top priority). There is enough information on this and other websites to explore and educate yourself. 

One has to be mentally comfortable carrying this kind of message and be prepared to answer, at least some basic questions. I came to the point, I became uncomfortable driving without this message. That is why I did what I did. Here are some important key issues (rather than geoengineering itself) that will help everyone to understand why and how climate engineering is being done. Understand the money system we presently have in place. One must become familiar with the FIAT, debt based money system. It runs rampant across the world. "Dishonest Money, Financing the Road to Ruin" by Joseph Plummer is a good start. Also,  understand the concept of a "false flag event", like 9/11 or the sinking  of the"Lusitania"." Tragedy and Hope 101" again by Joseph Plummer. Kudos for Joe for an absolutely stellar job on these two books. Report from "Iron Mountain" is another document from right after WWII. It boggles one's mind. It discusses how manufacturing the threat makes the populations easier to manage. 



Awakening is an active process on the receiving end. There is nothing we can say or point to, that will make the person awake or aware. Programming populations through propaganda and brainwashing, takes time via orchestrated effort of all the media, education system, etc. This process is even harder to undo, especially given the fact we do not have powerful allies and funding like the PTB (powers that be) have. It is an active process backed with significant effort on an individual level to become awake. 

Ok, now in simple terms, I just want this madness to stop. I am NOT comfortable with the fact that somebody has this kind of control over all of us. They can spray whatever they want, how much they want and wherever they want. If we really give it any thought at all, how can it have any legitimacy to it? I oppose anything secret, particularly if it comes to public policies and politics. I guess, I should have opened with that.  



Lastly, I want to mention the company that designed this image and placed it on the car. Jason, from in Port Charlotte Florida did an absolutely outstanding job! He hasn't heard about geoengineering before and accepted some flyers and mini cards from me. I absolutely recommend Jason and his talent for anybody seeking any graphics on their vehicle. Here on my end, I pledge that I will match my contribution with first 5 people who feel strong enough about the issue to carry this image on their vehicles. This means that they can have the very same image done for $75, which is absolute bargain. Don't give up the fight my friends! Remember, the time is NOW ! and that someone is YOU!
Maciej Kocialkowski

Activist Articles Collection: March 13, 2014


Engineering Catastrophic Wildfires To Temporarily Cool Arctic With Smoke (Updated)


Dane Wigington

Are covert climate engineering operations connected to the exponentially increasing wildfires all over the world? June, 2019, was the hottest month ever recorded on our planet. July, 2019, is expected to break the all time heat record that was just set the month before. Scientists are frantically sounding the alarm about accelerating and immense Arctic heat and crashing polar ice. Unprecedented northern latitude wildfires are currently consuming millions of acres of forest, yet US mainstream media is almost silent about the unfolding cataclysm. As the environment and climate systems collapse around us all, how extreme can the desperation of the climate engineers become? How far are the geoengineers willing to go in their attempt to mask the unfolding climate collapse from the masses? Are the climate engineers willing to incinerate huge swaths of Earth’s remaining forests in order to temporarily cool parts of the planet with continent covering expanses of smoke? Regardless of the overall long term cost to the planet as a whole? Examine the dire data presented in this video report and decide for yourself.

We, all of us, are rapidly running out of time. If the biosphere is not soon freed from the ongoing global climate engineering assault, there will very soon be nothing left to salvage of our once thriving planet.

Photo credit: Oregon Air National Guard

If we are to have any chance of altering our current course in time to make a difference, the effort will take all of us. Detailed activist instructions and geoengineering awareness raising materials can be found on the home page of Reaching a critical mass of awareness is the only way forward in the battle to expose and halt climate engineering, please, help us to sound the alarm.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 15, 2018, #175


Dane Wigington

No matter how increasingly unnatural our skies become, there is still no official acknowledgment of climate engineering. The National Weather Service last week admitted they had no idea of what they were seeing on their radar screen, is this really the truth? Or are there some in the National Weather Service that are trying to covertly sound the alarm? Exactly how out of control is the military industrial complex? How long has the military industrial complex been selling itself as being a pillar of the “greater good”? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Can a significant percentage of the population break their programmed denial in time to make a difference? Are those who are already awake willing to continue with their efforts to wake those that are still unaware of what is unfolding? We can collectively make a difference, we need only to dedicate ourselves to doing our individual part. Detailed activist instructions can be found on the homepage of, along with our most current awareness raising materials. If we can expose the climate engineering insanity, we can stop it, make your voice heard.

This very compelling 20 second time-lapse video of aerosol spraying in Yosemite National Park was taken on December 12th, 2018. Video footage credit: Chris Falkenstein 

Our sincere thanks to Radovan Dluhy and his students for their efforts to sound the alarm on the geoengineering issue at the Katowice Climate Change Conference (COP 24) that just took place in Katowice, Poland.

This week's outreach booth is at the Scottish Rite Event Center, San Diego, California, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 27, 2018, #168


Dane Wigington

The power structure's effort to shield the US population from unfolding global realities for as long as possible is relentless. Though the level of biosphere implosion that has already occurred should have long ago pushed populations into a state of panic, mainstream narratives of pacification and distraction have so far kept the herd calm. The burden of attempting to wake the masses has so far been borne by only a few, but that equation is finally beginning to change. On October 20th, the Geoengineering Watch Northern California awareness event drew a full house of extremely dedicated activists and individuals. Many traveled great distances coming from as far away as Australia, British Columbia, and numerous states all over the US. Connections were made, informational materials were distributed, awareness was raised. Where do we go from here? So much is so far past the breaking point already, when can we expect the breakdown the current paradigm to radically accelerate? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

The clock is ticking, public apathy and denial must be broken down as quickly as possible. All of us have a part to play in this most critical effort to sound the alarm, sharing credible data is key. Make your voice heard while it can still make a difference.

On behalf of, I wish to express my deepest and most sincere gratitude to each and every individual who made this very important climate engineering awareness event a success. I wish to thank every volunteer at the event and every individual that took the time and effort to attend. It is our combined efforts that can yet make a difference, one day at a time. For those that were not able to join us at the event, the presentation and the Q & A session were professionally filmed and will soon be posted.

Geoengineering Watch Event, October 20th, 2018


Dane Wigington


On behalf of, I wish to express my deepest and most sincere gratitude to each and every individual who made this very important climate engineering awareness event a success. I wish to thank every volunteer at the event and every individual that took the time and effort to attend. It is our combined efforts that can yet make a difference, one day at a time. For those that were not able to join us at the event, the presentation was professionally filmed and is posted below.

Dane Wigington

On Saturday, October 20th, 2018, and GEM FAIRE INC are sponsoring a Northern California climate engineering awareness and call to action event at the Holiday Inn, Redding, California. The Holiday Inn Convention Center seats up to 600, parking for the event is free and very convenient. The event is FREE as are numerous awareness raising materials available at the event. The doors will be open to the public at 5 p.m., the evening's presentation will begin at 6 p.m. For those that are traveling to the Redding area, the Holiday Inn is offering a discounted rate on a limited number of rooms. If you want to reserve a room, the reservation code is GEO.


1900 Hilltop Dr 

Redding, CA 96002

 (530) 221-7500

Covert global climate engineering operations are completely disrupting Earth's natural weather cycles. Illegal climate intervention programs are further fueling record drought, wildfires, deluges and ozone layer destruction. Verifiable evidence will be presented to the public on the ongoing global climate engineering / geoengineering  programs that are wreaking havoc on the atmosphere, environment and human health. Earth's entire climate system has been completely disrupted and derailed by the ongoing climate engineering / geoengineering / solar radiation management operations. Again, this is a FREE public education event organized and funded by with additional assistance from GEM FAIRE Inc. There is no admission fee and free informational materials (including re-usable GeoengineeringWatch tote bags, commercial DVDs and 20 page full color informational booklets) will be handed out at the event. Doors will open to the public at 5 p.m. on Saturday, October 20th, the evening's full presentation on global climate engineering operations (and their catastrophic effects) will begin at 6 p.m. 

Global climate engineering / geoengineering programs are:

  • Obscuring otherwise blue skies all over the globe
  • Contributing to global ecosystem and species die-off
  • Completely disrupting the hydrological cycle (rain cycle) all over the planet
  • Destroying the ozone layer which is causing off the chart levels of UV radiation
  • Contaminating our air, soils, and waters with highly toxic heavy metals
  • Causing extreme and unquantifiable environmental and human health impacts
  • Are being carried out illegally under the guise of "national security" 3345tf

Geoengineered skies in Shasta County, California. Photo credit: Jovyde Wigington

For over 70 years those in power have waged covert weather warfare against unsuspecting and innocent populations all over the planet while also attempting to mask the true severity of unfolding and accelerating climate collapse (which climate engineering is further fueling overall). The ongoing covert climate engineering programs are referred to under several primary scientific terms: solar radiation management (SRM), stratospheric aerosol geoengineering (SAG), and stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI). The destruction already inflicted to the biosphere and all life forms from the climate modification insanity is immense, beyond quantification, and is accelerating by the day. Earth's weather and life support systems have long since been completely derailed and disrupted by global climate intervention operations. The highly toxic heavy metal and chemical fallout from these covert programs has contaminated the entire surface of the planet and every breath we take. 

Questions that will be asked and answered at the event are:

  • What is climate engineering / geoengineering / solar radiation management?
  • Why are these operations being carried out? 
  • Who is behind these operations? Which countries and governments are involved?
  • What are the overall consequences of the ongoing climate engineering operations? To the biosphere and to us?
  • What are the geopolitical / global conflict ramifications as a direct result of climate engineering / weather warfare?
  • How can we expose and stop these lethal programs?

Very comprehensive PowerPoint data and documentation will thoroughly address the the long list of threats posed by the climate engineering issue.

The schedule for the event is as follows:


  • From 6 p.m. to 7:15 p.m, Dane Wigington, lead researcher for will conduct a PowerPoint presentation, titled "Hacking The Planet: The Catastrophic Consequences Of Climate Engineering". This presentation will provide up to the minute front-line data to highlight the dire impacts of the ongoing climate engineering operations and the threat  climate engineering / geoengineering poses to our survival and to the entire web of life. From unprecedented wildfires to record downpours and flooding, climate engineering is playing a massive part in the equation which is not being acknowledged by any official agency. How many are even aware of the fact that there is an illegal federal gag order on all National Weather Service (NWS) and all National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) employees, the nations weathermen? The ongoing legal efforts to expose and stop geoengineering will also be covered along with specific suggestions as to how each of us can help to turn the tide. Dane is the lead researcher and administrator for, the largest and most visited climate engineering website / data archive in the world (over 31,000,000 visitors and counting). Covert global climate engineering programs are wreaking havoc with Earth's life support systems and human health (due to the highly toxic fallout from climate engineering). To view a former Northern California presentation by Dane Wigington, click HERE.

Extended Question And Answer Session 

  • From 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., an extended public question and answer session will commence. Concise and verifiable answers will be given in as short a time as possible in order to provide the maximum amount of critically important information during this Q and A session. 

Making Connections

  • 9:00 pm: The Q and A discussion will officially end, but the event will remain open till at least 10 p.m. in order for activists / attendees to meet and make connections

This event is FREE 

For those who wish to print event flyers to distribute, please click the PDF button to download.

PDF-Button-150x150 227td

Geoengineered skies in Shasta County, California. Photo credit: Jovyde Wigington 44573

Geoengineered skies in Shasta County, California. Photo credit: Jovyde Wigington

The planet's life support systems are unraveling by the day, this is not speculation, but verifiable front-line fact. Geoengineering Watch hopes that all those who are able to attend this free critical awareness and take action event, will do so. It is our collective efforts that can yet make a difference for the better. Hope to see you at the Saturday, October 20th, 2018, event at the Holiday Inn, Redding, California.
Dane Wigington

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, August 4, 2018, #156


Dane Wigington

Breaking dire headlines about the rapidly deteriorating state of the environment are pouring in from so many directions that it is impossible to cover all the incoming reports. The heat, fires and constant smoke canopy in Northern California are relentless. The Carr fire is only one of dozens burning in the Western US, in many parts of the planet the wildfire situation is the same. Without enough functional habitat the human race will not survive, how long can the current trend continue? What will be the response of global governments to all that is unfolding? The August 4th installment of Global Alert News is below.

Denial won’t save us, apathy won’t save us, inaction won’t save us. We must focus our collective efforts to sound the alarm, we must wake the masses, we must change course. Share credible data from a credible source, doing so is exponentially more effective at waking others than a verbally communicated message alone. All are needed in this effort.

The image below was taken of the Redding Holiday Inn ballroom where the July 28th GeoengineeringWatch event was to take place. When asked to give up the ballroom to provide beds for firefighters, Geoengineering Watch, of course, agreed. The Carr Fire, continues to grow with only partial containment and new evacuations just advised. The Geoengineering Watch event will be re-scheduled as soon as conditions allow.

My most sincere thanks to the individuals who traveled a great distance to attend the Geoengineering Watch event, that was unfortunately canceled​. For event speakers and activists that were already in route when the second event venue forced cancelation occurred, a round-table meeting was held at the Redding Holiday Inn in a conference room. Activists (that came from as far away as the UK, Texas, and Missouri) were abundantly supplied with Geoengineering Watch awareness raising materials. 

The photo below is of former American Airlines pilot Jeff Nelson (right) with Dane Wigington of Geoengineering Watch.

 In the photo below are Jack Godinho (left) who made the trip from southern California, Steve Small (center), GEM FAIRE Inc owner and staunch ally in the fight to expose and halt climate engineering. On the right is US congressional candidate Gregory Cheadle.

EPA scientist / whistleblower Michael Davis (left) was a scheduled speaker at the July 28th event that was canceled due to the Carr Fire, Michael also attended the round-table meeting. Michael Davis was fired from the EPA for attempting to address and expose climate engineering contamination and fluoridated water threats. Geoengineering Watch is scheduled to conduct a full interview with Mr. Davis in the coming days, the exchange will be posted soon after.

Out most sincere thanks to anti-geoengineering activist, Tom Keith, for helping to sound the alarm at the Davenport Freight House Farmers' Market, Davenport, Iowa, August 4, 2018.

This week's outreach booth is at the Alameda County Fairgrounds, Pleasanton, California and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 28, 2017


Dane Wigington

Manufactured public distractions are a primary tool of the power structure. From the JFK records release bluff, to the Trump / Clinton / Russia dramas, mass distraction theater is keeping the public attention off of the wider horizon of converging existential threats. Massive global tree loss, acidified oceans, and empty fish nets, yet the sell-off of the Gulf of Mexico for oil drilling by the current administration sets a new record. How long can humanity survive on a planet with no functional living habitat? We are about to find out. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Activists that are actually willing to take action are desperately needed. Action toward effectively and efficiently waking others so that a critical mass of awareness can be reached. Sharing credible / verifiable data is essential in the effort at hand, make your voice heard in this most critical battle to sound the alarm.

The next outreach booth will be at the Lane County Events Center, Eugene, Oregon, November 3rd to the 5th. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire. The photos below were taken at a previous GEM FAIRE event in Eugene, Oregon, which I attended. The Geoengineering Watch booth at the Eugene event on November 3rd – 5th will be stocked with FREE geoengineering awareness materials that are essential for waking others up to the critical climate engineering issue.


Below: Mike Torrence ("a simple horseman") at the Tonasket farmer's market in Washington State. Our deepest gratitude to Mike who has just completed 25 weeks in a row of manning the Geoengineering Watch booth at the Tonasket farmer's market. Our thanks also to all dedicated activists and individuals that are doing their best to help sound the alarm on the critical climate engineering issue.


The next photo below is of a informational table at Venice Beach, California. Our deepest gratitude to Brian Nibly for organizing this effort, and for manning the table to pass out free informational materials. 


Climate Engineering Fact And Photo Summary


Dane Wigington

Man's attempt to engineer Earth's climate and life support systems is the most destructive and deadly endeavor ever launched by the military industrial complex and global governments. Geoengineering must be considered weather and biological warfare due to the endless list of catastrophic downstream impacts and effects. Climate intervention programs are mathematically the greatest and most immediate threat we collectively face short of nuclear cataclysm. What can we do? How can we work together in the all important effort to expose and halt the ongoing climate engineering insanity? Sharing critical verifiable facts, coupled with shocking and compelling photo images, is the most effective method of awakening others to dire and unpleasant (but essential to face) realities. has just assembled a very comprehensive 20 page full color 6 x 9 booklet that contains the most hard hitting and undeniable climate engineering facts and photos available. This critical awareness raising tool is printed on full glossy 100lb heavy paper to make it more durable. has made the decision to offer the new informational booklets to the public for the approximate cost of printing, handling, and shipping. Because we will have a substantial quantity printed, the cost will be exponentially lower than individuals printing their own. booklets

The 20 Booklets and our most recent DVD package is $30, USA ONLY (USPS shipping $6). We are no longer able to ship internationally. This informational package has been priced as close as possible to the cost of producing and handling. There is only one goal, to help with the effort to sound the alarm on the critical climate engineering issue. Any remaining proceeds from the sales of this informational package will go 100% back into the ongoing effort to raise public awareness on the critical climate engineering issue. Due to our constant workload in the battle to expose and halt climate engineering, we will be mailing packages just twice a week. We apologize for the delay and thank you for your patience. If you wish to order materials in bulk quantities, please contact us at


Each package includes a complimentary bumper sticker, our latest version is shown below. bumper sticker

Activists everywhere can freely reprint the booklet and distribute this critical awareness raising tool, so long as any reproduction is not done for profit.

The individual pages for the booklet are shown below, each page can be clicked / double clicked, to enlarge to the desired size

Climate Engineering Fact And Photo Summary - cover

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Exposing and halting the ongoing catastrophic climate engineering assault is the great imperative of out time. This effort must be our top priority if we are to have any chance of preserving what is yet left of Earth's climate and life support systems. The 20 page fact and photo summary booklet will be an essential tool for sounding the alarm on the critical climate engineering issue.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

The “Forum For Climate Engineering Assessment” Interviews Dane Wigington From


Dane Wigington

Official institutions are still attempting to mask the ongoing climate engineering atrocities by parroting the "official narrative" of denial. The "Forum For Climate Engineering Assessement" recently contacted and requested an interview with me. The fact that institutional organizations feel they need to engage in such interviews is a clear sign that our combined efforts are gaining ground in the battle to reach a critical mass of awarenes. Some excerpts from their mission statement are below:

Mission Statement

The Forum for Climate Engineering Assessment’s (FCEA) overarching objective is to assess the social, ethical, political, and legal implications of emerging technologies that fall under the broad rubric of climate engineering (sometimes referred to as “climate geoengineering”). We produce high-quality and policy-relevant research and commentary, and work in a variety of ways ensure that the climate engineering conversation maintains a focus on issues of justice, equity, agency, and inclusion.

Scope of Work

  • Facilitation of climate engineering research in the academic sector.

Our work in this context includes: ongoing development of a timeline that chronicles the history of climate geoengineering and provides access to critical source materials; an occasional paper series; and development of a range of other materials for teaching and research on the social and political implications of climate engineering.

The 18 minute interview I did for this "Climate Engineering Assessment" group is below (full audio and full transcript). Whatever the overal agenda was behind this interview was (perhaps to try and marginalize those that are completely committed to exposing the climate engineering assault), the interviewer, Holly Buck, was cordial and professional. This being said, Ms. Buck has made her position on geoengineering clear. Though she claims climate engineering is only a "proposal", she advocates for all the "benifits" of deploying climate engineering/SRM programs.  Publically denying existing climate engineering is likely a mandatory position for any in academia who wish to preserve their paychecks and pensions. Does this excuse the denial of academia? Absolutely not. There are volumes of verifiable facts, documents, and film footage which confirm the ongoing climate engineering reality. Unfortunately, academia (as a whole) refuses to honestly speak out about the ongoing geoengineering insanity. The recent illegal federal gag order on all NWS and NOAA employees is certainly one of the reasons why. Whatever the hurdles to speaking out, academia's betrayal of the public trust must be brought to light.  The only way forward in the battle to expose and halt the ongoing weather warfare assault is to reach a critical mass of awareness with global populations, this effort will take all of us. Again, whatever the agenda of the interviewing institution may have been, the fact that they carried out this interview at all will help us carry the message to the halls of academia.

An Interview with Dane Wigington of Geoengineering Watch

By Holly Buck

Recently, I talked with Dane Wigington of

This site often features at the top of Google results for informational searches such as “geoengineering”, “geoengineering definition”, “examples of geoengineering”, etc.

You can listen to the interview or read the transcript below.

Note to listeners: I do not share Dane’s view that there is an ongoing deployment of solar radiation management.

Dane Wigington 11

Dane Wigington of Geoengineering Watch

Holly: I was hoping we could start out by hearing a bit more about your site.

Dane: Our site,, is simply a informational repository. We are nonpolitical. We don’t sell anything. We are simply trying to put data forward to the public so they can examine information on the geoengineering, climate engineering, solar radiation management, stratospheric aerosol injection subjects; and come to their own conclusions.

Holly: Can you tell us more about the scope of your site — who uses it, and how they find it?

Dane: Well, we have about 20,000 visitors a day and we’re over 25 million total visitors. Any search engine, if you search the word “geoengineering”, we are typically at the top of that list. Sometimes ahead of Wikipedia, so we are not hard to find. Again, we stick to the science terms and the science issues and data to back that up, so again, not hard to find if someone searches the subject of “geoengineering”.

Holly: Given that international readership, do you have a “typical” reader? Do you have return readers? Or is mostly people from all around the world who are just searching for information about this?

Dane: Well in Google Analytics, we can search fairly accurately as to who’s getting on, and we have broad, expansive demographics, if you will. Everyone from military organizations, agencies, general public and everything in between. So we’ve had very high numbers of agency people on the site as well. In fact, when we published the 60 day notice of pending legal action from our legal alliance to stop geoengineering legal team, within 3 hours, I heard from Marcia McNutt. I think you know who she is, perhaps. National Academy of Sciences. So, she apparently had looked within three hours of us posting. So there’s a wide range of people looking at this data.

Holly: I would like to back up a little bit and hear your views on climate change. I was reading one of your articles recently, where you talked about runaway global warming, and my understanding is that you believe that people are doing geoengineering to either stop or cover up the runaway warming. Is that a correct reading?

Dane:  I think all available science data backs up that conclusion. I mean, I think you’re studying the issue of solar radiation management, and that is the purpose of the proposal of those programs, which again, we would argue the data indicates its long since been deployed.

The problem … there are some in the anti-climate engineering movement that have not accepted the fact that the planet is in full-blown meltdown. I gave global warming lectures before I focused everything on the climate engineering issue. But I don’t think we can argue logically, any of us, that the planet’s … what would be mathematically, statistically in a runaway greenhouse effect right now.

And we’re seeing statistically, an under-reporting of official high temperatures. Not an over-reporting as many people would like to convince themselves of, but we’re seeing an under-reporting. That means it’s even hotter than what we’re officially being told. And we are seeing significant under-reporting. Two, three, four, five degrees; so how hot is it really, if we looked at accurate data? And I would argue the data is being falsified. But in the opposite direction of what, unfortunately, many people choose to think. They think it’s being over-reported. It’s being radically under-reported.

The planet, I would argue, is much further into the warming curve than we are being told. And climate engineering is the last ditch effort to try to mask that fact from the public as long as possible.

Holly: There’s been a lot of talk lately in the media about so-called “fake news”. Some even say we are in a post-truth era. And I’m curious how you approach the topic of fake news, I mean, people must send you articles all the time. You’re a writer yourself, so how do you decide what’s real and what’s fake?

Dane: It needs to be verifiable. Period. And if we have, let’s look at the subject of climate engineering and the fact that all available data indicates it’s long since been deployed.

Our legal team; again, The Legal Alliance to Stop Geoengineering, surveyed fifteen hundred climate scientists and meteorologists. Fifteen hundred. We published the full list of the contacts, every individual, so the authenticity of this could be verified. Not one, of fifteen hundred climate scientists surveyed — and your listeners can look this up on our site — not one was willing to deny on the record that climate engineering, solar radiation management, stratospheric aerosol injection, had already been deployed. Not one.

When we post articles, for example, 750 page congressional documents, historical presidential reports, all referring to global ongoing weather/climate modification operations, we let the listener or the reader decide for themselves. Those documents are real, verifiable, available on government archives. The data is there. People have to make up their own minds if they choose to accept that data or not. But the data is there and verifiable.

Holly: I’m curious if you could tell us a little bit about how you got into this topic.

Dane: Yes. It’s not a job I wanted. I’m non-political, I’ve never been an activist. I have a background with Bechtel Power Corporation, a very corrupt corporation that I left at an early age because of issues I was not comfortable with.

My home was on the cover of the world’s largest renewable energy magazine. I’m completely off grid with wind, hydro, and solar power. When I began to lose massive amounts of my solar PV uptake. My photovoltaic power uptake from whatever these aircraft were emitting, not a single natural cloud formation in the sky. Only the lingering, spreading emissions from these aircraft. Losing sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety percent on some days, of my solar power uptake. Unimaginable losses. Something was clearly wrong. This was not condensation.

And as I began to research and found mountains of data on geoengineering, solar radiation management. Researched the primary elements listed in those patents. We have about 160 patents posted at The primary element being aluminum. I began to do precipitation tests, processed at the state certified lab. Found an initial baseline test of 7 ppb aluminum, 7 parts per billion. And I further investigated with a hydrogeologist that stated, given my filtered forested location, that amount was very high. It should be less than 1 ppb. Subsequent tests over the next year, in a single rain event, went as high as 3450 ppb of aluminum. Unimaginably high levels of aluminum and barium. Primary elements in climate engineering patents.

And after finding these government documents, presidential documents, patents, film footage up close, which we have posted at Of aircraft KC-10s, C-17s, KC-135s. Up close footage of them dispersing materials at altitude.

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Geoengineered skies, Clarksville, Tennessee. Photo credit: Brandy Glick​

Global dimming is at 20 to 30 percent, you may know that. Every single dot connects. And the mountain of materials coming down on us, for example, in California, CARB, California Air Resources Board, has done studies on the materials migrating from China. From coal-fired power plants and so forth. Aluminum not amongst those materials. Nor barium.

Where was it coming from, when elements have escalated that high in that short of time? No other plausible source. I was simply forced to face the fact that these programs were in fact deployed and raining an unimaginable amount of toxicity down, destroying the ozone layer, the list goes on and on. And so, I was simply forced to either turn away or face this issue. And I couldn’t turn away.

Holly: If I recall, a few years ago, some of your work was more about chemtrails. Now it seems it has more of an emphasis on geoengineering, and I’m just wondering if you could talk a little about the evolution there, about the relationship between the two concepts.

Dane: Can you cite any of my work that uses that term?

Holly: No, I’m not talking about now. I’m talking about maybe three to five years ago.

Dane: So am I. I mean, if you can cite any of my work other than to make the point that geoengineering refers to the layman’s term of chemtrails as no scientific basis whatsoever. And I had adamantly always adhered to the science terms. Thus the name of our site, which has always been the name So I would just ask not to be confused with other groups that are using that term. I don’t use it. And adamantly and tenaciously adhere to the climate science terms on this issue.

Holly: Okay. I know you said you’re nonpolitical, but I’m curious if you have any thoughts on what the recent election and the new administration means for geoengineering programs.

Dane: I think it remains to be seen. Certainly we know the new administration is sending out incredibly alarming signals with their appointees and their apparent denial of what is really undeniable. That the climate is changing radically. That anthropogenic causes are creating the damage. We’re putting 100 million tons of CO2 in the atmosphere a day. We’re lopping down the forest, we’re poisoning the oceans. I mean, I can’t truly fathom that anyone could not understand that that would radically disrupt the energy balance of the planet.

You know the military has always known this and we know that right now your listeners can research this. We have the US military stating on the record, the greatest national security threat of all is the disintegrating climate. So, I would argue, why would we think that the military would ask our permission before they would engage in climate engineering when we know, historically, they have been engaging in weather warfare for many, many decades. We know this. Project Popeye in Vietnam. The rain seeding over the Ho Chi Minh Trail. Project Storm Fury, on and on.

So, for the Trump administration to, apparently, at least at this point, deny the climate emergency which we face right now is certainly extremely alarming. That being said, I’m working directly with a retired Air Force Major General. Retired Army Major General. Both of whom are communicating with the Trump administration about climate engineering. Because they want these programs stopped as well. Our only goal is to expose these programs and to bring them to the light of day. And that’s hard to do when you have, Holly, I’m not sure if you know this, are you aware that there is a federal gag order on all National Weather Service and all NOAA employees?

Holly: No, I hadn’t heard that.

Dane: Your listeners might want to examine that. And that should certainly send up a big red flag for them. I first was notified of that from PEER, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility. Who works directly with NWS and NOAA employees. I got a no return address, no identity, but I got a copy of the legal action. And there is in fact a federal gag order on all National Weather Service and all NOAA employees right now. We have to ask ourselves, what are they trying to hide?

Holly: I’m curious, in the course of your work, what kinds of people do you meet?

Dane: Well, we’re dealing with a lot of people right now. In fact, the former CEO of the world’s largest environmental and engineering consulting firm communicates with us on our attorney conference calls. Because he also, is very aware of these programs.

The former MP, Canadian MP for British Columbia, I communicate directly with him. In fact, he was just, he’s aware of these programs as well. He’s endorsed a book that we’re about a week away from releasing. And, again, the purpose of that book is simply to disclose the programs and give data to back up that disclosure.

We have also, at, visual proof of climate engineering in the form of NASA satellite images and people who would search this on our site and look at these images, you don’t need to know anything about meteorology. If you look at these images, you will be absolutely shocked at what you see. Not just the aerosol operations, but the interaction with radio frequency signals that are used to manipulate the particulates.

I simply would ask people to look at the visual data and if you don’t believe what you see with your own eyes, there’s not much else I could say. But the attempt to engineer our way out of this without reducing carbon emissions, reducing deforestation, reducing ocean contamination. That’s simply a fool’s errand. It’s an extremely counter productive life. Holly, you remember the chemical Corexit that was used in the Gulf of Mexico to mask the severity of the oil spill …

Holly: Yeah.

Dane: Do you remember that?

Holly: Actually, I do.

Dane: I would argue that climate engineering is in that category. Corexit in the Gulf of Mexico, according to environmental impact studies, made that situation 52 times more toxic. But they used it anyway. To hide the problem. Not to make it better, to hide it.

And that’s, in fact, what we see now. The UV levels, we’re seeing from climate engineering, for example, I’m working directly with a 40 year former NASA aeronautics engineer. Forty year veteran. With expensive UV metering equipment that we supplied him. He’s seeing … we’re seeing UVB 1000 percent higher than we’re being told. It’s burning the bark off of trees. The cambium layer. We have [inaudible 00:14:47] huge study of whales with massive UV burns on them. We’re seeing UVC now on the surface. Five percent of incoming UV is now UVC, that’s the last band of UV before x-ray.

Your listeners can search — geoengineering destroys the ozone layer. There’s no question in the scientific community that will be the result. But, that is the result. For those that aren’t willing to admit for reasons I just cited, there’s federal gag orders and so forth, these programs are ongoing. We see yet another confirmation they are ongoing by the massive ozone destruction, the massive UV levels, also not being officially disclosed.

Holly: I’m wondering if you could tell us, what’s your goal or strategy? What do you and other concerned people plan to do about geoengineering?

Dane: Well, I would argue that the interference with Earth’s natural processes is highly destructive overall. Much like a pharmaceutical with the human body. How many pharmaceutical ads do we see now that say take this for this particular ailment and by the way, here’s twenty side effects that are unimaginably worse than what the quote cure is claimed to mitigate.

I would argue that we need to have disclosure on these programs. And when we have the environmental and the green community, for example, justifiably fighting to save forests and to preserve ecosystems through the world. If we have an element in the equation that is so horrifically destructive and not being admitted to, can we really have a legitimate discussion about the environment or the climate unless this issue is disclosed?

And that issue is climate engineering, when we have the world’s most recognized climate engineers, like Dr. David Keith stating on the record his goal, their goal to put 20 million tons of aluminum nano particulates into the atmosphere annually. And not even having studied the toxicological effects.

And that is a fact, that’s on film. If your listeners search “Dane Wigington/David Keith”, they can see me confronting Dr. Keith at an international geoengineering conference where he admits that they have done no study whatsoever on the toxicological environmental effect. So, I would simply argue this, this is the goal of our study; to have full disclosure of this issue. Because we can’t really have any legitimate discussion about the climate or the state of the environment without acknowledging and considering this massive unacknowledged factor of climate engineering.

Holly: Well, I think we’d better wrap up there. But thanks for sharing your perspectives. I appreciate your time.

Dane: Only asking people to investigate. That’s our only goal. We don’t ask anybody to believe anything we state, we’re simply asking them to investigate the data. So thank you for allowing us to do that.

Holly J. Buck biography excerpt:

Faculty Fellow

Holly Jean Buck is a Doctoral candidate in the Department of Development Sociology at Cornell University, where she is also a Research Fellow at the Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future.

Her work looks at climate change, energy system transformation, and human-environment interactions in the Anthropocene.  As a NSF-IGERT fellow in Food Systems and Poverty Reduction in East Africa, she looked into potential socio-ecological impacts of large-scale land acquisitions for biofuels; currently, she is interested in the intersection of climate engineering with food systems and land use.

Academic Interests:  Geographies of climate change, energy security, remote sensing with UAVs, appropriate technology and algal biofuels, marine bioprospecting, bioenergy with carbon capture and storage, open-source biotechnology, startup culture, Anthropocene pedagogy & writing, the sociology of expectations, future studies

Holly holds a M.Sc. in Human Ecology from Lund University in Sweden, and previously worked in the geospatial industry.

International “Eluxe Magazine” Makes Their Voice Heard On The Geoengineering Threat


We can now add yet another source to the growing list of important publications that have already spoken out about the critical climate engineering issue, "Eluxe Magazine". Below is an excerpt from their impressive "about" section.

Eluxe Magazine is the world’s first ever publication fully dedicated to sustainable luxury. We’re a quarterly published paper magazine and a digital publication based in London and Paris, dedicated to showcasing luxury brands that demonstrate a strong commitment to good ethics and environmental sustainability.  We determine the sustainability of a brand on several factors, including whether it:

  • Uses organic, biodegradable, recycled or renewable materials
  • Traces the environmental accountability of the product throughout the supply chain
  • Follows a strict Corporate Sustainability Policy, with transparent annual reports.
  • Uses recyclable, recycled or no packaging
  • Creates a product whose consumption can greatly reduce the owner’s environmental impact

Other publications that have already done their part to sound the alarm on atmospheric spraying atrocities are SOCO magazine and National Health Freedom magazine. The wave of awareness and outrage is building very rapidly as people around the globe wake up to what has been done to them without their knowledge or consent. Momentum is growing exponentially in the most critical battle of all, the fight to take back our skies from the grip of the collective insanity that has all but decimated our planet. We must all keep marching forward in this battle with all the strength and speed we can manage, every day counts. My most sincere thanks to Eluxe Magazine for solidly joining us in all important effort to expose global climate engineering.
Dane Wigington


Northern California Anti-Geoengineering Event Update


The anti-geoengineering event on 8-14-2015 in Redding, California went very well thanks to all the volunteers and speakers that came together in this critical effort.  There was about 1000 in attendance, some came from as far away as Valdez, Alaska and the East Coast. My most sincere gratitude to the many extremely dedicated activists that gave their all to this event. I want to extend the same gratitude to all the expert speakers that participated in the event. Their dedication to the truth brings much credibility to our critical cause. John B. Wells from the "Caravan To Midnight" show did a stellar job of emceeing  the evening. With everyone working together another leap forward in the process of raising critical awareness was accomplished. Several thousand color glossy two sided flyers were given away along with about 1000 commercial informational DVDs. Teamwork was the theme of the evening, again, my thanks to all that helped with this event and also to all those that went to the effort to attend. The event was professionally filmed and will be released in segments as soon as the videographers make it available. Some pictures from the event are below.
Dane Wigington

This photo was taken backstage at the Redding event. John B Wells (the host of the "Caravan To Midnight" show), Dane Wigington, and anti-geoengineering legal team attorney William Blackwell
Redding Event 8-14-15
David Marr Auditorium
Musicians outside auditorium
Volunteers Sally and Terry Rapoza and speaker Mario Ramirez
Volunteers Elle Keathley and Daphne Free
pic36Photo credit: Elissa Lynnie Thygesen
pic34Photo credit: Forrest Setnor​
Attendees being given free materials
David Marr Auditorium
Volunteer Madelina Corona discussing the event with an attendee 
Activist Kim Basial keeping an eye on event security
Event volunteer Lori Bridgeford and Dane Wigington
One of the displays
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David Marr Auditorium

HAARP, A Weapon Of Mass Destruction


HAARP is the acronym many people recognize, it is an "ionosphere heater" facility in Alaska. Mainstream media and the military industrial complex tried to convince the public that HAARP was going to be completely dismantled by the summer of 2014, but did this happen? No, and now it seems HAARP has been funded through 2015, the lies never end when the government is involved. What many people don't know is that the Alaskan HAARP facility is only one of many major ground based ionosphere heaters around the world. This global network of incredibly powerful ionosphere heaters is wreaking havoc on the climate system and the biosphere as a whole. The more educated activists are in regard to what the ionosphere heaters are and what these installations  can do, the more effective they will be in the battle to raise awareness on the critical climate engineering issue. The summary explanation of HAARP below is an important read.
Dane Wigington


Corporate Media’s Mission To Marginalize Geoengineering Discussion


Dane Wigington

Media in Northern California is the epitome of criminal reporting and "gatekeeping" of legitimate information. The "Record Searchlight" (Northern California's primary newspaper) is owned by the Scripps Howard institute, a part of the corporate media empire. The editor at the Searchlight has done his best to toe the line for the power structure by constantly publishing his personal views. The post directly below was published front and center in the editorial section of the Record Searchlight on December 7th, 2014. The spin and omission of the facts by Mr. Silas Lyons is typical of his "coverage" of the climate engineering/geoengineering issue in the past. If you are outraged after reading all that is contained in this post, perhaps you should let editor Silas Lyons know what your opinion is, he can be reached at the email shown in his editorial publication below.

Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) – October 27, 2014


Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) – October 24, 2014


Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) – October 20, 2014


Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) – October 17, 2014


Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) – October 6, 2014


A Day in the Life: 5/3-5/14

 Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA)

  +  Resolving the Atmospheric Emergency  +


A Day in the Life: 4/22-23/14


Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA)

A Day in the Life: 4/17-18/14



Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA)


Chemtrails – Geoengineering: The Greatest “Crime of All Time”


This article is dedicated to the courageous people around our planet who have spoken out and written about these crimes.