Search Results for: ozone

Geoengineering And The Dying Of The Trees


Dane Wigington

If the trees die, we die. Whole ecosystems are collapsing all over the globe and our rapidly dying trees are the most visible harbinger of what is unfolding. Few seem to notice the die-off until it is pointed out to them, but once recognized, what can be seen is alarming. On a geological time scale the human race has decimated planet Earth in the blink of an eye. Though there are countless sources of anthropogenic damage to our planet, climate engineering stands out above all the rest combined. The list of environmentally devastating factors directly relating to the ongoing geoengineering programs is very long. Trees are succumbing to this onslaught and the human race will follow if our species does not completely alter its current trajectory. Global geoengineering is completely disrupting the hydrological cycle, destroying the ozone layer (which is exposing all life on Earth to extreme UV radiation), and contaminating the entire surface of the planet with highly toxic bioavailable heavy metals and chemicals. Massive levels of radio frequency transmissions directly related to climate engineering are yet another layer of destruction which is radically affecting the trees, us, and the biosphere as a whole. It is imperative to wake the masses to our common plight. All those who are already awake are needed to assist with the ongoing critically important campaign to awaken others. Arm yourself with critical data and pass it on, make every day count in this battle. The attached 10 minute video shows first hand how rapidly our forests are dying, if the trees die, we die.


Where The Apocalypse Came Early


Water is the foundation of all life on Earth. Global climate engineering has completely disrupted the hydrological cycle on our planet. Though the human race has inflicted immense and incalculable damage to the biosphere as a whole, the planet would have been able to respond much more effectively to this damage if not for the all out geoengineering assault against it. The 6 minute video below is  sobering and should be carefully considered. The whole of global civilization is on the fast track to become like the region this film portrays. I have been to the place highlighted in this video as a boy, I saw it as it was. Now I see it as it is, a metaphor for what is to come. The illusion of industrialized society as a permanent paradigm will soon be shattered. Take note of the skies in this short film, you will clearly see the telltale signs of the ongoing climate engineering insanity. Geoengineering is the greatest assault against life on Earth ever launched by the human race. Global rainfall patterns have been completely disrupted and the entire planet has now been contaminated by the geoengineers. The ozone layer has also been decimated. The most critically important accomplishment we could make at this late hour is to expose and halt climate engineering so that the Earth can respond on her own to the decimation of the human race. Make your voice heard in this desperate battle.
Dane Wigington


The Geoengineering Frame: A War for Our Minds


Article by David Schneider, contributing writer for

Some may remember the Rio Earth Summit. History points to it as a turning point, when international co-operation “got serious” around a shared problem: dumping carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) into the atmosphere. It happened back in 1992, right as the lures of “climate intervention” were gripping the power structure, who were beginning to conspire yet another quick, cheap, and easy way to escape limits set by nature, while continuing to sweep the long-term damages under the rug. Of course regional weather has been messed with for many decades prior, with lots of damage to ecosystems, but climate intervention takes manipulations to the global scale; it’s a “move-the-sulfur” approach, taking it from smokestacks and putting it into the stratosphere. Grounded on a deep belief in human exceptional-ism and mastery over the rules that govern the universe, the power structure has once again turned to faith in scientific-ism as religion, and their scientist priesthood push the “geoengineering” agenda as the next phase in building an “Earthy paradise” free from all constraint. “Albedo enhancement” technologies that shield Earth from incoming sunlight are the preferred option to dealing with global warming, because it requires little behavioral change to business as usual, it can reduce risks to current generations almost immediately, and it sings harmonically with the tune of “endless growth.” Without solar engineering, the only option would be to allow Earth to restore herself, by us relinquishing our command, and face the harsh realities of suffering consequences from a warmed planet for millennia. The scientific approach is pitched as a more “humane way” to deal with the climate pickle we’re all stuck in together. Weather warfare began back in WWII, yet decades of command and control have only made things worse, not better. More of the same thinking, continued tinkering, will only remove more parts of nature that can never be brought back. Nature can only be poked at so long before she erupts in anger against her attacker.


Interestingly, at the same time the power structure assembled in Rio for the Earth Summit twenty-three years ago, they were also busy banging out the General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which became the World Trade Organization (WTO). These two contradicting worlds (climate change negotiating and free trade) collided to fashion “sustainable development.” But since then, human emissions have only skyrocketed! In fact, 26% of all human produced emissions ever dumped into the atmosphere since industrialization, occurred over the past three decades! The public may be under the impression that U.S. leaders don’t “believe” in climate science or global warming. But that’s false. It’s all about the frame! In an engineering culture, all problems have solutions. If humans created global warming, then humans will re-engineer things to eliminate the problem. Admitting to global warming under a “geoengineering frame” does not make sense, because another techno-fix will be devised. If we engineered a problem, then we can engineer a solution; so global warming is just a matter of continued intervention in Earth’s climate system. If humans are responsible, then humans will resolve it – scientific-ism preaches. But often with complex systems, there’s the butterfly effect, the unanticipated surprises of chaos, when the cure can be much worse than the disease. It becomes a game of always prescribing new aliments for the side effects caused from the previous interventions – always having to up the ante to maintain satisfaction, creating further destruction of life processes. It’s become a super wicked problem where nemesis is meeting hubris. But, survival resources that create the foundation of life cannot simply be fixed, nor substituted and replaced by more technology. Disrupting the rain, the sunlight, the ability of Earth to respond to our assault and cool herself, is only making the situation much more dangerous.


Check any mainstream source today about solar geoengineering and spraying sulfur intentionally to cool Earth, and somewhere it’s guaranteed to compare the process to what large volcanic eruptions naturally do. It’s been dubbed the “Mt. Pinatubo Option,” after the large eruption that cooled the planet in 1991. But really, it’s coal power plants around the world that are the “world’s volcano,” constantly erupting nonstop, turning down the sunlight across the planet, shooting up a continuous supply of sulfur aerosols into our shared global atmosphere. Dirty pollution from Asia and across the world increases Earth’s “albedo” (not to be mixed up with libido, albedo is simply science-speak for the measurement of how reflective something is, where Earth’s albedo is measured in W/m-2). Burning fossil fuels has “accidentally” increased atmospheric albedo – the reflectivity of Earth’s atmosphere – which dims incoming sunlight and masks the average temperature of Earth in relation to our CO2 forcing. In other words, sulfur pollution from combustion is a form of “unintentional” solar radiation management. This, we’re all contributing to, each time we plug something into the wall, order a cheap product made in Asia, eat a hamburger, take a hot shower, or drive a car.

Today, we know why the power structure is hiding. In the late 80s, industrial rich countries began shifting their industry to the “developing world,” places that were happy to have a chance to join in the “good life” of economic success. Billions of people have been lifted from “poverty” as result, but it was not accomplished sustainably. If anything, massive industrialization in Asia has only made the risk of both economic and ecological collapse even greater, and the fall harder than it otherwise would be if leaders had just let the game end right then. But no. Instead, one of the first official acts George H. W. Bush did when he took presidential office was sign into law the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments (1990 CAAA), which placed heavy regulation over sulfur pollution on America’s industries. Not an expected response from a Republican President following the Regan era of deregulation and laissez-faire. What was his motivation? Bush needed to address a mounting smog and acid rain crisis, and the amendments eased public concerns by adding Article IV-A to the Clean Air Act, requiring coal power plants in the U.S. to use coal with “low sulfur” content and install smokestack scrubbers on major polluting sources like power plants, that would clean the sulfur from the emissions and prevent their release into the atmosphere. Strangely, David Keith, the most recognizable scientist in the geoengineering debate, helped design the technology to scrub sulfur from smokestacks, and sell the techno-fix to industry! Not surprisingly then, today he is also part of Carbon Engineering, a company that is presently developing a system to capture carbon dioxide from the ambient air.

Since the sulfur pollution was “accidentally” increasing the albedo of the atmosphere, the 1990 CAAA would unmask global dimming. As the world shifts from dirty to clean economies, our sulfur pollution will be cleaned out of the air, and the albedo of the atmosphere will decrease, becoming less reflective, and allowing more sunlight in. A replacement must be found to maintain this shielding from the sun, say the power structure, otherwise the true folly of our human existence and unsustainable relationship with the natural world will be exposed! The big cover-up will be impossible to hide. Like with hiding a pregnancy, eventually the baby will be born. The gig would be up, and the bubble would pop! For the power structure, “albedo enhancement” becomes a critical part of the climate plan, because losing the current reflectiveness of the atmosphere exposes Earth’s ecosystems to further dangerous temperature spikes. The 1990 CAAA just shifted the pollution burden from the West to Asia, to buy time to allow scientists to design a more permanent solution to the “problem.”


But now leaders are grasping straws, because the choking pollution in Asia is demanding response from their public, and the planet is in meltdown. Factories in Asia, the thousands of coal power plants built over the past decade, do not have Keith’s scrubbers to remove the sulfur from the pollution. The coal used in Asia has high sulfur content and is illegal to burn as a fuel source in the U.S. These were conscious policy choices made by the power structure in the early 90’s to keep the dream alive. Rather than a massive scaling down of our ecological overdraw from nature, the issue of “solar radiation management” (SRM) became the preferred pathway for bypassing natural limits to economic growth, and was disguised as a global “conspiracy” to drive fear and confusion and keep people lulled to sleep and disinterested. Policymakers intentionally shifted this “accidental” modification resulting from industrialization of the West, to another region of the planet. Where do we draw the line of distinction between “intentional” and “unintentional” SRM? And what do we make of the ongoing disruption to the biogeochemical cycles of Earth? What of the bioaccumulation of heavy metals washing from the atmosphere, which end up in our water, our body, our soil and food?

Shouldn’t we be precautionary and not make choices today that are irreversible for those after us? Isn’t it scandalous to intentionally hide a problem, while continuing to produce throw away goods and expand fossil fuel use? The power structure shifted the sourcing of sulfur pollution necessary for maintaining the enhancement of Earth’s atmospheric albedo to Asia, and kept the world from seeing that everything’s actually a mess. Instead of exposing the issue and decarbonizing, they prescribed a new techno-fix to deal with the unintended side effects created by accidentally increasing the albedo of the atmosphere from industrialization, and consulted nobody. SRM effects Earth’s hydrologic cycle, its water system, and shreds stratospheric ozone that allows UVB light to penetrate to Earth’s surface. And now the power structure aims to prescribe the next fix in its long-line of tinkering, a stratospheric shield of titanium dust particles in the shape of diamonds, 0.1 microns – small little buggers! The spraying we all see over our towns is low to the ground, and has regional effects on weather systems. They can cover an entire continental land mass with cloud decks with these methods. That’s the “old” technology, the first generation, which allowed scientists to gather their data for computer modeling. But the new technology, the next generations, deemed the “solar shield,” will envelop the entire globe, where diamond dust will be dumped way up-high in the stratosphere, where one cannot even see an airplane flying from the ground without binoculars.


As industry sprang up at a warlike pace in Asia, thanks to the global power structure’s plan, air pollution in the West has become less contentious of a public issue. The industrialized Western world has come to adore “low prices” and bargain buys made possible by companies exploiting faraway places. People consciously choose not to connect the suffocating air pollution in China with ramping-up production of the new Apple Watch. They choose not to associate their lifestyles with contributing to the SRM albedo dilemma. To consumers, ignoring the problem is preferred. That’s why many people might just think that SRM is fine, or even a good idea when they learn about it for the first time, and be OK with it, and not allow themselves to see the obvious right up overhead that’s kept them fooled all along. People are not thinking very clearly these days; they allow their own observations to deceive them. It’s a hard pill to swallow, accepting this reality, because it means we are just chasing shadows of dreams that don’t exist. This fall, in Paris, a renewed (yet familiar) call for a “universal climate deal” is being peddled by the power structure as “the last chance for humanity,” a small window of time to take needed action in keeping global warming from rocketing into total catastrophe (as though we are not already there). The plan assumes geoengineering, and the debate is going public!! Get ready activists, because when it does, there will be a war on for our minds! The American public is OK with many surprising things, so it may be hopelessly optimistic to believe that the American public will be outraged when its government finally admits that they were spraying to “protect” everybody. The framing is strong, and people are happy with their simple pleasures and mindless pursuits. We all need to remain focused, now more than ever! Keep pushing the ball forward to disrupt the geoengineering “frame,” and block minds from getting misled!


Geoengineering Is Causing Drought And Fueling Fires


Dane Wigington

All around the planet our skies are being saturated with toxic metal and chemical particulates. These particulates are being sprayed from jet aircraft as part of the global geoengineering/weather modification programs titled "SRM" and "SAG". Any that take the time to investigate the subjects of SRM (solar radiation management) and SAG (stratospheric aerosol geoengineering) will find that many of the “predicted” effects of these massive climate altering programs are not disputed. The climate science community is blatantly lying about the ongoing climate engineering programs, claiming they are only "proposals". One of the many well known effects related to geoengineering which is not debated is DROUGHT. How bad is the engineered drought in the US West, specifically California? The latest drought monitor map is below, the climate engineering assault has consistently robbed rain from the Western US.


Saturation of the atmosphere with nano sized toxic particles and chemicals provides too many "condensation nuclei". Moisture in the atmosphere then adheres to these particles and continues to migrate in the form of dirty looking haze and/or artificial clouds. The overabundance of particles prevents droplets from combining to form heavy enough drops to fall as precipitation. Geoengineering further reduces rainfall by simply blocking the sun and thus evaporation over oceans. Less direct sunlight, less light photons, less evaporation, period. This causes the moisture in storm systems to be greatly reduced in many cases. "GLOBAL DIMMING" is now considered by most scientific studies to average fully 22%. This means that 22% or more of direct sunlight that reached the planet's surface decades ago now no longer does. I highly recommend taking the time to click the "GLOBAL DIMMING" link and watching the 6 minute video it connects to. This short presentation will increase ones knowledge of the effect sprayed particulates have on the atmosphere, global temperatures, and precipitation. Though this mainstream documentary preview does not directly implicate global geoengineering as the main source of "global dimming", one can make up their own mind, it is important to "read between the lines" so to speak. There are certainly agendas within this film, connect the dots on your own.

Yet another consequence of geoengineering is DIMINISHED WIND (this does not mean in all scenarios, but rather it is an overall effect). This also contributes to reduced evaporation over oceans and thus increased drought on land masses. All of the geoengineering effects cited and discussed above are well documented and can be easily researched online. In spite of the fact that numerous scientific studies admit to the drought/deluge causing climate altering decimation that geoengineering “would” cause, none of these studies are willing to admit to the fact that the global spraying of our skies has been a horrific reality for a very long time already.

In addition to the drought causing effects, the precipitation that does fall is laden with toxic heavy metals like aluminum, barium strontium, manganese, and others. These are all metals named in NUMEROUS GEOENGINEERING PATENTS. The impact of TOXIC METALS LIKE ALUMINUM on soils, trees, and plant life is well documented. When organisms like trees detect bioavailable aluminum exposure to their root systems, many species shut down nutrient uptake to protect their DNA. This causes a slow protracted death of the organism. Beetles and other pests move in and thus the forest begins to die-off. The weakened forest is of course much more flammable. Adding to the fire danger are the metallic dust particles which are constantly settling out of the atmosphere, coating the forest foliage. These microscopic PARTICLES ARE INCENDIARIES, pushing the potential for catastrophic fires ever higher.


Still another factor is the SHREDDED OZONE LAYER and increased UV radiation which results. This is also a major factor in the decline and demise of forests around the globe, and greatly increased fire danger. The OZONE DAMAGING EFFECTS OF GEOENGINEERING PARTICULATES is also well documented and not disputed. It gets worse, jet stream movement is being radically manipulated with ionosphere heater installations, as many as 26 around the globe. The most well known is HAARP (High frequency active auroral research program). This JET STREAM MANIPULATION literally cuts off the flow of moisture to some regions while creating constant deluge in others. In the case of the continental US, the western half of the country bakes and burns, the eastern US is often freezing with engineered snow storms in winter and deluge in the summer months. Welcome to the world of completely engineered weather whiplash.

The "scientific community" is failing to inform the public of even a fraction of the larger picture. Some scientists are in denial, many others are simply afraid of the consequences of speaking out. Yet more scientists are simply paid to lie. The power structure controlled corporate media is also a primary tool that us used to cover the climate engineering crimes. The ongoing climate destruction resulting from countless human activities is pushing humanity and civilization over the edge. This is not about Al Gore, but rather it's about reality. The human race has done great damage to our planet which is now being pushed past the point of no return. Based on all available data, the ongoing global geoengineering programs appear to be the single greatest climate disrupting factor of all (though the human race has caused immense harm to the planet on countless fronts including dumping 100,000,000 tons of Co2 a day into the atmosphere). No matter how much damage humanity has done to the environment, geoengineering is only making it worse. The planet must be allowed to respond on its own, this is our best option at this point. Flying thousands of jets around the planet day in and day out, spraying tens of millions of tons of toxic metal particulates, is simply insanity. Climate engineering is destroying the planet's ability to support life. Help us expose the global geoengineering programs while there is yet time. Educate yourself on this issue, arm yourself with credible data, and spread the word. DW











Climate Engineering Denial, The Deliberate Deception


WIth almost no exceptions, the entire climate science community is completely denying the blatantly obvious and verifiable geoengineering reality. The all out aerosol spraying of skies around the globe is absolutely inarguable and yet the climate scientists/meteorologists are still pretending geoengineering is only a "proposal". How can we explain the total denial of this reality coming from climate scientists? They fit into one of these categories, they are either completely unqualified for the job they hold,  afraid to speak out, willing to lie to protect a paycheck and a pension, or they are clinically blind. None of these reasons are justification for the total deception being fed to us from the so called "experts" that are entrusted with the public welfare. We have long since lived in an Orwellian world but now it has reached a point that is difficult to even comprehend. Articles like the one below are laden with direct lies and lies of omission. They try to paint the picture that a small fleet of jets spraying aerosols into the atmosphere could cool the planet. That the only thing we need to worry about is who will control the thermostat.  After 65 years of geoengineering on an ever larger scale, now involving what is likely thousands of jets, with a planet that is rapidly descending into total meltdown, we can say with total certainty solar radiation management is only making a bad climate situation far worse. Virtually none of the known unavoidable major negative consequences of SRM are even mentioned in most mainstream articles. Total disruption of the hydrological cycle, shredded ozone layer, lack of direct sunlight, and what is never ever mentioned is the fact that what goes up, must come down. Virtually the entire surface of the planet is being systematically contaminated, as is every single breath we take. How is it that this last and most dire point is never mentioned in any mainstream media articles or even in the science studies about aerosol geoengineering? Are we to think that thousands of climate scientists cannot comprehend this fact? That something sprayed into the atmosphere must settle down to Earth? Most of the climate science community should be viewed with contempt for their part in this greatest of all human crimes. Once the public is fully aware of what has been done to them, legal action should be immediately taken against all those that willfully participated in the completely illegal climate engineering assault, or in the criminal attempt to cover up these lethal programs. Make your voice heard in this battle. This does not mean to simply complain, but to help wake others up by passing on credible data on the climate engineering issue.
Dane Wigington


HAARP, A Weapon Of Mass Destruction


HAARP is the acronym many people recognize, it is an "ionosphere heater" facility in Alaska. Mainstream media and the military industrial complex tried to convince the public that HAARP was going to be completely dismantled by the summer of 2014, but did this happen? No, and now it seems HAARP has been funded through 2015, the lies never end when the government is involved. What many people don't know is that the Alaskan HAARP facility is only one of many major ground based ionosphere heaters around the world. This global network of incredibly powerful ionosphere heaters is wreaking havoc on the climate system and the biosphere as a whole. The more educated activists are in regard to what the ionosphere heaters are and what these installations  can do, the more effective they will be in the battle to raise awareness on the critical climate engineering issue. The summary explanation of HAARP below is an important read.
Dane Wigington


Manmade Weather from Blue to Haze


Thanks to Chantal Dupuis for her contributions to the fight against climate engineering with the attached video and the letter below addressed to officials.


Source: Cybel Production

Premier of Ontario, Service Ontario The Honorable Kathleen O. Wynne
Minister of Transportation, The Honorable Steven Del Duca  
Minister of the Environment and Climate Change, The Honorable Glen Murray 



SUBJECT: Exoneration from the Drive Clean Program's obligations for reasons of Conscience 

Dear Ministers, 

I am writing to you jointly because you represent all of the accountable bodies for the Drive Clean program: Service Ontario, the ministry of Transportation and the ministry of the Environment and Climate Change. This letter is to signify my refusal to comply with the Drive Clean program in order to obtain a legal registration for my personal use vehicles, the mandatory  Safety Standards Certificate shall be enough. Many reasons led to this decision. 

The Drive Clean program requires that an emission test be performed on my car for pollution reduction goals by the government of Ontario. At first it sounds laudable but in reality, it no longer has a significant effect according to an Auditor General's report written back in 2012: "the program has outlived its usefulness". In that light, where can I find the data proving that the  Drive Clean program significantly improves air quality like it boasts about? Why should I be required to adhere to such policies if the government does not monitor the actual effectiveness of the measures it imposes on its citizens? Maybe it does monitor something but there is no up-to-date data available or it's hard to access. The Auditor added: "They’re going after the low-lying fruit in order to try to deal with the politics of this issue and not the practicalities of the issue". Almost five years have passed now. What has your government done since to review the Drive Clean program? It seems that the government of Ontario is trying to pin the price tag on small players in the preservation of our environment. Although the program does not prove to be a significantly effective initiative, the government does not take in account the Auditor's advice to dismiss the program or replace it entirely by real incentive measures. 
The Drive Clean program is only targeting the most populated areas, and therefore it is a discriminatory factor. Passing a test every second year for only part of the residents of Ontario in the effort to combat global pollution is unrealistic. As an example, if I lived in rural area just west of Ottawa, I would not have to submit my car to any emission testing. How is it logical that a region located west of a city does not have to comply while everybody knows that dominant winds do come from the west? Your program's geographical criteria allows the untested vehicle’s pollutants released into those winds, to be transported over the most populated areas. How cynical is that? I can not consciously agree with such unfounded and discriminatory criteria. In addition, if it were a light-duty commercial farm vehicle, I would be exempt from testing it. Here we can understand that commercial farms while in direct contact with the food chain, can use polluting vehicles without any restriction, and this is acceptable according to your program's criteria. The Auditor's report mentioned that "it eases economic burden on farmers", even though vehicle expenses are deductible from their taxes, it is just a smoke screen in my point of view. To be cohesive with its pollution reduction goal, the Drive Clean program should either be applied to every type of vehicle across Canada or none. The pollution problematic is a national issue not just a provincial one and since British Columbia just terminated their similar emission-test program, it seems like better initiatives can be put in place to really attack the smog issue at its root. 
My new car being older than 7 years but not over 25 years old makes it obligatory to have its emissions tested to comply with the  Drive Clean program. This means that if I prefer to buy a used car in order to save the environment in my own way by re-using existing cars to hinder car production's pollution, I am penalized because it might emit a little more pollutants than a newer vehicle. Knowing the fact that manufacturing a new car generates a carbon footprint between 6 to 35 tons of CO2 or if you prefer, the equivalent of what it will consume during its lifespan, this criteria becomes questionable since it does not account for the carbon footprint as part of the equation. We are being told by the government and the media that we should change our habits in order to reduce our individual footprint and on the other side, we are encouraged to get new cars with improved emission-control systems but avoid mentioning the additional carbon footprint being generated. This also implies that people, who can't afford new cars or overpriced hybrid-electric vehicles, have to pay more for their family vehicle’s registration. This is an additional hidden discriminatory fee that affects mostly the poorer portion of the population. 
If a new vehicle is sold after only one year, it must have an other emission test performed by the new owner even though emission testing is ordered every two years. How is it that cars have to be tested every two years? Don't your respective ministries question the reasons why parts of emission systems do not have a longer lifespan or reliability? The Drive Clean program transfers the responsibility of a polluting vehicle from the big corporations to consumers. This facilitates the obsolescence of car parts rather than holding the car industry accountable for profiting financially in manufacturing polluting vehicles and emission systems which have created, in the long run, a series of collateral damages to the climate, the environment and the public's health. 
Why not reverse the burden and make it mandatory for car manufacturers to produce zero emission vehicles from now on? The government can create new sustainable markets accessible to a majority of Ontarians by putting in place new policies to facilitate the implementation of electric motors across Ontario and make it easy to replace polluting vehicles' gas engines by electrical motors. These different measures can make our dependency on oil obsolete and create a new futuristic economy. Since the federal government just awarded Ontario's car industry a 100 million dollars, maybe it would be a good idea to use a big part of it to implement such measures and this way, make Ontario an example for the rest of the country? At the moment, we seem to have oil driven governments which do not want to let go of an old dirty habit that is unsustainable and an unfriendly environmental orientation. Recently, the United Nations even pointed to Canada's emissions to be amongst the worst in the world next to China and India. To the best of my conscience, I do not believe that the Drive Clean program is the solution for this elephant in the room. 
In fact there is not one, but a herd of elephants in the room when we talk about pollution emissions and schemes, climate change, environment, public health and safety. How do these terms relate? Actually they are all being bullied or destroyed by big corporations' ambitions, human activities and greed. It seems that laws are now designed for corporations' interests instead of the citizens' basic right to a safe and clean environment. 
There is a big emphasis on your respective ministry's website regarding smog preventing policies, so I researched the word smog. It is described as the conjuncture of the words smoke and  fog, and defined as: "smoke or other atmospheric pollutants combined with fog in an unhealthy or irritating mixture". 

Smog is known for causing multiple health issues and the World Health Organization even declared pollution a carcinogen. The government of Ontario drafted an adaptation strategy and action plan titled "Climate Ready". In this plan most of the strategy has to do with our adaptation to climate change, it is mentioned: "(…) the government of Ontario is taking measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also recognizes the need to adapt to the unavoidable impacts of changing weather patterns resulting from heat-trapping gases already in the atmosphere.(…)"

To write"unavoidable impacts" and  "already in the atmosphere" are two biased statements by themselves mainly because they suppose a natural occurrence of the phenomenon when in fact, it is mostly manly introduced using aircrafts amongst other means that is without counting the residues left by multiple ozone depletingnuclear tests conducted in the upper atmosphere over many years, which are still there but no one dares remembering this part. 
Almost every day there are aircrafts passing over my residence and most of them leave pollution trails, light or dark. They stay still, they don't dissipate, they spread and finally smear the sky. Very often the planes pass right in front of the sun, preventing me from seeing clear sunsets for the past few years. To top it off, most airplanes don't even respect the official flying zones. See the annex (below present letter) for pictures of this pollution seemingly shaped as clouds. I saw somebody talking about climate change and explaining how they were actually trying to control the weather by polluting the stratosphere with sulfuric acid. In other words, this "climate expert" advises governments to cool off the climate by spraying pollution containing acid because in the end it is the cheapest way around. What? First of all, basic science shows that what goes up must come down. Following this simple principle, it means that the earth is now littered with nano size particles of chemicals coming from those weather alteration projects. I investigated about these trails and they are part of climate geoengineering programs which use different processes such as stratospheric aerosolssolar radiation managementcloud seedinghail suppressionhurricane dissipation, some of the ways to defy natural weather using chemicals and radio signals, a godlike power. The electromagnetic signals by themselves disturb the natural earth's balance frequency and therefore humans' equilibrium which by itself is electro-magnetic pollution, but that is another subject. 
Many government papers do mention these projects. The same people advising lawmakers are the ones who own the companies which capture and store the CO2 gases. On one hand your government obliges me to have my cars pass emission tests in order to reduce pollution and on the other hand, the Ontario government sponsors climate engineering schools and projects that specifically spray more pollution. In resume, governments are giving the authorization to pollute, then invest in capturing the pollution they help put up in the first place and finally charge the ordinary citizens through the Drive Clean program. Why is this allowed? Where is the government's accountability? It looks quite convenient for the oil industry to be able to get rid of the sulfuric residue to be put up in the atmosphere, block the sun rays and reduce the solar systems efficiency, in a period where sun powered energy is proving worldwide to be more efficient and reliable than the unsustainable fossil and  nuclear energies. Germany proved it last year and gave energy away. 
Recently Mrs. Wynne and Mr. Murray announced a  carbon pricing plan, coming up in the spring, to fight climate change. This in my opinion, is an unsustainable, nonscientifically defendable in addition to be a poor environmental choice with a lack of vision, no offence. Not only it does not encourage better practices by the polluting industries, it only serves a corporate image to lure the public with the impression that big polluters are paying their share too in the combat against global warming when in reality, carbon pricing is just an additional money-grab scheme designed to introduce new trading avenues with weather derivatives and the forecastingof the man-made weather they invested in. Polluting industries can keep on doing business as usual without any extra cost or effort to factually reduce CO2 emissions and prevent further warming of the planet. In other words, it is a  free ride on our grandkids or an ignominy towards younger generations. The actual difference between the big polluting industries and the ordinary citizen in this CO2 taxing scheme is that family vehicles are not allowed any emission while the real big polluting corporations can buy the right to pollute adding to the stock market are making money trading those COgases. 
Even if these projects are experimentalsecretmilitary, governmental or civil, no reason is good enough to try to play with nature because for every action there is a reaction somewhere else in the world. This way of dealing with the matter is a direct affront to the climate, a  great danger to the environment and all living creatures. Mother Nature would be much calmer without any man intervention and governments would save money just choosing this simple option. The worst part of these insane climate engineering projects is that no individual, nor corporation, nor governmental body is accountable for experimenting with the climate on a large scale without public acknowledgement, omitting the due public health effect assessments. What about moral and ethics? It is a direct violation with your own government's Environmental Protection Act which it bases their criteria upon to impose the Ontarian consumers the Drive Clean program to obtain legal vehicle registration. I consciously can not agree with emission testing on my cars while such attempts on human rights, health and the environment are permitted by the same instances ordering the Drive Clean program, it does not make sense. 
A tangible political will would implement real policies where industries are obliged to have zero emission otherwise they can not conduct business in Ontario. If corporations can generate billions of dollars in profits then they can easily invest in systems to effectively cut their own polluting emissions to zero if not, leave the ground for new innovative and clean energy sources. When there is a will, there is a way and here, all we need is the political courage to change direction in the carbon pricing and introduce incentive regulations at the root of the problem: big polluting industries and climate geoengineering. This is exactly the moment when emissions will dramatically drop and when the Drive Clean program can make some sense because for now, the government sponsors the biggest polluters and charges the little ones. 
Recent studies showed that most smog causing emissions have declined since the program started but underlined that emissions were no longer amongst the major domestic contributors to smog in Ontario. Already back in 2010, the Auditor's report stated that more than half of the pollutants present in Ontario came from the central United States. What did your respective ministries do upon this hard fact? Why are such assaults on our health and environment being tolerated by your government? How come this fact does not make the news headlines and does not occupy the hot topic list in the government's agenda? What actions have been taken since 2010 to prevent the United States from further polluting the atmosphere in Ontario? There have been international treaties and agreements signed by both Canada and the United States to prevent tampering with the weather: the Environmental Modification Convention (ENMOD) and the Agreement between the government of Canada and the government of the United States of America on Air Quality between the government of Canada and the government of the United States of America on Air Quality. With those agreements, there is supposed to be monitoring of the chemicals crossing our mutual borders and accountability for them. Who exactly surveils, oversees and enforces those agreements? 
In my conscience, I can not accept to pay for car emission testing considering your respective ministries are not preventing or sanctioning aircraft pollution nor industries' excessively huge emissions, especially by the oil sands' and the United States' activities. How about the nanoparticles used by climate geoengineering and those rejected by manufacturing companies, how are these smog causing particles measured, monitored and regulated by your government? Do you have the necessary equipment to even test nano size particles? 
Finally, last point to my objection is this: the  Drive Clean program generated 12 million dollars in profit back in 2010 and 19 million in 2013. At this rate, the government will have exceeded the program's projected revenue of 50 million dollars far sooner than 2018 as expected, if it's not the case already. This legal money-grab is a yet an other user fee disguised as a tax according to a 1998 Supreme Court of Canada's decision, it could even be considered an unlawful tax and therefore repayable. Since then, the government only lowered the maximum chargeable price for an emission test to $30. just five dollars less than previously charged while the price of $17,50 for retesting failed tests stayed unchanged. If the program made a profit of 19 millions in 2013, it means that Ontarians were overcharged. This contravenes with the government's role in revenue neutrality which means that a user fee should not exceed the cost to the government of providing the service. Why should I accept to pay for emission tests every two year when it is clear that the government is behaving like a private enterprise profiting illegally from its own policies? This is an additional reason for my refusal to have my cars' emissions tested in order to obtain legal registration. 
To conclude, I consciously can not agree with the basis of this mandatory emission test since it does not hold the road. Until the  Drive Clean program is revisited in its targeted vehicles and measures, until it shows measurable air improvement in a direct effect from the Drive Clean program itself, until climate geoengineering is addressed and made public and until the biggest polluters are obliged to limit their emissions to zero, I refuse any emission test to be performed on my vehicles and therefore consider my vehicles exonerated from the Drive Clean program requirement in order to obtain legal personal-use vehicle registrations for the province of Ontario. 
Your government should establish new ways of tackling climate change through new sustainable, futuristic, innovative and visionary legislation and projects, and terminate this obsolete Drive Clean program. Only then will you truly declare:

«Our government will build Ontario up. Ontario will be the best place to live, from childhood to retirement.» 

Thank you for taking the time to read and have a magnificient day. 

Chantal Dupuis 
Ottawa, On 

Source: Cybel Production


The Death Of The Eastern Pacific


If the oceans die, we die. The seas are being assaulted from countless sources and directions. The damage has accumulated far past the breaking point, there will be no hiding the gravity of what is unfolding for much longer. The power structure will then become more dangerous than ever. Governments and mainstream media are not giving any significant coverage on the extremely rapid ocean die-off. What part has climate engineering played in this cataclysm? Plenty. Geoengineering over the Eastern Pacific (which is off the west coast of the US) is constant, satellite imagery confirms this fact. In addition to solar radiation management (SRM), ocean fertilization is likely also being carried out as part of the geoengineering programs. Ocean fertilization has many decimating effects including the creation of low oxygen "dead zones" which are rapidly increasing and expanding. Ocean acidity is fueled due to the Co2 absorption that is forced by the fertilization process. Upper level wind patterns are being radically altered by the ongoing climate engineering. This in turn alters ocean currents, this factor is contributing to the continued massive heat build up in the Eastern Pacific as the long expected and predicted el nino has not been allowed to develop. The heat stays bottled up in the seas with dire consequences. Climate engineering is also shredding the ozone layer which exposes plankton to deadly levels of UV radiation. Global plankton populations are crashing which means the foundation of the food chain is crumbling. Climate engineering is nothing short of an all out assault on the biosphere and it is certainly a major factor in the shocking die-off outlined in the article below. Get educated, arm yourself with credible data, and help to sound the alarm.
Dane Wigington


Climate Engineering Has Left Earth Perilously Exposed To Solar Flares


How much risk do solar flares or the even larger coronal mass ejections (CME's) pose to our planet and our very existence? The dangers are far greater than most can imagine. SIx and a half decades of climate engineering has decimated Earth's atmosphere and the natural protection that was once provided from it. Geoengineering has already left much of the planet exposed to very dangerous UV radiation levels due to the damage the constant spraying of particulates has done to the ozone layer. With our atmosphere in a weakened state, the risks from large solar flares and CME's is potentially cataclysmic. A solar event of significant scale could shut down electrical grids around the globe. This alone would wreak havoc on industrialized society, but there is an even bigger problem connected to this scenario. If the grids shut down for long enough, there are nuclear power plants around the globe that would not be able to cool down reactors. This could lead to 100 Fukushima type disasters or even more. This would be 'game over" for life on planet Earth. Industrialized society and the military industrial complex have constructed a scenario which has made cataclysm inevitable from many directions. The epitome of human insanity is reflected by the ongoing climate engineering. The article below provides more details on potentially dangerous solar activity that happened recently, and the risks posed by it.
Dane Wigington


Atmospheric Aerosols And Storm Manipulation


"Official" agencies and the experts who work there like to pretend the massive aerosol loading of the atmosphere with aerosols is just the result of anthropogenic pollution. This is the story these agencies are paid to put out in order to perpetuate the "official denial" of the obvious ongoing aerosol spraying being done by jet aircraft day in and day out all over the world. Climate engineering is of course not the only source of particle pollution in our skies, but it is likely the largest single source by far (mathematically speaking). ALL weather is affected by unprecedented aerosol levels in the atmosphere. Even cyclones can and are being radically manipulated with the use of aerosols and ionosphere heater facilities. What impact do the geoengineering nano particulates have on extratropical cyclones? The article below gives further insight.
Dane Wigington


The Consequences Of Geoengineering, 10 Critical Points


Dane Wigington

Governments around the globe long ago made the decision to alter and manipulate Earth's weather and climate systems. This decision was made without the knowledge or consent of the public. Some of the agendas behind the diliberate manipulation of Earth's life support systems are clear (based on available data). One major objective is weather warfare. The US militray has stated its desire to "Own The Weather By 2025", and there are numerous historical examples of weather warfare such as "Project Popye" in Vietnam. An even greater aspect of the atmospheric manipulation is the attempt to slow down what may already be a "runaway greenhouse effect" on our planet. What are the known consequences of the climate engineering insanity? The 10 bullet points below should be considered.

Radio Journalist Responds To The Washington Post’s Climate Engineering Article


The climate engineering elephant in the room is becoming bigger and harder to hide by the day. The Washington Post has now put out a second article on climate engineering in the span of a week. The difference of approach between the two articles "How A Group Of Conspiracy Theorists Could Derail The Debate Over Climate Policy" and "What Is The Right Temperature For Earth" is striking. In the article below radio journalist David Tulis puts a light on The Washington Post's less than objective coverage of the critical climate engineering issue. Still, the fact that The Washington Post is having to address geoengineering twice in a week is a clear sign ground is rapidly being gained in the effort to bring this issue to light.
Dane Wigington

The Washington Post Covers Climate Engineering Issue

The Washington Post has now addressed the climate engineering issue, the weather warfare assault in our skies is becoming all but impossible to hide. As our collective reality continues to rapidly deteriorate, many are beginning to look around and some are finally looking up. Blue skies are now a rare site as the all out aerosol spraying bombardment continues to increase around the globe. Though The Washington Post used the usual mainstream media terms like "conspiracy theory", all things considered this article is a giant leap forward for the cause of exposing the climate engineering insanity. The reporters at The Washington Post certainly had an uphill battle in getting this article even accepted for print, my sincere gratitude to them for their efforts. We are nearing critical mass of awareness regarding global geoengineering, those that wish to further the strides made with this article should take the time to click the "original source" link, and then comment under the article. Let's make our voices heard more than ever before.

Is Antarctica losing or gaining ice?


Source: Skeptical Science

Climate myth: Antarctica is gaining ice
"[Ice] is expanding in much of Antarctica, contrary to the widespread public belief that global warming is melting the continental ice cap." (Greg Roberts, The Australian)

Antarctica is a continent with 98% of the land covered by ice, and is surrounded by ocean that has much of its surface covered by seasonal sea ice. Reporting on Antarctic ice often fails to recognise the fundamental difference between sea ice and land ice. Antarctic land ice is the ice which has accumulated over thousands of years on the Antarctica landmass through snowfall. This land ice therefore is actually stored ocean water that once evaporated and then fell as precipitation on the land. Antarctic sea ice is entirely different as it is ice which forms in salt water during the winter and almost entirely melts again in the summer.

Importantly, when land ice melts and flows into the oceans global sea levels rise on average; when sea ice melts sea levels do not change measurably but other parts of the climate system are affected, like increased absorbtion of solar energy by the darker oceans.

Climate Engineering Is Weather Warfare, What Are The Consequences?

2014 was the warmest year ever recorded, the rapid heating of our world can no longer be hidden. The weather makers can cool massive regions over the short term, the extremely anomalous temperatures in the Eastern US is proof of that. But what is the true cost of such engineered "cool-downs"? The total decimation being caused by covert global climate engineering could never be quantified and is in many ways already completely irreversible. After as much as six decades of climate engineering insanity (and the total global contamination that has come with it), what are the results? The biosphere is in tatters. The entire climate system is unravelling, the frequency of weather related disasters is off the charts, the ozone layer is completely shredded, and every living thing has been poisoned from the constant aerosol spraying of our skies. These are only some of the consequences of the geoengineering insanity. Let's not forget the role of climate engineering in helping to trigger massive methane release in the Arctic, which by itself may kill the entire planet many times over. How have covert climate engineering programs contributed to the methane warming feedback loop? Climate engineering has radically altered upper level wind currents. This in turn has altered ocean currents. Now we have warm currents pumping into the Arctic which is helping to thaw formerly frozen methane deposits on the seabed. There is enough methane in the Arctic alone to cause a Permian type mass global extinction 100 times over if it releases in entirety. This methane release has already begun.

Extreme UV Radiation Is Killing Our Trees

Trees and whole forests around the globe are in steep decline. So much of the population has completely given up any connection to the natural world and thus they do not notice how rapidly tree health has deteriorated in almost all locations. All over the world formerly healthy forests are now in very poor condition. The condition of the trees has gone from bad to worse and few take note of this, let alone show any concern. The ongoing global climate engineering programs have decimated the ozone layer. Ozone layer destruction has long since been a known and recognized consequence of introducing particulates into the atmosphere. Atmospheric spraying of nano particles is a primary aspect of solar radiation management (SRM). In short, geoengineering is destroying the ozone layer. Levels of UVB are now often up to 1000% higher than official agencies are disclosing, these are extremely dangerous levels. How do we know levels are this high? Because we can and are metering UV radiation. We are now even detecting UVC radiation at the surface, UVC is the last band of UV radiation before x-ray radiation. We are told by all "official" monitoring agencies that UVC is stopped 100,000 feet up in the atmosphere, this is also a lie. Back to the trees, what is all this radiation doing to them? The 2 minute video below illustrates one example of the harm being done.

Engineered Winter, The Deception Of The US Population



Where is it cold? Where is it hot? The GISS "departure from normal temperature" map below should paint a strikingly clear picture to answer this question. Where is the ONLY bright blue area of substantially below normal temperatures? The Eastern half of the North American continent, why?



Climate Engineering And Dying Oceans

There are countless sources of anthropogenic damage to the Earth's oceans, a book would be necessary to cover this subject with any degree of accuracy. This being said, what part is the global climate engineering insanity playing in regard to our dying seas?  It is likely the most major factor of all. When the plankton are gone the oceans will die. If the oceans die, the human race will immediately follow. Global plankton populations are now down some 50% to 60%, even more than the article below indicates. As already stated, there are many causal factors, but mathematically speaking the largest single factor is likely intense UV radiation due to a completely shredded ozone layer. Excessive UV exposure decimates plankton populations. What is the greatest single factor in regard to global ozone depletion? Climate engineering. Sounding the alarm on global climate engineering should be a top priority for each and every one of us. The geoengineering insanity is determining our collective fate at blinding speed. In addition to completely derailing all natural weather and irreparably damaging the atmosphere, the constant spraying of toxic metal and chemical particulates is contaminating the entire web of life. Every breath we take is laden with highly toxic nano particulates. When only the jellyfish are left, we will all be gone. Climate engineering must be exposed and halted before there is nothing left to salvage of Earth's life support systems. The article below should be a sobering wake up call for us all.

Geoengineering: Like GMO On Steroids For The Environment

Awareness of the climate engineering subject is growing rapidly and the issue is justifiably frightening to the newly awakened. Those that are just beginning their journey into the global geoengineering rabbit hole are not quite ready to admit it is actually going on as such a notion is clearly and understandably terrifying to them.  Those of us that have been fighting to expose climate engineering for many years would do well to remember our own initial skepticism on this issue. What matters is that people like Kenneth Eade (the article author) are sincerely investigating and speaking out. Kenneth is a very successful author of considerable notoriety. His attention toward the critical issue of geoengineering is helpful to the overall cause of exposing the ongoing climate engineering crimes occurring in skies around the globe.

Geoengineered Snow Storms Wreaking Havoc Around The Globe

Can Snow Storms Really Be Engineered?

There is a mountain of data including already conducted experiments, satellite imagery, lab tests of snow, observations on the ground, and multiple existing patents,  all of which point solidly to the conclusion that snow storms are being engineered on a massive scale with well established weather modification processes.  Two known patents for the process of "artificial ice nucliation for weather modification" are posted at the bottom of this article. The Chinese government has openly admitted they are creating "artificial snow storms" but later backtracked after causing a billion dollars of damage to Beijing.

china snow

Stealing Rain From California, Again


Dane Wigington

The satellite photo below was taken the morning of 12-2-14. Though there is extensive cloud cover clearly visible over the entire state of California (as shown in this photo), at the time the picture was taken in the early morning hours almost no rain had yet fallen in much of the far central north of California, why?

Where Have All The Blue Skies Gone


I think that we have all noticed that our temperatures outside have been in a flux. One day it is above normal and the next day below normal, not only in New England but across the Globe. Something is definitely happening to our weather and climate. Doing some research, I have discovered that the US Air Force wants to control the weather by 2025. It is documented.

If you LOOK UP at the sky, you will notice that the sky is not blue for very long, even on a blue sky day. Instead, you will often see streaks of white plumes in the sky from planes, sometimes in patterns of a criss-cross or straight line or tick, tack, toe. These plumes after awhile begin to widen and blanket the blue sky turning it into a milky white. It has been verified with air, water and soil samples; by climate engineering patents, and videos that these streaks are aerosol trails of toxic chemicals of barium, strontium, aluminum oxide and other synthetic fibres being sprayed daily into the stratosphere by military and some commercial planes. A reason for the spraying of our skies on a global basis according to David Keith of Harvard, who recently spoke on the Colbert Report Show, is to cool down the temperature of the Earth. The name given to this process is Global Climate Engineering (Intervention) or Weather Modification, also known as Solar Radiation Management (SRM).

As much as the climate engineers are trying to cool the Earth, Weather modification is wrecking our eco-system and hydrological system already set in place. Television documentaries have reported that 200 species are becoming extinct each day, as well as fish, birds and animals. Dane Wigington in a documentary has mentioned that plants, trees and bees are dying in California. Other authors have pointed out to us, that our ozone layer is being depleted; the sunlight is dimming; farms and gardens are producing less crops; aquifers are depleting; states and countries are experiencing droughts. Many of our friends or relatives and ourselves have seen an increase in floods; ice tsunamis; earthquakes; hail; hurricanes and tornadoes. We are nearly at the edge of the tipping point! Time is running out is becoming a familiar mantra!

Besides the spraying of these toxic chemicals, our weather is also being manipulated by HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project). Both Nick Begich and Rosalie Bertell have written about this project in their books, and they can be heard on utubes online. Rosalie Bertell tells us that HAARP began in 1990 and work on the ionosphere facility in Gakona, Alaska began in 1993. HAARP is known as Tesla-based technology.

HAARP has ionosphere heaters that can heat sections of the Ionosphere to form a curved lens and also reflect massive energy beams back to Earth to trigger hurricanes, floods, droughts and earthquakes, as well as diverting them away from certain cities, states and or countries. It is known to have 24 heaters around the globe.

Such powerful technology to be in the hands of humans, without the complete knowledge of possible consequences of their usage and the moral authority to decide who has good weather today or not, or droughts for months on end! Is this not playing God with our weather and climate? Such hubris!

According to Professor James Fleming of Colby College in Maine, we are not the first generation to think about modifying and manipulating the weather and to change the climate. He tells us that as far back as 1841, James Espy tried to modify the weather. He tried to make artificial rain by burning forests. Other attempts to control the weather took place in the 1900’s beginning in 1904 with Charles Hatfield known as the Rainmaker who attempted to make it rain in California. Also again in 1915 when he supposedly caused it to rain for 17 days in San Diego by building a 20-30 foot tower which he climbed and then mixed chemicals claiming that by letting them evaporate in the atmosphere, he would attract rain clouds to open. Rain clouds did open resulting in deaths and the destruction of 100 bridges and people left homeless. As a result of the devastation, Mr. Hatfield was never paid the sum he bargained for. If you read, James Fleming’s work on FIXING THE SKY, you will find other examples showing that all throughout the 1900’s other various attempts were made to control the weather and climate not only by the United States but also by Russia.

So what is all this technological know how good for, if it is being used to destroy, rather than to promote responsible stewardship of the Earth? California, at present is in a terrible drought.
Where is HAARP in all of this? Why isn’t HAARP helping to bring moisture and rainfall to California, instead of the opposite?

As I reflect by my window and see trails of chemicals being released in our sky, day after day knowing that this will affect and effect our weather and our health, I can only ask what about the ETHICAL IMPLICATIONS of managing the world’s climate? Have policy makers taken this into account? Who will set the temperature for the Earth? What about the health issues of the citizens onto which the toxic chemicals mentioned above, fall day in and day out? Who are the policy makers accountable to for the consequences of Weather Modification? Alzheimers and autism are becoming rampant, as well as cancer and respiratory ailments. Are they not the results of these toxic chemicals?

Having this technology also raises the question about causing rain in one place that could risk causing drought in another place. Scriptures tell us that we are all one. So when one place is affected all is affected. Although I live at the opposite coast from California, I feel for the citizens there experiencing drought and devastation, also for the folks in Buffalo, New York, who recently experienced an unprecedented epic snowstorm. This brings to mind the words of Chief Seattle: “Whatever befalls the Earth, befalls the sons and daughters of the Earth.”

Scientists tell us that time is running out and that the only way to fix the weather and the climate is to leave the sky alone and instead reduce CO2 emissions and also Methane Emissions. May we all have the courage to do so! INSTEAD OF AN ICE BUCKET CHALLENGE, I challenge all who will read this to write or call President Obama and your legislators to encourage them to reduce CO2 Emissions and Methane Emissions, while leaving the sky alone.


Angels Don’t Play HAARP by Nick Begich

Fix The Sky by James Fleming

Planet Earth: The Latest Weapon by Rosalie Bertell

Look Up (Documentary DVD) by Skyder Alert website of Dane Wigington

Geoengineering, Freezing The Eastern US While The Planet Fries


The criminal power brokers will continue to do all they can to hide the greatest crime in the history of the human race, global climate engineering. Once a critical mass of the population becomes aware of the ecocide and genocide being fueled by the climate engineering insanity, the wheels of the global elite will grind to a halt as our collective reality overturns. Those in power will do anything and everything they can to keep the public from waking up to what has been done to them, but the lump is getting too big to hide for much longer. The climate is unravelling by the day and geoengineering is speeding up this process dramatically. The engineered “cool-downs” in a few regions come at the cost of a far worsened warming overall. This is not even to mention the decimated ozone layer and a planet that is now completely contaminated even in the most remote areas. The climate engineers are doing their absolute best to keep the toxic engineered winter storms going in the Eastern US. This perpetuates the confusion and division with populations.



Radical fluctuations in temperatures and weather conditions are going to continue increasing. How much longer can the bigger picture reality be hidden? Likely not much longer, our planet is descending into meltdown. If enough people get off the bench and help with the effort to expose and stop the climate engineering insanity, and if the planet is then allowed to respond on its own, there may yet be a dim light at the end of the tunnel. Lets all make our voices heard. The article below is only one of many that are now being published by the day. As always, climate engineering is not mentioned, but the reality on the ground still should not be ignored.
Dane Wigington

UVB Radiation Is Off The Charts, Metering Proves This Fact

Does the sun feel hot on your face? It is. The UV radiation that we are all being exposed to is off the charts. It’s actually burning the bark off of trees on the sun exposed sides. This is happening in countless regions. Global climate engineering is shredding the ozone layer along with an endless list of other horrific consequences. If climate engineering continues, our days are numbered. How high is the UV radiation? View the actual tests in the video below. As I state in this clip, we are told by all major agencies that no more than 5% of all UV radiation should be UVB. We are getting 55% to 60% UVB. This means that we are seeing UVB levels that are 1000% or more above what is being disclosed.

What’s Really Going On With The Weather?


Source: Dorset Eye

Alerting The Public To A Climate In Crisis

The signs have been written in the sky in astonishing trails. The weather has been shouting it through drought and flood – and the documented evidence has been available on the internet for a very, very long time.

Confronting Climate Shift And The Geoengineering Dilemma


by William Thomas, contributing writer for

Blame it on our Pleistocene wanderlust. When vast multitudes of latter-day hominids could finally hitch their two-million year-old nomadic genes to a hundred horses at the turn of a key – we did. “Happy Motoring” and cheap flights to Mexico transformed our lives. And the planet each of us depends on and so briefly inhabits. It now appears we’ve rubbed that magic oil lamp way too vigorously. The jinn has escaped and is two ways pissed: Drunk on petroleum overdose. Enraged at being uncaged.

Staying Healthy In A World That Isn’t


It’s not easy to retain one’s health in a world that is being constantly bombarded with contamination from too many directions to comprehend. Many people have many different ideas about how to stay healthy, but are such suggested methods down to earth, straight forward and doable protocols? I am familiar with the author of the article below, TC Randal, and believe he is giving some very on target advice. I have followed a similar line of health defense my entire adult life and it has been of immense benefit to me. First and foremost we must strive to expose and eliminate the biggest and most lethal source of global contamination, climate engineering. But as we march forward in this fight, it is essential for us to retain as much of our state of health as possible. Doing so will make us much more effective in the battle to stop climate engineering.
Dane Wigington


Cleanse, Flush, Sweat, Mobilize, Chelate, Detox…and Heal

Source: Green Med Info

Cleanse, Flush, Sweat, Mobilize, Chelate, Detox...and Heal

It’s an industrial world out there. Few pristine places are left on Earth, and even there the winds of industry blow. Luckily we have answers.

Obviously sunshine, exercise, a truly healthy diet and a happy mindful kinetic lifestyle are lobby-level, yet illness can begin in the best of us when toxic chemical intake and auto-generated wastes overwhelm the capacity for elimination. In other words the rate of elimination must meet or exceed input…or toxins accumulate.  Amalgam fillings, air and water pollution, smoking, eating fish and processed foods, pesticides, battlefield toxins, radiations and drug residues commonly lead to cancers, heart/artery disease, autism, depression, PTSD, candidiasis, viral infections, autoimmune disorders, etc., etc. These conditions can logically and practically be prevented, improved or reversed by expeditious elimination of the offending molecules.

The term “cleanse” usually causes us to think “bowel” cleanse with strong laxatives and dreadful colonics traditionally used to address gross elimination problems. The intestinal tract can become a plumber’s nightmare so consider that vitamin C doses exceeding bowel tolerance leave one clean as a whistle in a few hours.

Attention then zooms in on the intestinal floral population, care and feeding of the good guys and starvation of pathogens. This is done by eliminating sugars and processed carbs (gluten/GM grains) and killing yeasts and other bad guys directly with oregano oil or oxygen releasing products.

And then focus on healing the cells lining the intestines that otherwise leak toxins, pathogens, emulsified fats and proteins directly into the bloodstream to source allergies and autoimmune disorders.  Cells respond to saturated fats like butter/coconut oil and Omega 3 fats, high fiber leafy greens and green juices w spirulina, intermittent fasting, bone/cartilage soups, raw milks/yogurts, minerals like K, Mn, Se, Zn and Mg, Vitamins C/E and other phyto-antioxidants like curcuminoids, carotenoids, cannabinoids….and regenerate.

Flush” commonly refers to liver and kidney cleansing. They are targeted with various herbal/olive oil flushes. R-Alpha Lipoic Acid, silymarin, beets, liver and added baking soda for kidneys help restore function. The GMI database holds a laundry list of regenerative aids for these organs.

Sweating” and sauna raise body temperature, dump wastes and stimulate all biochemical activity, circulation of blood and lymph.

Hot baths of epsom salts or dead sea salts and soaking in ocean water draw-out toxins while infusing alkalizing magnesium; all transdermally.

Sunbathing raises body temperature when photons, at various wavelengths from infra red to ultra violet, penetrate the skin to not only produce Vitamin D, but entrain body frequencies and energize our predominant water fraction. UV and radiant heat make H2O’s charge, polarity and conductivity stronger so blood, lymph and other body fluids become thinner. This speeds circulation moving oxygen-rich blood in, waste products out.

Exercise, massage and quick temperature shifts like a sauna followed by plunging into cold water agitate fluids that had become stagnant during periods of inactivity. Hot peppers are also great for enhancing circulation.

Still, in spite of cleanses, flushes and sauna, metals and toxins will remain lodged in body fat, bones, nerve tissues and cell membranes.  A double barreled defense is required. First mobilize them…. then chelate them.

Chelation does not occur efficiently without MOBILIZATION

Cellular detoxification is initiated when a flood of electrons (using mega-Vitamin C/baking soda) moves materials out of tissues and organs into the bloodstream and on to the kidneys or the intestines to be snatched by chelators.  This electron-driven liberation of metals is punctuated by electron-stealing bursts of oxidation ( mega-Vit C generated peroxides, hydrogen peroxide, MMS chlorite, ozone) that disassemble organic poisons, pathogens, fibrin overgrowth and cell debris. Oxidative bursts also spark redox signalling to provoke the release of more in-house antioxidants like SOD and glutathione and awaken other dormant genes to produce protective enzymes.

“Chelate” really just means “to grab or claw-on to” (toxins).
Chelation Therapy generally refers to IV infusions of EDTA, DMSA, DMPS, etc. that rapidly mobilize and attach toxins….and unfortunately vital minerals which must be concurrently resupplied.

The practice has been maligned by conventional medicine in apparent ignorance of the disruption minute quantities of toxins wield upon normal physiology at the molecular level, namely acidity, free radical predation, oxidative stress and inflammation.

Chelation therapy has been used to treat heavy metal poisoning,  but is not recognized by the FDA for the treatment of disease. The FDA also refuses to admit the connection between mercury, cadmium, aluminum, etc. and a raft of conditions carelessly caused by our politically protected industries.  Fortunately everything you need for personal detoxification is freely available.

Chelation can be accomplished without IVs by employing many common substances such as chlorella, clays, charcoal, shilajit/humates, cilantro and zeolites which bind to toxins along with sulfur compounds in R-Alpha Lipoic Acid, garlic, onions, MSM and NAC.

Proteolytic enzymes like papain, bromelain or nattokinase can help free metals sequestered beneath fibrin films.

The word “DETOX” has long been associated with “drying-out” alcoholics, rehab and addictions. Today it’s all about improving inner charge terrain so that cells can get more oxygen, regain functionality and self heal. A wide variety of supplements, physical and psychological treatments come under the detoxification umbrella, and indeed seemingly disconnected approaches all lead to the same goal.

Toxins are foreign molecules (like Al, F, Hg, Pb, etc. and a host of organic poisons), damaged molecules (oxidized/trans fats, protein/fat fragments), metabolic waste products, excessive acids and free-radicals of exogenous (radiations) and endogenous (immune response/inflammation)  origins. These molecules must ultimately be transformed and eliminated at the atomic level….or the organism will suffer oxidative stress (inflammation), the root of most every disease.

Hair analysis is invaluable in 1) identifying metal/mineral presence and 2) to monitor the effectiveness of your efforts to evict heavy metals and normalize Mg, Ca, Na and K levels.  Many times blood work does not detect the extent of contamination.

Interestingly, younger individuals commonly hold significant metal burdens since this generation has known only higher levels of toxins over the last 20yrs compared to their predecessors.

Once follow-up hair tests report healthy levels in all categories and symptoms magically disappear, you will have certain proof….whether the FDA likes it or not.

These alternative practices and “home remedies” require a bit of skill in use and an understanding of their actions. Things like chicken soup, apple cider vinegar, cayenne, garlic, epsom salts or Vit C/baking soda have specific healing properties when used in appropriate, usually unusually large quantities, taken regularly and in concert. Include as many as needed while focusing on mineral supplementation and the key elements of mobilization and chelation. I prefer detoxing at home over humiliating rectal intrusion or rapid IV chelation, slowly, gently and inexpensively for extended periods.  Just me.

Detoxification is a survival strategy and should become a way of life. We have 365 chances a year to get it right, to do something, to take action, to clean our inner environments, to maintain our quality of life and to allow cells to self-heal.

forbiddenhealingCapt. Randall is the author of Forbidden Healing, an organic farmer and independent health researcher. He studied chemistry and biology at the University of Florida. His interests range from marine science to archaeology and ethnobotany. See

Source: Green Med Info

Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) – October 27, 2014


If You Think These Are Just “Contrails” Think Again – Here’s What They Really Are


More and more credible authors and sources are making their voices heard in the battle to expose and stop the climate engineering insanity. The momentum of geoengineering awareness is growing by the day, the undercurrent of people who are waking up is expanding exponentially. The climate system is unravelling, the die off of wildlife is shocking, human respiratory ailments and diseases are going off the charts. Though there are countless sources of destruction and contamination to our once pristine planet, mathematically speaking, global climate engineering is the greatest act of human destruction ever waged against nature. Geoengineering is nothing short of all out weather warfare against life on our planet. My sincere thanks to  Arjun Walia from “Collective Evolution” for his ongoing efforts to expose dire issues and for his article below which addresses the most critical issue of all.
Dane Wigington

Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) – October 24, 2014
