Search Results for: weather channel

Warmer In The Arctic Than In Texas? What Is Wrong With This Picture?

The global temperature maps in the article below are very telling as to where it’s hot and where it’s not. Why doesn’t the mainstream media take any time to tell us about the record warmth in Alaska and the Arctic? Why does the Weather Channel (and other mainstream sources) go through entire segments of their shows focusing exclusively on the engineered “record cold” while not even mentioning a word about the record warm temperatures elsewhere? Because it is their job to covertly sell climate engineering and confusion in regard to the true state of the climate.


It’s Warmer In Alaska Than In Texas Right Now

Source: Chron

That’s according to the National Weather Service, which reported highs in the lower 30s Fahrenheit for Barrow, AK — the northernmost city in the country — but only in forecasted highs in the low 20s for Amarillo, TX.

The Post-Tribune And The Geoengineering Elephant In The Room

The climate engineering elephant in the room is getting hard to hide. It is becoming ever more clear that phones and emails are ringing off the hook in the offices of newsrooms and public officials by people that want answers on the climate engineering insanity. We must continue this trend and increase the pace even further. Of course the Post Tribune finds an “expert” to say it isn’t so and that the public is just making it all up and does not understand the “laws of physics”. Why should we believe that it’s only “condensation trails” in the sky? Because the “Weather Channel” says so. Never mind that we have film footage of tankers spraying at altitude with the nozzles clearly visible and with the spray being turned on and off. Never mind the fact that lab tests from around the globe prove beyond doubt that we are all being buried in under massive amounts of toxic heavy metals that match climate engineering patents exactly. Just throw your sense of deductive reasoning out the window because the paid liars at the Rothchilds owned weather channel say it isn’t so. To cap it off, Jerry Davich from the Post Tribune delivers his final “conspiracy theory” insinuation by quoting an establishment trained “professor of sociology” who says we are all just choosing to believe legends of our own creation. We must hold these people accountable. Don’t stop phoning and emailing them until they show the courage to stop lying and start telling the truth.


Davich: Contrails, chemtrails or contemporary legend?

Source: Post-Tribune, News of Northwest Indiana, article by Jerry Davich


Look, up in the sky. No, seriously.

There’s a possibility you’ll see intriguing white streaks of, well, something.

Are they simply contrails from jet airplane engines, which have been leaving exhaust-related plumes for decades? Or are these murky streaks something more?

Possibly “geo-engineering” at work or chemical trails (“chemtrails”)? Or more radical explanations, such as human pesticides, biological agents and weather pattern manipulation, as I’ve been told by critical observers. Conspiracy theories, you say?

“Conspiracy possibilities,” replied Andrew Reed of Chesterton.

“I’ve seen contrails. These are different,” he insisted, pointing to a ton of Internet information and conjecture on this topic.

“I’ve studied chemtrails for a while now, but this was the first time I saw them happen for myself,” he told me earlier this week. “My experience today helped solidify my beliefs that planes are dropping something on an unsuspecting public.”

On that day, our Northwest Indiana skies were littered with these cloudy white streaks going every direction. I always assumed they were created by jets flying to and from the two Chicago airports. Not so, claims Reed and others.

“The planes were crisscrossing and making 90-degree turns right before my eyes,” said Reed, a sanitation worker for Portage. “The trails they left acted in accordance with everything I have come to know about them. They left a murky cloud-like haze that did not evaporate. They are real and shrouded in mystery.”

Mystery indeed, until you talk with a university chemistry professor or meteorologist from The Weather Channel.

“There is a very basic scientific explanation for these chemtrails,” said Kory Stiffler, a visiting assistant professor of chemistry, physics and astronomy at Indiana University Northwest in Gary. “They are essentially trails of water vapor left by the exhaust of airplanes, which condense in the cold air and form little trails of clouds, the same way a regular cloud is formed.”

The reason these water vapor trails (and clouds) are white is that the water vapor of which they are composed scatters sunlight in all directions, he noted. On the other hand, the scattering of sunlight by atmospheric gases (primarily nitrogen and oxygen) is the reason the sky is blue — these gases scatter blue light in all directions.

It’s all Physics 101, a course he teaches every semester.

Meteorologists from The Weather Channel agree, telling me that when weather conditions are just right, jets leave behind a streaming contrail cloud.

“Some conspiracy theorists believe these are trails of chemicals released by planes. However, that is not the case,” a Weather Channel spokeswoman told me.

In simplest terms, such conditions need a rather high relative humidity but below the point of saturation, with no clouds. A slight change in air temperature can lead to this condensation.

“Relative humidity is when temperature and dew point are close together,” the spokeswoman said. “When the temperature drops to the dew point, this is when you get the condensation or clouds, or contrail in this case.”

Reed and other critics of such scientific explanation don’t believe it.

“Why do people refuse to believe that geoengineering is real?” asked Reed, who took a photo of the sky that day, which accompanies this column. “We’ve seen what governments can do, with cases like Agent Orange in Vietnam and other instances of chemical warfare.”

Reed is certainly not alone with such thinking locally. I’ve heard from many other readers about these contrails or chemtrails, especially this past year.

“They were spraying big time today. It can’t be good,” said Jerry Gilles, a social media follower.

“They’ve been doing it for years but people are finally starting to realize what’s happening,” said Kathy Parsons of Gary.

Many of them insist doubters watch the 2010 documentary film, “What in the World Are They Spraying?” which reportedly reveals the chemtrail-geoengineering cover-up.

This is how it’s billed: “Here is the story of a rapidly developing industry called geo-engineering, driven by scientists, corporations, and governments intent on changing global climate, controlling the weather, and altering the chemical composition of soil and water — all supposedly for the betterment of mankind.” But, “the effect has been devastating to crops, wildlife and human health. We are being sprayed with toxic substances without our consent.”

Reed, among others, is a believer.

“I believe it’s aluminum and possibly barium and strontium,” he said.


“Possibly to block solar rays to slow global warming,” he said. “Possibly to experiment on the population. To destroy plant life. To destroy soil on independent farms for big agriculture interests. Weather manipulation. There are numerous possibilities.”


“People can make all the tinfoil hat jokes they want, but I’m scared,” Reed said. “I don’t live my life based on fear, but this is so strange.”

From a sociological perspective, this is called a “contemporary legend,” contrary to an urban legend, used to differentiate modern legend from traditional folklore in preindustrial societies.

This type of legend reflects contemporary circumstances and paranoia about unseen enemies and threats to our country, such as “enemy agents,” “big government” or “big brother.”

As the sociologist W.I. Thomas taught us, “What people define as real becomes real in their consequences.” Even though the stories may not be real at all.

“Remember, it doesn’t mean these contemporary legends are real but simply that people believe them to be true and what such beliefs say about urban life and perhaps even history,” said Charles Gallmeier, professor of sociology at IUN.

Again, I tell you, look up in the sky. But also look in your psyche and your gut before coming to your conclusion.

Source: Post-Tribune, News of Northwest Indiana, article by Jerry Davich

Engineering Winter Storms


Dane Wigington

How is it there are such anomalous cold events on an ever rapidly warming planet? Welcome to climate engineering and "artificial ice nucleation for weather modification". The geoengineers were able to manipulate some weather headlines and produce a few cold records in the Eastern US  just before the end of October, 2014, with what they labeled as the "polar blast"(the constant record heat in so many parts of the planet are generally ignored by mainstream media). Engineered snow storms are a major part of the ongoing climate engineering assault on our biosphere. Massive fluctuations of temperatures and conditions accompany such unnatural events. There is no longer any "natural" weather, none.


Surreal photos from Slovenia's Worst Ice Storm In History (though mainstream media tried to make it seem as if such an event had happened before by saying it was the worst "in living memory", statistically it was an unprecedented event). I was contacted by people from Slovenia who made it completely clear that they believed this ice cataclysm was the result of weather warfare, punishment for resistance to outside political pressures.

Climate Engineering Threatens The Planetary Civilization


Geoengineering Using Chemtrails and HAARP Intensifies Global Warming


A Day in the Life: 5/3-5/14

 Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA)

  +  Resolving the Atmospheric Emergency  +

California’s Engineered Drought


One of the most talked about topics in the media these days is climate change, but it is also the source of much misinformation and skewed science

Chemtrails Explained; HAARP Exposed; Geoengineering Expounded


Media Increases Mass Distraction While The Walls Close In On Us All


We Are All Lab Rats In A Grand And Lethal Experiment

Dane Wigington

Unimaginable global climate experiments have been going on in many forms for more years than most would believe. One can not even begin to touch the full depth of the rabbit hole without writing a series of books on the activities of the “collective insanity” that runs the world. How can small numbers of clinically insane psychopaths gain such control over the world’s populations? Because until now most could stay in denial, repeat the “official narrative” dictated to them by those in power, and stay in their comfort zone bubbles. The days of “head in the sand” denial are rapidly coming to an end as there is no longer any hiding from what is unfolding around us all. What we collectively do with the time we have will determine whether or not there is anything to salvage for life on planet earth.

Climate Engineering, A Toxic Deception


The Toxic Assault On Planet Earth Continues To Be Ramped Up

Chemically Nucleated Snow, What Is It?


What’s up with the snow?

Geoengineered Snowstorms – THE SNOWMEN Turning Warmth Into Winter Part 2


“we are reposting “The snowmen, turning warmth to winter” because it is imperative that people understand the completely engineered nature of the weather events occurring now across the country and around the globe. There is NO NATURAL WEATHER at this point , virtually none.”

by William Thomas   The anticipated Big Blow came unexpectedly in late October 2012, when a late-season tropical storm picked up enough energy from an unusually warm Atlantic Ocean to maintain hurricane intensity as it tracked north. Blocked from recurving eastwards by the Greenland High, Sandy “did something never observed before in records going back to 1851 – it took a sharp turn to the west and headed toward the most populated area along the eastern seaboard,” scientists said. Invigorated by cold air deflected south from the Arctic, Sandy morphed into “a monster hybrid storm” with “the lowest atmospheric pressures ever recorded” for any storm making landfall north of Cape Hatteras. Instead of snow, Sandy unleashed rain of monsoon intensity.

Weekly Geoengineering Update January 19, 2014


The weather over the lower 48 yet again is still in the same engineered track. Catastrophic drought producing high pressure dome over the entire Eastern Pacific with the ongoing parade of engineered snow events over parts of the Great lakes and the east.

Geoengineered Snowstorms – THE SNOWMEN Turning Warmth Into Winter Part 2


by William Thomas   The anticipated Big Blow came unexpectedly in late October 2012, when a late-season tropical storm picked up enough energy from an unusually warm Atlantic Ocean to maintain hurricane intensity as it tracked north. Blocked from recurving eastwards by the Greenland High, Sandy “did something never observed before in records going back to 1851 – it took a sharp turn to the west and headed toward the most populated area along the eastern seaboard,” scientists said. Invigorated by cold air deflected south from the Arctic, Sandy morphed into “a monster hybrid storm” with “the lowest atmospheric pressures ever recorded” for any storm making landfall north of Cape Hatteras. Instead of snow, Sandy unleashed rain of monsoon intensity.

Geoengineered Snow Storms Wreaking Havoc around the Globe


Can Snow Storms Really Be Engineered?

“Chemtrails Are Happening All Over The World” According to Former British Columbia Premier


The Former premiere of British Columbia Bill Vander Zalm is putting politicians on notice. He sent a letter across Canada to multiple politicians voicing his concerns over the chemtrail phenomenon. We are told that they are simply airplane engine condensation trails, but now it is clear these trails are different from what they used to be.

Global Geoengineering – The Ever Changing Experiment


It is a challenge to predict the outcome of experiments that are being constantly altered. The saturation of the atmosphere with particles has specific and well documented effects. It forces a complete disruption of the hydrological cycle with a tendency toward CAUSING DROUGHT overall. 

Geoengineers Pull Off Toxic “Cool Down”


“Winter Storm” Ukko materialized as planned. Considerable manipulation of the jet stream and extensive aerosol spraying of the cloud tops with ice nucleating elements brought it all together. Though many of the regions that received snow got it at temps well above the freezing mark. Other zones have now cooled off considerably and may stay that way for a while if heavy manipulation continues and it looks as if that’s what is planned. The second most extreme March jet stream on record is an additional profound factor in this “cool down” equation. It seems the geoengineers are playing every card they have at great cost to the planet. Are they trying to make us forget what it was like last year at this time?  March of 2012 saw the US literally baking in a completely unprecedented heat wave

Geoengineers Pull Off Toxic "Cool Down"


“Winter Storm” Ukko materialized as planned. Considerable manipulation of the jet stream and extensive aerosol spraying of the cloud tops with ice nucleating elements brought it all together. Though many of the regions that received snow got it at temps well above the freezing mark. Other zones have now cooled off considerably and may stay that way for a while if heavy manipulation continues and it looks as if that’s what is planned. The second most extreme March jet stream on record is an additional profound factor in this “cool down” equation. It seems the geoengineers are playing every card they have at great cost to the planet. Are they trying to make us forget what it was like last year at this time?  March of 2012 saw the US literally baking in a completely unprecedented heat wave

Geoengineering Assault Update 3/15/13


Massive spraying continues over nearly the entire Eastern Pacific. This looks like all out preparation for yet another engineered snow event which the Weather Channel will turn into theater for the coming week to convince us all we are in the grips of a ferocious winter when the truth is anything but. This ” storm” will likely be named winter storm “UKKO”. Keep an eye on the temperatures of the regions that will be impacted by this event. Some of the areas that the moisture for this storm will cross are in the upper 60 degree range currently. So how will it cold enough to snow?

Geoengineering Watch Update


The Weather Channel theater is getting ever more ridiculous.  The latest in a in a string of completely geoengineered snow events, "winter storm Saturn", is as of this moment falling apart.

Global Geoengineering Fueling Venus Syndrome


What Is "Venus Syndrome"?

"Venus syndrome" is not a metaphor, it is a scientific scenario. The term should be self explanatory, but just to be clear, Venus syndrome is a scenario in which climate and atmospheric feedback loops are triggered that can't be switched off. Under this scenario, as greenhouse gasses build up, and cause planetary warming, yet more greenhouse gasses are released which causes still more warming. This trajectory does not end in a balmy tropical resort Earth, but rather a planet that is closer to hell. Like Venus, Earth would become a pressure cooking inferno with virtually no life.

Winter Storm "Nemo"


The engineering and naming of “winter” storms, and the Weather Channel coverage that goes with them, is truly becoming ridiculous.

Winter Storm “Nemo”


The engineering and naming of “winter” storms, and the Weather Channel coverage that goes with them, is truly becoming ridiculous.

Geoengineering and Ozone Destruction


Again it seems appropriate to wonder what will it take for the gravity of the aerosol spraying to be realized by a larger percentage of the population. What it will take to compel more people to make the spray issue a priority. What it will take to prompt more to take action in order to bring this most dire issue out into the light?

Each and every day the global assault on our planet, and all that lives and breaths, continues. The decimation being caused by the “SAG” (stratospheric aerosol geoengineering) programs can never be quantified. Though the article below, and others like it, do not mention SAG as a causal factor, the mountain of data on the undisputed effects of SAG paint an all too clear conclusion (attached articles).

WMD America: Inside The Pentagon’s Global Bioweapons Industry


Source: 21st Century Wire

By Dilyana Gaytandzhieva
21st Century Wire

The US Army regularly produces deadly viruses, bacteria and toxins in direct violation of the UN Convention on the prohibition of Biological Weapons.

As a result, many hundreds of thousands of unwitting people are systematically exposed to dangerous pathogens, and other potentially incurable diseases. This highly classified network of R &D and production facilities includes an array of US government private contracts, which raises additional concerns about privatised chains of command and public accountability.

While much of the mainstream discourse of this subject centres around the asymmetric threat posed by non-state actors procuring and using biological agents in ‘bioterrorism’ attacks, very little if any investigation is done into the very real threat posed by states and private companies who are involved in this highly opaque industry.

Rapidly Increasing Awareness Of The Climate Engineering Crimes Is Panicking Corporate Media


Dane Wigington

The recent rash of mainstream media propaganda pushback against the rapidly rising global climate engineering awareness is a glaring red flag which proves that we are indeed gaining ground in this all important battle. Those who work for the mainstream media organizations of mass deception should at this point be considered as accessories to the geoengineering/weather warfare crimes of omnicide when they willingly participate in the cover-up of these crimes. "Scientists" like Dr. David Keith, and Dr. Ken Caldeira have been (and still are) leading the effort to deceive the public with yet another major disinformation pushback from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. These two individuals should not only be considered accessories to the criminal climate engineering cover-up, but should also be considered primary instigators of this cover-up.

Dr. Caldeira and Dr. Keith were both contributors to a recent disinformation "study" designed to deceive the population and intimidate others in academia from speaking out about the climate engineering crimes. Caldeira's employer, Carnegie "Science", was the supporting institution for this "study" (orchestrated survey). The Carnegie group has long since admitted on the record that geoengineering would not only "make the skies whiter", but it would actually "turn them white". So how is it that this power structure institution, Carnegie "Science", (with defense industry contracts) now tries to completely marginalize the very issue they have issued reports about? They deny the very reality of the solar radiation management effect in our skies which mountains of data prove is an ongoing reality. The CBC Canadian corporate news empire has added their voice to the cover-up effort, again with Dr. Keith at the helm of the deception. Once the Canadian billboard in the photo below came to Dr. Keith's attention (the billboard's link leads directly to, Keith apparently made sure there would be a corporate media pushback to blatantly lie about the billboard's meaning and message.  78

Banff National Park, Hwy 1, Alberta, Canada. Billboard photo credit: Jason and Lorna Hardy 80

Banff National Park, Hwy 1, Alberta, Canada. Billboard photo credit: Jamie Allen-Miller

‎For the record, David Keith's entire career is centered around the "solar geoengineering" issue which is exactly what the Canadian billboard was in fact about. With this in mind, let's consider the following quotes made about the billboard by Dr. Keith (in the CBC disinformation article).

"I think it's stunning and frightening because it is complete lunacy"

And this:

"A lot of people just believe things that normal science doesn't believe at all"

Watch this video and again consider Dr. Keith's quotes about geoengineering shown above. Bill Gates has even contributed to Dr. David Keith's and Dr. Ken Caldeira's efforts in the geoengineering field. If, after examining the CBC disinformation article, you feel the CBC author, Kyle Bakx, has been criminally deceptive, let him know what you think about his blatantly false and deceptive "reporting" by contacting Kyle Bakx directly. About Dr. David Keith and Dr. Ken Caldeira, if you are not OK with the part they are playing in the ongoing criminal climate engineering cover-up, tell them yourself (their contact links were given earlier in this article and are shown again at the bottom of this post). Communications should be done in a non threatening manner, though we can and should still point out to these individuals that once the public wakes up to the lethal deception, populations will undoubtedly hold those that participated in the criminal climate engineering cover-up legally and morally accountable. When messaging these individuals by email, it is important to openly cc as many other credible people as possible. Doing so further assists with the effort to expose those that are participating in the disinformation, and thus helps  to hold them accountable for their actions.

Climate Engineering Cover-Up Continues In The US

Redding, California, has been and will continue to be an epicenter for the effort to expose the ongoing climate engineering crimes. Shasta Dam (the second largest in the country) is located just north of Redding and the Sacramento River (a primary source of the State's water) flows through Redding. Lab tests prove that the Sacramento River and tributaries are being contaminated by the toxic heavy metal and chemical climate engineering fallout (starting with aluminum). The fight to expose the climate engineering issue in Shasta County has been long and arduous, but not in vain. As more and more in the Redding area have awakened to the climate engineer atrocities, Northern California's primary newspaper (The Record Searchlight) has displayed rapidly increasingly tyrannical behavior. In a blatant effort to sensationalize headlines of total deception, the Searchlight avoids the use of hard science terms and instead focuses on launching personal attacks in order to distract from the real issue of the illegal covert climate engineering assault. The local page photo of the latest Record Searchlight disinformation and personal attack publication is below. This travesty of "journalism" was published on 8-19-16.


Recent Record Searchlight headline on cover of the local section of the newspaper

Why does it matter to even bother exposing this completely immoral propaganda publication for what they are? Because the anti-geoengineering legal action from LASG may concentrate in this region. By continuing to shine the light on the Searchlight's unethical conduct, once the climate engineering issue can no longer be hidden the citizens of Northern California will then fully realize the part the Record Searchlight staff played in hiding critical information from Shasta County citizens. This will assist us with the legal effort to fully expose the climate engineering assault and with reaching a critical mass of awareness on the issue. The corporate media owned Record Searchlight "newspaper" has not only completely blacked out any coverage of numerous past major community climate engineering awareness events in Redding, but is at the same time giving front page coverage of any and every disinformation propaganda that attempts to falsely marginalize the critical climate engineering issue.

The editor for the Record Searchlight is Silas Lyons. Below is a message from Mr. Lyons after he was confronted with the Searchlight's blackout of a major community climate engineering awareness gathering with over 1000 in attendance.

Mr. Wigington,

Thanks for your note. The Record Searchlight certainly has no monopoly on the public receiving information, and you've used the Internet, events and other channels pretty effectively from what I can tell. Because scientists and government agencies are actively exploring geoengineering — SRM, etc. — it may be that the reality will someday catch up with your claims. I expect our newspaper will carry many stories about the subject, as the idea of using technology to cool the planet in the future is a debate with enormous potential consequences and grave ethical questions. But your claims about present-day conspiracies to poison the planet are not rooted in that reality. We continue to believe it's our journalistic responsibility not to lend coverage and — by extension — credence to thoroughly debunked conspiracy theories. 

Our position on this is consistent. As I told another correspondent, I recognize that by declining to participate in coverage we are fueling claims that there's a vast conspiracy and we are co-conspirators with our military, public servants and the entire body of mainstream science. I can't help that, as that is the very nature of conspiracy theories — and what makes them so elegantly self-perpetuating.

Best regards,


My response to Mr. Lyons:

Mr. Lyons, I would have expected a more plausible response from you than that which you put together, but I will say it is revealing. Have I ever stated there was a "conspiracy to poison the planet"? (stated in Searchlight article) No, that is just more spin from you and your publication which is what we have all come to expect. What I have always stated is that all available evidence indicates geoengineering is a reality, not just a "proposal". Our "claims" are "rooted" in countless lab tests done at state certified labs. Our "claims" are grounded in actual film footage of military tankers spraying at altitude with nozzles fully visible. Then there are the historical government documents, recent congressional documents calling for the global governance of geoengineering, , etc, the list goes on. The highly toxic heavy metal contamination is beyond dispute as already stated (proven by dozens of lab tests in Shasta County alone). The very dangerous UV radiation levels are also beyond dispute as metering proves. The ongoing spraying of our skies is beyond dispute as film footage proves. You have a moral and ethical responsibility to the community you claim to represent, Silas. You have repeatedly and willfully failed to uphold that responsibility. Did I ever claim there was a "vast conspiracy" that kept you from doing your job, no. Let me be clear, I simply believe you lack the moral fortitude to carry out your job, Mr. Lyons. You are entitled to your denial of the climate engineering reality, I grant you that, but there is absolutely no excuse for you to black out any coverage whatsoever of a major community event with about 1000 in attendance. A community event that featured testimony from our top local neurologist, from numerous former government scientists, from former military personnel, former defense industry technicians, A CEO from one of the worlds largest environmental and engineering consulting firms, etc. The public is rapidly waking up to the fact that media representatives like yourself are in fact not doing their jobs. Rather, in many cases (like this one) editors like you are going out of their way to omit stories that citizens have a right to hear about. The climate engineering/geoengineering reality cannot be hidden in plain sight much longer, the decimation related to these programs is becoming too great. Once the public is fully aware (especially in the North State), I believe they will want you to do some serious explaining, Silas. In the meantime, we will post communications like this so that everything is out in the open as I am sure you would want it to be. Again, Silas, to set the record straight, I have never said and don't believe there is a conspiracy linked to your decision to blackout this major community event, I simply believe you lack courage and are primarily focused on the protection of your paycheck and pension. Again, there is no rational justification for the editor of the primary local newspaper blacking out any and all coverage of a major community event with 1000 in attendance, local city officials in attendance, local physicians speaking along with testimony from former government scientists, a CEO a global environmental and engineering consulting firm with 10,000 employees, former defense industry personnel, former military personnel, etc. The citizens are waking up, Silas, and I can only imagine they will not be happy once they have a clear picture of reality and those that have done their best to hide it.
Dane WIgington

Who is the real Silas Lyons? How does he contribute to the greater good? The 1 minute video below is very revealing. In it Mr. Lyons displays his approach to dealing with ALS (a disease related to aluminum contamination and exposure), and the California drought (a direct result of climate engineering).

Searchlight editor, Silas Lyons, has exercised incredibly unethical behavior as "media" representative on which Northern California citizens depend.

More stellar examples of the Record Searchlight's completely unethical behavior have been displayed from the Searchlight's managing editor, Carole Ferguson.


Record Searchlight's managing editor, Carole Ferguson

After receiving a valid press release about a climate engineering/geoengineering/solar radiation management study, Ms. Feguson gave the following response.

A news release about a study by a chemtrail believer in a questionable journal posted to the PR Newswire does not add up to Reuters covering geoengineering.

And none of it matches sound scientific principles or even passes Occam’s Razor, which is why we don’t cover it. 

Carole Ferguson
Managing editorRecord Searchlight
1101 Twin View Blvd. • Redding, CA 96003
530-225-8232 • Fax – 530-225-8236

After the Searchlight's recent publication of the disinformation/personal attack article shown earlier, Robert Wegman, an attorney from the LASG team, sent the following letter to Searchlight managing editor, Carole Ferguson.

Dear Ms. Ferguson:

I am one of the attorneys with the Legal Alliance to Stop Geoeingeering ("LASG").  I just spoke with Jessica Skropanic who referred me to you.  Jessica confirmed that your paper received the rebuttal piece written by Dane Wigington concerning the article your paper ran on August 19, 2016 by Damon Arthur entitled "Contrail or Chemtrail."

That editorial piece mentioned Dane Wigington by name and, frankly, parts of the article were patently false.  Dane and, if necessary, the LASG should have an opportunity to respond to the unsupportable assertions made in the article.  Moreover, we welcome the opportunity to discuss this matter openly with your staff.  Our only goal is only to bring awareness to this dire issue and to hopefully stop it.  I run a very busy practice as do all the other attorneys.  We have all felt impelled to rally around this cause for the sake of our children. It's no more complicated than that.  

To say what is happening in our skies is destructive to the earth's ecology is a gross understatement.  Unless geoengineering immediately ceases, we will experience cataclysmic effects (including mass extinction) of biblical proportions. I think your readers would be quite interested to know about the clandestine work its government is doing to its unwitting subjects. Publishing articles filled with misinformation (disinformation) only serves to further lull the populace into complacency.  It is no coincidence that California is experiencing the worst drought in history, while Texas and Louisiana have experienced historical flooding.  It is also no coincidence that wild fires are burning faster and hotter than ever before.  They are nearly uncontrollable.  Dry vegetation and fire fueled by aluminum oxide will have that effect.    

The LASG and Dane understand New York Times v. Sullivan gives the media nearly carte blanche to publish whatever it wishes, but Dane should be afforded the opportunity to have his voice heard and to set the record straight.  We trust you agree. That is, after all, the very essence of editorializing. 

I kindly ask you to advise whether Dane's piece will be published and when.  Should you need to discuss this matter with me, my contact information is included below. 

Best regards,

Robert L. Wegman, Esquire


Ms. Ferguson's reply:


Thanks for your interest in the letter sent by Dane Wigington.

We will not be publishing it. It will not clear our fact checking efforts.

We do not agree with your movement’s claims that the government is engaged in a plan to alter the weather using airplane exhaust.

Yes, there are studies on the effects of contrails on how they reflect sunlight back into space and thus may provide a cooling effect. Temperatures rose slightly after all planes were landed after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

And we acknowledge that climate change caused by too many fossil fuels – including jet fuel — is causing the more severe weather patterns such as drought and flooding.

But we follow real science and find that nearly all of Mr. Wigington’s claims to be false. It is against our policy to publish letters full of falsehoods.

Mr. Wigington had his chance to discuss his concerns when our reporter called him. But for the most part he didn’t say much and directed our reporter to a statement posted on

I see where you suggest we can talk with Mr. Wigington about this further. Over the years, he and many others who follow him have discussed their beliefs at length with us. Another sit-down session would be futile for all sides.

The "letter to the editor" reply which I submitted in rebuttle to the Searchlight's disinformation/personal attack article (and which Ms. Ferguson flatly refused to print) was in complete conformity to the Searchlight's submission requirements. The refused submission is below.

Searchlight Blatantly Omits Facts On Critical Climate Engineering Issue

The Record Searchlight continues to demonstrate an unfortunate disregard for factual reporting. An article in the Friday edition of the paper (8-19-16) by Damon Arthur titled "Contrail or Chemtrail" is a glaring case in point. The "science study" (in reality an informal survey) which was the entire basis of the Searchlight post (clearly directed at me) is very deceptive. First, the Searchlight (and the propaganda report they published)  chose to sensationalize with completely unscientific terms like "chemtrails" and thus they completely omit hard science terms that would have lead readers to real facts and data. Terms like "solar radiation management" (SRM), "stratospheric aerosol injection" (SAI), and "cloud albedo enhancement" (CAE). Instead of objectively reporting the science terms that relate to the subject of global climate engineering, the Searchlight falsely infers that this issue in question is about "a conspiracy to poison the planet".  Mr. Arthur,  since you have directed your hit piece toward me, can you now show your readers when and where I have ever, even once, recited such a statement? The "study" in question actually solicited 450 scientists, not 77 as the Searchlight (and the "study") falsely reported. Of that 450, nearly 84% were unwilling to even participate in the study. Why not? Could it be due to the fact that there is an illegal Federal gag order on ALL National Weather Service and ALL NOAA employees?  Why is there a gag order? Why wasn't this illegal gag order reported by the Searchlight or the "study"? This means that of the total number of scientists surveyed, only slightly over 16% were even willing to respond. Why was this crucial fact also completely omitted? Next, the Searchlight repeatedly quotes the head of a disinformation website as if he is some sort of authority. The primary function of this individual and his site is to falsely discredit anyone who says anything negative about the actions of our government. Do the opinions of such an individual really belong in a "science study"? The Searchlight article author  then falsely reports on the citizen attendance at a 2014 Shasta County Supervisors meeting on geoengineering by stating "dozens of people attended". In fact, at the peak of the supervisors meeting, there were estimated to be 500 people at the supervisors chambers. The supervisors admitted on film (posted at that the attendance was the largest in the facilities history. "A few dozen", Damon? Continuing,  Damon Arthur did not bother to mention anything about the 750 page US Senate document that proves conclusively the US government has been heavily involved with international climate engineering programs for decades. Mr. Arthur further failed to mention that the head of the CIA, John Brennan, just spoke in front of the Council on Foreign Relations about geoengineering. There are also extensive historical presidential reports, military documents, and 160 geoengineering patents, (all posted at Finally, Damon and the Searchlight continue to completely omit any mention of the fact that a team of US attorneys (Legal Alliance To Stop Geoengineering) has started legal proceedings to expose climate engineering along with the agencies and officials that are helping to hide it by failing to disclose a proven and dangerous heavy metal contamination from the public. How would Mr. Arthur know about all this information? Because he telephoned me days before the Searchlight hit piece and I informed him of virtually every verifiable fact stated above, none of which Mr. Arthur bothered to report. The bottom line is this, the Record Searchlight has not honestly and objectively reported the facts. 

Dane Wigington

A follow-up reply was then sent to Ms. Ferguson by the LASG legal team:

Double click to enlarge and read




The Searchlight's managing editor reply is below:


We stand by our decision and our story.

The point of this example of corporate media tyranny is this, honorless individuals will continue to lie, falsely report, or completely omit whatever they want until the population as a whole takes a stand for truth and justice. The power structure could not continue to carry out their crimes if not for the complete and total obedience of the mainstream media machine of mass deception. How do we effectively push back? We start by taking the time to send articulate but direct (and non-threatening) messages to every individual that is participating in the criminal cover-up, whether actively or passively. Let them know that we know who they are, that we are not OK with their criminal behavior, and that once the crimes in question are fully exposed, we, society, will hold them legally and morally accountable. I am supplying some key email contacts for criminal propaganda perpetrators below for a starting point. Make your voice heard, forward the contacts to others so that they can continue and build the wave.

Dr. David Keith: (click open the link to access email address)

Dr. Ken Caldeira: (click open the link to access email address)

Record Searchlight editor, Silas Lyons:

Record Searchlight managing editor, Carole Ferguson:

Record Searchlight journalist, Damon Arthur:

CBC "reporter", Kyle Bakx:

The Climate Crisis Is Already Here – But No One’s Telling Us


Source: The Guardian, story by George Monbiot

The media largely relegate the greatest challenge facing humanity to footnotes as industry and politicians hurtle us towards systemic collapse of the planet.

What is salient is not important. What is important is not salient. The media turns us away from the issues that will determine the course of our lives, and towards topics of brain-melting irrelevance.

This, on current trends, will be the hottest year ever measured. The previous record was set in 2015; the one before in 2014. Fifteen of the 16 warmest years have occurred in the 21st century. Each of the past 14 months has beaten the global monthly temperature record. But you can still hear people repeating the old claim, first proposed by fossil fuel lobbyists, that global warming stopped in 1998.

Arctic sea ice covered a smaller area last winter than in any winter since records began. In Siberia, an anthrax outbreak is raging through the human and reindeer populations because infected corpses locked in permafrost since the last epidemic in 1941 have thawed. India has been hammered by cycles of drought and flood, as withering heat parches the soil and torches glaciers in the Himalayas. Southern and eastern Africa have been pitched into humanitarian emergencies by drought. Wildfires storm across America; coral reefs around the world are bleaching and dying.

Former Air Force Officer Warns Of Atmospheric Spraying And The Coming Collapse


The great unraveling is gaining momentum by the day, and even now the majority of the masses are fast asleep at the wheel. Our skies look like something from an apocalyptic future, our trees are dying, our oceans are dying, our planet is dying, and still the majority remain unaware. Those in power are utilizing every option at their disposal to keep populations from waking until the last possible moment. Is there still time to change course and keep any part of the ship floating? That remains to be seen, but if there is yet a chance, it will require the concerted, focused, effective, prioritized, and completely dedicated efforts of all those that are already awake. The essay below was penned for by a former USAF communications officer, Col. Randall Smith, Ph.D. Though I have no means of conclusively confirming the information presented by Randall, available date does generally confirm his estimations and conclusions. The essay does not address the implosion of the climate system, methane release, or the horrific impact of climate engineering on the above mentioned factors. This being said, the content of the essay is important, especially when the source is appropriately considered. My most sincere gratitude to Col. Randall Smith for this important input and perspective on the immediate horizon that we face.
Dane Wigington

Former Air Force Officer Gives A Stern Warning

Article by Col. Randall Smith, Ph.D., Commander, NECN, contributing writer for

To a very great extent, America is fighting several wars – some on foreign soil, one on our own. Aside from disrupting or eliminating the flow of items key to survival (clean water, nourishment, sanitary living conditions, etc.), governments (federal and state) are executing plans for complete disruption of our usual means of communication. This includes telephony in all of its forms (land-lines, cellular, VOiP) and the internet. You are already acutely aware of the "blackout" of the major news organizations, all of which are owned and controlled by major corporations or "banksters". 


Geoengineered skies in Mesa, Arizona. Photo credit: Christopher DiBagio

I am a former USAF electronics/communications officer and a licensed amateur radio operator. Several years ago, as I began to learn more of what at the time seemed to be literally unbelievable, I thought about the need for an emergency communications network that would reach beyond our shores and borders and to which every American could have access for a nominal cost in equipment and without a license from the now DHS dominated Federal Communications Commission. Several colleagues across the United States are attempting to do the same thing at the state level. For example, in my own state, it is fellow Oath Keepers who have stepped forward to assist in this undertaking. In other states, it is their militias who have accepted this important responsibility. Though I wish I could report that all states have in place an emergency communications network, for various reasons, I cannot. Some of those reasons include lethargy, fear, the infamous "somebody else will do it" syndrome, and religious precepts, among others.

My first active duty assignment was at Vandenberg AFB, California with the First Strategic Aerospace Division. As a young "shave-tail" from the mid-west, I soon came to love California and many of the people I met while stationed there. It has been painful for me to follow the drought situation that affects so many people is so many different ways. It has been equally painful to come to understand the reasons behind that drought.


The completely engineered California drought is far from over in spite of the most powerful El Nino event ever.

By now, you are certainly aware of the nationwide airborne aerosol spraying program which is, and has been for years, conducted by the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Coast Guard. KC-135 (and perhaps other) aircraft, which were originally designed and built as "tankers" to permit in-flight refueling, have been converted to carry payloads of a wide variety of chemical and biological "payloads". Fitted with nozzles, they have dispersed and are dispersing tons of these agents over all of the "lower 48" states, plus Alaska and Hawaii. This project is not limited to the United States or North America. It is part of a world plan. At first, many Americans thought that these were the familiar "contrails" that follow jet engines at altitude. As a B-52 and, ironically, a KC-135 electronics officer, I can tell you with absolute certainty that these are not contrails. Contrails are created when very hot, burned jet fuel vapors combine with cooler, humid air. The interaction of the two causes a cloud-like contrail. Typically, contrails are fairly short in length, and they dissipate after only a few seconds (thought they continue to follow the aircraft during its flight) so long as ambient air is cool and humid. They do not grow in width as a function of time. Very few Americans have not noticed what have come to be known as "chemtrails" (chemical trails) which may run in parallel lines or perpendicular patterns in our skies. To my knowledge, no portion of the United States has been spared. There is a great deal of useful and helpful information on "chemtrails"(geoengineering) on the internet. As always, be selective in what you read, and think critically.

Many reasons have been given in regard to the purposes of these flights. Reasons have included such things as reduction in global warming, redirection of violent weather patterns to safer locations, an aid to military communications, a defense against enemy radar and satellite surveillance/reconnaissance, etc. Another frequently cited reason has to do with controlling the weather of other countries, particularly those in which we have troops involved in conflicts. There were also many reasons given in the FEMA-Wal-Mart conspiracy, e.g. these stores are being closed because of multiple, simultaneous "plumbing problems"? To repair those plumbing problems, FEMA had portable guard towers strategically in the parking lots of some stores, complete with searchlights and acoustic assault speakers. Or the fact that the closings and modifications began during operation Jade Helm 15? Despite their unmistakable presence and coverage patterns, no viable or credible reasons have been given for them. Reasons that have been given are at variance from one another and seem to skirt the facts that these chemical and biological agents are demonstrably and extremely dangerous to the health of humans, animals and plants. The effects on animal life (fish, birds, perhaps the mysterious, drastic decline in the bee population, etc.) and agriculture have been nothing short of disastrous. Perhaps you have seen some of the photographs of thousands upon thousands of dead fish lining a coastline, or dead birds covering fields, roads, homes and yards. To me, this is an example of the military-industrial-government complex that we have been forewarned about repeatedly for decades operating at its best and most efficient with no interruptions, interference or objections from the people that this affects most profoundly – American citizens. I believe that, regardless of one's theological beliefs (and I am certainly no Biblical scholar), Scripture asks questions that seem particularly salient now: "Do you have ears, but do not hear; do you have eyes, but do not see?" In my field, we make a distinction between listening and looking (passive behaviors) and hearing and seeing (active behaviors, often requiring hard work). We have been warned repeatedly by several Presidents over the decades about this unholy alliance, however, for whatever reasons, we have failed to pay attention to these alerts, and we certainly failed, as citizens living in a Republic, to act on them. Now, we are seeing the consequences of our inattention and lack of involvement in our governments, and no one is more guilty than I.

So rather than being allowed to express our wills by means of the "Initiative" or the "Referendum" as provided by the Constitution on such significant issues as the construction of over 800 FEMA camps (some equipped with recently expanded crematoria), the conversion of closed military installations into detention centers, passage of the "Patriot Act" and the "National Defense Authorization Act", the formation of an out-of-control DHS and its purchase of over two-billion rounds of "hollow point" or anti-personnel ammunition (which, contrary to what DHS told us, is not for "target practice"), construction of underground, multi-level interstate highways which run from Denver International Airport to Washington, D.C. to Maine with multiple diverging routes between these points, a high-speed underground railroad and over one-hundred underground cities complete with ample, long-term supplies of food, water, medical supplies (even operating suites), etc., we passively allowed these things to come into being. We and our Congress were effectively by-passed or short-circuited by a President who unilaterally enacted a series of illegal "Executive Orders" (which no one questioned), a President who, in all likelihood, does not meet the criteria specified in our Constitution for someone to hold that office legally, a President who, when not self-constrained, exhibits unmistakable symptoms of megalomania. The ability of the people to be able to vote on these kinds of issues takes on additional importance when one considers that our elected representatives in Washington are no longer there to represent us or our best interests. My personal opinion is that they are motivated principally by greed for wealth and power.

If you are deluding yourself that writing letters to these "elected representatives" will, in any way, make a difference, please stop and apply your thinking, actions and words in more productive approaches. As a colleague once expressed it, "We are playing baseball; they are playing football". The effect, then, is that there is, in reality, no longer a "Republican" or a "Democratic" party. There is one party, and it is not accountable to the people. It operates entirely in concert with the stated goals of U.N. "Agenda 21" (or 25 or 30) and the illuminati's fundamental tenets which include a one-world government and religion (a/k/a "The New World Order"), and massive depopulation. Their fundamental "commandments" are inscribed on the vertical stone tablets placed in Georgia. Their goal calls for a world population that does not exceed 500,000,000 people. In order to achieve that goal, a reduction will be required in the current world population on the order of six billion human beings. The beginning point for this process of depopulation is the United States, followed quickly by Canada and Mexico to create the NWO's "North American Command Center". Hence, the observations of foreign military personnel at or near several of our military bases. Those foreign troops are not limited to Russian soldiers. They include U.N. "Peace Keeping" troops from several nations as well as military mercenaries (e.g. the "Blackwater Group") whom the CIA has used for years. These foreign soldiers have been training beside American military personnel in such areas as "riot control", inmate management and forcibly disarming Americans of weapons. They are here because, to Obama's chagrin, about 60% of American military personnel have indicated that they would honor their oaths, and not fire on American citizens if ordered to do so. Hence, the "forced retirement" of the largest number of senior military officers in our Nation's history. It is referred to as Obama's "litmus test". For them, that would constitute (and is) an unlawful order according to the Uniform Code of Military Justice which, if Martial Law is declared, will be modified, set aside or superseded as will the Constitution. At the same time, Obama is expected to deploy more American troops to foreign countries (e.g. Iraq). Meanwhile, these other non-American troops will be used to arrest and transport Americans to predesignated FEMA "resettlement" or "re-location" or "internment" camps and, depending on the American citizen's status as determined by DHS, incarcerated or executed. It is important to note that each of these FEMA camps is currently fully staffed and ready for operation despite the absence of detainees. You are probably aware of the hundreds of thousands of "casket liners" stored at various locations around the country – most, but not all, at military installations. Numbers reported vary from 500,000 to a million or more.


FEMA CDC coffins stored in Madison, Georgia

A major concern is that Obama, prior to the November elections, will declare a state of "Martial Law" on some fabricated pretext or false flag terrorist event – unless he can incite enough Americans to clash over racial, religious or other differences. Operation Jade Helm 15, which ran from July 15, 2015 through September 15, 2015, was not, as we were told, a "military exercise". It provided an opportunity to re-distribute military vehicles and ordnance across the Country, as well as to equip law enforcement agencies with "excess" military gear – weapons, ammunition, protective vests, armored personnel carriers and, in some cases, tanks. Perhaps you have seen one of the 2-3 mile long freight trains, consisting solely of 80' flat cars, fully loaded with APCs (armored personnel carriers), tanks, MRAPs (mine-resistant ambush protected) vehicles and even field artillery pieces. 

I cannot stress strongly enough the importance of thinking, planning, preparing and behaving more aggressively (but still peacefully) in each of your own communities as opposed to writing to your "elected representatives". Someone once said, "The most dangerous item in your home is your recliner", to which I would add, your computer. Your thoughts, opinions and concerns are irrelevant to them. Their safety, and that of their families has been provided for underground. If you do not know your neighbors, make it a point to get to know them. For as long as they will work, create phone "call lists". A principle use of a call list is not only emergency communication, but the transfer of "intel" or intelligence on such things as the movements of enemy forces, the influx of armored vehicles, etc. As a long-time friend, an active duty Lt. Col. told me recently, "I cannot say much, but I will tell you that the fuse is very short". At this writing, my understanding from an active duty senior NCO is that Chinook (many of them black and unmarked, therefore FEMA) helicopters, C-130, Boeing 727, 737 and 747 fixed-wing aircraft are being fitted with wide-range radio jamming equipment. The purpose is to neutralize civilian cellular, survivalist or militia communications. Initially, Chinooks will be used to transport detained American citizens to nearby FEMA camps. If a detainee is to be held at a more distant FEMA camp location, he or she will be transported by one of the aforementioned aircraft. The senior NCO with whom I spoke did not know whether these jamming devices were being installed on other military vehicles, ships or base locations, however, given that the President has the authority to control the airwaves (all of them), it seems likely that taking away the ability for us to communicate would answer that question.

Until we learn otherwise, we have several communicative options currently at our disposal. Many of you remember the days when CB (Citizens Band) radios were popular, and some of you may still own one. Well, they are popular again. If you own one, you may wish to consider dusting it off, installing an antenna (preferably outdoor) and providing it with 12 volt D.C. power from a power supply, a boat or car battery or your solar power system. Channel 3 has been designated as the national CB emergency frequency. If your radio has single side-band capability, channel 36 LSB (lower side-band) is also available as an emergency frequency. Single side-band signals use a narrower slice of the radio spectrum, travel greater distances than other modes of communication, and are slightly less affected by man-made or naturally occurring noise.


Communications will be essential once the coming collapse commences.

In recent years, a relatively new radio service which uses hand-held, low power radios has become very popular among campers, boaters, hunters and others. These radio utilize the "Family Radio Service" or FRS. An FCC license is not required to use this service. These radios have a range, depending upon terrain, obstacles and weather, of about 2-6 miles (despite inordinate claims of greater ranges by manufacturers). As with CB frequencies or channels, channel 3 has been designated as an emergency or calling frequency for FRS radios. FRS radios share several frequencies or channels with another, older radio service, The General Mobile Radio Service or GMRS. These radios are a more powerful alternative as they are typically installed in vehicles. However, just as with CB radios, providing them with a 12 volt D.C. power source will allow them to work in any location. Their output power, and therefore their range, are greater than either CB or FRS radios and varies by model. Technically, a license is required to operate on GMRS frequencies, however, according to the FCC, an individual can operate on any frequency, with or without a license, in an emergency. The radios used by highway (and other) construction personnel (e.g. who rotate signs that read "Stop" or "Proceed with caution" (or whatever) use radios that operate in yet another unlicensed band or service, the Multi-Use Radio Service or MURS. These radios are available in five frequencies and do not require a license. Their range is greater than FRS radios, however they are more costly. As with CB and FRS radios, both GMRS and MURS radios use channel 3 and the primary calling frequency. FRS radios should have no less than 50 channels, some of which communicate with GMRS radios. An excellent portable, lightweight and durable radio manufactured in China by a company called Baofeng has become extremely popular across the United States. I have provided first responders who fight wild fires in California with these radios, and they have performed admirably. They produce either 5 watts (Baofeng UV-5R series) or 8 watts (Baofeng BF-F8HP series) of power. These are referred to as "dual-band" radios, not unlike traditional commercial "AM" and "FM" radios. Frequency range for both transmitting and receiving is very broad – from 136 to 174 MHz. (VHF or Very High Frequency) and from 400 to 520 MHz. (UHF or Ultra High Frequency). They also receive commercial FM radio stations. The MURS frequencies are either close to around 151 or 154 MHz., so these are covered by the Baofeng radios. FRS and GMRS frequencies, which fall in the 462 MHz. range, can communicate with these radios as well. They also receive all 10 NOAA weather frequencies. In many communities, they will receive local Public Safety transmissions (police, fire, EMS, state police, etc.). They are available from Amazon or on eBay. Shipping origin for some eBay sellers is China and requires considerably longer delivery time. Radios from Amazon, though a few dollars more, are shipped from within the United States. I strongly recommend purchasing at least one spare heavy-duty battery and an optional, longer Nagoya NA-771 antenna (greater length equals greater range). If you become active with radio communications,please educate yourself on "comsec" or communications security. Learn commonly used code words used in all radio communications, keep transmissions as brief as possible, never reveal any information pertaining to yourself or your location and try to verify with whom you are talking (e.g. using pre-determined passwords, etc.). As a matter of course, we use two-person teams – one as the radio operator, the other as a spotter or lookout. Both are armed.

The mainstay and bedrock of reliable, long-distance radio communication is amateur radio. Amateur radio operators and experimenters have contributed significantly to the body of knowledge surrounding electronic human audio and video communications for decades, and have earned many of their operating privileges from the FCC because of their efforts, particularly during major wars. Both amateur radio operators and the military use similar frequencies which is both an advantage (intel or gathering intelligence information) and a disadvantage (comsec or communications security e.g. monitoring). Amateur radio signals are capable of traveling all over the world, either by traditional ionospheric propagation or via amateur radio satellites. Because of their power capability (up to 1,500 watts) and the wide range of frequencies on which they can operate, only amateur radio stations participate in the emergency communications networks themselves. Just as there are ways to interfere with signal propagation (e.g. "jamming"), there are effective technique for circumventing jamming. Amateur radio operators communicate using conventional voice transmissions of various types (CW (Morse code), AM, FM, USB, LSB) or via computerized digital communications. These amateur stations are referred to as "net control" stations. Depending upon the current alert level, they are prepared to operate 24/7. Part of my initial goal was to make emergency communication available to as many Americans as possible. Fortunately, many amateur radios are able to transmit and receive all of the frequencies utilized by the various unlicensed services mentioned above: CB, FRS, GMRS and MURS. In an emergency, establishing contact with an amateur net control operator would be your first task, keeping in mind safety considerations such as location, brevity of transmissions, etc.

I cannot urge you strongly enough to educate yourselves now with current and accurate information regarding what the military-industrial-corporate complex is doing in and to our Country, your state, county and community for they have penetrated to those levels. You are already intimately aware of the incredibly deleterious effects that over-spraying our Country with tons of toxic and potentially toxic elemental, chemical and biological agents has done, and is doing. To me, as a teacher, therapist and researcher, only people who are truly psychiatrically disturbed could even contemplate, let alone carry out, these kinds of heinous, egregious crimes against his or her fellow Americans, let alone innocent people in other parts of the world. For years,I think we all believed that the Holocaust represented the epitome of cruelty and inhumanity. My concern is that, if allowed to proceed unchecked, the cost in terms of suffering and human lives during the creation of the New World Order will surpass the Holocaust many times over.

Of major concern to anyone involved in civil defense is the possible loss of mains power (120 or 240 volts A.C. house current) from our major power grids, and the horrendous ramifications that that would entail, particularly as far as nutrition is concerned. While people have petitioned Congress for years to "harden" our power grids as most major nations of the world have, they have consistently refused to do so. Whereas this process would have cost upwards of 500 million dollars ten years ago, today, it would cost approximately 50 billion dollars. And still, Congress has refused to take any action – on our behalf – to provide this additional protection not only to those of us who can fend for ourselves, but for those children and adults who are hospitalized, using medical appliances as part of their home health program, or our sick and elderly residents of long-term care facilities. At present, our understanding is that two electro-magnetic pulse (EMP) devices detonated at an altitude of 50 miles in the eastern and western portions of our Country would completely eliminate all electrical power in the United States. Furthermore, all unprotected electronic equipment, including on-board computers in vehicles and aircraft, would be destroyed. What follows, in terms of human behavior, you can imagine, particularly if your remember hurricane Katrina: looting, theft, and civilian casualties as food and water sources grew scarce and hunger and thirst increased. Some New Orleans law enforcement officers chose, instead of reporting to work, to loot stores, pharmacies and the abandoned (or occupied) homes of flood victims. As an aside, amateur radio operators provided communications for Coast Guard and other agencies who, for whatever reasons, were unable to communicate with each other. This could be monitored by most amateur radio operators across the Country.

While Obama is merely a puppet of the so-called "elites" or the "illuminati", he is not a benign puppet. He has demonstrated his lust for absolute power over all Americans, and his ability to be dishonest in the tradition of George Bush, Jr. who told us repeatedly about Saddam Hussein's hidden cache of "weapons of mass destruction", of which none were ever found or Bill Clinton's adamant denials of having any involvement with Monica Lewinsky. American Presidents, Cabinet Members and Congressmen lying to Americans has become something of an American political tradition. In my estimation, we have lots of politicians, but very few, if any statesmen or statespeople.


The "political parties" are simply two sides of the same power structure.

Instead of living in fear from day to day of imminent monetary collapse, the illegal declaration of Martial Law, a second Civil War or a third world war, fear of being detained indefinitely in a FEMA camp or, if your name appears on a DHS "Red List" or "Blue List", being "neutralized", why are so many Americans seemingly afraid to assume their proper roles as citizens of the United States who are accountable only to their Creator and to whom all government employees (a/k/a/ public servants) are accountable? We have the God-given authority to put an end to all of this if only we will act. That means setting aside petty differences, discarding selfishness and coming together as one group with one very important common cause: the saving of a Nation. The late Dr. Samuel Hayakawa (linguist, general semanticist English professor Emeritus, President of San Francisco State College and U.S. Senator to California) wrote: "A difference, in order to be a difference, has to make a difference". Are the "differences" that separate and divide us as a people really differences? For example, compared to the challenges we now face, and those that have been promised to us, exactly how much difference, in practical, realistic terms, do the color of a person's skin, his or her ancestry, one's religious beliefs or the manner in which they wear their hair really make? I believe that, if we could eliminate these relatively insignificant differences, be more cooperative, serve without necessarily being the "commander", etc., the United States that would emerge would truly be a great nation – not necessarily in terms of financial or military strength, but as a wonderful place in which "…to live and love and grow" (to borrow from my undergraduate school's Alma Mater). 

Several elegant University studies have shown that, throughout the course of civilization, whenever as few as 3.5% (or 5% according to another study) of the population came together and, acting together with purpose and determination, demanded the dissolution of a corrupt government, they were successful 100% of the time. For example, in more recent history, the citizens of Egypt did this not once, but twice. They converged on Cairo and demanded the ouster of all corrupt governmental officials – and they succeeded. It took them two tries, but they eventually succeed. You've probably heard of the patriotic group called the Oath Keepers. This group consists primarily of military veterans, law enforcement officers and others who have sworn an oath before the Almighty which states, in part, "…I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God". There is no expiration date. You may be familiar with another "sister" organization of the "Oath Keepers" called the "Three Percenters". Their name derives from the fact that, during the Revolutionary War, only about 3% of the colonists were willing to go up against the greatest military power in the world. The other 97% went about their daily lives, drank ale and watched to see who would win. When it was announced that America had won her independence from Great Britain, suddenly the numbers of "patriots" swelled exponentially. So an historical fact is supported by several well-designed and well-executed University studies, and vice versa. By now, almost everyone is familiar with the expression, "Freedom is not free", and it is not. One visit to Arlington or any other national cemetery or veterans memorials will bear this out. I am not advocating violence or a second civil war. However, it takes two parties to reach that decision. I hope and pray that we are wrong when we say that "most Americans are asleep", i.e., they are unaware of the realities that surround and affect them, some profoundly. And I cannot bear to think that our nation's current population lacks the courage, selflessness and determination to fight to preserve a Nation that we profess to love. Recall that there is no other nation on earth that has a Constitution and a Bill of Rights such as ours nor the freedoms that we, until recently, have enjoyed. To me, there is no alternative available to us. I will not disavow my faith, I will not break my oath. At the same time, I have no illusions about the fact that, if we cherish what we have, and will not live under tyranny or forego our own personal religious beliefs in favor of worshiping Lucifer, then there may be no alternative to an armed confrontation. That concerns me deeply, but it does not paralyze me. I've been there before. While serving in Vietnam, I freely admit that I was scared most of the time, both for my own safety and that of my men. I'm sure the same was true of my troops. However, we did not allow that fear to immobilize us, mentally or physically. We followed orders, did what seemed appropriate to do and covered each others backside. We were not heroes. The Soldiers, Marines, Sailors and Airmen who fell, were captured or were designated as MIA were the true heroes. This is not about me or my lovely wife, our daughter and son-in-law and a brand new grandson. This is not even about my home state or the United States of America. This is about an unbelievably evil scheme to create a New World Order, the same phrase used by Adolf Hitler in "Mein Kampf". So, historically that idea and that phrase are not new. Right at this time, all but 132 countries have pledged their allegiance to the NWO. Putin claims to remain independent of the NWO, however has has conspired with Obama to place his "special forces" and other foreign troops at American military bases for the express purpose of forcibly collecting, transporting and confining (if not executing) American citizens. If history repeats itself, it is only a matter of time before those 132 small countries that currently wish to remain apart from the NWO does not decrease with time.

Some reasonable objectives might include the removal of the Obamas from our White House, removal of all senators and representatives from Congress, placing a term limit of one term on all elected officials (i.e. no "career politicians), locking and, if necessary, guarding entrances to their buildings and offices. The same would apply to our "bought and paid for" justices of the federal court system starting with the Supreme Court, revamping a grossly unjust criminal justice system (in which private companies have contracted with federal and state governments to provide guards and other prison personnel). At the same time, these "prison personnel providers" lobby legislators conscientiously to enact more and more stringent laws in order to incarcerate more Americans which, of course, establishes the need to construct additional prisons, a project that I think Vice-President Cheney and Halliburton would be more than glad to undertake, complete with their inflated billing to the government. After all, Halliburton built or re-vamped all of the over 800 FEMA detention centers. In some cases, legislators allow lobbyists to actually write the bills or acts that "our" elected legislators and representatives are paid to write. All they do is vote on them likely with their passage a foregone conclusion. Again, removal of several infamous "alphabet agencies" starting with DHS followed closely by the NSA would seem appropriate. The process will not be as uncomplicated as it was in 1776. That does not mean that, as a group of Americans with a common purpose and common goals, we cannot accomplish what we set our hearts and minds to do.

At the same time, elimination of the out-of-control "3 letter" agencies would seem altogether appropriate, including dismantling the NSA and, if the people feel it is needed, revamping the CIA. It is, or should be, a well known fact that every state and federal representative and senator is, in fact, a corporation thanks to the efforts of armies of attorneys. Judges and prosecuting attorneys exist principally to convict private citizens while exonerating corporations for illegal activities. Most police officers are minions of the judges and prosecuting attorneys. All of these people are bonded, a fact which is held in strict confidence for obvious reasons. If, for example, a police officer loses his or her bond for misconduct, not adhering to his or her oath, etc., he or she will never work in law enforcement again because in order to do that, one must be bonded. Following "house-cleaning" at both federal and state levels, authentic special elections could be scheduled in which the popular vote is the only vote that determines the outcomes. No "delegates" and no "super-delegates" or other groups to obfuscate the true results of the popular vote.


President Eisenhower's stern warnings of the military/industrial complex have been completely ignored by American citizens.

As early as the 1950s, President Eisenhower warned Americans of the potential dangers of what he termed the "military-industrial" complex.

Not long before his assassination, President Kennedy issued a similar warning about the "government-military-industrial" complex, and the dangers of secret societies in relation to government. At the time of President Kennedy's death, lots of theories were expressed: it was the mafia, the Cubans, etc. Now, in light of what is, and has been  going on in America for decades, I no longer believe that any of those theiries is accurate. Today, we can name several of these "secret societies": the "Skull and Bones" fraternity for male college seniors at Yale University, the Bilderberg Group, the Illuminati, the "elites", etc.). By not remaining active in local, state and federal politics and government through preoccupation with education, work, raising a family, computers and computer games, Netflix and the pursuit of other pleasures, we have unintentionally handed over the reins of government to individuals who were only too glad to take them. It is, to me, understandable that the pursuit of hobbies, interests and other things that give pleasure is natural living in a free society. However, I think we neglected one very important and necessary activity. What we failed to realize was (1) somewhere in that list of daily activities, we should have made time for and included attendance at city council or county board of commissioners' meetings, and (2) the reins we were handing over were those given to us originally by our Nation's founding fathers. Thousands upon thousands of mostly young men, with the vast majority with their lives before them, shed their blood, suffered in unimaginable ways, returned home with mental and/or physical handicaps or died in the field trusting that they were dying for a nation worthy of their sacrifices. As both a former Vietnam combat veteran and a therapist and consultant in rehabilitation at several V.A. medical centers, I have some idea of what I am writing about. Many of these young men had never known a woman, never completed their educations, never experienced the joys of marriage or parenthood, never achieved the high point of their careers. They took no vacations, and they enjoyed no retirement years. And we continue to send our young men and women to foreign lands to be wounded or killed when, in actuality, we have no good reason to either have a military presence in that country, interfere with its customs, traditions or religion or jeopardize the safety of our men and women. To me, this is political gamesmanship of the worst order: gambling with human lives. The sad truth is, we did not uphold our part of the bargain; we let our wounded and killed troops down and, unless we act swiftly and decisively, they will all have suffered and died in vein. If you have ever seen the monument to all Marines in Arlington, Virginia serving as a constant reminder of their perseverance and bravery in Iwo Jima located near the back entrance to Arlington National Cemetery or visited the Cemetery and the monuments that honor fallen soldiers from WW-I, WW-II and Vietnam, I feel certain you understand what I am talking about. If those are just monuments to you, I think you should ask yourself exactly what it is you mean by the word "just". 

Behavioral scientists (psychologists, psychiatrists, social psychologists, etc.) tend to agree that approximately 14% of the American population suffer from mental disorders that, while lacking in obvious, unusual or overt symptoms, compel them nonetheless to secretly gravitate toward positions of power and authority over others. How many positions in governments at all levels, from the "cop on the beat" to the POTUS can you think of who could easily fit into this category? Today, we are certainly seeing it in law enforcement circles with the unprecedented number of murders of children, teens and adults by those who have sworn to "protect and defend" us, and sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution when effective, non-lethal means of arrest or apprehension were not, but could have been, used. In many cases, these victims are unarmed. Somehow, these officers are receiving the message, overtly or tacitly, that it is alright to shoot defenseless Americans with little or no provocation or justification. Often, officers involved in these tragic contacts fabricate untruths to avoid punishment. The murder of 19 year-old Zachary Hammond in South Caroline several months ago, along with others, provides an excellent case in point. When will we reach the point at which we agree that, not only Black lives matter, but that all lives matter?

I thought it was interesting to view a videotape provided by a life-long friend, a young attorney turned FBI agent. He eventually served as the SAC or Special Agent in Charge of the southeast region. He reminded me (again): "Never speak with police without your attorney present, no matter how friendly they may seem. Their job is to put you away. If you say you left a restaurant at "about 9:00 p.m." and you were seen leaving at 9:20 p.m., then you have just been caught in a lie. Lying to a federal officer is, in itself, a federal offense. He reminded me of the first sentence of the Miranda Rights: "You have the right to remain silent". An interesting example of police "overreach" took place in this mall where three adult customers were talking. A young "mall cop" approached them. He appeared to be about 19 or 20 years old. His unusually large abdomen protruded over his belt and trousers. No doubt flexing his muscles, he told the group of adults that they would have to disperse, or he would call the police on them. The looks on the faces of the adults were those of incredulity. The mall cop asked them what they were talking about. As it turned out, they attended the same church and were discussing church related matters. The foolish, naive mall cop obviously could not think of anything to say, so he asked, "Do you go to Sunday School every Sunday?" In actuality, this mall cop had no probable cause and no expectation that these people had committed a crime. Even if he had full legal authority, he would have been unable to detain them. As a final parting shot, the young would-be cop told the group that, if they did not leave, he would call the police (calling in back up for a major crime, I suppose, like on television). The people did not leave, and the mall cop eventually drifted away. One of the 14%ers?

As the Lt. Col. mentioned above stated, "…the fuse is very short". Time is clearly not on our side. I hope you will find an area in which you feel that you can be most effective in changing what appears to be an unwavering period of history for America – for her citizens, patriots, veterans, patriotic law enforcement officers and military personnel and, perhaps most importantly of all, our children, grandchildren and all future generations of Americans.


The majority have, unfortunately, never attempted to investigate what really happened on 9/11/01

Beginning with the travesty of 9/11 which many, including myself, believe did not involve passenger aircraft and were not perpetrated by "foreign terrorists" (I recognize the right-hand underside of the fuselage of an American military aircraft when I see one) a series of events have occurred in our Country by our President and other heads of federal agencies to use a "bait and switch" technique on all of us. We were told, initially, that all of the dramatic measures that were being taken were for "our protection" from foreign terrorist attacks. While not an historian, I know a little about Adolf Hitler and Germany in the 1930s. The creation of DHS frightened me – literally. To me, it reminded me of the infamous Nazi "brown shirts" who then, after "the night of the long knives", became the "black shirts" and ultimately Heinrich Himmler's infamous Schutzstaffel or SS and Gestapo. DHS was another layer of "protection and control" which we were not asked to vote on and even when there seemed to be no legitimate need for it, it suddenly appeared – and no one questioned it, or demanded to know how or why it was created. Now, of course, we know. DHS quickly became involved in a whole lot more than providing protection from terrorists. Soon, a new DHS agency, the Federal Protection Service appeared on the scene. Then our airports became filled with TSA (DHS) personnel. If you look at a federal organization chart, you will notice immediately that DHS has purview over the FBI, DEA, BATFE, FCC and a host of other federal agencies. DHS has even written new rules and regulations which are supposed to govern how amateur radio emergency communications can function, but which cannot be followed because of their author's ignorance of radio communications. We do not need the superfluous, duplicitous DHS, but we have it. FEMA, a subdivision of DHS, has responsibility for control of American citizens in the (likely) event that Martial Law is declared. Then came the "Patriot Act" followed not long after by the "National Defense Authorization Act". If you read them, these "acts", advertised as steps to protect us from foreign terrorists, do nothing of the kind. What they do is widen the net of people who can be considered or suspected of being terrorists. More than that, they revoked fundamental rights that made America what it is, rights guaranteed under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. So now, we the people, are the terrorists – domestic terrorists. We are "domestic terrorists" in the eyes of Obama and his minions, the illuminati, the U.N. and the New World Order. Even though we have committed no crimes, we are to be arrested, detained indefinitely at a FEMA camp and, depending upon which list our name appears, either re-educated or executed. Even a blind person can see that Obama, et al. are slowly but surely chipping away at our Constitution and Bill of Rights. To these people, these documents and, more importantly, the ideas that they contain, are a major threat to the NWO and must be destroyed.

In the military, each individual is assigned a job, called an "MOS" (military occupational specialty). The U.S. Army has recently started advertising to recruit individuals to fill a new MOS: 31E. This MOS is described as an "internment/re-settlement specialist". You may be interested in perusing a couple of Army training manuals that were leaked about a year ago. They're available on the internet. They are 3-19-40 and 3-39-40. The first is written for Military Police; the second for detention center personnel. Note the dates of publication on both of these manuals. Manual 3-39-40 discusses the classification of detainees. Physicians and clergymen or women will receive somewhat preferential treatment compared to the rest of the detainees. However, "preaching" or "teaching" by ministers or rabbis will not be permitted. All will be expected to work without pay.  


Citizens of the United States have so far largely ignored their own government's preparations for total collapse.

DHS has purchased and/or ordered nearly two billion rounds of ammunition. The DHS' story is that these cartridges are for "target practice". The only problem with that little untruth is that the ammunition they have purchased uses a special kind of bullet (the part that leaves the gun). It is known as a "hollow point". Hollow point bullets have an opening in the center of the top of the bullet. It's purpose is to allow the bullet to expand upon contact with tissue, muscle, bone, etc. This not only increases wound size, but it increases hemorrhaging at the wound site as well. "Hollow point" bullets are not used for "target practice". These are unquestionably anti-personnel bullets designed with the intent to kill. These are not new. They are still not permitted under the terms of the Geneva convention. Target ammunition is much less expensive. It typically has a round or slightly pointed, solid surface. To punch a clean hole in a paper target, a variation of a target bullet involves one that has a smaller diameter, blunt tip with a small flange that runs around the circumference of the bullet about half way down it's length. The idea is that as this bullet passes through a paper target, it acts much like a paper punch and cuts a clean, round hole to facilitate accurate scoring. These target bullets are referred to as "wad cutters" or "semi-wad cutters". This information, coupled with the fact that DHS is supplying guns and ammunition to the Postal Service, Social Security offices, IRS offices and other federal agency offices frequented by the public suggests a more sinister purpose for the purchase of "hollow point" bullets beside "target practice". This is enough ammunition to kill every American man, woman and child 6 times. Most of us, whether we fly or not, are becoming increasingly aware of the change in the attitude and aggressiveness of DHS' TSA agents as they view and "pat down" passengers. According to one report from another federal investigative agency, the names of 82 DHS employees were identified on their own "no fly" list of suspected terrorists. How is that for accurate and effective vetting?

The next time you are driving in a heavily traveled part of your city's downtown area, look at the tops of electric traffic signals. Do you see a tube facing in your direction of travel? This is a forward viewing camera and it is intended to capture a frontal view of you and your vehicle.

The meteorological tampering being effected by our military is but one portion of a much larger plan in which most Americans are not expected to survive. Because of its cost effectiveness, leaders at the U.N. and the "New World Order" have decided that the use of deadly biological agents and starvation are the two most cost effective approaches to depopulation. You may be familiar with the results of studies by various Universities and medical schools with respect to the "medicines" used in commonly administered "flu" shots. One component that I recall is mercury. Ask you favorite neurosurgeon or neurologist about the effects of (1) the contents of "chemtrails" and (2) mercury on the brain, particularly the developing brain, and nervous system. I would also encourage you to learn about the elemental, chemical and biological contents of the tons of material that have been blanketing our Country for several years. I promise you it will be an "eye opener".

God bless you and yours, and God bless America. Yours in liberty, Col. Randall Smith, Ph.D., Commander, NECN

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

How Do We Stop Climate Engineering? There Is Only One Way Forward


Dane Wigington

How do we stop the toxic aerosol spraying atrocities that are being carried out in skies all over the globe? What can we do to put an abrupt end to the weather/biological warfare assault? What is the "silver bullet" in the battle to expose and halt the ongoing climate engineering insanity? The simple answer is this, there is no silver bullet. 


Las Vegas, Nevada (3/15/16). Photo credit: Akos Angyal

For well over a decade I have been completely immersed in constant research and constant awareness raising efforts in the battle to expose geoengineering. During this long and arduous march countless individuals have confronted me in search of a simple cure. In search of a simple solution that will somehow suddenly put a stop to the spraying and put everything back in order, so that they can put this concern to rest and go back to their usual manner of life. No such solution exists. The sooner this fact is accepted the sooner we can move forward with the essential work that needs to be done. The point I have tried to press for so long is still the same, there is only one way forward in the fight to stop global geoengineering is this, achieving a critical mass of awareness on the issue (and the dire threat it poses)  amongst the general population. One cannot fight a battle without an army, the only way forward in the fight to halt global geoengineering is by creating and recruiting an army of the awakened.


Anti-geoengineering activists protesting in front of ABC affiliate, KRCR, due to their blackout of the climate engineering issue. 

Why is this the only way forward? Because the US government (and others around the globe) is corrupt beyond comprehension. Because power structure owned media corporations completely control the flow of information. Because the only chance we have of stopping the climate engineering insanity is from the inside out. The families of those directly participating in the climate engineering assault (military and private contractors) must be made aware of what their family members are a part of. We MUST have elements in the US military awakened and on our side or we have no chance. The families of all those that are indirectly facilitating the climate engineering assault in any capacity (which includes simply denying the reality itself) must also be made aware of what their family members are participating in. What is indirect involvement? Any professional in any position that in any way is impacted by, connected to, related to, or effected by geoengineering programs, but who is not disclosing what they know (or should know) in order to protect their paycheck and pension. The list of professionals in this latter category is unimaginably long. This list  would include (but is not be limited to) meteorologists, journalists,  academicians (in numerous categories of research), climate scientists, air and water testing agency personnel, physicians, pilots, related equipment and material suppliers, etc. Once their actions and involvement in the climate engineering assault (or in hiding it) are fully exposed to their families and friends, we have a real chance to halt the insanity. 


Anti-geoengineering activists raising awareness of this critical issue at a Global Climate Change March in Chico, California. continues to work constantly and tirelessly with a legal team that includes attorneys from the US and Canada. has also worked closely with individuals involved with the Rhode Island anti-geoengineering proposed legislation. Though we hope to have important announcements on our ongoing legal efforts very soon (perhaps even in the coming days), the primary purpose of the legal efforts must be understood by anti-geoengineering activists (and any others that are concerned about exposing and halting climate engineering), it is all about raising and reaching a critical mass of awareness. Any that decide they can now stand down from the battle because others are pushing ahead with legal and legislative actions are completely missing the point.  We MUST achieve a critical mass of awareness for all the reasons already cited and ALL OF US are needed in this effort.


Anti-geoengineering protesters in Bologna, Italy.

Though some are claiming (and others are choosing to believe) that magic legislation will make it all go away, this is not reality. Some claim that geoengineering is soon going to be legalized, again, there is no evidence to support such a claim. How can something be legalized that the power structure is making every imaginable effort to completely deny the existence of in the first place? All roads lead back to the essential goal of raising and reaching a critical mass of awareness by sharing credible information everywhere we can. Many have asked me after my presentations to just tell them how to stop geoengineering. My constant calls for the absolute necessity for all to participate in the effort to raise awareness are all too often not considered or not even heard due to the desire many understandably have for a simple and immediate solution to the problem. Without such a "silver bullet" solution, many have unfortunately made the decision to stay on the sidelines of the battle. How many desperately needed potential activists are sitting the bench and waiting until someone somewhere can give them the simple solution they are looking for? This must change if we are to have any chance of turning the tide of insanity. This message is a call to action for us all. This message is an attempt to make clear the following fact, though we do have the power (collectively) to stop the weather/biological warfare, there is not an easy or simple road forward. This message is an appeal to everyone that is truly committed to the greater good, please, help us to do what needs to be done in this most critical effort. We must all do everything we can to share credible information with every group, organization, and individual that would care if they only knew. The allies we have already gained in this fight (attorneys, former military personnel, former government scientists, an exploding number of gravely concerned activists/citizens, etc.) have all come from the ongoing effort to reach a critical mass of awareness. Again, we can't fight  this battle without an army of the awakened. Once we reach critical mass, and the geoengineering elephant of destruction in the room is fully visible to all, the rest of the wheels in the battle will turn on their own as all realize they are fighting for their lives. As those in the US military (and their families) realize they are being used against their own citizens, the paradigm can be shifted. Geoengineering Watch has provided a suggested introductory letter and links to assist activists with this effort. Of all the challenges faced by the human race and life on Earth, the global geoengineering assault is mathematically the most dire and immediate (short of nuclear cataclysm). We must win the battle to expose and halt climate engineering, or all is lost. We must win this battle or very soon nothing else will matter. Make your voice heard while there is yet time.We will sink or swim together, all are needed in the critical effort to sound the alarm. What will you do? As the coming collapse continues to accelerate, what will be your part in this all important battle to salvage what is yet left of Earth's life support systems? 

Climate Engineering Denial And Deception, Holding Mainstream Media Accountable


Dane Wigington

Should we consider it acceptable for mainstream media news anchors and their "chief meteorologists" to completely ignore and marginalize the legitimate and verifiable concerns of the public that they claim to represent? Should we just stand silently by while media and meteorological "professionals" (that the community depends on) willfully blackout critical issues (that relate directly to public health and welfare) without doing a shred of honest or legitimate investigation? The short answer is no, we cannot, we must not accept such a betrayal of the public's trust. In Northern California, KRCR is an ABC affiliate that covers the North State. The chain of short messages below are my attempt to hold the ABC news anchor for KRCR (and their chief meteorologist) accountable by simply asking them to address the public's concerns in a town hall setting. This effort has been ongoing. The ABC news anchor finally gives a very unprofessional and completely inadequate response. A 40 year veteran Aerospace Avionics Engineer then directly addresses the ABC news anchor with his own letter which fully supports the reality of global geoengineering and our efforts to expose the ongoing atmospheric aerosol crimes.

1st Request

Hello Mr. Kruger and Mr. Mangas, 
As I am sure you are aware, the rapidly growing public concerns over the issue of climate engineering continues to accelerate. As meteorological and media representatives for the North State (through KRCR), it is my hope that you will agree to accept this formal invitation to attend a locally staged public forum (in a town hall setting) in order to address the public's questions and concerns about what we see constantly occurring in our skies. The lingering expanding jet aircraft trails often haze out the entire skyline (which is the stated goal of "solar radiation management" programs). If (as the KRCR chief meteorologist) Mr. Kruger believes climate engineering is not in fact going on, the public would like to know on what facts and information such a conclusion is based. I, and many others, hope you will accept this sincere invitation to address our concerns as our local weather and media representatives. If so, we would coordinate a date, time, and location for the meeting that would be acceptable to your schedules. 
Dane Wigington

Verifiable facts sent for consideration:

Federal "gag order" on all NWS and NOAA employees

Links to numerous film footage clips of jet aircraft spraying

New Science Study Examines Methods To Gain Public Acceptance Of Climate Engineering

New Science Study Comes Closer To Disclosing The Catastrophic Health And Environmental Consequences Of Climate Engineering

Massive Senate Document On National And Global Weather Modification

Historical presidential report documenting ongoing and expanding climate engineering programs

Extensive list of climate engineering patents

Solar radiation management governance initiative

2nd Request

Hello Mr. Kruger and Mr. Mangas, I hope you would be kind enough to issue a response to the request sent last week. As mentioned in the former message, public concerns about climate engineering are escalating rapidly, it would seem appropriate for the chief meteorologist that represents our region to at least be willing to address the public's concerns in a town hall setting.

Thank you for your consideration to this second request. 

Dane Wigington

3rd Request

Hello Mr. Kruger and Mr. Mangas, we are all still hoping you will be willing to answer questions from the public to address our concerns about what is happening in our skies. The photo attached was captured today from the NASA worldview site, what could cause such a cloud formation? This is one of the many questions we would like to have addressed at a town hall meeting at a date, time, and location, that would suite your schedule. Again, as the local chief meteorologist that represents our region, we hope you will be willing to address our questions and concerns.

Dane Wigington

What could cause an alarming cloud formation like what is shown below? And on such a vast scale?


4th Request

Hello again Mr. Kruger and Mr. Mangas, still hoping to have the courtesy of a response regarding the communities requests to have their questions and concerns about climate engineering addressed in a public town hall setting. Below is a satellite photo taken today over Northern California. It reveals an atmosphere that is completely saturated with aerosols which look more like blowing smoke on the radar image as opposed to natural cumulous or cirrus clouds. Smoke is of course a particulate, climate engineering/solar radiation management patents and programs expressly call for saturating the atmosphere with light scattering particulates dispersed from jet aircraft. If (as our chief meteorologist) Mr. Kruger feels our concerns are unfounded, and that we should not believe what we can see with our own eyes, we would be very interested in hearing on what basis of facts he comes to such a conclusion.

Dane Wigington


First response from KRCR ABC news anchor Mike Mangas

On Feb 18, 2016, at 6:20 PM, Mike Mangas wrote:

Hello Dane-

I apologize for not responding to your emails. I didn't see them – to be absolutely honest, I blocked them some time ago.

Going into the geoengineering debate, I tried to keep an open mind. I listened to you, to your followers, showed up at the seminar you had in the David Marr auditorium, and did online research. I'm not a scientist, and don't pretend to be, but of the things I could confirm, I have found lies, mistruths, conspiracy theories of all sorts (and not just geoengineering. That forum had a cornucopia of conspiracy theories. Who shot Kennedy, what really happened on 9-11, did we really go to the moon, etc.)

Reading things like we the media are being paid off by the government to keep things quiet, or to believe humans are capable of intentionally altering the environment on a global scale, for nefarious purposes, or that such an alleged massive operation could be done in complete secrecy, and talking with people in the airline industry whom I have known for years,  whose opinions I respect, who literally laugh at geoengineering conspiracies, led me months ago to come to the conclusion that… I don't believe it. I do believe geoengineering is being discussed, but not anywhere near being implemented, and certainly not on such a grand scale.

Everyone is free to believe what they want to believe, and as I've said before, I admire your passion, but I'm done with this, and have been for months.

I just don't want to spend any more time on it.

Clearly, I have no interest in being involved in any sort of town hall meeting, nor in covering any such event. (I speak for myself only in that regard.)

I will not respond to any further correspondence, unless it's a subject other than geoengineering.


Mike Mangas

KRCR News Channel 7

(530) 722-6423


My 1st email in response to ABC news anchor Mike Mangas and ABC "chief Meteorologist Mike Kruger

Mr, Mangas, with all due respect, do you really believe your response would hold up in any reasonable forum with a reasonable community of concerned citizens? Which clearly neither you nor Mr. Kruger have the courage to face? You baselessly claim all is "conspiracy" and yet make no acknowledgment of the mountain of climate engineering data to the contrary, including links I sent to you and Mr. Kruger. These links even contain the full text to 750 page US senate report and an 80 page US presidential report, both proving beyond doubt that global climate modification has been going on since the late 1940s. Did you really do any investigation at all, Mike? Or do you just rely on the opinions of "people whom you respect"? How about the federal "gag order" on all National Weather Service and NOAA employees? Any explanation for that? Are we to expect government scientists to speak out in spite of a federal "Gag Order"? It is unfortunate that those whom the community relies on for their news are not even willing to address legitimate and extremely dire community concerns about solid science issues like stratospheric aerosol geoengineering and solar radiation management. Unfortunately you have made the decision to distract from the science by plucking out  a meaningless passing statement or two from the MC at the event. Clearly you have done your best to unjustly slander a major community event with 1000 in attendance and many experts including former military and former government scientists. 

Anyway, Mr. Mangas, thank you for making clear your unwillingness to address critical and legitimate community concerns on verifiable science issues like climate engineering/geoengineering/solar radiation management. Your comments are now on the record (I can only assume Mr. Kruger is taking the same position). As the climate engineering issue becomes impossible to hide, I can only imagine the community will justifiably feel extremely betrayed by those in media who have done their best to hide and/or marginalize issues of such dire gravity. The issue of global geoengineering will soon enough be exposed and acknowledged as the climate system disintegrates, wait and see. At that time, individuals like you and Mr. Kruger (and other local media representatives) will have a great deal of explaining to do for the citizens you claim to represent, but instead have chosen to blatantly betray.

Dane Wigington

My 2nd email to ABC news anchor Mike Mangas and ABC "chief meteorologist" Mike Kruger

Hello Mr. Mangas and Mr. Kruger, just an FYI, it seems the State of Rhode Island is waking up and acknowledging the geoengineering reality.

FYI, Rhode Island legislation draft to stop geoengineering, February 11, 2016

Rhode Island Legislation To Stop Climate Engineering

Below is a letter just sent to you, Mr. Mangas, from an Aerospace Avionics Engineer. Though this extremely qualified expert has asked me not to publish his identity for the time being (as he is still involved in research on the subject at hand), you are well aware of who he is Mike as I have already seen your response to this individual in an email you sent in reply to the letter below. This most recent expert testimony is on top of all the other experts that have already testified in Shasta County about the reality of climate engineering and the dire threat it poses.

The letter below is from an Aerospace Avionics Engineer. It was sent to ABC's Mike Mangas (and forwarded to me) in response to the ABC news anchor's blatant refusal to honestly investigate or objectively report on the critical geoengineeering issue.

Hello Mike,

I just read your response to Dane about not covering any more GeoEngineering stories.

That may be difficult to avoid. 

I am an Aerospace Avionics Engineer of over 40 years, with considerable work experience at our NASA Ames/Dryden Flight Research Center at Edwards – working specifically on a high altitude research aircraft designed to study the Ozone layer.  It was a part of the ERAST projects sponsored by NASA, the company I worked for was Aurora Flight Sciences.

During my work at NASA the folks at JPL figured out how to use the 4th bit in a data stream from an orbiting satellite – and ended up finding the Ozone hole in Antartica.

What failed to reach the public,  is that the Ozone layer is usually only about a quarter of an inch thick!   Another missed item was that Ozone can't be created without Oxygen and Ultraviolet light – above the Atmospheric layers – so it can't form on the dark side of the planet.  This causes holes to form.  Ozone holes are normal – to a point, that point is about where we are now; the Ozone layer is pretty much gone – we know this with the excessive UVB radiation, and the CERES satellite data.

This was 1994, and 1995 – at this time was the big R-12 refrigerant conundrum – this is what the Chemistry Engineers were telling us, and that the Chloromethane molecule was responsible for all the holes in the ozone layer.

I only had 1 simple question: "how does a heavier than air molecule reach tropopause?"
No-one answered.

The next NASA project was the Barium release by satellite.  Lots of data was gathered, and most people involved with the project thought they were doing real science for a good cause.  Not so.  It was government sponsored research data for the solar radiation management programs.

Since that time I have spent significant time and energy researching the CERES data, which was one of the first satellites measuring the "Energy Balance" for planet Earth – I am not using the public data, I have been granted access to the actual data (or so I'm told) that has not been scrubbed.  After 2 years of studying this data, I still can't really determine what is going on.  I am familiar with the scanning micro-bolometer that is the sensor aboard the satellite, but putting that data together in an easily understood video presentation has proved to be a major computer task.

I don't like conspiracy theories.  I want facts.  I want data that speaks for itself, no matter who reads it.

My first comparison of data gathered from 2000-2005 to data from 2010-2015 was very alarming.  So alarming that I figured I made a mistake.  I am taking more time to cover every line of program and every bit of data before any publication is made.  There is 58.6 gigabytes of data. 

Before I received the CERES data, I had to promise the Langley Center that they would receive copies of my papers before they go public.  That bothered me at the time.  Could be just an accuracy check.

I have emailed Dane on several occasions about my current research and his, and on each occasion Dane has had verifiable data to corroborate his claims.  I don't see anything but an intense desire Dane has but to try and recover what we have left on this planet – before it is gone forever.  Personally I admire Dane – it would be far easier for him if he just didn't care.

But he does, and so do I.  This is intensely painful at times, especially when I hold my grandkids. 

Here is a quote I learned many years ago "There is a bar to all understanding, it is contempt prior to investigation."  

In my research I have to maintain an open mind – otherwise I introduce bias into the overall equation by ignoring or discounting certain data.  It is critical I have error-free results, no exceptions.  The stakes are way too high for all of us.

Mike, thanks for reading this – and I hope it doesn't piss you off!  That, is NOT my goal – we need to have good news coverage – accurate, unbiased, and without fear.

We all need YOU, Mike, when I get finished with this project I'd like your opinion – and help.

A final note for this message, can Mr. Kruger, yourself, or the "airline industry" friends (who's opinion you stated you base your conclusions on) confirm (with verifiable facts) that the trails in the photos below are just "normal commercial traffic" trails, and not climate engineering/geoengineering/solar radiation management? Populations are waking up, the climate engineering insanity cannot be hidden in plain sight for much longer no matter how much deception and denial we are fed from the media and meteorological communities.  How will the public react once they know the degree to which they have been lied to about such a dire issue? 

Dane Wigington

Lebanon, Tennessee1:6:16Warren Grace

Photo credit: Warren Grace

The effort to expose the global geoengineering assault requires that we each do everything we can to expose those who are helping to hide the ongoing climate engineering crimes. Make your voice heard in this most critical battle.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.