Search Results for: Nano particles

Nanotech Food Test May Help Expose Chemtrail Poisoning


Last week, the University of Missouri announced a new method to detect silver nanoparticles in fresh produce and other food products.

Nanosized aluminum being sprayed in the atmosphere, causing degenerative disease, says neurosurgeon


Back in the 1960’s, quiet scientific dialogue began about global climate change and how it can be manipulated. What might have turned into a productive discussion of responsible protection of Earth’s climate and ecosystem had eventually evolved into a mad, controlling science experiment.

Nano Aerosols and You


First, the almost good news: The 10-micron particles called for in the Hughes aerosol spray patent are not nano-size. Each microscopic 10-micron particle is 100th the diameter of a human hair. The bad news: Regardless of their inherent toxicity, all airborne particles 10-microns or smaller are classified “an extreme human health hazard” by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency because of their propensity to invade and inflame heart tissue. Sometimes lethally.

Global Weather Modification Assault Causing Climate Chaos And Environmental Catastrophe


Dane Wigington

Global climate engineering encompasses many different aspects and processes. The consequences of the climate engineering insanity are already unquantifiable and growing by the day. Though each aspect of this subject is more than enough for an in depth article, there is often a need for more of an overall summary to pass on to those that are not aware of the broader picture.

What Major Factor Causing "Climate Change" Are They Not Telling Us About?

More alarming articles and studies are surfacing each day which confirm the rapidly changing state of Earth's life support systems and climate. Humanity has decimated the planet in countless ways and the repercussions are becoming catastrophic. Though there are certainly many parts to this unfolding story, the largest piece of the puzzle by far still goes completely unacknowledged by the entire scientific community and all of the main stream media / corporate / military / industrial complex. The massive elephant in the room has been, and still is, "stratospheric aerosol geoengineering" (SAG), AKA  "solar radiation management" (SRM).

Veteran Health Department Official Speaks Out On Climate Engineering Dangers, Again


Only a few State and Federal agency officials have shown any courage whatsoever in regard to speaking truth to power, especially on the subject of climate engineering. One shining exception is environmental health specialist Gary Attalla. I have had the honor of communicating with Gary for several years. During this time he has tried diligently and consistently to force the critical geoengineering issue to light with his peers and within his agency, the New Jersey Department of Health. In spite of constant resistance from other agency officials and politicians, Gary has pressed on in his battle to raise awareness. The letter below is Gary's latest update report on what the ongoing geoengineering contamination is doing to our health. My most sincere gratitude to him for his ongoing efforts, if there were more in the "system" with Gary's courage, we would not be in such a dark place today.
Dane Wigington

Shasta County Update On Heavy Metal Contamination, The Legal Ramifications


Dane Wigington

On July 15th, 2014 a group of experts testified environmental heavy metal contamination (likely a direct result of climate engineering) before the Shasta County Board of Supervisors in Northern California. On June 30th, 2015 a group of citizens returned to speak in front of the board in order to confront them about the Board's inaction on the verifiable contamination. In this latest update, Northern California's ABC station, KRCR, has done their best to spin the actual testimony of facts given in 2014 by experts and County representatives. The 2+ minute video below is the latest TV news update.

In 2014 Shasta County Air Quality representative Rick Simon admitted in his testimony before the board that the current air quality testing equipment is not capable of detecting any air particles in the range of those in question (nano particles).

"We measure for PM-10" , stated Mr. Simon (PM-10 means 10 microns which again are particles exponentially larger than the heavy metal nano particles in question. It is not possible to detect elements that are astronomically smaller than the currently used testing equipment is designed to detect and Simon knows this. The smaller the particle, the more dangerous it is for the environment and the human body because it is then much more bioavailable).

So why is KRCR implying that the Shasta County Board of Supervisors has followed through with their responsibilities to investigate and disclose a public health hazard? This is simply not true. Here is the unvarnished reality, Shasta County officials have not done anything to investigate or disclose an indisputable heavy metal contamination (that state certified lab testing proves) which is a public health hazard (REGARDLESS OF THE SOURCE). They claim that this issue is "not in their jurisdiction", again, not true. This governing board has been given test data to prove the presence of the dangerous heavy metal contamination as far back as 2008, they have done virtually nothing to investigate or disclose this critical health threat to Shasta County citizens. There is currently a team of 6 US attorneys and 2 Canadian attorneys (and other qualified professionals) that are focused on this contamination issue. The legal consensus of this group of legal professionals is this, that county public health and safety agencies have a mandated, legal, and moral responsibility to disclose any and all public safety threats. Again, for over 7 years, no investigation and no public disclosure has taken place from Shasta County officials. As the verifiable heavy metal contamination continues to take it's toll, and the reality of this contamination can no longer be hidden, the question of legal liability will certainly be the primary focus of a justifiably outraged population. The 2014 edited testimony of experts is below. 

Here is the full original article "Geoengineering Investigation Demanded By Numerous Experts". 

David Keith’s Latest Criminal Denial Of Climate Engineering


Dane Wigington

Why is society so easily kept in the dark and oblivious to dire and immediate threats? One primary reason is the completely biased coverage of critical issues by media sources that claim to be objective. In the "Ecoshock" radio show linked below, Alex Smith (the host for Ecoshock who has already been listed in the " interviews not one, but two well known ardent geoengineering deniers. 

The first 25 minutes is spent with internationally known geoengineering David Keith. In 2010 David Keith was pushing for the dumping of 20,000,000 tons of aluminum nano particles into the atmosphere by spraying it with jet aircraft. In 2010 I confronted Keith about his proposals at an international geoengineering conference, his response was damning to say the least. 

By the time Keith appears on the Stephen Colbert show, he seems to find humor in the catastrophic issue of geoengineering and has altered his proposal to the dumping of 20,000 pounds of sulfuric acid into the atmosphere. What is David Keith's part in the ongoing disinformation campaign to hide the geoengineering reality? The answer falls into one of three categories, he is either clinically blind, completely oblivious (or in denial) to the verifiable ongoing climate engineering reality and thus totally unqualified for the position he holds , or he is a paid liar. I will leave it up to the individual investigator to decide. 

In the case of Rose Cairns, the same points should be considered. Cairns has been featured in the "" for her part in the climate engineering denial machine. Of course Ecoshock and their guests did their best to constantly use the non-science "chemtrails" term. Media sources that are trying to spin and marginalize the climate engineering reality insist on using the "chemtrails" term as mainstream media hitman David Pakman proved in the 15 minute interview he did with me

Another factor that discredits the anti-climate engineering movement is the astounding denial of global warming in spite of the mountain of facts proving beyond any doubt that the planet is in total meltdown. Climate engineering is helping to fuel the meltdown overall, not mitigating it. Scanning the headlines at THIS LINK will give more credible facts on the actual state of the climate.

The interview below is important to listen to for those that wish to better understand how the dire issue of climate engineering is discredited by "scientists" and "media" that have chosen to do so. If you don't appreciate the biased information put out by Ecoshock on the the issue of climate engineering, let Ecoshock know how you feel. It would also be productive to let David Keith ( and Rose Cairns ( know your thoughts in regard to their part in covering up the climate engineering crimes. A written account of the interview below can be found HERE


Engineered Winter Storm Assault, The Weather Makers Are Desperate For Headlines


Dane Wigington

Winter storm "Juno" is here, and it is engineered from top to bottom. The weather event that is unfolding on the East Coast of the US is a completely manipulated monstrosity. The total desperation of the power structure and the climate engineers is so very evident as they throw everything they have at the creation of a "winter storm" which is meteorologically as unnatural as it could possibly be. Snow now generally has nothing to do with elevation, rather, the "heavy wet snow" is focused where most of the moisture is. Massive amounts of moisture are necessary for the chemical ice nucleation process which transforms what should have been rain into snow due to the endothermic reaction it induces. This also lowers the temperatures on the ground as the more dense chemically cooled air (created from the nucleation process) sinks to ground level. The layer of cold air is very shallow, but it does lower the temperatures enough to produce the desired headlines.

Extreme UV Radiation Is Killing Our Trees

Trees and whole forests around the globe are in steep decline. So much of the population has completely given up any connection to the natural world and thus they do not notice how rapidly tree health has deteriorated in almost all locations. All over the world formerly healthy forests are now in very poor condition. The condition of the trees has gone from bad to worse and few take note of this, let alone show any concern. The ongoing global climate engineering programs have decimated the ozone layer. Ozone layer destruction has long since been a known and recognized consequence of introducing particulates into the atmosphere. Atmospheric spraying of nano particles is a primary aspect of solar radiation management (SRM). In short, geoengineering is destroying the ozone layer. Levels of UVB are now often up to 1000% higher than official agencies are disclosing, these are extremely dangerous levels. How do we know levels are this high? Because we can and are metering UV radiation. We are now even detecting UVC radiation at the surface, UVC is the last band of UV radiation before x-ray radiation. We are told by all "official" monitoring agencies that UVC is stopped 100,000 feet up in the atmosphere, this is also a lie. Back to the trees, what is all this radiation doing to them? The 2 minute video below illustrates one example of the harm being done.

Climate Engineering, Dangerous Proposal Or Lethal Reality?


By Dane Wigington

(This article was originally drafted for and posted on Guy McPherson's "Nature Bats Last" website. Guy later pulled this article and now finatically denies the ongoing climate engineering reality.)

In recent years there have been numerous scientists and scientific agencies discussing the challenges of global warming and suggesting ways to mitigate further warming from occurring. These solutions, labeled as “geoengineering”, range from the realistic, and possible, to the clearly impossible and absurd. Are some forms of geoengineering currently being advertised as a "proposed solutions" when in reality they are already taking place and have been for decades?

10 Climate Engineering Bullet Points


By Dane Wigington

1. Global aerosol spraying programs for the purpose of climate modification are being carried out from jet aircraft all over the planet each and every day. These programs are known as stratospheric aerosol geoengineeing (SAG) and solar radiation management (SRM). Every breath we take contains microscopic toxic nano particulates. Such small particles are extremely damaging to the respiratory and neurological systems and cannot be filtered out with any readily available filtration mechanisms. Nano particles are so small that they penetrate straight through the lung lining and go straight into the blood stream. There, they can adhere to cell receptors like a plaque, slowly but surely damaging our health and bodily functions such as the immune system. The particulates are also a platform on which fungal proliferation runs wild. Recent studies state 70%+ of all current plant and animal extinction is now caused by fungal infection.

2. The protective layers of the atmosphere, most specifically the ozone layer and the ionosphere, are being shredded by the aircraft sprayed  aerosol clouds. This renders all life on planet earth exposed to dangerous levels of radiation. The science on “particulate clouds and their effect on the ozone layer” is very clear. Such clouds destroy ozone. Period. UV levels are already increasing dramatically around the globe (Monsanto has already engineered UV resistant crops).

3.  SAG and SRM have very likely been major contributing factors to the current methane “planetary emergency” now occurring on the East SIberian Shelf of the Arctic. This emergency, as stated by the research scientists involved, is the massive methane expulsion from the sea floor. Methane hydrates have now reached a temperature which will no longer allow its former retention in hydrate form on the sea floor. This warming of the oceans has been fueled in large part by the spraying. Though SAG and SRM can achieve significant cooling anomalies over large areas, it comes at a cost of a far worse overall global warming. Climate engineering also changes wind currents, this in turn alters ocean currents, and now there is warm water flowing into the Arctic region from the Atlantic ocean. The gravity of this methane event can not be overstated.

4. Saturating the atmosphere with geoengineering particulates “diminishes and disperses rainfall”. Period. The excess of condensation nuclei causes moisture droplets to adhere to these nuclei and thus droplets do not combine and fall as precipitation, but continue to migrate in the form of artificial cloud cover. This is one of the reasons SAG and SRM cause devastating drought in many regions around the globe. Monsanto is engineering a long list of drought resistant crops in response, welcome to disaster capitalism. (devastating deluges are also connected to climate engineering as moisture that was migrated over one region comes down in a torrent somewhere else). Artificial chemically nucleated engineered snow storms are also wreaking havoc around the globe, causing radical temperature fluctuations in short spans of time.

5. SAG and SRM are causing “global dimming” on a scale that can hardly be comprehended. Current figures are averaging in the 20% range globally, but in some areas, like Russia, the total amount of sun that now reaches the ground is some 30% less than only a few decades previous. This reduction of sunlight further amplifies the currently occurring global droughts. Sunlight is a major component of evaporation.

6.  SAG and SRM greatly reduce wind flow. Again, wind is a major component of evaporation. The science regarding aerosol clouds and their effect on wind is well documented. As convection is altered and reduced, so are wind patterns and flows.

7.  The SAG and SRM particles are “light scattering” materials. This alters the light spectrum and will likely cause many, and as of yet unknown, negative effects on all life forms. Blocking out the sun alone is of extreme concern regarding photosynthesis, but when one considers the fact that the light which does get through the toxic particulates is in altered wave form, the concern is much greater still. Statistically 98% of the US population is vitamin D deficient, yet another likely result of “global dimming” and the altered light form now reaching the surface of our planet.

8. Our air, soils, and waters are being systematically poisoned day in and day out and thus sterilized by the highly toxic fallout from SRM and SAG spray programs. The totality of damage already caused by this fallout could never be quantified.

9. “Bioavailable” aluminum, now in nearly every drop of rain falling around the globe, is very harmful to most plant life. When the organisms detect the contamination, they shut down nutrient uptake to protect their DNA. This can cause a very slow and protracted death of the organism. The effects of “bioavailable aluminum” are also well documented. Again, a point of interest is the fact that Monsanto is engaged in the production of “aluminum resistant” seeds.

10. All global weather is being effected by these spray programs. At this point, there is little or no weather that could be considered “natural”. There is no way to even begin to quantify the damage being done to all life on earth by SAG and SRM. The current global extinction rate is beyond shocking, we are statistically in the 6th great extinction on our planet right now. The losses are in the range of 200 species of plants and animal every single day. This is approximately 10,000 times “natural variability” (1,000,000% of normal). It is impossible not to connect the issue of SAG and SRM to the mass die off once the impact and gravity of these programs is well understood. Global climate engineering is nothing short of an all out assault against the entire web of life. Opinions may vary as to the motives of the ongoing geoengineering programs, but massive die off, total climate disruption, and planetary decimation, are the net result.


Assault By Global Weather Modification


My thanks to the editors of “Lotus Guide” (a Northern California magazine) for their courage in addressing the dire threat posed by our collapsing biosphere and also for helping to expose the climate engineering factor in this equation.
Dane Wigington

A Day in the Life: 5/3-5/14

 Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA)

  +  Resolving the Atmospheric Emergency  +

Climate Engineering Continues To Fuel Planetary Meltdown


Dane Wigington

The spraying of Earth’s atmosphere with toxic metallic nano particles and unknown other chemicals is getting worse by the day. There is absolutely no plausible denial of this as we have film footage of US military jets, like KC 10 tankers, spraying at altitude.

No Bees, No Food, No People


It has been said after the bees are gone, humans will follow. Bees are dying around the globe. Though the scientific community is grabbing at straws trying to find the reason, the “elephant in the room” that is global climate engineering continues to wreak death and destruction across the planet. Farm pesticides were one scapegoat for the bee die off. Certainly such chemicals are part of the problem, but only a part. If this was the real source of the die off, why are the bees just as dead a thousand miles into the wilderness as they are near the farms? The article below seems to put all the blame on climate change, but this is also a “half truth”. The toxic fall out from geoengineering is blanketing the entire globe with bioavailable nano particles which is radically affecting all life forms. Now lets add the constant bombardment of radio frequency transmissions from too many sources to list, the most powerful of which are directly related to the weather modification. All roads, in one way or another, lead back to the decimation caused by the climate engineering insanity.

Dane Wigington

Internationally Recognized Theoretical Physicist Acknowledges Climate Engineering


Supporters of geoengineering have proposed radical ways to alter the planet. But opposition is growing to geoengineering. We interviewed the indian environmentalist, scientist, philosopher Vandana Shiva.

Vandana Shiva, originally a theoretical physicist, she now campaigns the world for heirloom seeds, organic farming and local food systems instead of the chemical- and oil-intensive large scale industrial farms that destroy the environment and wreck local economies. She also supports Hands off Mother Earth, a citizen-based organization that resists geoengineering .

Delta Copycat


I follow the “weather patterns” and study what they are doing before they get to you as they move east from the west coast. The Coachella Valley and Palm Springs airport is a large Geoengineering base, I know this for a fact. They built a new control tower with Obama stimulus money and moved in all new control tower people a few months ago.

CHEMtrails and CHEMotherapy: More Alike Than You Think


There are mixed reports on chemtrails, which scientists who will talk about them term “geoengineering” to somehow make dumping toxic metals over our heads and poisoning us and our families sound respectable and, well, “scientific.”

The Cost of Geoengineering


I was sitting outside in my wicker rocker with my wonderful hot cup of perfectly brewed organic coffee watching the morning sky as the clouds changed to pink. A jet began to draw a line dissecting my perfect view.

Global Geoengineering – The Ever Changing Experiment


It is a challenge to predict the outcome of experiments that are being constantly altered. The saturation of the atmosphere with particles has specific and well documented effects. It forces a complete disruption of the hydrological cycle with a tendency toward CAUSING DROUGHT overall. 

People Behind the Lie


In the email thread below, Joan Muncaster confronts Scientist/Geoengineer Ken Caldeira about the ongoing geoengineering programs.

Geoengineering, Runaway Climate Change, And The Poisoning Of Life On Earth


More major publications are trying to “condition” the population to the idea of “geoengineering” as a cure for the increasingly extreme climate. It is ever more shocking that publications like “Foreign Affairs” can still pretend they don’t know SRM (stratospheric aerosol geoengineering) has been a lethal reality for decades. They say “SRM could cool the planet in a few months”, really? A mountain of data to date says otherwise.

Global Geoengineering Fueling Venus Syndrome


What Is "Venus Syndrome"?

"Venus syndrome" is not a metaphor, it is a scientific scenario. The term should be self explanatory, but just to be clear, Venus syndrome is a scenario in which climate and atmospheric feedback loops are triggered that can't be switched off. Under this scenario, as greenhouse gasses build up, and cause planetary warming, yet more greenhouse gasses are released which causes still more warming. This trajectory does not end in a balmy tropical resort Earth, but rather a planet that is closer to hell. Like Venus, Earth would become a pressure cooking inferno with virtually no life.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 30, 2023, #425


Dane Wigington

"Clouds now contain plastic, risking contamination of ‘everything we eat and drink’, airborne plastic particles found in cloud water"( Geoengineering Watch has been sounding the alarm about polymer fiber nanoparticles in our precipitation for years. What took the so called science community so long to catch up? New York's manipulated heavy dose of rain was the core component of the temporary east coast cool-down which is scheduled to be followed by a warm-up and then another cool-down. The West Coast has also been the recipient of a manipulated moisture cool-down, though temperatures are scheduled to rapidly rebound. The Gulf Stream current is slowing down and seaborne flesh eating bacteria are ramping up while the human race faces an "unprecedented global toxic emergency". Above it all and completely connected to it all are the ongoing and accelerating climate engineering operations. Where do we go from here? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​

For Geoengineering Watch awareness materials shown below, click the image to order.

      GW flyer packet 300 booklets, DVD

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Coming Collapse Q & A, April 7, 2022


Dane Wigington

On this Coming Collapse Q and A session, a highly credentialed scientist from a top 10 science testing facility joins us for a shocking front line report. Recent testing has now confirmed that the highly toxic element graphene is in our precipitation, along with an already long list of toxins including aluminum nanoparticles. Surfactants have also been confirmed in recent precipitation testing. Climate intervention operations are ubiquitously contaminating the entire planet and every breath we take. How long do we have if the human race remains on the current course? Please join us for this front line report on the most dire and immediate threats we collectively face.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer.

Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 16, 2021, #323


Dane Wigington

Aluminum nanoparticles are showing up in precipitation tests from all over the world. Glyphosate from Monsanto’s “Roundup” is showing up in our food. The combination of aluminum and Glyphosate in the human body unleash synergistic toxicity that in turn can trigger a long list of downstream diseases according to peer reviewed science study, is one example science publication. Is it just a coincidence that constant exposure to both elements is now nearly impossible to avoid? On the wider horizon engineered weather whiplash extremes are wreaking havoc in the US and around the world as climate intervention operations continue to be ramped up. Where do we go from here? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer.

This week's outreach booth is at the OC Fair & Event Center, Costa Mesa, California, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.

Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​

Mainstream Media Coverage Of Climate Engineering, What Is The Agenda?


Dane Wigington

Imagine the whole of academia pretending the ongoing geoengineering operations we see in our skies are not really there. Imagine the vast majority of populations blindly accepting the official denial of climate engineering, and thus completely ignoring what they can easily see occurring with their own eyes.

Mainstream media (CNBC) has recently produced a video on the critical issue of climate engineering. Not surprisingly, there are a numerous deceptions woven into the video message, starting with the title itself.

 "Why Bill Gates Is Funding Solar Geoengineering Research"

Bill Gates is nothing more than a prop in the elaborate power structure disinformation campaign on the climate engineering issue. Though Gates may in fact be contributing to the "SCoPEx" climate engineering experiment, the experiment itself is also nothing more than an orchestrated distraction from the ongoing global climate engineering operations that have been deployed for approximately 74 years (over a decade longer than Bill Gates has even been alive).

New released CNBC video on geoengineering:

Inarguable footage of a geoengineering jet aircraft spray dispersion is revealed in the 2 minute video below.

The CNBC video deceptions continue:

#1 The video states that climate engineering "could" cause a long list of downstream consequences.

There is no "could, may, or might", the consequences of the ongoing global climate engineering assault are far beyond incalculable already, and continue to manifest by the day. Of course, the CNBC video makes no mention of the complete contamination of the biosphere (and thus the air we breath) from the highly toxic climate engineering fallout).

#2 That over two thirds of the population would support the use of goengineering.

Such a conclusion is completely deceptive. Survey questions, which completely omit the most relevant facts regarding the true danger and devastation that climate engineering is already causing, cannot be considered an accurate measure of public opinion. Of over 1500 scientists surveyed, NONE were willing to deny the ongoing climate engineering reality on the record (including Professor Alan Robock who was featured in the new CNBC geoengineering disinformation video).

#3 Geoengineering technology is "cheap"

This conclusion is deception on an unimaginable scale. First, the claims for the needed scale of climate engineering deployment are a small fraction of the scale on which climate engineering has long since already been deployed. Next, and most importantly, the scale of destruction climate engineering has long since inflicted on the biosphere, human health, and the entire web of life, is nowhere named by the CNBC propaganda video.

#4 The "Keith Group" will be the first to conduct a geoengineering experiment.

Again, to even make such a claim is truly alarming. The ongoing climate engineering operations being conducted by jet aircraft in skies all over the world could not be more obvious and inarguable. The SCoPEx project is nothing more than a form of intentional public mass distraction and deception.

#5 "No existing aircraft can inject particles into the Stratosphere". 

First, the elevation of the Stratosphere in the polar regions can be as low as 24,000 feet. All jet aircraft can far exceed that altitude including heavily loaded military jet tanker aircraft. Next, the vast majority of the clearly visible jet aircraft particulate spraying is occurring in the Troposphere.

#6 "Nozzles still need to be designed which can continuously blast out trillions of particles".

Yet another complete deception from CNBC. Retrofit spray nozzles are absolutely located on the wing pylons of most commercial carrier jet aircraft, and on military tankers. These nozzles are aimed directly into the jet exhaust stream to make the dispersion look like "condensation". The "condensation trail" lie is perhaps the biggest deception ever perpetrated on populations around the world. ALL commercial aircraft and ALL military tankers are fitted with a "high bypass turbofan" jet engine. This engine is a jet powered fan which by design is nearly incapable of producing any condensation trail except under increasingly rare and extreme circumstances.

#7 "Scientists still need to decide what chemicals to spray".

View the 4 minute video below to see Dr. David Keith (head of the Keith Group and the SCoPEx geoengineering experiment) state in his own words the advantages of using aluminum nanoparticulates as a primary geoengineering / solar radiation management material. 10 million tones was the suggested annual atmospheric dispersion amount.

#8 "The uncertainty of climate engineering impacts is holding back deployment".

Is it rational to believe that the military industrial complex cares about the consequences of their actions? Is it rational to believe that the military industrial complex would ask for public acceptance and permission before deploying climate engineering operations? Climate engineering is a matter of historical record, this is not opinion, speculation, or conjecture. It is important to remember and consider that the top US military leadership has long since stated on the record that the collapsing climate is the greatest national security threat of all.

#9 "Geoengineering will require international cooperation".

Numerous historical government documents prove that international cooperation has long since been in place regarding the ongoing climate engineering assault. An almost 800 page US senate document is but one example. Click HERE to view the document with the most relevant sections already highlighted by 

#10 "Geoengineering should only be deployed if we have to".

Again, this is the the criminal deception being propagated by the whole of academia, official sources, and power structure controlled media, that geoengineering might someday have to be used. Climate engineering is not just a dangerous proposal, but has long since been a lethal reality.

#11 "Within a couple decades, for better or worse, geoengineering could be part of the solution to return the planet to pre-industrial temperatures".

After over 70 years of ongoing global climate engineering operations (at an ever increasing scale), are global temperatures going down? The short answer is no. In the dangerous attempt to mask rising global temperatures from populations (in order to maintain business as usual for as long as possible), climate engineering has worsened the overall climate collapse scenario we face, not mitigated it. Climate engineering has also been utilized as a covert weapon of war for decades. This is not an opinion, it is a verifiable fact.

How desperate are the climate engineers? The video report below is a shocking case in point.

Climate and environmental collapse are unfolding with blinding speed all over the world. Will populations wake up to the ongoing global climate engineering operations in time to make a difference? Waking a critical mass of the population up to the climate engineering reality is the first and most important leap forward in the battle to halt the climate engineering assault. Share credible data from a credible sourcemake your voice heard, make every day count.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, July 13, 2019, #205


Dane Wigington

Science studies have now confirmed that billions of nanoparticles are building up in our hearts and brains. What is the primary source of this contamination? Is there any place to hide from this exposure? One only needs to observe our skies to discover the answer, yet the official denial continues to be maintained. Massive algae blooms are suffocating our seas. What are the ramifications? The largest algae bloom in history is occurring from the Florida Gulf Coast far into the Caribbean. Stagnant seas are a major part of the problem, did the geoengineers manipulate hurricane "Barry" in response? How much damage is being done to the environment? Does humanity stand any chance of surviving without functional habitat? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

The proper prioritization of our efforts and energy is essential at this most critical juncture. Exposing and halting the climate engineering assault is the great imperative of our time, this effort will take all of us. Share credible data from a credible sourcemake your voice heard, make every day count.

The Dimming: Groundbreaking Geoengineering Documentary Is In Production, 1 minute trailer.

Geoengineering Watch wishes to express our most sincere gratitude to Maciej Kocialkowski for his tireless work toward raising awareness on the critical issue of climate engineering. The geoengineering awareness booths in the photos below were set up at the Charlotte County Administration Building (7/10/19) and at the Mid County Library (7/12/19) in Port Charlotte, Florida.

Our thanks to Mike Torrence for continuing with his efforts to raise awareness at the Tonasket Farmers Market in Washington State (7/4/19).

This week's outreach booth is at the Oregon Convention Center, Portland, Oregon, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.

Geoengineering Watch wishes to express our most sincere gratitude to Kathy and Larry Burns for their help with running the GEM FAIRE booth, and for their relentless support in the battle to expose and halt climate engineering.

NASA Satellite Imagery Reveals Shocking Proof Of Climate Engineering


Dane Wigington

In regard to difficult to accept and unpleasant truths, a picture is worth a thousand words. The photo images shown below were captured from NASA satellite sources, they are truly alarming. These images provide shocking and undeniable proof of the ongoing global climate engineering/geoengineering/solar radiation management assault on our planet and its life support systems. Highly toxic heavy metals and chemicals that are systematically sprayed into our atmosphere from jet aircraft as part of the geoengineering / solar radiation management (SRM) programs, are manipulated with extremely powerful radio frequency signals. These signals are transmitted from countless locations around the globe from various types of transmission platforms (ionosphere heater installations like HAARP, SBX radar, NEXRAD, etc.). The impact of the microwave transmissions on cloud formations is profound and highly visible (square cloud formations are created under some scenarios). 

In the series of NASA satellite images below, many variances of radio frequency cloud impacts can be observed. The degree to which the ongoing climate engineering/climate/intervention/weather warfare is disrupting Earth's atmosphere and life support systems is already beyond catastrophic and rapidly escalating all over the globe.

Click to enlarge any of the images below

Off of east coast of Australia


West coast of Africa


California coast


Off of Africa's west coast


Off of Africa's west coast


Off of Africa's west coast


South of Spain in the Alboran Sea


Off of Africa's west coast


Off of Africa's west coast


The northwest coast of Australia


Off of Africa's west coast


Off of Africa's west coast


Eastern Pacific ocean west of Baja California


The Southern Ocean near Antarctica

Hurricane suppression/manipulation is one aspect/agenda of the climate engineers. 85% of the hurricanes that impact the US originate from Africa. Low pressure systems migrate toward the west, off of Africa's coast. A great deal of climate engineering/intervention takes place in this region, thus a number of the satellite images shown in this post were captured there. In the attempt to mask the climate intervention activity, the cyclone suppression occurring off the coast of Africa is officially blamed on "dust". Of course there is no acknowledgement of the ongoing climate engineering atrocities. The quote below is an excerpt from a FOX news article.

Right now, much of the Gulf of Mexico and parts of the Caribbean have slightly warmer than normal ocean temperatures which would normally aid in tropical development. But there is so much dust and dry air in the atmosphere that storms are getting choked off before they even get started.


Though some may feel that cyclone suppression is beneficial, such interference with Earth's natural rhythms and systems has a long list of catastrophic downstream effects. Available data indicates that in other scenarios the climate engineers are actually augmenting and steering cyclones to serve their own agenda. "Hurricane Matthew" may be an example of weather warfare on an unimaginable scale. Is hurricane Matthew being heavily manipulated and steered by the climate engineers? The evidence continues to stack up. Below is a satellite photo clearly showing atmospheric "waves" surrounding hurricane Matthew. has labeled these as "gravity waves", but is that what these visible "waves" actually are? No. The satellite photos already shown in this post inarguably reveal heavy atmospheric manipulation from extremely powerful radio frequency/microwave transmissions and atmospheric aerosols. These transmissions leave a signature pattern on high level cloud formations that are saturated with electrically conductive heavy metal nanoparticles which are dispersed from jet aircraft as part of the ongoing climate engineering insanity.


Does the photo above really show "gravity waves" surrounding hurricane Matthew? Or does it show the signature pattern of extremely powerful radio frequency/microwave transmissions interacting with aircraft dispersed atmospheric aerosols? The latter is the case, both of these elements / factors are a core part of climate and storm manipulation and steering. Photo:

For those that want to examine the most complete climate engineering presentation from Geoengineering Watch, view the video below.

The global power structure long ago made the choice to subject our planet (and the entire web of life that it supports, including the human race) to an unimaginably massive and destructive climate intervention/weather warfare assault. This decision was made without the knowledge or consent of global populations. If we stand by and allow the decimation from the climate engineering insanity to continue, very soon Earth's life support systems will be beyond any recovery. This is not speculation, but a mathematical certainty. Help us with the most critical battle to expose and halt the climate intervention/weather warfare assault, all of us are needed in this fight. Sharing credible data from a credible source is key, make your voice heard.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Climate Engineering Disinformation, How To Respond To The Source


Dane Wigington

The global climate engineering assault is becoming all but impossible to hide in plain sight as the climate and biosphere collapse accelerates. In response, the power structure's propaganda puppets are doing all they can to continue their attempt to cover up the critical climate engineering issue with carefully crafted disinformation. How do we counter the climate engineering cover-up campaign of disinformation? By knowing the building block data and facts relating to this issue, by sharing credible data with others, and by holding the propagators of propaganda publicly accountable for their criminal disinformation campaigns. “" has just published a climate engineering cover-up article of disinformation authored by Gernot Wagner (further down in this post). Below is my response to Mr. Wagner which was forwarded to his email contact

Hello, Mr. Wagner,

In regard to your recent article “Chemtrails Aren’t The Geoengineering Debate We Should Be Having Because Chemtrails Aren’t Real" yes, “chemtrails” (the term you chose to rely on in your article) is not a science term, and thus not “real”.  This being said, Mr. Wagner, geoengineering / climate engineering / solar radiation management / stratospheric aerosol injection / cloud albedo enhancement, etc., are verifiably (semantics matters) ongoing realities. This fact / conclusion becomes apparent to any who have the courage to do an honest investigation of available data / documents / lab tests / film footage / photographic evidence, etc. In your article your denial of climate engineering relies on a survey conducted by geoengineer Ken Caldeira in which scientists were asked if “chemtrails” were “real”. Were you aware, Mr. Wagner, of a similar survey (of the very same scientists and 1430 more) which used the science terms in the survey? When the actual science terms were utilized, "climate engineering", "geoengineering", "solar radiation management", "cloud albedo enhancement", 100% of the scientists surveyed refused to deny the climate engineering reality on the record. A legal team working directly with is actively pursuing legal avenues to force public disclosure of the illegal climate engineering operations. In addition to our legal action in Canada, our ongoing lawsuit against the US Department of Commerce (the overseeing agency for NOAA) will soon produce thousands of documents relating to the weather / climate modification / engineering operations (documents which the DOC / NOAA have been ordered to release to us). Mr. Wagner, your strategy of obscuring the climate engineering reality by attempting in your article to associate this subject with fringe theories is nothing new in disinformation circles. In your article you correctly address the grave dangers posed by atmospheric particulate pollution, yet you do all you can to divert your readers attention from climate engineering as a major source of atmospheric particulate pollution. In a 2011 report NOAA admitted on the record that atmospheric aerosols have skyrocketed since 2000 and the source of this escalation could not be identified. Why wouldn’t (or couldn’t) NOAA acknowledge geoengineering atmospheric aerosol dispersions as a source of particulate pollution? In addition to US government scientists having no first amendment protection, and in addition to confidentiality agreements being standard for so many government positions and posts, now there is the illegal federal “gag order” on all National Weather Service and NOAA employees to consider. Why no mention of these facts, Mr. Wagner? Whatever your motive for participating in what can only be considered a campaign of climate engineering cover-up, rest assured that we, at, will do our best to publicly expose you (and all those like you who are participating in the climate engineering cover-up) to populations that deserve to know the truth about the ongoing highly destructive and dangerous geoengineering programs that were long ago deployed without public knowledge or consent. 

Dane Wigington

The “” climate engineering disinformation article authored by Gernot Wagner is below. Inserted in red are my responses to Wagner's false statements.

Solar geoengineering is controversial, and for good reason. It describes a set of technologies that seeks to reflect a small fraction of sunlight back into space to cool the planet. The most prominent such technology involves deliberately injecting tiny reflective particles into the stratosphere.

There’s a serious debate worth having, both on the science and technology itself and on the societal and policy implications. Unfortunately, in some corners of society valid concerns over the impacts of solar engineering have been overtaken by a different set of fears—various versions of the so-called chemtrails conspiracy theory. 

Authors of disinformation articles (like Gernot Wagner) utilize the non-science "chemtrails" term as much as possible, this is a part of their disinformation strategy. 5583

Geoengineered skies in Antioch, Tennessee. Photo credit: Brent Rodriguez

According to that conspiracy, solar geoengineering has been happening at scale for years or even decades.

The conspiracy isn’t exactly small. Around 60 percent of all social media discourse on geoengineering is conspiratorial, according to co-authored research I published last year. A representative poll of the U.S. public reveals that 10 percent describe the conspiracy as “completely true,” another 20 to 30 percent say it is “somewhat true.” Belief in the conspiracy appears across party lines, and it can get rather personal, too—death threats and all. 

Most versions of the conspiracy involve planes crisscrossing the skies spraying toxins, turning ordinary contrails into “chemtrails.”

Mr. Wagner is simply parroting the official narrative regarding "contrails". Wagner is apparently completely ignorant of the high bypass turbofan jet engine design characteristics which make actual "contrail" production nearly impossible, except under the most rare and extreme of circumstances. High bypass turbofan jet engines are standard on all commercial carrier aircraft and all military tanker jets.

Motivations range from weather modification (and yes, there are serious research efforts on that topic, too) to mind control or worse. No surprise, Twitter and other largely anonymous online fora allow this community of conspiracy to flourish—necessitating responses showing that no, NASA does not have a “cloud machine” but is instead testing its rocket boosters.

Mr. Wagner attempts to associate fringe and non-credible claims with legitimate data that confirms the climate engineering reality. In regard to the particular subject Wagner cites, NASA's "cloud making machine", Geoengineering Watch has also exposed the same disinformation. Citing this type of disinformation is Wagner's attempt to distract his readers from the hard facts that confirm the climate engineering reality.

I have no doubt that some who have stumbled upon the chemtrails conspiracy are earnestly looking for the truth. Much like some who believe that vaccinations cause autism, despite all evidence to the contrary, are motivated by having a close relative suffer from autism, chemtrail conspirators sometimes appear to be looking to learn why a loved one suffers from a respiratory illness. The real answer, sadly often, is indeed air pollution, which kills some 3 to 6 million people a year globally. Decreasing that pollution clearly ought to be a global priority.

Internationally recognized award winning medical professionals have already acknowledged the dire health threat from climate engineering particulate pollution, yet Wagner ignores such information. Why?

A blatant example of geoengineering operations over Mesa, Arizona (3/21/18). Video footage credit: Joni Davis

It is also clear that some of those peddling the conspiracy do so for mercenary reasons—selling ads on their website, or using it to grow their brand and drive page clicks.

Accusations from Wagner like the one above are yet another standard form of distracting readers from credible data.

Whatever the motivation, the “evidence” presented in favor of the conspiracy does not add up. Conspirators often argue that all one needs to do is look up. Scientists have. What they see are contrails: trails largely made up of condensed water vapor. It is the same effect that occurs when you breathe out on a cold day.

Mr. Wagner, if a person walks a mile in very cold conditions (when their breath is seen condensing), have you ever seen an expanding long lingering cloud resulting from this condensation? Or from an automobile under the same conditions? No, never.

If the air is sufficiently cold and moist, a plane’s mere turbulence can cause a contrail to form. Adding exhaust from a jet engine aids the process.

Contrails have been with us since the dawn of aviation. The earliest explanation of the science I could find in the popular press is a March 1943 article in Popular Science explaining what was then called “vapor trails.”

GeoengineeringWatch 3345

Geoengineered skies have become the norm, all over the world. Photo credit: Rayangely Evaleigh

Mr. Wagner, of course, does not mention other historical publications from Popular Science (and other sources) that fully acknowledge the weather warfare reality and the greats posed by it (going back nearly 7 decades).

The number of contrails, of course, has since increased dramatically, in line with the number of planes in the sky. And yes, those planes pollute. Each roundtrip flight from New York to San Francisco emits around 1 ton of CO2 per economy-class passenger. Sadly, CO2 is invisible. Were it a smelly pink goo, the world would have acted much sooner on CO2 pollution. It hasn’t, despite amazing progress slashing other kinds of air pollution.

In fact, some of the progress reining in air pollution, such as the sulfur dioxide (SO2) coming out of smoke stacks, leads to serious climate tradeoffs. While outdoor air pollution kills, it also—inadvertently—counteracts some of the warming effects of CO2. Removing all such air pollution, while clearly positive for human health, could indirectly cause a lot of harm, as the planet warms even further. The result is what Nobel Prize-winning chemist Paul Crutzen, in 2006, described as a “Catch-22.”

It is also, to me personally, the best moral case for solar geoengineering research in the first place.

And with the statement above, Mr. Wagner reveals his real motives, lobbying for climate engineering operations. Like geoengineer Dr. David Keith, it seems Wagner does not consider geoengineering to be a "moral problem".

This is precisely where the real solar geoengineering debate ought to be had. What are its potential risks and benefits? Would mere talk of solar geoengineering distract from the need to cut CO2 emissions? Or would such talk be a clarion call to prompt more action on climate mitigation? Reasonable people can disagree and, ultimately, can come down on different sides of the question of whether solar geoengineering could—or should—play a role in an overall climate policy portfolio.

But these arguments are a far cry from claims that contrails are really “chemtrails,” that thousands of commercial planes aren’t “merely” emitting massive amounts of CO2 but, for example, are deliberately spraying alumina. Aluminum oxide, in one’s soil, is presented as “evidence” for chemtrails. It isn’t. Aluminum is the third-most abundant element in the Earth’s crust, and aluminum oxide is its most common form.

First, Mr. Wagner, if jets are not intentionally dispersing materials into the atmosphere, why have they been retrofitted with spray nozzles aimed directly into the jet exhaust stream? This chosen location for spray nozzle mounting gives the desired appearance of the jet engine emission being "condensation", which it is absolutely not. 

Other supposed explanations are even odder and wholly unbelievable to scientists having looked at the topic.

Wagner's reference to an orchestrated "chemtrails" survey, of course, does not acknowledge the complete absence of willingness of the same scientists to deny the climate engineering reality when the science terms were used.

All that, of course, raises the question of why to trust scientists in the first place. Wouldn’t they have an incentive to hide evidence if there were a global “chemtrails” program operating somewhere? Well, no—that’s just not how science works. Does any one institution have incentives to keep secrets? Sure. But would individual scientists across the world keep some sort of vast “chemtrails” conspiracy a secret? 

Mr. Wagner fails, yet again, to mention the fact that US government scientists have no first amendment protection, are generally required to sign confidentiality agreements, and now have an illegal federal gag order placed on them.

Scientists aren’t all that good at lots of things. Polite, social interactions might be one. But the one thing they are good at is pointing out why others are wrong, and improving on prior knowledge. Pointing out why the broad scientific consensus that the planet is warming and humans are the cause of it is wrong would clearly make a scientific career. The fact that this hasn’t happened makes me comfortable to trust the consensus science on climate change. The fact that in decades no scientist has shown that ordinary contrails aren’t just that makes me similarly confident that there isn’t anything to the “chemtrails” conspiracy.

Mr. Wagner makes clear he sees no reason to actually investigate the climate engineering reality since the official "contrails" narrative has not yet been challenged by institutionally funded scientists for reasons already stated.

The world faces a serious pollution challenge. That goes for SO2 killing scores today, and it goes for the impacts of CO2 both today and in the future. There are some serious tradeoffs between the two. That’s the debate to have, and anyone I know who does research on solar geoengineering is happy to have it. It’s also the kind of debate that anyone with an earnest interest in the future of our planet should want to participate in. 

Gernot Wagner is research associate and lecturer at Harvard, co-director of Harvard’s Solar Geoengineering Research Program, and co-author of Climate Shock.

Radio show host Geoff Brady (from Pacifica radio station WBAI in New York) formally invited Mr. Wagner to discuss / debate the geoengineering issue on air with me, Dane Wigington, from (WBAI has hosted other debates with experts on the critical climate engineering issue). Mr. Wagner promptly declined the invitation to discuss relevant facts related to the ongoing climate engineering operations (in spite of what he stated in the closing statement of his geoengineering disinformation "article" in the quote shown directly above).

Hi Mr. Wagner,

Yes, I did see the article. I think it would be important to open this dialogue. 
I would moderate to ensure no one talks over each other and the full viewpoints are expressed in the time given.
This opportunity is granted by the listenership of WBAI. They want to hear differing opinions. 
thanks for considering. 

Gernot Wagner's response:

Dear Mr. Brady,

Many thanks for the invitation. I will have to decline.



Those who wish to let Gernot Wagner know his campaign of criminal public deception is not OK, can do here:

We must collectively stand against the power structure's well organized and funded disinformation organizations and individuals. We must work collectively in the effort to expose the same. Sharing credible data from a credible source is key, all of us are needed in the critical battle to expose and halt the ongoing global geoengineering operations.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.