Yearly Archives: 2015

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 12, 2015


Global biosphere implosion and geo-economic collapse both continue to unfold on countless fronts while the corporate media spin machine tries furiously to keep the public focus completely distracted from any and all dire realities. The 911 event was certainly carried out by terrorists, but which terrorists? Who was responsible for spawning, funding, and arming groups like Al Qaeda? What about ISIS? What critical questions about 911 have yet to be addressed by the criminal cabal that masquerades as the US government? From the 911 events to the skies above our heads, the crimes of the power structure are being exposed rapidly, what will they do as the walls close in on them? Is the world war lll card going to be played? Don't sit out the fight for the common good, educate yourself and make your voice heard.
Dane Wigington

Prominent Northern California Neurologist Shows His Support For Anti-Geoengineering Cause


On August 14th, 2015, there was a major event in Northern California that was organized for the purpose of exposing and halting global climate engineering programs that are decimating our planet and the entire web of life. Numerous experts spoke out at this event including attorneys, former government scientists, a former defense industry technician, former military personnel, a prominent Northern California Neurologist, and a CEO for one of the largest environmental and engineering consulting firms in the world. Approximately 1000 people attended this event. Dr. Hamid Rabiee is a primary neurologist in the Redding area. He has shown great courage by even speaking at this anti-geoengineering event. The western medical system is known for pressuring all their doctors to conform with "the system" and the official narrative. Dr. Rabiee also spoke out with other experts in front of the Shasta County board of supervisors in 2014. My gratitude to Dr. Rabiee for his willingness to address the dangers of aluminum nanoparticles in regard to the blood-brain barrier.  The emcee for this important event was John B. Wells, radio host for the highly acclaimed "Caravan to Midnight" show. John works tirelessly toward revealing the truth for the common good. His participation in the Northern California event was of immense benefit to the cause of exposing geoengineering. My deepest appreciation to John, to all the speakers that participated and shared their knowledge, to each and every activist that contributed countless hours, and of course our gratitude to all those that attended the event. Individuals came from locations as far away as Valdez Alaska and St. Louis Missouri.
Dane Wigington

Attention U.S. Military Personnel! Did You Know You Swore an Oath to Defend a FOREIGN Private Corporation (United States, Inc.)?



If you are in the U.S. military and care about freedom and life, you need to be aware that you swore an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States, Inc., a foreign corporation. Even if you are not in the U.S. military, you still need to pay attention to the information in this article, because what the U.S. military is doing to the world directly or indirectly affects everyone on Earth. If you need proof that the United States is a corporation, read further and I will show the proof you need.

The content in block quotation was extracted from my article titled Proof that the USA is Controlled by Foreign Corporations. It shows you strong evidence that the United States is a corporation.

By now you should know that the United States is a corporation. If you want proof of this, look at subsections 15 and 15(A) in Title 28 U.S. Code § 3002 and you should see this sentence, ““United States” means— (A) a Federal corporation”.

What most people do not know about the United States, Inc. is that it is a FOREIGN corporation. Anyone who works for this foreign corporation is a foreign agent and is unknowingly or knowingly committing fraud against the American people. It is no different than what the agents of the British Empire did to the American people back in the 1700s.

To be more specific, the politicians working in Washington D.C. and nearly every politician, judge, attorney, police officer, and government agent working throughout the USA are FOREIGN agents. Because these government employees are foreign agents, DO NOT VOTE for any of them to represent you in office, including the president. If you do vote for them, you are committing TREASON against the Republic for the United States of America (the 50 union states).

Whether these foreign agents realize it or not, they are conspiring or helping the NWO and the Vatican to enslave the American people. As Americans, we have lost control of our government over a century ago. This is what happens to a nation when its people become ignorant, take freedom for granted, ignore the actions of politicians, and do not study their history. …

The United States is a corporation located in Washington D.C., also known as the District of Columbia. Washington D.C. is the military center for the NWO. The United States, Inc. has thousands of franchises and contractors. One of its major contractors is the military industrial complex.

The United States, Inc. is committing crime against humanity by unlawfully going to war with other countries in the name of “freedom” and “democracy.” What it is actually doing is spreading its franchise throughout the world, similar to Walmart and McDonald’s.

Be aware that when I use the term “United States” or “United States, Inc.” in this article, I am referring to the legal name UNITED STATES, INC., which is written in ALL CAPITAL letters. When it comes to the legal system, capitalizing the letters of a word or a name in various ways can significantly change the meaning of that word or name. The purpose of this is to trick you to give up your natural rights. For more information about this process, read my article titled The Legal Name Game to Enslave Your Soul.

I heard that the UNITED STATES, INC was bought by the United Nations (UN) in 2013 and it is now in the process of changing the name UNITED STATES, INC. into the name UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. I have not found strong evidence of this, so I am not sure if it is true.

Proof that U.S. Military Personnel Work for the Corporate “United States” and not the Continental United States (the Country)

As mentioned in the block quotation above, under Title 28 U.S. Code § 3002, the United States is a federal corporation. Another important thing you need to know about the United States is that it is also a foreign and private corporation. Because of this, U.S. military personnel have sworn an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States, Inc., a FOREIGN power.

This means that U.S. military personnel have sworn an allegiance to a foreign power, and therefore their role is to defend the Constitution of the United States, Inc. against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Who are the enemies you may ask? We, the American people and the people of the world.

This foreign corporation does not give a SHIT about the American people and American soldiers, so stop following its orders and learn about your natural rights. Also learn how to defend your natural rights, so that you can protect yourself from the fraudulent laws of the United States, Inc., which are not really laws but are corporate acts and statutes (rules and codes).

The Constitution of the United States is just an equity contract that is used for commerce. It has nothing to do with human rights. The United States’ most profitable “products” are UNITED STATES CITIZENS. This foreign corporation sees us as its products, which is why it does not give a SHIT about us.

Did you know that the U.S. federal government trades your birth certificate on the stock market? As Americans, we have been securitized to finance the unlawful activities of the CRIMINAL United States, Inc. One important thing you need to know about the United States government is that it is also a foreign corporation. Click here for the proof.

As for military personnel, the United States is only using them to help it expand its business throughout the world. It is similar to how McDonald’s is expanding its business throughout the world. The main difference is that the United States is killing people through unlawful wars and McDonald’s is killing people through unhealthy foods. Why would anyone with a heart and a soul want to support this criminal corporation?

Military personnel in other Western countries and many Eastern countries have also sworn an oath to defend the corporate version of their country. These corporate states are controlled by the New World Order (NWO), an international secret organization controlled by secret societies. The NWO is planning to use the United States, Inc. and its contractors (i.e, the Military Industrial Complex, CIA, NSA, FBI, DHS, MI5, MI6, Mossad) to destroy all nations and force everyone to live under their totalitarian one-world government.

Why You Should Not Vote

As I mentioned previously, the politicians working in Washington D.C. and nearly every politician, judge, attorney, police officer, and government agent throughout the USA are working for the United States, Inc. and therefore they are foreign agents. If you were to vote for them to represent you in office, you would be committing treason against the Republic for the United States of America.

This year (2015), many Americans are rooting for Donald Trump to be president, because they think he could be the guy to save the United States for the reasons that he is not bought off and has good character. Even if he is not bought off by the leaders of the NWO, he is still running to be president of a corporation. If he were to win the election, he would be hired to be the CEO of the United States, which is a foreign corporation. The current President (Obama) is not the President of a country. He is the CEO of the corporation called the United States, Inc.

STOP voting for these treasonist politicians to represent you in office. I will say it again, STOP VOTING for these TREASONIST POLITICIANS to represent you in office. Do I have to say this a third time so that it gets through your head? These politicians do not give a SHIT about the American people and the rest of humanity. If they TRULY care about us, they would not sell us out for money and power. Be aware that I am talking about the politicians working in Washington D.C., which is also a FOREIGN private corporation.

While American soldiers are overseas fighting for their lives and dying, these politicians are drinking beers, raping little kids, sleeping with prostitutes, snorting cocaine, counting there 100 dollar bills, and chilling on their yachts and laughing at the American soldiers who died fighting the engineered wars that made these politicians rich.

STOP supporting and voting for these treasonist politicians. They are a bunch of COWARDS. We do not have real brave politicians who truly care about us anymore, like John F. Kennedy. In my opinion, JFK was the last U.S. president who truly cared about us.

These politicians working in Washington D.C. are not friends of the American people; instead they are our enemies. Why? Because the secret organization (NWO) that they swore an oath to have declared a war on the American people and the people of the world. Read the book Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, An Introduction Programming Manual and you will know what I am talking about.

To be fair, there may be a few good politicians working in Washington D.C. who are doing their best to stop the NWO. However, they need the American people to wake up and support them. It is not just the American people that need to wake up. The rest of the people of the world need to wake up too. So learn to unite and stop fighting one another.

Fighting only divides us which is exactly what the NWO wants. It is a lot easier to enslave a divided civilization than a united civilization. This is why the NWO likes to engineer race wars. The race wars between Blacks and Whites, and Muslim and Christians, and among other races are engineered by the secret societies of the NWO. If you want to be free, stop playing and supporting their “con game” to enslave the human race.


Geoengineering And Greenhouse Gases, The Toxic Tug Of War


Dane Wigington

Our planet and our climate are changing at an unimaginable and alarming pace. Though there are many complexities to what is unfolding, the fundamentals are straightforward and easily comprehended if the appropriate data is considered. There are two primary opposing factors which are the most critical in regard to our rapidly changing biosphere conditions: atmospheric aerosols and greenhouse gases. At face value, these two factors occupy opposite ends of the spectrum. Atmospheric aerosols have historically had an overall cooling effect while the rapid buildup of greenhouse gases (primarily Co2 and CH4) have forced the climate to warm. The spraying of reflective aerosols from jet aircraft for "solar radiation management" programs in a highly destructive and highly toxic attempt to mitigate global warming has been going on for decades. Film footage of the spraying is readily available for any that bother to investigate

geoengineering graphic

Images with geoengineering "proposals" always feature ridiculous and infeasible proposals (like space mirrors) along with the clearly ongoing reality of jet sprayed aerosols. Showing the ridiculous with the actual is of course done to cast doubt on the reality of the aircraft spraying and thus to facilitate the public's denial.

Global climate engineering is a major component in the global warming equation on BOTH sides of the scale. Geoengineering is inflicting ever more catastrophic damage to the planet and the climate system in countless ways. The initial cooling effect from aircraft sprayed atmospheric aerosols (solar radiation management programs) going back many decades has since given way to the negative consequences of this activity and the continuing buildup of greenhouse gases. The net long term climate forcing result of the ongoing geoengineering nightmare is now a worsening of the overall planetary warming in exchange for the short term highly toxic cooling of some regions. The short term cooling is used to shape public opinion on the issue of global warming.

Click image to enlarge

aerosol forcing

One effect of atmospheric aerosols is to block a percentage of the sun's incoming thermal energy (creating "global dimming"), though, as already stated, there are numerous known negative effects including trapping heat. The jet exhaust from geoengineering aircraft are further loading the atmosphere with greenhouse gases. These gases have strong heat trapping characteristics, this is especially true in the case of atmospheric methane. The levels of greenhouse gases are escalating off the charts at blinding speed.


The graph below reflects changing global temperatures since 1880. If historical data is examined, and the previously discussed factors are considered, the commencement of climate engineering on a significant scale in the late 1940s is very evident on this graph. 


During the 1800s and early 1900s  greenhouse gases were building up from the industrialization of civilization, but so were atmospheric aerosols from the burning of fossil fuels and forests. Initially the sun blocking/cooling effect of the aerosols outweighed the buildup of greenhouse gases. This contributed to keeping temperatures down until around 1910 when the greenhouse gas buildup begins to overpower the aerosol effect, the warming of our planet then becomes inarguable. By the mid 1940s profound warming spikes occurred as the graph clearly shows. Many experts had recognized early on that the planet was warming from the greenhouse gas buildup. Historical documents confirm the fact that the US government had long since been heavily involved in climate engineering programs. From the late 1940s to the early 1970s global temperatures seemed to defy the laws of physics unless the fully deployed climate engineering programs are considered and accounted for.


Crew members from project "Stormfury"

Though some of the early US weather modification programs were officially canceled (like project Stormfury), this appears to have been an effort to make the climate modification activity more covert (though the spraying could not be more obvious to any that bother to look up and question). The statistical leveling out of global temperatures from the late 40s to the mid 70s was perplexing for many in the climate science community (though the majority of climate scientists still predicted the greenhouse gas buildup to overwhelm the temporary aerosol cooling effect from the mid 40s through the mid 70s). Much of the early larger scale climate engineering appears to have taken place over the polar regions (which still holds true today). An "Arctic haze" was observed during the 50s, this phenomenon was well documented. Though, of course, climate engineering was never admitted to in connection with the Arctic haze (and the official narrative for the haze attributed it completely to other sources), it's effects were noted on numerous studies. Geoengineered skies in the polar regions have long since become the a permanent feature. 


Heavily aerosolized skies have been the norm in the Arctic for decades

The weather makers attempt to preserve polar ice at any cost to the rest of the planet is apparent. The overall consequences of the ongoing solar radiation management programs is clearly irrelevant to the geoengineers. In spite of all their efforts (and in many ways because of their efforts), Arctic ice began this year's melt season at all time record low levels. It was also one of the earliest starts to the melt season ever recorded. Even more important is the mass of the ice (volume) which is also at record low levels. The toxic sun shade that is constantly sprayed into place by the geoengineers has shredded the ozone layer. This then allows immense amounts of UV radiation/energy to penetrate the atmosphere. The climate engineers have also altered wind currents which in turn has altered ocean currents. We now have warm water currents flowing into the arctic which is melting the ice from below in spite of the toxic sun shade above the ice. The rapidly disappearing ice pack is greatly impacting Arctic ecosystems and contributing to catastrophic methane release from formerly frozen methane deposits


Some 35,000 walrus gather on shore near Point Lay Alaska in September 2014 due to extreme sea ice melting. Photograph: Corey Accardo/AP

Those in power have always been willing to inflict unimaginable levels of irreparable damage to the planet and its inhabitants in order to maintain and proliferate their control. They have long since been willing to go to any length to hide the true level of planetary warming in order to maintain their power and the status quo. The decimation caused to the biosphere and the entire web of life from over six decades of climate engineering is already far beyond calculation or comprehension. If we go about our lives and pretend this issue will go away, we will do so at the cost of guaranteeing our own extinction along with the rest of life on our once thriving planet. Industrialized civilization has decimated our biosphere, climate engineering is the epitome of that destruction. Global geoengineering programs cannot be allowed to continue. All are needed in the fight to expose this insanity and bring it to a halt, make your voice heard.

Alaskan Restaurant Owner Shows Profound Dedication In The Fight To Stop Climate Engineering


Dane Wigington

Steven Chamberlain of Nikiski, Alaska is an exceptional example of assertive and constructive activism in the battle to expose and halt global climate engineering. Before there can be any chance of stopping global geoengineering programs, a critical mass of awareness must be reached with the population at large. Steven owns “Charlies Pizza” in Nikiski, his constant efforts to start “spot fires” of climate engineering awareness with his customers is effective and inspiring. When people wake up to the geoengineering nightmare, their first question is often “what can I do to help stop this”. In the 14 minute video below, Steven covers the multitude of constructive actions he is implementing in this extremely important battle to expose and stop climate engineering. 

I had the pleasure of meeting Steven when he took the time and trouble to travel all the way to Northern California in order to connect and network with other activists at the presentation of “Climate Engineering, A Clear And Present Danger” in November of 2014. My most sincere gratitude goes out to Steven Chamberlain and to every single activist that is giving their all to this critical fight regardless of the resistance many show to hearing this dire truth. We are in a fight for life, every day matters in this critical battle. Let's all continue to make our voices heard until the climate engineering insanity is brought to light and to a halt.


More pictures taken from the library of photos Steven has sent me is below.







Climate Engineering Seeds Deadly Hail Storms


Dane Wigington

Artificial/chemical ice nucleation and highly destructive hail storms, what's the connection? The 2 minute video gives a brief, but very impressive glimpse of astoundingly large hail stones striking a body of water near Naples, Italy, on September 5, 2015.

This next 90 second video documents a devastating and and unprecedented hail storm that recently occurred in Mexico, which actually caused multiple mortalities. 

Our climate system is spinning out of control. Though there are countless causal factors and countless forms of anthropogenic damage to the climate system, a great many  roads in this equation lead straight to the ongoing global climate modification programs.

Artificial/chemical ice nucleation is now constantly used in the covert weather modification programs. The use of these materials cools down the clouds and thus the air mass below the clouds. But what happens when these unnatural elements cause ice formation at far above usual temperatures, in far greater concentrations, and far sooner than the process would have otherwise occurred during the progression of a storm?

hail jet

hail windshield

hail baseball

hail house

Much more frequent hail storms and exceptionally large hail stones are the expected result. This is in spite of the fact that the jet sprayed canopy of aerosols above the storm systems (solar radiation management programs) are actually limiting cloud convection in many or most cases. Even passenger jets are being pounded by the rapidly worsening conditions.

Do records show an increase in the damage being done by unusually large and frequent hail storms? Yes, there has been an 84% increase in hail storm damage from 2010 to 2012 and that increase is still rising. 

Are there other recent examples of unprecedented "ice balls" created by massive artificial/chemical spraying of nucleating elements? Yes, again.

ice balls lakeshore

ice balls lakeshore 2

ice balls lake top

ice balls lakeshore news

Ice boulders on the Great Lakes never before seen until the last few years. Do you believe the explanations given for all the unprecedented oddities by the mainstream media "experts" who are paid to say whatever their told to say?

Global climate modification is a totally out of control juggernaut of complete insanity. There is no truly natural weather at this point, none. All is tainted by the all out geoengineering assault that has been unleashed on planet Earth. The climate engineers will continue to create ever more extreme conditions. Artificially/chemically nucleated storms with more frequency and intensity is a part of this scenario. In order to create the illusion of cold on a rapidly warming world the engineering of snow storms will also continue to wreak havoc around the globe. The constant engineered cool-downs in the Eastern US during recent years is a glaring example

All of us must work together in order to bring the climate engineering insanity to light and to a halt. There is no silver bullet, there is no easy way forward in this battle, but we are indeed making progress. When a critical mass of awareness is reached regarding the geoengineering reality, and global populations wake to what has been done to them, there will be a paradigm shift.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 5, 2015


Corporate media continues to distract populations with completely irrelevant dramas while the power structure maneuvers to secure their stranglehold on the population while the biosphere implodes. The former US military chief of staff becomes a banker for the top banking cartel one week after retiring from the military. Who is making money from the ever increasing climate catastrophes? The weather trading derivatives gambling casino is run by those that are directly involved with climate modification, no surprise. New studies prove neurological disease and mortality are going off the charts and the studies state conclusively the increase can only be from "environmental factors" that are unknown (or unacknowledged). The highly toxic fallout from climate engineering programs is contaminating the entire web of life. The ship is going down, all are needed to help sound the alarm.
Dane Wigington

Over 3 Trillion Trees Have Perished From Our Planet Since The Dawn Of Man


Trees are a miraculous organism, a primary pillar in the web of life on our once thriving planet. They perform countless essential functions including sequestering carbon from the atmosphere and releasing oxygen. Not only have we already lost over 3 trillion trees during the anthropocene era (the age of man), the trees that remain are dying at blinding speed. No mainstream article dares to mention the climate engineering factor in regard to the catastrophic tree die-off even though this factor is mathematically the greatest and most destructive of all to the trees. The article below should be a shocking call to action. Climate engineering must be exposed and stopped before there is nothing left to salvage, make your voice heard.
Dane Wigington

US Military Veteran Courageously Speaks Out About Geoengineering And Government Tyranny


On August 14th, 2015, there was a major event in Northern California that was organized for the purpose of exposing and halting global climate engineering programs that are decimating our planet and the entire web of life. Numerous experts spoke out at this event including attorneys, former government scientists, a former defense industry technician, former military personnel, a prominent Northern California Neurologist, and a CEO for one of the largest environmental and engineering consulting firms in the world. Approximately 1000 people attended this event. Mario Ramirez is a US Navy veteran who has shown tremendous courage by speaking publicly about the tyranny that is rampant within the ranks of our own government and military. I have great respect for Mario, he is setting an example of honesty that will help to compel other honorable armed services personnel to step forward and tell their story. The emcee for this important event was John B. Wells, radio host for the highly acclaimed "Caravan to Midnight" show. John works tirelessly toward revealing the truth for the common good. His participation in the Northern California event was of immense benefit to the cause of exposing geoengineering. My deepest appreciation to John, to all the speakers that participated and shared their knowledge, to each and every activist that contributed countless hours, and of course our gratitude to all those that attended the event. Individuals came from locations as far away as Valdez Alaska and St. Louis Missouri. 
Dane Wigington

Former Defense Industry Technician Makes His Voice Heard At Anti-Geoengineering Event


On August 14th, 2015, there was a major event in Northern California that was organized for the purpose of exposing and halting global climate engineering programs that are decimating our planet and the entire web of life. Numerous experts spoke out at this event including attorneys, former government scientists, a former defense industry technician, former military personnel, a prominent Northern California Neurologist, and a CEO for one of the largest environmental and engineering consulting firms in the world. Approximately 1000 people attended this event. Former defense industry technician Mark McCandlish has been a very outspoken voice in the ongoing fight to expose the global climate engineering insanity. Mark has a long resume which includes employment by Lockheed-Martin, Boeing, McDonnell-Douglas, Northrop Grumman, the US military, and others. In the video below Mark shares his perspectives on the dire threat we face from ongoing aerosol spraying of our skies. The emcee for this important event was John B. Wells, radio host for the highly acclaimed "Caravan to Midnight" show. John works tirelessly toward revealing the truth for the common good. His participation in the Northern California event was of immense benefit to the cause of exposing geoengineering. My deepest appreciation to John, to all the speakers that participated and shared their knowledge, to each and every activist that contributed countless hours, and of course our gratitude to all those that attended the event. Individuals came from locations as far away as Valdez Alaska and St. Louis Missouri. 
Dane Wigington

Former US Forest Service Scientist Testifies About Climate Engineering Contamination


On August 14th, 2015, there was a major event in Northern California that was organized for the purpose of exposing and halting global climate engineering programs that are decimating our planet and the entire web of life. Numerous experts spoke out at this event including attorneys, former government scientists, a former defense industry technician, former military personnel, a prominent Northern California Neurologist, and a CEO for one of the largest environmental and engineering consulting firms in the world. Approximately 1000 people attended this event. Former US Forest Service biologist, Francis Mangels, has shown tremendous courage by consistently speaking out about the extremely dire heavy metal contamination we are all being exposed to from the ongoing climate engineering fallout. Because Francis is a former government scientist, his ongoing lab testing has been extremely helpful in the battle to expose climate engineering. A short statement of urgency from Francis is featured in the attached video below. The emcee for this important event was John B. Wells, radio host for the highly acclaimed "Caravan to Midnight" show. John works tirelessly toward exposing the truth for the common good. His participation in the Northern California event was of immense benefit to the cause of exposing geoengineering. My deepest appreciation to John, to all the speakers that participated and shared their knowledge, to each and every activist that contributed countless hours, and of course our gratitude to all those that attended the event. Individuals came from locations as far away as Valdez Alaska and St. Louis Missouri. 
Dane Wigington

Former USDA Official Speaks Out About Geoengineering


On August 14th, 2015, there was a major event in Northern California that was organized for the purpose of exposing and halting global climate engineering programs that are decimating our planet and the entire web of life. Numerous experts spoke out at this event including attorneys, former government scientists, a former defense industry technician, former military personnel, a prominent Northern California Neurologist, and a CEO for one of the largest environmental and engineering consulting firms in the world. Approximately 1000 people attended this event. Rosalind Peterson was one of the speakers at the Northern California event. She was a former USDA farm service agency agricultural crop loss adjustor and has spoken on the floor of the United Nations about the climate engineering issue. Rosalind's statement of urgency is contained in the video below, she has fought long and hard to expose the the truth about many dire issues. The emcee for this important event was John B. Wells, radio host for the highly acclaimed "Caravan to Midnight" show. John works tirelessly toward exposing the truth for the common good. His participation in the Northern California event was of immense benefit to the cause of exposing geoengineering. My deepest appreciation to John, to all the speakers that participated and shared their knowledge, to each and every activist that contributed countless hours, and of course our gratitude to all those that attended the event. Individuals came from locations as far away as Valdez Alaska and St. Louis Missouri.
Dane Wigington

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, August 29, 2015


This week on Global Alert News, yet more blatant censorship from Northern California's "Record Searchlight" newspaper. The planetary burn-down continues as does the global stock market propping up, it is all a grand illusion on Wall Street. As the biosphere implodes, the global economic house of cards will follow. Mainstream media downplays the severity of what we face while the climate engineers continue suppressing Atlantic hurricanes. Did you know there has not been a major hurricane landfall in the US for a record shattering 10 years? Sea levels already up a foot and rising 10 times faster than previously predicted, where was mainstream media's coverage of that one? Time for the masses to wake, we are through the guardrail and heading to the bottom of the canyon.
Dane Wigington


Marshal Masters and CTTC Radio Covers Climate Engineering


My gratitude to Marshall Masters for his assistance in covering the critical climate engineering issue, he is a strong ally in this battle.

Geoengineering Epitomizes Industrialized Suicide


The majority still subscribe to the delusion of industrialized society as a benefit to the human race, but can such a conclusion be rationally defended? Global climate modification is the pinnacle of industrialized insanity and arrogance. Even now, as life on our planet is struggling desperately to survive, the military industrial complex that rules the world is pouring Earth's dwindling finite resources into yet more destruction with geoengineering at the top of the list.
Dane Wigington

Geoengineering Impacts On Gulf Stream Slowdown


Climate Engineering has been increasingly disrupting and derailing Earth's natural systems for over six decades. The scope and scale of the ongoing geoengineering planetary assault is now on a level that defies true comprehension. Climate engineering is creating and fueling radically increasing climate forcing scenarios which are impacting ever aspect of the biosphere's life support processes. To give some perspective to this statement, Atlantic basin hurricanes have been actively suppressed and/or steered away from US coastlines for a decade. Has anyone stopped to wonder why there have been no major hurricane landfalls in the US for over ten years in spite of record warm oceans? Even though there was a record shattering year of US hurricane activity in 2005, and no major landfalls since? Record cyclones are occurring in the Western Pacific, how can the US be exempt from such activity? This is the degree of power the weathermakers have over the climate system. Though there are countless sources of anthropogenic damage to the planet, climate engineering is the most impactful of all. Major and dire changes are now unfolding on our planet. The thermohaline circulation is slowing down in the North Atlantic, this comes with dire implications. Is this an objective for the geoengineers? Or simply one more disastrous unintended consequence from the geoengineering juggernaut of total insanity? The author of the article below unfortunately is not willing to address the issue of climate engineering. This being said, the data he covers is real and very relevant. The walls continue to close in, make your voice heard in the battle to expose and halt climate engineering.
Dane Wigington

Former Government Biologist Addresses Climate Engineering Threat At Northern California Event


On August 14th, 2015, there was a major event in Northern California that was organized for the purpose of exposing and halting global climate engineering programs that are decimating our planet and the entire web of life. Numerous experts spoke out at this event including attorneys, former government scientists, a former defense industry technician, former military personnel, a prominent Northern California Neurologist, and a CEO for one of the largest environmental and engineering consulting firms in the world. Approximately 1000 people attended this event. One of the experts that spoke was Allan Buckmann. Allan is a former California Department of Fish and Game biologist with 38 years of experience. In addition Allan is a former US Air Force trained weather observer. His credentials for addressing the critical climate engineering issue are ideal and he makes his voice heard loudly and clearly in the testimony he gives below. The emcee for this important event was John B. Wells, radio host for the highly acclaimed "Caravan to Midnight" show. John works tirelessly toward exposing the truth for the common good. His participation in the Northern California event was of immense benefit to the cause of exposing geoengineering. My deepest appreciation to John, to all the speakers that participated and shared their knowledge, to each and every activist that contributed countless hours, and of course our gratitude to all those that attended the event. Individuals came from locations as far away as Valdez Alaska and St. Louis Missouri. Below is the first speaker to give testimony at the event.
Dane Wigington

Radio Show: Climate Engineering – A Clear Danger


Broadcast on 2015/08/22 (AZ Time)

Source: Mrs. Green's World

Dane Wigington, GeoEngineering Watch

I haven’t met Dane Wigington but I can promise you this. This man has a passion for what he is doing. Geoengineering is the artificial modification of Earth’s climate systems through two primary ideologies, Solar Radiation Management (SRM) and Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR.) Trust me when I say I’ve got hours to go before I sleep doing the research on this one. Dane and his organization are creating controversy worldwide and I like that. We will find out what chemtrailing is, what is involved with carbon dioxide removal, and hear some answers to what GeoEngineering Watch is all about and why or if we should care. Please join me. This show made possible through the generous support of The Fairfax Companies.

Geoengineering Expands As Industrialized Civilization Spirals Into Collapse


Dane Wigington

As the global economic house of cards continues to collapse with increasing momentum, the vast majority of global populations are, unfortunately, still looking through a very tainted and distorted lens. They cannot bring themselves to accept reality on countless fronts. Denial is especially tenacious in regard to the ongoing climate engineering atrocities occurring in our skies. Our sense of reason is our greatest gift, but for most this sense has long ago been overridden by societal conditioning, programming, and propaganda. The image below is of Dubai, a city built on sand, powered by finite fossil fuels complete with toxic geoengineered skies.


The Burj Khalifa is the glittering jewel in Dubai’s construction crown. Photo Credit: Iwan Baan

​The implosion of the temporary reality we have all known is already well under way, the collapsing Chinese stock markets are only a harbinger of what is to come. Global shipping is in free-fall as shipping rates plunge, unlimited money printing can no longer hide what is unfolding around the world.  China has kept its deceptive GDP (Gross Domestic Product) going in the past in the same manner as the rest of the global economy – with smoke, mirrors, and lies. "Ghost cities" were one of the methods used by the Chinese to keep the illusion of growth going. Now, the inevitable is taking hold, the illusion is disintegrating by the day. The images below are cities with no inhabitants which were constructed to keep the wheels of industry turning and the GDP rising in the East.


An eerily vacant Yingkou is only one of numerous ghost cities in China


The Chinese have constructed ghost cities in locations as far away as Angola

The image below is from what has been termed "The scariest housing bubble"

A general view of newly-built houses at Dadun village of Lingshui ethnic Li autonomous county

The largely empty city of Ordos in inner Mongolia  

The completely out of control manufacturing of automobiles to create the illusion of a recovering auto industry is an extension of the Chinese ghost cities philosophy


Above is an image of thousands upon thousands of unsold cars parked up on a airport runway near St Petersburg in Russia.  They are all imported from Europe, and then parked and left to rot. Consequently, the airport is now unusable for its original purpose.

The end of the reality we have all known draws nearer at blinding speed. Those who cannot see this inevitability will very soon have their eyes opened, they will have no choice but to face the truth. Modern society is comparable to a snake eating its own tail. In the last 40 years the human population has doubled while global wildlife populations have declined by over 50% in the same amount of time, is it rational to believe such a trend could continue?  The epitome of human insanity is the attempt to manipulate the climate, the attempt to control Earth's very life support systems.


Geoengineered aerosol skies over New York City

Industrialized civilization is the mechanism by which climate engineering has been conducted and perpetuated. If the total collapse of this paradigm brings an end to the geoengineering juggernaut of planetary omnicide (and an end to countless destructive factors related to militarized civilization), is that not a step forward for what is yet left of life on Earth? The global elite have long since been preparing for total collapse which their own actions and governance has helped to fuel from the beginning. We all have a responsibility to face reality head-on. Only in doing so will we have any chance of altering the outcome of what is unfolding in a positive direction. If our existence is not about fighting for the greater good (regardless of the odds), what is it about? If it is not about fighting for the future of our children, then what right did we have to bring them into the world? We owe our lives to the children and to the planet they will need to survive. If we can expose and halt climate engineering before the power structure is ready for this to happen, before global collapse is total, we could yet change the outcome. If all of us work together, without fear and trepidation, with focus and conviction, who can say what we may still accomplish for the greater good even at this dark hour. Make your voice heard while there is yet time.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, August 22, 2015


Mainstream media decides what we are informed about and what not. A major climate engineering awareness event took place on August 14th in Redding, California. There were approximately 1000 in attendance with people coming from as far away as Ohio and Alaska. There were former government scientists, former defense industry personnel, former military, and a CEO for one of the largest environmental and engineering consulting firms in the world. So why didn't the primary newspaper in the area not say a single word about this event? In this episode I also cover the impact the collapsing biosphere is having on global economies, this is the descent into a total paradigm shift. Fires are scorching the planet and methane is thawing and releasing into the atmosphere. We face converging catastrophes from countless directions, the sooner we face reality, the better our odds will be.
Dane Wigington


Geoengineered Forest Fire Incineration, Dark Ice, And Methane Extinction


Dane Wigington

Record forest fires are raging around the globe, climate engineering is a primary factor fueling the planetary burning. All over the northern hemisphere boreal forests are going up in flames and smoke, further loading the atmosphere with Co2 and soot. This in turn triggers multiple climate feedback loops which causes much more rapid warming than what is already occuring.


 White Cloud Helibase on the Tahoe National Forest. Murphy Fire on AEU CalFire unit. Photo credit: Chester Helitack

Siberian forests have been burning at a record pace in recent years. In April of 2015 the process began again. Regions in Siberia that have historically remained frozen until mid June were fully ablaze by early April.


The satellite image above shows clearly that by late April, 2015, the Siberian landscape was riddled with fires.

Alaska is also being scorched after a record warm winter and record low snowfall. While the US mainstream media kept the public distracted with the "Boston snow" story during the 2014-2015 winter, Alaska was warm, dry, and setting up for the coming summer burning.

Alaska Wildfires

The map above reveals a staggering number of wildfires in Alaska even as summer was just beginning.

In Canada the situation is no different as astoundingly high levels of once pristine forests continue to be turned into scorched earth.


In early July there were more than 418 wildfires actively burning in Canada. By that date in 2015 there had already been more than 4,500 fires that had charred more than 2,150,000 hectares of forest. This was twice the number of fires that there were at this time last year when just over 2,200 fires burned 515,732 hectares of forest. 

In the incredibly parched state of California numerous out of control fires have consumed landscapes, decimated wildlife, and destroyed many homes located in rural woodland regions. The climate engineers have been so consistent at blocking precipitation from California that one must ask the question, is California just a climate sacrifice zone, or a target of engineered drought?


Flames from the Rocky Fire approach a house in Lower Lake, California. The fire, now contained, burned nearly 70,000 acres and destroyed 43 homes.

Click to enlarge
Northern boreal rain forests are not the only rain forests going up in flames, in recent years large swaths of the Amazon are increasingly vulnerable to wildfires as the Amazon dries out. It is important to remember and consider that on a warmer planet, the laws of physics dictate more overall precipitation, not less. The atmosphere can hold 7% more moisture for every degree of warming centigrade. The only way there can be more overall drought (and less overall precipitation) is if there is a massive unacknowledged factor in the equation that is radically affecting the hydrological cycle. That factor is global climate engineering which is causing drought and fueling fires.
Satellite imagery shows smoke from fires in the Brazilian Amazon
Though record rains very recently pounded the state of Texas, now we are told of a recent phenomenon called "flash drought" that is already afflicting the formerly flooded landscape. Will Texas soon be on fire as well? As climate engineering continues to create historically unprecedented conditions and scenarios, the power structure paid meteorological community coins new terms to describe formerly unknown conditions. Such "labeling" from the "experts" gives the public the impression that the unique conditions they are witnessing are all just "natural variability" and not the result of geoengineering (which they continue to claim is only a proposal and not a reality).
A dust devil spins across a Texas Farm in late July. A stark contrast to the heavy rains of early summer, July produced very little precipitation with only a few brief showers. The Enterprise photo: Guiseppe Barranco
All the unprecedented fire activity is accelerating an even more dire unfolding scenario, the rapid melting of global ice deposits which in turn speeds the thawing and releasing of formerly frozen methane deposits. Massive amounts of smoke and soot are being pumped into the atmosphere by the record number of blazes. When this material settles out of the skies, much of it is being deposited on Northern latitude ice deposits, turning the ice dark.
This image from the Greenland ice sheets is only one stark example of what is occurring across northern hemisphere ice deposits.
Once the ice is darkened, it loses its former reflectivity and begins to absorb exponentially more thermal energy. This leads to a much more rapid melting of land and sea ice. As the reflective cover of ice is lost, unprecedented warming is triggered over landscapes and oceans alike. With this thawing, massive formerly frozen methane deposits are being released into the atmosphere.
If the planetary warming continues unabated, and thawing methane deposits continue to fill our atmosphere, our fate will be sealed. Climate engineering is making the unfolding methane catastrophe scenario far worse overall, not better. All is connected, all is interlinked. The ongoing geoengineering programs are the epitome of human insanity. Climate engineering is nothing short of weather and biological warfare. If it is allowed to continue, the chain reaction of planetary catastrophes it is helping to fuel will be unstoppable (if it is not already). Climate engineering is not benevolent in any sense, it is about power and control. It is about hiding the severity of what is unfolding from the population for as long as possible (while making the overall climate collapse far worse in the process). The consistently engineered cool-downs of the Eastern US in a record warm world are an example of this (July 2015 was just officially reported as the warmest month ever recorded on our planet). All must unite in this battle to save life on Earth, make your voice heard.

Climate Engineering, El Niño And The Bizarre “Scheduled Weather” For The Coming Winter In The US


Dane Wigington

"Forecasters" are now trumpeting the arrival of a "Godzilla" El Niño event, but somehow they seem to already know that there will be no relief for the epic California drought (which can be directly linked to the ongoing climate engineering insanity). How can such a prediction be made so early on? Ocean temperatures in the Eastern Pacific are at record shattering high levels, why wouldn't this translate into more rain for the now empty reservoirs in Northern California? 


The El Niño pattern has been trying to form since 2007 but has been repeatedly suppressed by what meteorologists have coined as "the ridiculously resilient ridge" of constant high pressure over the US west coast. Was this rain starving scenario the result of the climate engineers and their aggressive effort to suppress El Niño formation in a destructive attempt to hold the lid on soaring global temperatures?


The Eastern Pacific (off of the US west coast) is constantly the target of massive aerosol spraying operations as shown in the image below. Is "solar radiation management" the only goal of this spraying, or are the known drought causing impacts of atmospheric aerosol saturation and ionosphere heater high pressure zones a desired outcome for the geoengineers? The electrically conductive heavy metals being sprayed enhances the effectiveness of ionosphere heater installations (like HAARP) which would then increase the weather-makers ability to create and maintain consistent zones of high pressure. What does a completely sprayed Eastern Pacific look like on a radar map? The reflective metals show up like precipitation when there is none, the radar image below is a glaring example.


Climate engineering is about power and control, and about hiding the severity of climate damage already done (while doing even more damage at the same time) from a population that so far has not wanted to face the truth in the first place. The climate engineers have managed to keep the Eastern US cooler than average for almost three years in spite of a record warm world. Why? To help manipulate the perception of the US population. How anomalous has the Eastern US cool-down been? The map below covers "departure from normal high temperatures" for a two year period from 2013 to 2015, this is clear as it gets.


What should the expected impacts should be in the US for a strong El Niño Event?


With a potential record El Niño, abundant precipitation should show up in California with overall temperatures pushed from above normal to far above normal throughout the US. Higher temperatures should be especially prevalent given the fact that our planet is free falling into a state of total meltdown. All this being said, how is it some of the latest "forecasts" call for the US West to continue frying into the fall with little to no rain and with wildfires still raging? And with predicted snowfall further inland?


Next, given the fact that we have a record warm world, record warm oceans surrounding the US, a record El Niño, and predictions of above normal highs in the Northern US, how can it be possible for winter predictions of a "below average" temperature band to run right through the US from Southern California, to the Gulf Coast, to New York, covering some of the most heavily populated zones of the country? The "forecast map" below should be carefully examined.


Other maps (below) use terms like "wintry battle zone" to describe their predictions for the southern states (in spite of the record warm condition of our planet already noted). The map below also states there may be "above normal" snow in spite of warmer temperatures, who is making and running the weather forecast industry?


Continuously cooling down heavily populated regions of the US is about engineering public perception for as long as possible. In regard to weather forecasting, with few exceptions, the global power structure owns it all. The Rothschilds own much of the industry where the very defense industry contractors that are heavily involved in the climate engineering insanity actually supply the weather modeling "predictions" for government agencies like The National Weather Service and NOAA. The Weather Channel is owned by multinational corporations that are a core part of the global power cabal. And let's not forget about Monsanto Corporation and their purchase of "Climate Corp" for nearly a billion dollars. Controlling the message also allows them to control public perception. Meteorologists are (with few exceptions)  paid liars who are simply reading scripts. Their job is to convince the population that the completely engineered climate is just "natural weather". Their job is to convince the population that "mostly sunny" predictions that involve the sprayed-out skies we are all subjected to is just normal. Their job is to cover the tracks of the criminal climate engineering insanity. Anyone that contributes to such a cover-up in exchange for a paycheck and a pension should be considered a criminal accomplice to the geoengineering crimes. When the Weather Channel is not busy covering for the geoengineers, they now simply show countless reality shows in order to altogether avoid actually covering the engineered weather. So how about those predicted cold zones which are surrounded by record warm oceans and a record warm world? Welcome to engineered snow storms. The Chinese openly announced their practice of engineering snow storms out of what should have been rain until they did a billion dollars of damage to Beijing, does anyone believe our government does not know how to do the same?


With enough atmospheric moisture the geoengineers can produce snowstorms under a wide variety of conditions. The July 2015 snowstorm in Jackson Hole Wyoming is one of many examples. The extra moisture from El Niño will be used for the chemical cool-downs already scheduled for the US this winter. As the planetary meltdown accelerates, the Arctic continues to melt and glaciers continue to disintegrate around the world, the climate engineers are becoming increasingly desperate and blatant in their aggressive planetary assault. It appears that the moisture Northern California needs so badly may be siphoned by the climate engineers for use further east in the US. Whatever unfolds this winter, this point should be clear, the geoengineers and the global power structure have a noose around our collective necks and they are not about to let go. They control not only the weather, but the toxicity of the air we breath, the water we drink, and the soils we need to grow our food in. Though there are countless forms of anthropogenic damage to the planet and the climate system (this must always be considered and remembered), climate engineering is mathematically the greatest and most destructive single factor of all. If we are to have any chance at preserving Earth's life support systems, we must all make our voices heard in the battle to expose and stop climate engineering.

8/18/2015 – Geoengineering Watch Radio


The event in Redding, California: Huge success, over 1,000 in attendance. Mainstream media working together to disinform the public about geoengineering. 4,000 people die a day in China from respiratory illness. Lake Michigan ice balls produce no studies, ignored by media. Is “renewable energy” really renewable? How to get involved.

Massive Global Tree Die-Off Linked To Geoengineering


Source: Waking Times, article by Buck Rogers

Suburbanization and industrial deforestation are decimating the world’s trees, and there are only 2 intact giant forests remaining on planet earth. However, across the globe, some other phenomenon is causing standing trees to wither and die in record numbers, and at present, the problem is receiving considerable mention in California, where millions of trees are dying during the worst drought the region has seen in perhaps some 1200 years.

“We are seeing major tree die off everywhere in N. CA. On my property I’ve seen walnut, apple, cherry, mimosa, olive and pine trees die off in the past three months alone. I’m up in Tahoe and it’s the same with the mountain pines and my friends in Marin are seeing bay trees die off in strands.” – California farmer, Jamie Lee

The U.S. Forest Service attributes the majority of California’s dying trees to the intensifying drought, noting that too many consecutive years of dry conditions weakens a trees defenses against diseases, fungi, and insects such as the pine beetle. The drought is generally blamed on global climate change, which can mean a number of things, and heat waves around the world are intensifying and lasting longer. NASA has even reported that rainfall is severely down world wide.

However, in areas of California less-affected by the drought such as the Boreal forest of the northern central valley of California, it’s not just trees that are withering away, but shrubs, bushes and plants are also dying in shocking quantities. These native trees and plants should be able to withstand current conditions, but they are losing foliage, thinning out, dropping needles, dropping branches, and dying. This, in one of the most shaded and wettest areas of California.

In California and in other parts of the world, many are making the connection between climate engineering these tree die-offs. Also known as geoengineering, this is the modification of the earth’s atmosphere with the supplementation of compounds and chemicals, ostensibly as a means of favorably influencing the climate.

One of the most significant means of climate engineering is the high altitude spraying of aerosol compounds into the earth’s atmosphere, most notably aluminum, barium and other heavy metals. These compounds eventually end up on the ground and in the water, causing changes in soil pH and composition, and generally poisoning the earth below. The slowly kills the entire ecosystem as insects and animals are left without food or habitat.

Investigative journalist Dane Wigington of has been researching this phenomenon in great depth for many years and is the author of, an ongoing global investigation into climate engineering. He briefly explains the serious nature of geoengineering here:

“Global geoengineering is completely disrupting the hydrological cycle, destroying the ozone layer (which is exposing all life on Earth to extreme UV radiation), and contaminating the entire surface of the planet with highly toxic bioavailable heavy metals and chemicals. Massive levels of radio frequency transmissions directly related to climate engineering are yet another layer of destruction which is radically affecting the trees, us, and the biosphere as a whole. It is imperative to wake the masses to our common plight.” – Dane Wigington

​On a tour of property in northern California, he examines a number of native species of plants and trees that are in dire health, pointing out their condition and it’s relation to the documented and globally observed phenomenon associated with geoengineering:

Reports of widespread die-offs of trees and other plants are coming in from around the world, not just California. Last summer in the North Eastern U.S., popular video blogger ‘thebossoftheswamp‘ walked us through sections of the forest in that region where many plants and trees appear to be dying as if poisoned by toxic rain. Many other reports of unexplainable tree deaths are easily found online, so what is it that is causing such devastation of trees?

Source: Waking Times, article by Buck Rogers

Northern California Anti-Geoengineering Event Update


The anti-geoengineering event on 8-14-2015 in Redding, California went very well thanks to all the volunteers and speakers that came together in this critical effort.  There was about 1000 in attendance, some came from as far away as Valdez, Alaska and the East Coast. My most sincere gratitude to the many extremely dedicated activists that gave their all to this event. I want to extend the same gratitude to all the expert speakers that participated in the event. Their dedication to the truth brings much credibility to our critical cause. John B. Wells from the "Caravan To Midnight" show did a stellar job of emceeing  the evening. With everyone working together another leap forward in the process of raising critical awareness was accomplished. Several thousand color glossy two sided flyers were given away along with about 1000 commercial informational DVDs. Teamwork was the theme of the evening, again, my thanks to all that helped with this event and also to all those that went to the effort to attend. The event was professionally filmed and will be released in segments as soon as the videographers make it available. Some pictures from the event are below.
Dane Wigington

This photo was taken backstage at the Redding event. John B Wells (the host of the "Caravan To Midnight" show), Dane Wigington, and anti-geoengineering legal team attorney William Blackwell
Redding Event 8-14-15
David Marr Auditorium
Musicians outside auditorium
Volunteers Sally and Terry Rapoza and speaker Mario Ramirez
Volunteers Elle Keathley and Daphne Free
pic36Photo credit: Elissa Lynnie Thygesen
pic34Photo credit: Forrest Setnor​
Attendees being given free materials
David Marr Auditorium
Volunteer Madelina Corona discussing the event with an attendee 
Activist Kim Basial keeping an eye on event security
Event volunteer Lori Bridgeford and Dane Wigington
One of the displays
image1 copy
David Marr Auditorium

While Disinformation Sources Rant About The Coming Ice Age, Record Heat Waves Continue To Kill


Ideology, bias, and special interests are blinding both sides of the fence in regard to global warming and the lethal geoengineering reality. In environmental circles there is a clear and correct recognition of the fact that the planet is warming at an astounding pace, yet, there is a perplexing denial of the ongoing climate engineering insanity (which is mathematically the greatest single negative influence on the climate system overall). Available evidence proves beyond any reasonable doubt that geoengineering is a reality, not a proposal, so why the denial from environmentalists?  On the other side of the fence, in the ranks of the anti-geoengineering community, there is also an unfortunate level of denial in regard to the fact that our planet is melting down with climate engineering helping to fuel the fire. If we are to have any chance of exposing and halting the climate engineering insanity we must stand on solid ground in regard to the facts, credibility is essential. It is essential to consistently examine breaking data from the front lines in order to build solid and credible conclusions. The article below contains verifiable breaking information though the author has not yet shown the courage to acknowledge the climate engineering issue (I have tried to communicate with him).
Dane Wigington


Hothouse Mass Casualties Strike Egypt, Heat wave Continues To Hospitalize Thousands In Japan

Source: Robert Scribbler

Back in May, official temperatures soared to 35 degrees Celsius (95 degrees Fahrenheit) as humidity levels spiked in Cairo, Egypt. The early high heat and humidity sparked anxiety among residents worrying over the coming summer. Public complaints about official temperatures being lower than actual measures were widespread among a populace vulnerable to heat exposure in a notoriously hot region of the world suffering the ongoing impacts of human-forced warming.

The below video captures some of the sentiment of a few months ago, when concern that record global temperatures in the range of 1 degree Celsius above 1880s averages might result in harm to Egypt’s populace was widespread and growing:

Egyptian residents feared the killing heat was coming back in May. Sadly, their concerns have born out as a powerful heatwave in July and August is resulting in tragic loss of life there. 

Unfortunately, the early fears appear to have been all-too-valid. For in late July a seasonal flow of hot, humid air from India, Pakistan and the Persian Gulf began to settle over Egypt. The hot air issued from regions where deaths from 2015 heatwaves numbered in the hundreds and thousandswhere hospitalizations numbered in the tens of thousands. As the heat dome extended its oppressive tendrils over Egypt, both temperatures and humidity spiked — pushing wet bulb readings into ranges that made it difficult for humans to maintain body temperatures. Official air temperature readings ranged from 35 to 47 degrees Celsius (95 to 116 degrees Fahrenheit) and the added moisture reduced the ability of evaporation to cool the skin.

The risk of heat injury rose. And over the past few days this hot air and humidity spike began to prey on Egyptian residents. The result was 42 tragic deaths due to the excess heat over the past two days alone. Scores more were hospitalized as the entire country from north to south sweltered.

Weather forecasts, unfortunately, show the hothouse heat continuing to blanket Egypt throughout the coming month. Let’s hope that, somehow, the terrible toll in heat casualties abates.

Japan Heatwave Mass Casualty Event Continues


Sunset in Tokyo. Photo credit: Ludovic Lubeigt

It’s a hotter world we live in now. One in which any of us living on Earth are now four times as likely to experience a heatwave than we were during the 1880s. And at the most extreme end of this spectrum are the heatwave mass casualty events — which this year have been very numerous and widespread. Italy, Egypt, the Persian GulfPakistanIndiaand Japan have now all experienced mass hospitalizations and deaths due to the excess heat of a world forced to rapidly warm by human fossil fuel emissions.

For Japan, which has been experiencing heatwave related deaths and hospitalizations since July, the harm due to excess heat spiked to new extremes this week. There, over the past seven days alone, nearly 12,000 people were hospitalized due to heat stroke. That’s the highest number of heatwave related casualties since tracking of these new events began in 2008. And of the thousands hospitalized, an additional 32 souls were lost.


Heat and humidity from a pool of anomalously hot ocean water is still blasting Japan, resulting in the hospitalization of an ever-rising number heatstroke victims. Sea surface temperatures remain in the range of 2-4 degrees Celsius above average as a heat dome high pressure system swelters Japan. Sea surface temperature anomaly map by Earth Nullschool.

The new wave of deaths and hospitalizations brings to over 45,000 the total number of heat stroke victims requiring emergency care in Japan during this summer alone. More than a thousand of these victims have required care extending longer than 3 weeks. And, tragically, more than 85 souls have now been lost.

During this time, Tokyo shattered its record for longest period of 35 C (95 F) degree or hotter days running. The above 35 C readings extended for a full eight days from July 31 to August 7th. It’s high heat and humidity that resulted in hundreds of hospitalizations for that city alone. And though the heat has somewhat abated, temperatures during recent days have remained in the range of 33 to 34 C (92 to 94 F)– still scorching-hot for a typically much cooler city.

Overall, Japan’s oppressive heat dome hasn’t budged. And it will likely remain in place until extremely hot sea surface temperatures surrounding Japan begin to abate. As of today, there was little sign of such relief as the hot waters remained in the range of 2-4 degrees Celsius above average. And so the hot waters continued to pump both heat and moisture into the air around and over Japan, spiking wet bulb readings and creating a dangerous situation for residents not at all used to these abnormal conditions.

May Heatwave Sparks Fears of Hot Summer in Egypt
Egypt Heatwave Kills 42
Japan in Hot Water Earth Nullschool
It Felt Like 165 Degrees in Iran Today
Heatwave Mass Casualty Event in Pakistan
Heatwave Mass Casualty Event in India
Record Japan Heat Leads to 32 Deaths in One Week

Source: Robert Scribbler

New Science Study Confirms Contamination From Climate Engineering Assault


The "International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health" has just published an in depth research report from Dr. Marvin Herndon that directly implicates the use of highly toxic coal fly ash with 99% certainty as base material in the ongoing climate engineering programs. Why would such a material be utilized for climate engineering? Because coal ash is light enough to remain suspended in the atmosphere for extended periods. Additionally, it would give the climate engineers a form of plausible denial in regard to the source of materials raining down on us. Using a refined form of coal ash as a base material for climate engineering would also effectively disposes of the extremely fine coal ash particles in the process which has always been a problem for the industry.

To match Interview POLAND-BELCHATOW/

 Poland’s Belchatow Power Station, pictured here, is the European Union’s most polluting coal-fired power station

The curtain of lethal deception continues to be pulled back exposing the total tyranny of those in power. While they claim to be attempting to clean up our air, all available evidence makes clear the fact that highly toxic materials have been intentionally and continuously sprayed into our atmosphere as part of the ongoing climate engineering experimentation programs. The newly published study below is a very important breakthrough in the ongoing effort to expose the weather warfare assault on humanity. It is a huge addition to reports already posted on by Dr. Herndon. My sincere thanks to Dr.Herndon for his valuable efforts in this critical battle for life on Earth.
Dane Wigington


Evidence of Coal-Fly-Ash Toxic Chemical Geoengineering in the Troposphere: Consequences for Public Health

Source: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, article by Marvin Herndon, Ph.D.

Academic Editor: Paul B. Tchounwou
Received: 29 June 2015 / Accepted: 5 August 2015 / Published: 11 August, 2015


The widespread, intentional and increasingly frequent chemical emplacement in the troposphere has gone unidentified and unremarked in the scientific literature for years. The author presents evidence that toxic coal combustion fly ash is the most likely aerosolized particulate sprayed by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and climate-modification purposes and describes some of the multifold consequences on public health. Two methods are employed: (1) Comparison of 8 elements analyzed in rainwater, leached from aerosolized particulates, with corresponding elements leached into water from coal fly ash in published laboratory experiments, and (2) Comparison of 14 elements analyzed in dust collected outdoors on a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter with corresponding elements analyzed in un-leached coal fly ash material. The results show: (1) the assemblage of elements in rainwater and in the corresponding experimental leachate are essentially identical. At a 99% confidence interval, they have identical means (T-test) and identical variances (F-test); and (2) the assemblage of elements in the HEPA dust and in the corresponding average un-leached coal fly ash are likewise essentially identical. The consequences on public health are profound, including exposure to a variety of toxic heavy metals, radioactive elements, and neurologically-implicated chemically mobile aluminum released by body moisture in situ after inhalation or through transdermal induction.


Geoengineering; coal fly ash; aerosol particulates; chemtrails; autism spectrum disorder (ASD); Alzheimer’s disease; Parkinson’s disease; attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD); neurological disorders; chemically mobile aluminum.

1. Introduction

The interplay of political, military, and commercial interests during World War II led to the development and grand-scale deployment of a host of herbicides and pesticides such as dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT). In her 1962 book Silent Spring [1] Rachel Carson called attention to the unintended consequences of herbicide and pesticide use, and launched the modern environmental movement. Half a century later there is growing evidence of a grave new and persistent global environmental health threat, again fomented by the interplay of political, military, and commercial interests. To date this new threat, posed by widespread, intentional tropospheric aerosol-particulate emplacement, has gone unremarked in the scientific literature for more than one decade. Here, based upon original research, the author discloses substantial evidence as to the identification and nature of the specific particulate substance involved and begins to describe the extent of this global public health and environmental threat.

Recently there have been calls in both the popular and scientific press to begin discussions about the possibility of engaging in future stratospheric geoengineering experiments to counter global warming [2,3]. Geoengineering, also called weather-modification, has been carried out for decades at much lower altitudes in the troposphere. The recent calls for open discussion of climate control or geoengineering tend to obscure the fact that the world’s military and civilian sectors have modified atmospheric conditions for many decades as has been described by science historian, James R. Fleming [4]. Some of the early weather-modification research resulted in programs like Project Skywater (1961–1988), the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s effort to engineer “the rivers of the sky”; the U.S. Army’s Operation Ranch Hand (1961–1971), in which the herbicide Agent Orange was an infamous part; and its Project Popeye (1967–1971), used to “make mud, not war” over the Ho Chi Minh Trail. These few examples of weather-modification, all of them secret at the time they were engaged, show that the weather is in the words of the military, “a force multiplier” [5].

In the spring of 2014, the author began to notice tanker-jets quite often producing white trails across the cloudless blue sky over San Diego, California. The aerosol spraying that was happening with increasing frequency was a relatively new phenomenon there. The dry warm air above San Diego is not conducive to the formation of jet contrails, which are ice condensate. By November 2014 the tanker-jets were busy every day crisscrossing the sky spraying their aerial graffiti. In a matter of minutes, the aerosol trails exiting the tanker-jets would start to diffuse, eventually forming cirrus-like clouds that further diffuse to form a white haze that scattered sunlight, often occluding or dimming the sun. Aerosol spraying was occasionally so intense as to make the otherwise cloudless blue sky overcast, some areas of sky turning brownish (Figure 1). Sometimes the navigation lights of the tanker-jets were visible as they worked at night, their trails obscuring the stars overhead; by dawn the normally clear-blue morning sky already had a milky white haze. Regardless, aerosol spraying often continued throughout the day. The necessity for daily aerosol emplacement stems from the relatively low spraying-altitudes in the troposphere where mixing with air readily occurs bringing down the aerosolized particulates and exposing humanity and Earth’s biota to the fine-grained substance. The author’s concern about the daily exposure to ultra-fine airborne particulate matter of undisclosed composition and its concomitant effect on the health of his family and public health in general prompted the research reported here.

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Figure 1. Composite of four images of the blue sky over San Diego taken on cloudless days showing various instances of the on-going daily tanker-jet spraying of ultrafine-particulates into the troposphere. Upper Left: Spraying just started. Note that one tanker-jet turned off the spray in mid-flight. The “clouds” are dispersed particulates; Lower Right: Overcast “clouds” produced by intense tanker-jet emplacement of particulates.

Since the beginning of the 21st century there have been numerous observations of tanker-jet aerosol particulate spraying. Sometimes samples of rainwater, soil, and other residue were collected by concerned citizens and sent to commercial certified laboratories to be analyzed, although without an understanding of what tests should be made. The composition of the aerosolized particulate matter has been a tightly held secret. In the face of this unknown, there has been much sincere speculation in books and on the Internet, but also disinformation, attempts to convince the public that the particulate trails are nothing more than ice crystals formed from jet exhaust, and to pin on concerned citizens the pejorative moniker “conspiracy theorists”.

From the variety of observations reported in books and on the Internet, one might reasonably conclude that, at least during the early years, various weather-modification experiments were undertaken. But as indicated by photographic data and chemical analyses of post-spraying rainwater, one particular methodology was developed that ultimately was observed by the author to be operational on a daily basis in the skies over San Diego, and reportedly is now operational over much of the United States and in a number of foreign countries as well [6]. Beside the observational commonality, post-spraying rainwater was frequently found to contain aluminum and barium, two elements usually not present in naturally-occurring rainwater; sometimes strontium, a third element, was included in the tests and determined to be present [7]. The presence of strontium together with barium suggests that the undisclosed particulate matter is derived from a natural product, because alkaline earth elements, Group II on the Periodic Table, behave similarly and are often found together in nature. For example, cement contains calcium and often contains some strontium as well. That bit of insight evoked further considerations related to the potential costs and logistics of annually producing millions of tons of the undisclosed particulate matter and doing so out of public view.

Industrial coal burning produces four types of coal combustion residuals (CCRs): fly ash, bottom ash, boiler slag, and flue gas desulfurization product (FGDP), i.e., gypsum. Bottom ash is heavy and settles out; coal fly ash, on the other hand, is comprised of micron and sub-micron particles that would go up the smokestack unless captured and stored. Because of its well-known adverse environmental health effects, Western nations now mandate that coal combustion fly ash is to be captured and stored [8,9]. Representatives of coal burning utilities and their trade organizations actively promote commercial applications for coal fly ash, which, to name a few, include uses as additives to Portland cement, agricultural soil amendments, replacement for compacted backfills, mine reclamation, melting river ice, and as subsurface for roads. Some applications pose potential environmental health risks in the short term and/or in the long term as coal fly ash is a concentrated repository for many of the trace elements that were trapped in coal during its formation, including, but not limited to, arsenic, barium, beryllium, boron, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, lead, manganese, mercury, molybdenum, selenium, thallium, thorium, vanadium and uranium. 

Although seemingly unacknowledged in publicly accessible reports and in scientific literature as a potential material for geoengineering, coal fly ash is one major global waste product stream with the appropriate grain-size distribution for aerosolized tropospheric spraying that is readily available at extremely low cost and with existent processing and transport infrastructure. The author submits the following hypothesis: Coal fly ash is most likely the aerosolized particulate sprayed in the troposphere by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and climate-modification purposes.

The objectives of the research are to provide substantial scientific evidence as to the correctness of the hypothesis, namely, that coal fly ash is the aerosolized particulate sprayed in the troposphere by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and climate-modification purposes and to reveal some of the adverse human public health consequences and the antagonistic consequences on Earth’s environment and biota.

2. Experimental Section

The methodology is two-fold: (1) Compare element ratios analyzed in rainwater, which were leached in the atmosphere from aerosolized particulates, with the corresponding element ratios that were extracted from coal fly ash into water in laboratory leaching experiments; and, (2) Compare the element ratios analyzed in dust collected outdoors on a HEPA filter with corresponding element ratios analyzed in coal fly ash material.

One of the reasons coal fly ash is sequestered, usually in lined ponds, is that a variety of toxic chemical elements are readily extracted by water, including but not limited to aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, thallium, lead, mercury and uranium. Scientists have conducted leaching experiments on coal fly ash samples, but none of the various investigations appear to be as thorough as that of Moreno et al.[10]. They obtained coal fly ash samples from 23 different European sources (from Spain, The Netherlands, Italy and Greece) which they analyzed for 33 chemical elements. They leached 100 grams of each coal fly ash sample with one liter of distilled water for twenty four hours, and then determined the concentrations of 38 elements in the leachate, the water-extract, from each experiment. Although there were some variations observed in the pre-leach coal fly ash chemical compositions and in the relative proportion of extracted elements in the leachate and variations in the resulting pH, the overall pattern of leachate elements was remarkably consistent among the different fly ash sources. Table 1 summarizes the average values for European coal fly ash pre-leach compositions and the average values of leachate chemical compositions that include those used in the present investigation.

Click image to enlarge

Table 1. Average chemical composition of the 23 un-leached and leached (leachate) European coal fly ash samples from Moreno et al.

With its normally limited natural cloud cover San Diego is ideal for observing tanker-jet dispersal of ultra-fine particulates. Because the city lacks heavy industries and their particulate pollution, it is an ideal environment to ascertain by rainwater measurement the nature of the specific particulates being sprayed which are leached by rainwater. The author personally collected rainwater samples for chemical analysis and compared those data to corresponding average values of experimental leachate chemical analyses [10], which as shown below provides a firm basis for identifying the particulate substance being emplaced as an aerosol in the troposphere as coal fly ash. Because of persistent spraying, rainwater devoid of spray contamination was not available.

For three months during a period of intense aerial spraying in 2011, an individual in Los Angeles, California captured and had analyzed outdoor air-borne particulates.The results were posted on the Internet [11]; subsequently the author obtained the analytical laboratory report. The requested analyses returned results for aluminum, barium and twelve trace elements. But the meaning of the data was not clear at the time. Comparison of those data with corresponding pre-leach average coal fly ash chemical analyses (Table 1), as shown below, further reinforces the correctness of identifying the particulate substance as coal fly ash that is being sprayed into the troposphere by tanker-jets for geoengineering.

3. Results and Discussion

The average elemental composition of each of the 38 elements from the 23 different sources of European coal fly ash leach studied by Moreno et al. [10], presented as ratios relative to aluminum, is shown in Figure 2 as a function of Atomic Number. Normalization to one common element, in this case aluminum, makes comparisons possible when total mass or total volume is not available. In this plot, the less abundant leachate element ratios are not shown. Note that aluminum (Atomic Number 13), strontium (38), and barium (56), elements which are sometimes determined in post-spraying rainwater, are relatively abundant.

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Figure 2. The average leachate chemical concentration of each of the 38 elements from the 23 different sources of European coal fly ash (Table 1) studied by [10], normalized to aluminum so as to facilitate comparison with analyzed post-aerosol-spraying rainwater. Elements of lower concentration are not shown. Red leachate elements correspond to those measured in San Diego rainwater (Figure 3), from left to right, Boron, Magnesium, Aluminum, Sulfur, Calcium, Iron, Strontium and Barium.

Two commercial state-of-California certified laboratories, Babcock Laboratories, Inc. and Basic Laboratory, were engaged for the San Diego rainwater analyses by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Their analytical results were consistent to within 2%–10%. Figure 3 shows concentrations of 8 chemical elements, normalized to aluminum, measured in post-aerosol-spraying San Diego rainwater for comparison with corresponding element ratios in the [10] water-extract of coal fly ash leaching experiments (Table 1).

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Figure 3. The chemical concentrations of 8 elements, normalized to aluminum, measured in post-aerosol-spraying San Diego rainwater for comparison with similar average element ratios in the leachate of coal fly ash from Figure 1. This figure shows that post-spraying rainwater leached the same elements, in similar proportions, to the elements leached from coal fly ash in laboratory investigations [10]. This is strong evidence that the substance emplaced into the troposphere is coal fly ash. At a 99% confidence interval, the two sets of data have the same mean (T-test) and the same variance (F-test).

Like a fingerprint, the 8-element ratios of the San Diego rainwater extract of the tropospheric-emplaced particulate matter match element-by-element the laboratory water extract of coal fly ash within the range of observations. Said another way, the tropospheric-emplaced matter has the same water-leach characteristics as coal fly ash for at least eight elements, which is indeed strong evidence of the identification of the aerosolized substance as coal fly ash. For any indicated element the difference between the rainwater extract and average experimental coal fly ash element extract is less than the differences observed between the element extracted experimentally from the various coal fly ash sources [10]. 

Without mass or volume totals, statistical treatment was somewhat limited. Nevertheless, at a 99% confidence interval, the assemblage of elements in the rainwater and in the corresponding experimental leachate have identical means (T-test) and identical variances (F-test). Furthermore, the 8-element “fingerprint” shown in Figure 3 is comprised of elements with different chemical properties and thus provides extremely strong validation of the hypothesis: Coal fly ash is most likely the aerosolized particulate sprayed in the troposphere by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and climate-modification purposes.

One limitation in the use of commercial laboratories is in their limits of detection for some elements. Note from Figure 2 that the experimental coal fly ash leachate element ratios span six orders of magnitude. When academic research laboratories, with their high sensitivity capabilities, hopefully repeat the post-spray rainwater measurements, additional “matched pairs” for other elements will doubtlessly be added to the coal fly ash “fingerprint” presented in Figure 3.

For about fifteen years concerned individuals have sampled water, soil, and other materials in attempt to learn what is being sprayed into the atmosphere. From 15 May 2011 through 15 August 2011, a period intense tanker-jet spraying, an individual in Los Angeles, California operated a Honeywell model HHT081 HEPA Filter in her backyard in the vicinity of Olympic and La Cienega Boulevard, Los Angeles, California, 90035. Samples were collected and then transferred via chain-of-custody to American Scientific Laboratory, a state-of-California certified laboratory for analysis of aluminum, barium, and twelve trace elements by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. 

Figure 4 shows concentrations of 14 chemical elements, normalized to aluminum, measured in the Los Angeles HEPA air filter dust for comparison with corresponding average element ratios for un-leached coal fly ash data (Table 1) from [10].

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Figure 4. The chemical concentrations of 14 chemical elements, normalized to aluminum, measured in the Los Angeles HEPA air filter dust for comparison with corresponding average element ratios for un-leached coal fly ash (Table 1) data from [10]. This figure shows the 14 elements measured in the collected filter dust occur in the same relative proportions as similar elements in un-leached coal fly ash from published laboratory investigations [10]. This is strong evidence that the substance emplaced into the troposphere is coal fly ash. At a 99% confidence interval, the two sets of data have the same mean (T-test) and the same variance (F-test).

Like a fingerprint, the 14-element ratios of the HEPA dust match well the corresponding average chemical element ratios of un-leached coal fly ash. As with Figure 3 data, without mass or volume totals, statistical treatment was somewhat limited. Nevertheless, at a 99% confidence interval, the assemblage of elements in the HEPA dust and in the corresponding average coal fly ash have identical means (T-test) and identical variances (F-test). 

Coal fly ash from difference sources vary somewhat in their relative proportions of chemical elements. Figure 5, a plot of the normalized high and low value for each of the 14 respective elements from un-leached coal fly ash [10], provides an indication of the range of variation in the coal fly ash material from different sources. Significantly, for any indicated element ratio in Figure 4, the difference between HEPA dust material and average coal fly ash composition is generally less than the extremes observed between high and low values of the various coal fly ash sources shown in Figure 5. Furthermore, the 14-element “fingerprint” shown in Figure 4 is comprised of elements with different chemical properties, implying a unique process, and thus further provides extremely strong validation of the hypothesis: Coal fly ash is most likely the aerosolized particulate sprayed in the troposphere by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and climate-modification purposes.

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Figure 5. This figure is a plot of the normalized high and low value for each of the 14 respective elements from un-leached coal fly ash [10]. It provides an indication of the range of variation in un-leached coal fly ash material from different sources. This natural variation in coal fly ash elemental compositions may help to explain the variations observed in Figure 3 and Figure 4.

Reliable observers have reported tropospheric aerosol emplacement since the late 1990s. In the early phases of the program one might suspect that a variety of substances were tried. At what point was coal fly ash chosen as the preferred substance? In the past, one of the great uncertainties about analyzing post-aerosol rainwater has been which elements to measure. Aluminum was commonly measured, while barium and strontium were sometimes measured; other chemical elements were rarely measured. As aluminum, barium and strontium are prominent water-extracts of coal fly ash, their presence in post-aerosol rainwater might be taken as a 3-element fingerprint of aerosolized coal fly ash, albeit with much less certainty than the 8-element fingerprint shown in Figure 3. Based upon the 3-element fingerprint, with its limited certainty, the year 2002 is the earliest data found to date showing simultaneous measurement of these three elements in post-aerosol rainwater [12]. Within that certainty-limitation, the 3-element fingerprint in post-spraying rainwater measurements indicates the global extent of tropospheric aerosol coal fly ash dispersing: such measurements have been made in the United States, Canada, France, Portugal, Germany, Australia, and New Zealand. Further, this list is unlikely to be exhaustive. The global extent of tropospheric coal fly ash emplacement is inferred from rainwater analyses reporting the three elements (aluminum, barium and strontium) that are prominent in the leachate of laboratory coal fly ash water-leach experiments.

The research reported here provides strong evidence that coal fly ash is the aerosolized particulate sprayed in the troposphere by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and climate-modification purposes. The evidence presented warrants discussion as to (1) what additional investigations should be undertaken to confirm further the identity of coal fly ash as the aerosolized particulates, (2) the consequences of troposphere-emplaced coal fly ash on public health and on Earth’s biota, and (3) the resultant geophysical implications.

The rainwater and dust sample collection, in San Diego and Los Angeles, respectively, took place in areas far removed from aerosol-polluting heavy industries under circumstances of intense and persistent aerial spraying of fine grain particulates that left a white haze in the sky. The tropospheric lifetime of the particulates was sufficiently short as to necessitate near-daily spraying, which is an argument against the collected samples originating far away, such as from China due to the global movement of weather. Whereas the “fingerprint” evidence is compelling, strongly suggesting identical processes/materials, additional investigations should be undertaken and, indeed, are being planned.

Off the coast of Southern California individuals have observed tanker jets “dumping” massive quantities of particulate matter in relatively short bursts, colloquially called “bombs”, which disperse significantly before prevailing winds bring the matter to the coast line. One plan under consideration is to use aircraft to capture in flight some of the concentrated material, which would then be analyzed physically and chemically, and as well be subjected to leaching experiments. 

In the 1970s acid rain [13] liberated aluminum in a chemically mobile form from otherwise inert sources, such as mine tailings, that posed an environmental health threat to a host of organisms [14,15]. Forest die-offs, reduced survival or impaired reproduction of aquatic invertebrates, fish, and amphibians were directly connected to aluminum toxicity, while indirect effects on birds and mammals were also identified [16]. Tropospheric aerosolized coal fly ash poses a similar environmental health threat without necessarily requiring an acid environment. In the experiments by Moreno et al. [10], distilled water led to aluminum extraction while other chemical reactions yielded leachate pH values in the range 6.2–12.5. The pH of post-spraying rainwater is a function of the composition of the coal fly ash and the degree of its equilibration with atmospheric water. Natural rainwater has an acidic pH of about 5.7 due to interaction with atmospheric CO2 [17]. The pH of the analyzed post-spraying San Diego rainwater was 5.2 whereas in instances elsewhere it has been observed as high as 6.8.

Long exposure to air pollution particulates, not necessarily coal fly ash, in sizes ≤ 2.5µm (PM2.5) is associated with morbidity and premature mortality [18,19]. One may therefore reasonably conclude that aerosolized coal fly ash, at least the PM2.5 component, is detrimental to human health.

The ultra-fine particles of aerosolized coal fly ash do not remain at tanker-jet operational altitudes: they mix with and pollute the air people breathe. Tropospheric aerosol coal fly ash can potentially endanger humans through two primary routes: (1) ingestion of rainwater-extract of coal fly ash toxins, directly or after concentration by evaporation and (2) particulate intake through inhalation or through contact with the eyes or skin [20]. In the latter instance, harm to humans can arise from in situ body-fluid extraction of coal fly ash toxins [21] as well as from the consequences of tissue contact [22]. Coal fly ash that is PM2.5is readily entrained in terminal airways and alveoli and retained in the lungs for long periods of time; the small grain size enables it to penetrate and reach deep within the airways where it can cause inflammation and pulmonary injury [23].

Coal fly ash contains a host of potentially leachable toxins, including aluminum, arsenic, barium, beryllium, boron, cadmium, chromium (III), chromium (IV), cobalt, lead, manganese, mercury, selenium, strontium, thallium, thorium, and uranium. Coal fly ash has been described as being more radioactive than nuclear waste [24]. Moreover, many of the most toxic elements are enriched in the PM2.5 component of coal fly ash [25]. Whether or not the coal fly ash used for geoengineering is selectively enriched in PM2.5is not known, but enrichment in the small particle size fraction would be advantageous in yielding greater surface area for sunlight reflection.

The extent of adverse health consequences from aerosolized coal fly ash depends on a variety of factors including age, physical condition, individual susceptibility, concentration and exposure duration. Moreover, some toxic elements from tropospheric spraying of coal fly ash, in addition to direct bodily input by inhalation or transdermal infusion, may be concentrated by processes in nature. Arsenic, for example, one of the coal fly ash toxins, poses the greatest health threat in its inorganic form. Arsenic can be taken up by a variety of organisms and, like mercury, can be passed up the food chain [26]. Arsenic can be involved with hypertension-related cardiovascular disease [27], cancer [28], stroke [29], chronic lower respiratory diseases [30] and diabetes [31]. Arsenic leached from coal fly ash taken in by pregnant women can crossover the placenta to the fetus [32]. Concentration and exposure duration increase likelihood of this happening. 

The evidence presented here of deliberate, widespread and pervasive spraying of coal fly ash into the troposphere, which mixes with the air people breathe, opens new research possibilities into the physiological effects of long-term exposure to a substance that potentially releases multifarious toxins upon exposure to internal body fluids. Those subjects are beyond the scope of the present article. Nevertheless, mention should be made of perhaps the least appreciated coal fly ash potentially water-extracted toxin, chemically mobile aluminum.

Although aluminum is abundant in the Earth’s crust, it is highly immobile. Consequently, our planet’s biota, including humans, have not developed natural defense mechanisms for exposure to chemically mobile aluminum. It is a matter of grave concern that aluminum in a chemically mobile form can be readily extracted from coal fly ash with rainwater or in situ with body fluids. Aluminum is implicated in such neurological diseases as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) [33,34,35,36,37] all of which have markedly increased in recent years. Aluminum is thought to impair fertility in men [38] and is also implicated in neurological disorders of bees and other creatures [39,40,41].

If in fact some instances of neurological diseases are related to weather-modification activities during the last two decades involving the tropospheric coal fly ash aerosols, then the recent ramp-up in tanker-jet spraying, as witnessed by this author in San Diego, will likely cause a sharp spike in their occurrence. Epidemiological investigations of wide-ranging scope, including for example childhood and elderly disorders and birth defects, may begin to shed light on the human toll extracted by spraying coal fly ash into the troposphere. Those investigations should especially consider airline flight crews and frequent airline travelers who breathe the air at nearly the same altitude as the spraying.

The near-daily intense aerial spraying over San Diego witnessed by the author is part of a multinational Western, if not global, program that has been observed for a number of years in United States, Canada, Europe, Australia and New Zealand, but never acknowledged publically by officials. Without public candor it is difficult to know the underlying motivations and the range of specific activities involved. One thing seems certain: the potential damage to public health and the environment is likely to be unprecedented in its planetary scope. 

The process of burning coal concentrates the impurities in coal fly ash, an unnatural anhydrous chemical complex whose environmental health hazards are well-known. For decades individuals and organizations have fought long and hard for regulations requiring sequestration of this hazardous industrial waste product. So what, one might ask, is the reason for the current, widespread, pervasive spraying of coal fly ash into the troposphere with its potential harm to public health and the environment? 

Since the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was established in 1988 there has been much interest in global warming, which is perceived as a security threat. Geoengineering offers two basic approaches to the problem of global warming: Remove and trap carbon dioxide, or block sunlight from reaching the Earth. Trapping carbon dioxide is a difficult, prohibitively expensive, undeveloped technology. Blocking sunlight is almost universally recognized by geoengineers as being relatively inexpensive, easy to implement, and moreover has a precedent in nature: major volcanic eruptions inject ash into the upper atmosphere (stratosphere) which may remain suspended for a year or more, dimming sunlight and momentarily cooling Earth. 

While academicians debate geoengineering as an activity that might potentially be needed in the future [2,3], evidence suggests that Western governments/militaries moved ahead with a full scale operational geoengineering program. But instead of mining and milling rock to produce artificial volcanic ash in sufficient volumes to cool the planet, they adopted a low-cost, pragmatic alternative, but one with consequences far more dire to life on Earth than global warming might ever be, and used coal combustion fly ash. To make matters worse, instead of placing the material high into the stratosphere, where there is minimal mixing and the substance might remain suspended for a year or more, they opted to spray coal fly ash into the lower atmosphere, the troposphere, which mixes with the air people breathe and gets rained down to ground.

Aside from the serious potential toxicity ramifications on public health and Earth’s biota that derive directly from aerosolized emplacement of coal fly ash into the troposphere, such pervasive, widespread, tanker-jet spraying affects weather and Earth’s heat balance in ways that act in opposition to cooling the Earth. Those who reside in locations where natural cloud cover is rare, like San Diego, notice the rapid cooling after the sun goes down, except on cloudy days when heat is retained. During the daytime coal fly ash clouds may block sunlight, but at night may retard heat loss from the Earth, act to prevent rainfall, and contribute to global warming. Nighttime tanker-jet spraying, presumably to the hide the activity from public view, further retards heat loss.

There is yet another consequence of tropospheric coal ash spraying that is contrary to cooling the Earth and has potentially far-reaching adverse ecological and public health implications: weather modification and concomitant disruption of habitats and food sources. As reported by NASA, “Normal rainfall droplet creation involves water vapor condensing on particles in clouds. The droplets eventually coalesce together to form drops large enough to fall to Earth. However, as more and more pollution particles (aerosols) enter a rain cloud, the same amount of water becomes spread out. These smaller water droplets float with the air and are prevented from coalescing and growing large enough for a raindrop. Thus, the cloud yields less rainfall over the course of its lifetime compared to a clean (non-polluted) cloud of the same size” [42]. In addition to preventing water droplets from coalescing and growing large enough to fall to Earth, coal fly ash, which formed under anhydrous conditions, will hydrate, trapping additional moisture thus further acting to prevent rainfall. That may cause drought in some areas, floods in others, crop failure, forest die-offs, and adverse ecological impacts, especially in conjunction with the chemically-mobile-aluminum contamination from coal fly ash. The consequences ultimately may have devastating effects on habitats and reduce human food production.

4. Conclusions

The original research reported here provides strong evidence for the correctness of the hypothesis: Coal fly ash is most likely the aerosolized particulate sprayed in the troposphere by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and climate-modification purposes. That evidence is based upon the discovery that: (1) the assemblage of 8 elements in rainwater and in the corresponding experimental leachate are essentially identical. At a 99% confidence interval, they have identical means (T-test) and identical variances (F-test); and, (2) the assemblage of 14 elements in the HEPA dust and in the corresponding average un-leached coal fly ash are likewise essentially identical.

Evidence indicates that tropospheric spraying of coal fly ash (1) has been taking place throughout the 21st century, (2) on an international scale, and (3) with significant ramping-up since about 2013. Throughout that period of time there has been a program of well-orchestrated disinformation, but no public disclosure, no informed consent, and no public health warnings.

The profound implications on environmental health include exposing humans and Earth’s other biota to: (1) chemically mobile aluminum, implicated in neurological disorders and botanic demise; (2) exposure to toxic heavy metals and radioactive elements; (3) preventing rainfall with concomitant loss of food production and habitats; and, (4) possibly contributing to global warming with concomitant arctic melting.

More than a half century ago Rachel Carson called the world’s attention to the unintended consequences of herbicides and pesticides widely employed by agriculture. Instead of turning a blind eye, people everywhere became motivated to stop the worst of this environmental onslaught. Today we are fully aware of the vast interconnected web of dependencies and symbioses that comprise life on our planet. Earth exists in a state of dynamic biological, chemical, and physical equilibrium whose complexity far exceeds the understanding of contemporary science. The pervasive tropospheric spraying of coal fly ash threatens this equilibrium, whose delicacy or whose resilience we cannot quantify. Human health is at risk as is Earth’s biota. Are we to remain silent? Or will we exercise our primal right to speak in our own defense as a species and question the sanity of emplacing coal fly ash in Earth’s perpetually moving atmosphere?


I thank Ian Baldwin for many helpful discussions, criticisms, and advice. I thank Weidan Zhou for professional statistics advice.

Conflicts of Interest

The author declares no conflict of interest. 


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8/11/2015 – Geoengineering Watch Radio


Eight dead doctors, 5 missing, what is the common connection. MSM distracting the public as usual. Presidential post only a prop in the play. Chinese currency devaluation continues. “Quantative Easing”: Just printing more money. Markets – including gold and silver – are completely manipulated. Weather warfare used to punish countries that don’t submit globally. Breaking Records: Temperatures 120 degrees in the middle east. ISIS funded by the U.S. Climate engineering is the single most important issue we face today. Dementia death rates soaring, connected to aluminum: a “hidden epidemic”. How to get involved.

Geoengineering And The Loss Of Photosynthesis


Dane Wigington

Global climate engineering is wreaking havoc on crop production all over the world. Geoengineering's devastating effects come in many forms including drought, deluge, extreme UV radiation levels, and the total contamination of the entire planet, but what impact is climate engineering having on photosynthesis and thus our ability to grow food? The most obvious and easily identified factor in regard to photosynthesis is the blocking of direct sunlight, this is the stated goal of solar radiation management (SRM).

  • Reduction of the total solar radiation (sum of direct and diffused) in the photosynthetically active part of the spectrum (0.4-0.7 µ) reduces photosynthesis, which in turn leads to a reduction in productivity.
  • Settling of aerosol particles (e.g., fly ash, black carbon and dust) on the plants can shield the leaves from solar radiation.
  • In addition, aerosol deposition can increase acidity and cause plant damage.

The points cited above were taken from peer reviewed scientific study on the effect of atmospheric aerosols on photosynthesis. Toxic light scattering heavy metals like aluminum (a primary element used in SRM programs) are, of course, not mentioned in the study since the scientific community does their best to stay away from any admission of climate engineering due to the effect such an admission would have on their careers or worse.

pic 32

Global Dimming

Blocking the sun is the primary purpose of solar radiation management, this effect is called "global dimming". The 6 minute video below on global dimming is important to view and understand. Though the film makers also did not speak directly about the issue of climate engineering for the reasons already cited above, the information presented is still completely relevant and alarming.

Does the blanket of sun blocking aerosols used for SRM actually contribute to the overall heating of the planet instead of cooling it as we are told? Does this heating also impact photosynthesis? Yes, and again, yes. Even NASA admits that ever more prolific aircraft trails in our skies are warming the planet overall. Recent studies prove that geoengineering programs CAN'T WORK.  Earth is currently heating at the thermal energy equivalent of 4 Hiroshima Bombs per second. The rapidly warming climate has a profound effect on photosynthesis.

Sven Draeger

Photo credit: Sven Dräger

Excessive heat stops all Photosynthesis

Photosynthesis stops at 104 degrees Fahrenheit. Few are aware of this fact as the power structure does not want the media and official agencies they control to report on it. 2014 was the warmest  year on record, 2015 is on pace to shatter that record and 2016 will likely break the record yet again. As global temperatures rapidly climb (with geoengineering helping to fuel the warming overall), harvests will continue to sharply decline. The constant spraying of toxic sun blocking SRM aerosols will further magnify the mounting crop loss. Mongolia has just lost 80% of their crops and crop loss in Venezuala has caused the government to order farmers to hand over their produce to the state. These are only two of countless unfolding crop loss catastrophes. The climate engineering juggernaut of destruction is disrupting all the planet's life support systems in too many ways to quantify. All are needed in the battle to expose and halt geoengineering, learn how you can help and join us in this all important fight.

Geoengineering Is Fueling Superheated Pacific Dead Zones


The Eastern Pacific ocean is superheating, as this process continues, so will marine ecosystem implosion. The climate engineers have aggressively interfered with all of the planet's processes and natural cycles. This includes the El Niño events which the weather makers have actively tried to suppress. Why? It was likely done in order to temporarily hide the escalating planetary meltdown by attempting to bottle up much of the rapidly building heat in the oceans. Even worse, ocean fertilization (another calamitous form of climate engineering) is contributing to the unfolding ecosystem collapse in our seas. All of these processes are fueling stagnant stratified superheated dead zones with exploding blooms of highly toxic algae. The article below is the latest update from the front lines. Though the climate engineering subject is taboo for all mainstream sources of information, the data cited is still accurate and alarming.
Dane Wigington


Record Algae Bloom Laced With Toxins Is Flourishing In "The Blob" — And Spreading In The North Pacific

Source: Discover, article by Tom Yulsman


An animation of satellite images showing algae blooming in the waters around Vancouver Island on July 18, 2015. See below for a detailed explanation. (Images: NASA Worldview. Animation: Tom Yulsman)

It has been called “The Blob,” a gigantic patch of abnormally warm water sitting in the Northeast Pacific Ocean for months. And now, The Blob may have helped midwife a record-breaking bloom of algae stretching from Southern California all the way north to Alaska.

More about that warm water in a minute. But first, that giant algae bloom: It consists of tiny marine plants known as phytoplankton, and it is “laced with some toxic species that have had far-reaching consequences for sea life and regional and local economies,” according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Toxins from the algae are suspected to have contributed to the deaths of at least nine Fin whales near Kodiak Island, Alaska, in June, although a definitive cause has not yet been determined, NOAA says.  There have also been reports of dead and dying whales, gulls, and forage fish in Alaska’s Aleutian Islands, possibly connected to the algae.

And over the past few months, according to NOAA:

. . . extremely high levels of an algal toxin called domoic acid, which is produced by a group of phytoplankton called Pseudo-nitzschia, have led to closures of recreational razor clam harvests in Oregon and Washington, as well as closing of large portions of the Washington state Dungeness crab fishery and some of the sardine and anchovy fisheries in California.

You can see evidence of part of the vast algae bloom in the animation above. It consists of satellite views of the waters surrounding Vancouver Island, and off the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State.

The colorful image consists of data from NASA’s Terra and Aqua satellites. The yellow, orange and red colors are indicative of relatively high levels of chlorophyll in the water. Like all plants, phytoplankton use chlorophyll for photosynthesis, the process by which they use sunlight for their energy needs.

The other image shows the same scene but in natural color. I have fiddled with the contrast a little to make the greenish and brownish swirls of algae stand out.


Average chlorophyll concentrations in milligrams per cubic meter of water for July 2015. The darkest green areas have the highest surface chlorophyll concentrations and the largest amounts of phytoplankton—including both toxic and harmless species. Vancouver Island is circled. (NOAA map based on Suomi NPP satellite data provided by NOAA View.)

The map above charts average chlorophyll concentrations during July in the northeast Pacific, from Baja to Alaska. Have a look at Vancouver Island, which I’ve circled. Some of the deepest greens, and therefore highest concentrations of chlorophyll, are found there.

But California, Oregon and Washington aren’t far behind!

The Blob

The abnormally warm water suspected as a culprit in the algae bloom doesn’t quite look blobbish right now — more like two giant patches:


Okay, in the map above of sea surface temperature anomalies for today (Aug. 6, 2015), the warm patch off the west coast of British Columbia, Washington and Oregon, does look blobby. The other one, off California and the Baja Peninsula, is more irregular. (There’s also quite a bit of toastiness in between the two.)

The warm water has shifted around a bit over the weeks, but it has been a persistent feature for a long time now. In fact, it began forming about two years ago. It also appears to have played a significant role in California’s record-setting drought.

You’ll also note that massive spear of warm water extending along the equator from South America across a good portion of the Pacific. That’s, El Niño — and it’s continuing to get stronger. It has, in fact, been called a “Godzilla El Niño…

So there you have it — exploding, toxic algae blooms, a Godzilla El Niño, and The Blob. If I weren’t such a weather weenie, I’d be bloody scared…

I might add that El Niño and the Blob together like this constitute something that I don’t believe has been seen before.  And so meteorologists and climatologists have been scratching their heads trying to figure out whether The Blob will interfere with a strong El Niño’s typical effects on weather. These include significantly boosted odds for copious winter precipitation in parts of California.

Will Godzilla eat the blob? What would that even mean? (And would Godzilla get sick from the toxic algae?!) We’ll have to wait another few months to learn the answers.

Source: Discover