Search Results for: arctic ice

Nature: Human Warming Now Pushing Entire Greenland Ice Sheet into the Ocean


Picture above: Leading edge of the accelerating Zachariae Ice Stream meets the warming and increasingly ice free ocean on August 20 of 2013. Satellite image source: Lance-Modis.

Greenland — a vast store of ice three kilometers tall at its center and the final remnant of the Northern Hemisphere’s great glaciers of the last ice age has now begun what is likely an unstoppable rush to the sea. For according to a new report in Nature Climate Change, the last stable region of glacial ice along the Greenland coastline is now accelerating through one of the ice sheet’s largest and deepest outlets — the Zachariae Ice Stream.

Thin Ice


Now hear this. Our ancient space colony is the only home we have. It’s floundering on the shoals of denial, greed and immutable feedback processes. There are no lifeboats. If exploitive corporate interests, their political lackeys and mesmerized “consumers” keep focusing on the frivolous while trashing this singular blue oasis like there’s no tomorrow… there won’t be.

HAARP Geoengineering with Alchemy, Arctic Methane Global Emergency, UK Gov tells climate alarmists to “Chill Out”


The Arctic Methane Group (AMEG) is a group of scientists/concerned citizens studying the release of methane trapped under our North Pole’s icecap.  They claim that not only is methane currently being released, it is poised to explode again as it did in the dinosaurs age:

Geoengineered Western US Meltdown To Cool The Rest Of The Country, Again


Dane Wigington

The Western US has, at minimum, long since become a climate sacrifice zone for the geoengineers. The current NOAA departure from normal high temperature "forecast" map is below. This map reflects nothing less than the "scheduled" weather from primary climate engineering contractor, Raytheon, who does all the forecast modeling for the National Weather Service (NWS) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). In this completely engineered scenario, ionosphere heater induced record shattering heat will bake the Western US while potential record cool temperatures may occur in the Central US. The scenario shown below has been repeated by the climate engineers countless times since 2007.


The HAARP ionosphere heater installation in Alaska is only one of many large radio frequency / microwave transmitters located around the world that are utilized for climate engineering purposes.


When the ionosphere is bombarded with the massively powerful RF / microwave transmissions from installations like HAARP, high pressure heat domes can be created and maintained. In the case of the current record shattering high pressure heat dome over the US West, the clockwise spin of upper level air currents around the high pressure zone allow the weather makers to steer cooler air from the Pacific into the center of the country while completely bypassing the West.


Though the "official" forecasted record highs in the West are alarming enough, the actual temperature readings on the ground are now significantly higher than the "official" readings in almost all locations monitored by and others.


The latest "Temperature Departure From Average" map shown below is very revealing in regard to the true state of global temperatures. Where is it cool? Where not? The coming climate engineering cool-down in the eastern two thirds of the North American continent truly stands out. Antarctica also stands out as a focus of the global climate engineering assault, a primary element of which involves chemical ice nucleation for weather modification. Due to the recent collapse of the immense Larsen C ice shelf in Antarctica, the climate engineers appear to be fully engaged in an increasingly desperate and destructive attempt at damage control in the polar regions.


The increasingly radical swings in Greenland melt extent is another glaring red flag in regard to the on and off engineered cool-downs which include chemical ice nucleation as a major factor. The extreme fluctuations in the Greenland surface melt graph below are alarming and indicative of the ongoing climate engineering assaults in the region.


Sea surface chemical ice nucleation processes are also being utilized on a massive scale. The swirling patterns left from chemical ice nucleation materials on the sea surface are very clearly visible in the NASA satellite image below (east coast of Greenland). Such patterns are also clearly different from the usual broken ice mosaic seen in the upper right of the satellite image.


The power of chemical ice nucleation elements must be seen to be believed, the lab test shown in the 15 second video below gives a glimpse.

Arctic ice mass (volume) has dropped precipitously in recent decades and is now at dangerously low levels. In the attempt to hide this fact from the public for as long as possible, the climate engineers have decimated the planet and the atmosphere as a whole.


The very short animation in the video below is even more revealing in regard to the true state of the Arctic ice volume implosion.

Where are the US temperatures predicted (scheduled) to go in the coming months? The NOAA long term forecast map below reveal the accelerating warming that will soon become impossible to deny for even the most willfully blind.


Again, the record heat / record cool weather whiplash scenarios (that has now become the norm in the US and the world) is completely engineered, completely unnatural, and until the recent past, meteorologically unprecedented. Why would the climate engineers carry out such scenarios? Because engineered cool-downs (like the one currently slated for the eastern two thirds of the country) continue to fuel the division and confusion in the population as to the true extent of damage to the climate system (which global geoengineering is making exponentially worse overall while simultaniously destroying the ozone layer). The climate engineering manipulated cool-downs are, of course, only temporary. They are also highly toxic due to the geoengineering jet dispersion of chemical, heavy metal particulates and polymer fibers.

Just as there can be no legitimate discussion of the state of the climate without first and foremost addressing the global climate engineering assault, there can also be no legitimate discussion of climate engineering without addressing the constant engineered cool-downs and the chemical ice nucleation factor. Chemical ice nucleation is a primary element in the ongoing climate engineering assault. If climate engineering is to be effectively exposed and halted, this critical aspect of the equation must be understood and addressed. While the majority of the masses are still allowing themselves to be distracted with power structure orchestrated political theater, the biosphere is collapsing and every breath we take is being contaminated with the toxic fallout from the climate engineering operations. How long till the power structure plays the WWlll card as a final option? What are your priorities? Make your voice heard in the critical battle to expose and halt the global climate engineering / weather warfare assault, and for the greater good. 

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

The Great Greenland Meltdown



From a helicopter clattering over Greenland's interior on a bright July day, the ice sheet below tells a tale of disintegration. Long, roughly parallel cracks score the surface, formed by water and pressure; impossibly blue lakes of meltwater fill depressions; and veiny networks of azure streams meander west, flowing to the edge of the ice sheet and eventually out to sea.

The scientists flying over the world's largest thawing chunk of ice have selected a particularly auspicious summer to be studying the melt. The edges of Greenland's 1.7-million-km2 ice sheet regularly melt in summer, even in years when the ice sheet as a whole grows because of snowfall in its higher, colder center. But in 2016, the melting started early and spread inland fast. By April, 12% of the ice sheet's surface was melting; in an average year the melt doesn't reach 10% until June. And just before the scientists' journey, a violent river of meltwater, one of hundreds coursing out from the ice sheet, swept away a sensor, bolted to a bridge to measure the water's turbidity. It was the second time in 4 years such a device had fallen victim to the liquid fury of the glaciers. "I've been doing these trips for years, but I've never seen so much water," the helicopter pilot told the researchers.

Snowstorms And Raging Wildfires In The Same Region On The Same Day, Welcome To Geoengineering


Dane Wigington

The Climate engineers are increasingly desperate to hide the accelerating planetary meltdown with short term chemically nucleated cool-downs. Engineered cool-downs have been a major component of the climate engineering assault for many decades. The chemical cool-downs create the headlines the power structure needs to continue the population's confusion and division in regard to the true state of the climate. Yellowstone National Park is the latest example of chemically ice nucleated deception. 


The photo above was taken in Yellowstone National Park on Monday, September 12, 2016. Photo credit: Devon Hannan

The Yellowstone event is not unique, a chemically nucleated "snowstorm" in South Dakota that occurred on October 4th of 2013 killed up to 100,000 cattle. This event occured while it was 85 degrees and raining in Chicago and 89 degrees with rain in Kansas City.Other anamolous cool-down chemically nucleated events in South America may have been responsible for the death of up to 200,000 alpacas.​ 

On Monday, September 12th, 2016 (the same day that the snowstorm photo above was taken), the south entrance to Yellowstone park was closed due to an ongoing out of control wildfire (as shown in the photo below).


Again, this wildfire was raging on the same day (and at the same time), that other parts of Yellowstone Park were experiencing a summer snowstorm​.

Liquid precipitation can be chemically converted to frozen precipitation under a variety of conditions when there is enough moisture present and a large enough geoengineering operation deployed. The Chinese openly announced the fact that they were chemically nucleating snowstorms until they did a billion dollars worth of damage to Beijing.


Radar map multi-hour loops can be revealing in regard to chemical ice nucleation process. Migrating bands of precipitation can often be seen "flashing out" to frozen precipitation with no elevation change on the topography below the storm/precipitation.

Do US temperature maps for September 12, 2016, indicate conditions are present that would facilitate such a summer snowstorm? NO.


The map above is for Monday, September 12, 2016, the same day as the snowstorm in Yellowstone. 

 Above normal temperatures are, again, returning to the Yellowstone region and are predicted to peak by Sunday, September 18th, 2016.


The very rapid rebound of high temperatures is a glaring red flag as to the engineered nature of the Yellowstone "summer snowstorm". Weather "whiplash" is becoming the norm.

As previously mentioned, the engineered cool-downs are a means of confusing and dividing the population as to the true state of the global climate. Though climate engineering can create the temporary toxic cool-downs, they come at the cost of an even worse overall warming. How warm is our planet? This is not about Al Gore and carbon credit scams, it is about reality. July 2016 was the 15th consecutive month of all time record high temperature months. August, 2016, just broke the record again. Records are being shattered in spite of wide spread UNDER REPORTING of official high temperatures.

The animation above clearly shows the trend of rapidly rising temperatures on planet Earth. Geoengineering, and its endless list of negative consequences, is making an already dire global climate scenario worse overall, not better.

Does the long term forecast call for "cooler than normal" temperatures for the US (including Alaska)?  Again, the answer is NO.


The rapidly increasing orange and red zones (all reflecting above normal and far above normal temperatures) on US "departure from normal temperature" forecast maps should be extremely alarming to all of us.

Are global land and temperatures cooling? NO


The planet may well be in a runaway greenhouse event already with climate engineering helping to fuel the overall fire.

The biosphere was in a cooling phase until the start of the industrial revolution. The two level periods of temperatures in the historical graph below were due to the climate forcing effect of aerosols loading/saturation of the atmosphere.


The toxic tug of war between increasing greenhouse gases and atmospheric aerosols (with geoengineering adding to the aerosol loading since the mid 1940s) is wreaking havoc on the climate system.

On a longer timescale, the impact of anthropogenic activity (which includes geoengineering) can clearly be seen.


The long term cooling trend on the planet turned to an abrupt climate shift toward extremely rapid heating.

On an even longer scale, the total disruption of Earth's normal and natural cyclical pattern is shockingly visible


On a time scale of this duration, the heating up of our planet appears as a straight up vertical trajectory at the far right of the graph.

Arctic sea ice is one of the most measurable and visible harbingers of our rapidly changing planet. Headlines of Arctic ice expansion are patently false as are headlines of global glacier expansion. Though Arctic sea ice is imploding, the use of chemical ice nucleation is being heavily utilized in the desperate attempt to keep the headline from full public veiw for as long as possible. The Greenland ice sheet is also rapidly melting. To deny the unfoding planetary meltdown is simply to toe the line for big oil and the geoengineers, public ignorance and denial of the front line reality is what they want. The climate engineers have used climate modification as a weapon of war, nothing less. In their attempt to manipulate the planet's life support systems for their own agendas, the overall warming has been accelerated due to the endless list of climate engineering consequences. The 30 second video below illistrates the melt rate of Arctic sea ice.

From ozone layer destruction, to devastating drought, to fueling wildfires, geoengineering/weather warfare programs are wreaking havoc around the globe. Though the US military has just admitted on the record (again) that the disintagrating climate is a massive national security risk, what they won't admit to is that they (and the global geoengineering programs they are a part of) are a huge factor further forcing the disintagration to begin with. Climate engineering is nothing short of a covert weapon to control populations at the expense of the entire web of life. If we are to salvage what is left of the planet's life support systems, the climate engineering insanity must be exposed and halted. Help us in this most critical battle, make your voice heard.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 10, 2016


Dane Wigington

The blatant crimes of the power elite are slowly but surely being pushed out into the light of day. The climate engineering assault, the truth about the 911 atrocities, and the vaccinations that are verifiably harmful, are three of the most critical issues that have fueled the darkening horizon. In spite of the collapsing conditions in society and the biosphere, a massive cruise ship (nearly 1000 feet long and 13 stories high) has just completed an unprecedented voyage through the now melted ice of the Northwest Passage. Tickets for this cruise of the wealthy through the imploding Arctic were priced from $22,000 to $120,000. The Arctic ice is not all that is melting, the chemically nucleated "ice wall" that was constructed to contain the radioactive rivers flowing under Fukushima is also crumbling. A veil of methane is enveloping the planet, the climate engineers continue to fuel the overall planetary meltdown. Is there yet time to free the planet from the onslaught? In the meantime the CDC is attempting to gain the power to force vaccinate the population and the Zika organophosphate spraying continues. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

All of us must work together to expose those who are participating in the insanity whether actively or passively. All of us must work together to awaken those that are still unaware of what is unfolding. 

Climate Engineering Desperation, Decimation, And Destruction, What Will It Take To Wake The Masses?


Dane Wigington

Some 70 years ago our government made the decision to commit the human race and all life on Earth to a lethal global climate engineering experiment. The power brokers did this without our knowledge or consent while being fully aware that the consequences of this experiment could never be undone. Governments all over the world have long since been a part of the global climate engineering cabal, extensive historical documents prove this fact.  Of the countless forms of anthropogenic damage to the climate and the biosphere, the geoengineering/solar radiation management assault is mathematically the most devastating. Every life form on the planet has been completely betrayed by those behind the weather warfare atrocities, and betrayed by the science and media circles who are actively and aggressively helping to hide the ongoing geoengineering omnicide. 


Aerosol saturated skies from the ongoing global climate engineering operations, Redding, California. Photo credit:

The US West is experiencing record shattering heat, this is just the beginning.


Burning hillsides in Azusa, California from erupting wildfires and record heat. Photo credit: Nick Ut/AP

Astoundingly, only a few days before the scorching heat took hold in the US West, snow was falling in multiple states. The geoengineers are aggressively utilizing chemical ice nucleation methods (whenever and wherever there is enough atmospheric moisture) to temporarily (and toxically) lower the temperatures. In addition to the total contamination of the precipitation, the short term chemical cool-downs are also all too often extremely destructive. One primary agenda of the ongoing climate engineering assault is to continue fueling the confusion and division of populations in regard to the true state of the climate and the true extent of damage to it. The weather radar image below was taken on June 16th, clearly showing snow falling near regions of the West that experienced record shattering heat only days after. 


Radar images now often reveal frozen precipitation occurring with surrounding air and ground temperatures that are far too warm to support natural ice nucleation processes.

The atmospheric spraying of highly toxic metal and chemical particles is not only worsening the climate catastrophe and overall heating of the planet, it is also causing epic drought all over the globe (with record deluges occurring in other locations). With the water levels in Nevada's Lake Mead now at record shattering lows and dropping further by the day, the Las Vegas spigot is about to run dry.


The dry season is just beginning with Lake Mead already at record low levels and long term forecasts (scheduled weather) for rapidly deepening drought.

Las Vegas has recently spent nearly a billion dollars on a water project designed to drain the last drops of water from Lake Mead.


A steel cap on top of an intake riser holds back what is left of the water in Lake Mead. This final  attempt to tap the last of the remaining water storage is a true sign of desperation. How long will the human race continue to believe the delusion that technology will somehow always correct or cover up the countless and ongoing crimes against Nature? Photo credit: John Locher

Many citizens of first world countries have so far largely chosen to ignore the unfolding global climate cataclysm as if they are somehow immune to the accelerating biosphere collapse. Such arrogant denial will very soon be shattered on every front. Those who control the climate, control the flow of water, and thus the populations that depend on it. The masses in less fortunate countries have long since been reaping the full impact of the climate engineering assault.


A farmer in India takes a drink while standing on a now parched lake bed. Photo credit: Manish Swarup

The people of India (who are also suffering from record shattering high temperatures and record drought) are an example of what is unfolding all over the world. Due to the atmospheric saturation of electrically conductive particles from climate engineering, increased lightning strikes are also taking a heavy toll on populations. Nearly 100 people have just been killed by countless lighting strikes in India.


Amritsar, India. Photo credit: Munish Byala

If the human race and life on Earth are to have any chance of surviving the short term horizon, there must be an immediate and complete course correction. Industrialized/militarized society has decimated the planet, climate engineering is the epitome of this willful destruction. May, 2016, was the 13th month in a row of record shattering global temperatures, how long does anyone think we can continue on such a trend and still have any chance of avoiding total omnicide? Record high Arctic temperatures and the disintegration of Arctic ice is also accelerating at blinding speed. What is the response of our government? To place illegal gag orders on the majority of weather/climate scientists and to fire other frontline scientists. What we collectively face is nothing less than an existential threat. The single greatest leap forward we could make in this battle for survival is to expose and halt the climate engineering global assault. This battle can only be won if we are all committed to the effort, make your voice heard.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Betrayal, The Climate Engineering Cover-Up By The Media, The US Military, And Academia


Dane Wigington

Our society is taught and conditioned to accept the dictates and opinions of the so called "experts" without questioning their conclusions. In so many circles of academia honesty and morality has long since been abandoned in exchange for a paycheck and a pension. When one branch or group of the science community completely contradicts another group from the same field of study, shouldn't that be a glaring red flag? Nowhere do we have a more egregious and criminally negligent example than with the climate science community's complete denial of the climate engineering issue and its overall effect on the planetary thermostat. While the vast majority of climatologists/scientists and governments around the globe are either "investigating" or pushing for global geoengineering/solar radiation management to be deployed for global warming "mitigation" (as if geoengineering has not been going on for over 70 years already), other camps in the science community have long since confirmed that jet traffic and "contrails" (sprayed particulate trails) are actually a major contributor to global warming. A dozen sample articles are below which confirm the overall warming effect that is caused from jet aircraft traffic and "contrails".

"Clouds Caused By Aircraft Exhaust May Warm The U.S. Climate" (NASA)

"Aircraft contrails may be causing more climate warming today than all the carbon dioxide emitted by aircraft since the start of aviation" (Think Progress)

"ScienceShot: Jet Contrails a Big Global Warmer" (Science magazine)

"Airplane contrails and their effect on temperatures" (Christian Science Monitor)

"The Contrail Effect"  (From NOVA and PBS)

"Jet Contrails Actually Do Alter The Weather" ( Discovery Magazine)

"Flying Further To Avoid Jet Contrails Might Help With Global Warming" (Popular Science)

"Plane Contrails Worse Than C02 Emissions For Global Warming" (Phys-Org)

"Airplane Contrails Boost Global Warming" (National Geographic)

But are we really witnessing "contrails" in our skies? Can "contrails" be turned on and off? No.

ALL commercial jet aircraft and ALL military tankers are fitted with "high bypass turbofan jet engines", does this type of prolusion system typically produce any "condensation" trails? No again.

The grand deception is this, all available data proves beyond reasonable doubt that the trails being used to blot out the sun and alter the weather around the globe are intentionally sprayed (and highly toxic) particulate trails that are the direct result of ongoing covert climate engineering programs. The closest the climate science community has come to telling the truth is to admit that "contrails" may be causing "accidental" geoengineering. How is it possible that we live in a "civilized world" in which such massive, obvious, and unimaginably destructive programs can be carried out in plain sight while the climate science community (and academia as whole) adamantly and criminally denies this verifiable reality? The quote below from climate scientist, Sarah Myhre, sheds some light on the mindset of many in academia (though still, of course, omits the issues of geoengineering/solar radiation management).

We scientists are the gatekeepers of the basic information that fuels decision making by nations, businesses and communities. As these public entities are more and more threatened by the advancing impacts of climate warming, from flooding, to water scarcity, to the spread of tropical diseases, our role as objective scientists has to change. We are so skilled at many, many detailed and quantitative tasks, but, as you would expect from a community of introverts, we are not great at shining that brilliant light back on ourselves.  

(Sarah Myhre is an ocean and climate scientist with expertise in the marine ecological consequences of abrupt climate warming.)

How bad is the true state of the global climate? As dire as the recent article excerpt below may seem, the unfolding reality on the ground is far worse and global climate engineering is helping to fuel the overall fire.

A so-called “Blue-Ocean Event” — a period during the melt season with less than 1 million square kilometers (a little over 386,100 square miles) of Arctic sea ice — was not expected to occur until 2070 to 2100 by most science modeling projections of the early 21st Century.

Recent polar ice observations, however, indicate extreme loss of volume. Daily sea ice loss rates since late April 2016 have averaged about 75,000 square kilometers (about 29,000 square miles) per 24 hours, resulting in continuously record low levels.

Many climate scientists now project the first “Blue-Ocean Event” within a decade or less. Some experts speculate it may even occur during the melt season of 2016.

The unfolding planetary meltdown is rapidly accelerating with Arctic ice at far beyond record low levels and a record early snow melt. The Arctic meltdown is now being described as a "train wreck" by scientists while global sea level rise continues to rapidly accelerate. All available data indicates 2016 will be yet another year of record shattering heat around the globe. We have already exceeded the point of no return in many respects and even now so many remain completely oblivious to converging catastrophes that are already taking an immense toll. The human race has decimated the planet in countless ways, global climate engineering is the epitome of that decimation. As the biosphere continues to implode, the military/industrial complex (and all those invested in it) have done exactly what they have historically done, further expand the global geoengineering assault in the desperate and unimaginably destructive attempt to hide the collapsing climate from the population for as long as possible. Military personnel are being told they are engaged in benevolent programs for the good of their nation, this could not be further from the truth. Climate engineering is ultimately about power and control at the cost of killing the planet, nothing less. The time for our military brothers and sisters to wake up to what they are being used for is long past due. They must remember the meaning of the oaths they have taken to protect the country and The US Constitution from ALL THREATS, both foreign AND DOMESTIC. The time is also long past due for the climate science community and academia to reclaim their virtue and tell the truth, the whole truth. To do otherwise is to continue in their betrayal of the human race and life on Earth. Finally, those in the media that have led the campaigns of completely criminal deception should be exposed in any and every possible public forum with their public email contacts posted for the world to see and utilize. No matter what challenges we face, if we all work together, effectively and efficiently, we can yet expose the insanity and all those who have participated in it. We may one day be able to hold Nuremberg style trials to hold accountable all those who have contributed to climate engineering crimes and the cover-up of these crimes. Though climate engineering can create short term highly toxic chemical cool-downs, these events come at the cost of a worsened overall warming. Help us in the battle to expose and halt the insanity in our skies, help us to reach the necessary critical mass of awareness, this is the only way forward in the fight. Make your voice heard while you can.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, May 14, 2016


Dane Wigington

Global die-offs, nuclear meltdowns, societal chaos and starvation, imminent Arctic ice break up, and climate disintegration, how much longer can the current paradigm continue? How much longer will the vast majority of populations cling to their delusions and denial of reality? This denial is especially profound in regard to the blatantly obvious climate engineering atrocities. The programmed power structure response of using the "conspiracy theory" term is a trademark (and psychological defense mechanism) of those that so far have refused to investigate and who thus refuse to face the truth. 


The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

At this moment in time the human race is like the man who was photographed on the Sri Lanka beach standing motionless, staring at the receding ocean that was about to produce a life crushing tidal wave. Will the human race (like the man in Sri Lanka) just stand and stare while the remaining life and life support systems of our planet are systematically wiped out? What will you do with the time you yet have? Make the most of the time you are allotted, do your part, help us to credibly sound the alarm while we can still make a difference.

Geoengineering, Runaway Climate Disintegration, And Programmed Societal Apathy


Dane Wigington

The forests are dying, the oceans are dying, the Earth is dying, and even at this late hour the vast majority of first world societies remain completely immersed in total denial and apathy that is manifested in many forms. The ever growing list of extreme weather events and unfolding global die-offs are not discussed or disclosed by the power structure owned and controlled corporate media machine of mass distraction. Though climate engineering is aggressively denied by the criminal media cabals, it is real, ongoing, and lethal to all life.

The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses. Malcolm X

Industrialized/militarized civilization is in its death throes, the pounding of the planet by the covert climate engineering assault is a testimony to the near total loss of sanity in modern society. Every breath we take is now toxic, air particulate pollution is taking an immense toll on human health. The largest source of this atmospheric pollution, climate engineering, is systematically denied by the central banker controlled so called "experts" whose paid for opinions societies blindly accept. Those who dare to even mention the truth often face draconian consequences from a societal system that has in so many ways abandoned any sense of reason or morality. 


Geoengineering atmospheric aerosol dispersion with very visible radio frequency exposure. Palm Springs, California. Photo credit: Ron Morgan

While criminal leaders seek the expansion of empire, the point of no return for life on Earth has potentially already been passed. The primary objective of the facade global climate conferences is to covertly force countries to accept the ongoing and expanding climate engineering insanity. The long term goal to limit global average temperature rise to 2C (set only last year at the Paris climate conference, 2015), may possibly be officially exceeded only one year from the date of the conference, 2016. Rapidly worsening global droughts are decimating ecosystems and populations. In regard to the epic droughts, climate engineering is verifiably the single greatest causal factor (also fueling forest fires like the catastrophic inferno currently burning in Canada), yet, again, this fact is completely ignored or blatantly denied by the corporate media, academia, and their paid for "experts". To control the water supply is to control populations.


Ghost ships on a now dry Aral Sea, climate engineering is wreaking havoc on Earth's life support systems.

The deadly heat wave that is occurring in India is only one example. It may become the most deadly ever, and summer is still to come. Is India being punished by the climate engineers for its recent ousting of Monsanto? Though the runaway planetary warming is all too real (with countless forms of anthropogenic damage fueling the fire), all available evidence makes clear that the geoengineers can clearly push extreme conditions further in any direction.


It is estimated that Monsanto may be responsible for the deaths of as many as 300,000 Indian farmers.

But what about all the headlines of the expanding Arctic ice? This narrative was just another well funded lie put out by the military/industrial complex and the geoengineers. The lie has been enthusiastically embraced by many that did not bother to look for (or perhaps did not want) verifiable front line facts. Arctic sea ice extent and volume is plunging far into record low territory and may not survive the summer (yes, this summer). If this does occur it would radically accelerate the already runaway warming scenario that climate engineering is contributing to overall. Climate engineering can and is creating short term toxic cooling events at the cost of a worsened overall warming. Recent studies indicate the Arctic has not had ice free summers for some 6 to 10 million yearsVanishing ice is impacting jet stream patterns (though geoengineering and the ionosphere heaters are also a major factor affecting and disrupting jet stream patterns). About our odds of extinction, a just published science report states that:

“A typical person is more than five times as likely to die in an extinction event as in a car crash,”

The reality of the rapidly accelerating climate disintegration is, unfortunately, much worse than even this headline indicates. In fact, global high temperatures have just skyrocket past the 12th consecutive month in a row of all time record high temperatures for any month. To be clear, this means that each of the last 12 months successively broke the all time high temperature record for ANY  month ever recorded since record keeping began. Coral reefs are bleaching and dying around the globe from excessive and accelerating ocean heating. Where is the human race and planet Earth headed if we do not immediately and completely change course? "Venus Syndrome" will be our near term final destination, and all the climate engineering/solar radiation management that the military/industrial complex can deploy is only further fueling the overall planetary meltdown


In regard to Venus, if all relevant factors were equal to Earth, Venus would only be 20 to 25 degrees warmer than Earth. Instead, due to a "runaway greenhouse scenario" and the dense atmosphere that this scenario created, the surface temperatures of Venus are now nearly 900 degrees.

But wait, the new film "Climate Hustle" completely disproves the global warming "theory", doesn't it?  The short answer is absolutely NOT. The "Climate Hustle" disinformation travesty is only relevant to those who are not truly interested in front line facts in the first place (and, of course, the film never mentioned the climate engineering elephant in the room). The excerpt below shines more light on the film producer, Marc Morano, who is clearly paid to cloud the climate disintegration reality.

ExxonMobil's Climate Science Denial

After decades of financing political groups to attack the science of climate change and the scientists conducting the research, ExxonMobil is embroiled in scandal.

This follows revelations from InsideClimate News and the Los Angeles Times that Exxon not only recognized climate change as fact, and its root in fossil fuel use, but spent millions on scientific studies of our global climate system. After Exxon buried the evidence and waged an advertising and public relations campaign to deny the science, the company coordinated and financed several groups to confuse the public.

One of these groups is Marc Morano's employer, the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow, or CFACT, which pays him a $150,000 annual salary. CFACT and Exxon, along with Chevron, coal utility Southern Company and a number of other front groups forged a plan in 1998 at the American Petroleum Institute, a plan they continue to follow in 2015.

So what is the truth? How bad is our collective reality? How much time do we have if we don't completely change direction? Those who are truly interested in solid conclusions to these questions will take the necessary time to actually do some objective research of front-line facts. There is only one way forward in the battle to expose and halt climate engineering, reaching a critical mass of awareness. We must all make our voices heard in this all important effort.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Climate Engineering And Climate Reality


Dane Wigington

Those in power are using every tool at their disposal to marginalize the dire issue of climate engineering. The mainstream media puppets (the power structure controls) are being used as a tool to try and marginalize any that dare to speak of climate engineering. How do we win this game of chess? By standing on credible conclusions built on verifiable facts


Geoengineered skies in Phoenix, AZ. Photo credit: Josh Schultz 

What harms our efforts to credibly and effectively expose climate engineering? False conclusions based on false headlines put out by those who either don't have any understanding of current front-line realities, or who don't care because they are pursuing other agendas. 

Below are a few of the completely false narratives recently pushed by some who claim to be against climate engineering, but who are actually harming the effort by destroying credibility. Why are some helping the geoengineers to sell geoengineering? The criminal cabal that is completely committed to hiding climate engineering is also just as committed to hiding the climate disintegration. Below each completely false narrative are the verifiable front-line facts. The bottom line is this, the planet is warming at an astounding pace, climate engineering can create short term toxic cool-downs at the cost of a worsened overall warming.

False: "Global warming stopped 20 years ago"

Global Warming "Hiatus" Never Happened

Global Warming "Pause" Never Happened

Much-Touted Global Warming Pause Never Happened

False: "The planet has been cooling for the last 6 or 7 years"

Global Warming Is Accelerating

Permafrost Meltdown Raises Risk Of Runaway Global Warming

The Point Of No Return: Climate Change Nightmares Are Already Here

False: "Arctic ice is expanding "

Arctic Sea Ice Extent Breaks Record Low For Winter

Another Record Low For Arctic Sea Ice Maximum Winter Extent

Arctic Sea Ice Growth Stunted Again

False: "Polar bear populations are up 500%"

Polar Bear Population Declining Due To Rising Temperatures

Polar Bear Populations Crashing Due To Melting Ice

Polar Bears Losing Weight As Arctic Sea Ice Melts

Polar Bears Far From 'Strong And Healthy'

False: "Ice is growing in Greenland"

Scientists: Greenland Ice Sheet Is Melting Freakishly Early

Summer-Like Temperatures Smash Ice Melt Records For Greenland

Heat Wave In Greenland Triggers Record Early Ice Melt

False: "Antarctic ice cap is expanding"

Stable Antarctic Ice Is Suddenly Melting Fast

Melting Antarctic Ice Sheet Is Heading Towards Irreversible Collapse

Antarctic Ice Is Melting So Fast The Whole Continent May Be At Risk By 2100

Scientists Are Watching In Horror As Antarctic Ice Collapses

False: "Ice is always increasing and melting" (implying that the rapid ice melt is not from anthropogenic activity)

Human Activity Melting Glaciers

Human Activities Linked To Warming And Loss Of Ice

Arctic Melting Linked To Human Causes, Long-Term Review Finds

False: "snow in the Caribbean" (implying this proves global cooling and not a result of climate engineering and chemical ice nucleation patented processes)

Record Global Temperatures Are Shocking

Scientists Warn Of Perilous Climate Shift

Former Global High Temperature Records 'Blown Away"

False: "The sun is the only thing that effects the weather"

How Do We Know Humans Are The Major Cause Of Global Warming? (Union of Concerned Scientists)

Empirical Evidence That Humans Are Causing Global Warming

97% Of Experts Agree On Human Caused Global Warming

False: "The increasing speed of the pole shift has nothing to do with global warming/human activity" (which includes geoengineering/climate engineering)


Earth Is Tipping Because Of Climate Change

Climate Change Is Moving North Pole

Melting Ice Sheets Changing The Way Earth Wobbles On Its Axis

False: "Sea levels are not rising"

Sea Level Rise From Ocean Warming Underestimated, Scientists Say

Scientists Predict Huge Sea Level Rise Even If We Limit Climate Change

Oceans Will Rise Much More Than Predicted

Sea Level Rise Will Be Worse and Come Sooner

How Far Sea Levels Could Rise


Photo credit: Bald Eagle Bluff/CC BY-SA 2.0

The most recent and most comprehensive study yet done on the cause of the current warming shows a "90-100% agreement" that it is anthropogenic (human caused, which again, includes geoengineering). But what about the 30,000 scientists that said global warming isn't so? Easily debunked, as is every bit of the "global warming is a hoax" military industrial complex false narrative. What about the Paris climate conference, didn't some of the scientists there dispute global warming? A handful did, every one of them connected to the military/industrial/hydrocarbon complex. In fact, there is a long list of professional disinformation actors doing their best to cloud the truth about the unfolding planetary meltdown. What are the odds of the current warming not being a natural cycle and not anthropogenic in nature? New studies conclude with 99.999% certainty that the current warming is due to human activity (which of course includes climate engineering). For those who wish to remain in denial about the true state of the climate and the biosphere, articles with opposing viewpoints can always be found. For those that want reality, honest investigation must be carried out.  The internationally award winning documentary film "Chasing Ice" contains front-line film footage that ends all confusion and argument for any that are truly doing objective investigation. Those that truly care about effectively fighting to expose and halt climate engineering must make the time to check their facts. The planet is spiraling into total meltdown and global climate engineering is helping to fuel the overall fire while simultaneously contaminating the the entire planet. The shocking short term chemically nucleated cool-downs (like the recent snow in the Caribbean) are absolutely the result of climate engineering and chemical ice nucleation. Pretending or claiming such engineered events are "normal" or "natural" only harms the critical effort to expose and halt climate engineering.  To recite the false conclusions already listed is simply toeing the line for big oil and the geoengineers.

How bad is the unfolding reality that we will all face? 

The Stark Realities Of Baked-In Catastrophes

In a civilization gone mad with delusions of grandeur, we’re left with tatters of human sociability held together by rancid mythologies.

Despite human fossil fuel burning recently reported to be “flat”, CO2 levels have been on a tear for the last six months, reaching new worrying levels which have some wondering whether permafrost melt may be contributing to the unusually high spike if no decline happens soon. The giant holes in Siberia serve as an ominous sign. Considering that the current El Niño is contributing only 10% to what we are now seeing, runaway global warming may be accelerating worldwide. But don’t worry, Warren Buffett says climate change is no more of a problem than the Y2K bug and will be profitable through increased premiums and inflation.

Ever dire studies continue to reaffirm worst case scenarios, making clear to anyone paying attention that Earth in the next century will be unrecognizable from its current state. Basic planetary geography and atmospheric conditions will be altered through warming oceans and rising sea levels which are now increasing faster than at any time in the past 2800 years. On average, sea levels were between 50 and 82 feet higher the last time CO2 levels were at 400ppm. Glaciologist Jason Box expects ice melt from the West Antarctic to become the biggest contributor to sea level rise in the coming decades due to a feedback loop not in the climate models. CO2 levels have been increasing around 3ppm per year, a twentyfold increase since pre-industrial times when the highest recorded increase was 0.15 ppm per year. We’ve long since passed the tipping point of melting Arctic summer sea ice; 300-350 ppm of CO2 was the threshold for many parts of the climate. These changes are irreversible on a timescale of human civilizations. Even if all human industrial activity magically ceased today, the footprint man has already left will be felt for eons.

In our warming world, the hydrologic cycle is changing and creating extreme weather; crop-destroying droughts and floods are becoming more frequent. The Jet Stream is transforming into something different, becoming wavier with higher ridges and troughs prone to stagnating in the same region. As global temperatures rise over time, hotter air will be trapped under these layers of high pressure from a mangled Jet Stream, cooking everything to death. Rising winter temperatures are beginning to destroy the “winter chill”needed for many fruit and nut trees to properly blossom and produce maximally. Climate change is also disrupting flower pollination and pushing fish toward North/South poles, robbing poorer countries at Equator of crucial food resources. In a new study, marine scientists are surprised to find a disturbing trend in the increasing numbers of a specific type of phytoplankton, coccolithophores, which have been “typically more abundant during Earth’s warm interglacial and high CO2 periods.”

Homo sapiens have only been on the planet for the equivalent of a few seconds in geologic time but have managed to overwhelm and foul up all of earth’s natural processes and interdependencies, leaving a distinct layer in the sedimentary record. There is nothing modern humans do that is truly sustainable. Here are a few glaring examples:

Relying on machines for answers to the existential problems of a species run amok with planet-destroying tools and weaponry is rather ironic and tragic. We’re locked-up inside a complexity trap of our own making. The human propensity for tool-building coupled with our discovery of fossil fuels has created a set of living arrangements in which we are now enslaved to those machines and tools. The globalized capitalist economy externalizes its destruction and atrocities, keeping the masses in a state of ignorance and denial. Our corporate overlords are not conscientious citizens, but mindless organizations whose sole purpose is to grow profits no matter the external damage done to society and the environment. Between the economic oil hitmen who ensure that profits flow smoothly and GOP politicians who openly espouse their science illiteracy, a hospitable climate for future humans seems remote. Hopeful delusions have given way to the stark reality of our predicament as scholars like Noam Chomsky who originally started his career fighting for a modicum of social justice have now set the bar at just the chance of human survival. Despite the best efforts of scientists, environmentalists, and activists, the wealthy countries most able to do something won’t “get it” until famine, disease, and war come to their country. All is being left for the almighty ‘free market’ to sort out at the same time that climate change, a conflict multiplier, ramps up.

Ideology, preconception, and desired beliefs do not help with the effort to expose the truth and end confusion. Such traits only add to the difficulty of gaining desperately needed credibility and bridge building with the climate science and environmental communities (that have so far been unwilling to join the ranks of the anti-geoengineering movement). If we are to have any chance of prevailing in the fight to expose and halt climate engineering, reality must be faced on all sides of the fence. The Global Warming communities must face and acknowledge climate engineering (and the planetary cataclysm it is contributing to). The anti-geoengineering community needs to face and acknowledge the rapidly unfolding planetary meltdown (made far worse by climate engineering). Only when both sides fully open their eyes, can the needed critical mass of climate engineering awareness be reached. Those that truly care about this most critical battle will take the time to do real investigation and then stand on hard facts. False headlines and completely incorrect ideological rants from any source must be recognized for what they are, wrong. We must all make our voices heard while we can, exposing and halting climate engineering is the great imperative of our time.  

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Record Patch Of Warm Waters Point To More Global Heat Records Being Smashed


Source: The Sydney Morning Herald

From hot oceans to shrinking Arctic ice and glaciers, the evidence of a warming planet has gone into overdrive in the first three months of 2016.

Sydney on Wednesday posted its hottest April day on record, with the 34.2-degree reading beating a mark that had stood for 30 years. Suburbs from Camden in the south-west to Richmond in the north-west topped 36 degrees.

Australia has also just posted its hottest March in more than a century of reliable data after a scorching heatwave to start the month that the Bureau of Meteorology said in some areas approached "record levels for any time of the year".

The planet hasn't been this hot since reliable records began about 130 years ago.

The planet hasn't been this hot since reliable records began about 130 years ago. Photo: Jeff Williams, International Space Station, via Twitter

“Nearly Half Of The Great Barrier Reef To Die In The Next Month”, Abrupt Climate Shift Is Now


Dane Wigington

Australia's Great Barrier Reef is one of the "7 wonders of the world", nearly half of it is expected to die in the next month. Why? The 2 minute video below is a breaking news update from the front lines.

The oceans are superheating, along with the rest of the planet. If the oceans die, we die. Recent studies indicate that half of the barrier reef has already been lost in the previous 3 decades. Now, in the next 30 days, half of what is left will be lost. Some want to primarily blame Fukushima for the dying seas, but there is much more to the equation.  In the early 90s I participated in 2 private extended dive excursions on the Barrier reef, such a loss is unimaginable to me. Is anthropogenic (human) activity to blame for the explosion of environmental cataclysms on our planet? With absolute mathematical certainty the answer is YES. The human race and the military industrial complex has decimated the planet in countless ways, the ongoing climate engineering insanity is at the top of the list of destruction. The toxic heavy metal fall out from climate engineering is further fueling the global die off. The destruction of the ozone layer (most directly linked to the ongoing geoengineering assault) is also a massive contributing factor in regard to coral bleaching and the global die-off in general. 


Earth and its life support systems are in virtual collapse, and even now the vast majority of populations are completely oblivious to what is unfolding around them at absolutely blinding speed. Even now there are countless groups, organizations, and individuals that are still clinging to carefully crafted power structure propaganda and lies of "global cooling", "global warming is a hoax", or "we can't tell if the planet is warming or cooling". How can there be such an incomprehensible disconnect? Because the majority are still tragically choosing to form their conclusions from ideology and not front line facts. Because the majority choose not do do any objective research from credible and verifiable sources on an ongoing basis. The chasm of willful confusion is vast and there is plenty of blame to go around. The environmental/climate science/global warming communities and groups are immersed in inexcusable denial in regard to the geoengineering/solar radiation management atrocities in our skies. How can there be any legitimate discussion of the climate without even mentioning the single largest climate disrupting and damaging factor of all, geoengineering/weather warfare, and SRM programs? Answer? There can't be. On the other side of the fence there are many who recognize the reality of climate engineering, but unfortunately are in total denial in regard to the unfolding planetary meltdown (that is being made exponentially worse overall by climate intervention programs). The weather makers can create large scale short term chemical cool-downs at the cost of a worsened overall warmingArctic ice is yet again at record breaking low levels as the ongoing atmospheric spraying continues. Antarctica is also in trouble. The 2 minute video below makes inarguably clear that geoengineering/solar radiation management programs are reality.

Industrialized/militarized civilization is destroying the planet and any chance of a future for any of us. Global geoengineering programs are the absolute epitome of this destruction. If we are to have any chance whatsoever of altering the current course of certain near term total extinction on our planet we must start marching in the same direction. If we are to have any chance of turning the current tide in time to salvage any part of Earth's life support systems, the fight for life must be our top priority. Exposing and halting the climate engineering insanity is the greatest single leap forward we could collectively make. Reaching a critical mass of awareness with the public on the climate engineering issue is the only way forward. There is no silver bullet solution, no magic petition, no political remedy. Exposing and halting the tidal wave of insanity is up to us, each of us, all of us. Those who claim to truly love their children have an absolute obligation to help in the battle to sound the alarm each and every day. Those who claim to care about the fate of the world need to take action now, not later, the sand in the hourglass is nearly gone. Who will  join us in this imperative fight for the greater good? Who will help us to credibly and effective expose global geoengineering? The single greatest assault ever launched against the web of life by the human race. Make your voice heard while you can.

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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, March 19, 2016


Dane Wigington

From the endless skies above to the vast ocean expanses, the climate engineers have been busy modifying the natural world with highly toxic elements for a very long time. The vast majority of populations around the globe have been (and still are) completely asleep, unaware, and unconcerned. Carefully crafted power structure programming and propaganda have helped to fortify the cognitive dissonance that is so epidemic in modern societies. As the climate system blows apart and the web of life unravels, denial will no longer be an option. Though there are certainly many agendas being carried out under the "climate mitigation" programs, in regard to the stated purposes, recent studies prove geoengineering can't work, and ocean fertilization can't work. This should come as no surprise. Such epic failures, however,  don't deter the military industrial complex camps of tyranny who are paid by the central bankers to keep the wheels turning no matter how much decimation they cause. The latest proposal by the geoengineers is to pump thousands of billions of tons of sea water 700 miles inland and 2 miles vertically to the top of the Antarctic ice cap. Why? As a last ditch attempt to slow the rapidly rising sea levels in our "runaway warming" world. Every form of geoengineering has radically accelerated the demise of our planet. If we are to have any chance of continued survival, the insanity must be exposed and halted. The March 19 installment of Global Alert News is below.

The March 12th  Architects and Engineers for Truth documentary screening in Redding, California (with Q and A session covering climate engineering) went very well, we had a full house. My most sincere gratitude to all the activist volunteers that made this event a complete success. Photos from the event are below.





Screen Shot 2016-03-16 at 8.49.14 PM



Climate Engineering Mayhem Continues To Take Its Toll


Dane Wigington

The unraveling of Earth's life support systems continues to accelerate all over the globe. Devastating droughts, highly destructive deluges, record forest fires, and completely engineered snowstorms, all are taking a horrific toll on the planet. Though academia and mainstream media still refuse to acknowledge the geoengineering atrocities, the damage related to these programs is mounting at blinding speed and will be all but impossible to hide for much longer.

El Niño is bringing rural Colombia to it's knees, a new report is showing the devastation El-Nino is having on the South American country Colombia.
As Columbia bears the brunt of El Niño, thousands of dead animals and other shocking figures caused by the weather phenomenon of El Niño are devastating the South American country.
The data has come from government entities and federations who discussed environmental and economic damage of the crippling drought in Colombia.
The high temperatures and drought that the country faces as a result of El Niño has claimed the lives of at least 100,000 cattle and goats with some experts claiming the figure could be as high as 500,000.


Formerly lush South American rain forests are being transformed into scorched moonscapes.

Andres Felipe Garcia, chief advocate for agricultural affairs said that in addition to these deaths the El Niño phenomenon has also claimed around half a million hectares of crops along with the displacement of hundreds of people to Bolivia.
Forest fires have affected a further 128,000 hectares.
And the recovery of these areas could take up to 30 years to repair.
The 128,000 hectares have affected about 23 forest.
Rivers are drying, therefore, in addition it has been reported food shortages in districts of the Caribbean coast which can only receive supplies by boat, according to Semana.
Magdalena has 10 critical points and has reached such low levels you can not even measure how much water runs out there.
The same can be said of the Cauca River and the Sambingo has all but disappeared.
In addition to rivers, lakes also have low levels, the Calima has lost 82% of it's water.
It is thought around 20,000 children are at risk of malnutrition.
To date, there are 316 municipalities at risk of shortage of drinking water.
Today 96 have partial shortages and 90 are with rationing.


As climate engineering continues to contribute to drought creation around the globe, the forests that remain will continue to burn at unprecedented rates.

Though El Niño is a natural phenomenon with very real impacts, the protracted droughts that are occurring all over the world are more directly a consequence of the atmospheric aerosol saturation which is creating a "global dimming" effect. Though the constant geoengineered bouts of "winter weather whiplash" continues to confuse much of the population, the planet is likely already in a "runaway warming scenario" which is creating an "abrupt climate shift". The still continuing string of record breaking months of global heat just got broken again as February 2016 completely shattered all former monthly "above normal" temperature records globally.  Arctic ice is plunging into record low territory, sea levels are rising far faster than any former worst case predictions, heat waves are raging around the globe. Global climate engineering is making this entire scenario exponentially worse. In addition, our entire planet is being contaminated from climate engineering. How much longer can we remain on this course before there is nothing left to salvage? We must all stand together in the critical effort to sound the alarm.

Other related articles:

Tropical cyclone: Yalo (14P) forms in the South Pacific just days after cyclone Winston destroyed Figi

Tornado season comes early to the US as 6 deaths many more injured, 65,000 without power and millions of dollars damage hits the country

Plus 41C expected as the mercury is soaring in Sydney and NSW yet another heatwave bears down on Aus

El-Nino blamed for 40 C (104 F) heatwave in parts of Malaysia

Killer cyclone Winston leaves more than a 100 dead: Most powerful tempest ever documented in the Southern Hemisphere, winds reached 184 miles per hour.

The most powerful storm to hit Fiji made landfall on the Pacific nation's main island, Viti Levu. And was greeted with a magnitude Mag 5.8 earthquake

Tropical Cyclone Winston turns deadly: Category five Winston is now the strongest cyclone to hit Fiji in recorded history

Cyclone Winston to reach Category 5 hurricane force and does a U turn back to Tongan islands with wind gusts expected to reach 250km/h damaging ocean swells and flash flooding.

Tropical Cyclone Winston Threatening Tonga and American Samoa: Tropical cyclone Winston's maximum sustained winds had increased to hurricane-force

Death Valley poised for wildflower 'super bloom' thanks to El-Nino

Climate Engineering, Runaway Climate Collapse, Dead Judges, And The Push Toward WWlll, What’s The Connection


Dane Wigington

Connecting the dots involves standing back far enough to examine the bigger picture, all are a part of the picture. End games are being played out on many fronts as the walls close in from every direction. The quest for total control (including the weather), pursuing remaining resources, and the collapsing climate system, all are intertwined. Western power centers and their allies are rapidly running out of options and are now pushing toward WWlll with the proxy war in Syria. The Turkish offensive against the Kurds (the most effective force fighting ISIS) is the most recent and glaring example of increasingly naked NATO aggression. Why would a NATO power attack the very force that is most effectively fighting ISIS? Why would a NATO country shoot down a Russian Fighter Jet that was engaged in bombing ISIS? Because Turkey is (and has been) actively doing business with ISIS. Because ISIS being used as a tool for Western governments (and their allies) who are trying desperately to overthrow Assad in order to continue the advance of their Eurasia conquest before the biosphere completely collapses. The "Grand Chessboard" is being played out.


Is there a connection between the most recent abrupt act of total aggression on the part of NATO powers and collapsing Arctic sea ice? The timing of these events almost directly coincides. Arctic ice is now at record low levels) and plunging further lower by the day)?


Is there any connection between the recent unexpected (and suspicious) death of Supreme Court Justice Scalia and the unfolding events already mentioned? Is it just another coincidence that Scalia's death will likely completely alter the outcome of the proposed Obama Climate change agenda that was just struck down by the Supreme  Court only days before Scalia's death? Was a further ramping up of the ongoing geoengineering assault a part of the administrations plans behind the scenes?


Why are Arctic sea ice levels so critically important? As the Arctic ice extent implodes massive methane hydrate deposits are thawing and releasing into the atmosphere. Atmospheric methane levels are at record high levels and growing by the day. The Arctic ice methane release feedback loop has very real and very immediate ramifications for the human race and all life on Earth. Methane is over 100 times more potent a greenhouse gas (over a ten year time horizon) than Co2. The atmospheric methane is expanding and covering the planet like a heat trapping layer of glass. 


In addition to the methane buildup, atmospheric levels of Co2 are also exploding. This is especially true throughout the northern hemisphere.


The ongoing climate engineering/weather warfare insanity is not only NOT HELPING to mitigate the unfolding climate disintegration (as the proponents of geoengineering programs would have us believe), it is making an already bad climate scenario exponentially worse (2014 was a record warm year, 2015 broke that record, 2016 will break the record again). Rapidly worsening weather whiplash is battering the biosphere. All available data makes clear that climate engineering is only adding fuel to the overall planetary meltdown. Why would this be any surprise?

But what about the record cold temperatures that just occurred in parts of the Eastern US? The corporate mainstream media weapons of mass distraction will do their best to trumpet the very brief chemically nucleated cool-down, but where are we going from here in regard to US temperatures? Right back to record shattering warmth for much of the country. Overall global temperatures escalations are accelerating rapidly. The constant engineered cool-downs of the Eastern US have been used to manipulate the perception of the population in regard to the true state of the climate damage already done.


Climate engineering/weather warfare is the greatest and most immediate threat faced by the human race (and all life) short of nuclear cataclysm. The unimaginably destructive and highly toxic geoengineering atmospheric spraying programs can be directly linked to the rapidly unfolding conflict and chaos that is occurring and escalating around the globe. The environmental and human health impacts from the climate engineering assault are already far beyond catastrophic. These impacts are completely connected to unfolding global conflict.  We all have a responsibility to examine the facts, and to sound the alarm. Make your voice heard

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Climate Engineering And Polar Meltdown, How Long Has It Been Going On?


Dane Wigington

I recently posted a historical copy of "Popular Science" from June of 1958, which contained a feature article warning about the use of "Weather As A Weapon". There were a number of important informational declarations made that warrant critical clarification and investigation.

"Control of Earth's weather and temperature is within the realm of practicability now" says Dr. Joseph Kaplan, chairman of the International Geophysical Year.

…present knowledge lists seven possible ways of changing weather on a global scale………..All of these methods would regulate the distribution of heat in different parts of the Earth's atmosphere. This is the basis of global weather control.

The next excerpt from the Popular Science publication is extremely important to consider.

Air Force scientists are already experimenting with sodium vapor , ejected from jet planes, to intercept solar radiation (solar radiation management). Other gases would admit solar radiation but trap heat reflected back from earth. The last half-century, during which we have burned huge amounts of fossil fuels, has shown what an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide can do. The amount spewed from chimneys and automobiles has created a so called "greenhouse effect," which has raised Earth's temperature by an estimated two degrees Fahrenheit—- a significant rise. 

Dr. Joseph Kaplan (chairman of the International Geophysical Year) stated the following in the Popular Science article:

This so-far accidental result (rapid warming of Earth) is already serious, and we must find a means to counteract it. Melting polar ice will make ocean levels rise at least 40 feet, and inundate vast areas in the next 50 or 60 years unless atmospheric temperatures are controlled.

Again, it is important to understand who Kaplan was, the chairman of the "International Geophysical Year", an exceptionally important event that gathered scientists from around the world to discuss the state of the planet.

The  global geoengineering card was played many decades ago. The campaign of total deception to hide this fact has been carried out for many decades. The whole of the climate science and meteorological communities can only be put in one of two categories. They are either lying to a degree that cannot be truly comprehended, or they are criminally ignorant to a degree that cannot be truly comprehended. Certainly we must consider that many in the science community are being threatened into silence or into lying, others are being muzzled with federal "gag" orders. Those in power (and the military/industrial complex they control) have long since known the planet was rapidly heating due to anthropogenic activities. Gases that enter the atmosphere stay there, they don't just float off into outer space as some seem to have chosen to believe. The historical photographs below show the already profound early signs of Arctic warming and polar meltdown as far back as 1959.


USS "Skate" (SSN-578), surfaced at the North Pole, 17th of March, 1959 (NavSource naval history)


Two US submarines surfaced at the North Pole in August, 1962 (NavSource naval history)

Greenhouse gases have an impact on Earth's energy balance, there is no other possible outcome. There is (and had been) an ongoing toxic tug of war between atmospheric aerosols and the buildup of greenhouse gases. This fact is scientifically undisputed. The current rate of planetary warming is equal to the thermal energy of 4 Hiroshima atomic bombs per second, or 400,000 a day. In order to keep the military industrial complex juggernaut of insanity rolling forward, and to keep the myth of perpetual expansion on a finite planet going, those in power long ago unleashed the climate engineering insanity without the knowledge or consent of the people. Examine the graph below carefully. Note that the protracted warming of the planet hit a profound peak in the mid 1940s. Unexplainably, it then declined radically and leveled out until the mid 70s. Many sources now admit this cooling was due to atmospheric aerosols, though no mainstream source will admit to geoengineering as the primary source of the aerosols. 


The post WWll comencement of climate engineering is clearly visible on global temperature graphs.

The power structure deployed the first large scale geoengineering efforts immediately after WWll. Massive historical congressional reports and presidential reports prove climate engineering has been conducted since the mid 1940s. The warming of the planet was temporarily slowed (till the mid 70s) due to the short term cooling effect of injecting of aerosols into the atmosphere (as mentioned earlier in this article). The toxic battle between the buildup of greenhouse gases and the loading of the atmosphere with light scattering particles was underway.


Arctic sky, photo credit: Thomas Laupstad

The poles were an initial target for heavy spraying, likely for a number of reasons. These remote locations are out of sight and out of mind, and are also the temperature regulators for the planet. An unusual and unexpected "Arctic haze" was first reported as early as the 1950s, though the true primary source of this haze was not admitted to. The cooling of the Arctic was initially profound, until the catastrophic consequences of climate engineering began to manifest.


The graph above clearly reflects the anomalous downturn in Arctic temperatures that occurred in the initial three decades after climate engineering was commenced.

As the continued greenhouse gas buildup and ozone destruction effects began to overwhelm the cooling effect of the highly toxic geoenginering aerosols, Earth again began to warm rapidly, especially in the Arctic circle. Arctic sea temperatures are now the warmest on record. This factor is causing formerly frozen methane deposits to thaw and release, furthering the buildup of greenhouse gasses (this is one of many unfolding feedback loops that have now been triggered). Arctic ice extent hit record low levels in 2015. The geoengineers have continually increased the scope and scale of the ongoing aerosol spraying in a catastrophic attempt to compensate. The climate engineering creed is to relentlessly "double down" and thus they are plowing forward with their expanding course of planetary decimation to this day. The length the climate engineers are now going to in their attempt to retain what is left of the Arctic sea can only be categorized as unimaginably desperate and completely destructive to the biosphere overall. 


Global temperatures have gone exponentially upward. The slight downturn in global temperatures that occurred during the first three decades of geoengineering is also visible in this graph.

Climate engineering has been wreaking havoc around the globe for over six decades with countless, unimaginable, and irreparable consequences. These include a shredded ozone layer, a completely disrupted hydrological cycle, and the total contamination of our once thriving planet. The ongoing programs have been (and are) a primary weapon for the controlling of countries and populations around the globe. All of us have been forced to be test subjects in greatest and most lethal experiment ever conducted by the human race. If this experiment is allowed to continue, near term total global extinction is a mathematical certainty. Industrialized/militarized society is collapsing and as a whole has all but sealed our collective fate. Earth's climate and life support systems are unraveling by the day.  Global climate engineering is the epitome of the industrialized/militarized destruction of our planet. All are needed in the desperate fight to expose and halt the ongoing geoengineering insanity, make your voice heard. DW

Engineering 50°F Degree Snowstorms


Dane Wigington

Why is it snowing at 50°F? If a day begins at 50°F with sunshine, should it then start snowing at the same temperature? If it does snow at such ridiculously high temperatures, why would the temperature suddenly drop 30 degrees? If you think there is anything natural about our weather, think again. Welcome to "winterstorm Cara".


In Reno, Nevada, we have another very bizarre (and totally unnatural) scenario. What could cause the weather to go from rain at 45 degrees to snow at 49 degrees?


If you have any knowledge of meteorology, you will recognize the jet stream pattern below as being completely astounding. Clearly, the climate engineers can push and pull the jet stream in almost any configuration they choose (with the use of the ionosphere heaters and RF transmissions) in order to accomplish the engineered cool-downs they desire and thus create the "winter weather" headlines they need to keep the populations climate confusion going strong. What happened to jet streams that went from west to east in the Northern Hemisphere?


The climate engineers will continue to "engineer winter" as long as they can. As long as the still sleeping populations are willing to look the other way while their planet's life support systems are torn apart day in and day out by a completely out of control military industrial complex. Take a good look at the "winter storm" impact area in the map below, then compare this map with the other temperature maps further down the page.


Does it really look like the US West should be getting so much snow? Even when the temperatures in many of the areas receiving it are considerably above average?


How can a "winter storm" unfold with high temperatures in the ranges shown below?


The Weather Channel map for Thursday, November 26th (below) is also of interest in numerous ways. Let's start with the extreme contrast in temperatures which are in very close proximity. The geoengineers and their mainstream media puppets just got done creating the following headline in "Chicago Records Snowiest November Storm In Over 100 Years"  Does anyone find it astounding that Chicago is now forecast to have rain at 55 degrees on Thanksgiving day? A full week further into the colder months than their "record snowstorm"? Also note the large area of "ice storm" that separates the warm rain regions and the "winter storm Cara" zone. The "ice storms" are caused due to the chemical ice nucleating materials being sprayed over the warmer rain storms in front of the advancing "winter storm". When the temperatures are too warm for the chemical nucleating materials to freeze the precipitation as it descends through the atmosphere, it then reaches the surface before setting up and forming ice. 


Chemical ice nucleation creates a cold dense layer of air that sits on the surface and lowers temperatures. This in turn creates the headlines the climate engineers are desperate for in order for them to continue to fuel the confusion and division on the true state of the global climate (being made far worse overall by the ongoing climate engineering insanity). Power structure owned corporations like "The Weather Channel" will do their best to cover the tracks of the climate engineering criminals. We must all take notice of the details, not just the headlines. The power structure is desperately trying to hide the gravity of what is unfolding on our planet. If they really wanted people to know just how bad the overall picture is, wouldn't the corporate media have mentioned the fact that Arctic ice is at all time record low levels for this time of year? Not a word from the corporate controlled media about this dire breaking news story. Don't toe the line for the power structure and the climate engineers, learn to recognize the completely engineered winter. 

Engineered Winter Weather Whiplash


Dane Wigington

The completely engineered weather "whack-a-mole" is winding up with "winter storm Ajax"  In recent years, the naming of "winter storms" adds to the geoengineered winter weather theater that is the last ditch effort of the power structure to mask the severity of the rapidly accelerating global meltdown. In order to achieve the jet stream manipulated temporary chemical cool-downs, the overall warming of the planet is further worsened. Even if you know nothing about meteorology, the "temperature departure from average" map below should look anomalous. The radical inconsistencies are historically unprecedented. 


Record shattering warmth in the oceans and an extreme band of warmth from the Gulf of Mexico all the way to the Arctic, yet, "winter storm Ajax" magically materializes over the western US.

The "daily average" temperature map below further clarifies the anomalous chemical cool-down down in the western US while surrounding temperatures are much warmer.


The overall area of "cool zones" on our planet are getting rapidly smaller.

Extreme jet stream "dips" are a primary component of the engineered winter events."Winter storm Ajax" is no exception.


Such massive dips in the jet stream are also utilized to pick up moisture from the very warm Gulf of Mexico. The moisture is then carried north as far as the Arctic where it is also chemically nucleated in the ever more desperate attempt to slow down the shrinking of Arctic ice.

How anomalous does the precipitation map below appear?


With frozen precipitation as far south as southern New Mexico, it is still raining and relatively warm (with tornados) all the way into south central Canada.

What is the role of the  power structure owned and controlled agencies like "The Weather Channel"? To create as much theater and as many headlines as they can from the engineered chemical cool-downs. In the image below, Ari Sarsalari is doing his best to hype up "winter storm Ajax" without much mention of the warm thunderstorms and rain that appear on most of the map behind him.


The cast of criminals who purchased "The Weather Channel" for 3.5 billion are able to control the message and the flow of information from top to bottom. When the weather anomalies are too big to cover up, The Weather Channel all too often airs reality shows instead of covering the weather.

The latest list of dramatic "winter storm" names from The Weather Channel is below.


The Weather Channel theater is conducted with enthusiasm by the paid script readers that masquerade as meteorologists.

What is a primary goal for the geoengineers? To blot out the sun. In the combination satellite radar map below (Nov 17, 2015), nearly the entire North American continent is covered with canopy. ​


Any areas of moisture are heavily sprayed with atmospheric aerosols. The excess of cloud condensation nuclei then help to scatter available moisture into vast expanses of rainless and often amorphous cloud canopy (solar radiation management). Radio frequency transmissions are also used to broadcast the electrically conductive particulates into the widest possible pattern.

The NOAA "departure from normal high temperatures" map below further highlights the ever more extreme weather whiplash that is going on around the globe.


The scenario shown in this NOAA map is the exact antithesis of the constant parade of engineered cool-downs that were carried out over the Eastern US over the last two winters.

It is imperative that the completely engineered "winter storms" be recognized for what they are: not natural. Those who use such engineered events as ammunition to claim the planet is not warming are repeating the exact narrative that the power structure wants them to parrot. If we are to be effective in the battle to expose and halt climate engineering, our conclusions must be researched, credible, and verifiable. Though the world is full of criminal disaster capitalists like Al Gore, reality is still reality. And what is the current reality in regard to the state of the climate? The planet continues its descent into total meltdown with geoengineering helping to fuel the fire overall. This being said, it is also imperative to understand and acknowledge that there are countless forms of anthropogenic damage to the planet and climate system. Denial of this fact is no different than denial of climate engineering. Here are the facts, October set heat records around the globe (following September's record shattering heat). The beginning of November was in the same trend. 2015 will be the warmest year yet recorded, breaking the record heat just set in 2014. Record warm oceans are the bottom line, the overall planetary warming is accelerating at blinding speed. The planet cannot respond to the damage already done so long as geoengineering is allowed to continue. If the climate engineering insanity can be exposed and halted, the other sources of anthropogenic damage to the planet must then be dealt with. It's up to us, make your voice heard.  

Credibility Is Crucial In The Fight To Expose Climate Engineering


Dane Wigington

Does the power structure and the military industrial complex want populations around the globe to know they are part of an ongoing massive, devastating, and deadly experiment? Or rather has the global governing cabal and their media puppets gone to every imaginable extent to hide this fact from unsuspecting populations? 


Toxic skies over New York from aircraft sprayed geoengineering atmospheric aerosols

Available documentation proves beyond any doubt that worldwide weather/climate modification has been going on for over 65 years on an unimaginable scale without public awareness. Point proven, those in power do not want the public to know. If those claiming to be in the fight to expose climate engineering are actually helping to hide it by a complete lack of acknowledgment of its effects, how can this help with the cause at hand? If completely  false conclusions are held and pushed in regard to overall conditions on the ground, how can this help credibility?  How can this help in the battle to expose and halt climate engineering? Answer, it can't, and it won't. 

“Freethinkers are those who are willing to use their minds without prejudice and without fearing to understand things that clash with their own customs, privileges, or beliefs. This state of mind is not common, but it is essential for right thinking…” 
― Leo Tolstoy

An effective battle cannot be fought from a platform that is not solid. If a boat has a gapping hole in the bottom, it will not float for long nor will it reach its desired destination. If we are to gain ground in the fight to expose and halt the ongoing geoengineering insanity, we must stand firmly on solid ground in regard to our facts and conclusions. To do otherwise is to betray the battle one claims to be fighting. Are people like Al Gore making money from global warming? Yes. Are carbon credits a scam? Yes. Is this a reason to conclude global warming is false? Of course not. There will always be disaster capitalist criminals like Al Gore, but to form conclusions simply out of disdain for people like Gore is not reasonable. How many are there in the military industrial complex making money from wars and global conflict? Does this mean these issues are not real? How many in mainstream medicine are there making fortunes from pain and suffering? Does this mean pain and suffering is not real? Global geoengineering is making an already bad climate disintegration far worse still.

What exactly are the facts?

Lie: "Global warming is just a natural cycle".
Reality: All available science makes clear there is nothing natural about the damage done to planet Earth (which of course includes geoengineering at the top of the list).

Lie: "Global warming stopped 18 years ago".
Reality: The rate of warming never slowed and is in fact accelerating.

Lie: "31,000 say global warming is a hoax".
Reality: This "petition" had no legitimacy whatsoever.

Lie: "30,000 scientists suing Al Gore for global warming fraud".
Reality: There is no such lawsuit, there never has been.

Lie: "The whole solar system is warming".
Reality: Other planets in our solar system are not warming.

Lie: The sun is causing the current global warming.
Reality: The sun is not causing the current planetary warming.

Lie: "Earth is entering another ice age".
Reality: Global warming is speeding up. Again, geoengineering is helping to fuel the fire overall. 14 of the 15 warmest years ever recorded have occurred since 2000. 2014 was the hottest year ever recorded on our planet. The first 9 months of 2015 shattered global high temperature records. 2015 is already all but certain to break last years record and 2016 will likely break the record again. Earth has just recorded its 367th consecutive month of above average global temperatures. This is over 30 years in a row of above normal global temperatures. October of 2015 has just been recorded as the hottest month ever recorded on planet Earth.

The 15 second animation above documents global temperature changes since 1900

But what about people like John Coleman (co-founder of the Weather Channel) who says global warming is a hoax? He is a climate scientist, right? Doesn't he know what he is talking about? John Coleman was trained in journalism, not meteorology. In addition, Coleman aggressively denies the climate engineering reality, why would anyone claiming to be a part of the fight to expose climate engineering quote John Coleman for anything? How about "Lord Monckton" (often cited as a credible source to dispute the global warming reality). Is Monckton a reliable source? Think again, Monckton is just another geoengineering denier, why would anyone claiming to be in the fight against geoengineering quote Monckton as a credible source of information? Then there is Tim Ball, also cited by many as a source to prove the planet isn't warming. The same fossil fuel funded Tim Ball that denies climate engineering and who refused a major radio announcers invitation to debate the issue with me on the air. Why would any claiming to fight geoengineering use Ball as a source? Tim Ball can't even tell the truth about his own resume. How can we know what data is accurate and what is propaganda and lies? We don't need to listen to any particular source whatsoever, rather, we must look at the front line data, what is happening on the ground. If you want to see undeniable film footage of ice retreating around the globe, watch "Chasing Ice", an award winning documentary. The melting of the Arctic is happening so fast that the maps must constantly be redrawn. 2015 was the lowest Arctic ice maximum ever recorded. The 2015 Arctic ice minimum was the 4th lowest ever recorded

But how can the recent cold temperatures in the Eastern US be explained? First, the Eastern US is only just over 0.5% of the Earth's surface area. Next, and most importantly, the Eastern US has been a completely engineered cool zone in an otherwise record warm world. The constant recent cooling of this highly populated region of the US has been highly beneficial to the climate engineers attempt to manipulate public perception in regard to the true state of the global climate. It is becoming ever more difficult for the geoengineers to cool down large regions as their ongoing programs continue to tear apart the climate system overall. A "freeze/fry" scenario of weather whiplash is becoming the norm. In order to create an engineered cool-down in one zone, other regions are heated to extremes.  The latest NOAA map below should be alarming to all.


Each shade of the color code represents 2-3 degrees of temperature departure from normal. Blues are below normal, reds and oranges are above normal. Meteorologically speaking the conditions shown in this map are ridiculous. Corporate media like "The Weather Channel" will hype the temporary engineered cool-down in the West. There will be less focus on the record heat in the East, Alaska, and the rest of the world overall. 

The geoengineers are decimating the climate system as they orchestrate a climate of extremes. How can some claim to be against climate engineering and at the very same time adamantly deny completely engineered winter weather and cool-downs that are wreaking havoc around the globe? Glaciers are disappearing  all over the world. Miami is already dealing with rising sea levels as they constantly have to pump water out during high tides. South sea islands are also being inundated by rising seas. How can global sea levels be rising 10 times faster than the former worst case predictions if the planet is not warming and the ice is not melting? Rapidly thawing methane hydrate deposits are putting planet Earth on track for "Venus Syndrome", this formerly frozen methane can only thaw and release in a warming world. Geoengineering is making this scenario worse, not better.

What is the bottom line with all this information? Why is it so important to recognize and acknowledge the completely engineered nature of the corporate media sensationalized cool-downs? Why is it so important to be stand on solid data and not ideology or completely false sensationalized headlines put out by paid liars? Because if we don't stand on solid verifiable truths, we will have no chance to gain the credibility needed to win the battle to expose and stop climate engineering. Pushing the completely false narrative of " the planet is not warming" is exactly what the power structure and the climate engineers want from activists. This narration implies geoengineering is working when it is in actually killing our planet and all life on it. Don't toe the line for the power structure and the geoengineers, help to expose them and the true damage they are doing by abandoning bias, psychological filters, and programming. The battle at hand is not static, it is changing by the day. If our compass headings are not constantly updated, if the lenses through which we see are not constantly cleaned and cleared, we will not assess the battlefront accurately. We must look at what is actually occurring around the globe. We must not leap at headlines from a few select individuals that are trumpeting what we would like to believe. What the weathermakers would like us to believe. Beliefs are a very powerful defense mechanism, but an honest investigation of the facts must prevail and be our bottom line. 

All available data indicates that global geoengineering/weather warfare is the single greatest destructive factor on our planet at this time, and that is saying a lot. Geoengineering is making an already bad climate scenario far worse and contaminating the entire planet in the process.  All are needed in the battle to stop the insanity, stand on credible facts, and help us to sound the alarm.

Climate Engineering’s Latest Forecast From NASA, “Mostly Cloudy”


Dane Wigington

The newly produced map below reveals the most recent NASA "forecast" for planet Earth, "mostly cloudy". This composite image of Earth's cloud patterns shows NASA's Aqua satellite observations from July 2002 to April 2015. Colors range from dark blue (no clouds) to white (frequent clouds). Photo credit: NASA Earth Observatory


The next image is a combination satellite/radar map. In the combination format map the more heavily aerosolized cloud cover shows up as the brightest white. The goal of SRM (solar radiation management) is to blot out as much sky as possible for the stated purpose of global warming mitigation, but even NASA admits the "aircraft clouds" are making global warming worse overall, not better. A "Scientific American" published study states "geoengineering could turn skies white". Wherever there is moisture, there will generally be the most consistent and heaviest spraying. This has the effect of greatly diminishing the overall precipitation that otherwise would have occurred and scattering the aerosolized cloud cover over vast areas (though deluges can also increase where too much moisture accumulates). The bright white aerosolized cloud cover broadcasting out from the areas of precipitation in the map are indicative of the aerosol spraying that is taking place in each region. A massive heavily sprayed zonal flow of moisture is very visible plowing into the entire west coast, yet there is almost no precipitation showing up for the reasons already cited. Historically, counterclockwise swirls of low pressure storms constantly pounded the Pacific Northwest with heavy precipitation. Now, more often than not, there are just large drifting massive canopies of heavily aerosolized cloud cover with some rain in the most dense areas of moisture build up. "Mostly sunny" is now also a common meteorological term of choice and is often used in "forecasting" days with heavy spraying. "Meteorologists", in so many cases, are now simply paid liars reading the scripts they are given .


Radio frequency transmissions are a major component regarding the manipulation of the highly electrically conductive aerosol particulates being sprayed into skies around the globe. Though "official sources", of course, completely deny any connection between the radio frequency transmitters and weather modification, available date says otherwise. The map below from October 7, 2015, is only one example of the radio frequency bombardment occurring on a constant basis. This map does not reflect the much larger radio frequency transmitters known as "ionosphere heaters" (which have an even greater effect on the overall climate system).


Take a good look next map below, If you think the images in the map are just "clouds" showing up on radar, they are not, and the National Weather Service admits it. So what are these large and very distinct radar images from? According to the National Weather Service, it's all just "butterflies". No, this is not a joke. "Official statements" from "official sources" are becoming astounding beyond comprehension.


"Mother Nature Network" claims this upper level aerosol accumulation shown in the photo below (with a very clear radio frequency pattern) is just a natural "rainbow cloud", do you believe them?


Below is the NOAA forecast (scheduled weather) map for the middle of October. Each shade represents a 2-3 degree "departure from normal" temperature zone. Places in the western US are thus "forecasted" to be a record shattering 20 to 25 degrees above normal which has already been the case for an extremely long time. The record heat and drought continues to fuel record forest fires in the region.


The next image shows that the remaining pool of cold air at the top of the world is rapidly shrinking as the geoengineering juggernaut of insanity continues to shred the ozone layer and the climate system as a whole (along with other contributing anthropogenic factors).


The global temperature maps below reflect the true state of our rapidly warming completely geoengineered planet.


Ocean temperatures are already radically above normal, especially in the Arctic ocean as the mapping below clearly shows.


The current Arctic ice volume (ice mass) is at all time record low levels and continues to decline very rapidly due to all the record warm conditions already cited. 2015 saw the lowest Arctic ice "maximum" ever recorded. So how is it that the Arctic ice "extent" (surface area) hit it's minimum for the year on September 11th, 2015 (4th lowest extent ever recorded), and has increased since? Welcome to geoengineering and chemical ice nucleation. What is the true extent of climate engineering experimentation currently occurring in the Arctic?


Where are we heading if we stay on the current course? Few are yet willing to face the fact that our planet will very soon not support life unless there is a complete change of direction on many fronts, starting with the complete cessation of the climate engineering insanity. Geoengineering is fueling countless catastrophic scenarios on our planet including mass methane release in the Arctic. We are on track for "Venus Syndrome". Though industrialized civilization is already in its final stages and will soon collapse, we could yet salvage a planet that could sustain life. With each passing day we are determining our own future by what we do, or don't do. The greatest single leap we could collectively make in the right direction is to expose and halt the weather warfare assault. Arm yourself with credible data and pass it on to others. Ask them to do the same. We must make every day count in this critical fight, time is not on our side.  DW

Geoengineering And Greenhouse Gases, The Toxic Tug Of War


Dane Wigington

Our planet and our climate are changing at an unimaginable and alarming pace. Though there are many complexities to what is unfolding, the fundamentals are straightforward and easily comprehended if the appropriate data is considered. There are two primary opposing factors which are the most critical in regard to our rapidly changing biosphere conditions: atmospheric aerosols and greenhouse gases. At face value, these two factors occupy opposite ends of the spectrum. Atmospheric aerosols have historically had an overall cooling effect while the rapid buildup of greenhouse gases (primarily Co2 and CH4) have forced the climate to warm. The spraying of reflective aerosols from jet aircraft for "solar radiation management" programs in a highly destructive and highly toxic attempt to mitigate global warming has been going on for decades. Film footage of the spraying is readily available for any that bother to investigate

geoengineering graphic

Images with geoengineering "proposals" always feature ridiculous and infeasible proposals (like space mirrors) along with the clearly ongoing reality of jet sprayed aerosols. Showing the ridiculous with the actual is of course done to cast doubt on the reality of the aircraft spraying and thus to facilitate the public's denial.

Global climate engineering is a major component in the global warming equation on BOTH sides of the scale. Geoengineering is inflicting ever more catastrophic damage to the planet and the climate system in countless ways. The initial cooling effect from aircraft sprayed atmospheric aerosols (solar radiation management programs) going back many decades has since given way to the negative consequences of this activity and the continuing buildup of greenhouse gases. The net long term climate forcing result of the ongoing geoengineering nightmare is now a worsening of the overall planetary warming in exchange for the short term highly toxic cooling of some regions. The short term cooling is used to shape public opinion on the issue of global warming.

Click image to enlarge

aerosol forcing

One effect of atmospheric aerosols is to block a percentage of the sun's incoming thermal energy (creating "global dimming"), though, as already stated, there are numerous known negative effects including trapping heat. The jet exhaust from geoengineering aircraft are further loading the atmosphere with greenhouse gases. These gases have strong heat trapping characteristics, this is especially true in the case of atmospheric methane. The levels of greenhouse gases are escalating off the charts at blinding speed.


The graph below reflects changing global temperatures since 1880. If historical data is examined, and the previously discussed factors are considered, the commencement of climate engineering on a significant scale in the late 1940s is very evident on this graph. 


During the 1800s and early 1900s  greenhouse gases were building up from the industrialization of civilization, but so were atmospheric aerosols from the burning of fossil fuels and forests. Initially the sun blocking/cooling effect of the aerosols outweighed the buildup of greenhouse gases. This contributed to keeping temperatures down until around 1910 when the greenhouse gas buildup begins to overpower the aerosol effect, the warming of our planet then becomes inarguable. By the mid 1940s profound warming spikes occurred as the graph clearly shows. Many experts had recognized early on that the planet was warming from the greenhouse gas buildup. Historical documents confirm the fact that the US government had long since been heavily involved in climate engineering programs. From the late 1940s to the early 1970s global temperatures seemed to defy the laws of physics unless the fully deployed climate engineering programs are considered and accounted for.


Crew members from project "Stormfury"

Though some of the early US weather modification programs were officially canceled (like project Stormfury), this appears to have been an effort to make the climate modification activity more covert (though the spraying could not be more obvious to any that bother to look up and question). The statistical leveling out of global temperatures from the late 40s to the mid 70s was perplexing for many in the climate science community (though the majority of climate scientists still predicted the greenhouse gas buildup to overwhelm the temporary aerosol cooling effect from the mid 40s through the mid 70s). Much of the early larger scale climate engineering appears to have taken place over the polar regions (which still holds true today). An "Arctic haze" was observed during the 50s, this phenomenon was well documented. Though, of course, climate engineering was never admitted to in connection with the Arctic haze (and the official narrative for the haze attributed it completely to other sources), it's effects were noted on numerous studies. Geoengineered skies in the polar regions have long since become the a permanent feature. 


Heavily aerosolized skies have been the norm in the Arctic for decades

The weather makers attempt to preserve polar ice at any cost to the rest of the planet is apparent. The overall consequences of the ongoing solar radiation management programs is clearly irrelevant to the geoengineers. In spite of all their efforts (and in many ways because of their efforts), Arctic ice began this year's melt season at all time record low levels. It was also one of the earliest starts to the melt season ever recorded. Even more important is the mass of the ice (volume) which is also at record low levels. The toxic sun shade that is constantly sprayed into place by the geoengineers has shredded the ozone layer. This then allows immense amounts of UV radiation/energy to penetrate the atmosphere. The climate engineers have also altered wind currents which in turn has altered ocean currents. We now have warm water currents flowing into the arctic which is melting the ice from below in spite of the toxic sun shade above the ice. The rapidly disappearing ice pack is greatly impacting Arctic ecosystems and contributing to catastrophic methane release from formerly frozen methane deposits


Some 35,000 walrus gather on shore near Point Lay Alaska in September 2014 due to extreme sea ice melting. Photograph: Corey Accardo/AP

Those in power have always been willing to inflict unimaginable levels of irreparable damage to the planet and its inhabitants in order to maintain and proliferate their control. They have long since been willing to go to any length to hide the true level of planetary warming in order to maintain their power and the status quo. The decimation caused to the biosphere and the entire web of life from over six decades of climate engineering is already far beyond calculation or comprehension. If we go about our lives and pretend this issue will go away, we will do so at the cost of guaranteeing our own extinction along with the rest of life on our once thriving planet. Industrialized civilization has decimated our biosphere, climate engineering is the epitome of that destruction. Global geoengineering programs cannot be allowed to continue. All are needed in the fight to expose this insanity and bring it to a halt, make your voice heard.

The “Tucson Weekly” Covers Climate Reality


We live in a world of smoke, mirrors, paid deception, and total denial. In the article below it would be more accurate to say that the Tucson Weekly covered part of the climate reality (though they left out the largest single factor to the equation, climate engineering). As conditions get rapidly worse on countless fronts, the denial grows greater from so many directions. Such behavior is a human defense mechanism that paradoxically will lead us to certain extinction if this behavior is not overcome. Scientists like Guy McPherson only tell half truths, half the equation. When I met personally with Guy, his denial of the geoengineering elephant in the room was nothing short of fanatical and aggressive. With this in mind, no matter how dire predictions are under the current course of our species, the most major consideration of all is being completely omitted from the equation, what would occur if there was a complete cessation of the climate engineering juggernaut of destruction? To simply expose the geoengineering assault against the planet and all life would shatter the foundations of the global power structure. Populations around the world would take to the streets in a shock wave of justifiable outrage. Our military brothers and sisters would then be forced to awaken to the fact that they are being used as a mechanism of their own demise. We could then have a real chance to halt climate engineering and let the planet respond on its own to the damage done. We could then inhale air that is not laden with a toxic soup of heavy metals and chemicals which are raining down from the ongoing geoengineering atmospheric spraying. We would have a chance. The article below from the Tucson Weekly is an important read and contains dire data that is for the most part on target (the climate engineering factor is of course omitted by all parties quoted in the article including Rockefeller funded environmental group  If we just go on about our lives without making the fight to expose geoangineering a priority, we will have no chance. If we face reality head-on, and make our voices heard, we may yet accomplish astounding good, even at this late hour.
Dane Wigington


Should We Fear Near-Term Human Extinction?

Source: Tucson Weekly, article by Ted Taylor


Most of us have figured out by now that we are toast: Humanity will be wiped out by an asteroid, supernova, massive volcanic eruptions, global axis shift, some untreatable virus, nuclear war or climate change. Our sun is going supernova. We've seen the disaster movies, read the books and laughed at the cartoons. 

But how quickly?

University of Arizona emeritus natural resources professor Guy McPherson, author of Extinction Dialogs: How to Live with Death in Mind, which he co-authored with Carolyn Baker, recently spoke at a Unitarian Universalist Church in Eugene, Oregon, offering dire, even shocking predictions.

In his talk, McPherson figures the sixth extinction in Earth's geologic history is already under way. We could see massive die-offs of humans and other species in as little as 18 months, and humanity has at best 10 to 20 years. "I could be wrong," he admits.

McPherson accuses climate scientists of "malpractice" for not being candid with the public about "our 99 percent certainty of death."

"There is no expiration date stamped on us, but we have triggered events that will lead to our extinction in the not-too-distant future," he says. 

"Near-term human extinction" even has an acronym, NTHE, and McPherson is certainly not the first scientist or science writer to say we've damaged our ecosystem too much to fix it. The perfect storm of overpopulation, industrialization, pollution, deforestation, monocrops and pesticides, invasive species, urban sprawl, overfishing, warfare, reliance on fossil fuels, ignorance and corruption (and accompanying bad public policy) have had scientists waving distress flags for decades, even before Rachel Carson's Silent Spring of 1960.

The warnings have been ignored or ridiculed at the international, national, state and even local level, thanks in part to a well-funded, right-wing campaign representing the short-term interests of heavy industry, mining and fossil fuel corporations. A growing number of Americans, a record 40 percent, think the dangers of climate change are exaggerated, according to Gallup polling in recent years. 

President Obama has helped Democrats wake up to the seriousness of climate change, but 68 percent of Republicans believe the threat is non-existent or overblown. Science is playing second fiddle to politics.

McPherson is correct that few climate scientists are talking about imminent human extinction, but is it a matter of professional "malpractice" or is the scientific community simply less inclined to radical extrapolation for fear of losing credibility (and grants)? Although McPherson is a scientist, he's not a climate scientist doing field research.

Phil Mote, director of the Oregon Climate Change Research Institute at Oregon State University, is skeptical of McPherson's predictions: "I've been connected to national and international assessments of the state of the science of climate change, and although my colleagues and I are generally very concerned about what challenges climate change is bringing to humankind, no expert that I have read has used language like 'extinction of the human race.' I refer of course to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, U.S. National Climate Assessment and various U.S. National Academy of Sciences reports." 

Mote is involved with the IPCC, which won the Nobel Prize in 2007 along with Al Gore for their "efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change."

Elizabeth Kolbert, author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning The Sixth Extinction, says, "What is clear, and what is beyond dispute, is that we are living in a time of very, very elevated extinction rates, on the order that you would see in a mass extinction, though a mass extinction might take many thousands of years to play out."

What do local climate change activists think about McPherson and his predictions? "I can appreciate the sledgehammer—especially when people with great influence do great harm," says Delaney Pearson of the 350 Eugene Leadership Team. "But his claim that we have no chance to change anything for the better—no matter what we do—feels like surrender."

Pearson continues: "I certainly don't think our work is a waste of time, and I'm more than happy to keep on talking and writing and, yes, tweeting about all the ways we might change the world for the better." She says, "For now, I choose Bill McKibben and all the people around me and around the world working so hard to turn this crisis into an amazing opportunity for good." 

McKibben is a leading voice for climate action, and he recognizes the threat of global climate catastrophe, but his optimistic book Hope, Human and Wild focuses on the many inventive solutions supporting sustainability that he has found around the world.

International journalist and author Dahr Jamail wrote on the nonprofit news site in December 2014 that "coal will likely overtake oil as the dominant energy source by 2017, and without a major shift away from coal, average global temperatures could rise by 6 degrees Celsius by 2050, leading to devastating climate change. This is dramatically worse than even the dire predictions from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which predicts at least a 5-degree Celsius increase by 2100 as its worst-case scenario."

Jamail adds, "There is nothing to indicate in the political or corporate world that there will be anything like a major shift in policy aimed at dramatically mitigating runaway anthropogenic [human-caused] climate disruption."

Mary DeMocker of 350 Eugene was in the front row at McPherson's talk, and she says: "Until James Hansen or a lot of scientists of his caliber and expertise call it game over, I'm fighting to win and holding onto the thread of hope he offers that it's a closing window, but it's a window nonetheless, and it's still open."

DeMocker adds that McPherson "never mentioned that you can pull carbon out of the atmosphere and reduce the 400 ppm to a livable amount. And in that he's doing a profound disservice. It can be done, 7 percent yearly reduction."

The rationale for extinction

What does McPherson base his NTHE predictions on? In his lectures and on his blog Nature Bats Last (see, he says, "I've been accused of having no hope, and that's true." Environmental scientists tend to specialize, and McPherson has collected their published research from around the world. He cites and documents "irreversible, self-reinforcing feedback loops" from hundreds of scientific studies. 

He admits to "cherry picking" his data, but "no matter how dire the situation becomes, it only gets worse when I check the latest reports." He was so convinced by the evidence that he left his academic career behind and became a certified grief counselor to help people through their final days.

Even the relatively staid IPCC has warned of such a scenario: "The possibility of abrupt climate change and/or abrupt changes in the Earth system triggered by climate change, with potentially catastrophic consequences, cannot be ruled out. Positive feedback from warming may cause the release of carbon or methane from the terrestrial biosphere and oceans."

Here are a few of McPherson's conclusions. If this is all too depressing, skip to the "What We Can Do About It?" sidebar.

• The Arctic ice cap is breaking up for the first time in recorded history. "An ice-free Arctic could be this year, in September," McPherson says, "and this could lead to a burst of methane at any time" from the shallow Arctic seabed. An ice-free Arctic could also lead to large-scale drilling for oil and gas, which would exacerbate our overdependence on fossil fuels.

• Methane, a greenhouse gas, is also trapped in permafrost and peat bogs in boreal forests. Warming would release vast volumes of methane into the atmosphere. Giant "methane blowholes" are appearing in Siberia. Thawed peat can also catch fire and smolder for years, releasing carbon and covering ice fields with soot. The "dark ice" in turn absorbs sunlight and hastens melting.

• Earth's soils contain countless trillions of microorganisms that hold about half the sequestered carbon on the planet. Soil warming will release carbon dioxide.

• Rising atmospheric carbon dioxide gets a lot of attention (think Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth), but it's only one factor in rising temperatures. Ozone doesn't get as much attention, but atmospheric ozone is blamed for forest dieback, which in turn reduces carbon sequestration. 

• Heat by itself will not kill humanity, he says, but hot summers will lead to crop failures and mass migration. "We are clever but we cannot live without habitat, at least not for long." Countries closer to the poles, he says, don't have fertile soils and can't grow nearly enough food to feed billions of people.

• Lack of fresh water is already a huge problem worldwide, and it will get much, much worse. Water shortages will stifle agriculture (think dust bowls and desertification) and seriously hamper business, industry and drinking water supplies. Desalination is expensive and energy-intensive with our current technology.  

• The world's 443 nuclear power plants could melt down due to lack of cooling water, blanketing the planet with toxic radiation. It takes decades and many millions of dollars to decontaminate and decommission a single nuclear plant, and more than 60 new nuclear reactors are being built today.

• Rising sea levels will inundate cities and lowlands, displacing more than one billion people and flooding low-elevation farmland with saltwater. Coastal erosion will also destroy plant habitat and release carbon dioxide. A global hike in temperatures of just 1-2 degrees Celsius could raise sea levels by 20 feet, according to a study of the geologic record just released last week by OSU scholars Anders Carlson and Peter Clark.

• Our oceans and their prevailing currents are in flux for a variety of reasons, and jellyfish could take over, destroying the food chain for the rest of sea life. Billions of people rely on seafood and seaweed as diet staples.

• El Niño, a natural cycle of ocean warming, can exacerbate both flooding and drought, along with storm intensity, wildfires and other factors in the "vicious cycle" of climate change.

• Water vapor in the troposphere increases with warming and in turn "absorbs more heat and further raises the Earth's temperature," McPherson reports.

• Our planet in relationship to the sun is already at the "inner edge of the habitable zone, and lies within 1 percent of inhabitability," McPherson says. "A minor change in Earth's atmosphere removes human habitat." None of our neighboring planets can support human life on any significant scale.

Contrary perspectives

Noted Australian science writer Geoffrey Chia, M.D., writes in The Canadian Daily online, "I have learned a great deal from the writings and presentations of Dr. Guy McPherson. However, I do not agree with all of his conclusions or views." 

"Everyone gets things wrong," Chia says. "It is impossible to conceive of any credible scenario in which the mass die-off of billions of people will not occur in the century. Mass culling is guaranteed. … Is it, however, possible that a small number of humans may be able to survive the next couple of thousand years, given adequate preparations in certain geographical pockets, until the overall global climate becomes more conducive to humans?"

Chia figures planetary temperatures will "eventually cool in the long term in the absence of large numbers of humans," and biosequestration of carbon will resume.

Hydrologist and science writer Scott K. Johnson is more skeptical and writes on his Fractal Planet blog: "It takes careful examination of McPherson's references, and a familiarity with the present state of climate science, to uncover that his claims aren't scientific at all."

Johnson says McPherson "just latches onto anything that sounds scary," he is "especially fast and loose with timeframes," and "his argument fundamentally reduces to 'positive feedbacks exist, ergo extinction.'"

Some final thoughts on extinction

"After his talk I went home and read his book—whole—gobbled it up nearly," says Jungian psychoanalyst Jennifer Gordon of 350 Eugene. "I wanted to ask him to say more about 'It depends on the political will of the people,' the only hopeful thing I heard him say."

Delaney Pearson of 350 Eugene says, "To McPherson I would also argue that we (the privileged first world) have debts to pay, and it's not good enough to just give up and 'face the truth' while billions of people continue to experience the worst effects of climate change. This is about justice—on all levels. The animals and trees, rivers, oceans and skies, children and new babies everywhere need and deserve our attention."

Laurie Granger of the Raging Grannies and 350 Eugene says, "We're all living in this moment. In every forum we share our concerns and knowledge and passionately try to make a difference. As we're on this path, there's no room for doom and gloom." 

Laurie Ehlhardt of 350 Eugene says Pope Francis departs from McPherson's outlook concerning where we go from here. She quotes his recent encyclical: "Many things have to change course, but it is we human beings above all who need to change. A great cultural, spiritual and educational challenge stands before us, and it will demand that we set out on the long path of renewal."

What can we do about it?

Guy McPherson quotes Edward Abbey, saying, "Action is the antidote to despair," and encourages activists to go down fighting. Giving up and being depressed accomplishes nothing and is no way to die, or live for that matter. He advocates for "the simple life," echoing the idea that we should "live simply so that others may simply live."

"Do what you love to do and live life by striving for excellence every day," he says. "Treat people with dignity and compassion, and think about how you are going to live and not about how you are going to die."

He says to "not worry about the jerks in your life, the guy in the Hummer who just cut you off. He will die, too."

Knowing we are all going to die soon can also be liberating, McPherson says. No more worries about that retirement plan, that bucket list, how to pay for the grandkids' education, etc. Money, in fact, will be worthless when the world economy collapses. Even gold and silver will lose their value when they can no longer buy food, water and shelter.

Worried about your personal legacy? It takes about 10 million years to recover from mass extinction. The next evolution of Homo sapiens will have no knowledge of you, Beethoven, Donald Trump or Kim Kardashian's butt.

Groups of people who have accepted abrupt climate change (ABC, another new acronym) are forming, and a website is up at The website offers low-cost workshops and reads, "You've come to grips with near-term human extinction. It's a lonely conclusion, one that interferes with many relationships. You want somebody with whom to discuss the most important topic in the history of our species. It seems most of your friends and family are in denial. Now what?"

Source: Tuscon Weekly, article by Ted Taylor

The Big Unchill


Source: The Boston Globe, written by David Abel

The Big Unchill

The Arctic ice is melting faster than ever recorded, the warmth tied to the emissions of modern life. But it is the ancient ways at the top of the world that are most at risk.

BARROW, Alaska — A mile off the coast of the continent’s northernmost city, Josh Jones gunned his four-wheeler over ridges of buckling ice and through pools of turquoise water, where normally there would be a vast sheen of ice and snow.

Escorted by an Eskimo guard toting a shotgun to protect them from roving polar bears, Jones and a fellow climate researcher were racing to retrieve scientific instruments that gauge the thickness of the ice, which they worried could be lost to the uncommonly rapid melt of the Arctic Ocean.

They were also in a race with much bigger stakes.

In previous years when making the trip out here to set up their observatory, temperatures had been so raw that Jones’s eyelids froze. On this day early last month, it was a balmy — for Barrow — 41 degrees. When they arrived at the observatory, which was surrounded by sprawling melt ponds, they stripped off their parkas and rolled up their sleeves.

Their wind turbine and other equipment had collapsed in the melting ice. They’d almost lost their all-terrain vehicle, too, when it lurched into a sinkhole and stalled in a knee-deep pool of slush.

“Not a good sign,” Jones deadpanned.

Here, as close to the top of the world as you can get in America, the signs are serious indeed: The Arctic Ocean is melting faster than at any time on record. This February, the sea ice that stretches from North America to Russia reached its lowest-known winter extent and began melting 15 days earlier than usual. That continued a three-decade trend that has seen the ocean’s ice lose about 65 percent of its mass and about half of its reach during the summer. In 20 or 30 more years, the Arctic Ocean could be nearly devoid of ice in the summer, climate scientists believe.

The rapid changes in the arctic have consequences well beyond Barrow, altering ocean currents, weather patterns, and temperatures across the planet.
Cold Arctic temperatures are typically distributed in a way that affects the polar jet stream.
Typical, compact configuration – NOV. 14, 2013
The jet stream abuts the irregular pattern formed by the warming Arctic region and radical weather ridges and troughs developed.
Wavy polar vortex – JAN. 5, 2015
Scientists have attributed Boston's historic cold spell and snowfall last winter to shifts in the polar jet stream.
The normal polar jet stream has typically kept cold arctic air north of the mainland US in the winter.
The changed jet stream though has pushed cold weather down into the Eastern US, and pulled warm weather up through the western US and Alaska.
Jet stream patterns

SOURCE: Stanford Report," September 30, 2014; Skeptical Science, "A Rough Guide to the Jet Stream"
James Abundis / Globe Staff

But the changes that are incipient here in New England are already acute in Barrow, where the average temperature has risen 3.6 degrees since 1921 — more than twice the rise of average global temperatures.

“Barrow is among the fastest-warming land areas in the world,” said Rick Thoman, a climate scientist at the National Weather Service in Fairbanks.


Since 1979, the mean annual temperature in Barrow has increased more than five times as fast than the rest of the world.
Barrow warmer than planet
mean annual temperature change

Not only is the temperature warmer …
mean annual temperature

… there have been fewer colder days each year
number of days 40℉ or colder

… and more days above freezing.
days per year warmer than 33℉

SOURCE: National Weather Service Alaska Region
James Abundis / Globe Staff


And the effects on the way of life here — long preserved against change by remoteness and the desperate cold — have been profound. Life as they knew it for the 4,300 who call this treeless tract of tundra 300 miles north of the Arctic Circle home is beginning to feel irretrievable.

No one knows that better than the Iñupiat Eskimos, whose ancestors first settled here 1,500 years ago and who still constitute more than half of the local population on this stark, triangular spit of land where beached whale bones litter the black gravel shore.

The Iñupiat have long survived brutal winters when the sun doesn’t rise over the snowbound city of wooden homes for two months and summers when the ground turns to spongy black mud and the sun never sets. No roads lead to Barrow from elsewhere in Alaska, so they have learned to provide for themselves.

But now they are watching as the sheets of ice that have long encased the nearby Chukchi and Beaufort seas — where they hunt seals, walruses, and whales — are melting significantly earlier and returning later than ever before. The shores off Barrow typically remained covered in ice well into July and would refreeze in October.

Melt ponds now often start forming in May, and the massive sheets now typically break up in June. Since 2002, the ocean has not frozen over in October, according to the National Weather Service.

The changing climate is having a mounting effect on men such as Harry Brower Jr., who grew up hunting bowhead whales, ringed seals, king eiders, and other prey to feed his family. The 58-year-old captain of an umiak, a traditional seal-skin whaling boat, has found he can no longer rely on lessons passed through the generations.

Hunting is such a part of the city’s history that the Iñupiat name for Barrow is Ukpeagvik, which means “the place where we hunt Snowy Owls.” But all the time-tested patterns along the North Slope of Alaska — the currents, weather patterns, ice thickness, and the timing of whale migrations, among other things — have become less predictable.

“Everything’s changing,” Brower said. “It requires us to be more observant.”

Whales now often pass through local waters earlier in the year than they used to, and Brower and his crew have had to hunt in significantly less sunlight. That has made it more dangerous to haul their umiaks to the distant edges of the ice, where they build shelters and spend weeks stalking the massive mammals. Several years ago, he said, one crew got stranded when an ice sheet broke off unexpectedly. About 40 men had to be rescued by helicopter, and they lost all of their equipment.

“If we don’t have access to the ice, we can’t hunt,” Brower said.

Harry Brower Jr., captain of a whaling boat, has found that because of climate change, he can no longer rely on hunting lessons passed through the generations.

Harry Brower Jr., captain of a whaling boat, has found that because of climate change, he can no longer rely on hunting lessons passed through the generations. David L. Ryan/Globe Staff

The warming has also forced local officials to do what they can to defend Barrow, where the natural forces are visible in the beached, broken fishing boats lining the shore and muted, weather-beaten homes mired in brown pools of ice melt.

Edward Itta, who served for much of the past decade as mayor of the region that includes Barrow, said the increasingly unsettled earth has destabilized roads and triggered expensive failures in water and sewer systems.

He and other residents are also concerned that the permafrost, the frozen ground underlying Barrow, is thawing at greater depths and releasing a surging amount of methane — a greenhouse gas 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide.

The melting earth has flooded and ruined residents’ ice cellars, which they carve out of the frozen ground, forcing them to scramble to prevent their prized stocks of whale and seal meat from spoiling.

“A lot of things we were taught don’t really apply anymore,” Itta said.

Last year, the 69-year-old was shocked when his 22-foot aluminum motorboat couldn’t make it through coastal waters and up rivers for his annual summer hunting trip. The winds — unlike anything he had experienced before — were too strong, and the rivers, whose waters are being absorbed by the thawing ground, were too shallow.

“The change is real, and we’re feeling it accelerating,” he said.



Officials have sought to protect Barrow, Alaska, which is fewer than 15 feet above sea level, by moving municipal buildings and lining the coast with berms and sandbags.

Officials have sought to protect Barrow, Alaska, which is fewer than 15 feet above sea level, by moving municipal buildings and lining the coast with berms and sandbags. David L. Ryan/Globe Staff

The frozen Arctic Ocean has long served as something of a heat vent for the rest of the planet, its millions of square miles of snow-covered ice reflecting sunlight back into space. But the receding ice has meant more energy is being absorbed by the open ocean, a self-reinforcing cycle that has increased sea and land temperatures, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colo.

The warming has resulted in the surrounding tundra greening with a proliferation of lichens and shrubs. Walruses and polar bears are losing the icy habitat where they have always hunted, while migration patterns of marine life and some seabirds are also shifting.

Several miles offshore from Barrow on Cooper Island, the decimation of a colony of black guillemots provides a stark example of the destruction, said George Divoky, a zoologist who has spent the past 41 summers studying the seabird colony.

With coastal waters 6 degrees warmer in recent summers than when he started his study, the number of guillemots that nest on the island has plummeted by half as they struggle to find their primary source of food, Arctic cod, which have moved farther offshore in search of cooler, ice-filled waters, he said. Now, only about half as many chicks survive as once did.

“We’re watching a disaster unfolding,” Divoky said while waiting last month for a helicopter to ferry him the few miles from Barrow to the island because it was no longer safe to travel by snowmobile over the melting ice.

When he finally made it to the island, he found the guillemots were already laying their eggs — earlier than in any previous year of his study.


Josh Jones worked to get his ATV out of water on the ice near Barrow, Alaska.

Josh Jones worked to get his ATV out of water on the ice near Barrow, Alaska. David L. Ryan/Globe Staff

Flooding is also a growing threat in Barrow. With less of a buffer from the ice sheets, which have long kept currents in check and buffered the coast, more powerful storms and waves have become common. As a result, many of the local beaches have been eroding twice as fast as they did in the 1950s, said Anne Jensen, an archeologist at the Barrow Arctic Research Center.


With waves pounding the seashore more often, beaches have eroded twice as fast.


Flooding has increased, forcing local officials to line the coast with berms and sandbags to slow erosion.


Residents who used to live close to the coast have moved and local officials have moved municipal buildings.


James Abundis / Globe Staff

“We’re seeing large amounts of land falling into the sea,” Jensen said while showing pictures in her cramped office of the eroding shore.


She worries that the city’s history, long preserved by the cold, dry conditions, is increasingly at risk. The warmer, wetter weather has accelerated the decomposition of bones, tools, and other relics of those who first settled in the area.

“We’re hitting a tipping point,” Jensen said. “Heritage that has been preserved for hundreds, if not thousands, of years is going to be lost in a matter of a few decades.”

Since Josh Jones’s team began tracking Barrow’s sea ice in 1999, the researchers have seen it thin by an average of 10 percent.

“That’s quite a big difference in such a short time,” said Andy Mahoney, a professor of geophysics who oversees the team’s research at the University of Alaska in Fairbanks.

The main source of melting used to be the sun beating on the ice, he said. Now, more of the melt comes from below, as the open ocean absorbs more sunlight and changing currents pulse the saltier, warmer waters of the North Atlantic through the Arctic.

As the researchers bored into the ice to take their final measurements, Mike Thomas, their guard, scanned the horizon for polar bears. Snacking on seal meat, he spoke of how years-old ice used to form towering ridges over the frozen ocean and how it was common for winter temperatures to plummet to 40 below or lower.

Jones told stories about previous trips on the ice when he had to use pliers to break the ice on a colleague’s mustache to help him breathe and how he once fell off his snowmobile into a moat of frigid water between the beach and the ice.

“It’s not something you want to repeat,” he said.

Late in the afternoon, with a sun that wouldn’t set for months still high in the sky, a cold front moved in, pelting the men with sleet. The researchers packed their equipment onto sleds and climbed back on their four-wheelers, sloshing through more melt ponds and slush on their way back to the solid ground of the beach.

Two weeks later, the ice pack melted and what remained began moving offshore — the earliest it had broken up in the past decade, according to the National Weather Service.

By the end of the month — Barrow’s warmest June on record — the remaining floes had drifted more than 10 miles out to sea, vanishing from view of the shore.

Source: The Boston Globe, written by David Abel








Global Cooling or Global Warming, Which is it?


Dane Wigington

Is it really getting colder? What does scientifically undisputed data say? The stakes could not be higher, or our collective reality could not be any more dire. The more the planet plummets into total meltdown, the bigger the lies have gotten from the special interest groups that are paid to spread them. Unfortunately, there are many that desperately want to believe the lies in spite of massive amount of data and information to the contrary. The latest lie of a coming "mini ice age" is truly beyond comprehension, the warming of the planet continues to build at a rapidly accelerating rate.


Green dots show the 30-year average of the new PAGES 2k reconstruction. The red curve shows the global mean temperature, according HadCRUT4 data from 1850 onwards. 

I want to make one point clear, my goal in highlighting specific facts, charts, and data is primarily to bring attention to the subject of global geoengineering and the damage it is inflicting on the biosphere. Geoengineering is, of course, not the sole source for the climate chaos and atmospheric disintegration that is now unfolding around us (there are countless anthropogenic causal factors), but available data does indicate that geoengineering is likely the single greatest climate disrupting factor of all (in addition to poisoning all life on earth in the process).


When “global cooling” articles and conclusions are embraced by anti-geoengineering activists and websites without proper investigation, these activists and websites are then completely discredited in many circles (especially the science community). The subject of geoengineering goes out the window with the “climate change denial” that cannot be rationally denied at this point if one truly examines hard data. If we are to successfully bring geoengineering to the light of day, we cannot afford such missteps. It is imperative that we all make an effort to pull together, and not open up new battle fronts in directions that are not supported by verifiable information. Buying into the "global cooling" disinformation narrative is exactly what the power structure and the geoengineers want us to do.

So, is it getting colder?

The most dire factor of all regarding our rapidly disintegrating climate is mass methane expulsion in the Arctic that is becoming rapidly worse as the sea ice melt off is reaching record low levels. In addition to the methane threat, the latest data makes clear the fact that global sea level rise is already a "worst case scenario", this is just one more reflection of our rapidly warming world. 

pic 19

One more factor that is extremely important to consider, it appears that all the climate data/temperature records are being radically falsified to the down side. In the areas we have investigated, the “official reading” for a given day is routinely 3, 4, or even 5 degrees below what actually occurred on the ground. This is a massive data skewing factor which helps to hide the true extent of the warming. In addition, “official agencies” like NOAA (NOAA is connected to geoengineering contractor “Raytheon”), and National Weather Service (NWS is connected to geoengineering contractor Lockheed Martin), etc., now appear to be recording many more temperature readings from a given “cold” event as compared to “heat wave” areas of the same land mass. This skews the data to the down side even further. On top of all this, let's add the “geoengineering” factor, artificial/chemical ice nucleation, jet stream manipulation, etc., which can and does create temporary cooling anomalies from which the agencies above take an abundance of temp readings in the attempt to lower the overall temperature picture.

It is imperative for each of us to consider the entire data picture before leaping at conclusions. None of this is about “Al Gore” or carbon credit scams, but rather it's about a harsh and verifiable reality. Any conclusions must consider the massive data altering and even more the global geoengineering programs and their effects. The planet is warming at blinding speed, climate engineering is making this warming worse overall, not better.

Manipulating The Climate, Manipulating The Data


Dane Wigington

Take a good look at the latest NOAA "forecast" map below, the radical temperature anomalies it shows are meteorologically unprecedented. Each color band represents 2-3 degrees of temperature escalation or decline depending on the color shading. Blues are below normal, reds and oranges are above. In summary, the NOAA map shows three distinct extremely hot zones with one below normal zone of cooler than normal. How can there be such anomalies? Radical and highly destructive climate manipulation is how.


All NOAA modeling is done by defense contractor Raytheon (a part of the climate engineering cabal). This makes the weather "forecasts" nothing more than the "scheduled" weather.

The global power structure has tried to sell geoengineering as "mitigation" for global warming by manipulating constant cool-downs in the same areas over and over again as they did in Boston during the 2014-2015 winter, but what is the overall cost of such engineered events? What is the true extent of climate system damage attributable to the ongoing climate manipulation? Climate engineering is radically worsening an already horrific planetary warming. The warming accelerating, not slowing down, geoengineering is helping to fuel the fire. Intentionally creating hot zones in one area actually appears to be a part of the process the climate engineers use to engineer a cool-down elsewhere. The high pressure heat domes rotate the upper level winds clockwise in the northern hemisphere, this is connected to jet stream manipulation. When the atmosphere is saturated with electrically conductive ozone destroying metallic particulates, and then microwaved with radio frequencies from ionosphere heaters like HAARP, heat and high pressure can be created. 


HAARP is only one of many ionosphere heater installations around the globe

The rate of biosphere warming never slowed down, it is accelerating. Many point to the "climate gate" event as proof that there was no warming and data was being falsified, this conclusion was a manufactured lie. This is not to say that data isn't being falsified, it is, but in the opposite direction of what many would like to believe. The planet is already exponentially hotter than what is being "officially" disclosed. A colleague I know with the union of concerned scientists has monitored a 4.6 degree UNDERREPORTING of high temperatures in Northern California, other experts who are also monitoring temperatures have noted a similar underreporting in regions investigated. The planet is in full blown meltdown, climate engineering/weather warfare is making the overall situation far worse, not better, and the power structure is doing everything it can to hide this fact while they prepare for total environmental and societal collapse. Those that have any sincere regard for the truth will actually investigate what is happening on the front lines around the globe. Forests are burning to the ground at a record pace all over the globe. From the Pacific Northwest, to Spain, to Siberia, forests are incinerating as temperatures go off the charts. As of the writing of this article yet another out of control blaze is raging in Alaska.  Rapidly rising sea levels are causing increasing havoc around the globe, Arctic ice hit a record low this winter


Sea levels are rising rapidly around the globe. It is important to remember sea level rise does NOT occur in a uniform fashion, it varies

How bad is it? The latest data is more alarming than ever before. In spite of "official" temperatures being falsified to the DOWN SIDE by the power structure in order to confuse populations and help to sell climate engineering behind the scenes to governments around the globe as a "cure", for the meltdown is accelerating rapidly. 2015 is on pace to shatter the all time record warm year just set in 2014. Ocean temperatures are increasing so rapidly that the temperature charts cannot keep up. Extremely alarming warm zones are now appearing which appear to be directly linked to massive marine die-off.

New Delhi Heat

Roads are actually melting from deadly heat waves, this one in India has killed over 1400 people so far

If we are to have any chance of success in the battle to expose and halt the climate engineering insanity, we MUST have credibility. Credibility comes with standing on conclusions built with solid and verifiable facts. Climate engineering is making a very bad climate situation far worse, not better, and is contaminating the entire planet in the process. Stand on solid facts, make your voice heard in this fight for the common good. 

Criminal Governments, Apathetic Populations, And Climate Disintegration


The all out human decimation of our biosphere is manifesting itself by the day. The planet’s climate system is unravelling as the planet continues into meltdown. The worse conditions become, the deeper many will descend into denial, but their denial will not save them. Earth is dying and even now most of the global population remains completely oblivious thanks to the constant bombardment of distractions from the government controlled mainstream media machine of deception which the majority of people are still all too wiling to embrace. When links begin to fall out of the chain that keeps industrialized society running, the implosion of the reality we have all known will be fast and furious. The power structure is rapidly preparing for this approaching inevitability, we must expose them before they have completely tightened the noose around our collective necks. If humanities current trajectory of total environmental destruction is not completely altered, it will very soon be game over. The single biggest leap we could take in the right direction is to expose and halt the climate engineering insanity. If we can do this, we must then face a long list of additional and rapidly mounting challenges directly related to the human assault on the planet. Each and every one of us has a responsibility to do everything we can to credibly and effectively sound the alarm within the limits of our individual circumstances. Fighting for the common good is not an option, it's an obligation. The article below is hard hitting and well written, but, of course, does not mention the geoengineering reality. We must all understand that mainstream authors fully realize what would happen to them if they did speak of the climate engineering issue, they would feel the immediate wrath of the power structure.
Dane Wigington

The Era Of Industrialized Civilization Is Rapidly Coming To An End


The "Holocene Epoch" is a term which refers to "the age of man". This age is rapidly coming to a chaotic and destructive end. Man's arrogance and contempt toward the planet which has allowed him to exist is truly beyond comprehension. The epitome of this contempt and insanity can be most easily recognized by man's attempt to control Earth's very life support systems, to control the climate. Modern Civilization has completely lost sight of its ultimate and total dependence on the natural world. Much of our "highly educated" society has virtually no understanding or regard whatsoever of the complex and miraculous factors that allow life to exist on our once thriving planet. Yes, those that rule the world are unimaginably corrupt and psychotic, but those in society put them there and allowed them to stay in power in exchange for the material goods and distractions that industrialized society provided. Only if we face the whole truth do we have any chance of changing our course of certain extinction. The article below (like so many others from countless sources) does not acknownledge the critical climate engineering issue, this being said, the data it contains is still valid. 
Dane Wigington

Geoengineering And The Jade Helm Military Exercises In The US, What’s The Connection?


The unravelling of the reality we have all known is happening from countless directions and at blinding speed. Earth's life support systems are crumbling, the human assault against the planet has taken an immense toll with climate engineering being at the top of the list. Many are still living in a delusion of denial, their delusions will soon be shattered. The power structure is moving their still obedient military chess pieces into position to possibly be used against their own citizens. When reality can no longer be hidden from the masses, chaos will unfold. The article below is from a news site that has hundreds of thousands of followers, they have just woken up to the climate engineering nightmare.
Dane Wigington