Search Results for: chemical ice nucleation

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, November 9, 2019, #222


Dane Wigington

Weather whiplash scenarios are becoming more extreme, the unfolding geoengineered cooldown in much of the US is an unfolding example. As the climate unravels, military spending is rapidly accelerating in countries all over the world. Is building more weapons of mass destruction an intelligent or reasonable way to utilize what is yet left of Earth’s remaining resources? Which country is the most recent to have its oil fields stolen? How much pollution from burning oil can the atmosphere handle? How many are having increased respiratory problems? Atmospheric oxygen content is declining simultaneously with atmospheric particulate pollution escalation. The sea of "electrosmog" we are surrounded by is also taking an immense toll on us all. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

If the climate engineering operations can be fully exposed, we will have a real chance to stop the insanity in our skies. It is our collective efforts that can still affect the equation. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

The links below provide more details and data that directly relates to unfolding engineered weather events occurring all over the world:

Geoengineering Is Creating Freeze Fry Extremes

The Engineered Winter Deception, Chemical Ice Nucleation

Climate Engineering Insanity, Manufacturing Winter Weather With Tropical Moisture

Damning Admissions From Weathermen And A Geoengineer

Governor Newsom, Geoengineering And Unprecedented Wildfires

Geoengineering Is Fueling Firestorm Catastrophes

Our most sincere gratitude to Robin Christensen for his help with raising climate engineering awareness at the Metropolitan State University/Dayton's Bluff Library and Learning Center two Mondays per month in Saint Paul, Minnesota (10/21/19).

Geoengineering Watch wishes to express our deepest thanks to Maciej Kocialkowski for his tireless work toward raising awareness on the critical issue of climate engineering. The geoengineering awareness booths in the photos below were set up at the Charlotte County Administration Building in Port Charlotte, Florida (11/5/19) and at the Mid County Library in Port Charlotte, Florida (11/8/19).

This week's outreach booth is at the Washington State Fair Events Center, Puyallup, Washington, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. Geoengineering Watch also wishes to express our most sincere thanks to Larry and Kathy Burns for their ongoing dedication toward managing the Geoengineering Watch informational booth. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A geoengineeringwatch.orgbooth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, March 2, 2019, #186


Dane Wigington

Our world continues to change at a pace that exponentially exceeds anything ever documented in the entire history of the planet. Completely unsustainable artificial realities are keeping huge segments of population pacified for the moment, even while the rumors of global conflict grow. What is unfolding won’t seem real until it is. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Engineering winter weather is one of the primary objectives for the geoengineers. By manipulating upper level wind currents and with patented processes of chemical ice nucleation for weather modification, the climate engineers are (and have been) cooling down the most populated regions of the US (backed by the most massive military industrial complex on the planet). This process fuels the continued confusion and division of the population in regard to the true state of the global climate. Much of the cooler air is, in essence, robbed from the Arctic by jet stream manipulation via ionosphere heater installations. What happens then? The most recent departure from normal high temperature map below paints a clear picture. The total meltdown of the Arctic accelerates, as does the mass methane releases occurring there from the increased heat buildup. If enough formerly frozen methane hydrate deposits release into the atmosphere, it will very soon be game over. This is not to blame all of our challenges on climate engineering, but mathematically speaking, it is the single greatest climate disrupting factor at this time. The dark red zones on the polar regions are a harbinger of a very grave future for us all (and then there is the collapsing ozone layer to consider, in which climate engineering is also a primary causal factor).

Departure from normal high temperature map

Attempting to make a difference for the better is a personal decision, it is a choice. No matter how great the odds are against us, we are not beaten until we decide to be so. If we stand together in the dedicated and relentless effort to sound the alarm and to awaken global populations, we may yet accomplish profound good. If we can expose climate engineering, we could stop it. If we can stop it, we would at least buy time. All of us are needed to do our part, share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

This week's outreach booth is at the Del Mar Fairgrounds, Del Mar, California, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.

Will the blatant grid patterns in our skies compel populations to look up and take notice? The 1 minute video below was captured along the Eastern Sierra, California. Video footage credit: Athina Kaviris

Climate Extremes, Geoengineering And Winter Weather Whiplash


Dane Wigington

Erratic and unprecedented weather is radically increasing all over the world. Though  there are countless forms of human activity affecting the equation, the global climate engineering assault is by far the single greatest and most destructive factor. The geoengineers are manufacturing winter weather scenarios on a scale that can scarcely be comprehended, what will it take to wake populations to this fact? The short video report below covers the latest engineered winter weather event to impact California.

The photos below reveal the shockingly fast disappearance of the un-forcasted above freezing temperature “snowstorm” in Northern California. The image below was taken on the afternoon of February 13th, 2019, well over 2 feet of snow had just fallen. The snowfall began with air temperatures of 43 degrees. As the artificially nucleated “winter storm” progressed, the air temperatures eventually fell to the mid 30’s, but never got anywhere near the freezing point.

This photo (of the same scene as the above photo) was taken exactly 48 hours after the far above freezing temperature “winter snow storm”.

Below is another image of the 2 foot plus surprise snowfall (at above freezing temperatures) that was not forecasted by local meteorologists.

An image of the same scene, also taken only 48 hours after the snowfall event. The daytime temperatures after the anomalous snow event were near 50 degrees.​

More examples of articles covering engineered winter events and operations:

Our planet's life support systems are being systematically decimated by the ongoing climate engineering insanity, it must be exposed and halted. Help us in this most critical battle to sound the alarm, share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Climate Engineers Cool Eastern US While World Burns


Dane Wigington

A primary objective of ongoing geoengineering operations is to mask the true severity of climate collapse from potentially powerful populations who could oppose climate engineering if awakened to the reality. The majority of the US population is in the eastern half of the country. By consistently engineering cool-down zones over the same heavily populated regions, the power structure and the climate engineers are able to further fuel division and confusion in regard to the actual state of global temperatures. The GISS departure from normal high temperature map below is the most recent case in point. Where was the only anomalously cool region in the world for the entire month of April? The eastern half of the North American continent. This anomaly was not an act of nature, it is a direct result of massive climate intervention operations. For the record, though April, 2018, was the 400th consecutive month of above normal global temperatures (3rd warmest April ever recorded globally), the US was miraculously below normal temperatures with the coldest April in more than 20 years


For the entire month of April, 2018, the bullseye of below normal temperatures was maintained over the most populated regions of the US. It is important to remember and consider that the eastern half of the US is only 1/200th of the Earth’s surface area (1/2 of a percent). Conditions in such a small percentage of the Earth’s surface, of course, do not provide an accurate picture of overall planetary temperatures and conditions.

Global departure from normal high temperature anomalies have remained similar for an extremely long span of time as next GISS map reveals (April, 2017, through April, 2018). Again, as already stated, such anomalies are not an act of nature, they are the result of climate engineering operations. The country with largest military by far (The US military is larger than the next 10 largest militaries combined) is the most capable of carrying out unimaginably extensive climate engineering operations. It must be remembered and considered that the materials utilized in these operations are highly toxic.


For an entire year (April, 2017, through April, 2018) below normal temperatures were maintained over the eastern half of the North American continent.

Climate engineering can and is creating short term highly toxic cool-downs at the cost of a worsened overall planetary warming. has repeatedly documented the ongoing engineered winter / engineered cool-down component of climate engineering. The article links below should be reviewed and considered by any that truly want to comprehend the totality of impact geoengineering operations are having on regional temperatures and thus public perception. Sharing credible and referenced information is essential in the fight to expose and halt climate engineering, all of us are needed to help sound the alarm.

Climate engineering is not a proposal, it has long since been a lethal reality. The rapidly increasing weather whiplash scenarios will continue to worsen as the climate engineers ramp up their planetary assault. If we are to have any chance of exposing and halting the climate engineering insanity, the effort will take all of us. Waking the masses is the first and most critical step forward.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Climate Engineering, Cooling Wealthy Nations While Poorer Countries Incinerate


Dane Wigington

How is it possible that the abrupt climate shift unfolding on our planet is not creating nearly as much heat in wealthy nations as compared to poor countries? This, now statistically proven scenario, is yet another glaring red flag to confirm the ongoing global climate engineering insanity being carried out by militarized / industrialized nations. Highly toxic and environmentally devastating global geoengineering programs are a primary tool and weapon of the more powerful nations. The worldwide weather modification assault has been used to confuse and divide populations in regard to the true state of the climate and the true extent of the threat that we collectively face. The ongoing effort by the climate engineers to mask the full degree of climate damage from first world populations has been aggressive and consistent. 99

Geoengineered skies, Šiauliai, Lithuania. Photo credit: Zenonas Mockus

Recent studies have now proven that a completely unnatural global temperature scenario is taking place which would not be possible without the existence of ongoing climate intervention programs. Temperatures in high income nations are rising at a far slower rate than low income nations

Based on an average of three data reanalyses, the researchers found the percentage of hot days each year in low-income countries rose from a base of 10 per cent – or 37 days – during the 1961-90 base period to 22 per cent – or 80 days – by 2010.By contrast, rich nations had the percentage of hot days rise much slower, from 10 per cent to 15 per cent, or 37 to 55 days.

Click image to enlarge


These graphs show an astoundingly unnatural scenario which is virtually impossible without massive climate intervention programs.

"It's not good for low-income or high-income countries but it's particularly worse for the low-income countries as they are the ones which can least afford to adapt," (Dr. Nicholas Harold from the Climate Change Research Center at the University of New South Whales).

Poorer nations typically have far smaller accumulated or annual per-capita greenhouse gas emissions than industrialised ones. With the uneven warming trends likely to continue, poor nations have a case for demanding rich world assistance to cope with climate change… Poor countries have "contributed the least, but in terms of temperature effects, they will suffer the most". 


"A Somaliland goat herder besides the carcasses of some of his last remaining animals, which had just starved to death" (Ashley Hamer/VICE News)

Even within the boundaries of wealthy nations, the climate engineering signature of completely out of balance temperature contrasts are clearly visible. Geoengineered weather whiplash continues to batter the US (and other nations) with historically unprecedented abrupt temperature swings and shockingly stark temperature boundaries.

Click image to enlarge


Each color tier in the NOAA long-lead forecast map above (the scheduled weather) represents a temperature departure from normal of 3-4 degrees (blues for below, reds for above). Temperatures 25 or 30 degrees above normal will persist in regions of the southern US while incoming Pacific moisture will continue to be chemically ice nucleated to cool down the Pacific Northwest.

Antarctic sea ice extent has been commonly referred to by "global warming is a hoax" disinformation sources as "proof" that the planet is not warming. The latest sea ice data from Antarctica is reflected in the graph below. The sea ice at the bottom of the world is at record low levels and still plunging. Geoengineering can and is creating short term highly toxic cool-downs at the cost of an even worse overall warming and an accelerated climate disintagration.

Click image to enlarge


The ice levels at both poles is at record low levels.

In the graph below a slight statistical decline of global temperatures can be seen after the peak warm year of 1945. This 30 year temperature "hiatus" from 1945 to 1975 perplexed climate scientists that were unaware of the geoengineering / solar radiation management programs that had been deployed just after WWll.

Click image to enlarge


As the countless negative consequences of climate engineering began to manifest in the mid to late 70's (and the greenhouse gas buildup continued), the military industrial complex simply doubled down on the geoengineering insanity. They have been doing so ever since.

Though there are countless forms of anthropogenic damage to the planet, climate engineering is the single most destructive of all (short of nuclear cataclysm). What can we do to expose and halt the global geoengineering assault? Each of us can do a great deal to help with advancing this most critical cause, but we must all take action if we are to have any chance of changing directions. Click HERE for more input on what you can do to help.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, February 25, 2017


Dane Wigington

The forced contamination and degradation of populations and the planet continues from countless sources. The military/medical/industrial complex is showing signs of desperation on every front. The shadow government that controls our country will stop at nothing to defend its lifeblood, the petrodollar and the flow of oil. The pharmaceutical industry is helping to fuel the national opiate addiction epidemic that has already killed more Americans than the Vietnam War. Weather whiplash is evolving into full blown climate disintegration. Record heat to chemically ice nucleated snowstorms in a days time is now a regular occurrence. Below is an example from Northern California recorded on 2/24/2017.

This animation clearly reveals waves of far above freezing moisture from the Pacific "changing over to snow" (a newly coined term from The Weather Channel) even at very low elevations as jet air craft disperse chemical ice nucleating elements above the migrating rain cells.

Texas hits 107 degrees in February (shattering all former former February records for the entire US). Globally, 20,000,000 people are predicted to perish in the next 6 months due to starvation. The latest issue of Global Alert News is below.

What will it take for the masses to realize that we all sink or swim together? A committed collective effort to sound the alarm is the great imperative.

This week's outreach booth is at the OC Fair & Event Center, Costa Mesa, California, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.


Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, February 11, 2017


Dane Wigington

The relentless courage and dedication of the VAXXED group continues to expand the wave of vaccine danger awareness. More and more populations around the globe are going hungry, how is it that the grocery shelves in the US are always completely stocked? Where is all this food coming from? Dementia and Alzheimer's mortality rates have gone exponential. The chemically engineered winter storms in the US continue in spite of record shattering high temperatures. The Arctic pushes 60 degrees above normal while being battered by a category 4 equivalant cyclone. Australia is suffering in a heat wave that experts have called "horrifying". Locusts are devouring the food crops in Bolivia's heartland, an official state of emergency has been declared. And there is Fukushima, every time it seems it can't get any worse, it does. Nearly 500 whales have beached themselves in New Zealand, is this heartbreaking tragedy the result of US/NATO/fossil fuel industry seismic activities in the region? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

For many, the darker the horizon grows, the deeper their denial manifests. Each of us must struggle against such a tendency. We are not helpless, we are not without a voice, but we must choose to fully utilize it, no matter how ominous the gathering storm appears to be.

Geoengineered Winter Weather Whiplash With Patented Climate Engineering Processes


Dane Wigington

Patented processes for artificially ice nucleating winter storms are owned by our government and have existed for many decades (the Chinese have openly stated they are "engineering snowstorms"). Below are excerpts from only one example of a US government patent that is designed to give those in power the ability to engineer winter weather on a rapidly warming planet

Appl. No. 538,904

Filed Mar. 25, 1966 Patented Oct. 19, 1971 Assignee The United States of America as represented by the Director of the National Science Foundation WEATHER MODIFICATION METHOD.

WEATHER MODIFICATION METHOD The invention described herein may be manufactured and used by or for the Government of the United States of America for Governmental purposes without the payment of any royalties thereon or therefor.

The present invention relates to weather modification and more particularly to the production of rain or snow by introducing into natural atmospheric clouds seeding agents having a high solubility in water and a large endothermic heat of solution in water.

Typical examples of materials suitable for use in practicing this invention are urea, potassium nitrate, potassium nitrite, and ammonium nitrate. Laboratory experiments have shown urea to be effective in producing ice crystals in a vapor cloud having a temperature as high as +6 C. ln field experiments, urea has been observed to cause snow showers… 

Such a seeding agent is capable of acting both as a condensation nucleus and as an ice nucleus. Typical materials which have a high solubility in water coupled with a large endothermic heat of solution in water are potassium nitrate, potassium nitrite, ammonium nitrate, and urea. Laboratory and field experiments have shown finely divided, crystalline urea to be an effective seeding agent…

Weather warfare has been waged against populations all over the globe for decades, this includes the US population. Engineered winter weather events are now the norm. Though US media has done their best to sweep the subject of weather warfare under the rug in recent decades, there is a great deal of historical coverage. The article below was published in a 1958 issue of Popular Science, it is just one example.

Click any images below to enlarge

GeoengineeringWatch magazine1

Weather warfare has long since been the covert weapon of choice for the power structure.

An issue of Collier's Magazine that is over 60 years old is yet another example of the extremely long history of weather/climate modification and warfare.


This 1954 issue article of Collier's Magazine is essential reading for anyone that wants to gain a better understanding of how long climate modification has been conducted by the US military.

The US military has made clear the fact that they have long since considered climate change to be the greatest national security threat of all, are we to believe they would ask our permission before they would modify the weather and climate to suit their own agenda? Global geoengineering programs are not about the common good, they are not about saving the planet or humanity. The ongoing climate engineering insanity is about power, control, and attempting to mask the damage already done to our climate system while inflicting unimaginably more destruction to the climate and biosphere in the process. 

A Massive Engineered Winter Chemical Cool-Down Assault On The US Population Is Coming

The latest NOAA long term forecast map below should be alarming to any that take the time to examine it closely. The latest theatrically named "winter storm" from power structure owned "The Weather Channel" was "Winter Storm Fortis". This engineered event pushed warmer than average moisture from the Atlantic Ocean over northern parts of New England where many regions saw chemically nucleated snow fall (facilitated by geoengineering jet aircraft dispersions of materials over precipitation zones) at far above freezing temperatures. "Winter Storm Gregory" will be named as part of the engineered winter scenario I am outlining in this article. Alaska, the Arctic, and parts of Florida are forecasted (scheduled) to remain at, or return to, record warmth. The arctic as a whole remains in a meltdown scenario while weather whiplash continues in the US and countless other locations around the globe. Engineering winter has long since been business as usual in many countries.


The projected (scheduled) record cold zone for much of the US comes after the warmest autumn in the US since record keeping began

When endothermic reacting (toxic) ice nucleating materials are utilized on a massive scale for climate intervention/modification programs, convection is greatly impacted, too many condensation nuclei are present, and precipitation is generally greatly reduced (from what it would have otherwise been) in the core of the engineered chemical cool-down zones. The NOAA precipitation forecast (scheduled weather) map below is for the same window of time as the  NOAA map above. It is not hard to recognize that the regions scheduled to get the greatest percentage of above normal precipitation are also generally the regions that are scheduled to experience the greatest above normal temperatures  ("A" refers to above normal precipitation on the NOAA maps, "B" is below normal).


In the NOAA map above we should ask this, how does moisture flowing in from the Pacific migrate directly over the Western States with far below normal precipitation? Then, as the moisture continues to flow east (further from the epicenter of the engineered cool-down zone), precipitation transitions to above normal. Why aren't NOAA and NWS personnel speaking out? An illegal federal gag order has been placed on them on all NOAA and NWS employees.

Global temperature deviations in the Average Temperature Anomaly map below tell the bigger picture story. The extremely blotchy composition of hot and cold zones should be alarming to us all. Though the planet is descending into a state of total meltdown, the climate engineers continue to attempt radical (and highly toxic) chemical/biological ice nucleation cool-downs anywhere and everywhere that conditions will permit this process to be carried out. NASA has also long since been a part of the ice nucleation experimentation, some of the elements utilized for this purpose are synthesized urea, and E-coli.


The weather modification chemical cool-downs create a cold, dense (but shallow) layer of air that settles down to the surface and lowers temperatures on the ground. This process is essential for the manipulation of climate perspectives. The engineered winter events are used to create and expand division and confusion in the population in regard to the true state of the global climate.

Massive air mass manipulation is also accomplished with engineered high and low pressure zones. The use of ionosphere heater facilities like HAARP are the a primary factor with this type of manipulation.


Extremely anomalous weather/climate patterns have now become the norm. Global climate engineering operations have completely derailed the Earth's natural climate system.

Meteorologists at The Weather Channel have already admitted to the highly unusual weather pattern that is helping to facilitate the coming abnormal cool-down on a rapidly warming world. High pressure ridges will remain locked anomalously in place on both sides of the North American continent. This configuration will assist with robbing what cold air there is in the Arctic, and will push this air south in an almost perfect outline that will cover the land mass of the lower 48 states.


The ability the climate engineers now have to manipulate Earth's life support systems is far beyond alarming. Geoengineering is nothing short of weather warfare

Again, how do flows of moisture coming from the west off of record warm global oceans create temperatures that are predicted (scheduled) to be nearly 40 degrees below normal in regions only slightly inland? What is the final product of the the climate engineering chemically ice nucleated cool-down for the US? Radically lowered engineered temperatures at ground level in parts of the US will accompany the start to the new year. The US media will hype and dramatize this completely engineered cool-down. This will obscure the previous climate headlines of the warmest autum on record in the US and also the fact that 2016 will be the warmest year yet recorded on planet Earth since record keeping began. We will soon see if the climate enigneers are actually able to achieve the level and duration of cooldown that they are attempting to carry out.


The scale of climate decimation being inflicted on populations around the globe by the climate engineers is so incomprehensibly massive, it could never be quantified.

So what are the "predictions" for the 2017 summer temperatures in the US? Above normal to far above normal temperatures for virtually all of the US.


Every single event that the climate engineers orchestrate adds to the total biosphere/climate destruction being inflicted on the planet by the human race.

We are in a fight for life, nothing less. The unfolding environmental/climate implosion cannot be hidden for much longer. As the desperation of the power structure grows, they will likely continue their push toward WWlll. Mathematically speaking, climate engineering is the greatest and most immediate threat we face short of nuclear cataclysm. Not only are the geoengineers ripping apart the climate/life support systems of the planet, they are irreparably contaminating the entire biosphere. The climate science community is (and has been) completely betraying populations and the web of life by remaining silent on the climate engineering/weather warfare total tyranny being conducted by our own government (and other governments). Anti-climate engineering activists are desperately needed to actually be active. Educate yourself on exactly how you can help to sound the alarm on the most critical issue of climate engineering, make your voice heard while you can.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 10, 2016


Dane Wigington

The Orwellian dystopian world we all find ourselves in so far appears to be locked into its current course. Day is night, up is down, black is white,  whatever the official narrative is, the majority of the population seems all too willing to accept it. Militarized and industrialized power centers are now more dangerous than ever as the accelerating collapse of the biosphere and civilization looms. As the biosphere goes, so will the economic and societal systems that were built from relentless environmental looting, pillaging, and plundering. Highly toxic weather events (like those that just occurred in Australia, Kuwait, and London) continue to kill many and to put thousands more into hospitals. The most immediate nemesis we collectively face remains the climate engineering/weather warfare/biological warfare atmospheric spraying assault.Which critical news stories did corporate media hide from the public's view this week? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

The weather-makers appear absolutely determined to radically cool down the land surface temperatures of the US (via jet stream manipulation and massive chemical ice nucleation) in this last month of the year. The "scheduled" record cold chemically nucleated zone for much of the US is reflected in the NOAA "departure from normal high temperature" map below. This is truly shocking given the fact that the US just experienced it's warmest autumn on record (breaking the previous record set only last year), the 2nd warmest November on record, and 2016 is already certain to be the warmest year ever recorded on our planet since record keeping began.


Of note is the fact that the epicenter of the engineered winter anomaly is still centered over the Dakotas and the water protector protesters.

This engineered cool-down is being carried out while the arctic continues to melt with record heat and record low ice levels.


The vast majority of media sources (including most alternative media sources) are not covering what is unfolding in the polar regions.

And what about the world overall? The GISS map below illustrates global "departure from normal high temperatures"  for the last 30 years. Take note of the region with the least overall heat gain in the entire northern hemisphere, most of the North American continent. The US has by far the largest military, thus the largest (and most lethal) global climate engineering operation.The most anomalous cooler zone of reduced heating shown in the GISS map is, thus, over the North American continent. Geoengineering creates temporary toxic cool zones at the cost of a far worsened overall planetary heating.


Because the unfolding biosphere changes have occurred slowly over time, most are perilously unaware of the severity of the changes.

Global climate engineering operations are tearing apart the planet's life support systems, destroying our health, and irreparably contaminating the entire biosphere. All of our lives depend on the state of the planet. The only way to effectively fight the insanity we face is to see the wider horizon clearly, to stand on solid verifiable facts, and to effectively share credible information with others. We must each do our part in the critical battle to wake the masses.

This week's outreach booth is at the OC Fair & Event Center, Costa Mesa, California, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. My thanks also to the very dedicated activists that ran the booth. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.


Climate Engineering Desperation, Decimation, And Destruction, What Will It Take To Wake The Masses?


Dane Wigington

Some 70 years ago our government made the decision to commit the human race and all life on Earth to a lethal global climate engineering experiment. The power brokers did this without our knowledge or consent while being fully aware that the consequences of this experiment could never be undone. Governments all over the world have long since been a part of the global climate engineering cabal, extensive historical documents prove this fact.  Of the countless forms of anthropogenic damage to the climate and the biosphere, the geoengineering/solar radiation management assault is mathematically the most devastating. Every life form on the planet has been completely betrayed by those behind the weather warfare atrocities, and betrayed by the science and media circles who are actively and aggressively helping to hide the ongoing geoengineering omnicide. 


Aerosol saturated skies from the ongoing global climate engineering operations, Redding, California. Photo credit:

The US West is experiencing record shattering heat, this is just the beginning.


Burning hillsides in Azusa, California from erupting wildfires and record heat. Photo credit: Nick Ut/AP

Astoundingly, only a few days before the scorching heat took hold in the US West, snow was falling in multiple states. The geoengineers are aggressively utilizing chemical ice nucleation methods (whenever and wherever there is enough atmospheric moisture) to temporarily (and toxically) lower the temperatures. In addition to the total contamination of the precipitation, the short term chemical cool-downs are also all too often extremely destructive. One primary agenda of the ongoing climate engineering assault is to continue fueling the confusion and division of populations in regard to the true state of the climate and the true extent of damage to it. The weather radar image below was taken on June 16th, clearly showing snow falling near regions of the West that experienced record shattering heat only days after. 


Radar images now often reveal frozen precipitation occurring with surrounding air and ground temperatures that are far too warm to support natural ice nucleation processes.

The atmospheric spraying of highly toxic metal and chemical particles is not only worsening the climate catastrophe and overall heating of the planet, it is also causing epic drought all over the globe (with record deluges occurring in other locations). With the water levels in Nevada's Lake Mead now at record shattering lows and dropping further by the day, the Las Vegas spigot is about to run dry.


The dry season is just beginning with Lake Mead already at record low levels and long term forecasts (scheduled weather) for rapidly deepening drought.

Las Vegas has recently spent nearly a billion dollars on a water project designed to drain the last drops of water from Lake Mead.


A steel cap on top of an intake riser holds back what is left of the water in Lake Mead. This final  attempt to tap the last of the remaining water storage is a true sign of desperation. How long will the human race continue to believe the delusion that technology will somehow always correct or cover up the countless and ongoing crimes against Nature? Photo credit: John Locher

Many citizens of first world countries have so far largely chosen to ignore the unfolding global climate cataclysm as if they are somehow immune to the accelerating biosphere collapse. Such arrogant denial will very soon be shattered on every front. Those who control the climate, control the flow of water, and thus the populations that depend on it. The masses in less fortunate countries have long since been reaping the full impact of the climate engineering assault.


A farmer in India takes a drink while standing on a now parched lake bed. Photo credit: Manish Swarup

The people of India (who are also suffering from record shattering high temperatures and record drought) are an example of what is unfolding all over the world. Due to the atmospheric saturation of electrically conductive particles from climate engineering, increased lightning strikes are also taking a heavy toll on populations. Nearly 100 people have just been killed by countless lighting strikes in India.


Amritsar, India. Photo credit: Munish Byala

If the human race and life on Earth are to have any chance of surviving the short term horizon, there must be an immediate and complete course correction. Industrialized/militarized society has decimated the planet, climate engineering is the epitome of this willful destruction. May, 2016, was the 13th month in a row of record shattering global temperatures, how long does anyone think we can continue on such a trend and still have any chance of avoiding total omnicide? Record high Arctic temperatures and the disintegration of Arctic ice is also accelerating at blinding speed. What is the response of our government? To place illegal gag orders on the majority of weather/climate scientists and to fire other frontline scientists. What we collectively face is nothing less than an existential threat. The single greatest leap forward we could make in this battle for survival is to expose and halt the climate engineering global assault. This battle can only be won if we are all committed to the effort, make your voice heard.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, May 28, 2016


Dane Wigington

We are all swimming in a sea of lies and the depth of the deception is rising by the day in lockstep with the desperation of those in power. So called "science" sources are still pretending global climate engineering is only a "proposal" while anyone with functional eyes and a still working sense of reason can and should acknowledge the weather warfare assault has long since been an inarguable reality. Take a quick look at the latest NOAA "forecast" (scheduled weather) maps below, if these maps don't shock you, they should.


The map above shows "departure from normal high temperatures". Each color shade represents a 2-3 degree "departure" from "normal" toward warmer or cooler than average, depending on the color of the shading (blue are below normal, oranges and reds are above normal). What we see represented in this map is alarming, unnatural, and historically unprecedented. A possible record low bullseye may occur in Texas for the period from June 1st through June 5th, while record warmth will likely occur in many other parts of the country, including Alaska.

For the period from June 3rd to June 10th, the engineered cool-down zone will again be focused on the most populated Eastern US, this is no accident and is certainly not a natural phenomenon. The engineered cooling of the US East, while the US West is fried and dried out, this has all too often been the norm in recent years.


Half the country is scheduled to bake and burn while the other half will bear the brunt of the latest scheduled geoengineering/solar radiation management assault.

The US precipitation "forecast" (schedule) is below. This map covers the same period as the NOAA map above. Note that the "prediction" is for far below normal rainfall in the west and north (the regions that will be frying under record high temperatures), while an excess of moisture continues in the same regions that are to experience below normal temperatures in a record warm world. The geoengineers need the moisture for their toxic chemically engineered cool-downs, when will the sleeping masses awaken to the ongoing weather warfare atrocities?


The climate engineers now decide where it will rain, how much, and how toxic the rain will be.

About the rest of the headlines, there are many, and they are dire. Global economic collapse continues to progress, the Canadian government is hiding something at the Fort McMurray fire site, Al Qaeda leaders freely visit the US, CIA officers caught commanding Al Qaeda, Saudi Arabian publications are now stating 911 was an inside job, and the US government's war against  the whistleblowers continues to accelerate. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

The sand in the hourglass is running out, what will you do to help in the fight for the greater good? And when do you plan to take assertive (but peaceful) action to help expose the truth and wake the masses? No matter how dark the horizon looks, giving up can never be an option, ever. The only way we can know what good we can yet accomplish at this late hour is to fully focus on making a difference for the better each and every day.

Climate Engineering Cover-Up, Exposing The Criminal Corporate Media Is Critical


Dane Wigington

How do we expose the "journalists", "meteorologists", and "officials" that are helping the power structure to hide the climate engineering crimes? Start by locating their public emails and sending them a carefully crafted message that includes the link to a source of credible data on the issue of geoengineering. In such a message it is important to openly CC the longest possible list of credible citizens so that the intended recipient of the message knows that many others are observing the communication. 


Geoengineered skies in El Portal, California. Photo credit: Ron Kauk

My most recent action message in this regard is below. Mr. Adrian Cho has just authored an article for the AAAS Science blog that paints global climate engineering as only a "possibility" and a "proposal". In doing so, Mr. Cho is simply carrying out the ongoing deception of the population by those in power, Cho is playing the part of an "order follower".

Hello Mr. Cho, in regard to global geoengineering, the media disinformation on this subject is beginning to be exposed for what it is,  the public is waking up. I can only imagine that the population as a whole will be extremely distraught toward all those that helped to hide the ongoing lethal geoengineering reality once they are fully awakened to the issue. I can only believe that populations will seek legal action against all those that were (in one way or another) accessories to the ongoing climate engineering crimes, or accessories to hiding these crimes.  Legal action in Canada is already underway which will attempt to fully expose climate engineering, a legal filing in the US is coming. I hope you and others in the science reporting community will make the decision to address the full truth about this most dire issue. Isn't it your responsibility to the public to do so?
Dane Wigington

Each and every one of us must take this kind of action to put the paid liars on notice that we, the population, are rapidly waking up to the climate engineering insanity and to their part in helping to cover up these crimes. Those in power have used weather warfare to control and manipulate populations around the globe for decades. They have used the corporate media to help hide their crimes of omnicide. One more of my recent messages to corporate media is below. (Recipients, Mike Mangas, KRCR ABC affiliate TV news anchor, Mike Kruger, ABC Chief meteorologist, and Silas Lyons, corporate newspaper editor).

Hello Mr. Mangas, Mr. Kruger, And Mr. Lyons,
The global climate engineering/geoengineering elephant in the room is, thankfully, becoming more and more visible to populations around the globe with each passing day, the newly filed Canadian lawsuit outlined in the link below is yet more proof of this. Citizens of the North State are very aware of the extent to which KRCR and the Record Searchlight have gone to marginalize and/or completely omit any legitimate or objective coverage whatsoever on the critical climate engineering issue. How angry will  North State citizens be once they truly realize the media personnel that they depended on to tell them the truth actually did everything they could to hide it?
Dane Wigington
"Pushing Back Against Climate Engineering, Canadian Lawsuit Is Filed"
More Proof
How bad is our situation?

While the corporate media continues to deceive the population, massive and ever more radical climate engineering continues to wreak havoc on the US.


If the latest NOAA forecast map above looks unnatural, it is.  Each color tear represents a 2 or 3 degree "departure from normal high temperatures" depending on the shade. The climate engineers can temporarily and toxically cool-down large regions with enough moisture for chemical ice nucleation. The short cool-downs are a psychological operation to mask the true extent of planetary meltdown from the population for as long as possible.

 The latest NOAA precipitation forecast map below covers the same time period as the temperature map above.


 Note that the bullseye of above normal precipitation is in exactly the same location as the region of below normal temperatures in the previously shown "departure from normal high temperature" map. Engineered winter in a rapidly warming world.

Countless forms of human activity have contributed to the current climate meltdown that is shattering every imaginable record. Deadly heat waves, record droughts, and devastating deluges, all are inarguably linked to human activity with climate engineering at the top of the list (though again, there are countless sources of anthropogenic damage to the climate/environment). Breaking studies now verify that ALL THE PLANETARY WARMING SINCE 1950 IS ANTHROPOGENIC, but the climate engineering elephant in the room (a huge contributing factor to the overall warming) is still being completely omitted from the equation. This omission is nothing less than criminal. Though mainstream media is admitting to dangerous air pollution and the health risks of climate change, again, the criminal jet aerosol spraying of highly toxic geoengineering/solar radiation management particulates is completely omitted.

How bad is the unfolding planetary meltdown? It's not as bad as you may think, it's far worse.


Geoengineering was first fully deployed in the mid 1940s, primarily over the poles, and as a weather weapon of global warfare. By the mid 70s the initial cooling effect gave way to the cascading avalanche of catastrophic consequences. Earth is now descending into total meltdown.

Each of us needs to take consistent and constructive action in this battle each and every day. Share credible data on social media, carry credible informational flyers with you, and take the time to put the power structure paid deceivers on public notice as outlined in this article. Reading articles and posting comments is necessary to share critical information with others, but such actions are only a small part of the crucial steps that need to be taken if we are to prevail in this most critical battle. There is one way forward, we must wake the sleeping masses to the climate engineering assault. This effort will take all of us, don't sit the bench, make your voice heard.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Climate Engineering, Final Fatal Folly Of The Human Race


Dane Wigington

Planet Earth, and all that live on it, are in the throws of unimaginable and immediate upheavals.  Even at this late hour, with the walls closing in from every side, the vast majority are completely oblivious to the tidal wave that is towering above our heads. Earth's climate and life support systems are unraveling at unimaginable speed as we free fall into the 6th great mass extinction on our planet.  In spite of all this verifiably and undeniably occurring, for the vast majority the immediate threat of a lifeless planet is not even on the radar as the graph below clearly indicates. 


The total moral depravity, deception and betrayal by mainstream media  has now ensured that the population as a whole has no idea how close the current reality is to completely and permanently disintegrating. 

Our planet is dying, this is a statistical and mathematical fact. The life that Earth has supported for untold millions of years will soon perish if there is not an immediate and total change of direction for the human race.


Some 200 species of Earth's plants, animals, and insects are going extinct every single day.

In the last 40 years over half of Earth's wildlife had been killed off while the human population has doubled in the same period. How long can such a trend possibly continue?


Well over 200,000 people are added to the planet each and every day.

As anthropogenic activity began to overburden and heat the biosphere (since the onset of the industrial revolution),  some 70+ years ago those in power made the fateful decision to attempt the engineering of Earth's climate system in the self-serving and suicidal effort to keep "business as usual" and to use the weather as a weapon of war. Aside from the inarguable destruction of weather warfare, the ever expanding global geoengineering/solar radiation management/ocean fertilization programs have now manifested into the greatest and most immediate threat to life on Earth short of nuclear cataclysm. Recent studies confirm that  geoengineering and ocean fertilization CAN'T WORK. After 70+ years of climate engineering and weather warfare, the planet now appears to be descending into a runaway greenhouse event, an "abrupt climate shift" that could lead to "Venus Syndrome".


2015 was the warmest year since record keeping began, breaking the record just set in 2014. 2016 will break the record again and is already on path to do so. January 2016 was the warmest month ever recorded on our planet, February 2016 completely shattered that record again. Global Geoengineering is not mitigating global warming, it is helping to fuel it overall. Short term (toxic) cool-downs can be achieved at the cost of an even worse overall warming. The "global warming slowdown" narrative was a carefully crafted and well funded lie to help the geoengineers sell their programs of destruction as successful, a complete fallacy.

How fast is the far North warming? At an astounding and completely unprecedented pace.


We are in uncharted territory as the Arctic meltdown spirals out of control spawning numerous climate feedback loops.

The Northern Hemisphere is warming at an even faster pace than the Southern Hemisphere. This is astounding considering the constant record heat that is occurring in locations like Australia.


The deployment of global climate engineering was deployed at a significant scale just after WWll. Though there was an initial cooling effect as is clearly visible on the graph above, the rapid buildup of greenhouse gasses like Co2 and methane, and the countless negative consequences of solar radiation management built up rapidly. These factors soon overwhelmed the initial cooling effect of climate engineering and the planetary warming continued upward in the mid 70s, this trend is now accelerating. As previously mentioned, the ever more massive geoengineering assault is now only making an already horrific climate scenario far worse overall in addition to contaminating the entire surface of the planet. Geoengineering is also a form of biological warfare.

In the completely misguided and unimaginably destructive attempt to temporarily and toxically cool some regions of the US, the climate engineers are heavily spraying (aerosolizing) massive flows of moisture that are pouring into the country from the west and the south. The brighter the reflection of the cloud cover on the combination satellite radar map below, the more aerosolized it is. The more moisture the geoengineers have to work with, the more spraying they carry out. The goal of solar radiation management is to broadcast out the available moisture into the most expansive cloud canopy possible. The planetary decimation from the ongoing climate intervention grows by the day, the creation of record drought in some regions, record deluge in others, and lethal ozone layer destruction, are only a few of the endless list of known consequences. 


The atmospheric aerosol saturation tends to create an amorphous featureless cloud canopy when viewed from the ground below the flow of "storms" and atmospheric moisture currents. 

The electrically conductive heavy metal aerosols that are saturated into the incoming moisture flows can then be scattered into a much wider region with the use of ground based radio frequency transmissions. The image below was taken on 3-9-2016 as the moisture streams in over the Pacific Northwest from the record warm Pacific Ocean. The transmitter location is northeast of Portland Oregon. The radio frequency transmissions are utilized to scatter the available moisture into vast regions of mostly rainless overcast skies as show in many locations on the previous map.


The process of manipulating atmosphere moisture (for creating SRM  cloud canopy over the largest possible regions) is wreaking havoc on the climate and ecosystems.

What is the effect of using the flow of moisture from the west for a form of "evaporative cooler" ? As already mentioned, the climate engineers can temporarily and toxically cool some regions at the cost of a worsened warming overall. If the NOAA "forecast" map below does not alarm you, it should. Each shade of color represents a 2-4 degree variance of temperature, above or below "normal", depending on the color hue. Record shattering warmth will continue in much of the country  ( adding to what is already the warmest US winter on record ) as the West gets the toxic cool-down complete with constant chemical ice nucleation of the incoming moisture flow.


Extreme and unprecedented imbalances like those shown in the map above are telltale signs of a climate system that is completely unraveling. Though there are countless sources of anthropogenic damage to the biosphere and climate system, global geoengineering is mathematically the most destructive of all.

The Total Betrayal Of The Climate Science Community

Mainstream media is not the only group that has completely betrayed humanity, the climate science community has done the same. Though a constant parade of false headlines from well funded sources has convinced many that the climate change threat is being exaggerated, the exact opposite is true. What we face is far more grave and immediate than any of the "worst case predictions" from completely controlled organizations like the IPCC (the largest scientific panel ever created in human history). The most severe betrayal is now coming from "science organizations" like "AMEG" (the Arctic Methane Emergency Group). Though AMEG's assessment of the threat from thawing and releasing methane deposits is valid, AMEG's call for global geoengineering are nothing short of criminal tyranny

Arctic Methane Emergency Group (AMEG) -Blog of AMEG, the Arctic Methane Emergency Group, discussing the situation in the Arctic and the action necessary to avoid catastrophic warming, including the need for geoengineering to be accepted as an indispensable part of a comprehensive plan of action to cool the Arctic and to bring the atmosphere and oceans back to their pre-industrial state.

In regard to AMEG's call for emergency geoengineering to be immediately deployed (as if it has not already been going on for 70 years with catastrophic consequences), there are only two possibilities, either they are criminally ignorant of the very subject of which they claim to be experts, or they are lying. In either case, their calls for the commencement of climate engineering is criminal and should be publicly confronted. Taking the time to locate public email contacts for AMEG members, mainstream media and meteorological personnel, is essential. These contacts should then be circulated to others so that a constraint stream of communications calling for their accountability can be unleashed by the public. Such communications must be articulate and peaceful. This being said, the communications can and should point out that the public is rapidly waking up to the climate engineering crimes and will certainly soon hold legally and morally accountable ALL THOSE that directly or indirectly participated in these crimes. This includes all the journalists, scientists, and meteorologists that helped to hide the ongoing geoengineering assault by deceiving the public about the issue. There can be NO LEGITIMATE DISCUSSION about the state of the climate without first and foremost addressing the ongoing global climate engineering insanity. As the climate system continues to implode, the power structure will be more dangerous than ever before. Will WWlll be their final option as populations awaken to their crimes? There is much work to be done in this critical fight for the greater good, all of us must make our voices heard while we yet have time to do so.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Climate Engineers Continue To Disrupt Global Weather As US Military Conducts Climate Change War Games


Dane Wigington

The vast majority of global populations are unfortunately not yet willing to face the fact that Earth's climate and life support systems are being totally disrupted and derailed by a global power structure that is inarguably insane and completely out of control.


"US military planners have been ordered to war game climate change scenarios, focusing on geopolitical and socioeconomic instability linked to extreme weather". Photo: US Military/Flickr

A new directive says forces need to undertake joint training exercises with allies to “enhance capacity” and “improve tactics” for tackling impacts linked to global warming.

"Mission planning and execution must include identification and assessment of the effects of climate change on the DoD [department of defense] mission"…

The blocking of the the previously forecasted rains from the US West is one of the latest assaults being carried out by the climate engineers. In May, of 2015, stated on the record that in spite of the coming record El Niño, the climate engineers could still suppress the rain if they chose to (that is exactly what is occurring). Even mainstream sources are admitting "This Is Not What California Expected From A Super El Niño".The forecast map below clearly shows the previously predicted El Niño wet weather for drought stricken California (long since a victim of the ongoing climate engineering programs).


Though some locations in California have received moderate amounts of early season precipitation, reservoirs are still not filling up. As "winter" passed its mid point, the climate engineers have yet again shut off the spigot.

The NOAA precipitation map below reflects the complete antithesis of the predicted El Niño event. Far "below normal" precipitation is forecasted (scheduled) for the US West and South.


As previously stated, the "ridiculously resilient ridge" of ionosphere heater induced high pressure is completely blocking the flow of precipitation from the US West once again. 

The corporate controlled media has recently been glossing over the western US drought catastrophe which has not improved and in fact may now be heading into even worse territory in spite of the record El Niño. The population as a whole is unfortunately all too willing to continue ignoring and denying the geoengineering issue and its catastrophic impacts. The climate science community's denial of climate engineering is criminal.


The protracted drought is ongoing in California.

The geoengineers are again demonstrating that they can freeze the eastern half of the country (conveniently timed for election primaries?) while frying the West


The completely unnatural and historically unprecedented scenario reflected in the NOAA map above has become all too often the norm in recent years as the weather makers wreak havoc on the overall climate system.

The ongoing attempt to"Engineer winter" is clearly a top priority for the geoengineers as the climate continues into total meltdown from the Arctic to Australia. The January ice cover in the Arctic was the lowest ever and Australia is in "uncharted territory" in regard to the relentless record heat and increasing drought. Earth's oceans are superheating while global methane releases are also far worse than previously acknowledged by official sources. The planetary meltdown is accelerating with climate engineering helping to fuel the overall fire.

Engineered snow storms are a primary tool for the climate engineers. The 90 second video below of an East Coast radar loop has clearly captured recent chemical ice nucleating efforts over the US East. On this short video clip, waves of precipitation can be seen migrating in from the record warm Atlantic Ocean. The flashes of blue (frozen precipitation) occur as chemical nucleating agents/elements are sprayed/dispersed into the rain cells.

Our planet is not just dying, it is being killed. If we wish to survive for much longer, exposing and halting the ongoing climate engineering/weather warfare/biological warfare insanity must be our top priority. All of us are inhaling the toxic particles being sprayed, the damage done to our health from air particulate contamination lasts for decades even after the exposure is stopped. Though there are countless anthropogenic sources of damage to the climate system and the biosphere, mathematically speaking, the global geoengineering is the most decimating of all. If you care, make your voice heard while we still have something left to salvage of Earth's life support systems.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineered Mass Distraction, “Winter Storm Jonas”


Dane Wigington

The total desperation of the the global power structure and the geoengineers is manifesting into ever higher levels. There is no question that global climate engineering is a weapon mass destruction, but it must be considered (and remembered) that weather/modification (AKA weather warfare) is also a weapon of mass distraction. What are those in power trying so desperately to hide? Much more than the public wants to know or is willing to accept (on many fronts). The massive corporate media hype about "winter storm Jonas" started immediately before the global release of headlines like the one below from The Washington Post.

It's Official: 2015 "Smashed" Global Temperature Records, It Wasn't Even Close


Let's rewind almost exactly one year from the headline above, and move to a previous headline (also from The Washington Post) that is a near mirror image of this year's headlines.

It's Official, 2014 Was The Hottest Year In Recorded History

What were the weather-makers up to after this headline was released around the globe from countless media sources a year ago? The same thing they are doing right now with "winter storm Jonas". They were doing their best to completely eclipse dire news stories by manufacturing "winter storm Juno" in January of 2015. How parallel can these two scenarios be?

What else is the massive media hype about "winter storm Jonas" helping to hide? The global economy is crashing and it's not coming back. This is not a bump in the road for industrialized society, it is the descent to the end of the road. The delusion is shattering, perpetual expansion on a finite planet with finite resources was never sustainable and it is reaching its breaking point. Global shipping is skidding to a halt, economies around the globe will follow. There are many other headlines those in power would like to hide including the poising of the population in Flint, Michigan and the rapidly worsening gas leak disaster in Southern California. And then of course there is the ongoing Fukushima cataclysm which continues to worsen and which those in power wish to obscure with headlines of mass distraction.

Back to "winter storm Jonas", how engineered is it? Completely. If you don't believe winter storms can be engineered, think again. The power structure controlled "Weather Channel" has been tasked with hyping the manufactured winter weather to the maximum degree possible. One of the ways The Weather Channel accomplishes this is by assigning theatrical names to the engineered winter weather. The 2015-2016 list of "winter storm" names is below.


The beginning of "winter storm Jonas" is documented in the map below. On the so called "warm side" of the "winter storm" there were temperatures in the 70s with a threat of tornados and thunderstorms. Then, heading further into the chemically ice nucleated "winter storm", there is a transition zone where the chemically nucleated materials reach the ground before freezing. These "ice storm" zones have now become the norm due to the constant engineering of "winter weather" events. Still farther into the chemically nucleated "snow storm", a layer of cooler dense air builds in depth (from the cooling endothermic reaction of the nucleating materials), the generally large flakes of "heavy wet snow" begin to form and fall. Thundersnow" is related to the chemical nucleation of warmer convective rain bands that would not have produced frozen precipitation without the artificial/chemical nucleation process. Those that don't believe jet aircraft are spraying in our skies, (as part of the ongoing global climate engineering programs) have simply not objectively investigated. Though the western powers continue to completely deny the ongoing climate engineering, China has openly admitted to engineering snowstorms in the past, though they have since also gone covert with their operations.


The low pressure center and moisture feed for "winter storm Jonas" (shown in the map below) is feeding directly off of record warm oceans. The Weather Channel actors that masquerade as meteorologists are having an ever more difficult time covering the tracks of the geeoengineers. Watching them try to explain away the "warm side" of the "winter storm" (complete with thunderstorms and tornados) is troubling. Weather systems are being chemically ice nucleated all over the globe.11ac

As "Jonas" is migrated north toward its target area, the chemically nucleated "ice storm" zones will expand and likely do significant damage as reflected in the graphic below.


The next forecast map below shows "Jonas" hitting home Saturday morning. With the warm flow of moisture coming off the Atlantic the temperatures along the coast are far above freezing. As outlined earlier, there is an "ice storm" transition zone where the chemical nucleation materials are still reaching the ground before freezing. Further into the "winter storm" (as the chemical nucleating materials are sprayed over the precipitation cells), some cooler air accumulates from the chemically reacting materials and thus facilitates the formation of the "heavy wet snow". The headlines of mass distraction sought by the power structure and the geoengineers are thus achieved. The "snow line" within the engineered winter storms now has little to do with elevation, rather, it is related to a particular side of the "winter storm"(the "warm" or the "cold" side). A word of caution about the chemically nucleated frozen precipitation, don't eat it. Main stream media sources have already sent out a warning against eating the snow, though they won't admit to the most significant source of contamination in the snow, climate engineering fallout.


What is the final result of this massive climate engineering effort? The most populated urban centers of the most populated zones in the country are hit the hardest with the completely engineered winter weather. The desired headlines are thus created, maximum public distraction and political impact is achieved. Conveniently, Washington DC and Baltimore are at the center of the "Jonas" bullseye.


What is the latest and most compelling update on the actual overall state of the global climate? The just released 30 second animation below is a stark and shocking glimpse of a reality that much of the public still does not know, understand, or believe.

While the climate engineers manufacture weather in major US population centers, the Arctic continues into meltdown. The "departure from normal high temperature" graphic below clearly shows the far above average Arctic temperatures. Temperatures at the North Pole have recently been above the freezing mark even in the middle of winter . Where is the mainstream media coverage of this?


How long will "snow storm Jonas" remain in the Northeast? Likely not for long as the NOAA extended forecast below clearly illustrates (unless, of course, the climate engineers decide to again alter the "scheduled" weather). Each color shade represents a 2-3 degree increase in temperatures above the range of "normal". The engineered cool-downs in the US East are losing ground as the planetary warming continues to accelerate.


From collapsing economies to the imploding climate system, those in power will continue to use every weapon at their disposal to hide the severity and immediacy of what is unfolding until the last possible moment. All the while they are rapidly preparing for what is coming. Every day that climate engineering continues, an already horrific global warming scenario is made far worse. Geoengineering/solar radiation management is not a cure, rather, it is a curse that is even worse than the crisis it claims to mitigate. Our task is to beat the global criminal cabal to the intersection. We must fully expose the climate engineering assault and stop geoengineering before those in power are prepared for this to happen. 

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, January 2, 2016


Dane Wigington

The great unraveling of the reality we have all known is not off in the distance somewhere, it is now.  Even at this late hour (with a horizon that is getting darker by the day), the vast majority of the population is all too willing to diligently defend their denial of the converging catastrophes we face, apparently until the last moment. Rapidly unfolding events will soon enough break down such denial. It is thus imperative for us all to keep sowing the seeds of reality and awareness. During this last week of 2015 (the warmest year ever recorded globally and capping the warmest 5 year period ever recorded) it was warmer at the North Pole than it was in Southern California. In fact, at the very top of the world, in the pitch black of the sunless Arctic winter, it was raining at well above freezing temperatures. It was also colder in Texas than the center of the Arctic circle. This latest engineered cool-down in the Lone Star state has just killed 30,000 dairy cows, some of the best and most productive in Texas. 


Normally cold hardy cattle have little chance in the chemically nucleated precipitation events. The heavy wet snow sticks to their coats, the endothermic reacting materials are extremely cold to the touch (can flash burn exposed surfaces), and the adhesive "snow" clogs their nostrils so they suffocate. 

Events like what has just occurred in Texas are not new. On October 4th of 2013, 100,000 cattle were killed in an engineered snowstorm staged in South Dakota. At the same time the cows were dying in the heavy, sticky, chemically nucleated precipitation, it was almost 90 degrees and raining  a short distance away. 


I took a screen shot of the South Dakota event at the time the cattle were dying (such telling maps were soon taken offline). How is it possible for 100,000 cattle to die in South Dakota with such extremely warm temperatures in all the surrounding areas? Climate engineering and Chemical ice nucleation.

The ongoing geoengineering insanity is becoming all but impossible to hide in plain site. Climate engineering is further fueling the unraveling of an already decimated climate system. In addition to the devastating weather events already mentioned, the end of 2015 has also brought record flooding to the US, to the UK, and a rapidly expanding list of weather extremes around the globe


In this aerial photo taken on 12/31/15, homes in Arnold, MO, are surrounded by floodwaters. Photo credit: Jeff Roberson

As the immensity of what is unfolding on countless fronts becomes ever more apparent to the formerly sleeping masses, the power structure will be more dangerous than ever. Global conflict has always been the final option of choice for the military industrial complex and the central banking cartel. The Bush family history provides a shocking look into the tyranny of the global elite. How many are aware of their involvement with the funding of Nazi Germany? Now we have Obama and ISIS, the tyranny is still the same. We will face challenges in 2016 that are as of yet unimaginable to the vast majority. The danger now posed by those in power is more extreme and immediate than ever before. The January 2nd installment of GeoengineeringWatch radio is below. 

We will sink or swim together, all are needed in the battle to sound the alarm. What will you do? What will be your part in the play? Choose to make a difference, make your voice heard in the battle for the greater good.  

Winter Storms With Record Heat, What’s Wrong With This Picture?


Dane Wigington

As strong plumes of moisture flow in off of the record warm Pacific ocean, heavy aerosol spraying of chemical ice nucleating materials begin the cool-down that is paving the way for "winter storm Ferus", the latest creation from the climate engineering cabal. The combination satellite radar image below reveals the flow of Pacific moisture over the Western US. It also reveals the extremely long plume of moisture and aerosolized cloud cover spanning from far out into the Eastern Pacific, all the way to Greenland. The brighter the white of the cloud cover, the more aerosolized it is. 


The composition of the ever expanding aerosolized cloud canopies are very different than natural cloud formations. Some "streaking" can be seen on the image above from the constant aerosol dispersions.

The aerosolization/chemical nucleation process (causing an endothermic reaction) dries up much of the moisture and scatters it over a much broader area. What is the result? A "winter snow storm" from a flow of moisture that originated over record warm ocean temperatures of the Pacific. The climate engineers are looking for "winter" headlines to counter the current record warmth in the Eastern US,  down under in Australia, and even unprecedented winter forest fires in places like Spain.


Record forest fires are now occurring during all seasons and all over the planet. Click HERE for a photo gallery of the fires in Spain.

In spite of all the global hot spots, (and the increasingly rapid overall planetary warming), the climate engineers are throwing everything they can at "winter storm Ferus".


Naming the engineered "winter storms" dramatizes the headlines, the desired effect for the geoengineers and the power structure controlled Weather Channel.

Does the scenario in the NOAA map below look in any way "normal"? The current scenario is the exact antithesis of the previous three winters in the US, it is completely engineered.


The geoengineers are becoming increasingly blatant and desperate as the unraveling of the climate system continues to pick up momentum.

A record warm Christmas is likely in the very locations that had record cold and record snow only last year. How warm will it likely be in the Eastern US? The air temperature map below should be a wake up call.


The actual temperatures are likely to be even higher than the "official" forecasts and the "official" daily high readings reported. Underreporting of temperature readings is now becoming the norm as the power structure desperately tries to hide the full gravity of what is unfolding around us all (while making the situation even worse at the same time).

What are the long term global temperature trends?  Multiple record graphing sources and an endless flow of frontline data paint a clear picture. Though the flow of disinformation in regard to the true state of the climate is epidemic, people must learn to look behind the headlines and the sources used to make them. Frontline data is the bottom line, those who truly want to get at the truth will take the time to examine such data.


The rate of planetary warming is beyond dire, geoengineering is making the situation far worse, not better. Thousands of high temperature records have been set in the US during the last two weeks, many more will fall before the end of 2015. This will be the warmest year on record with temperatures shattering the former record set only last year. 2016 will likely break the record yet again. Even the world's lakes are heating and dying.

Massive methane releases may have already pushed the planet into a runaway greenhouse event, climate engineering has also exacerbated the overall methane scenario.


It is imperative for populations to wake up and realize the immediacy of the challenge we face. The equation could not be more "non-linear".

Though there are countless sources of anthropogenic activity decimating the planet and the climate system, global geoengineering is at the top of the list. The extreme temperature imbalances and climate engineering contamination fallout are wreaking havoc on the biosphere and all life.

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The temperature extremes reflected in the map above are unprecedented. 

The extreme heating of ever larger regions is beyond alarming. Many areas of Eastern North America are likely to be as much as 30 degrees above normal by Christmas eve. The planet's ability to support life is rapidly slipping away, what will you do? What will all of us do? Our challenges are many, but exposing and halting climate engineering should be, must be, our top priority. Make your voice heard by passing on credible information to all those around you, to all those that will listen. It is up to all of us to make every day count in this most critical battle.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

The Desperation Of The Geoengineers, Documenting An Engineered Cool-Down


Dane Wigington

Geoengineering can and does create large scale chemical cool-downs, but at what cost to the overall climate system and life on Earth? If we are to be effective in the battle to expose and halt climate engineering, the effects of global geoengineering must be recognized, understood, and taken into consideration in regard to our conclusions. The following maps and radar/satellite images document a massive engineered cool-down of the US West while the Eastern US continues to hit record highs (the exact antithesis of the previous 3 years). The NOAA map below (produced on December 1st, 2015) reflects the predicted US temperatures for the period from December 7th through the 11th (2015). Each color shade represents an increase of 2-3 degrees above average temperatures. While some are still reciting a narrative of "global cooling", what is the real picture? And what major geoengineering impacts are being completely ignored by most?


Shortly after the NOAA forecast map above was issued (reflecting an extremely warm US from coast to coast), an engineered cool-down of the Western US was put into motion. 

The next map (December 8, 2015) shows profound changes from the original NOAA map above. With extreme amounts of moisture being pushed into the West, the engineered cool-down is underway.


Though flooding is occurring in parts of the Pacific Northwest, and will continue to, the overall precipitation in most areas is still far less than what would have been the case without the massive atmospheric aerosol saturation from heavy jet aircraft spraying.

When there are too many cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), precipitation is diminished and the moisture is migrated further east. Heavy particle saturation in precipitation can be noted by observing droplet size. Very rapid uniform raindrops (which can be observed in puddles and on windshields) are indicative of the condensation nuclei being dictated by the sprayed particles in the rain. Lab tests have confirmed that this type of precipitation does in fact contain the highest concentration of the heavy metals (such as aluminum and barium) contained in geoengioneering patents.

Jet stream manipulation with ionosphere heater installations like HAARP allow the geoengineers to "firehouse" moisture into a given region, in this case the Pacific Northwest. 


The stream of moisture aimed at the US Northwest stretches most of the way across the Pacific.

What is the goal of solar radiation management (SRM)? To block out as much of the sun as possible. The atmospheric river of moisture streaming off of the record warm Pacific ocean is heavily aerosolized (as described above) which keeps much of the moisture from falling and broadcasts it out into massive regions of rainless (and toxic) cloud cover expanding out over the Western US.


The brighter the white of the cloud cover shown on the combination satellite/radar maps above and below, the more heavily aerosolized the cloud cover is.


So much of our skies are now covered with various degrees of aerosolized cloud canopy that "blue skies" are largely non existent. 

As the heavily sprayed unorganized drifting masses of moisture pour into the West (shown in the satellite image below), the radio frequency signature cloud alignment ripples begin to show up. The radio frequencies help to scatter and disperse the sprayed particulates (and this diminish precipitation).


"Global Dimming" is increasing in magnitude all over the globe as the ongoing aerosol assault continues.

In the "Climate Reanilizer" departure from average map below, the projected results of the engineered Western cool-down are showing up. As the aerosolized moisture streams in from the West, chemical nucleation drops the cloud temperatures. This creates a cold dense layer of air that descends to the ground and lowers the temperatures, the desired outcome for the geoengineers.


The extreme heat anomalies reflected in the reanilizer map above should be alarming to all. Such extremes are meteorologically unprecedented historically speaking. Not only are the climate engineers tearing the planet's life support systems apart, they are contaminating the entire surface of the Earth. 

The updated (after the engineered cool-down) NOAA map below reflects the desired outcome for the geoengineers (compare this to the original NOAA map at the top of the page). If there had been too many record shattering temperatures across the entire US, geoengineering becomes a much tougher sell to other nations. There are undoubtedly countless "behind closed doors" meetings being carried out at the Paris Climate Conference at this exact window of time. The current Western cool-down is the exact antithesis of the last three years in the lower 48 states in which the Eastern US have been the recipient of constant engineered cool-downs.


Radical temperature extreme imbalances like those shown in the NOAA map above are historically unprecedented.

Though the corporate controlled weather forecasting liars will try to explain away the engineered extremes as just "natural variability", it is up to us to see reality for what it is. It is up to all of us to recognize the engineered cool-downs for what they actually are, completely unnatural and highly destructive to the planet. The engineered cool-downs come at the cost of an even worse planetary warming, how much more can the web of life take?

So what is the true global average temperature picture for the last three years? The GISS departure from normal high temperature map below is revealing.


The heavily geoengineered eastern half of the North American continent is one of the few zones in the world that have not been hovering in record high temperature territory since the beginning of 2013 (though 2012 was the warmest year ever recorded in the US). The last 5 years were the hottest ever recorded globally.

It is imperative for us all to look past short term (highly toxic) engineered cool-downs in order to see the larger ongoing picture. Every day that global climate engineering is allowed to continue, it worsens the overall warming of the planet. Though many cite dubious characters like former Weather Channel founder John Coleman, and "Lord Monckton", as proof that there "is no global warming", such individuals are hardly a credible source of data.  An honest examination of front line research data is essential for credible conclusions.

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The warming of the planet is so rapid that it is more correctly categorized as a "climate shift" (abrupt climate change). If we are to effectively fight against climate engineering, the engineered cool-downs must be recognized for what they are, not natural. 

Global climate engineering must be exposed and halted, there is no other way forward. The more researched and credible activists in this fight are, the more effective we will be in the battle. With ever increasing amounts of disinformation being put out by countless sources, now more than ever, preconceptions and bias must be abandoned in exchange for verifiable facts. We must diligently examine the sources of information behind all headlines. A constant examination of front line data is how a correct compass heading is achieved. It is not about believing anyone, but rather what can be seen with ones own eyes. The award winning documentary "Chasing Ice" is a good start. This is a riveting film with no politics, just inarguable frontline footage. There are many agendas behind the ongoing geoengineering insanity, attempting to hide the damage already done to the climate by engineering cool-downs like the one documented above (while making the situation even worse overall in the process) is one of the primary goals. There is no benevolence in the climate engineering programs, none. It is about power and control, period. We must all work together in the desperate effort to wake the masses. DW

Engineering Winter, The Increasing Desperation Of The Weather-Makers


Dane Wigington

The climate engineers are increasingly desperate to mask the true extent of planetary meltdown by creating short term extreme chemical cool-downs. In recent winters the geoengineers kept most of their focus on the Eastern US. Boston was the target for headlines in the winter of 2014-2015. The engineered winter in the East was accompanied by engineered drought in the West. The 8 minute video below, "Engineered Winter, Engineered Drought" outlines this scenario.

In the next map the sporadic spotting of frozen precipitation is telling. Rain in northern Montana and snow in south central Arizona. Chemical ice nucleating materials sprayed over storm precipitation can and do turn what should have fallen as rain, into snow. The Chinese government has openly disclosed this practice. The nucleation process creates a cold dense layer of air which sinks, builds up on the ground, and eventually lowers the mercury. This is a temporary effect, but it produces the desired headlines and deception in regard to the overall picture.


The Nov. 4, 2015, map below shows extensive radio frequency/microwave transmission impacts which are clearly visible in the moisture flows feeding the engineered western winter event.


On the evening of November 4th, 2015, corporate media (like the Weather Channel) were trumpeting the big winter storm in the West. Does the next map below reflect true winter snow storm temperatures? There is only one temperature reading on the entire map that is even at the freezing mark, and that is not where the snow is falling. The majority of the map shows record or near record highs for a 6 pm temperature reading for November 4th. More record highs are expected in the East during the coming week and perhaps off and on during the rest of November. Welcome to geoengineered weather whiplash.


The Taos New Mexico report below shows possible snow showers for Thursday November 5th at a temperature of 41 degrees. Why would it snow at 41 degrees?


Let's go North to Montana where snow showers can apparently occur at 43 degrees after rain at 41 degrees.


This is the latest NOAA extended "forecast" (scheduled weather) map. It is important to remember that private defense contractor (and geoengineering entity) Raytheon, does all the weather modeling for NOAA (whose personnel are all under a federal "gag order" along with all NWS employees). This is yet another ridiculously unprecedented scenario showing conditions that are unbelievably out of balance. Record high temperatures in the East are expected to continue in some regions until mid November.


What did it look like for most of the last three winters? The exact opposite of what is occurring at this time. The East was put under the big chill while the West was fried. The geoengineers can only cover so much area with their jet stream manipulated chemical cool-downs. The size of those areas is shrinking as the planet continues to warm.


The map below is especially astounding and documents a very tragic event that occurred on October 4th, 2013. 


Take a good look at the temperatures on the map above, they are as a whole, very high. The small cool section is a huge departure from the rest of the country, but still there are no below freezing temperatures shown. Yet, this map documented a snowstorm in South Dakota that killed up to 100,000 cows, how is that possible when temperatures were almost 90 degrees in regions surrounding the event? I captured the temperature map above before it was taken offline, the map reflects another example of engineered winter.

The next map shows the "departure from normal high temperatures" for a 2 year period from 2013 to 2015. The constantly engineered cooling Eastern North America is evident. It has been the most anomalously below normal zone in the entire world since 2013 (2012 was the warmest year ever recorded in the US). What happened? The geoengineering assault was ramped up to new highs. Temporary toxic cooling at the cost of a worsened overall warming.


Though there are countless sources of anthropogenic damage to the planet and the climate system, climate engineering must be considered the top of the list. The ongoing winter weather warfare is not natural in any way. The extreme climate forcing being pushed on planet Earth by the climate engineers is tearing the climate system apart and wreaking havoc on the biosphere as a whole. Few have any idea how extensively the weather and climate is being modified. Even many who are already aware of geoengineering are unfortunately not yet acknowledging the cool-downs for what they are, completely engineered. Accepting the engineered cool-downs as natural is exactly what the power structure and the geoengineers want, why would we do their bidding? If we are to effectively fight against the climate engineering insanity, it is imperative to understand and recognize all the parts to the puzzle. The engineered deception of the US population is a major goal for the geoengineers, we must all learn to see through it. Make your voice heard in the critical battle to stop the ongoing omnicide being inflicted on our planet by climate engineering.

Troubled Skies: The Environmental And Health Dangers Of Geoengineering With Dane Wigington


Source: Global Freedom Movement Media | (Episode 56, GFM Media)

Attention: the skies, the soil, and the waters are being poisoned from above, and we are bringing you the leading authority on this “geoengineering” disaster: powerhouse researcher and educator Dane Wigington.

  • What in the world are they spraying?

  • Why in the world are they spraying?

  • Who in the world (or from off it) is behind this?

  • What is the long-range agenda?

  • Why are “they” destroying the very ecology that we ALL need to survive?

  • Why are soils acidifying for no apparent reason?

  • Why are animals vacating significant tracts of land for no reason connected to nature?

  • Why are “we” microwaving parts of the ionosphere?

  • What are the effects of the above actions?

  • Will we wake up in time to stop this madness?

Climate Engineering’s Latest Forecast From NASA, “Mostly Cloudy”


Dane Wigington

The newly produced map below reveals the most recent NASA "forecast" for planet Earth, "mostly cloudy". This composite image of Earth's cloud patterns shows NASA's Aqua satellite observations from July 2002 to April 2015. Colors range from dark blue (no clouds) to white (frequent clouds). Photo credit: NASA Earth Observatory


The next image is a combination satellite/radar map. In the combination format map the more heavily aerosolized cloud cover shows up as the brightest white. The goal of SRM (solar radiation management) is to blot out as much sky as possible for the stated purpose of global warming mitigation, but even NASA admits the "aircraft clouds" are making global warming worse overall, not better. A "Scientific American" published study states "geoengineering could turn skies white". Wherever there is moisture, there will generally be the most consistent and heaviest spraying. This has the effect of greatly diminishing the overall precipitation that otherwise would have occurred and scattering the aerosolized cloud cover over vast areas (though deluges can also increase where too much moisture accumulates). The bright white aerosolized cloud cover broadcasting out from the areas of precipitation in the map are indicative of the aerosol spraying that is taking place in each region. A massive heavily sprayed zonal flow of moisture is very visible plowing into the entire west coast, yet there is almost no precipitation showing up for the reasons already cited. Historically, counterclockwise swirls of low pressure storms constantly pounded the Pacific Northwest with heavy precipitation. Now, more often than not, there are just large drifting massive canopies of heavily aerosolized cloud cover with some rain in the most dense areas of moisture build up. "Mostly sunny" is now also a common meteorological term of choice and is often used in "forecasting" days with heavy spraying. "Meteorologists", in so many cases, are now simply paid liars reading the scripts they are given .


Radio frequency transmissions are a major component regarding the manipulation of the highly electrically conductive aerosol particulates being sprayed into skies around the globe. Though "official sources", of course, completely deny any connection between the radio frequency transmitters and weather modification, available date says otherwise. The map below from October 7, 2015, is only one example of the radio frequency bombardment occurring on a constant basis. This map does not reflect the much larger radio frequency transmitters known as "ionosphere heaters" (which have an even greater effect on the overall climate system).


Take a good look next map below, If you think the images in the map are just "clouds" showing up on radar, they are not, and the National Weather Service admits it. So what are these large and very distinct radar images from? According to the National Weather Service, it's all just "butterflies". No, this is not a joke. "Official statements" from "official sources" are becoming astounding beyond comprehension.


"Mother Nature Network" claims this upper level aerosol accumulation shown in the photo below (with a very clear radio frequency pattern) is just a natural "rainbow cloud", do you believe them?


Below is the NOAA forecast (scheduled weather) map for the middle of October. Each shade represents a 2-3 degree "departure from normal" temperature zone. Places in the western US are thus "forecasted" to be a record shattering 20 to 25 degrees above normal which has already been the case for an extremely long time. The record heat and drought continues to fuel record forest fires in the region.


The next image shows that the remaining pool of cold air at the top of the world is rapidly shrinking as the geoengineering juggernaut of insanity continues to shred the ozone layer and the climate system as a whole (along with other contributing anthropogenic factors).


The global temperature maps below reflect the true state of our rapidly warming completely geoengineered planet.


Ocean temperatures are already radically above normal, especially in the Arctic ocean as the mapping below clearly shows.


The current Arctic ice volume (ice mass) is at all time record low levels and continues to decline very rapidly due to all the record warm conditions already cited. 2015 saw the lowest Arctic ice "maximum" ever recorded. So how is it that the Arctic ice "extent" (surface area) hit it's minimum for the year on September 11th, 2015 (4th lowest extent ever recorded), and has increased since? Welcome to geoengineering and chemical ice nucleation. What is the true extent of climate engineering experimentation currently occurring in the Arctic?


Where are we heading if we stay on the current course? Few are yet willing to face the fact that our planet will very soon not support life unless there is a complete change of direction on many fronts, starting with the complete cessation of the climate engineering insanity. Geoengineering is fueling countless catastrophic scenarios on our planet including mass methane release in the Arctic. We are on track for "Venus Syndrome". Though industrialized civilization is already in its final stages and will soon collapse, we could yet salvage a planet that could sustain life. With each passing day we are determining our own future by what we do, or don't do. The greatest single leap we could collectively make in the right direction is to expose and halt the weather warfare assault. Arm yourself with credible data and pass it on to others. Ask them to do the same. We must make every day count in this critical fight, time is not on our side.  DW

Did Geoengineering Just Kill Almost 200,000 Alpacas In Peru?


Dane Wigington

The climate engineers have an endless array of weather scenarios to create havoc, destruction, and death. Completely engineered protracted droughts are one form of climate engineering assault as we currently see in California, Brazil, the Caribbean, the Philippines, Australia, Africa, Russia, and other regions around the globe. Deluge and flooding are also a weapons of the climate engineers. But there is another form of weather warfare that is less recognized and understood (even by many that are aware of the geoengineering issue), chemically ice nucleated winter storms. Though many think engineering snow storms is impossible, it is, in fact, a primary tool of the climate engineers. The Chinese openly announced their engineered snow storms until they did over a billion dollars worth of damage to Beijing. On October 4th, 2013, a completely freak "winter storm"  killed nearly 100,000 cattle in South Dakota. This event was truly astounding given the very warm temperatures that surrounded South Dakota at the time. I took screen shots of the temperature maps at the time and penned an article of the event. Take a good look at the maps below, the scenario they show is shocking. Cattle are very cold tolerant animals, how could they possibly freeze to death at temperatures that were present on the October 4th event of 2013? There were far above freezing temperatures in South Dakota at the time, why was it snowing at all? There were temperatures of 85 degrees and rain in Chicago, what really killed the South Dakota cattle?


Spraying chemical and biological ice nucleating elements has allowed the climate engineers to radically (although temporarily) cool down large regions. We saw this throughout the 2014-2015 winter in places like the eastern US and Boston. In doing so, the desired headlines are created which then fuel division and confusion in regard to public opinion on the actual state of the climate. South Dakota is not the only place where engineered winter assaults are occurring. In 2011, some 200,000 alpacas were sickened and/or killed by an unusual cool-down. In 2013, 250,000 alpacas met the same fate. Now again, in 2015, the same scenario is playing out in Peru, nearly 200,000 alpacas have succumbed to extremely unusual conditions. Alpacas are built for cold, why are they dying in such massive numbers in a world that is experiencing record warmth? 


June 2015 was the warmest June ever recorded, following May 2015, also a record warm month. The start to 2015 is the warmest ever recorded even surpassing the start to 2014, the warmest year ever recorded. Why would we imagine so many unprecedented die-off events to be natural given the knowledge that the climate is being completely manipulated around the globe? When we know that artificial snow storms are real and even being reported on by organizations like FOX news? When we also know there are patents for creating artificial snow storms which then generate a completely unnatural "snow" composition? Chemically nucleated snow is sticky, typically heavy, and unusually cold to the touch due to the endothermic reaction from the chemical nucleation process. The climate engineers leave nothing untouched, nothing untainted. There is no natural weather, there is only the results of the highly toxic and  completely out of control climate engineering insanity. Get active, help to sound the alarm on the geoengineering assault.

Global Cooling or Global Warming, Which is it?


Dane Wigington

Is it really getting colder? What does scientifically undisputed data say? The stakes could not be higher, or our collective reality could not be any more dire. The more the planet plummets into total meltdown, the bigger the lies have gotten from the special interest groups that are paid to spread them. Unfortunately, there are many that desperately want to believe the lies in spite of massive amount of data and information to the contrary. The latest lie of a coming "mini ice age" is truly beyond comprehension, the warming of the planet continues to build at a rapidly accelerating rate.


Green dots show the 30-year average of the new PAGES 2k reconstruction. The red curve shows the global mean temperature, according HadCRUT4 data from 1850 onwards. 

I want to make one point clear, my goal in highlighting specific facts, charts, and data is primarily to bring attention to the subject of global geoengineering and the damage it is inflicting on the biosphere. Geoengineering is, of course, not the sole source for the climate chaos and atmospheric disintegration that is now unfolding around us (there are countless anthropogenic causal factors), but available data does indicate that geoengineering is likely the single greatest climate disrupting factor of all (in addition to poisoning all life on earth in the process).


When “global cooling” articles and conclusions are embraced by anti-geoengineering activists and websites without proper investigation, these activists and websites are then completely discredited in many circles (especially the science community). The subject of geoengineering goes out the window with the “climate change denial” that cannot be rationally denied at this point if one truly examines hard data. If we are to successfully bring geoengineering to the light of day, we cannot afford such missteps. It is imperative that we all make an effort to pull together, and not open up new battle fronts in directions that are not supported by verifiable information. Buying into the "global cooling" disinformation narrative is exactly what the power structure and the geoengineers want us to do.

So, is it getting colder?

The most dire factor of all regarding our rapidly disintegrating climate is mass methane expulsion in the Arctic that is becoming rapidly worse as the sea ice melt off is reaching record low levels. In addition to the methane threat, the latest data makes clear the fact that global sea level rise is already a "worst case scenario", this is just one more reflection of our rapidly warming world. 

pic 19

One more factor that is extremely important to consider, it appears that all the climate data/temperature records are being radically falsified to the down side. In the areas we have investigated, the “official reading” for a given day is routinely 3, 4, or even 5 degrees below what actually occurred on the ground. This is a massive data skewing factor which helps to hide the true extent of the warming. In addition, “official agencies” like NOAA (NOAA is connected to geoengineering contractor “Raytheon”), and National Weather Service (NWS is connected to geoengineering contractor Lockheed Martin), etc., now appear to be recording many more temperature readings from a given “cold” event as compared to “heat wave” areas of the same land mass. This skews the data to the down side even further. On top of all this, let's add the “geoengineering” factor, artificial/chemical ice nucleation, jet stream manipulation, etc., which can and does create temporary cooling anomalies from which the agencies above take an abundance of temp readings in the attempt to lower the overall temperature picture.

It is imperative for each of us to consider the entire data picture before leaping at conclusions. None of this is about “Al Gore” or carbon credit scams, but rather it's about a harsh and verifiable reality. Any conclusions must consider the massive data altering and even more the global geoengineering programs and their effects. The planet is warming at blinding speed, climate engineering is making this warming worse overall, not better.

Geoengineering And The Jade Helm Military Exercises In The US, What’s The Connection?


The unravelling of the reality we have all known is happening from countless directions and at blinding speed. Earth's life support systems are crumbling, the human assault against the planet has taken an immense toll with climate engineering being at the top of the list. Many are still living in a delusion of denial, their delusions will soon be shattered. The power structure is moving their still obedient military chess pieces into position to possibly be used against their own citizens. When reality can no longer be hidden from the masses, chaos will unfold. The article below is from a news site that has hundreds of thousands of followers, they have just woken up to the climate engineering nightmare.
Dane Wigington

The Engineered Cooling Of The US In A Record Warm World


Dane Wigington

Record cold temperatures and a few late season snows are occurring in very isolated locations of the US, but what is the cause of this and what is the reality in the rest of the world? The climate engineers and their media servants are doing everything in their power to keep the division and confusion going with the US population in regard to the true state of the climate. Unfortunately far too many people are willing to ignore the facts and continue to base their opinions on what they would like to believe instead of what actually is. Does the map below look in any way "natural" or "balanced"? While mainstream media continues to focus only on the completely engineered cool-down of the lower 48 states, massive regions in the Arctic continue into meltdown due to far above normal temperatures.

gfs map

Temperatures in the Arctic are predicted to reach record shattering ranges of near 90 degrees in areas of northern Alaska in the coming days (May 24, 2015). Where are the headlines from mainstream media about this? Even many from the "alternative" media are towing the line for the power structure by reporting a radically inaccurate perspective on the real overall climate picture. 

Alaska- has tried to consistently report credible and verifiable data on the completely engineered cool-down of the eastern US. Below are links to a few of the most important and relevant articles highlighting these engineered cool-downs.

Ionosphere heater installations like HAARP are utilized to manipulate jet stream patterns like the one shown below. Such configurations are used to contribute to the engineering the cool-downs of the eastern US at the expense of heating Alaska and the far north.
jet stream
The jet stream configuration in the map above is historically unprecedented though it has become common in recent years thanks to the constant ionosphere heater manipulation of the upper air currents. Cool air is pushed down from the Arctic and combined with moisture pumped in from the west. Where the two come together the climate engineers utilize chemical ice nucleation to complete the components of the engineered cool-down being created. The chemical nucleation process does not always produce frozen precipitation on the ground, but it does cool off the air masses below the clouds. Cool air is dense and settles down to ground level where it drops the temperatures. 
The map above represents the "departure from normal high temperatures" for a combined two year period from April 2013 to April 2015. The most anomalously below normal temperatures in the entire world for this two year period (with the single exception of the heavily geoengineerd Antarctica region) is the eastern half of the North American continent, this is the result of climate engineering (for further reference data refer back to the articles listed and linked earlier in this post).
What about the Arctic Ice cap? Even many of the "alternative" news sources have recently stated that the Arctic ice is at record highs, is that true? Sadly, many of the "alternative" news sources have consistently reported completely false news exactly as the mainstream media has done. In regard to Arctic ice, there was a record early start to the melt season and the ARCTIC ICE EXTENT IS AT ALL TIME RECORD LOW LEVELS right now. Has anyone seen any media reporting on this fact? The first four months of 2015 was the warmest start to any year on record following 2014 which was the warmest year ever recorded and also the 38th year in a row of above normal global temperatures. So far 2015 is "smashing" the trajectory of rising temperatures just set in 2014. But what about Antarctica, some headlines say all the ice is expanding there, is that true? No. In fact there is so much LAND ice melting off the continent that the loss of mass is actually having an affect on Earth's gravity field. Some sea ice is expanding in Antarctica but that expansion is due to changing wind patterns and massive amounts of fresh water flowing from the melt off of land ice (fresh water freezes at far higher temperatures than the sea water). The fact that we see virtually no headlines from the corporate media about these critical facts should be a glaring red flag. Though Obama and parts of the power structure are focusing on the unraveling climate to a degree in order to push their own agendas, they are not about to disclose how bad the situation really is. If the true gravity of what we face were made known, it would further expose the climate engineering insanity which the power structure is using to help temporarily mask the severity of the climate disintegration. Climate intervention is carried out at the cost of making the overall climate scenario we face far worse, not better. The geoengineers can and are creating large scale temporary (and highly toxic) cool-downs which intensifies the planetary warming in the long run.
Headlines are not facts, if you don't see reputable and verifiable sources of data to back up claims made by headlines, you should not take the headlines seriously and continue investigating. Again, climate engineering is fueling the overall warming of the planet, not mitigating it. 
global temp rise
Credibility is essential in the fight to expose and halt the geoengineering insanity. Those that are serious about winning this battle will make the effort to stand on solid verifiable facts. Conclusions that are built on outdated and irrelevant information, ideology, or denial, do not help us gain traction in this effort. New information must constantly be assessed and evaluated. A growing number of important allies from the science, environmental, and legal communities are now communicating with about the climate engineering issue because of our constant effort to publish scientifically verifiable data which is directly related to and affected by the ongoing geoengineering programs. These kinds of bridges must be built so that we can unite with other communities if we are to have any chance whatsoever of stopping the climate engineering insanity.  

Climate Engineering Is Weather Warfare


Though extreme weather events have always taken place on our planet, how can we consider any weather truly natural when we know global weather has been subjected to climate engineering programs at a significant scale for over 65 years? How can we consider any weather truly natural when we know that at this point in time the entire global weather system is being completely hampered by geoengineering programs which are so massive in scope and scale that nothing is left untainted in regard to our weather? The climate engineers decide when it will rain or snow, where, how much, and how toxic the rain or snow will be, where there will be drought or heat, etc. There are of course uncontrollable variables, but in a broad sense the weather is being manipulated and disrupted on a scale that cannot be truly comprehended. One of the most powerful tools in the climate engineering toolbox is artificial/chemical ice nucleation. This allows the weather-makers to create temporary cold zones (a very shallow layer of cold) in a world that is in meltdown. Every "winter storm" the geoengineers orchestrate does immense damage to the environment and worsens the overall warming. The global contamination from the ongoing climate engineering is already irreparable in many ways. We are in a fight for life, this is not speculation, but mathematical fact. Exposing and halting the climate engineering insanity is a responsibility that must be carried by us all, every single one of us is needed in this battle. Make your voice heard. The short 10+ minute video below is a sample of weather catastrophes that have occurred around the globe in the last month alone. It will get worse fast from here on out.
Dane Wigington

Manufacturing Winter


Dane Wigington

How much influence do the geoengineers have over our precipitation? They have much more influence than most people would believe. This sort of scenario is happening around the globe, one example follows. From about the early afternoon on December 11th, the rain northeast of Redding, California, slowed to a near stop inspite of much moisture still being visible on the radar map (the blue pin on the map is Redding). By 4pm it basically stopped even though there was still lots of moisture visible on the radar moving over Redding. The map below was taken at 7pm on December 11th. Still lots of moisture and rain visible on radar, it should have been raining significantly Northeast of Redding (especially due to the direction of the rain and the mountains that rise up in front of the approaching rain), yet, still nothing but an occasional drip in spite of what the image below shows. Why?


Because the climate engineers are ice nucleating north east of Redding in order to create a few wintery headlines. The chemical ice nucleation process causes an endothermic reaction and “dries up” much of the moisture (and keeps it migrating) though it does chemically cool things down a bit below the clouds and can begin to artificially nucleate snow even at higher than freezing temperatures which eventually drops the mercury further. Look at the patches of rain in the radar map above that stretch all the way to Montana. Now take a look at the “departure from normal temperature map” below and note the fact the temperatures north east of California were some 25 degrees above normal in places today (December 11th) and are expected to be even warmer tomorrow (December 12th). The moisture flowing in from the south of Redding was very warm subtropical moisture, snow levels in the Sierra were at 9000 feet on the 11th. So why did the rain suddenly diminish and the “heavy wet snow” appear in some regions? For the reasons outlined above. With enough moisture and enough chemical ice nucleation, the snow levels in the Sierras will also eventually drop near the tail end of this stream of moisture. The world is rapidly heating and the attempt to hide this fact from public view and comprehension with totally out of control climate engineering is only making the climate situation far worse while poisoning the entire planet in the process.

departure from normal highs



Engineered Snowstorms, What Are They Spraying?

The constant reappearances of the “Polar Vortex” and the unprecedented swings in temperatures that come with this type of climate engineering insanity is finally raising some eyebrows. We have known for a long time that snow storms can and are being engineered.

Engineering Winter Storms


Dane Wigington

How is it there are such anomalous cold events on an ever rapidly warming planet? Welcome to climate engineering and "artificial ice nucleation for weather modification". The geoengineers were able to manipulate some weather headlines and produce a few cold records in the Eastern US  just before the end of October, 2014, with what they labeled as the "polar blast"(the constant record heat in so many parts of the planet are generally ignored by mainstream media). Engineered snow storms are a major part of the ongoing climate engineering assault on our biosphere. Massive fluctuations of temperatures and conditions accompany such unnatural events. There is no longer any "natural" weather, none.


Surreal photos from Slovenia's Worst Ice Storm In History (though mainstream media tried to make it seem as if such an event had happened before by saying it was the worst "in living memory", statistically it was an unprecedented event). I was contacted by people from Slovenia who made it completely clear that they believed this ice cataclysm was the result of weather warfare, punishment for resistance to outside political pressures.

The Weather Channel Switches To Reality Shows


By Dane Wigington

In the last three plus years, the “Weather Channel” has increasingly shown it is not so concerned about covering accurate information on the weather. Reality shows are now its main feature. In years past, whenever one turned on the “Weather Channel”, one got the weather. Not so any more.