Search Results for: ozone layer

Snowstorms And Raging Wildfires In The Same Region On The Same Day, Welcome To Geoengineering


Dane Wigington

The Climate engineers are increasingly desperate to hide the accelerating planetary meltdown with short term chemically nucleated cool-downs. Engineered cool-downs have been a major component of the climate engineering assault for many decades. The chemical cool-downs create the headlines the power structure needs to continue the population's confusion and division in regard to the true state of the climate. Yellowstone National Park is the latest example of chemically ice nucleated deception. 


The photo above was taken in Yellowstone National Park on Monday, September 12, 2016. Photo credit: Devon Hannan

The Yellowstone event is not unique, a chemically nucleated "snowstorm" in South Dakota that occurred on October 4th of 2013 killed up to 100,000 cattle. This event occured while it was 85 degrees and raining in Chicago and 89 degrees with rain in Kansas City.Other anamolous cool-down chemically nucleated events in South America may have been responsible for the death of up to 200,000 alpacas.​ 

On Monday, September 12th, 2016 (the same day that the snowstorm photo above was taken), the south entrance to Yellowstone park was closed due to an ongoing out of control wildfire (as shown in the photo below).


Again, this wildfire was raging on the same day (and at the same time), that other parts of Yellowstone Park were experiencing a summer snowstorm​.

Liquid precipitation can be chemically converted to frozen precipitation under a variety of conditions when there is enough moisture present and a large enough geoengineering operation deployed. The Chinese openly announced the fact that they were chemically nucleating snowstorms until they did a billion dollars worth of damage to Beijing.


Radar map multi-hour loops can be revealing in regard to chemical ice nucleation process. Migrating bands of precipitation can often be seen "flashing out" to frozen precipitation with no elevation change on the topography below the storm/precipitation.

Do US temperature maps for September 12, 2016, indicate conditions are present that would facilitate such a summer snowstorm? NO.


The map above is for Monday, September 12, 2016, the same day as the snowstorm in Yellowstone. 

 Above normal temperatures are, again, returning to the Yellowstone region and are predicted to peak by Sunday, September 18th, 2016.


The very rapid rebound of high temperatures is a glaring red flag as to the engineered nature of the Yellowstone "summer snowstorm". Weather "whiplash" is becoming the norm.

As previously mentioned, the engineered cool-downs are a means of confusing and dividing the population as to the true state of the global climate. Though climate engineering can create the temporary toxic cool-downs, they come at the cost of an even worse overall warming. How warm is our planet? This is not about Al Gore and carbon credit scams, it is about reality. July 2016 was the 15th consecutive month of all time record high temperature months. August, 2016, just broke the record again. Records are being shattered in spite of wide spread UNDER REPORTING of official high temperatures.

The animation above clearly shows the trend of rapidly rising temperatures on planet Earth. Geoengineering, and its endless list of negative consequences, is making an already dire global climate scenario worse overall, not better.

Does the long term forecast call for "cooler than normal" temperatures for the US (including Alaska)?  Again, the answer is NO.


The rapidly increasing orange and red zones (all reflecting above normal and far above normal temperatures) on US "departure from normal temperature" forecast maps should be extremely alarming to all of us.

Are global land and temperatures cooling? NO


The planet may well be in a runaway greenhouse event already with climate engineering helping to fuel the overall fire.

The biosphere was in a cooling phase until the start of the industrial revolution. The two level periods of temperatures in the historical graph below were due to the climate forcing effect of aerosols loading/saturation of the atmosphere.


The toxic tug of war between increasing greenhouse gases and atmospheric aerosols (with geoengineering adding to the aerosol loading since the mid 1940s) is wreaking havoc on the climate system.

On a longer timescale, the impact of anthropogenic activity (which includes geoengineering) can clearly be seen.


The long term cooling trend on the planet turned to an abrupt climate shift toward extremely rapid heating.

On an even longer scale, the total disruption of Earth's normal and natural cyclical pattern is shockingly visible


On a time scale of this duration, the heating up of our planet appears as a straight up vertical trajectory at the far right of the graph.

Arctic sea ice is one of the most measurable and visible harbingers of our rapidly changing planet. Headlines of Arctic ice expansion are patently false as are headlines of global glacier expansion. Though Arctic sea ice is imploding, the use of chemical ice nucleation is being heavily utilized in the desperate attempt to keep the headline from full public veiw for as long as possible. The Greenland ice sheet is also rapidly melting. To deny the unfoding planetary meltdown is simply to toe the line for big oil and the geoengineers, public ignorance and denial of the front line reality is what they want. The climate engineers have used climate modification as a weapon of war, nothing less. In their attempt to manipulate the planet's life support systems for their own agendas, the overall warming has been accelerated due to the endless list of climate engineering consequences. The 30 second video below illistrates the melt rate of Arctic sea ice.

From ozone layer destruction, to devastating drought, to fueling wildfires, geoengineering/weather warfare programs are wreaking havoc around the globe. Though the US military has just admitted on the record (again) that the disintagrating climate is a massive national security risk, what they won't admit to is that they (and the global geoengineering programs they are a part of) are a huge factor further forcing the disintagration to begin with. Climate engineering is nothing short of a covert weapon to control populations at the expense of the entire web of life. If we are to salvage what is left of the planet's life support systems, the climate engineering insanity must be exposed and halted. Help us in this most critical battle, make your voice heard.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Ken Caldeira, David Keith, And Carnegie “Science”, The Face Of The Criminal Climate Engineering Cover-up


Dane Wigington

The power structure's propaganda machine has been put into high gear in a last ditch desperate attempt to hide the ongoing geoengineering planetary omnicide till the last possible moment. Geoengineer Ken Caldeira and Carnegie "Science" have teamed up on a "peer reviewed "study/survey" to "prove" "chemtrails" are not real.


The key image in the science diagram above is the jet spraying "reflective particles" shown in the upper left. Though ocean iron fertilization is also a catastrophic form of geoengineering that is ongoing, the other images (space mirrors and artificial trees) are completely implausible and meant to distract from the reality of the actual geoengineering programs.

The science terms for what is occurring in our skies were of course completely avoided by Caldeira and Carnegie "Science" as such terms would lead people to hard science data and that was of course NOT the goal of the "study/survey". This "peer reviewed" study claims that the vast majority of scientists agreed "chemtrails" were not real (again, the scientists were not asked about the geoengineering/climate modification subject). So, in addition to the inaccurate terms in the "survey", did the vast majority of scientists surveyed really confirm that "chemtrails" were not real? NO, here are the real numbers from the "survey", 475 scientists were solicited for this survey, only 78 responded, that is only just over 16%. Why didn't the rest of the scientists excuse themselves from the survey? Keep reading and find out. When the climate engineering crimes are fully exposed to populations around the globe (once and for all), a complete overturning of our paradigm will commence and those in power know it. The ongoing weather warfare that has been carried out for over 70 years has equally and irreparably harmed every person on the planet along with the entire web of life. The 2 minute video below shows up-close from directly behind a jet aircraft what is inarguably atmospheric spraying occurring. This is only one shocking example, there are countless others.

The power structure and the criminals who serve them are completely committed to hiding the geoengineering/solar radiation management/climate intervention programs from the public for as long as possible. The effort to bring the climate engineering insanity to light is gaining ground rapidly. This has caused the global controllers to push back with a pathetic piece of total propaganda that does not in any objective way, shape, or form, address the mountain of material facts which conclusively confirm that global climate engineering has long since been deployed. The propaganda "study" in question (which attempts to dispute the geoengineering reality based on the "opinions" of selected academicians) has been republished and reposted by numerous corporate controlled "media" sources that are clearly tasked with serving the global power structure. Who is a primary face that we can place on the machine of criminal deception regarding the ongoing illegal geoengineering assault? Internationally recognized geoengineer Ken Caldeira has been playing a central role in the ongoing public propaganda and deception for a very long time (along with geoengineer David Keith). Caldeira and Keith are clearly heavily committed to the effort to hiding the ongoing climate engineering assault by any means possible. Caldeira has long since teamed up with Carnegie "Science" which has known connections to the defense industry. A look into Caldeira's past government defense department employment is shocking and revealing. In the damning 2 minute video below you can hear Caldeira describe in his own words what he worked on while employed by the US government.

Internationally known geoengineer Dr. David Keith is in the same business as Caldeira, public deception. The 5 minute video below (which features Dr. David Keith, Ken Caldeira, and Obama science advisor, John Holdren), is very revealing and especially damning for geoengineer, Dr. David Keith.

Dr. David Keith was also very effectively exposed by Stephen Colbert in this next 6 minute video.

Caldeira's "report" of the "survey" he spearheaded  is so full of omissions and completely skewed information that it is difficult to find a starting point with setting the record straight.

Click the link below to go directly to the LASG website


So what is the bottom line with the Caldeira/Carnegie "study"? The unspun truth is this, there were no relevant facts in Caldeira's purely propaganda piece, none. Only the opinions of selective individuals that have no choice but to repeat the official government narrative of climate engineering denial. To do otherwise would lead to the loss of their careers or worse. The Caldeira/Carnegie "science study" has completely omitted mountains of relevant data (some of which has already been cited), but the "study" in question has also not made any reference to the on the record testimony of numerous experts who have stated conclusively that global climate engineering is an absolute real and ongoing reality. These expert testimonies include former US government scientists, union of concerned scientist members, former pilots, former defense industry technicians, and physicians

Caldeira's final statement from the "study" is below, does anyone see a single fact cited in Caldeira's rant?

“Despite the persistence of erroneous theories about atmospheric chemical spraying programs, until now there were no peer-reviewed academic studies showing that what some people think are ‘chemtrails’ are just ordinary contrails, which are becoming more abundant as air travel expands. Also, it is possible that climate change is causing contrails to persist for longer periods than they used to.” Caldeira said. “I felt it was important to definitively show what real experts in contrails and aerosols think. We might not convince die-hard believers that their beloved secret spraying program is just a paranoid fantasy, but hopefully their friends will accept the facts.” 

Caldiera states above "it is possible that climate change is causing 'contrails' to persist for longer periods than ye used to". Lets examine this statement. For "condensation trails" to increase and last longer there MUST BE more relative humidity in the atmosphere, but is this the case? The global RH graph below could not be more clear, atmospheric RH has been going down for over 60 years.


Atmospheric RH began to drop in direct correlation with the initial deployment of climate engineering programs in the mid to late 1940's. The climate engineering materials are dessicants and create an overall drying effect on the atmosphere. The global dimming effect of SRM programs further dries out the atmosphere overall (though record deluges will continue to increase as the planet rapidly warms and/or due to climate engineering/weather warfare). Again, Mr. Caldeira, when atmospheric RH is dropping radically, why would "condensation trails" increase radically?

If you think Ken Caldeira  and David Keith should be exposed to the public at large for their part in the criminal climate engineering cover-up, tell them so yourself and share their contacts and this post with others so they can do the same (Keith's and Caldeira's contacts are hyperlinked to their names above).  Such communications should be done in a professional, articulate, and peaceful manner. Attaching credible informational links to any communications sent is also important. Anyone and everyone that is actively or passively participating in the criminal cover-up of the global climate engineering assault should be publicly exposed in the same manner.

It is rationally incomprehensible that we now live in a global society in which so many in academia are in one way or another muzzled, or outright lying in an apparent attempt to secure their paychecks and pensions. Climate engineering is obviously, undeniably, and verifiably occurring in skies all over the globe. The creation of "Weather Made To Order" has been openly discussed by scientists since the 1950s. The public is finally starting to look up and thankfully beginning to re-activate their sense of reason and logic. The climate engineering/weather warfare assault cannot be hidden in plain sight for much longer. Once fully exposed populations around the globe will unite in a shockwave of anger and outrage at what their governments have done to them (and to the planet's life support systems as a whole). This anger and outrage from global populations will certainly extend to all those in academia and the media who have made themselves accessories to the climate engineering crimes by actively or passively participating in the ongoing cover-up. Make your voice heard, we must all do our part in the most critical effort to expose the truth, our time is running out.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Former CNN Reporter Greg Hunter Exposes Climate Engineering


Greg Hunter is a highly respected veteran news reporter who has worked for many major news networks in the past.  Greg continues to make his voice heard as the producer and creator of The site's slogan is "analyzing the news to give you a clear picture of what's really going on". Unlike those in the corporate media propaganda circles, Greg has the courage to thoroughly  address the most critical issues that most of his peers are afraid to even mention. In the article and video below USAWatchdog helps to shine the light on the extremely dire issue of global climate engineering and the planetary devastation it is causing. The sixteen minute video in Greg Hunter's article below is the latest update from USA Watchdog on the critical climate engineering issue.
Dane Wigington


Climate Engineers Cut Off Critical Rain From Populations Around The Globe


Dane Wigington

Why are there so many record droughts unfolding around the world? A warmer atmosphere holds much more water vapor (7% more for every degree in centigrade of warming). The laws of physics state it MUST rain more on a rapidly warming planet. So why are record shattering droughts increasing in regions all over the globe? Because geoengineering/solar radiation management programs are completely disrupting Earth's hydrological cycle.


Geoengineered skies over Yosemite National Park, California. Photo credit: Ron Kauk

By saturating the atmosphere with particulates (aerosols) to produce the "global dimming" effect (which is the stated primary objective of the SRM climate mitigation programs), the geoengineers have totally derailed the planet's primary terrestrial life support system, rain. The climate engineers literally control the global spigot. Controlling precipitation means controlling food supplies and populations all over the world.  The intentional attempt to create a "nuclear winter" is actually fueling the overall warming of the planet in addition to expanding global drought. Record droughts are decimating ecosystems and populations around the globe along with fueling water conflicts. Droughts comparable to the engineered catastrophe in California are happening in countless regions. The headlines below are all recent breaking stories, all are click to open links.

"Thailand Hit By Worst Drought In Decades"

"Thousands May Die From Drought In Somalia Unless Donors Give More"

"Worst Middle East Drought In 900 years"

"Climate Change Worsening Colorado River Droughts"

"India Facing Worst-Ever Water Crisis"

"Uganda: Water Crisis Worsens As Dam Dries Up"

"Palau Suffers Worsening Drought, Emergency Declared"

"California Drought: Get Used To It, Scientists Say"

"Historic Drought In Southeast Asian Countries"

"South America: Exceptional Water Deficits Are Forecast To Persist"

"Drought In America Threatens Food Production"

"Honduras: Drought Emergency Appeal"

"Forests Struggle As Drought And Climate Change Bite"

"El Nino Falls Short, Leaving California In Drought"

"Vietnam's Southern Mekong Delta Faces Worst Drought In History"

"Drought-Effected Farmers Block Kidapawan City (Philippines) Highway To Demand Relief"

"Amid Climate-Fueled (Drought) Food Crisis, Filipino Forces Open Fire On Starving Farmers"

Global geoengineering is not just ecocide, not just genocide, but planetary omnicide. Geoengineering is weather warfare, nothing less. Due to the highly toxic fallout, climate engineering must also be considered biological warfare. The ongoing weather/climate manipulation is not only wreaking havoc on the planet's climate system, geoengineering is also destroying the ozone layer. Without an ozone layer, there would be no terrestrial life on Earth. Though some "official sources" claim the ozone hole is recovering, UV metering from the front lines completely disputes any such conclusion. The ozone destruction will only get worse with every day that the atmospheric spraying is allowed to continue.


The heavily damaged ozone layer is allowing dangerous UV radiation levels to reach Earth's surface.

Many in the climate science and environmental communities are justifiably criticizing the special interest groups and organizations who are aggressively denying global warming, but what about their own inexcusable criminal denial of the single largest climate disrupting factor of all, global climate engineering? How can there be any legitimate discussion of the climate without first and foremost addressing the climate engineering atrocities? There can't be. We are now in the "Anthropocene epoch". Any form of anthropogenic activity that alters the biosphere (and thus Earth's natural systems) must be considered a form of geoengineering, This being said, climate engineering and its highly toxic fall-out is the greatest and most immediate threat we face short of nuclear cataclysm. How do we stop it? Reaching a critical mass of awareness is the only way forward, all of us are needed to do our part in this most critical battle to salvage what is yet left of Earth's life support systems.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

“Nearly Half Of The Great Barrier Reef To Die In The Next Month”, Abrupt Climate Shift Is Now


Dane Wigington

Australia's Great Barrier Reef is one of the "7 wonders of the world", nearly half of it is expected to die in the next month. Why? The 2 minute video below is a breaking news update from the front lines.

The oceans are superheating, along with the rest of the planet. If the oceans die, we die. Recent studies indicate that half of the barrier reef has already been lost in the previous 3 decades. Now, in the next 30 days, half of what is left will be lost. Some want to primarily blame Fukushima for the dying seas, but there is much more to the equation.  In the early 90s I participated in 2 private extended dive excursions on the Barrier reef, such a loss is unimaginable to me. Is anthropogenic (human) activity to blame for the explosion of environmental cataclysms on our planet? With absolute mathematical certainty the answer is YES. The human race and the military industrial complex has decimated the planet in countless ways, the ongoing climate engineering insanity is at the top of the list of destruction. The toxic heavy metal fall out from climate engineering is further fueling the global die off. The destruction of the ozone layer (most directly linked to the ongoing geoengineering assault) is also a massive contributing factor in regard to coral bleaching and the global die-off in general. 


Earth and its life support systems are in virtual collapse, and even now the vast majority of populations are completely oblivious to what is unfolding around them at absolutely blinding speed. Even now there are countless groups, organizations, and individuals that are still clinging to carefully crafted power structure propaganda and lies of "global cooling", "global warming is a hoax", or "we can't tell if the planet is warming or cooling". How can there be such an incomprehensible disconnect? Because the majority are still tragically choosing to form their conclusions from ideology and not front line facts. Because the majority choose not do do any objective research from credible and verifiable sources on an ongoing basis. The chasm of willful confusion is vast and there is plenty of blame to go around. The environmental/climate science/global warming communities and groups are immersed in inexcusable denial in regard to the geoengineering/solar radiation management atrocities in our skies. How can there be any legitimate discussion of the climate without even mentioning the single largest climate disrupting and damaging factor of all, geoengineering/weather warfare, and SRM programs? Answer? There can't be. On the other side of the fence there are many who recognize the reality of climate engineering, but unfortunately are in total denial in regard to the unfolding planetary meltdown (that is being made exponentially worse overall by climate intervention programs). The weather makers can create large scale short term chemical cool-downs at the cost of a worsened overall warmingArctic ice is yet again at record breaking low levels as the ongoing atmospheric spraying continues. Antarctica is also in trouble. The 2 minute video below makes inarguably clear that geoengineering/solar radiation management programs are reality.

Industrialized/militarized civilization is destroying the planet and any chance of a future for any of us. Global geoengineering programs are the absolute epitome of this destruction. If we are to have any chance whatsoever of altering the current course of certain near term total extinction on our planet we must start marching in the same direction. If we are to have any chance of turning the current tide in time to salvage any part of Earth's life support systems, the fight for life must be our top priority. Exposing and halting the climate engineering insanity is the greatest single leap forward we could collectively make. Reaching a critical mass of awareness with the public on the climate engineering issue is the only way forward. There is no silver bullet solution, no magic petition, no political remedy. Exposing and halting the tidal wave of insanity is up to us, each of us, all of us. Those who claim to truly love their children have an absolute obligation to help in the battle to sound the alarm each and every day. Those who claim to care about the fate of the world need to take action now, not later, the sand in the hourglass is nearly gone. Who will  join us in this imperative fight for the greater good? Who will help us to credibly and effective expose global geoengineering? The single greatest assault ever launched against the web of life by the human race. Make your voice heard while you can.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Climate Engineering, Final Fatal Folly Of The Human Race


Dane Wigington

Planet Earth, and all that live on it, are in the throws of unimaginable and immediate upheavals.  Even at this late hour, with the walls closing in from every side, the vast majority are completely oblivious to the tidal wave that is towering above our heads. Earth's climate and life support systems are unraveling at unimaginable speed as we free fall into the 6th great mass extinction on our planet.  In spite of all this verifiably and undeniably occurring, for the vast majority the immediate threat of a lifeless planet is not even on the radar as the graph below clearly indicates. 


The total moral depravity, deception and betrayal by mainstream media  has now ensured that the population as a whole has no idea how close the current reality is to completely and permanently disintegrating. 

Our planet is dying, this is a statistical and mathematical fact. The life that Earth has supported for untold millions of years will soon perish if there is not an immediate and total change of direction for the human race.


Some 200 species of Earth's plants, animals, and insects are going extinct every single day.

In the last 40 years over half of Earth's wildlife had been killed off while the human population has doubled in the same period. How long can such a trend possibly continue?


Well over 200,000 people are added to the planet each and every day.

As anthropogenic activity began to overburden and heat the biosphere (since the onset of the industrial revolution),  some 70+ years ago those in power made the fateful decision to attempt the engineering of Earth's climate system in the self-serving and suicidal effort to keep "business as usual" and to use the weather as a weapon of war. Aside from the inarguable destruction of weather warfare, the ever expanding global geoengineering/solar radiation management/ocean fertilization programs have now manifested into the greatest and most immediate threat to life on Earth short of nuclear cataclysm. Recent studies confirm that  geoengineering and ocean fertilization CAN'T WORK. After 70+ years of climate engineering and weather warfare, the planet now appears to be descending into a runaway greenhouse event, an "abrupt climate shift" that could lead to "Venus Syndrome".


2015 was the warmest year since record keeping began, breaking the record just set in 2014. 2016 will break the record again and is already on path to do so. January 2016 was the warmest month ever recorded on our planet, February 2016 completely shattered that record again. Global Geoengineering is not mitigating global warming, it is helping to fuel it overall. Short term (toxic) cool-downs can be achieved at the cost of an even worse overall warming. The "global warming slowdown" narrative was a carefully crafted and well funded lie to help the geoengineers sell their programs of destruction as successful, a complete fallacy.

How fast is the far North warming? At an astounding and completely unprecedented pace.


We are in uncharted territory as the Arctic meltdown spirals out of control spawning numerous climate feedback loops.

The Northern Hemisphere is warming at an even faster pace than the Southern Hemisphere. This is astounding considering the constant record heat that is occurring in locations like Australia.


The deployment of global climate engineering was deployed at a significant scale just after WWll. Though there was an initial cooling effect as is clearly visible on the graph above, the rapid buildup of greenhouse gasses like Co2 and methane, and the countless negative consequences of solar radiation management built up rapidly. These factors soon overwhelmed the initial cooling effect of climate engineering and the planetary warming continued upward in the mid 70s, this trend is now accelerating. As previously mentioned, the ever more massive geoengineering assault is now only making an already horrific climate scenario far worse overall in addition to contaminating the entire surface of the planet. Geoengineering is also a form of biological warfare.

In the completely misguided and unimaginably destructive attempt to temporarily and toxically cool some regions of the US, the climate engineers are heavily spraying (aerosolizing) massive flows of moisture that are pouring into the country from the west and the south. The brighter the reflection of the cloud cover on the combination satellite radar map below, the more aerosolized it is. The more moisture the geoengineers have to work with, the more spraying they carry out. The goal of solar radiation management is to broadcast out the available moisture into the most expansive cloud canopy possible. The planetary decimation from the ongoing climate intervention grows by the day, the creation of record drought in some regions, record deluge in others, and lethal ozone layer destruction, are only a few of the endless list of known consequences. 


The atmospheric aerosol saturation tends to create an amorphous featureless cloud canopy when viewed from the ground below the flow of "storms" and atmospheric moisture currents. 

The electrically conductive heavy metal aerosols that are saturated into the incoming moisture flows can then be scattered into a much wider region with the use of ground based radio frequency transmissions. The image below was taken on 3-9-2016 as the moisture streams in over the Pacific Northwest from the record warm Pacific Ocean. The transmitter location is northeast of Portland Oregon. The radio frequency transmissions are utilized to scatter the available moisture into vast regions of mostly rainless overcast skies as show in many locations on the previous map.


The process of manipulating atmosphere moisture (for creating SRM  cloud canopy over the largest possible regions) is wreaking havoc on the climate and ecosystems.

What is the effect of using the flow of moisture from the west for a form of "evaporative cooler" ? As already mentioned, the climate engineers can temporarily and toxically cool some regions at the cost of a worsened warming overall. If the NOAA "forecast" map below does not alarm you, it should. Each shade of color represents a 2-4 degree variance of temperature, above or below "normal", depending on the color hue. Record shattering warmth will continue in much of the country  ( adding to what is already the warmest US winter on record ) as the West gets the toxic cool-down complete with constant chemical ice nucleation of the incoming moisture flow.


Extreme and unprecedented imbalances like those shown in the map above are telltale signs of a climate system that is completely unraveling. Though there are countless sources of anthropogenic damage to the biosphere and climate system, global geoengineering is mathematically the most destructive of all.

The Total Betrayal Of The Climate Science Community

Mainstream media is not the only group that has completely betrayed humanity, the climate science community has done the same. Though a constant parade of false headlines from well funded sources has convinced many that the climate change threat is being exaggerated, the exact opposite is true. What we face is far more grave and immediate than any of the "worst case predictions" from completely controlled organizations like the IPCC (the largest scientific panel ever created in human history). The most severe betrayal is now coming from "science organizations" like "AMEG" (the Arctic Methane Emergency Group). Though AMEG's assessment of the threat from thawing and releasing methane deposits is valid, AMEG's call for global geoengineering are nothing short of criminal tyranny

Arctic Methane Emergency Group (AMEG) -Blog of AMEG, the Arctic Methane Emergency Group, discussing the situation in the Arctic and the action necessary to avoid catastrophic warming, including the need for geoengineering to be accepted as an indispensable part of a comprehensive plan of action to cool the Arctic and to bring the atmosphere and oceans back to their pre-industrial state.

In regard to AMEG's call for emergency geoengineering to be immediately deployed (as if it has not already been going on for 70 years with catastrophic consequences), there are only two possibilities, either they are criminally ignorant of the very subject of which they claim to be experts, or they are lying. In either case, their calls for the commencement of climate engineering is criminal and should be publicly confronted. Taking the time to locate public email contacts for AMEG members, mainstream media and meteorological personnel, is essential. These contacts should then be circulated to others so that a constraint stream of communications calling for their accountability can be unleashed by the public. Such communications must be articulate and peaceful. This being said, the communications can and should point out that the public is rapidly waking up to the climate engineering crimes and will certainly soon hold legally and morally accountable ALL THOSE that directly or indirectly participated in these crimes. This includes all the journalists, scientists, and meteorologists that helped to hide the ongoing geoengineering assault by deceiving the public about the issue. There can be NO LEGITIMATE DISCUSSION about the state of the climate without first and foremost addressing the ongoing global climate engineering insanity. As the climate system continues to implode, the power structure will be more dangerous than ever before. Will WWlll be their final option as populations awaken to their crimes? There is much work to be done in this critical fight for the greater good, all of us must make our voices heard while we yet have time to do so.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Total Climate Control Captured On Satellite Images


Dane Wigington

The radar loop film footage in the 6 minute video below is an exceptional documentation of the total climate control that is being inflicted on our once thriving planet. The ongoing global geoengineering assault is becoming unimaginably blatant and extreme. The greater the damage to the climate system becomes, the more the climate engineers ramp up their atmospheric programs of drought, deluge, devastation, and destruction. From ozone layer depletion to mass methane releases in the Arctic (and elsewhere), to complete contamination of the biosphere, the weather-makers are wreaking havoc on planet Earth. My most sincere gratitude to "1Pacific Redwood", the producer of this very revealing 6 minute presentation.

Of all the anthropogenic forms of damage to the atmosphere and environment, global geoengineering programs are mathematically the most decimating. What we collectively face is nothing short of a fight for survival. Make your voice heard in this critical battle while you can

Climate Engineering Denial And Deception, Holding Mainstream Media Accountable


Dane Wigington

Should we consider it acceptable for mainstream media news anchors and their "chief meteorologists" to completely ignore and marginalize the legitimate and verifiable concerns of the public that they claim to represent? Should we just stand silently by while media and meteorological "professionals" (that the community depends on) willfully blackout critical issues (that relate directly to public health and welfare) without doing a shred of honest or legitimate investigation? The short answer is no, we cannot, we must not accept such a betrayal of the public's trust. In Northern California, KRCR is an ABC affiliate that covers the North State. The chain of short messages below are my attempt to hold the ABC news anchor for KRCR (and their chief meteorologist) accountable by simply asking them to address the public's concerns in a town hall setting. This effort has been ongoing. The ABC news anchor finally gives a very unprofessional and completely inadequate response. A 40 year veteran Aerospace Avionics Engineer then directly addresses the ABC news anchor with his own letter which fully supports the reality of global geoengineering and our efforts to expose the ongoing atmospheric aerosol crimes.

1st Request

Hello Mr. Kruger and Mr. Mangas, 
As I am sure you are aware, the rapidly growing public concerns over the issue of climate engineering continues to accelerate. As meteorological and media representatives for the North State (through KRCR), it is my hope that you will agree to accept this formal invitation to attend a locally staged public forum (in a town hall setting) in order to address the public's questions and concerns about what we see constantly occurring in our skies. The lingering expanding jet aircraft trails often haze out the entire skyline (which is the stated goal of "solar radiation management" programs). If (as the KRCR chief meteorologist) Mr. Kruger believes climate engineering is not in fact going on, the public would like to know on what facts and information such a conclusion is based. I, and many others, hope you will accept this sincere invitation to address our concerns as our local weather and media representatives. If so, we would coordinate a date, time, and location for the meeting that would be acceptable to your schedules. 
Dane Wigington

Verifiable facts sent for consideration:

Federal "gag order" on all NWS and NOAA employees

Links to numerous film footage clips of jet aircraft spraying

New Science Study Examines Methods To Gain Public Acceptance Of Climate Engineering

New Science Study Comes Closer To Disclosing The Catastrophic Health And Environmental Consequences Of Climate Engineering

Massive Senate Document On National And Global Weather Modification

Historical presidential report documenting ongoing and expanding climate engineering programs

Extensive list of climate engineering patents

Solar radiation management governance initiative

2nd Request

Hello Mr. Kruger and Mr. Mangas, I hope you would be kind enough to issue a response to the request sent last week. As mentioned in the former message, public concerns about climate engineering are escalating rapidly, it would seem appropriate for the chief meteorologist that represents our region to at least be willing to address the public's concerns in a town hall setting.

Thank you for your consideration to this second request. 

Dane Wigington

3rd Request

Hello Mr. Kruger and Mr. Mangas, we are all still hoping you will be willing to answer questions from the public to address our concerns about what is happening in our skies. The photo attached was captured today from the NASA worldview site, what could cause such a cloud formation? This is one of the many questions we would like to have addressed at a town hall meeting at a date, time, and location, that would suite your schedule. Again, as the local chief meteorologist that represents our region, we hope you will be willing to address our questions and concerns.

Dane Wigington

What could cause an alarming cloud formation like what is shown below? And on such a vast scale?


4th Request

Hello again Mr. Kruger and Mr. Mangas, still hoping to have the courtesy of a response regarding the communities requests to have their questions and concerns about climate engineering addressed in a public town hall setting. Below is a satellite photo taken today over Northern California. It reveals an atmosphere that is completely saturated with aerosols which look more like blowing smoke on the radar image as opposed to natural cumulous or cirrus clouds. Smoke is of course a particulate, climate engineering/solar radiation management patents and programs expressly call for saturating the atmosphere with light scattering particulates dispersed from jet aircraft. If (as our chief meteorologist) Mr. Kruger feels our concerns are unfounded, and that we should not believe what we can see with our own eyes, we would be very interested in hearing on what basis of facts he comes to such a conclusion.

Dane Wigington


First response from KRCR ABC news anchor Mike Mangas

On Feb 18, 2016, at 6:20 PM, Mike Mangas wrote:

Hello Dane-

I apologize for not responding to your emails. I didn't see them – to be absolutely honest, I blocked them some time ago.

Going into the geoengineering debate, I tried to keep an open mind. I listened to you, to your followers, showed up at the seminar you had in the David Marr auditorium, and did online research. I'm not a scientist, and don't pretend to be, but of the things I could confirm, I have found lies, mistruths, conspiracy theories of all sorts (and not just geoengineering. That forum had a cornucopia of conspiracy theories. Who shot Kennedy, what really happened on 9-11, did we really go to the moon, etc.)

Reading things like we the media are being paid off by the government to keep things quiet, or to believe humans are capable of intentionally altering the environment on a global scale, for nefarious purposes, or that such an alleged massive operation could be done in complete secrecy, and talking with people in the airline industry whom I have known for years,  whose opinions I respect, who literally laugh at geoengineering conspiracies, led me months ago to come to the conclusion that… I don't believe it. I do believe geoengineering is being discussed, but not anywhere near being implemented, and certainly not on such a grand scale.

Everyone is free to believe what they want to believe, and as I've said before, I admire your passion, but I'm done with this, and have been for months.

I just don't want to spend any more time on it.

Clearly, I have no interest in being involved in any sort of town hall meeting, nor in covering any such event. (I speak for myself only in that regard.)

I will not respond to any further correspondence, unless it's a subject other than geoengineering.


Mike Mangas

KRCR News Channel 7

(530) 722-6423


My 1st email in response to ABC news anchor Mike Mangas and ABC "chief Meteorologist Mike Kruger

Mr, Mangas, with all due respect, do you really believe your response would hold up in any reasonable forum with a reasonable community of concerned citizens? Which clearly neither you nor Mr. Kruger have the courage to face? You baselessly claim all is "conspiracy" and yet make no acknowledgment of the mountain of climate engineering data to the contrary, including links I sent to you and Mr. Kruger. These links even contain the full text to 750 page US senate report and an 80 page US presidential report, both proving beyond doubt that global climate modification has been going on since the late 1940s. Did you really do any investigation at all, Mike? Or do you just rely on the opinions of "people whom you respect"? How about the federal "gag order" on all National Weather Service and NOAA employees? Any explanation for that? Are we to expect government scientists to speak out in spite of a federal "Gag Order"? It is unfortunate that those whom the community relies on for their news are not even willing to address legitimate and extremely dire community concerns about solid science issues like stratospheric aerosol geoengineering and solar radiation management. Unfortunately you have made the decision to distract from the science by plucking out  a meaningless passing statement or two from the MC at the event. Clearly you have done your best to unjustly slander a major community event with 1000 in attendance and many experts including former military and former government scientists. 

Anyway, Mr. Mangas, thank you for making clear your unwillingness to address critical and legitimate community concerns on verifiable science issues like climate engineering/geoengineering/solar radiation management. Your comments are now on the record (I can only assume Mr. Kruger is taking the same position). As the climate engineering issue becomes impossible to hide, I can only imagine the community will justifiably feel extremely betrayed by those in media who have done their best to hide and/or marginalize issues of such dire gravity. The issue of global geoengineering will soon enough be exposed and acknowledged as the climate system disintegrates, wait and see. At that time, individuals like you and Mr. Kruger (and other local media representatives) will have a great deal of explaining to do for the citizens you claim to represent, but instead have chosen to blatantly betray.

Dane Wigington

My 2nd email to ABC news anchor Mike Mangas and ABC "chief meteorologist" Mike Kruger

Hello Mr. Mangas and Mr. Kruger, just an FYI, it seems the State of Rhode Island is waking up and acknowledging the geoengineering reality.

FYI, Rhode Island legislation draft to stop geoengineering, February 11, 2016

Rhode Island Legislation To Stop Climate Engineering

Below is a letter just sent to you, Mr. Mangas, from an Aerospace Avionics Engineer. Though this extremely qualified expert has asked me not to publish his identity for the time being (as he is still involved in research on the subject at hand), you are well aware of who he is Mike as I have already seen your response to this individual in an email you sent in reply to the letter below. This most recent expert testimony is on top of all the other experts that have already testified in Shasta County about the reality of climate engineering and the dire threat it poses.

The letter below is from an Aerospace Avionics Engineer. It was sent to ABC's Mike Mangas (and forwarded to me) in response to the ABC news anchor's blatant refusal to honestly investigate or objectively report on the critical geoengineeering issue.

Hello Mike,

I just read your response to Dane about not covering any more GeoEngineering stories.

That may be difficult to avoid. 

I am an Aerospace Avionics Engineer of over 40 years, with considerable work experience at our NASA Ames/Dryden Flight Research Center at Edwards – working specifically on a high altitude research aircraft designed to study the Ozone layer.  It was a part of the ERAST projects sponsored by NASA, the company I worked for was Aurora Flight Sciences.

During my work at NASA the folks at JPL figured out how to use the 4th bit in a data stream from an orbiting satellite – and ended up finding the Ozone hole in Antartica.

What failed to reach the public,  is that the Ozone layer is usually only about a quarter of an inch thick!   Another missed item was that Ozone can't be created without Oxygen and Ultraviolet light – above the Atmospheric layers – so it can't form on the dark side of the planet.  This causes holes to form.  Ozone holes are normal – to a point, that point is about where we are now; the Ozone layer is pretty much gone – we know this with the excessive UVB radiation, and the CERES satellite data.

This was 1994, and 1995 – at this time was the big R-12 refrigerant conundrum – this is what the Chemistry Engineers were telling us, and that the Chloromethane molecule was responsible for all the holes in the ozone layer.

I only had 1 simple question: "how does a heavier than air molecule reach tropopause?"
No-one answered.

The next NASA project was the Barium release by satellite.  Lots of data was gathered, and most people involved with the project thought they were doing real science for a good cause.  Not so.  It was government sponsored research data for the solar radiation management programs.

Since that time I have spent significant time and energy researching the CERES data, which was one of the first satellites measuring the "Energy Balance" for planet Earth – I am not using the public data, I have been granted access to the actual data (or so I'm told) that has not been scrubbed.  After 2 years of studying this data, I still can't really determine what is going on.  I am familiar with the scanning micro-bolometer that is the sensor aboard the satellite, but putting that data together in an easily understood video presentation has proved to be a major computer task.

I don't like conspiracy theories.  I want facts.  I want data that speaks for itself, no matter who reads it.

My first comparison of data gathered from 2000-2005 to data from 2010-2015 was very alarming.  So alarming that I figured I made a mistake.  I am taking more time to cover every line of program and every bit of data before any publication is made.  There is 58.6 gigabytes of data. 

Before I received the CERES data, I had to promise the Langley Center that they would receive copies of my papers before they go public.  That bothered me at the time.  Could be just an accuracy check.

I have emailed Dane on several occasions about my current research and his, and on each occasion Dane has had verifiable data to corroborate his claims.  I don't see anything but an intense desire Dane has but to try and recover what we have left on this planet – before it is gone forever.  Personally I admire Dane – it would be far easier for him if he just didn't care.

But he does, and so do I.  This is intensely painful at times, especially when I hold my grandkids. 

Here is a quote I learned many years ago "There is a bar to all understanding, it is contempt prior to investigation."  

In my research I have to maintain an open mind – otherwise I introduce bias into the overall equation by ignoring or discounting certain data.  It is critical I have error-free results, no exceptions.  The stakes are way too high for all of us.

Mike, thanks for reading this – and I hope it doesn't piss you off!  That, is NOT my goal – we need to have good news coverage – accurate, unbiased, and without fear.

We all need YOU, Mike, when I get finished with this project I'd like your opinion – and help.

A final note for this message, can Mr. Kruger, yourself, or the "airline industry" friends (who's opinion you stated you base your conclusions on) confirm (with verifiable facts) that the trails in the photos below are just "normal commercial traffic" trails, and not climate engineering/geoengineering/solar radiation management? Populations are waking up, the climate engineering insanity cannot be hidden in plain sight for much longer no matter how much deception and denial we are fed from the media and meteorological communities.  How will the public react once they know the degree to which they have been lied to about such a dire issue? 

Dane Wigington

Lebanon, Tennessee1:6:16Warren Grace

Photo credit: Warren Grace

The effort to expose the global geoengineering assault requires that we each do everything we can to expose those who are helping to hide the ongoing climate engineering crimes. Make your voice heard in this most critical battle.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Why Are They Spraying? Answers From An Insider


The interview transcript  below is not new, though few have seen it. I first found and read it over a decade ago, but have waited until now to post it. Though there is, of course, no possible way to confirm the authenticity of the interview, the data is complex, articulate, and scientifically accurate in regard to specific verifiable points mentioned. This being said, we must also consider that this is the view of an insider. One that has accepted the rational of the spraying. There is an epidemic of big picture blindness that is rampant in the circles of government scientists. They are all "compartmentalized", they carry out their work in a bubble. I have previously recorded my communications with another geoengineering insider, part 1 and part 2. In these conversations, the rationalization of those involved with the spraying programs is all too evident. Their lack of knowledge regarding the overall consequences of the programs they have helped to orchestrate is also shockingly obvious.


They have all been trained to believe that it is not only man's right to interfere with nature, but his duty. It is this kind of thinking that has put us on the current course of mathematically certain near term extinction. We must change directions, beginning with fully exposing and halting the climate engineering insanity. The use of polymer fibers is one of the first issues addressed in the interview below. The recent rash of filament fallout incidents from the atmospheric spraying is of considerable concern. Webs have been utilized for biological experimentation going back as far as the 1960s. The insider either does not know about this fact or is unwilling to discuss it. There is a great deal of information presented in this interview transcript, but again, it is from an insider's perspective based on the information and conclusions he was given by the power structure he served. Speaking out about such programs is a lethal violation. Those who break their silence will be dealt with in the harshest imaginable fashion by agencies like the CIA and Homeland Security. Converging Catastrophes are closing in on us all. Who will continue to hide in the shadows? To restate for the record, though the scientist in the interview below has chosen to believe that the climate engineering insanity is for the overall greater good, front line data completely refutes any such conclusion. Geoengineering operations are further fueling the biosphere implosion, not mitigating it.  All are needed to stand and make their voice heard for the greater good. What will you do?
Dane Wigington

Massive Global Tree Die-Off Linked To Geoengineering


Source: Waking Times, article by Buck Rogers

Suburbanization and industrial deforestation are decimating the world’s trees, and there are only 2 intact giant forests remaining on planet earth. However, across the globe, some other phenomenon is causing standing trees to wither and die in record numbers, and at present, the problem is receiving considerable mention in California, where millions of trees are dying during the worst drought the region has seen in perhaps some 1200 years.

“We are seeing major tree die off everywhere in N. CA. On my property I’ve seen walnut, apple, cherry, mimosa, olive and pine trees die off in the past three months alone. I’m up in Tahoe and it’s the same with the mountain pines and my friends in Marin are seeing bay trees die off in strands.” – California farmer, Jamie Lee

The U.S. Forest Service attributes the majority of California’s dying trees to the intensifying drought, noting that too many consecutive years of dry conditions weakens a trees defenses against diseases, fungi, and insects such as the pine beetle. The drought is generally blamed on global climate change, which can mean a number of things, and heat waves around the world are intensifying and lasting longer. NASA has even reported that rainfall is severely down world wide.

However, in areas of California less-affected by the drought such as the Boreal forest of the northern central valley of California, it’s not just trees that are withering away, but shrubs, bushes and plants are also dying in shocking quantities. These native trees and plants should be able to withstand current conditions, but they are losing foliage, thinning out, dropping needles, dropping branches, and dying. This, in one of the most shaded and wettest areas of California.

In California and in other parts of the world, many are making the connection between climate engineering these tree die-offs. Also known as geoengineering, this is the modification of the earth’s atmosphere with the supplementation of compounds and chemicals, ostensibly as a means of favorably influencing the climate.

One of the most significant means of climate engineering is the high altitude spraying of aerosol compounds into the earth’s atmosphere, most notably aluminum, barium and other heavy metals. These compounds eventually end up on the ground and in the water, causing changes in soil pH and composition, and generally poisoning the earth below. The slowly kills the entire ecosystem as insects and animals are left without food or habitat.

Investigative journalist Dane Wigington of has been researching this phenomenon in great depth for many years and is the author of, an ongoing global investigation into climate engineering. He briefly explains the serious nature of geoengineering here:

“Global geoengineering is completely disrupting the hydrological cycle, destroying the ozone layer (which is exposing all life on Earth to extreme UV radiation), and contaminating the entire surface of the planet with highly toxic bioavailable heavy metals and chemicals. Massive levels of radio frequency transmissions directly related to climate engineering are yet another layer of destruction which is radically affecting the trees, us, and the biosphere as a whole. It is imperative to wake the masses to our common plight.” – Dane Wigington

​On a tour of property in northern California, he examines a number of native species of plants and trees that are in dire health, pointing out their condition and it’s relation to the documented and globally observed phenomenon associated with geoengineering:

Reports of widespread die-offs of trees and other plants are coming in from around the world, not just California. Last summer in the North Eastern U.S., popular video blogger ‘thebossoftheswamp‘ walked us through sections of the forest in that region where many plants and trees appear to be dying as if poisoned by toxic rain. Many other reports of unexplainable tree deaths are easily found online, so what is it that is causing such devastation of trees?

Source: Waking Times, article by Buck Rogers

Published In Sentinel-Tribune, “Geoengineering Puts Poisons In Air”


Anti-geoengineering activist Gretchen Thomas has struck a solid blow against climate engineering denial with her recently published editorial submission to the "Sentinel-Tribune". This kind of citizen involvement can make the difference in this battle. This is the kind of effort that we must all engage in at every available opportunity. The constant spraying of highly toxic particulates into our breathable air column is having a catastrophic effect on human health and the environment as a whole. Gretchen's letter below is an excellent example of how we can all help in the battle to bring climate engineering to light. Once fully exposed, a shockwave of outrage will travel through populations around the globe. Only then can the climate engineering be brought to a halt. A sample letter from  titled "Flaming Arrow" can be very useful for helping activists to follow Gretchen's example.
Dane Wigington


Geoengineering Puts Poisons In Air

Source: Sentinel-Tribune, letter by Gretchen Thomas

To the Editor

My awareness of Climate engineering, aka: Geoengineering began about three years ago. Concerned about the persistent haze in the air, I called the county Environmental Protection Agency; we talked about geoengineering, he told me aircraft-related emissions are regulated by Federal Aviation Administration. The FAA dismissed me as misinformed; and directed me to Department of Defense when I used the word, "chemtrail". Geoengineering creates climate changes by definition. Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering, (SAG) or Solar Radiation Management, (SRM) describes the dispersal of nano-particulates at high altitudes by jet aircraft; this is visible in the sky if you just look up. Persistent sprayed particulate trails criss-crossing the sky from horizon to horizon, slowly dispersing, are textbook geoengineering flight patterns, not condensation trails as disinformers claim. Many experts conclude that ongoing geoengineering programs are wreaking havoc with our weather and the earth's ecosystems and cycles. Saturating the atmosphere with geoengineering particulates "diminishes and disperses rainfall." Devastating deluges are also connected to climate engineering as moisture that was migrated over one region comes down in a torrent somewhere else. Torrential rains sound familiar? The protective layers of the atmosphere, specifically, the ozone layer and the ionosphere, are being shredded by the aircraft sprayed aerosol clouds. People who claim insufficient proof of ongoing geoengineering should seek their information elsewhere; there is a mountain of evidence: government and military documents, congressional hearings and committee reports, geoengineering patents, and climate modification corporations. International legislation is being drafted to legalize geoengineering. Look up, you can see the evidence with your own eyes. Why are we not being told about the biggest environmental nightmare of our lifetime, which threatens the earth's ability to sustain life and likely a main catalyst of global warming? Geoengineering is not acknowledged in climate change dialogue, or included in key environmental studies, except as potential mitigation for climate change. An Indiana park ranger admitted to me he was ordered not to initiate a conversation on the topic, and the public's not being told because they would panic. I have one thing to say to civil servants suppressing information from those they're paid to protect and serve – you're being sprayed, too. Every breath we take is contaminated with toxic nano-particulate fallout, that persistent haze in the air. Geoengineering must stop. Climate engineering to light. Once fully exposed, a shockwave of outrage will travel through populations around the globe. Only then can the climate engineering be brought to a halt.
Gretchen Thomas

Major Northern California Event Exposes Global Climate Engineering, Updated


Dane Wigington

This article has been updated and now contains videos from the speakers at the event. My most sincere gratitude to all the speakers, to John B. Wells for his exceptional emceeing of the event, and to each and every individual that attended. The primary presentation of the event, "Engineering Earth", is below.

Decorated War Veteran Adam Kokesh Addresses Climate Engineering And Catastrophic Methane Release


Adam Kokesh is completely dedicated to the fight for the common good. He is a former marine and a decorated war veteran. Adam has given his all to exposing the power structure and its ongoing crimes against humanity. This short interview addresses the dire issue of global climate engineering and the unfolding cataclysms geoengineering programs are fueling. So many of the unfolding global environmental cataclysms can in one way or another be directly linked to climate engineering as a causal factor. The entire climate system has been completely derailed, the ozone layer is decimated, the life support systems of the planet are breaking down. Exposing and halting climate engineering is not an option, it is an absolute necessity if life on Earth is to survive. Though this interview was done a while ago, it slipped through the cracks and never got posted at geoengineeringwatch. The information it contains is completely accurate and relevant today, this is confirmation of previous research and conclusions. 
Dane Wigington


Massive Highly Toxic Algae Bloom Fuels Total Marine Ecosystem Collapse


Dane Wigington

Our oceans are dying by the day, especially along the North American West Coast. Official agencies pretend not to understand what is unfolding in our seas, this is a lie. It is the assigned task of agency "experts" and mainstream media to downplay the most dire issues in order to keep the public calm or confused. I know many agency employees and with few exceptions, this is the case. Though many independent news sources want to place the blame for the dying seas on a single source or cause, there are in fact a great many factors involved, all of them related to human activity.  One example of the countless species dying are seals which have been littering West Coast beaches.
Fukushima is one problem, but only one. The US Navy war games along the West Coast using live depleted uranium ammunition is another factor. There is of course pollution, overfishing, etc, but what are the most likely core causes? The oceans are warming at an unprecedented pace, this is due to the rapidly worsening anthropogenic greenhouse effect which has been significantly worsened by 65+ years of climate engineering. Geoengineering has destroyed the ozone layer which allows lethal levels of UV radiation through to Earth's surface. The excessive UV is decimating plankton populations and fueling the thermal buildup of heat on our planet. Climate engineering has also radically disrupted wind patterns which in turn affects ocean currents. This has contributed to extreme pockets of ocean heat due to a lack of ocean circulation and mixing. "Red tides" and the death they bring to the seas will continue to increase. Since at least 2007 the climate engineers have aggressively tried to suppress the the development of el nino events, this has greatly contributed to the ocean heat build up (and the consequences of the heat) that we are now seeing
red tide
The die-off of sea stars along the North American West Coast has also been horrific. Much of the Eastern Pacific ocean is superheating, a very dire fact that most of the population is still completely unaware of thanks to the mainstream media machine of mass distraction.
starfish die-off
A mass invasion and die-off of red tuna crabs is still occurring along the beaches of Southern California and Northern Baja. No matter how prolific and widespread the carnage becomes along our shores, for many it seems all the death is only an amusement. 
dead tuna crabs
vellela die-off
Another form of geoengineering, "ocean fertilization", is also contributing to the ever expanding dead zones around the globe. Overheated seas are dead seas, the current heat buildup on planet Earth is equal to 400,000 Hiroshima bombs per day. Rapidly rising levels of greenhouse gases and heat will intensify algae blooms and marine die-offs. We are in free fall toward what is known as "Canfield Ocean", if the oceans die, we die. Effectively and credibly exposing climate engineering MUST be our top priority if we are to salvage anything of our once thriving planet's life support systems, make your voice heard. With every day that passes, the front line data on the marine die-off is becoming more dire. The massive algae bloom unfolding on the North American West Coast is completely unprecedented.

Global Die-off, The Age Of Man (Anthropocene Era) Has Taken Its Toll


Dane Wigington

I once saw an image of a man standing on a beach in Sri Lanka just after the earthquake of 2004 had occurred. He was staring out at the rapidly receding ocean and seemed to have no comprehension of the tsunami that was nearly upon him. This image is a metaphor of the human race. Our biosphere is free falling into the sixth mass extinction event on planet Earth, it's not coming, it is here. The "anthropocene era" is the age of humans, the age of destruction to our once thriving planet. As the walls close in, the depth of denial in many grows more tenacious. Those who are desperately trying send out a warning are referred to as "alarmists". Environmental collapse is directly connected to total economic collapse, the two issues are inseparable. The time George Orwell eluded to is indeed here, "the further a society drifts from the truth the more it will hate those who speak it." The recent 2 minute video below from CBS news is shocking, but only the smallest glimpse of what is unfolding globally.

Of all the anthropogenic assaults on the natural world, global climate engineering is mathematically the greatest and most deadly. Only nuclear cataclysm has the potential to eclipse the global mortality already caused by the decades long geoengineering/weather warfare/ biological warfare. Climate engineering has even greatly increased the threat we face from nuclear cataclysm due to the damage that has now been inflicted on the atmosphere from the particulate spraying, which has caused ozone layer destruction and now nuclear power plants are much more vulnerable to CME events. We are all in a fight for life, our priorities should and must reflect this fact. Make your voice heard.

New Study Confirms Climate Engineering Is Contributing To The Planetary Meltdown


The entire premise of "solar radiation management" (SRM, a form of geoengineering) is to create artificial cloud cover by spraying reflective aerosols into the atmosphere. This incredibly insane tunnel visioned "human intervention" approach to cooling planet Earth is so packed with pitfalls that they are impossible to quantify. But what is the bottom line? Covering the planet with artificial aerosol cloud cover contributes to the overall warming of the planet. Why would this be a surprise? The same materials that deflect some of the sun's incoming thermal energy also traps heat. 

Cloud forcing

This is the tip of the known negative climate engineering effects. The ozone layer is being shredded, the hydrological cycle has been completely derailed, and the entire planet has now been heavily contaminated, this is what climate engineering has given us. The planet's energy balance has long since been completely disrupted. Earth is currently warming at the rate of 4 Hiroshima bombs PER SECOND. There are countless sources of anthropogenic activity (human caused) contributing to the rapid warming of our planet. Though climate engineers can create short term (highly toxic) cooling over large regions, it comes at the cost of a worsened overall warming. This is the conclusion dictated by all available data and this has always been the conclusion of my posted materials on and elsewhere. Though the article below does not directly address climate engineering and the massive global aerosol cloud cover it is producing, the inference is clear enough. This new study further confirms our long standing conclusions, solar radiation management is making an already bad climate and environmental situation far worse, not better. 
Dane Wigington


Imminent Collapse – Economic, Environmental And Societal


Dane Wigington

We are all immersed in a sea of deception and lies. The global power elite are using every tool they have at their disposal to hide countless converging catastrophes from public view until the last possible moment. From completely fictitious economic and unemployment figures, to Fukushima, to an all out (highly toxic) manipulation of the planet's climate system and so much more. The mainstream media propaganda machine has been given the responsibility of hiding reality from the public at all cost, every option of deception and illusion the power structure has is being exercised at this point. Why? Because the moment the delusion of the the former reality is broken (and the gravity of what is unfolding becomes clear to populations), our paradigm will completely overturn. As populations are forced to face reality and the point of panic draws near,  those who rule the world will be more dangerous than ever before. There will very likely be some major maneuvering by the power structure very soon as they are increasingly exposed for what they are to an awakening world. Should we be concerned about military operations in the continental US like the upcoming "Jade Helm"? What do you think? So what is so wrong in the world? Is it really getting that bad? Below is only the short list.

"Jade Helm" US military drills to be carried out on US soil

Civil unrest in the US

Pentagon is preparing for civil unrest around the globe

The decline of the American Empire

Global shipping of goods and materials at all time low

Peak global oil production has already passed

A collapse of the dollar is imminent

Criminal global trade agreements are being assembled behind closed doors in preparation for collapse

Global collapse into fascism

The Great Climate unravelling

Arctic ice at record low 

Climate engineering is used to cool the eastern US in order to hide the true state of global climate meltdown

14 of the 15 hottest years on our planet have occurred since 2000

Catastrophic sea level rise 

We are currently on track for a runaway global warming scenario referred to as "Venus Syndrome"

We are already free falling into Earth's sixth mass extinction

A list of mass animal and fish die-offs around the globe (constantly updated)

Fukushima meltdown

Destroyed ozone layer due to climate engineering

Global oxygen content is declining

Arable land is declining rapidly around the globe

All this is only a sample of what is unfolding around us.
Those that don't want to believe any of this is real can easily find some source of information to tell them everything is OK. They can find someone to tell them that those who are sending out the warnings are just "alarmists". Any who choose to go down the road of denial should not get too comfortable, there will be no hiding from the gathering storm. The world desperately needs individuals who are determined to take the road less travelled. It needs those who choose to take the path of deciding to be a part of the cure and who refuse to succumb to the diseases of fear, denial, apathy, and inaction. Which road will you choose? Make your voice heard in the fight for the common good while there is yet time to make a difference, tomorrow will be too late.


The Great Unraveling


Source: Arctic News

The great unraveling of how climate catastrophe is unfolding on land and in the oceans, in the atmosphere and the cryosphere, is becoming more and more clear every month.

March 2015 temperatures were the highest for March in the 136-year period of record. NOAA analysis shows that the average temperature across global land and ocean surface temperatures combined for March 2015 was 0.85°C (1.53°F) higher than the 20th century average of 12.7°C (54.9°F).

Ocean temperature anomalies on the Northern Hemisphere for March 2015 were the highest on record. In many ways, the situation looks set to get worse. For the 12-month period from April to March, data from 1880 contain a trendline that points at a rise of 2 degrees Celsius by the year 2032, as illustrated by the image below.

Click on image to enlarge

The rise in Northern Hemisphere ocean temperatures was especially profound in September and October 2014, when methane started to erupt from the Arctic Ocean seafloor in huge quantities.

The Dark Cloud Of Monsanto Continues To Expand


The Monsanto corporation has long since become synonymous with corruption and the irreparable destruction of the natural world. Monsanto is simply a disaster capitalist company that carries out the bidding of the shadow governments that currently run the world. When the western power structure contaminates the entire planet with toxic heavy metals related to the ongoing climate engineering programs, Monsanto is there with GMO aluminum resistant seeds. Now that the ongoing aerosols spraying of our atmosphere has shredded the ozone layer (exposing us all to highly dangerous levels of UV radiation), Monsanto is again ready with UV resistant GMO seeds. And what about the toppling of the former Ukrainian government (which was democratically elected) by the western power structure? Yet again Monsanto's tentacles appear on the scene. Populations around the globe must awaken and stand together if we are to have any chance of exposing and halting the cancer of insanity that is literally taking over the world. The article below is the latest chapter in the ongoing growth of this cancer.
Dane Wigington


Geoengineering And The Dying Of The Trees


Dane Wigington

If the trees die, we die. Whole ecosystems are collapsing all over the globe and our rapidly dying trees are the most visible harbinger of what is unfolding. Few seem to notice the die-off until it is pointed out to them, but once recognized, what can be seen is alarming. On a geological time scale the human race has decimated planet Earth in the blink of an eye. Though there are countless sources of anthropogenic damage to our planet, climate engineering stands out above all the rest combined. The list of environmentally devastating factors directly relating to the ongoing geoengineering programs is very long. Trees are succumbing to this onslaught and the human race will follow if our species does not completely alter its current trajectory. Global geoengineering is completely disrupting the hydrological cycle, destroying the ozone layer (which is exposing all life on Earth to extreme UV radiation), and contaminating the entire surface of the planet with highly toxic bioavailable heavy metals and chemicals. Massive levels of radio frequency transmissions directly related to climate engineering are yet another layer of destruction which is radically affecting the trees, us, and the biosphere as a whole. It is imperative to wake the masses to our common plight. All those who are already awake are needed to assist with the ongoing critically important campaign to awaken others. Arm yourself with critical data and pass it on, make every day count in this battle. The attached 10 minute video shows first hand how rapidly our forests are dying, if the trees die, we die.


Where The Apocalypse Came Early


Water is the foundation of all life on Earth. Global climate engineering has completely disrupted the hydrological cycle on our planet. Though the human race has inflicted immense and incalculable damage to the biosphere as a whole, the planet would have been able to respond much more effectively to this damage if not for the all out geoengineering assault against it. The 6 minute video below is  sobering and should be carefully considered. The whole of global civilization is on the fast track to become like the region this film portrays. I have been to the place highlighted in this video as a boy, I saw it as it was. Now I see it as it is, a metaphor for what is to come. The illusion of industrialized society as a permanent paradigm will soon be shattered. Take note of the skies in this short film, you will clearly see the telltale signs of the ongoing climate engineering insanity. Geoengineering is the greatest assault against life on Earth ever launched by the human race. Global rainfall patterns have been completely disrupted and the entire planet has now been contaminated by the geoengineers. The ozone layer has also been decimated. The most critically important accomplishment we could make at this late hour is to expose and halt climate engineering so that the Earth can respond on her own to the decimation of the human race. Make your voice heard in this desperate battle.
Dane Wigington


Geoengineering Is Causing Drought And Fueling Fires


Dane Wigington

All around the planet our skies are being saturated with toxic metal and chemical particulates. These particulates are being sprayed from jet aircraft as part of the global geoengineering/weather modification programs titled "SRM" and "SAG". Any that take the time to investigate the subjects of SRM (solar radiation management) and SAG (stratospheric aerosol geoengineering) will find that many of the “predicted” effects of these massive climate altering programs are not disputed. The climate science community is blatantly lying about the ongoing climate engineering programs, claiming they are only "proposals". One of the many well known effects related to geoengineering which is not debated is DROUGHT. How bad is the engineered drought in the US West, specifically California? The latest drought monitor map is below, the climate engineering assault has consistently robbed rain from the Western US.


Saturation of the atmosphere with nano sized toxic particles and chemicals provides too many "condensation nuclei". Moisture in the atmosphere then adheres to these particles and continues to migrate in the form of dirty looking haze and/or artificial clouds. The overabundance of particles prevents droplets from combining to form heavy enough drops to fall as precipitation. Geoengineering further reduces rainfall by simply blocking the sun and thus evaporation over oceans. Less direct sunlight, less light photons, less evaporation, period. This causes the moisture in storm systems to be greatly reduced in many cases. "GLOBAL DIMMING" is now considered by most scientific studies to average fully 22%. This means that 22% or more of direct sunlight that reached the planet's surface decades ago now no longer does. I highly recommend taking the time to click the "GLOBAL DIMMING" link and watching the 6 minute video it connects to. This short presentation will increase ones knowledge of the effect sprayed particulates have on the atmosphere, global temperatures, and precipitation. Though this mainstream documentary preview does not directly implicate global geoengineering as the main source of "global dimming", one can make up their own mind, it is important to "read between the lines" so to speak. There are certainly agendas within this film, connect the dots on your own.

Yet another consequence of geoengineering is DIMINISHED WIND (this does not mean in all scenarios, but rather it is an overall effect). This also contributes to reduced evaporation over oceans and thus increased drought on land masses. All of the geoengineering effects cited and discussed above are well documented and can be easily researched online. In spite of the fact that numerous scientific studies admit to the drought/deluge causing climate altering decimation that geoengineering “would” cause, none of these studies are willing to admit to the fact that the global spraying of our skies has been a horrific reality for a very long time already.

In addition to the drought causing effects, the precipitation that does fall is laden with toxic heavy metals like aluminum, barium strontium, manganese, and others. These are all metals named in NUMEROUS GEOENGINEERING PATENTS. The impact of TOXIC METALS LIKE ALUMINUM on soils, trees, and plant life is well documented. When organisms like trees detect bioavailable aluminum exposure to their root systems, many species shut down nutrient uptake to protect their DNA. This causes a slow protracted death of the organism. Beetles and other pests move in and thus the forest begins to die-off. The weakened forest is of course much more flammable. Adding to the fire danger are the metallic dust particles which are constantly settling out of the atmosphere, coating the forest foliage. These microscopic PARTICLES ARE INCENDIARIES, pushing the potential for catastrophic fires ever higher.


Still another factor is the SHREDDED OZONE LAYER and increased UV radiation which results. This is also a major factor in the decline and demise of forests around the globe, and greatly increased fire danger. The OZONE DAMAGING EFFECTS OF GEOENGINEERING PARTICULATES is also well documented and not disputed. It gets worse, jet stream movement is being radically manipulated with ionosphere heater installations, as many as 26 around the globe. The most well known is HAARP (High frequency active auroral research program). This JET STREAM MANIPULATION literally cuts off the flow of moisture to some regions while creating constant deluge in others. In the case of the continental US, the western half of the country bakes and burns, the eastern US is often freezing with engineered snow storms in winter and deluge in the summer months. Welcome to the world of completely engineered weather whiplash.

The "scientific community" is failing to inform the public of even a fraction of the larger picture. Some scientists are in denial, many others are simply afraid of the consequences of speaking out. Yet more scientists are simply paid to lie. The power structure controlled corporate media is also a primary tool that us used to cover the climate engineering crimes. The ongoing climate destruction resulting from countless human activities is pushing humanity and civilization over the edge. This is not about Al Gore, but rather it's about reality. The human race has done great damage to our planet which is now being pushed past the point of no return. Based on all available data, the ongoing global geoengineering programs appear to be the single greatest climate disrupting factor of all (though the human race has caused immense harm to the planet on countless fronts including dumping 100,000,000 tons of Co2 a day into the atmosphere). No matter how much damage humanity has done to the environment, geoengineering is only making it worse. The planet must be allowed to respond on its own, this is our best option at this point. Flying thousands of jets around the planet day in and day out, spraying tens of millions of tons of toxic metal particulates, is simply insanity. Climate engineering is destroying the planet's ability to support life. Help us expose the global geoengineering programs while there is yet time. Educate yourself on this issue, arm yourself with credible data, and spread the word. DW











HAARP, A Weapon Of Mass Destruction


HAARP is the acronym many people recognize, it is an "ionosphere heater" facility in Alaska. Mainstream media and the military industrial complex tried to convince the public that HAARP was going to be completely dismantled by the summer of 2014, but did this happen? No, and now it seems HAARP has been funded through 2015, the lies never end when the government is involved. What many people don't know is that the Alaskan HAARP facility is only one of many major ground based ionosphere heaters around the world. This global network of incredibly powerful ionosphere heaters is wreaking havoc on the climate system and the biosphere as a whole. The more educated activists are in regard to what the ionosphere heaters are and what these installations  can do, the more effective they will be in the battle to raise awareness on the critical climate engineering issue. The summary explanation of HAARP below is an important read.
Dane Wigington


Atmospheric Aerosols And Storm Manipulation


"Official" agencies and the experts who work there like to pretend the massive aerosol loading of the atmosphere with aerosols is just the result of anthropogenic pollution. This is the story these agencies are paid to put out in order to perpetuate the "official denial" of the obvious ongoing aerosol spraying being done by jet aircraft day in and day out all over the world. Climate engineering is of course not the only source of particle pollution in our skies, but it is likely the largest single source by far (mathematically speaking). ALL weather is affected by unprecedented aerosol levels in the atmosphere. Even cyclones can and are being radically manipulated with the use of aerosols and ionosphere heater facilities. What impact do the geoengineering nano particulates have on extratropical cyclones? The article below gives further insight.
Dane Wigington


The Consequences Of Geoengineering, 10 Critical Points


Dane Wigington

Governments around the globe long ago made the decision to alter and manipulate Earth's weather and climate systems. This decision was made without the knowledge or consent of the public. Some of the agendas behind the diliberate manipulation of Earth's life support systems are clear (based on available data). One major objective is weather warfare. The US militray has stated its desire to "Own The Weather By 2025", and there are numerous historical examples of weather warfare such as "Project Popye" in Vietnam. An even greater aspect of the atmospheric manipulation is the attempt to slow down what may already be a "runaway greenhouse effect" on our planet. What are the known consequences of the climate engineering insanity? The 10 bullet points below should be considered.

Radio Journalist Responds To The Washington Post’s Climate Engineering Article


The climate engineering elephant in the room is becoming bigger and harder to hide by the day. The Washington Post has now put out a second article on climate engineering in the span of a week. The difference of approach between the two articles "How A Group Of Conspiracy Theorists Could Derail The Debate Over Climate Policy" and "What Is The Right Temperature For Earth" is striking. In the article below radio journalist David Tulis puts a light on The Washington Post's less than objective coverage of the critical climate engineering issue. Still, the fact that The Washington Post is having to address geoengineering twice in a week is a clear sign ground is rapidly being gained in the effort to bring this issue to light.
Dane Wigington

Is Antarctica losing or gaining ice?


Source: Skeptical Science

Climate myth: Antarctica is gaining ice
"[Ice] is expanding in much of Antarctica, contrary to the widespread public belief that global warming is melting the continental ice cap." (Greg Roberts, The Australian)

Antarctica is a continent with 98% of the land covered by ice, and is surrounded by ocean that has much of its surface covered by seasonal sea ice. Reporting on Antarctic ice often fails to recognise the fundamental difference between sea ice and land ice. Antarctic land ice is the ice which has accumulated over thousands of years on the Antarctica landmass through snowfall. This land ice therefore is actually stored ocean water that once evaporated and then fell as precipitation on the land. Antarctic sea ice is entirely different as it is ice which forms in salt water during the winter and almost entirely melts again in the summer.

Importantly, when land ice melts and flows into the oceans global sea levels rise on average; when sea ice melts sea levels do not change measurably but other parts of the climate system are affected, like increased absorbtion of solar energy by the darker oceans.

Climate Engineering Is Weather Warfare, What Are The Consequences?

2014 was the warmest year ever recorded, the rapid heating of our world can no longer be hidden. The weather makers can cool massive regions over the short term, the extremely anomalous temperatures in the Eastern US is proof of that. But what is the true cost of such engineered "cool-downs"? The total decimation being caused by covert global climate engineering could never be quantified and is in many ways already completely irreversible. After as much as six decades of climate engineering insanity (and the total global contamination that has come with it), what are the results? The biosphere is in tatters. The entire climate system is unravelling, the frequency of weather related disasters is off the charts, the ozone layer is completely shredded, and every living thing has been poisoned from the constant aerosol spraying of our skies. These are only some of the consequences of the geoengineering insanity. Let's not forget the role of climate engineering in helping to trigger massive methane release in the Arctic, which by itself may kill the entire planet many times over. How have covert climate engineering programs contributed to the methane warming feedback loop? Climate engineering has radically altered upper level wind currents. This in turn has altered ocean currents. Now we have warm currents pumping into the Arctic which is helping to thaw formerly frozen methane deposits on the seabed. There is enough methane in the Arctic alone to cause a Permian type mass global extinction 100 times over if it releases in entirety. This methane release has already begun.

Extreme UV Radiation Is Killing Our Trees

Trees and whole forests around the globe are in steep decline. So much of the population has completely given up any connection to the natural world and thus they do not notice how rapidly tree health has deteriorated in almost all locations. All over the world formerly healthy forests are now in very poor condition. The condition of the trees has gone from bad to worse and few take note of this, let alone show any concern. The ongoing global climate engineering programs have decimated the ozone layer. Ozone layer destruction has long since been a known and recognized consequence of introducing particulates into the atmosphere. Atmospheric spraying of nano particles is a primary aspect of solar radiation management (SRM). In short, geoengineering is destroying the ozone layer. Levels of UVB are now often up to 1000% higher than official agencies are disclosing, these are extremely dangerous levels. How do we know levels are this high? Because we can and are metering UV radiation. We are now even detecting UVC radiation at the surface, UVC is the last band of UV radiation before x-ray radiation. We are told by all "official" monitoring agencies that UVC is stopped 100,000 feet up in the atmosphere, this is also a lie. Back to the trees, what is all this radiation doing to them? The 2 minute video below illustrates one example of the harm being done.

Stealing Rain From California, Again


Dane Wigington

The satellite photo below was taken the morning of 12-2-14. Though there is extensive cloud cover clearly visible over the entire state of California (as shown in this photo), at the time the picture was taken in the early morning hours almost no rain had yet fallen in much of the far central north of California, why?